Old Slavic letters. Az, Buki, Vedi, Verb, Good ... About the meaning of the ancient Slavic alphabet

At the end of 862, the prince of Great Moravia (the state of Western Slavs) Rostislav turned to the Byzantine emperor Michael with a request to send preachers to Moravia who could spread Christianity in the Slavic language (sermons in those parts were read in Latin, unknown and incomprehensible to the people).

Emperor Michael sent the Greeks to Moravia - the scientist Constantine the Philosopher (the name Cyril Constantine received when he accepted monasticism in 869, and with this name went down in history) and his older brother Methodius.

The choice was not random. The brothers Constantine and Methodius were born in Thessaloniki (Greek Thessaloniki) in the family of a military leader, received a good education. Cyril studied in Constantinople at the court of the Byzantine emperor Michael III, knew Greek, Slavic, Latin, Jewish well, arabic languages, taught philosophy, for which he received the nickname Philosopher. Methodius was in military service, then for several years he ruled over one of the regions inhabited by the Slavs; subsequently retired to a monastery.

In 860, the brothers already made a trip to the Khazars for missionary and diplomatic purposes.
To be able to preach Christianity in the Slavic language, it was necessary to translate the Holy Scriptures into slavic language; however, the alphabet capable of transmitting Slavic speech did not exist at that time.

For the creation slavic alphabet and Konstantin began. In his work, Methodius helped him, who also knew the Slavic language well, since a lot of Slavs lived in Soluni (the city was considered half-Greek, half-Slavic). In 863, the Slavic alphabet was created (the Slavic alphabet existed in two versions: the glagolitic alphabet - from the verb - "speech" and the Cyrillic alphabet; until now, scientists do not have a consensus about which of these two options was created by Cyril). With the help of Methodius, a number of liturgical books were translated from Greek into Slavic. The Slavs were able to read and write in their own language. The Slavs had not only their own, Slavic, alphabet, but also the first Slavic literary language, many words of which still live in Bulgarian, Russian, Ukrainian and other Slavic languages.

The mystery of the Slavic alphabet
The Old Slavonic alphabet got its name from the combination of two letters "az" and "beeches", which designated the first letters of the alphabet A and B. An interesting fact is that the ancient Slavic alphabet was a graffiti, i.e. lettering scrawled on the walls. The first are old slavic letters appeared on the walls of churches in Pereslavl around the 9th century. And by the 11th century, ancient graffiti appeared in the St. Sophia Cathedral in Kiev. It was on these walls that the letters of the alphabet were indicated in several styles, and below was the interpretation of the letter-word.
In 1574, there was major event, which contributed to a new round in the development of Slavic writing. The first printed "ABC" appeared in Lvov, which was seen by Ivan Fedorov, the person who printed it.

The structure of the alphabet

If you look back, you will see that Cyril and Methodius created not just an alphabet, they revealed to the Slavic people new way, leading to the perfection of man on earth and the triumph of a new faith. If you look at the historical events, the difference between which is only 125 years, you will understand that, in fact, the way of establishing Christianity in our land is directly related to the creation of the Slavic alphabet. After all, literally in one century slavic people eradicated archaic cults and adopted a new faith. The connection between the creation of the Cyrillic alphabet and the adoption of Christianity today does not raise any doubts. The Cyrillic alphabet was created in 863, and already in 988, Prince Vladimir officially announced the introduction of Christianity and the overthrow of primitive cults.

Studying the Old Slavonic alphabet, many scientists come to the conclusion that in fact the first "ABC" is a cryptographic script that has a deep religious and philosophical meaning, and most importantly, that it is built in such a way that it is a complex logical and mathematical organism. In addition, comparing many finds, the researchers came to the conclusion that the first Slavic alphabet was created as a holistic invention, and not as a creation that was created piece by piece by adding new letter forms. It is also interesting that most of the letters of the Old Church Slavonic alphabet are letters-numbers. Moreover, if you look at the entire alphabet, you will see that it can be conditionally divided into two parts, which are fundamentally different from each other. In this case, the first half of the alphabet we will conventionally call the "higher" part, and the second "lower". The upper part includes letters from A to F, i.e. from "az" to "fert" and is a list of letters-words that carry a meaning clear to the Slav. The lower part of the alphabet begins with the letter "sha" and ends with "Izhitsa". The letters of the lower part of the Old Church Slavonic alphabet do not have a numerical meaning, in contrast to the letters of the upper part and carry a negative connotation.

In order to understand the secret writing of the Slavic alphabet, it is necessary not only to skim through it, but to read into every letter-word. After all, each letter-word contains a semantic core that Konstantin put into it.

Literal truth, the highest part of the alphabet
Az - this is the initial letter of the Slavic alphabet, which denotes the pronoun I. However, its root meaning is the word “initially”, “to begin” or “beginning”, although in everyday life the Slavs most often used Az in the context of the pronoun. Nevertheless, in some Old Slavonic writings one can find Az, which meant "one", for example, "I will go to Vladimir." Or “to start from scratch” meant “to start from the beginning”. Thus, the Slavs designated with the beginning of the alphabet the entire philosophical meaning of life, where there is no end without beginning, without darkness there is no light, and without good there is no evil. The main emphasis in this is placed on the duality of the order of the world. Actually, the alphabet itself is built on the principle of duality, where it is conditionally divided into two parts: higher and lower, positive and negative, a part located at the beginning and a part that is at the end. In addition, do not forget that Az has a numerical value, which is expressed by the number 1. Among the ancient Slavs, the number 1 was the beginning of everything beautiful. Today, studying Slavic numerology, we can say that the Slavs, like other peoples, divided all numbers into even and odd. At the same time, odd numbers were the embodiment of everything positive, kind and light. In turn, even numbers represented darkness and evil. At the same time, the unit was considered the beginning of all beginnings and was very revered by the Slavic tribes. From the point of view of erotic numerology, it is believed that 1 is a phallic symbol from which the continuation of the race begins. This number has several synonyms: 1 is one, 1 is one, 1 is times.
Beeches (Buki) is the second letter-word in the alphabet. It has no digital meaning, but it has no less deep philosophical meaning than Az. Buki - means "to be", "will" was most often used for revolutions in the future form. For example, "bowdy" means "let it be," and "bowdy", as you probably already guessed, means "future, coming." In this word, our ancestors expressed the future as an inevitability, which could be either good and rosy or dark and terrible. It is still not known for certain why Bukam Constantine did not give a numerical value, but many scientists assume that this is due to the duality of this letter. After all, according to by and large it denotes the future, which every person imagines for himself in a rosy light, but on the other hand, this word also denotes the inevitability of punishment for committed low deeds.
Leadinteresting letter of the Old Church Slavonic alphabet, which has a numerical value of 2. This letter has several meanings: to know, to know and to own. When Constantine put this meaning into Vedi, he meant secret knowledge, knowledge - as the highest divine gift. If you add Az, Buki and Vedi in one phrase, you will get a phrase that means "I will know!"... Thus, Constantine showed that a person who opened the alphabet he created would later have some kind of knowledge. The numerical load of this letter is no less important. After all, 2 is a two, two, a pair were not just numbers among the Slavs, they took an active part in magic rituals and in general they were symbols of the duality of everything earthly and heavenly. The number 2 among the Slavs meant the unity of heaven and earth, the duality of human nature, good and evil, etc. In a word, two was a symbol of the confrontation between the two sides, heavenly and earthly balance. Moreover, it is worth noting that the Slavs considered two to be a devilish number and attributed a lot of negative properties to it, believing that it is the two that opens the number series of negative numbers that bring death to a person. That is why the birth of twins in old Slavic families was considered a bad sign, which carried a kind of illness and misfortune. In addition, among the Slavs bad sign it was considered two people to rock the cradle, two people to wipe themselves with one towel and generally to perform any action together. Despite such a negative attitude towards the number 2, the Slavs recognized him magical power... For example, many of the rituals of exile evil spirits were carried out using two identical objects or with the participation of twins.

