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It is quite a normal desire of a person to protect not only his life, but also his own home. Each ancient people has collected a whole storehouse of amulets for the house, most of which must be made by hand. Only such a house keeper is able to be your faithful assistant and protector. In the process of creation, your energy puts into it the meaning of well-being that is most desirable for you.

Making home amulets is a very simple task. It is important to understand the symbols to make them the most effective for your well-being. Most of the elements and components used for the amulet are simple and straightforward. You just need to combine them at will, in accordance with the rules.

One of the most common home amulets is a broom. He received quite legitimate fame, and already has his own rules for creation and its symbolism.

  1. Grains, cereals, legumes - prosperity in the house, a well-fed life, a good financial situation.
  2. House - a figurine is made from salt dough and baked in the oven. It symbolizes peace in the family, mutual understanding between households, comfort.
  3. Bast shoes - can be both an element when they make a broom amulet with their own hands, and an independently working talisman. They symbolize a pleasant atmosphere in the house, a desire to return to their native walls.
  4. Coins - are important for attracting financial well-being, protection from a beggarly fate.
  5. Garlic - home protection from evil spirits... In addition, if the magical component was removed, the use of garlic was justified. strong smelldesigned to combat domestic insect pests.
  6. A pod of dry pepper - for the owner of the house should symbolize his fertility, masculine strength, potency.
  7. Dried rose hips - symbol feminine... It gives women the energy of fertility, strength for childbirth.
  8. Sunflower or pumpkin seeds - symbolize a good and healthy offspring, a lot of kids.
  9. Grains of corn - protection of the genus, fertility, relief in childbirth, generational change.
  10. Bay leaf - victories and successes in work and deeds.
  11. Nuts - the health of all family members, family strength, cohesion.
  12. Dried fruits are usually hung to sweeten your life, fill it with pleasures.
  13. Bagels - hospitality, lots of friends, generosity, responsiveness.
  14. Red ribbons or threads - love, feelings, loyalty. Protect the affection of their owners.
  15. Green ribbons - attracting financial flows, improving material wealth in the house.
  16. Yellow ribbons - joy, good mood, goodness.
  17. Flowers - longevity and youth.
  18. Needles and pins - protection from damage and the evil eye.
  19. Dried herbs (thyme, wormwood, nettle) - amulet against magical effect ill-wishers.
  20. A piece of bast - harmony in everyday life, thrift, thrift and practicality of household members.
  21. Bell, bell - children's laughter, fertility of the owners of the house. Should help in a situation when the owners have problems with childbirth.

Composing these elements in our amulet, we put a certain code and meaning into it.

Sign! When girls are constantly born to the owners, then attaching more beans to the home amulet can attract the energy of the birth of a boy.

Amulets from the folk traditions of the Slavs

In addition to the broom, there are other amulets that have not become widespread in modern world... Nevertheless, they served our ancestors with great success as faithful guards for the well-being of the house.

Wealth pot

I should have bought a new large ceramic pot. In these, cereals and flour were traditionally kept in the house. Selected wheat is poured into the pot from the past generous harvest. It serves as the basis for the amulet. Then some details from the symbols listed in the alphabet are added to it.

Since the symbolism of parts and objects is similar in semantic meaning, it corresponds to almost all regions. The ancient tribes usually had little difference in the meaning of the elements, so choose them as you wish.

  • The number of elements is usually three, seven, twelve.
  • The selected parts should be hidden in the poured grain.

This pot becomes the place where the brownie will keep the spirit of your home. Therefore, it is correct if the amulet stands by the stove or in the pantry - these are iconic places for your invisible assistant.

Lapti - a talisman for family happiness

To make such a charm, it is enough to buy decorative paws. But by supplementing them with some details, you can get a completely functional and effective talisman for the home.

Lapti are given to the spirit of your dwelling so that the brownie is pleased and responds to you with his efforts. They embed a few characters of your choice for encoding to perform certain tasks.

Sign! It was customary for sandals to hang at the threshold on a red ribbon. It is like a ritual by which the hostess held her husband's bond with the house. Wherever a man is, he will still be drawn to his home to his family.

Such a talisman kept the owner on the road from temptations, made him strong connection with his family and home. Especially when a man is stately and prominent, a good owner, they tried to make such a talisman so that no one would covet and take away from the mistress of the husband.

