Social position of the horstakov in the auditor. Characteristic of the Kleskove from the text (N.V.Gogol "Auditor")

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In the comedy "Auditor" N. V. Gogol criticized and ridicule the vices and disadvantages tsarist Russia. One of the main heroes of the play by the author does Ivan Alexandrovich Klezlekova.

Khleshtakov Ivan Alexandrovich. "... a young man of the age of 23, thin, slender; Somewhat is silent and, as they say, without a king in the head ... He is not able to stop constant attention to any thought. "

This small official who receives a meager salary dreams of the life of the "High Flight Birds". In St. Petersburg, where he serves, Khlestakov looked at the lifestyle of major officials and rich nobles and seeks to get into their circle. In his "Zalihlahtsky", lies to the officials of the city N Hero reveals the most hidden dreams. It seems an important person in St. Petersburg, with whom everyone is considered and whose opinion is very authoritative. Khlestakov is lying that he is "on the short leg" with all famous people Capital, that he is very rich and talented. As if he wrote all the famous to him literary works. This "little man" at least in his dreams seeks to rise, feel a worthy person.

The spectacle spectacle speech, stupid, pompous, woven from contradictions and inexpensive. Obtaining the last word phrase, he does not remember her, "I even wanted to make vice-chancellor. What do you mean, I spoke? " Talking with the wife of Governing Anna Andreevna, wanting to show his significance, he says: "With pretty actresses a sign. After all, I also see different waterword ... writers often see. With Pushkin on a friendly leg. It happened, often telling him: "Well, Brother Pushkin?" "Yes, so, brother," answers, happened, "so somehow everything ..." Big original. " The lies, one of the other is terrible, and flies from the Language of Klezlekov: "My, however, there are many works:" Figaro "," Robert Devil "," Norma ". I don't even remember the names. "

It is impossible to relate to the crossing of the horstykov, without mockery. The author of the comedy himself, in his "comments for the Lord of the Actors" reflects his attitude towards the hero, describing him as a man of "silent, empty, without a king in his head." The servant Osip says so about his Barina: "... the case does not do: instead of office, and he is walking on a punching, the picture plays. The father will send money, whatever they have to recruit - and Kuda ... went to Kutch: Rides on the cab, every day - in a keseatr, and there, in a week, sells a new fracture. "

The name of the hollekova became the name of nominative not in vain, because so much can be found in people and in our time, whose values \u200b\u200bdo not differ from the values \u200b\u200bof the hero N. V. Gogol. Also there are vain and proud people who want to get everything, without making any effort to this, not possessing any mind or hard work.

Together with the written "Characteristics of the Khlejlekova (according to the comedy N.V.Gogol" Auditor ")" often seek

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Creating a comedy "Auditor", Nikolai Gogol set out the goal of collecting together the biggest thing that he saw in Russian society. This work on the background of the drama of the XIX century was distinguished by a rather complex problem. The composition of the composition "The image of the Kleskov in the comedy" Auditor "" is not easy, since this hero is quite complicated and contradictory, which the author himself said more than once.

Laughter denounces evil

Gogol believed that best way Discharge evil is satire. Proof of this belief is his best works. When writing an essay "The image of the hollekov in the comedy" Auditor "" It is necessary to analyze the plays and the ability to analyze on the basis of phrases expressed by them and characteristic behavior. Who is the central character in this work?


Khlestakov is a small person, but not in the sense who used to invest in this phrase. He has nothing to do with the Pushkin stationary caretaker or Akakiy Akakievich the same Gogol. The insignificance of the horstykova in its inability to work, laziness, limited, in reluctance to ensure itself and create conditions at least for satisfactory existence.