Having examined the higher part of the alphabet, we can state the fact that it is Constantine's secret message to descendants. "Where can you see it?" - you ask. Now try to read all the letters, knowing them true meaning... If we take several subsequent letters, then edifying phrases are formed:
Lead + The verb means "know the teaching";
Rtsy + Word + Firmly can be understood as the phrase "utter the true word";
Firmly + Ouk can be interpreted as "strengthen the law."
If you look closely at other letters, you can also find the secret writing that Constantine the Philosopher left behind.
Have you ever wondered why the letters in the alphabet are in this order, and not some other? The order of the "upper" part of the Cyrillic letters can be viewed from two positions.
Firstly, the fact that each letter-word is folded into a meaningful phrase with the next one may mean a non-random pattern that was invented for the speedy memorization of the alphabet.
Secondly, the Old Church Slavonic alphabet can be considered in terms of numbering numbers. That is, each letter also represents a number. Moreover, all letters-numbers are arranged in ascending order. So, the letter A - "az" corresponds to one, B - 2, G - 3, D - 4, E - 5 and so on up to ten. Dozens begin with the letter K, which are listed here similarly to units: 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 70, 80 and 100.

In addition, many scientists have noticed that the outlines of the letters of the "higher" part of the alphabet are graphically simple, beautiful and convenient. They fit perfectly with cursive writing, and the person did not experience any difficulty in depicting these letters. And many philosophers see in the numerical arrangement of the alphabet the principle of the triad and spiritual harmony, which a person achieves, striving for good, light and truth.
Having studied the alphabet from the very beginning, we can come to the conclusion that Constantine left to his descendants the main value - a creation that encourages us to strive for self-improvement, learning, wisdom and love, remembering the dark paths of anger, envy and enmity.

The law on the compulsory digitization of the population was adopted in the second reading on March 14 http://katyusha.org/view?id\u003d11657 The meaning of the law is to assign each citizen an identifier number (SNILS) as a condition for the exercise of any rights in relations with the state.

Our fellow citizens fought this bill even after 1 reading in 2016 (http: //deti-peterburg.rf/news/? Newsid \u003d 1147), the law was slowed down for a couple of years. But the lobbyists of the electronic concentration camp carried out another attack and famously passed the law in the second reading. 333 deputies voted “for” (http://vote.duma.gov.ru/vote/107221). We invite everyone to urgently send telegrams or complaints against the law to the maximum number of deputies, members of the Federation Council, the President, the Patriarch (addresses below).

The state policy of recent months in the social sphere is causing deep disappointment and protest in society (pension reform, VAT increase, prohibition of “disrespect” for the authorities, anti-family projects). However, a special, categorical rejection is caused by bill No. 1072874-6 "On Amendments to the Federal Law" On Individual (Personified) Accounting in the Compulsory Pension Insurance System "and Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation" (http://sozd.duma.gov.ru/bill / 1072874-6), adopted by the State Duma of the Russian Federation in the second reading on March 14, 2019. This law grossly violates the constitutional rights of citizens.

1. Forced assignment of personal identification numbers to citizens.

The law, which is being amended, - "On individual (personified) accounting in the compulsory pension insurance system" (No. 27-FZ), as the name implies, concerns the accounting of citizens in "pension insurance". However, the text of the draft law speaks of a completely different area: “This the federal law establishes the legal basis and principles for organizing individual (personified) accounting of information about citizens of the Russian Federation, foreign citizens permanently or temporarily residing (staying) on \u200b\u200bthe territory of the Russian Federation and stateless persons in order to ensure the exercise of their rights in the compulsory pension insurance system, as well as for the purposes of provision of state and municipal services and execution of state and municipal functions. "

That is, it is planned to expand the scope of the law to account for citizens in all (and not only in pension) relations with the state. Such a deceitful trick was needed by the authorities solely to promote the anti-popular initiative to assign numbers to citizens - identifiers.

This is done as follows.

Initially, the law only included “insured citizens” for pension insurance purposes. Now an additional (or rather the main new) category is being introduced into the law - “registered citizens” - these are “individuals who have opened an individual personal account in the individual accounting system, ... also in order to provide state. and municipal services and the performance of state and municipal functions ”(Article 1). Absolutely everyone in Russia becomes such citizens, since the interaction of citizens with government agencies begins at birth.

At the same time, if under the current law "individual accounting" is kept only for the implementation of pension rights, then under the new law also for the "provision of state. and municipal services and (or) execution of state. and municipal functions ..., including using an individual insurance number personal account as an identifier information about natural person”(Art. 1). SNILS according to the new law is “a unique number of an individual personal account used to process information about an individual in the system of individual (personified) accounting, as well as used to identify and authenticate information about an individual when providing state. and municipal services and the execution of state. and municipal functions ”.

SNILS becomes a permanent, non-removable personal (unique) number, the identifier of a citizen, since all information concerning a citizen is collected exclusively under this number.

Moreover, according to the draft art. 6 SNILS is assigned both at the request of a citizen and forcibly upon any application of a citizen for the provision of public services, regardless of the presence of a request from a citizen (the body providing the service sends information to the FIU).

According to the bill, “the information contained in the individual personal account is systematically refined and supplemented, including on the basis of information received from the bodies providing state. and municipal services, other organizations ”(clause 6, article 6).

As you can see, the use of a unique number is used to identify a citizen not only in relations with government bodies, but also with ordinary organizations (including commercial ones). The use of personal accounts for information exchange with any organizations is also directly spelled out in the article on the objectives of the bill (Art. 3). The interdepartmental exchange of data about citizens is planned to be carried out using the "identifier of information about an individual" (new version of Art. 7.2. Federal Law "On the organization of the provision of state and municipal services").