New Year's felt boot for the brownie

This amulet in style echoes the way on New Year other peoples had a boot for gifts. Also, our ancestors have their own New Year's amulet - a felt boot.

To make it, you need to put a gingerbread, a coin and a handful of wheat in a felt boot. They put it in a corner near the stove - the traditional place where the brownie lives. Such a New Year's gift should serve to appease your guardian of the home, and in return he will be more affectionate towards you, will not be naughty and harm his owners. Making such a talisman, they still hoped that it would be possible to find out from the brownie about the hidden treasure, if other owners lived in the house before you.

The Slavic House is an entirely original work of the people, an original phenomenon.

The Slavic House is a symbol of the cosmic relationship with the Universe; homeland symbol; a symbol of warmth and kindness; world perception symbol; a symbol of man as the spiritual and physical principles of the Universe.

Housing is a certain microcosm, in confined space which passes kindred life, as well as a repository of wisdom, traditions.

The image of housing is identified with different levels human soul and body, for example house facade denotes appearance a person, his personality, or his essence. Value floors defined by vertical and spatial symbology. Roof and upper floors meet the head and mind, the level of self-control of a person. AND all House associated with the structure of the human body and its natural (physiological and mental) functions.

From time immemorial, the house fulfills its natural purpose ancestral fire, where the best are born family traditions, which are then inherited by children: love for parents, nature, song, work. The house and the entire closed cycle of household buildings - "cloon, barn, mill, windmill, smithy, barn, well" - is not only a place of settlement, but also a carrier of meaningful symbolic signs that perform both aesthetic and symbolic functions. They are the carriers of information about social status, prosperity, taste of the owner, ideological positions, information about the composition of the family. The number "three" has traditionally become part of the symbolic content of the house: vertically, housing is divided into three parts: a dam, walls, a roof, in the living room, as a rule, there were three windows, front wall - three holes (door and two windows), housing was most often three-chambered (canopy, house, barn), the window was made for three window glass, and the wall paintings were placed in three horizontal stripes: the average was determined by the height of the windows, and the other two - by the distance from the windows to the roof and the dam.

Three tiers of living space played an important symbolic role in the relationship between the inhabited space and the Universe.

  • The lower tier is a union with mother earth, the lower light of creation (Navi world); the upper tier of housing is a connection with the sky, high sphere world creation (World of Rule);
  • middle - the human environment, which to experience changes, mastering both neighboring (explicit world). The lower tier is the walls with sub-furnaces, lavas are the border of the above-ground and underground world.
  • The upper tier and ceiling of the house is supposedly the sky, and the scum plays the role of the guardian of the housing, the line on which it holds and which they dare not cross evil spirits... Elements of the middle tier - walls, doors, windows, piers - this is the gap between the idealized celestial sphere and the underworld. Windows and doors acted as ropes of human communication with the outside world, were endowed with magical properties amulets of housing. Housewives painted houses from outside oil paints in the form of edging around windows and doors made of red rose flowers - Lada flowers, so that order reigned in the house, and green branches, in particular periwinkle, lovage, leaves of oak, maple, hops, grapes, etc., so that happiness, love, goodness was eternal. They painted "flowers" on the front door - a kind of information about the composition of the family: a branch with periwinkle foliage symbolized women in the family, and a branch with stars - husbands. A child was born - a branch was drawn, and when a family member died, a cross was drawn.

The walls in the house were almost always whitewashed, like the stove, so the house had a lot of free space for decoration with hung images or painted multi-colored ornaments. Housewives or other family members - women painted the walls with ornaments different colors... They were painted with plant and animal ornaments, less often - geometric, in particular, the image of an owl-related wisdom, roosters - a family fire, goldfinches, branches with flowers, bouquets, "tree of life" or "paradise-tree", etc. In the house, above the windows, there were paintings in the form of embroidery depicting vines, grapes, oak leaves with acorns, viburnum. Houses are painted with a feather, brushes, cattail, and vechtas. Flowers and leaves are most often painted with a finger. The interior painting of the house prevailed in the part where the woman spent most of her time - near the stove. The stove in the Ukrainian house was the center of functional, protective, and aesthetic expression. It was she who was most carefully decorated - painted with flowers or birds, which exactly gave an idea of \u200b\u200bthe taste of the hostess, her aesthetic tastes and symbolic signs: if, say, the stove was decorated - the so-called painted stove - it was a sign that there is marriageable girl. Other signs were also spoken about the presence in the house of a boy or a girl of marriageable age: red flowers or birds on the gate, gate or above the windows.

