Basic prayers. The Miraculous Power of Mother's Prayer

"Prayer is the realization of Eternity"
Agni Yoga

Opening Prayer

I thank and praise You, Lord, for the opportunity given by You to offer prayers to You, uniting my earthly consciousness with the Higher World. I put myself in Thy hands, O Lord, and may my mouth, my heart and my mind do Thy will.

Great Call
(Prayer of Ascension)

From the point of Light that is in the Mind of God, Light streams into the minds of people. Light descends to Earth!
From the point of Love that is in the Heart of God, Love flows into the hearts of people. Christ returns to Earth!
From the center, where the Will of God is known, the Goal directs the small wills of people, the Goal that the Teachers consciously serve.
From the Center, which we call the Human Race, the Plan of Love and Light is realized, and the door is sealed behind which evil is.
Light, Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth.

Prayer Key
(getting started)

Oh, our Heavenly Father, Your Goodness is poured into us, our souls are filled with Your Light and unite together to create Love and Light on Earth!

Of the Holy Rosary

Great God, I believe
I bow to you
I trust in you.
I ask you for forgiveness for everyone
Who does not believe in You,
Doesn't worship You
Does not trust in you
And does not love You.
(1-10 times)

Our Father 1

Our Father who art in Heaven, hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as in Heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts, as we also forgive our debtors, and do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one; for yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever.

Our Father 2

Our Father! Father and Mother are One! In their Love, those who created our World and all the Spheres and Octaves of the Manifested Universe and Existence.
Your Name is Holy - I Am Love! Your Kingdom resurrects and revives - In the Love of Beginnings in the High Light of Perfection, and this fulfills and affirms your Will on Earth, as well as in Heaven!
You give us earthly and heavenly bread every day, and by Your Mercy you forgive all our debts, just as we must learn to forgive all our debtors, show Love and repent of mistakes due to unawareness and self-deeds of our actions.
Do not leave us in the trials of those sent down, but strengthen us in Faith, Purity and Holiness by the power of the Holy and Life-giving Spirit, protect us from the temptation of everyone, wisely instructing us on the Path of Truth, to His Abode!
For everything is your kingdom: the Power of Faith, and Wisdom, and Your Love. I glorify you in the four hypostases of the Holy Spirit, who are Father, Mother, Son and Daughter, and together - the Life-giving Light.
So it was in the beginning, so it is being fulfilled now, so it will be forever and ever!

Turning to the Father

Our Father in Heaven of Saints! Merciful and eternal Father! Teach me to love as You love, even for a moment let me enter Your Heavenly Kingdom and, having tasted the fruits of the spiritual harvest, bring its light to the earth and give it to all who suffer spiritual wealth.
Our Father in Heaven of Saints! Merciful and eternal Father! To me, who has known the forgiveness of love, for others, let me be forgiveness, Your redemption and mercy, without violating the eternal Law, and in everything to do Your will!
Your kingdom shines with a star, its Light pierces all the worlds and in the darkness our path illuminates - wherever I am, you are with me!
Our Father! Accept this prayer, let us feel the silver thread of our connection in an unbreakable spirit! Our Father, let Your eternal Light be manifested in me now! May it be revealed! May it be manifested forever and ever!

Prayer of Unity

Lord! Good God! Hallowed be Your name in Heaven and on Earth, from end to end of the Universe!
Lord! I thank You for helping me to see myself in my true light and to correct all my shortcomings, cleansing the life around me from them.
Lord! I thank You for helping me to separate good from evil and stay in peace and firmness of spirit, worthily doing Your will among people.
I thank You, Lord, for the fact that You strengthen the strength of my brothers and sisters - both those close and unknown to me, allowing me to touch Your true Glory.
Lord! We are filled with love in our hearts and overcome all obstacles on the way to the Light! And we stretch out our hands to each other, giving the immense warmth of our souls.
Lord! Your will is done! And there is a single people on Earth, loving their Mother - Nature, reunited with You by their love, going to true spiritual enlightenment and brotherhood, relying on all Your precepts.
Amen and Amen.

Balm of Gilead

Save us the love of the Lord,
Immortal love
And send down compassion,
So that we rise again!
In the power that is given to you
Beams in glory lei
Where life on earth is full
And darkness and shadows.
Oh God Light, flow, shine
Get rid of the pain this day.
Raise people up, Lord
Give them your name - I AM!

Prayer to the Mother of God 1

Hail Mary, Virgin, rejoice!
Blessed Mary, the Lord is with you, blessed are you in wives, and blessed is the fruit of your womb, as you gave birth to the Savior, thou art our souls.
Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray to the Lord for us now and until the hour of true transformation in the Light and ascension into the Kingdom of our Father in Heaven.