A fundamental change is also taking place in the SNILS document. Such a document as the "insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance" is completely canceled, instead a new "document confirming registration in the system of individual (personified) accounting, incl. in the form of an electronic document ", which will act as a numbered identity identifier, gradually replacing a passport. With regard to certificates already issued to citizens, a rule is introduced on equating them to new documents (Article 7 of the draft).

Without the use of an identifier document, a citizen will not be able to work or receive state (municipal) services, since the new edition directly endows any bodies providing services with the right to demand such a document from a citizen (paragraph 3 of part 2 of article 14 of the Federal Law No. 27- FZ). In other words, neither an entry in educational institutions, neither contacting a healthcare organization, nor receiving social benefits, benefits will be possible without using the citizen's number identifier - SNILS.

Attempts by representatives of the authorities to justify themselves by the fact that the number is assigned not to a citizen, but to an account, are frankly deceitful and ridiculous.

It is enough to open on the website of the State Duma of the Russian Federation the CONCLUSION OF THE DUMA COMMITTEE on labor, social policy and veterans affairs, which explicitly states that the current law “does not contain provisions allowing the full use of SNILS to identify citizens…. SNILS is proposed to be normatively consolidated as an IDENTIFIER OF AN INDIVIDUAL when providing state and municipal services. "

It is no coincidence in paragraph 1 of Art. 36.19 of the Federal Law of May 7, 1998 N 75-FZ "On Non-State Pension Funds" it was said that "The Fund opens for each insured person a funded pension account with a permanent insurance number that was assigned to the insured person by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation during the registration of the insured person in the system compulsory pension insurance ".

What is an "identifier"? “An identifier, ID (English data name, identifier) \u200b\u200bis a unique feature of an object that allows it to be distinguished from other objects, ie. identify ”(Wikipedia). The identifier is currently the person's name, which allows him to be individualized. According to paragraph 1 of Art. 19 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation "a citizen acquires and exercises his rights and obligations under his own name, including the surname and first name, as well as patronymic." According to paragraph 1 of Art. 150 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation "dignity of the person, honor and good name ..., other intangible benefits belonging to a citizen from birth or by virtue of law, are inalienable and inalienable in any other way." Namely the name should be, by virtue of the law, an individualizing characteristic (identifier) \u200b\u200bof a citizen.

It is worth recalling that at the Nuremberg trials, the international military tribunal, among other crimes of fascism, recognized the practice of assigning numbers to people as a crime against humanity that has no statute of limitations. Therefore, the bills that involve the identification of citizens through a number identifier are criminal, they belittle human dignity, violate the inalienable right of a person to a name.

But according to Part 1 of Art. 21 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation “Personal dignity is protected by the state. Nothing can be the basis for belittling it. " Therefore, the bill grossly violates the provisions of the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

2. Violation of all basic social rights of citizens.

According to the Constitution of the Russian Federation “Human and civil rights and freedoms are directly applicable. They determine the meaning, content and application of laws, the activities of the legislative and executive authorities ... ”(Article 18). "Everyone is guaranteed social security ..." (Part 1 of Art. 39). Under Part 1 of Art. 43 "Everyone has the right to education." According to Art. 41 of the Constitution "Everyone has the right to health care and medical assistance."

“Everyone” means, regardless of whether he has a personal identifier number. Under Part 1 of Art. 45 of the Constitution "State. protection of human and civil rights and freedoms in the Russian Federation is guaranteed. " Part 2 of Art. 55 of the Constitution "in the Russian Federation laws should not be issued that abolish or diminish the rights and freedoms of man and citizen."

Nevertheless, the new law excludes interaction between a citizen and the state in the absence of a citizen's personal identifier number, completely throwing it out of the system of social benefits, depriving him of all social rights enshrined in the Constitution of the Russian Federation. The adoption of such a law is a gross violation of the country's Constitution.

3. The law grossly violates the right of Orthodox Christians to freely profess their religion (Article 28 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation).

Most Orthodox citizens do not accept number identification, since they regard it as a substitution of a Christian name that is unacceptable from the point of view of faith.

An attempt by a number of officials to justify themselves by saying that “your name remains with you” is slyness. The essence of the substitution lies in the fact that it is the number that becomes the main feature for personal identification, that is, in fact, the person is deprived of his name to exercise his rights and obligations in the social sphere, to perform legally significant actions in relations with the state. A person who has a surname, first name, patronymic, in relations with the state, is identified (\u003d named) by number (SNILS), and forced to agree with this (against his will), since otherwise they are completely deprived of social benefits.

The validity of these fears is confirmed regulatory framework... So, the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 14, 2017 N 181 approved the Regulation "On the unified state information system of social security" (EGISSO). This act states that the identification of citizens in EGISSO is carried out on the basis of SNILS. SNILS not only goes first in the list of data about a citizen (clause 1.1.), But also as an "identifier" for the future takes out the surname, name, patronymic, since the latter are entered into the EGISSO system exclusively "for the initial verification of information about the citizen" (see . item 1.2).

As noted in the Position of the Russian Orthodox Church in connection with the development of technologies for recording and processing personal data, adopted by the Council of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church on February 4, 2013: “The Church considers unacceptable any form of coercion of citizens to use electronic identifiers, automated means of collecting, processing and recording personal data and personal confidential information. The realization of the right to access social benefits without electronic documents must be provided with material, technical, organizational and, if necessary, legal guarantees. "

In response to the Patriarch's appeal on this issue, the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation in 2014 gave the following answer: "Any forms of forcing people to use electronic personal identifiers, automated means of collecting, processing and recording personal data, personal confidential information are unacceptable" (letter dated 01.22.2014 year No. А6-403 of Assistant to the President of the Russian Federation, Head of the GPU of the President of the Russian Federation L. Brycheva; http://www.patriarchia.ru/db/text/3561086.html).

4. Uncertain legal provisions that infringe on privacy.

According to the bill, "the general part of an individual personal account is a component of an individual personal account, which reflects the insurance number of an individual personal account, information about a registered person, information about periods of work ..., other information in accordance with this Federal Law."

This provision provides for the possibility of entering in the electronic database of uncertain "information about a registered person." What is meant? Information, not only directly mentioned in the law? In this form this law is no different from the draft law on the so-called. "The contingent of students" vetoed by the President due to the ambiguity of the rules on the list of information collected in databases. This provision of the law violates the norms on privacy (Articles 23, 24 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation), as well as the principles of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On Personal Data" on the inadmissibility of information in one database of personal data, the processing of which is carried out for purposes incompatible with each other ( part 3 of article 5)

5. Violation of the country's strategic documents.

5.1. In sub. "D" p. 40 Development strategy information society in the Russian Federation for 2017 - 2030 (approved by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 9, 2017 No. 203), it is envisaged "the development of technologies for electronic interaction of citizens, organizations, state bodies, local authorities, along with maintaining the possibility of interaction of citizens with these organizations and bodies without application information technologies". The law grossly undermines the right of citizens to interact with government agencies in the traditional manner without using electronic number identifiers, since it implies the mandatory assignment of a number to a citizen and the electronic transfer of his personal data on any fact of a citizen's request for a public service.