In addition to the wall painting, the interior of the house was decorated with embroidered towels, paths, carpets and kotsy. Moreover, the embroidery of towels, which adorned images, paintings, windows and doors, was different, since it had different protective symbols, they depicted alatyrs, bereginas, solar swargs, etc. ... The greatest danger, it was believed, came from the door, so logically that it was the entrance to the dwelling that was especially carefully decorated with magic signs. They were contained in the corresponding embroidery of towels, which decorated the door, and in alatyrchiks, drawn with chalk around the door and windows, and in home amulets hung over the door (horseshoe, garlic, various potions). A special miraculous power, according to the ideological ideas of the Slavs, the poppy was endowed, primarily vidyuk - the field poppy - the main amulet against the villainy of witches, ghouls and demonic trash. He, like, by the way, any element of the frame, combined two qualities: as a talisman and as a decoration. After all, the poppy was considered a symbol of beauty. In Ukrainian songs of poppies, color is equated to fleeting human life and to the head of the clan - the mother. Comparison of the poppy with the mother is especially symbolic, since it organically fits into the ancient cult of the woman-mother - the keeper of the home.

The Slavic House is a complete work of art built according to the laws of beauty and perfection. The inner area of \u200b\u200bthe house was divided into work, ceremonial and household. The working area is an oven, a shelf for dishes, a spoon; ritual - a table at Pokutye; household is a floor or bed, chest, cradle, benches, lava. The walls, windows, door, furnace cornice, threshold were ornamented using red, blue and yellow flowersthat contained magical and symbolic information.

The inner corner of the house was occupied by a stove, diagonally from it - the red corner, or it is also called Pokutyem, which housed the idols of the Gods, decorated with rushniks, on which were depicted alatyrs, sun crosses, svargi, "paradise-tree", etc. , flowers and potion; behind the side wall of the stove was arranged wood flooring ("Floor"), near it - a chest, further - a cradle; lavas decorated with spindles, kotsy or carpets were installed along the visible and near the walls, near the door and above them - shelves for dishes for dishes, and above the windows of the visible wall - a bread shelf. They put a bench in front of the table, i.e. lava on wooden legs. From the stove to the bridle wall, household fabrics and everyday clothes were kept on the poles. The table was always in the corner opposite the stove. The holiest place in the house is Pokutye.

The house was considered housing only from the time when the fire broke out in the furnace. The furnace is a fire, a family fire. The fire was a symbol of the family's inviolability, its gathering point and shrine. In the oven lived a cricket - the spirit of the ancestors. During matchmaking, the stove played the role of a ritual symbol: The girl was picking the stove, begging for protection from a related amulet, after the funeral they held onto the stove so as not to be afraid of the deceased. The ancestors believed that the oven loves the brownie and has its place in it. It was impossible to use foul language in the house. Folk proverb convinces: "I would say yes to the oven in the house." The fire from the furnace was considered sacred. People worshiped him, exalted him. Traditionally, the Slavic house had three windows: more low-key, table-top and opposite the oven. Many also had a small window above the stove. Windows are the “eyes” of the house, which illuminate the dwelling, “connecting the closed inner space with the infinity of the outer world”. The communicative function of connecting the house with the outside world was carried out by the threshold and walls. From the vestibule there should be entrances to the house, to the barn, to the attic. Here grain, things, baskets, and ire are stored. In the hallway there were shelves for dishes. Flour, potatoes, milk and other products were kept here. People have long attributed to Ambar miraculous power.

The enclosure was the outer talisman of the house. It was surrounded by red clay, covered with homespun paths. Zavalinka performed not only economic functions (it insulated the house, was the place where the poppy was dried, garlic, onions were aired), but also had a peculiar role of uniting principle, where the family gathered together. In addition, the embankment had a symbolic circle that closed the space of the house, protected it from the encroachment of evil forces. The Slavic house, as a rule, faced the street with sidewalls, so the pediments were also decoratively decorated, where the roof often ended with a figured relief in the shape of a horse's head, it was considered a talisman against evil forces. In some areas, on both sides of the ridge, there was a carved image of a snake, the image of which symbolized eternity, wisdom and life. Sometimes the roofs of the pediment were decorated with large rosettes - the symbol of the sun, there were also images of birds and flowers.

an obligatory component of housing was not only the house, but also the yard. As a rule, the yard was fenced off. For long-standing beliefs, the fence protects people from evil spirits, this magic circle, where evil spirits do not fall. They played a symbolic and emotional role: they often made decorative cuts in the form of lines, rosettes on the panels of high gates, which symbolized life, prosperity and fruitful power of the earth.

