Do-it-yourself model of a volcano made of paper, foam and plasticine: master classes with detailed instructions. How to make your own volcano experience at home DIY salt dough model of a volcano

We offer you an unforgettable experience for children "Volcano Eruption", which is easy to do with your own hands at home. The chemical experiment will be especially interesting for preschoolers and primary school children.

You can purchase a ready-made set for the experience (on, on or make a volcano from the available materials that are in every home. Let's look at two experiments.

Attention! All chemical experiments are carried out under the strict supervision of adults!

Salt dough volcano

Necessary materials:
  • salty dough (recipe);
  • foil;
  • plastic bottle;
  • baking soda;
  • vinegar;
  • dishwashing liquid;
  • food coloring (optional);
  • baking sheet with high sides or container.
How to do


Cut the plastic bottle in half.

Place the top of the bottle on the tray with the neck up. Cut into strips of foil, wrap around the bottle and create a volcano shape.

Prepare the salted dough, roll out, divide into thirds and lay gently on top of the foil.

For realism, paint the mouth of the volcano with red food coloring.

How to conduct the experiment

Place two teaspoons of baking soda in the neck of the bottle and add a tablespoon of dish soap.

Pour vinegar into a glass and tint with food coloring. Pour the liquid into the volcano and see a thick colored foam pouring out of the vent. Children will be delighted with the spectacular volcanic eruption!

Colorful volcano made from soda and vinegar

Necessary materials:
  • baking soda;
  • vinegar;
  • water;
  • dishwashing liquid;
  • liquid watercolor or diluted food coloring.
How to do

Young researchers will certainly be interested in how to make a volcano out of plasticine with their own hands. The craft of the volcano can be both static and active. For a static one, it is enough to reproduce the appearance of a “smoking” mountain with the help of plasticine. The current craft will look much more spectacular and entertaining.

The model of an active volcano will interest not only schoolchildren, but also young children. Perhaps sculpting and testing the volcano will spark interest in geology, geography and chemistry.

Getting started with the craft

It is very easy to make an active volcano at home. For the surface of the volcano, you can use not only plasticine, but also salted dough or paper. The main secret is the chemical interaction of soda and vinegar. To make the "eruption" process more interesting, you can add a natural dye. But first things first. First, you need to understand how a real volcano works.

Before starting the craft, it is recommended to consider, together with the children, pictures and diagrams of the structure of the volcano, as well as documentary photographs. After all, such a project is not so much developing imagination and motor skills as cognitive. Children can learn a lot about the structure of the Earth and natural phenomena for themselves.

Here is the main sectional diagram of the volcano:

As seen in the figure, magma rises through a thin vent before exiting and becoming lava. Therefore, for the experience with the volcano to work at home, you need to create the same conditions: a wide reservoir for "magma" and a narrow neck as a vent.

The most convenient way to design a home volcano is from plasticine and a bottle. In addition to these materials, you will also need:

  • large format plywood or thick cardboard (about 50 × 50 cm or more);
  • acrylic paints and brushes;
  • scotch;
  • dishwashing liquid;
  • soda;
  • food coloring (red or orange);
  • vinegar.

Plywood is needed for the foundation. It can be replaced with an unnecessary basin, pallet or tray. The main thing is that the size of the volcano does not exceed the size of the base. The mountain should rise about 20 cm from the edges of the plywood.

Let's consider the process of creating a volcano in stages.

  1. We form the "mouth" of the volcano. This requires a bottle that can be used in its entirety or reduced to the desired size (depending on the height of the future volcano).

To create a small model, it is better to cut the bottle, i.e. cut off the upper part with the neck and the lower part with the bottom and combine these two parts with tape. After that, the bottle can be fixed on all sides in the center of the base with adhesive tape.

  1. We begin to sculpt the mountain. For this, most likely, you will need a lot of plasticine. You can collect all the leftovers, include spoiled plasticine, old figures in the total mass. The color of the volcano should be brown, gray and black, so mixing several colors will just give the desired shade. Before sculpting, it is better to knead it very well.

Mountain formation begins from the bottom up. First, the base is fixed, and then gradually from above, plasticine is applied in layers. The volcano does not have to be perfectly flat, as if removed from a potter's wheel. On the contrary, the relief and unevenness will give more realism. You can even lay gutters, through which the "magma" will then flow.

Here are some photos of volcanoes made from plasticine:

From above, when the plasticine mountain is ready, you can make an imitation of flowing lava. This requires yellow, orange and red plasticine. The pieces are combined into one lump, but do not mix, so that multi-colored stains are visible.

At the end, the craft can be processed in stacks and, if desired, painted with paint.