However, under paragraph 2 of Part 1 of Art. 6 Federal Law No. 210-FZ “bodies providing public services and bodies providing municipal services are obliged to: ... ensure the applicant can obtain state. or municipal services in electronic form, if it is not prohibited by law, as well as in other forms provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, at the choice of the applicant. " New law deprives citizens of these rights, since it directly establishes the duty of a citizen to submit a number identifier to a body that provides a public service at the request of the body!

5.2. According to the Strategy nat. security (approved by Presidential Decree No. 683) “strategic objectives of ensuring the national. security in the area of \u200b\u200bimproving the quality of life of Russian citizens are ... meeting the material, social and spiritual needs of citizens. "

According to clause 115 "The main indicators necessary to assess the state of national security are citizens' satisfaction with the degree of protection of their constitutional rights and freedoms, personal and property interests."

The deprivation of citizens who do not accept the license plate number of constitutional rights is a violation of these provisions; and given that there are about 75% of Orthodox Christians in the Russian Federation, it represents a real threat to national security.

We demand to reject the anti-popular bill No. 1072874-6 "On amendments to the Federal Law" On individual (personified) accounting in the mandatory pension insurance system "and certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation (on expanding the areas of use of the information base of individual (personified) accounting)".


Addresses here:

Write to the Chairman of the State Duma V. Volodin, Chairman of the Committee on Labor, Social Policy and Veterans' Affairs Y. E. Nilov https://priemnaya.parliament.gov.ru/message/

Write to the Chairman of the Federation Council V. Matvienko http://pisma.council.gov.ru/

You can write to the President here: 103132, MOSCOW, UL. ILYINKA, 23; or here http://letters.kremlin.ru/

In addition, we urgently need to write to the Patriarch, who has repeatedly spoken out against the introduction of uniform digital identifiers. Sample text short address: "

Your Holiness! We ask you to protect the flock from the adoption of the anti-popular anti-Christian bill No. 1072874-6 "On amendments to the Federal Law" On individual (personified) accounting in the compulsory pension insurance system "and certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation (on expanding the use of the information base of individual (personified) accounting) "And oppose the bill!

Write to the Patriarch: 119334, Moscow, Andreevskaya embankment, 2 or

For more complete versions of requests, see here http: //www.deti-peterburg.rf/News/? Newsid \u003d 1393

Press Service of the Public Commissioner for Family Protection

Consider the first three letters of the alphabet - Az, Buki, Vedi.

Az - "I". Buki (beech) - letters, writing. Vedi (Veda) - "knew", the perfect past tense from "Vediti" - to know, to know.

Combining the acrophonic names of the first three letters of the ABC, we get the following phrase: Az, Buki, Vedi - I know the letters.All subsequent letters of the ABC are combined into phrases:

A verb is a "word", and not only spoken, but also written.

Good is “property, acquired wealth”.

Yes (natural) - 3rd l. units h. from the verb "to be".

The verb is good naturally: a word is an asset.

Live (instead of the second "and" the letter "yat" was previously written, you pronounced live) - imperative mood, plural from “to live” - “to live in labor, and not to vegetate”.

Zelo (conveyed the combination dz \u003d voiced c) - "diligently, with zeal."

Earth - "planet Earth and its inhabitants, earthlings."

I-union "and".

Izhe - "those who, they are".

Kako - "how", "like". People are "intelligent beings."

Live green, earth, and people like it: live working hard, earthlings, and as befits people.

Think (it was written with the letter "yat", pronounced "thought", just like "you live") - imperative mood, pl. From "to think, to comprehend with the mind."

Our - "our" in the usual sense.

On - "this" in the meaning of "one, one".

Quiet (rest) - "the basis (of the universe)". Compare "rest" - "be based on ...".

Think of our peace: comprehend our universe. Rtsi (rtsi) - imperative mood: “speak, utter, read aloud.” Compare “speech”. The word is “transmitting knowledge.” Firmly - “confidently, confidently”.

Rtsy word firmly - carry knowledge with conviction.

Uk is the basis of knowledge, doctrine. Wed science, teach, skill, custom.

Fert, f (b) rt - "impregnates." n ”, in Russia they were called fryags precisely because of the peculiarities of speech: this, for example, distinguished the southern Franks from the northern Prussians, the Thracians from the Persians, etc.

Her - “divine, given from above.” Compare German Negg (lord, God), Greek “hiero” (divine), English, hero (hero), as well as the Russian name of God - Khors.

Uk fart Her: knowledge impregnates the Almighty, knowledge is a gift from God.

Tsy (qi, tsti) - "tochi, penetrate, penetrate, dare."

Worm (worm) - "he who sharpens, penetrates."

Ш (т) а (Ш, Щ) - "what" in the meaning "to".

B, b (ep / er, br) - represent variants of one letter, meaning an indefinite short vowel, close to e.

The rolling sound "r" is pronounced with the obligatory initial aspiration (initial "b") and an echo (final "b"). The word "bb", apparently, meant existence, eternal, secret, space-time, inaccessible to the human mind, light , The sun. In all likelihood, "br" is one of the most ancient words of modern civilization, compare the Egyptian Ra - the Sun, God.

The word “time” itself contains the same root, since the initial “v” developed precisely from “z”. Many primordial Russian words contain this root, for example: morning - “from the Sun” (root ut — from there, there); evening (vek-r) - "the age of Ra, the expiring time of the Sun". In the sense of "space, the Universe" from the same root comes the Russian "frame." The word "paradise" means: "many Suns" \u003d "the abode of the gods (God Ra ) ”. The self-name of the gypsies "rum, roma" - "free (s)", "God is in me", "I am the Universe", hence the Indian Rama. In the sense of "light, luminary, source of light": cry "hurray!" means - "to the Sun!", bright - "like sunlight", "rainbow", etc. In the ABC, in all likelihood, the word "bp (a)" is in the genitive case with the meaning of "Jehovah".

Yus (yus small) - “light, old Russian yas.” In modern Russian, the root “yas” is preserved, for example, in the word “clear”.

Yat (yati) - “to comprehend, to have.” Wed withdraw, take, etc.

Tsy, worm, shta ya yus yati! It stands for: "Dare, tochi, worm, to comprehend the light of existence!"

The combination of the above phrases constitutes the alphabetical Message:

Az Buki Veda Verb Good Naturally Live Green Earth And Something Like People Think Our He Rooms Rtsy Word Firmly Uk Furt Her Tsy Worm Shta Yra Yus Yati.

In modern translation, it sounds like this:

Option one:

I know the letters: the letter is an asset. Work hard
earthlings, as befits reasonable people - comprehend the universe!
Carry the word with conviction: knowledge is a gift from God!
Dare, penetrate in order to comprehend the Light of God!