Over the ages, it so happened that the Slavic house was not conceived separately from the cherry orchard, the pond, the well above the path, the viburnum bush near it, the mallow and cockerels for baking, and the marigolds, and matiol in the flower garden. Together with embroidered towels, homespun paths and painted kominas, which have decorated the house for a long time and protected it from forces hostile to man, Slavic housing represented an integral system and served as a kind of visiting card of the Slavs as nations in the world. In the place where the house should stand, the owners carry out a number of ritual actions that will play main role in determining the place of the future estate. The hostess prepares dinner, and when the time comes, she spreads the tablecloth on the site of the future Pokutya and arranges special dishes (borsch, porridge, always hot, so that the ancestors come and consecrate the place). We treated ourselves in a circle following the course of the sun. They were in a hurry to complete the construction for the event of the sun, at the end they put a branch on the eastern side wall. A fresh green branch is a symbol of new housing.

An owl figurine in Feng Shui is a figurine of a bird sitting on a low pedestal with a look forward.

There is a constant debate about the power and significance of this sculpture. Most Feng Shui experts claim that the owl, like the owl, symbolizes wisdom and protection.

The glow in her eyes shows the light of the soul. This wise bird is credited with the ability to protect the wealth of the family and increase it. The wisdom of the owl lies in the fact that she knows how to warn unworthy people from unwanted spending.

Others believe that this is an unfavorable sign, since in Chinese this word is associated with death and murder. And yet this symbol is revered by many nations.

The statuette takes the most honorable place in almost every home. Usually it is performed from various materials, but the most popular are glass, porcelain, ceramics, metal.

Among the unusual talismans are the following:

Place for a figurine of an owl at home and at work

It is best to put a sculpture in the room where people are often and money is kept... This bird requires constant attention, only then will it give its positive energy to the house and its inhabitants. A good zone for her will be that part of the home where knowledge is comprehended. You should never put an owl in a dark corner or in a room where people quarrel.

The owl figurine has on the desk in the study at home or in the officeso that wage was stable and grew constantly. The presence of such a strong talisman will not hurt in the offices where important decisionsrelated to money.

The owl figurine is beautifully adjacent with other talismans that also attract money to the house... She can stand next to a money tree or a three-legged toad that holds coins in her mouth.

Children should learn to spend money wisely, but they don't always succeed. Owl sculpture in the children's room will help children learn to save.

This wise bird helps them with their presence in their studies. In a house where there are schoolchildren and students, such a symbol must necessarily be in front of the eyes of children on a desk or on a bookshelf next to textbooks. No wonder the image of this bird has been used as an emblem by the players of the most intellectual game “What? Where? When?"

Alexander, November 8, 2014.

Home is the place of our rest, life, a place where the most beloved, honored and wonderful gather. Home is our sacred place where we live. May he bring us joy, light, tranquility, love and material benefit.

Each of you, at the call of intuition, heart, at the tip of the guardian angel, will choose his own symbol for each room. After all, the house reflects the worldview. The language of symbols should not be underestimated.

They matter and carry the program according to which your home lives. When using symbolism, always choose items that have a special meaning for you. You should not include Chinese objects in the setting - they belong to a foreign culture and are unnatural to us.

When you use objects or images, place them in the area of \u200b\u200bthe house or room that you want to activate. For example, place a vase of flowers in the northwest corner to strengthen your marriage. Below is a list of symbols that can be used in the home and their traditional meanings.

Stork.In Christian iconography, storks symbolize purity, prosperity, and resurrection. In the East, they symbolize longevity, in Taoism - immortality. There are popular beliefs that storks bring babies. Tip: have a stork figure or a picture of a stork in your bedroom. This is especially true for those who want to have a child.