The beginning of the writings "The image of the hollekov in the comedy" Auditor "" - the characteristic of this unattractive hero. And he is, above all, by those man who despise not only surrounding, but also himself. When writing an essay "The image of a hollekove in the comedy" Auditor ", it should also be taken into account that Gogol has created a character who has chronic dissatisfaction with his own life, but it does not want to take any attempts in order to change anything in best side. And when the author said that he was sought to portray the most unsightly sides of the Russian society in this play, he may have meant such "whip" he met life path Much.


Khlestakov leads a celebrating lifestyle, although with its financial position hardly can afford it. He does not try to change his life for the better and does not hope for his strength. The only thing that he is able to place hopes is for a happy occasion. The idea that since the times of Gogol has not changed little, the image of the hollekov in the comedy "Auditor" leads. A brief essay on this topic is still worth adding a description of the society in which this character is located, and be sure to include this item in the plan.

Friend Pushkin

The tragedy of the horstykova lies in the fact that the world in which he lives is incomprehensible to him. He is not able to understand the connection of things and even in general features To submit what the activities of ministers are, what the great Russian poet writes what has suddenly become his "friend." For Khlleskova Pushkin - the same person, as he himself, is only possible, more successful.

Other heroes

It is very important to analyze what place the image of the hollekov in the comedy "Auditor". The work on the plan involves a comparison of this character with others. After all, the city and its approximal are rather non-short and knowledgeable people. However, they are not at all embarrassing self-confident lies and the baggage of Khlejlekova. They, too, as if they start believing that everything in life decides the case.

Philosophy Khlesytakova

In order to become the director of the Department, there is no need to make any effort. Only luck is necessary. Personal merits, work and mind are not worth anything, the welfare of man does not depend on them. In order to achieve the goal, you just need to wait, and if you "hang up" someone. These are the beliefs of the main character.

What is the difference between Klezlekov from other comedy heroes? The first has a frank vulgar nonsense. He did not have enough of quite a bit of intelligence in order to introduce the urban government representatives into the final error. But at the same time, if his lies were conscious, he would not be able to deceive Anton Antonovich, who was quite proud of his subtle knowledge of people. Khlestakov differs from other characters by the fact that his lies have absolutely random character. And this feature makes it extremely unpredictable.

Typical man of his era

Khlestakov created from contradictions. Its meaningless and sometimes insane lies, on the one hand, corresponds to the time shown in the comedy of Gogol. Khlestakov is a typical figure of the Nikolaev era. His image fully illustrates this time disclosing human vicewhich were especially developed in the atmosphere of a complex social and political situation in Russia. Officials are aware that it is stupid, but from the height of his rank cannot consider carefully human qualities. On the other hand, it should be said that Khlestakov - the "phenomenon" is universal. Such a character may occur at any time and in any setting.


"Kleztakovshchyna" is present in every hero of the comedy. And this is the main intent of Gogol. The central is the image of a horstakov in the comedy "Auditor". An essay with quotes in which the characteristics of other heroes will also be present, should be written to comprehend a brilliant author's idea. Laziness, stupidity and dream of "golden" fish are present in the soul of every Hero of the Comedy, but in different concentrations. And these vices, according to the writer, were distributed in Russian society, and therefore extremely destructive.

The image of the horstykova is a genius artistic generalization of Gogol. The meaning of this image is that it is a combination of ambitious complaints and insignificance, "significance" and emptiness.


Even when he was hunger in a hotel room, and the threat of arrest hangs over him, he continues to flatterly ask him to bring him a little provision. When the request for him is executed, he forgets his recent humiliation and sincerely rejoices. And after a couple of minutes, he begins to imagine himself an important lord.

One of the main researchers of creativity Nikolai Gogol compared once the main character of this work with water, which has the property to take the shape of any vessel. In a certain sense, the image of Klezlekov in the comedy "Auditor" is unique in the literature.

According to plan, the essay can be divided into the following points:

  1. Characteristic.
  2. Comparative analysis with other characters.
  3. The role of horstakov in society.
  4. Khlestakov is a typical personality of his era.