Another option, in my opinion, is more correct:

Az Buki Vedi - I know God. Az is the foundation, the beginning, I. I - my world begins with me. And now I am the last letter of the alphabet. The basis for everything is the knowledge of God and their ancestors, that is, their parents, their roots.

The verb Good - say, do good. Remember in Pushkin: "Burn the hearts of people with a verb." A verb is both a word and a deed at the same time. I say - then I do. And I do good.

Good is Life - only goodness creates life.

You live very earth. - live by the earth, it is our nurse.

And how people think - it is our peace. Those. as you people think, so is your world.

Rzi word is firm. Speak the word firmly. He said and did.

I Know God.

I say and do good.

Good is Life.

Live the Earth, she is our nurse.

And How we People Think so is Our world.

The Slavic alphabet is a unique phenomenon among all known methods of letter writing. It differs from other alphabets not only in the perfect embodiment of the principle of uniqueness of graphic display: one sound - one letter. In this alphabet, and only in it, there is content. And now you will see for yourself.

To begin with, let's remember the phrase: "Every hunter wants to know where the pheasant is sitting." It is known to everyone from childhood and makes it easy to remember the sequence of colors of the rainbow. This is the so-called acrophonic way of memorizing.
Each word of the phrase begins with the same letter as the name of the color: each is red, the hunter is orange ...

Before the reform of the language in 1918, each letter of the alphabet also had its own name. Each letter stood in its place.

The Russian alphabet is not only a set of letters corresponding to sounds, it is also a whole message to the Slavs, deciphered for the first time by our author.

Let's read the message of our ancestors to us who are now living. Consider the first three letters of the alphabet - Az, Buki, Vedi.
Az - me.
Beeches - letters, letters.
Lead - learned, the perfect past tense from "lead" - know, know.

Combining the acrophonic names of the first three letters of the alphabet, we get the following phrase: Az buki vede - I know the letters.

Please note: Az - I is the first letter in the alphabet (and not the last, as in the modern alphabet). Because it is with me that my World, my Universe begins.

Az is the basis, the beginning. The basis for everything is the knowledge of God and one's ancestors. That is, their parents, their roots.

The verb Good - say, do good. Remember, as in Pushkin: "Burn the hearts of people with a verb." A verb is both a word and a deed at the same time. Verb - speak. I say to the verb. I say - then I do. What should be done? Good.

Good is Live - to do good is to live in labor, and not to vegetate.

Zelo - diligently, with zeal.

Earth - planet Earth, its inhabitants, earthlings. Live Zelo Earth. Live perfectly on the ground and on the ground. For she is our mother-nurse. The earth gives life.

And Kako People Think - He is Our Peace. That is how you people think - this is your world. Here is the law of reflection. What goes around comes around.

Rtsy The Word Is Firm. Speak the word firmly. Your word must be firm. He said and did.

Oak Firth Her. Uk is the basis of knowledge. Compare: science, teach, skill, custom.

Ferth - fertilizes.

Her - divine, given from above. Compare: German Herr - lord, God, Greek - hiero - divine. English - hero - hero, as well as the Russian name of God - Horse. Knowledge is the fruit of God, the gift of God.

Tsy - tochi, penetrate, penetrate, dare.
Tsi is a vital energy, a higher structure. Hence the meaning of the word "fathers" - coming from "Tsi" - coming from God.

The worm is the one who sharpens, penetrates.

Shta - what does it mean "to".

B, b (ep, er) - variants of one letter, it meant an indefinite short vowel, close to "e".
The word "ъръ" meant existence, eternal, secret. Space-time, inaccessible to the human mind, a torch, the Sun. "Bp" is, in all likelihood, one of the most ancient words of modern civilization. Compare the Egyptian Ra - Sun, God.

The word time itself contains the same root, since the initial "v" developed precisely from the aspiration, with which one must pronounce "b" at the beginning of the word. Many primordially Russian words contain the same root, for example: morning - from the Sun (root "ut" - from there, there), evening - century R - century Ra, the expiring time of the Sun.
In the sense of "space, universe" the Russian "frame" comes from the same root.

The word "paradise" means: many Suns, ie. the abode of the god Ra. The self-name of the gypsies "rum, rum" is free, free, God is in me, I am the Universe. Hence the Indian Rama. In the sense of "light, luminary, source of light": the cry "Hurray!" means "To the Sun!" Bright means like sunlight, rainbow, etc.

Yus small - light, old Russian yas. In modern Russian, the root "yas" is preserved, for example, in the word "clear".

Yat (yati) - to comprehend, to have. Compare: withdraw, take, etc.

Tsy, worm, shta ya yus yati! Which means: dare, tochi, worm to comprehend the Light of Jehovah!

The combination of the above phrases makes up the alphabetical message:
Az buki vede.
The verb is good natural.
Live well, earth,
And, like what people.
Our thought is peace.
Rtsy word is firm.
Uk fert her.
Tsy, worm, shta ya yus yati!
In modern translation, it sounds like this:
I know the letters.
A letter is an asset.
Work hard, earthlings!
As befits reasonable people.
Comprehend the universe.
Carry your word with conviction!
Knowledge is a gift from God.
Dare, delve into ...
To comprehend the Light of Jehovah!

Until recently, it was believed that the ABC is just the letters of the language, arranged in a certain order. That is, just icons. And that's it! Perhaps that is why they so easily and simply removed the letters from the Russian Alphabet. Why do we need so much. The British get along with 26 letters, and that's enough for them. Why do we need 33? And even more so 49, as it was originally.

Scientists who seek to cut the ABC do not understand a lot (or understand, but deliberately do evil).

Even in ancient times, our ancestors considered the ABC as a cipher of creation. For many peoples, the ABCs were deified. The word has always been perceived as the beginning of creation, and the letter was a unit, an atom of creation. Each letter had its own meaning, its own image, its own meaning.

IN recent times a group of Russian scientists (G.S. Grinevich, L.I.Sotnikova, A.D. Pleshanov and others) proved that our ABC contains encrypted knowledge about the laws of the universe.

What is a letter? A letter is a unit, it is an atom of meaning. The letters have a certain shape, graphics. Each letter has its own number, its own number. Even Pythagoras argued that the letter and the number have the same vibration.

With the discovery of torsion fields, one more component of the letter became known. Since each letter has its own form, and the form creates a torsion field, the letter contains certain information of the field of Consciousness.

That is, by cutting down the ABC, we disconnect from one or another area of \u200b\u200bthe general information field The Universe, from the general field of Consciousness. And this leads to human degradation.

Each letter of the Russian ABC is a symbol of something.

For example, the letter "Ж" is a symbol of life. She means a combination of masculine and feminine... And it had the appropriate name - "Live".

That is, behind each letter, our ancestors had certain images. And through images they created. After all, we already know that in order to create something, it is necessary to form an image.

What is the current ABC? What are the images behind the letters now?
A - watermelon.
B - drum.
B is a crow.