Acacia.It is a symbol of immortality in Jewish and christian traditions... It is known that hard acacias were used in the construction of frames and tabernacles in temples. It is believed that the thorny crown of Jesus Christ was woven from acacia. Tip: keep a small sprig of acacia next to front door as protection of the home from everything bad and evil.

Amethyst.Amethyst products should be in every home. This stone symbolizes peace, humility and piety. Advice: women must have amethyst jewelry (it is advisable to have this stone in a bracelet).

Orange.Flowers orange tree is an ancient symbol of abundance. He was necessarily woven into the wreaths of brides. This tradition existed in Christian countries, but it meant chastity. In art, the Christ child is sometimes depicted with oranges as a symbol of atonement for sins. Advice: aromatic oil fumigate the kitchen and dining room on Sundays. Sunday is the day of the sun and this scent will stimulate the energy of abundance.

Watermelon.Due to the large number of seeds inside, it is a symbol of fertility. Tip: for young families to have pictures of this large berry. If you cannot conceive children, place watermelon seeds under the mattress.

Butterfly.Immortality symbol. Her life cycle: a bright caterpillar (which symbolizes life), a chrysalis (which symbolizes death and free flight), a butterfly (symbolizes the immortal flight of the soul). Advice: for those who decided to change their lives, have this symbol at home.

Ram's horn.It is a sign of protection. Tip: if you need security, hang a ram's horn in a prominent place.

Birch tree.A healing protective tree, a symbol of a person's spiritual ascent through life, as well as cosmic energy. They are planted near houses to ward off evil spirits. Tip: plant a birch next to the house, it will stimulate spiritual and protective energy.

Ladybug.Good luck symbol. She bestows wealth, promotes success in business and is especially supportive of those who are born under the signs of Taurus and Leo.

Bagels.They symbolize wealth, abundance, hospitality. Tip: keep the kitchen in a conspicuous place to attract abundant energy.

Bulldog.A symbol of endurance, strength and stamina. This mascot is very popular among athletes.

Grapes.The most ancient symbol of fertility. It is also a symbol of spiritual life and rebirth. In Christianity, wine is revered as the blood of Christ. Vine - the emblem of hospitality, youth, generosity. Tip: have a picture of grapes in your living room. Or dry the leaves and pieces of the vine yourself and make an ikebana, you can make it a wall picture.

Water.An ancient symbol of purity, fertility and the source of life itself. It is a purifying element, especially in religious traditions. Tip: have a small fountain or aquarium with live fish.

Nail.Protection symbol. Tip: drive in next to the front door.

Doves.Romantic love symbol. Tip: keep any pictures, figurines, postcards with the image of pigeons in the bedroom.

Pear.The symbol of love and motherhood. Tip: in the kitchen, always have pears in the fruit bowl to maintain strong energy love and attracting the energy of motherhood to the house.

Dolphin.The symbol of salvation and love. As an emblem of Christ's sacrifice, the dolphin was often depicted as a wounded trident or with a secret symbol of the cross - an anchor. Advice: carry with you as a talisman.

Wood.A symbol of development and unity. There should always be trees near the house. Every person in his life must plant a tree. Advice: if there is strife in the family, quarrels, have a picture of a tree or small tree in a pot.

Pearl.A symbol of light and femininity. It is believed that the jewel in the shell is a figurative unity of fire and water. Advice: every woman should have a pearl jewelry and wear it periodically.

Star.Symbolizes superiority, leadership, protection, vigilance, aspiration. Tip: have a star image next to the workplace.

Corn.Fertility, rebirth, the divine gift of life, abundance, prosperity. Tip: put spikelets of wheat in a vase in the living room.

Iris.The symbol of purity. Protects the house from evil spirits. Advice: plant next to the house, near the roads as a talisman. Artificial iris can be placed at home.

Clover.The three-leaf clover shape symbolizes the Christian Trinity, spiritual growth. Tip: dry and keep in the bedroom, in a pillow. You can have an image in absolutely any room.

Key.Power, knowledge, is also a symbol of liberation, consistent progress from one stage of life to another (the expression "keys to doors"). Tip: carry it with you, you can have a small key in your wallet as a symbol.

Bell, bell.Symbolizes the voice of truth. Revered as a talisman that drives away evil spirits. Tip: periodically ring the bell and listen to it ringing.

