(Grade 10). Russian culture in the XIV-XV centuries

Russian culture
XIV-XV centuries.
Presentation on the history of Russia for students 10

Culture - aggregate
Material and spiritual
values \u200b\u200bcreated
Humanity in the process
His activities.

Development conditions
The Goldenordsk Igo destroyed many
material and spiritual values;
Russian land rounding process around
Restoration of interrupted ties with Byzantium;
Economic development;
Fighting Russian lands against Mongol-Tatar

1. Oral folk creativity;
2. Christmas school;
3. Historical stories;
4. Feeling literature (agiography);
5. walking;
6. Chronograph.

Fighting ingenic conquerors caused
New rise of oral folk art.
Created by the people of legends, epics, legends
called Russian people to fight for overthrowing
Horde Iga.
One of the most famous works of this period -
"Tale of the invisible Grade Kitezh"

In 14-15 centuries. The elevation has its own characteristics:
Distinctive feature of all Russian chronicles
are patriotism and the idea of \u200b\u200bthe unity of Russians
In all the chronicles clearly manifests itself
community school.
After the Kulikov battle, the content of chronicle
determined the idea of \u200b\u200bunity of Russian lands under
the primacy of Moscow.

During this period, created:
Troitskaya chronicle of the early 15th century (1408) - commonhouse
Chronicle arch. (Died in the Moscow Fire 1812)
Moscow chronicle of the late 15th century (1480), called
Justify the historical role of Moscow.

Historical stories
The main form of literary works of the XIV-XV centuries. - Historical story.
They talked about the activities of real historical persons, specific historical events and
Facts. Often, the story became part of the chronicle text.
The main theme of literature of the XIV-XIV centuries. - Fight against conquerors.
The most famous works. Tale of the fight against Mongol Tatars:
"Tale of Ryazan Ryazan":
"Tale of Shevkale" (1327 - uprising in Tver);
"The story of the battle on the River Punk" (1377);
"The story about the battle on the river is now" (1378);
"Tale of the invasion of Tokhtamysh" (1382)
"The story of the invasion of one" (1408).
"The word about the death of the Russian land",

"Tale O.
Batym "

Historical stories
At the turn of the XIV-XV centuries. An important topic of Russian literature
Stated Kulikovsky battle.
The victory of 1380 is devoted to a whole cycle of historical stakes:
"Tale of Mamaev Boy"
"Zadonshchyna" Heroic Poem, author of Safronia Ryazan
"The chronic story about the Kulikovsky battle";

Miniature from "Legend
About Mamaev Boy. "

Flower of the Life Literature (Agiography)
associated with the process of combining Russian lands
around Moscow. Writers Pahomi Lagofet and
Epiphanas wisdom made up life ways
The largest church figures of Russia:
Metropolitan Peter;
Sergius Radonezhsky.

Life of saints
"Life of Mikhail Chernigovsky";
"Tale of Mikhail Tver";
"Life of Alexander Nevsky";
"Life of Sergius Radonezh", "Life of Stephen Perm",
Author - Epiphany Will
Life - church writings about outstanding Russian
People - princes, church figures.

Walking - travel literature.
In the second half of the 15th century. appeared secular
The most striking sample of hives (walking) -
Notes of Tver merchant Afanasiya Nikitina
"Walking for the three seas", describing it
Three-year journey to India.

One of the genres of medieval Russian literature is
Chronograph - a peculiar story of Russia, inscribed in
The historical context of the development of Orthodox states
The first chronograph was created by Pakhomy Lagofet in 1442

1. Cult, fortification,
Civil architecture.
2. Architecture of Veliky Novgorod;
3. Start of stone construction in Moscow:
- Temples of the Moscow Kremlin.
- Faceted Chamber.

Novgorod architecture
Novgorod temples of this time were built on
Means of boyars and merchants.
Buildings look still massive and
The preservation of old features was combined with
creative quest.
A new style appeared, distinguished by abundance
decorative decorations.
Instead of the traditional three apse, one remained.

Church of Fedora
On the stream. Novgorod.
Development of architecture in Russia
It was suspended
Mongolian conquest.
New rise Russian
Architecture began at the end
XIV - early XV century.
However, in Novgorod
Construction ne.
stopped even during years

Cult construction
Church of Savior on Kovalev. Novgorod. 1345

Fortification architecture Novgorod
Novgorod Kremlin

Faceted Chamber

Civil architecture Novgorod
Faceted Chamber

Fotifying architecture of Moscow
Moscow Kremlin at Ivan the third. Artist

Moscow Kremlin
His story
Starts back in XII
in. when on
Borovitsky hill
were built
Wooden walls.
Creating an ensemble
Moscow Kremlin
ended at the end
XIV - early XVI century. and
became a symbol
Power and magnitude
Capital states.