The main hero of the comedy is the concentration of the characteristic features of that era. But, unfortunately, "Khlestakov" and today exist. They, like "Nozdrey", the prototype of one of the heroes of the "dead souls", still "will not immediately bring out, and still go among us, perhaps, only in another Kaftan."

Option 1:

Klestakov ... It is customary to be a fraudster and a deceiver. But is it really? A man all his life is late for himself, does not have time, everything is incompaid, he can't do anything, in all he is a loser ... while he dreams. And in his dreams, he is strong, smart, rich, power and irresistible for women.

The reality is sad - he played the whip in the fluff and dust. Only a miracle will save our dreamer from hungry death and debt pit.

And the miracle happens. Circumstances are so favorably that Ivan Aleksandrovich cannot resist temptation. And the power of the People rest in front of him, and the first beauties of the N-SKA are ready to fall into his arms - or provide their daughters. And there is no strength and desire to stop and think about the consequences - carries, carries a cheating lion and selling ...

Herbles himself, however, stupid and cowardly. And the only thing that justifies him in our eyes is another stupidity and the cowardice of the characters around him. However, he knows how to deftly adapt to the situation, to give the desired for the actual. Want to see an important official - you will be an important official. Want to give bribes - he will take them. You want a profitable marriage or an influential lover - and it will promise you. It is impossible to stay in the flow of lies, only - to leave that whipping and does. Very time.

Khlestakov - N. the main character Pieces. He, rather, the phenomenon of nature, like a Purga or drought. He simply allows his existence to show itself in all its glory. Estate your vices and passions for review. Turn inside out under the light of the ramp.

Hellets passive throughout the entire action, he floats downstream. He does not act - he only encourages others to throw the masks. Our own existence here and now.

Khlestakov - only catalyst.

Option 2:

It is such an invincible confidence in his right to take care of other people and leads to the fact that Khlestakov is easily drawn into the game offered to him and does not bring out other participants from the delusion of this game. It is so naturally kept in the image of the pompous bolt, which officials do not doubt: this role is invented on purpose to mask the revision.

The model of behavior of all bribe products at the same time is about the same - they also pretend to be stupid. Therefore, the play events unfold very predictably. The combination of fear with hope for rapid success leads to loss of vigilance, including the ladies.

Histakov is not a positive hero, although he had no bad intentions. This image is especially relevant in our time when society is aimed at consumption, and not on the development of the person.

Option 3:

Gogol is one of the most merciless critics moral principles And the mains of the public. It is noteworthy that everything described by the author, all the characteristics and vital plots are relevant to this day. As the saying goes: "We all left Gogol Shinel." The same, one can say about the comedy "Auditor", in particular about Ivan Alexandrovich Khlezlekova, whose character is central in the work. The features of his character, manner of behavior, the adventures in which he was involved in so vitality and are natural that a collective name appeared for such an incident - "Khlestakovshchina".

If you deal with those who are such a husk, it will become obvious that - it is, in fact, not an evil character, but an extraordinary dodgy, cunning and skillful deceiver. He is even close to the hystage. Upon arrival in a small town, it was hard for his ends with ends. Having left in the room alone and sent the servant to miss the dinner at the owner of the restaurant, that's what thoughts visit him: "It's terrible as I want to eat! So a little passed, I thought whether the appetite would not work, - no, damn it, it does not pass. Yes, if B in Penza I did not glan, it would take home money. " It is obvious that sometimes, very rarely, Khlezkov slip thoughts of sound sensitors, repentance appears. This happens not because of high morality, but because of the horror needs. The hero droincised in the card almost all fatherly money. He remains to look for the ways of earnings, but our character is not so good. Instead, he simply took advantage of the situation, pretended to be an important official and circled around the finger of the inhabitants little town. "After all, you live to tear the flowers of pleasure."