Why did Turgenev write about the great and mighty Russian Language? Yes, because even at that time he was like that, until December 23, 1917, the next "circumcision" was made to the Russian ABC. And there were several such "reforms". The first reform of the Russian ABC was made by Cyril and Methodius in the X-XI centuries. Then in 1709 during the time of Peter the Great, then in 1735.

There is one more interesting point. Until 1700, each letter in the ABC had its own numerical value. For example: A - 1, D - 4, C - 200, etc. Arabic numerals were introduced by Peter the Great. Prior to that, all numbers were designated by letters with a special sign on top - "titlo".

The connection between letters and numbers is not accidental. Scientists are trying to figure it out. This is another facet of the ABC that our ancestors knew. It turns out that the ABC is a system of numeric codes. And, pronouncing words, we communicate with the Cosmos, with the Universe. And the Universe responds to our vibrations. The language is given to a person not only for communication with each other, but also for communication with the Cosmos.

It has long been proven that everything living and even inanimate in this world reacts to sounds. Sounds can improve or inhibit plant growth, affect the growth of microorganisms. With the help of sound, you can change a person's consciousness.

Our ancestors used the ABC, given by God, and therefore could create objects with the help of words and sounds. They accurately transmitted the vibrations of this object with their voice. The Indian Vedas say that in ancient times there was a special language "Devagari" - the Language of the Gods. Remember the famous oriental tale about Ali Baba and 40 robbers. In it, a magic cave was opened with a special spell. With the reforms of the language, we have lost a lot of power, the ability to directly influence Nature.

There is also a physical explanation for the effect of sounds on a person and the surrounding space. Sound is a high frequency vibration. In the brain, these vibrations are converted into electromagnetic vibrations. In addition, the sound wave causes the curvature of space, thereby generating torsion fields.

All sounds are divided into noises and tones. Sounds with periodic oscillations are tones, with non-periodic ones - noises. In speech, only vowel sounds are tones, all consonants are mixed with noise.

If you look at the spectrogram, you can see that vowel sounds have greater amplitude and energy.

It turns out that the more vowels in the ABC, the more the energy of the language, and hence the energy of the people.

For comparison: there were 19 vowels in the Old Russian language. And now it is 10. The energy of the language and the people has almost halved. Who needed it? And they are trying to remove one more vowel from the ABC - the letter E. It is simply omitted when writing. As if it should be so.

And further. Each vowel sound has its own color. Because color is also vibrations, waves. For example, "A" - red, "E" - light green, "I" - blue, "O" - yellow. "U" - green, "Y" - brown, "E" - orange, "U" - turquoise, "I" - pink-red.

Together with color, vowel sounds affect our internal organs, since each organ works at a certain frequency. No wonder Indian mantras contain almost all vowel sounds. And chanting them is beneficial for the body.

So, you and I could see how important it is to know your language, your history, the images that stand behind the letters. And how important it is not just to pronounce the words. And to put bright positive images in them. This will make your life immeasurably richer.

People use the word very casually, let it go in the wind, break it and remake it without thinking. Some Words are lost and simply forgotten. Many Words are directed to the destruction of a person, his soul.

Only Man is given the right to choose - to create or destroy. We have been given the most precious gift from birth - the gift of the Word. This gift must be fully utilized.

Az, Buki, Vedi ... About the meaning of the ancient Slavic alphabet

Consider the first three letters of the alphabet - Az, Buki, Vedi.

Az - "I". Beeches (beeches) - letters, writing. Vedi (Veda) - "knew", the perfect past tense from "Vediti" - to know, to know.

Combining the acrophonic names of the first three letters of the ABC, we get the following phrase: Az, Buki, Vedi - I know the letters.

All subsequent letters of the ABC are combined into phrases:

A verb is a "word", and not only spoken, but also written.

Good is “property, acquired wealth”.

Yes (natural) - 3rd l. units h. from the verb "to be".

The verb is good naturally: a word is an asset.

Live (instead of the second "i" the letter "yat" was previously written, you pronounced "live") - imperative mood, plural from "live" - \u200b\u200b"to live in labor, and not to vegetate."

Zelo (conveyed the combination dz \u003d voiced ts) - “diligently, with zeal”.

Earth - “planet Earth and its inhabitants, earthlings”.

And - the union "and".

Izhe - "those who, they are".

Kako - "how", "like". People are “intelligent beings”.

Live green, earth, and people like it: live working hard, earthlings, and as befits people.

Think (written with the letter "yat", pronounced "thought", just like "you live") - imperative mood, pl. h. from "to think, to comprehend with the mind."

Nash is “our” in the usual sense.

On - "this" in the meaning of "one, one".

Rooms (rest) - "the basis (of the universe)". Wed “To rest” - “to be based on…”.

Think of our peace: comprehend our universe. Rtsy (rtsi) - imperative mood: “speak, utter, read aloud”. Wed "Speech". The word is “transmitting knowledge”. Firmly - “confidently, confidently”.

Rtsy word firmly - carry knowledge with conviction.

Uk is the basis of knowledge, doctrine. Wed science, teach, skill, custom.

Fert, f (b) rt - “fertilizes”. The alphabet recorded the difference between the sounds "p" and "f", as well as their voiced counterparts "b" and "c". In the Middle Ages, the South Europeans who pronounced "f" instead of "p" were called fryags in Russia precisely because of the peculiarities of speech: this, for example, distinguished the southern Franks from the North Prussians, the Thracians from the Persians, etc.

Her - “divine, given from above”. Wed German Negg (lord, God), Greek. "Hiero" (divine), English, hero (hero), as well as the Russian name of God - Khors.

Uk fart Her: knowledge impregnates the Almighty, knowledge is a gift from God.

Tsi (qi, tsti) - "tochi, penetrate, penetrate, dare."

Worm (worm) - "he who sharpens, penetrates."

Ш (т) а (Ш, Щ) - “what” means “to”.

B, b (ep / er, br) - represent variants of one letter, meaning an indefinite short vowel, close to e.

The rolling sound "r" is pronounced with the obligatory initial aspiration (initial "b") and an echo (final "b"). The word "ъръ", apparently, meant existence, eternal, innermost, space-time, inaccessible to the human mind, a torch, the Sun. In all likelihood, "bp" is one of the most ancient words of modern civilization, cf. Egyptian Ra - Sun, God.

The word “time” itself contains the same root, since the initial “in” developed precisely from “b”. Many native Russian words contain this root, for example: morning - "from the Sun" (root ut - from there, there); evening (vek-ry) - "the age of Ra, the expiring time of the Sun". In the sense of “space, universe”, the Russian “frame” comes from the same root. The word “paradise” means: “many Suns” \u003d “the abode of the gods (God Ra)”. The self-designation of the gypsies “rum, roma” is “free”, “God is in me”, “I am the Universe”, hence the Indian Rama. In the sense of "light, luminary, source of light": the cry "hurray!" means - "to the Sun!", bright - "like sunlight", "rainbow", etc. In the ABC, in all likelihood, the word "bp (a)" is in the genitive case with the meaning of "Jehovah".