Fortification architecture of Moscow
Moscow Kremlin. Italian masters. Modern view

Moscow Kremlin
Years of Construction - 1482-1495
Area - 27.7 hectares
The length of the walls is 2500 m
Number of towers - 20
Number of gates - 4
Towers heights - up to 80 m
The thickness of the walls of the towers - 24 m
Wall height - from 5 to 19 m
Wall thickness - from 3.5 to 6.5 m

Starting stone
religious construction
in Moscow applies to
The second quarter of the XIV century.
This date is associated with
Transformation of Moscow B.
Residence Princes I.
Assumption Cathedral
In the Moscow Kremlin.

Architectural school
consisted based on
Traditions of Vladimirosuzdal architecture.
Assumption Cathedral
Moscow Kremlin,

House church
Moscow princes
Moscow Cathedral

Moscow princes
Cathedral of the Archangel
Moscow Kremlin
Architect Alaness
New (Aleviz yes

Moscow Kremlin.
Pskov masters

Moscow Kremlin
Bell tower
Bon Fryazin,

Civil architecture

Granuity Chamber of the Moscow Kremlin
In 1487-1491. in the Kremlin was
Built grain chamber for
Foreign solemn receptions
ambassadors. It was the biggest hall
In the then Rus.
Faceted Chamber
Moscow Kremlin.
Architects Marco Ruffo and
Pietro Antonio Solary


1. The main development trends;
2. Icon painting:
- Novgorod icon painting school;
- Pskov iconography;
- Moscow school;
3. Fresco;
4. Formation of copyright style:
- Feofan Greek;
- Andrei Rublev.

Trends in Development
Local school development based on
The beginning of the process of fusion of local
Art schools in one
community scenic school;
decisive influence of the church for development

Novgorod school iconopysis
In the XIV century Formed Novgorod
School icon painting.
Laconic compositions,
Clarity drawing,
High technique, cleanliness
Novgorod icon XIV century.
"The descent of Christ
in hell. "

Author's style. Feofan Greek.
Of great importance in painting acquired the personality of the artist. Author's
The style of the most talented painters overcoming the influence of local
The largest artist of the end of the XIV - early XV century. - Feofan Greek.
Painting Faofan Greek is distinguished by monumentality,
expressive images, bold and free picturesque manner.
Furies with frescoes of Feofan look harsh and terrible.
In the work of Feofan Greek, two periods are distinguished:
Bunlet Novgorod and more calm Moscow.
In Novgorod, fragments of his painting of the Church of the Savior

Painted dome
Church of Savior
Ilyina Street B.
Feofan Greek. 1378

In Moscow, Feofan Greek
painted Arkhangelsky I.
Blagoveshchensky Cathedrals
Church of the Nativity of the Virgin,
Palace Vasily I.
Due to the demolition of these buildings
With Ivan III painting Feofan
I did not reach us.
But the icons are preserved,
written to them for iconostasis
Blagoveshchensky Cathedral.
"Archangel Gabriel".
Detail of icons from
Blagoveshchensky Cathedral.
Feofan Greek. 1405

Pskov School
Differed OT.
Novgorod courage
Compositions, severeness
Saints Boris and Gleb.
Icon 14-15 centuries.

15 century
Saints Vladimir,
Boris and Gleb.

Moscow School
The leading position in the 14th century occupied the Moscow school,
Based on the basis
Rostov-Suzdal and enabling best achievements
All Russian schools.
Starting from the 14th century. complicated the plot, appeared
spatial character, landscape, intensified
Psychologist image.

Author's style. Andrei Rublev.
The greatest Russian
artist XV century Consider
Andrei Rublev (approx. 1360-1430),
Inok Trinity Sergiev, and later
- Savior Andronikov Monastery.
Works of Rublev
Different in deep humanity
and sublime
The spirituality of the images B.
combination with softness and
Savior Almighty.
Central icon
Deesus rank.
Christmas Cathedral of the Savvosushevsky Monastery.
Andrei Rublev, 1410-1420s.