Khlestakov is drunk by the situation, with imaginary power and the resulting role. This person has no rod, it floats where it carries the current. Schittrate to get out, sculpts dust into the eyes, wants to seem, and not be. Unfortunately, both before and today, a person who received a high post without achieving this with his own work, and by the will of the case, and behaves. Mnetself herself a great man who brings the fate of people, misses his eyes with false achievements, extolled to heaven, not noticing that there is nothing of the way that supported his flight. And you need to answer honestly to each of us, myself, if we would not be seduced, to break the big kush, when he himself goes into his hands? As it were, when each of the inhabitants would hurry to please us, honor and "kiss a hand." Would you succumb to? "Necha's mirror has a penalty, if Kriva Rifle," says the proverb to the work.

Option 4:

The key figure in the comedy N. V. Gogol "Auditor" is Ivan Alexandrovich Khlestakov.

The writer characterizes the main hero of his work negatively. Why? Because Khlestakov behaves so brazenly and irresponsible that even the reader arises a feeling of hostility to this character.

When meeting Hellestakov, we learn that he managed to spend all his money because of love for gambling. Now he is located in the district of N, without having the opportunity to pay accommodation in the hotel, in which he stopped. Gingerbread, who accepted this passing for the auditor, creates Helstakov all the conditions where the imaginary auditor can show its "talents" - lies, ambition, compassion. All this leads to the fact that the number of deceived hollytakov people increases every day, and the anti-hero himself does not use the anti-hero with the fact that he could never belong to him rightly.

The image of this negative hero He became nominal and today we can observe a considerable number of such "xles" surrounding us in everyday life.

Option 5:

One of the main characters, as well as the most bright way comedy N.V. Gogol "The Auditor" is Ivan Khlestakov, he is young, thin and stupid. About such people often say: "Without a king in the head".

Khlestakov serves in the Office, receiving a meager salary and, dreaming of incredible heights, which are not available from birth. He fantasies about how a gorgeous life will lead and becomes a pet, although this, of course, never happens.

By the will of the case, he losing everything that he had, it turns out to be in the hotel of the county city of N, where he faces the city. He accepts him for the auditor, and for a fantasist and liar of the horstykova, there are no inaccessible opportunities. He begins to feel his importance, even imaginary, and uncontrollably lifting about himself, its achievements and position in society. At the same time, he does not even recognize with whom specifically it was confused, the hero does not have enough integrity to use his temporary position for his own benefit. Although unconsciously, but Hellets, fulfilling the role that he was imposed on, managed to feed the universal fear of the "big man." During his service in the office, he has repeatedly experienced the role of serious officials, watching their behavior. And he fell out the opportunity to feel significant and important, and the hero, of course, would use it, because his superficiality does not give him to predict the troubles that may follow this. It is worth noting that Khlestakov was not a sweat of nature, he just took the honors and was sure that he had deserved them, already starting believing in his own lie.

The city could not recognize the flag, because Ivan issued himself for the official unassignedly, without the goal of profit, he naturally considered himself whom he considered him surrounding. But all the same, he saved his randomness, he left the city on time and thanks to this I escaped the disclaimer for his lies.

The image of the horstykova illustrates an empty and worthless person who giving anything to society, wants to receive all sorts of benefits and honors just like that.

Option 6:

Khlestakov Ivan Aleksandrovich is one of the key characters of the comedy Gogol "Auditor". By itself, he is the most that there is a mediocre, who does not stand out from the crowd. positive qualities, typical "little person." The will of fate turns out to be on the crest of the life wave - in pure chance, the residents of the county town of N accept him for an important person - Metropolitan auditor. And here our hero begins real life "Life that he has dreamed about so long ago: the first persons of the town invite him to dinner dinners, the best women pay attention to him, and the officials tremble to the" meaningful person. "

And then, when Khleklakov is prevented to life, which he dreamed of, begins to clearly manifest his true face. Khlestakov rake unrestrained by presenting himself a great writer and a public figure, unless he takes bribes, fooling his head at the same time two women. In the middle of the work we see it no longer a faceless "little man," and the personality is truly immoral. In his character, we see frivolousness and falsehood, irresponsibility and stupidity, superficiality and simply no decency. No wonder all these qualities in the complex were dubbed the xlekovekovshchina.