Yus (yus small) - "light, old Russian yas". In modern Russian, the root "yas" is preserved, for example, in the word "clear".

Yat (yati) - “to comprehend, to have”. Wed withdraw, take, etc.

Tsy, worm, shta ya yus yati! It stands for: "Dare, tochi, worm, to comprehend the light of existence!"

The combination of the above phrases constitutes the alphabetical Message:

Az Buki Veda Verb Good Naturally Live Zero Earth And Something Like People Think Our He Rooms Rtsy Word Firmly Uk Furt Her Tsy Worm Shta Yus Yati.

In modern translation, it sounds like this:

Option one:

I know the letters: the letter is an asset. Work hard
earthlings, as befits reasonable people - comprehend the universe!
Carry the word with conviction: knowledge is a gift from God!
Dare, penetrate in order to comprehend the Light of God!

Another option:

Az Buki Vedi - I know God. Az is the foundation, the beginning, I. I - my world begins with me. And now I am the last letter of the alphabet. The basis for everything is the knowledge of God and their ancestors, that is, their parents, their roots.

The verb Good - say, do good. Remember in Pushkin: "Burn the hearts of people with a verb." A verb is both a word and a deed at the same time. I say - then I do. And I do good.

Good is Life - only goodness creates life.

You live very earth. - live by the earth, it is our nurse.

And how people think - it is our peace. Those. as you people think, so is your world.

Rzi word is firm. Speak the word firmly. He said and did.

I Know God.
I say and do good.
Good is Life.
Live the Earth, she is our nurse.
And How we People Think so is Our world.

Circumcision of memory or why the Russian language is destroyed:
The struggle with the Russian language, as well as with the Russians themselves, has been waged for more than a century. Our implacable enemies know well what they are doing and do not spare green candy wrappers to bribe officials who help them turn us into animals ...

We live in the conditions of the 4th World War, which is waged against a person in all possible directions: economic, political, informational, food, alcohol, tobacco, drug war, war in the visual arts (avant-garde, underground, "Black Square"), war in music (hard rock, metal, pop), and, finally, the war with the Russian language, which few people know about.

In the conditions of the advancing globalism, one can clearly see the attempts of Ahasuerus (the devil, by which is meant the "world government", led by priests who carry out their purely theological, religious instructions, hostile to all people on Earth) to brainwash people, especially the younger generation, turning them into people who do not understand , What is good and what is bad. What Dostoevsky called "obrutirovanie" happens, that is, the transformation of people into animals.

All these manipulations with human consciousness are relatively easy, since we are absolutely illiterate in matters of the impact on our psyche of electronic media (television, computers) and, in general, electromagnetic means on our brain. Developers of this kind of technology are hidden from people. As for the language, or rather, attempts to influence the consciousness of people through the language, our Academy of Sciences and the "Institute of the Russian Language" do not think of such thoughts, although, perhaps, we are mistaken ... A lot has become clear thanks to the works of academicians P.P. ... Garyaeva, A.V. Akimova, G.I. Shipova, A.D. Pleshanova and others.

But before moving on to a specific analysis of the features of language policy, I would like to emphasize some of the features of the Russian language that need to be paid attention to. In our book "Secrets of the Russian Alphabet" (M., 2004, 2007), we have already noted that the Russian language is the first language that the first mankind possessed ("And there was one language and one people").

Evidence of this is that the most ancient written monuments on planet Earth, deciphered by S. S. Grinevich, F. Volansky, P.P. Orinkin et al., Are written in Proto-Slavic syllabic writing (tablets from the town of Vinca in Yugoslavia and from Terteria, Romania), as well as the testimony of the professor of Delhi University, Sanskritologist Durga Prasad Shastri, that "Russian is more ancient than Sanskrit and is the oldest dialect of Sanskrit." ... But that's not all.

In 2008, the Internet appeared interesting information Israeli scientists who deserve the utmost attention. Scientists from the University of Haifa write: “Schoolchildren who know Russian are more likely to achieve success in education than those who do not speak the language of Pushkin and Dostoevsky ... Mastering the skills of reading and writing in Russian in the preschool period gives students significant advantages in mastering knowledge, - says prof. Mila Schwartz, - Research has shown that schoolchildren who have an understanding of the grammar of the Russian language show higher results in their studies compared to their peers who speak only Hebrew or other languages. At the same time, speaking skills alone do not give such a head start. " Mila Schwartz explains this riddle by the exceptional linguistic complexity of the Russian language.

The genius Russian scientist A.A. Potebnya (1835-1891): “At present, we can say with confidence that the primacy of the peoples of the Indo-European tribe among other tribes of the Earth, which is an undoubted fact, is based on the superiority of the structure of the languages \u200b\u200bof this tribe and the reason for this superiority cannot be clarified without a proper study of the properties their languages; although it is necessary to admit that a child who speaks one of the Indo-European languages, by virtue of this alone, is a philosopher in comparison with an adult and intelligent person of another tribe. Here Potebnya speaks in general about European languages.

Israeli scientists have gone further. Currently, many of them are inclined to believe that the basis of all Indo-European languages \u200b\u200bis the Russian language. The proofs of this are considered in the book by O. F. Miroshnichenko “ Slavic Gods Olympus ", M., 2009.

So, we can state the connection between language and thinking. “All the logic of thinking came out of the language,” wrote the outstanding linguist, honorary academician of St. Petersburg University D.N. Ovsyaniko-Kulikovsky. "All logical categories were originally given as members of the proposal."

The second very important aspect of language, which should be noted, given the connection between language and thinking, is that it is possible to control consciousness through language (which was discovered in the 90s of the XX century). It is the language that controls and directs our consciousness, thinking, and partly the work of the whole organism, i.e. performs managerial functions over them.

The evidence was presented by academician P.P. Gariaev in his work "Wave genome", which describes numerous experiments. In some of these experiments, completely dead wheat grains were taken and influenced by ordinary human speech transmitted through a microphone and a spectrograph, i.e. transformed into electromagnetic waves... Human speech had an absolutely incredible, incomparable effect on plants: 90% of dead wheat grains came to life! At the same time, the result was striking in its stability and repeatability. In another experiment, they took living seeds of a plant and influenced them in the same way by speech converted into electromagnetic waves, containing obscene language with obscenities. In this case, all experimental seeds died. Under the microscope, it was seen that their chromosomal filaments were torn and their membranes burst, which was adequate to the effect of radioactive irradiation with an intensity of about 40 thousand roentgens per hour!

Thus, it was confirmed that our speech, words and even written texts are also electromagnetic and torsional in nature.