Festive row icon
Blagoveshchensky Cathedral.
A. Rublov. 1405

Brushes Andrei Rublev
belong to the reached before
We are fresco painted
Assumption Cathedral V.
Vladimir, Icons
Zvenigorodsky rank
Trinity Cathedral
Trinity Sergeeva Monastery in
Zagorsk, Blagoveshchensky
Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin and
Killed 18V. Frescoes
Spassky Cathedral of Spasovandronikov Monastery.
Festive row icon
Blagoveshchensky Cathedral.
A. Rublov. 1405

"Trinity" A.Rublyva
The most famous work has become one of the peaks.
World Art, - Icon "Trinity", written for iconostasis
Trinity Cathedral of Trinity Sergieva Lavra (stored in
Tretyakovsky Gallery).
In the Christian tradition, the angels are considered the incarnation of the Trinity.
All attention - figures of angels. The composition is subordinate to rhythm
Circular motion that creates infinity mood,
Tranquility and harmony.

Old Testoth
Ruble. 14221427

Mongol invasion, according to a number of historians, is essential
slowed down the pace of the cultural and historical process, but did not interrupt
It did not violate the continuity in the development of Russian culture.
Russian culture has retained a national character. Big role
In the transfer of traditions and cultural and historical experience played
Earths that have not been defeated. The invasion did not destroy
National identity and independence of Russian
End of XIV - XV centuries. was characterized by the beginning of a long process
Mergers of local literary, architectural, artistic
Schools in a single national communional school. Continued
The process of folding Russian nation.

Kremlin Dmitry Donskoy (end 14th century)

Red Kremlin Ivan III (mid 15th century)

P.P. Vereshchagin "Type of Moscow Kremlin", painting was written in 1879. The Kremlin was elected until the end of the 19th century.

Cathedral Square Cremlin

Assumption Cathedral was built in 1475-1479 under the leadership of the Italian architect Aristotle Phiorevanti.

Assumption Cathedral - in the future place of coronation of kings and emperors of Russia

The Arkhangelsk Cathedral was built in 1505-1508. Under the leadership of the Italian architecture Alevision new. Tomb of Russian great princes and g

Granovic Chamber - built in 1487 - 1491 by the Italian architects Marco Ruffo and Pietro Antonio Solari

Granuity chamber inside

Annunciation Cathedral - Built at the end of the 15th century with Pskov Masters

Iconostasis of the Blagoveshchensky Cathedral

- Work
Andrei Rubleva
And Feofana

Ivan's bell tower is built by Bon Fryazine in 1508

Cathedral of the Trinity - Sergiye Lavra.

Spassky Cathedral Andronikov Monastery


1. The epic epic.
In 14-15 centuries. Tale of the merchant Sadko
(Rich Novgorod merchant).
Tale of Bogatira Vasily
Buslaev - Heroy Novgorodsky
epic epic
"Tale of the Invisible Grad
In the city, "the city that went to the bottom of the lake,
But not surrendered to the Mongols.

Historical stories

tale "On the battle on
Kalka "," Tale about
Ryazan's ruin
Batum ", Tale about
Alexander Nevsky,
"Tale of Chickenna"
Victory 1380 is dedicated
Whole cycle
historical leads:
"On the closer on Don",
"Tale of Mamaev
Boying ",
"Zadonchina" (author
Sophonia Ryazan)
First chronograph
All R. XV century Pahomy
Lagofet was
compiled first
Russian chronograph in
which is history
Rus is represented by B.
connection with the history of all
Slavic peoples.


Pahomi Lagofet and Epiphany
Middle awareness
The largest church leaders
Rus: Metropolitan Peter,
Moving the Metropolis Center in
Moscow; Sergius Radonezhsky.


Andrei Rublev
Faofan Greek

Savior Almighty Andrei Rublev
And saved the non-manual 12th century. What changed Rublev in the face of Christ?

Trinity. Icon 580 years old

Three angel three
wanderer at Duba
What silence
From them comes!
Like, illuminated,
Shines deep icons!


First job,
Fauofan Greek Na
Rus, - Fresco
one of
Temples Novgorod.
Great - Church
Transformation on
Ilyina Street,
Built in 1374.

Donskaya Virgin

Art historians
dating her time
Writing 1382-1395
years, author
They consider Feofan Greek


Years of life Dionysius
not installed exactly -
Born about 1450,
Died about 1520.
Dionysius -
icon painter, very
Artist Rus end
XV - early XVI
centuries, contemporary
Raphael, Leonardo,
Botticelli, Durera.