Ring.A symbol of eternity, unity, wholeness. It is the emblem of completeness, strength and protection. Advice: periodically clean the ring in holy water and put it wet on your finger.

Laurel.Peace, victory, protection, divinity. Laurel is also known as a Christian symbol of eternal life. Tip: keep a few leaves in a conspicuous place. You can compose a composition with them.

Horse.Symbol vitality, speed and beauty. Advice: have a figurine or a painting with this graceful animal in your house.

Broom.Since ancient times, the broom has been endowed with magical properties. It is considered a protective symbol if it is standing in a corner with a broom upward. Tip: keep close to the entrance to the house.

The fire.Symbolizes purification, transformation, rebirth, spiritual impulse. In Christian art, fire is a test of virtue and faith. The flaming heart is the emblem of some saints. Symbolizes the preservation of the home. Tip: periodically light the icons church candles and let them burn out to the end.

Eagle.A symbol of greatness, victory, courage, spiritual uplift. The eagle is depicted not only in fonts, but also in church pulpits - as the emblem of the holy apostle and evangelist John the Theologian, word bearer Christ. Advice: have a figurine in your study on the table.

Rose flower.Symbol of heart, romantic and sensual love. White Rose - the emblem of chastity, purity and virginity. Red rose - passion and desire, sensual beauty. For Christians, the red rose and its thorns are a symbol of the passion of Christ. Tip: have a picture where there is a rose in the plot. Sometimes there should be a bouquet with these flowers in the living room.

A fish.The symbol of fertility is known as the early Christian symbol of Christ. Fish is the oldest symbol of the confession of the Christian faith. Composed of the initial letters of the Greek words Jesus Christ Son of God the Savior, the acrostic (translated from Greek - "fish") was a secret password among Christians. In gospel stories, the symbols of fish and fishermen have a certain meaning. The sign of the fish is a symbol of the Eucharist, which is reminiscent of the Gospel story about the saturation of the people in the desert with several loaves and fish. The apostles are like fishermen. As a fisherman catches fish, so the apostles are called to catch the souls of mortals for a blessed life. The early Christian writer Tertullian refers to the converts as fish. Tip: have a picture of a fish in any room.

Chest.The symbol of accumulation and wealth. Advice: to have in the house as a box or as an image to attract the energy of wealth.

Duck.Symbolizes marriage, happiness, devotion, home. Tip: have both an image and a figurine. Where they will be located does not matter.

Flower.A symbol of connection with the forces of nature. Advice: have blooming flowers in pots in every corner.

Clock.Restraint, calmness. Tip: make sure that they are not in a hurry and do not lag behind.

Garlic.The emblem of the protective force. There is a custom to hang bunches of garlic in the house as a protective symbol, coming from antiquity. Tip: have a bundle of garlic in your kitchen.

Anchor.Hope, salvation, strength, dedication. The anchor is a symbol of hope for salvation. Tip: have a picture with this item in your office.

Many people attach great importance to various talismans and amulets, put them in the house, performing various rituals. The charm in the form of an owl is especially popular.

This is due to the fact that this bird has long been considered a symbol of wisdom and knowledge. Many peoples idolized and feared her.

This article discusses what meaning is attached to this symbol, how to use it for your own purposes, folk signsassociated with an owl.

AT different countries great importance was attached to this mysterious bird. It was not always assessed unambiguously. This is due to the fact that owls were associated with mysticism and night.

Physiologically, they are nocturnal: they hunt at night and navigate well in the dark.

Observing this bird, our ancestors believed that it:

  • Contains all earthly knowledge and wisdom.
  • It is a guide to the kingdom of shadows.
  • Demonic creature serving the king of darkness.

The table shows how this mysterious creature was treated in different cultures and nationalities:

Nationalities What does it mean and what is associated with
Indians Omnipresent, wise, sees the future
Ancient Greeks With wisdom and knowledge, she personified the goddess Athena. Symbolized sleep and eternal night
Celts Considered a servant of the underworld, arriving for the dead, a witch
Chinese Compared with disobedient children, mistreating parents, the embodiment of evil, death, criminal activity, nightmare. Closeness to her predicted wealth
Jews Blindness, grief, longing, loneliness, bad news, the devil incarnate
Egyptians Night and grave cold, death
Romans Wisdom and knowledge; symbol of the god of darkness and healing
Hindus The personification of the god of the dead
Japanese Bad sign, death
Mexicans Eternal night and disappearance into oblivion
Scythians Discretion, nobility, silence, wisdom
Aztecs and Maya Demon of the night, all-consuming evil, guide of souls to the realm of the dead
Slavs Unclean bird, a harbinger of troubles, deaths, fires. Keeper of hiding places, treasures, cherished herbs

Now the image of this bird is often depicted on books, medallions dedicated to extensive knowledge in scientific or military sphere, on various occult subjects.