Prayer to the Virgin 2

Virgin Mary, rejoice, blessed Mary, the Lord is with you. Blessed are you in women and blessed is the fruit of your womb, for you gave birth to the Savior of our souls.
It is worthy to be, as truly blessed Theotokos, the Most Blessed and Most Immaculate, the most honest Cherub and the most glorious without comparison Seraphim, who gave birth to God the Word without corruption, we magnify the Mother of God.

Prayer to Mother Mary

Queen of my heart and the world,
All-merciful Most Pure Mary!
Strengthen the words of love and faith!
Most Holy Intercessor, before the Son
Beg Jesus for the Land!
Maria! Virgo! Purity and holiness!
Illuminate the paths to the hearts that have seen
And in the Great Sacrament, All-good,
Spread the Cover of Love over the world!


My all-merciful Lady, Most Holy Lady, All-Pure Virgin, Mother of God, Mother of God, undoubted, my only hope.
Do not disdain me, do not reject me, do not leave me, do not leave me, intercede, ask, hear, see, Lady.
Help, forgive, forgive, Blessed One ...

Prayer of the Mother of the World

Mother of the World!
Sending good to the people of the Earth!
Mother of the World!
You hear our call and do not leave us!
You help in the search for the pure,
You help in good deeds
You light our way
Ray of Truth!
Your will is sacred to us.
We believe You, we love You,
Forever and ever.
(3-5-7 times)

Prayer for the Cover

Oh, the Purity of the universal Cover from the Most Pure Mother to the world of Mary, stretch out like a protective wrap over the whole world!
Remain hope for Eternity and salvation! Remain in prayer to the repentant Light and be embodied as the joy of rebirth for all the children who have called out at the all-knowing hour!
Coming! The court is joyful and passionate! How many changes are there in the world! May the world be saved by the one prayer of your children, all-merciful Mary!

Prayer of Purity

Purity! Purity! Purity!
I am filled with your strength!
Purity! Purity! Purity!
Protect in the divine world!
Purity! Purity! Purity!
Light of the energies of love into the high world!
Purity! Purity! Purity!
I am a stream from yours into the world of origins!

For the entire universe - I am the source of purity!
For the whole universe - I am the source of bliss!
For the whole universe, an imperishable essence
let the Light of high purity shine!
Where I Am, there You are!

Light of Purity

Oh, the Purity of Heaven! Enter the abode of the heart with your radiance! My temple is open, so that purity will enter the holy monastery of Christ I AM!
The light of purity, in my presence, manifest with all your might, enter the reality of God's victory with essential fire, and appear as a flame in all spheres of the universe!
I am the eternal Light of the purity of the universal, from the eternal throne into the world!
I am purity, there is no blemish in me! I brought the Eternal Light to the world of love!
Light of purity, manifest as radiance, protect the essence in the innermost spheres! Light of purity, henceforth kindle in my presence with incorruptible Fire!

Optina Elders

Lord give me strength with peace of mind meet the coming day! Let us completely surrender to the will of Your saint for every hour of today! Reveal to me your will for me and those around me! Whatever news I receive during this day, teach me to accept them with a calm soul and a firm conviction that everything is Your holy will. Guide my thoughts and feelings and do not let me forget that everything is sent by You!
Teach me to act correctly and reasonably with every name in society, my family, not embarrassing anyone, not upsetting, helping, comforting and delighting in everything. Give me strength to endure the weariness of the coming day and all the events of this day. Guide my will, Lord, teach me to pray to You, believe, hope, endure, forgive and love!

Prayer of Francis of Assisi

Make me an instrument of your world
And let me transform:
Hate in love,
Resentment in forgiveness,
Doubt in faith,
Despair in hope,
Darkness in shine,
And sadness in joy.

Oh Divine Sovereign,
Grant me the ability
not seek solace, but comfort;
not seek understanding, but understand;
not looking for love, but be in love.
For giving - I receive,
Forgiving - I find forgiveness
And dying - I am born to Eternal Life.

Turning to the Lord

Lord, everything I have belongs to You. Use me for the triumph and glory of Your Kingdom. I am doing your will. Your love, Your wisdom and Your strength are manifested through me.

Our Father 3

My father, who exists everywhere! Thank you for the life of the Light, for the manifestation of thanks to your kingdom, for your loving will.
Be Good!
Thank you for the food every day! And for Your patience, and for the forgiveness of sins on Your land.
My father, who exists everywhere, I am Your daughter (I am Your son and), among Your creations I will not allow sin and weakness in myself, I will become worthy of Your accomplishments.
My Father, who exists everywhere, I am Your daughter (I am Your son and), for Your joy I will increase Your Glory. The ages to come will all live in Your dream.
And it will be so! I want it so! I am Your daughter (after all, I am Your son), my Father, existing everywhere.

Call of Love

My Heavenly Father and Mother!
I am calling you here, to our monastery,
Come to the children of the suffering earth,
Pour grace into a pure cup.
We want to touch your gentle hands
And take the Light from the Eyes into your eyes,
Forgetting about millions of years of separation
We want to snuggle up to the chest and hug.
We hear your voice from the depths,
What people once called conscience.
We were born in eternal happiness,
But we were carried away by other worlds.