Scientists, having compared the wave characteristics of plant DNA and human speech, found that they coincide by 30%, and therefore, it turns out that the characteristics of human speech are embedded in the DNA of plants (and not only plants). Work with linguists and mathematicians of Moscow State University showed that the structure of human speech, book text and DNA sequence structures, i.e. chromosomes are mathematically close. This proves that the human body can be influenced through the tongue. These facts were discovered relatively recently, and they immediately tried to use them in works aimed at changing the consciousness of a person, regardless of his will.

John Coleman in his famous book "The Committee of 300" argues that the Tavikstok Institute for Human Relations, which is part of the University of Sussex and the California Research Institute Stanford Institute, develop special texts, words, jokes, anecdotes intended for the mass management of people, and above all, young people, by changing their consciousness against their will. In the depths of these organizations, programs have been developed to zombify people, especially the most vulnerable young people who have not yet developed the skills of protection.

So, according to Coleman, there is a program called "Changing the face of a person." Whom should man become? Into the beast? An idiot? Colleman writes that it is necessary to pay attention to the deliberately annoying, provocative language of teenagers, merchandisers, and a number of other groups of people. "It would never occur to young people that all of these unconventional values \u200b\u200bthey aspire to are being developed by venerable, elderly scientists in Stanford University think tanks." For example: "Changing your favorite coffee is the same as changing your beloved man." And what is unearthly bliss? It turns out that it's just a new chocolate bar!

Young people are taught: "Take everything from life!" (without giving anything in return, note). As a result, our "multiplying" (!!!) youth "enriched" their vocabulary with such gems and, unfortunately, concepts such as: boyfriend, gay club, body piercing, ksivnik, label, nihtyak, nishtyak, hawalnik, shopping, tattooing , transsexual, outfit, etc. These words and concepts, which were not there before, poured an avalanche into unprotected minds and souls, turning them into a repository of immoral decaying waste. At the same time, lofty concepts vulgarize, belittle, "replace". For example, in the college student environment, the exam in the modern Russian language is called "sorry", but myself! our language ("great and mighty") with the abbreviation "WiM".

All this is now known, a lot is written about it, and all these perversions, in principle, could be easily stopped, because we have a literary language with strict rules and regulations. But ... they do not want to, and sometimes they even impose and coerce to the contrary, forcibly replacing the original main root word of Russian. For example, the fifth power, television, is doing this with rapture.

And here we must strive for the adoption of a language law that protects our language, as has already been done in many countries, for example, in France. It is necessary to seek the resignation of Shvydkoy, who brazenly declares that the Russian language does not exist without swearing, that language is an element and it is impossible to regulate it, they say.

False! Blatant lie! We have a literary language developed over millennia. We have the largest lexical fund: about 1 million words active vocabulary... For comparison: Pushkin's dictionary has 22 thousand words, Lenin's dictionary - about 30 thousand, and Shakespeare's dictionary - 16 thousand, Cervantes's dictionary - 18 thousand, great literature that no one else in the world has. It is not very difficult to regulate the use of words on television and radio, in theater and literature. And for this, it is necessary, among other things, to prohibit by law shvydkim mutilating the Russian language and Russian souls.

Everything is clear with this, and we would like to talk here about another danger threatening the Russian language, about which people and even scientists do not know or suspect anything - about the Alphabet. The fact is that the Alphabet is not just a list of letters that reflect sounds existing in a language. This is an intra-natural code, the electromagnetic matrix of which is 30% common for humans, animals and plants. This is proved by the works of academicians P.P. Gariaeva (1997), G.I. Shipova and A.E. Akimova. That is, our speech and written texts have an electromagnetic and torsional nature. The letters of the Russian Alphabet (and the Latin alphabet too, since it originated from the Russian language and they have 17 characters in common) are, as it were, physical signs (Pythagoras, for example, said that letters are numbers) that have their own geometry and their own mathematical formulas ... The letter is the geometry of sound.

As we know, our long-suffering Alphabet has already undergone 2 reforms (under Peter I and in 1918). We are not immune to attempts to reform our Alphabet in the future. So, over the past 8 years (since 2000) there have already been 3 attempts to cut, cut our Alphabet (proposals were submitted to the Duma). And now the Internet is filled with information about the forthcoming reform of the Alphabet. Thus, a certain A. Makeev and his associates declare that they have created a new alphabet, symmetry, that our Alphabet should be reduced to 27 letters, i.e. 6 letters should be removed: e, i, yu, e, b, b, and also that reforms in education should begin with the Alphabet.

We remember that the Cyrillic alphabet had 43 letters, with 19 vowels. According to the physicist ("The Encyclopedia of a Young Philologist"), our vowels are energetics, while consonants take energy, especially explosive ones. The more vowels in the language, the more energy the people have. So, as a result of all the reforms of the Alphabet, almost 50% of the vowels were reduced: out of 19 - 10, even 9 remained, because the letter E is not printed in the hope that in 2-3 generations it will leave the language, like the long-suffering Yusy, which were very important letters (yusy, justice, adjust - the same root words). They transmitted nasal sounds, the vibration of which was the highest and reached the highest layers of space.

Why don't they dot Yo? Nobody answers this question, and everything continues. And this despite the fact that Stalin, in the midst of the Battle of Stalingrad in December 1942, issued a special decree on the obligatory setting of dots over the letter E. And in 1956 prof. S.E. Kryuchkov canceled this order during the next spelling reform. Why is it important to place dots over the letter Y? The letter E, the seventh letter of the Alphabet, is a very special letter. It is used only under stress and conveys a very strong sound, as if amplified twice. At the same time, the letter Y is a symbol of earthly humanity (all letters have symbolic meanings, but this is a separate conversation). As it became quite recently, in 1997, after the epochal works of academician G.I. Shipova and A.E. Akimov, when the torsion fields were discovered, any point, line, any pattern on the dress bends linear space and creates a torsion effect (torsion fields are information carriers). And in the Pythagorean system, points represent whole worlds.

So, a whole war has been unleashed against our Alphabet.

But why?! Why are there no alphabet reforms in other countries? The British write Liverpool and read Manchester. And nothing! The fact is that, as we said above, both the letters and the sounds of our speech are electromagnetic and torsional in nature, are associated with the human genetic apparatus (the work of P.P. Gariaev) and with the II human signaling system. Therefore, circumcision of the Alphabet is a circumcision of human DNA structures, there is a circumcision of the ability of a Russian person to FULLY see, hear and reflect the world, communicate with the Cosmos. Reducing the Alphabet leads to a reduction in the mental abilities of the Russian person. This is apparently what they are trying to achieve, trying to at least equate us with the Europeans. But 3/4 of all scientific discoveries in the world were made by immigrants from Eastern Europe.

A Russian person could perceive 43 letters (and sound too). This is twice as much as a European, who has 24-27 letters in the Alphabet. It's a symphony orchestra compared to a quartet or an octet! But Western intelligence agencies need to reduce the mental capacity of the Russians and do it covertly. Who would have thought!