Interestingly, as the work of the work develops, the nature of the main character develops and the negative features of its nature are developing more and more. It is not known how she would have reached Hellets, if it were not again, a happy chance - just before the deception of the hero was revealed, he leaves from the city. It is probably the luck - this is the only valuable natural gift that Nature laid the hollytkov.

N. V. Gogol in his plays wanted to show a real "Russian character". And the auditor was one of the first such works. The main hero of the plays of Khlestakov displays worst traitsinherent in officials of his time. It is bribery, treasury, lechimetas and other properties.

Meet the Character

A brief image of the hollekove in the comedy "Auditor" is easy. Khlestakov is a young man who practically constantly suffers from a lack of money. At the same time, he is a plow and a fraudster. Basic feature Klezlekova is constant lies. Gogol himself has repeatedly warned theatrical actors: Khlestakov, despite the seeming simplicity, is the most complex character in the whole play. He is completely insignificant and all the despised man. Horstkova does not even respect his own servant, Osip.

Empty hopes and stupidity

Acquaintance with a short way Klezlekov in the auditor comedy reveals other verses of this character. The main character is not able to earn money to acquire the most necessary. He unconsciously despises himself. However, his own inconsistency does not allow him to comprehend the causes of his trouble, take some attempts to change life. He constantly seems to happen that a certain happy case should happen, which will make his existence without one. This empty hope and allows Khlestakov to feel like a significant face.

Good luck in the understanding of the husk

Preparing the material about the brief image of the horstykova in the comedy "Auditor", the student may noted: the universe in which Hellakov lives, represents an absolute riddle for him. It has no idea about what the ministers are doing, as his "friend" Pushkin behaves. The latter is the same xles for him - except that he is more successful. It is interesting to notice that the gingerbread together with approximate, although they are of intelligent people, were not embarrassed by the brazen lie of the main character. It also seems to them that everything solves His Majesty.

Someone was lucky, and he became director of the department. For this, they consider it, no mental and mental merit is required. All you need to do is to help occur; As it usually happens in the official sidelines, hang your own colleague. And the difference between these people and Khlestakov lies in the fact that the protagonist is frankly stupid. If he had at least in the iota in more difficult, he could recognize the delusion of others, began to start consciously play.

Unpredictable hero behavior

In the brief image of the horstyot in the comedy "Auditor", the student may noted that one of the main features of this character is the unpredictability of his behavior. In each specifically, this hero behaves "how it will happen." His hunger in a hotel in a hotel, he is under the threat of arrest - and he flatters the servant, begging him to bring something to eat. Bring lunch - he begins to jump on a chair from impatience. At the sight of a plate with food, he completely forgets how I knead the food from the owner. Now he turns into an important Mr.: "I spared on your owner!". These words can be used in the quotation characteristic of the horstakov in the comedy "Auditor". Character constantly behaves arrogant. His main features are a bhavalism, irresponsibility.


The characteristic of the image of the hollekove in the auditor comedy may contain information and the rudeness of this character. In this hero constantly makes itself felt by the showroom barnitude. He uses the word "man" with contempt, as if he says about something unworthy. Does not spare whores and landowners, calling them "pentyuhi". Even his father he calls "old hell." Only when the need comes, completely different intonations wake up in speech of this hero.

Mottry Khlylekova

To prepare briefly, the image of the horstakov in the comedy "Auditor", it is necessary to give a small description of the main features of this character. One of his key features, as was indicated, is a motley. This hero is constantly involved in the latest money. He craves entertainment, wants to delve pleasure - take the best apartments, getting better food. Do not disguise whores the game in the picture, every day loves to visit the theater. He seeks to impress the inhabitants of the city, produce Furore.