She personifies enlightenment, military prowess, wisdom.

Owl in Christian culture

They were ambiguous about her in Christianity:

  • The first Christians associated it with Christ's enlightenment and theology.
  • She was endowed with sensitivity, the ability to think and philosophize, the ability to keep secrets, knowledge in medicine.
  • After the second century AD, completely different meanings were attributed; she was considered a symbol.

  1. Satan luring people into the net.
  2. Loneliness and reclusion.
  3. Ignorance and disbelief.
  4. Prophecy, Omniscience and Foresight.
  5. Night, death and darkness.
  6. A witch who brings trouble.
  7. Sadness, despondency and misery.
  8. Witchcraft and sorcery.

A different attitude towards the bird is associated with its nocturnal lifestyle, completely silent flight, the ability to turn its head around its axis.

With burning big yellow eyes, a completely motionless and soundless daytime existence.

How is owl symbolism used?

The mysterious owl bird encompasses a vast and varied range of meanings, from positive to gloomy and sinister.

If in ancient times it was treated with caution, now figures and amulets with its image are found everywhere.

She is used to decorate living quarters and offices, wear medallions, get tattoos, etc.

Such symbolism gained particular popularity in the Chinese philosophical Feng Shui, according to which a correctly placed figurine will allow achieving the following result.

Such as:

  • Attraction cash flows: the statuette is placed near the places where money is kept. You can purchase money Tree with a bird sitting on it.

    This symbol will not only attract funds to the family, but also help to spend them rationally, strengthen the family idyll and well-being.

  • Ensuring stability and well-being in the family: the money toad is located next to the owl figurine.
  • Instilling in children the skills of economical and rational spending money: the figurine is placed in the children's bedroom.
  • Protection from evil: in the room, the windows of which look to the northeast, they put three such amulets.
  • Improving the performance of schoolchildren and students - a figurine or image of a bird is placed on desk or in the room where the child is teaching. A small mascot figure is taken for the exam.

The color of the owl is very important:

  • White polar - the keeper of the family. Her statuette is placed in living rooms, halls, family bedrooms.

    The talisman absorbs someone else's negative energy and converts it to positive. But if there are quarrels and conflicts in the family, the owl absorbs the negative, then returns it back.

  • White, with outstretched wings - promotes career advancement, eliminates industrial conflicts, etc.
  • Ordinary gray - an assistant in solving financial and production problems.

    If you put it on a desktop in the office and take care of it with love, it will increase your salary, improve relations with colleagues, etc.

Pay attention: you cannot make a row about the figure, throw out negative energy, behave incorrectly.

It absorbs the negative, and after a while it returns back. Fill it with positive energy.

Folk signs

There is no people who did not compose the legend of the owl, attributing to it magical power... A huge number of signs and beliefs are associated with this image.

All over the world, an owl is a talisman for women: the image of this bird can be found on women's jewelry, jewelry boxes, etc.

Different peoples had different beliefs:

  • Among the Slavs, it was believed that witches, old maidens, widows or women of easy virtue put the statuette of an owl at home.
  • Hearing the cry of an owl is an omen of imminent conception or the birth of a long-awaited child. If an unmarried woman hears this, she will become pregnant.
  • French women believe that if they hear the cry of an owl during pregnancy, a girl will be born.
  • The Saxons believed that if an owl screams near the house, the girl will lose her innocence.
  • The Scots were afraid to see a bird flying in the daylight, considering it a bad omen.
  • The British thought that best remedy for treating whooping cough in children - broth from her meat.
  • The Romanians believed: if someone looks into the nest of this bird, all his life he will be sad, uncommunicative and silent.
  • Ukrainians believed - to hear or see an owl, for the wedding.

Today, an owl amulet worn by a woman indicates her sexuality, cunning, energy. Therefore, if you do not know what to give a woman, present her with a charm in the form of this bird.

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