  1. We paint the plywood with acrylics around the volcano, make the landscape. For this, you can use ready-made models of dinosaurs, palms, trees.
  1. After the craft is dry, you can start testing. For this, the following mixture is made:
  • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of dishwashing liquid;
  • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of soda;
  • a few drops (5-10) of liquid food coloring.

Pour the resulting mixture into the volcano through a funnel. After that, vinegar is added to the "mouth" and a chemical reaction begins. The vinegar must be added gradually until the reaction begins (foam appears). For a 2 liter bottle, pour ¾ cup of vinegar.

If there is no liquid dye, you can use dry, but then it must be dissolved in vinegar. It is an optional component to give the foam a lava color. For a simple experiment, you can do without dye.

A volcano model can be a great project for a school exhibit or geography homework. It can be used to demonstrate an eruption or as an exhibit.

At home, children can play with such a volcano in the "Mesozoic era", when dinosaurs walked the earth, and a volcanic eruption was a common occurrence.

You can watch how the volcano erupts at home not only on TV. With the help of a small chemical experiment, you will make a real eruption on a fabulous island.

From this article you will learn

All that is needed

For the experience, you will need a little household chemicals and decorative elements to create an island. An island with a volcano can be made from natural materials or you can use dinosaur sensor box kits.

The model of the volcano is molded from plasticine. Creating a fabulous volcanic island for the experience is central to the development of the child's imagination and creativity. Such classes will help instill a love of chemistry and geography. The child will develop fine motor skills of the fingers during the manufacture of plasticine terrain and its inhabitants.

To make an island you need:

  • cardboard;
  • stapler or narrow tape;
  • box with colored plasticine;
  • small animal toys;
  • multi-colored pebbles;
  • a large plastic box or bowl in which the island will stand;
  • glass or plastic container with a volume of 200 ml for the vent of the volcano.

For the experiment you will need:

  • soda 20 g;
  • food coloring:
  • vinegar 9%;
  • detergent for dishes 25 ml;
  • water 100 ml.

The experience usually goes on until Mom runs out of all the soda and all the vinegar, so be patient.

Children cannot conduct the experiment independently without adults. If vinegar gets into the eyes or mouth of a child, it may burn the mucous membranes, and if swallowed, it will burn the esophagus.

Making a fabulous island

You can build an island in a large plastic container. Pour real water, line the bottom with round pebbles. Make a container for a volcano from a jar for baby food or an old glass. For the mountain, inside which the container will stand, you need to make a cardboard layout, his child will gladly coat it with plasticine.

The sequence for making a volcanic mountain:

  • a circle of the required diameter is cut out of thick cardboard;
  • make an incision from the edge to the center of the circle;
  • fold the cone;
  • the edges of the cone are fastened with a stapler or tape;
  • cut off the top of the cone at a height equal to the container selected for the volcano;
  • place the container inside the cone.

I cover the mountain with plasticine on top. To do this, roll out small brown plasticine cakes and stick to a paper cone, completely covering the cardboard. The top of the volcano can be made of red plasticine, which will simulate hot lava.

Set the volcanic mountain on a dry pebble island. They are seated around the small rubber animals that are among children's toys. Multi-colored amazing dinosaurs or wolves, foxes, bunnies, bears and other inhabitants of the forest and jungle. Depending on what animals were planted, vegetation is selected for the island. Large tree ferns and horsetails for dinosaurs, and ordinary Christmas trees and birches for bunnies and foxes.

Plastic plants are also often sold in children's play sets. You can use a leaf of a live fern and twigs of plants if it's summer outside. Plants can also be molded from plasticine, made from threads and beads, or ordinary cardboard.

You can make small houses out of cardboard, for plastic Indians and soldiers. It is better to use cardboard for making plants and houses when the island is in a container with blue colored sand instead of water or on a blue plasticine sea.


Finally the island is ready. All toy animals and people froze in anticipation of an interesting event - a volcanic eruption. They know that the volcano is not real and therefore are not afraid of it.

For the experiment, a tablespoon of soda is poured into a jar-mouth of the volcano. Add a tablespoon of dish detergent. Red or orange food coloring is dissolved in 100 milligrams of water and poured into baking soda and detergent. The basis for the experiment is ready, it remains to add vinegar. Mom, you can let the child pour vinegar into the volcano on their own, under her supervision, so that he does not do it in her absence. It is better to repeat the experiment for an encore, pouring vinegar into the "mouth" of the volcano and pouring soda there, while the child is interested and asks to repeat the experiment.

When the vinegar is added, the soda will begin to foam, erupting from the “volcano vent” like red or orange lava. The detergent will allow the "lava" to foam longer and more profusely, overflowing from the vent and flooding the surroundings along with plants and animals that are inadvertently placed too close.


A volcano experience for young children is safest with baking soda and vinegar. It can be repeated many times, and it will not be difficult to get the necessary materials for the experiment.