The image of the hollekova in the comedy "Auditor" briefly: a lie of the character

The lies of the horstykova does not know the boundaries. N. V. Gogol masterfully described his hero. Khlestakov first says, and only after that he begins to think. Finally, marking in lies, the main character begins and himself believes in its own significance. His speech is fragmentary, shotching. In conversations with others, he constantly stipulates that he has nothing to pay for his accommodation. However, no one listens to the horstyot. For example, during his conversation with Khlestakov, the Goryanki does not hear at all, what he seeks to tell him. Gingerbread is concerned only how to give a bribe and devoted a "important guest". It seems that the truthful of Khlestakov speaks, the less to his faith from others.

I.A. Khleztakov appears in the town at the moment when they are all waiting for the appearance of the auditor. Officials are frightened, in the fear of the rats are seen in the rat. The degree of "fear and fear" officials directly depends on their sins.

Histakov, the young man of fragile build, silent, dressed in fashion. The city turned out to be a passage, returned from Peter home. He loved to play cards, fun to spend time because of what was without money. He lived in a small hotel with his servant Osip, for accommodation and food for a long time I did not pay and therefore was afraid that the innkeeper would complain to the city and will be taken to prison. He sold his dear things on the market for a scentual and played cards again.

Ivan Alexandrovich often lying on the bed and dreamed of a good life. And once appears in the restaurant Gingerbread with his "retinue". Khlestakov expected the worst, but everything happened as it should not be better. Klezlekova accepts for the auditor, which incognito arrived to test officials. And since everyone had big sins behind them, tried to please in every way to please him.

Gingerbread offered Ivan Alexandrovich to live in his home. Khlestakov agreed, wondered in spirit. The fear of revision makes the officials to hypocrite, wander, lie and please with great ingenuity.

So Khlestakov takes money from them, without even suspecting that he takes bribes. However, it is guessing that he is accepted for a civil servant.

For dinner, in the house of Goverling begins to lie, which lives in the world, has different facilities, is a respected person, writes poems, "with Pushkin on a friendly leg." And most importantly, he had to even manage the Department. And so I presented all this that all urban officials ran a trembling on the body, all were shaking from fear.

The comedy ends the fact that the real auditor arrives in the city. The last scene of the work is the famous "dumb scene", where, according to the author, the characters frozen in various poses stand still for almost one and a half minutes before lowering the curtain.

Khlestakov from those people who are called "empty" in the office. Spends all the money sent by the Father, on the couments, cards and new clothes, because it sees only outside Metropolitan life.

The character of the horsty should be very brightly shown in the episode, where he begins to brag in front of the city. His dreams do not go beyond the desire to get a higher rank so that they are enthusiastic.

Khlestakov believes that happiness is an opportunity to be higher than others, and this, according to his concepts, is not related to personal qualities of man. And writing advantages he attributes to himself solely in order to enjoy the wife and daughter of Governing.

Bhawing and arrogance in combination with the stupidity of provincial officials helps him to remain not exposed.

He is agoned, which can be seen in the episode of recognition in love. Instantly "switches" with his daughter to his wife, and none of them have time to suspect anything.

It seems to me that the development of the plot also influenced the inability of the horstykova logically, consistently arguing. He is used to "sailing for the flow" and not think about the future. The indicator of this is the absence of his remarks "to the side." Often he is not able to stop (as during the dinner at the city). Starting about something to talk, "freezing", trying to put himself in the most advantageous light.

Khlestakov has a pride (he is afraid of the morals of the Osip, his servant), but does not shift and see and see. Many are present in his character. negative sides The then society is kinderification, fohymism, ignorance ...

"The image of the husk is a type of much scattered in different Russian characters," Gogol himself writes about him. He makes fun of such people, calls for the extermination of "Khlestakovshchychina" - self-affirmation due to its arrogance and quietness. That is why the Petersburg society was indignant, held precisely on such people.