Architecture of the XIV-XV - the first stone buildings in the Moscow Principality, continue the traditions of Vladimir - Suzdal architecture. Cathedral of the Assumption of Our Lady on the town in Zvenigorod (GG.) Cathedral of the Nativity of the Virgin Savvin - Storozhevsky Monastery (1405)

Architecture Moscow Kremlin 1367 - Under Dmitry Donskoy, the White Walls of the Kremlin XV- early XVI centuries were erected. - Created today's Moscow Kremlin Territory - 27.5 hectares Length of the wall - 2.25 km Wall thickness - 3.5-6.5 m The height of the walls - 5-19 m "Moscow Kremlin during Dmitry Donskoy" A. M. Vasnetsov "Moscow Kremlin at Ivan III "A. M. Vasnetsov

Architecture Moscow Kremlin Cathedral of the Assumption of the Virgin (GG.) Architect - Aristotle Phioravanti Function: Cathedral

Architecture Moscow Kremlin Arkhangelsky Cathedral (GG.) Architect - Aleviz A new feature: From the XVI to the XVIII century, he served as the burial site of Moscow princes and kings. Princelyko - Tsarsky Necropolis includes 46 tomb. The first Russian king Ivan Grozny is resting in the royal tomb arranged in the altar part of the temple.

Architecture Moscow Kremlin Annunciation Cathedral (GG.) Architects - Pskov Masters Function: Home Temple of Russian Princes, and after the wedding to the kingdom in 1547, Ivan the Terrible - Russian kings. Its North and Western gallery served as a parade entrance to the royal palace.

Painting Faofan Greek Feofan Greek (ok after 1405) - painter, originally from Byzantium. He worked in Russia in the second half of the XIV century. Together with Andrei Rublev and Prokhor, he painted the Annunciation Cathedral in Moscow. Its works are distinguished by monumentality, internal force. Don Icon of the Mother of God Transfiguration saved the Almighty Church of the Savior Transfiguration on Ilyin Street in Veliky Novgorod (1378)

Painting Andrei Rublev Andrei Rublev (OK GG.) In his work, Russian fresco painting and the iconist reached the highest degree of perfection. The most famous works: Icon "Virgin Vladimirskaya" (Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin) Icon "Trinity" "Savior" "Arkhangel Mikhail" Savior Savior Zvenigorodsky rank Archangel Mikhail

Painting Daniel Black Daniel Black - friend and associate Andrei Rublev. They performed the iconostasis of the Blagoveshchensky Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin, the iconostasis and frescoes of the Assumption Cathedral in Vladimir, the iconostasis of the Trinity Cathedral of Trinity - Sergiye Lavra, etc. The most famous works: the icon "Apostle Paul" icon "Christmas of Christ" (Christmas church in Zvenigorod) Apostle Pavel Christmas Christ

In the 13th century, temple construction fully passes from the princes to the Novgorod men himself. Church buildings are built on the means of citizens. In the second half of the 13th century, stone construction was completely frozen (Natisk from the North-West, tribute to Horde). First resumed stone architecture Tver. And for her Novgorod. Already in 1292, the Novgorod residents are building the Church of Nikola on Lipne, and in the 14th century a number of temples, differing from the completeness and maturity of architectural forms, are created. Novgorod masters created a special style of temple construction. Small four-headed single-eyed temples with almost cubic proportions of the building. The temple was designed for a small group of parishioners of one street. They collected money for its construction. Novgorod masters abandoned the bump, Apcedes lowered until the middle of the walls in favor of the three-blade coating - the famous architects of 14-15 centuries, symbol of the Novgorod style. Plinfa was not used, laid out the temple from rudely rented limestone and boulders. It gave the walls a wavy surface. Temples produce a dual impression. On the one hand, the breath of rough power comes from the low dying churches, on the other - the elegance of the decor and the thoughtfulness of the forms speak of a high culture of architecture.

Architecture Arkhangelsky Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin. Aloiso de Karkano. The beginning of the XVI century. Aloiso de Karkano. The beginning of the XVI century. In October 1508, the Grand Duke Vasily III "commanded the preparations and move the relics of the greatness of his great princes of Russians" in the new Arkhangelsk Cathedral.

Architecture Annunciation of the Moscow Kremlin. Pskov masters. End of the XIV century. Andrei Rubley Feofan Greek The iconostasis of the cathedral contains icons written in 1405 by Andrei Rublev and Feofan Greek. Until the XVIII century, he was the houses of the Moscow Sovereign.

Architecture Church of the rizosposition of the Moscow Kremlin. Pskov masters. End of the XV century. The name of the Church comes from the Byzantine holiday, marking the arrival in Constantinople Rhaza, who, according to legend, saved the city several times from the invasions of enemies.

Architecture of the bell tower of Ivan the Great Moscow Kremlin. Bon Fryazin. XVI century. The church is built in memory of Ivan III. The highest building of the Moscow Kremlin (81 m). In the old days, the bell tower read the royal decrees loudly, "in the whole Ivanovo", as they talked.