The most interesting thing in the experience is the creation with the child of your own fabulous island, which can be used not only for the chemical experiment "Volcano", but also for an exciting game.

With older children, you can conduct the "Volcano" experiment at home using
, potassium permanganate and glycerin. For the experiment, ammonium dichromate is poured into an evaporation bowl in the form of a slide, in the middle of which a depression is made. A little potassium permanganate and a few drops of glycerin are added to the well.

After a few minutes, due to the interaction of potassium permanganate and glycerin, the ammonium dichromate will ignite. Sparks will be sprinkled from the volcano in all directions, and a fountain of fire will erupt. Before starting the experiment, the bowl must be placed on the foil so as not to burn the surface on which the experiment will take place.

Ammonium dichromate can simply be ignited and it will burn like a volcano, spewing sparks. The experience is exciting, but without the presence of adults, children are best not allowed to do it. In addition to sparks, burns can be caused by the chemicals used.

Good luck with your experiments!

Hello, friends! Today I want to tell you about how to make a homemade volcano in just a couple of minutes.

The action is very exciting and truly bewitching, both for children and adults, so I highly recommend trying it 🙂

What you need to make a volcano at home

In fact, making a volcano is very simple. We collected it even without vinegar, because the smell of vinegar is not very pleasant for children.

So, for the simplest and most odorless 🙂 volcano, we need:

  • bottle;
  • plasticine for bottle decoration and making "mountains";
  • soda;
  • citric acid (in a ratio of 1 to 2);
  • container for mixing ingredients and a spoon;
  • water and a little bit of dishwashing liquid (so that there is more foam);
  • food coloring (you can and without it);
  • a plastic container for creating a themed sensory box "Volcano";
  • small figures for the sensor box (if you will make a volcano in a box);

How to make a volcano

Our goal was not only make a volcano, but also to embed it into the general thematic canvas, so we made a sensor box. It turned out just superb and was able to keep Gleb busy for three hours for sure 🙂

We played a treasure island (the pirate theme has been prevalent for a very long time :-)) and on our island, where pirates sailed in search of treasure, a volcano erupted.

Making a volcano

For volcano we took a bottle and to make it look like a mountain, they covered it with multi-colored plasticine.

Of course, it was possible to make the mountain more gentle, but there was no longer the strength to endure, I really wanted to see the volcano in action 🙂

We had a rocky island, so we put stones in a container, placed a volcano in the center, and around - pirates and a treasure chest.

Magic powder

Now the most time to make "magic powder", which will ignite the volcano at the right time. In fact, there is nothing magical here, just a mixture of soda and citric acid (in a ratio of 1 to 2), but the result of the reaction for the child will become truly magical, believe me 🙂

Conveniently pour a lot of powder into the container at once and prepare a spoon (small), otherwise the child will go into a rage and it will be difficult to be distracted by making an additional portion of the magic powder.

In powder you can add food coloring so that the foam is colored. We added red to make the lava red. It turned out very well 🙂


And then everything is simple: you just need to pour the magic powder into the mouth of the volcano and you get - magic!

For clarity - made a small video for you. I hope you enjoy our volcano 🙂

With love,

Marina Kruchinskaya

The proposed model of the volcano is easily made at home. It can become a spectacular imitation of the process that takes place in the bowels of our Earth. Manufacturing of the object is divided into 2 logical parts. The first part is making a volcanic cone. The second part is actually a demonstration of the process of magma eruption.

1. Making a volcanic cone

To make a cone model you will need:
1. Plastic bottle.
2. Plasticine.
3. Scissors.
4. Any building mixture - gypsum, putty, dry tile adhesive, ready-made plaster mixtures.

First of all, we cut off the upper third from the plastic bottle.

We discard the lower part - we will no longer need it. With the left upper third with nail scissors, carefully cut off the neck with a small plastic gap - it will play the role of the crater of our future volcano.

Cover the cut plastic cone with plasticine, modeling the shape of the future volcano.

On it we apply, mixed with water, any building mixture.

The photo shows a mixture of tile adhesive and acrylic putty, but gypsum, cement or ready-made dry plaster will work.

In the cone, densely and picturesquely coated with putty, insert the inverted top of the bottle with a tightly closed lid.

In order for the mass to harden, dry out and get stronger, we leave the potential volcano for several hours in a dry place.

2. Demonstration of a volcanic eruption

To simulate a volcanic eruption we need baking soda, 100 ml of vinegar and red watercolor paint.

With a brush, wash the watercolor paint into a glass with vinegar.

The more dye there is, the more spectacular the eruption will be.
It is better to put the cone in a dish or bowl so that our "lava" does not stain the table, and pour 2 teaspoons of soda into a conventional crater.