Mother of the World

Mother of the World, like the eternal Mother- e it is a permanent post in the hierarchy held by the one whom the Father has entrusted to give birth to the Buddhas. She is the spiritual mother of all Christ beings and Buddhas of all times. After Atlantis, the Mother of the World hid Her Face and forbade to pronounce the Name until the hour of the Luminaries struck.

Helena Roerich in her book “Mother of the World” describes the Mother of the World as “the Great Spirit of the Feminine Principle”, which is sometimes personally manifested in embodied avatars, those who are “saturated with her Ray”.

For Nicholas Roerich, the Mother of the World was the highest symbol of world unity.

In his paintings, Nicholas Roerich often depicted her with her eyes closed with a veil, which symbolizes the existence of some mysteries of the universe, for which a person is not yet ready to open.

Now the Mother of the World is no longer hidden, she manifests herself on a planetary scale. She is looking for her children, wishing to save the burden that oppresses them ..

The Mother of the World said: “I AM in the worship of the Son, for I AM the Mother. I AM at the heart of the lily of your soul, and I AM at the core of the purpose of life. I AM at the center of the unity of your flame, O child of my heart. I am everywhere and nowhere. Come and find me. I am the Mother's light, which breaks through the clouds, hides and peeps through the trees and birdsong.

I live in your most cherished dreams and your highest goal. And I am by my side as you stir up the coals of the old state, trying to find in them the comfort that they cannot give. For the consolation of your heart is hidden in the eternal striving for my heart, so that, soaring like an eagle, there will open the joy of your soul, eternally, eternally striving for the new individuality of your higher self.This higher self is the eternally striving, eternally surpassing and accelerating God, that lives in you and brings eternal consolation. "

Adapted from the work of L. Profet Elizabeth Clare Prophet

"The Lords and Their Abodes"

Prayer of the Mother of the World

Foremother of the World,

We are children of Your Heart.

We were separated by empty pettiness,

And we are separated

From Your universal delight.

Freedom is denied to us, but man wants it,

Blinded, chained, sensuality enslaves us.

We have to fight each other

God-opposite to do deeds

The bodies feed on garbage

Defective skills soaked in evil poison

The nonsense of illusion is always near.

Silent Foremother, enlighten

As children, devotion to You is only baptized

Live without committing fatal sins

And the mind is not terrifying with mortal darkness,

To preserve hearts for a higher purpose,

To forge an alliance with you in reality.

The endless night lasts in vain

And it will not shine with the Light of Thy Son;

Although we stand in the Sun of a lasting union,

We feel the loss of happiness, we see it.

Your pure Light knows no rivals

They will not doubt him. Let people gain

With the blessed Spirit in alignment,

They will assimilate every plan of the saint.

Your Love flows from the Bright Heart,

Cosmic dreams without melting,

And cleans the air from our ethereal dreams,

That separate us all

Until we ask ourselves the question:

What are we wrong and what prevents us from living,

And will it forever amaze us

Do not take wishes into account

Icons and prayers

Miraculous power mother's prayer

1:502 1:507

"A mother's prayer will reach from the bottom of the sea" - this proverb has long been a proverb in the tongues. It was not said for the sake of a catchphrase. This is a truth that is relevant at all times, confirmed by countless examples of the amazing power and effectiveness of the prayers of millions of mothers. Holy motherly love is capable of overcoming any obstacles, achieving the impossible and performing real miracles.



The parent-child relationship is modeled on our relationship with God, our Heavenly Parent.


Therefore, the Lord gave parents special authority over their children:


Children, obey your parents in everything, for this is pleasing to the Lord (Col. 3:20).

2:970 2:975

The commandment to honor parents is not only a precept, failure to observe which is a sin. The Lord connected our longevity on earth with its fulfillment: Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be prolonged on the land which the Lord your God gives you (Ex. 20:12).

2:1487 2:1492

The holy apostle Paul says that this is the first commandment with a promise (Ephesians 6: 2). A son or daughter who offend parents, openly disregarding their authority and power, will face a sad fate. The eye that mocks the father and disregards obedience to the mother will be pecked out by the ravens, and the eagle chicks will devour! (Prov. 30:17).



The special power of mother's prayer is connected with the power that the Lord God gave to the mother over the children. One of the most edifying examples of great maternal love and prayer for a spiritually perishing son is the prayer feat of Monica, the mother of blessed Augustine, who for ten years was in captivity of the disastrous false teaching of the Manichean sect. The son she prayed for not only escaped hell, but also became a saint.


In his Confessions, Blessed Augustine shone on his mother the most touching words: “You stretched out Your hand from above and“ drew my soul ”out of this deep darkness, when my mother, Your faithful servant, mourned me before You more than mothers mourn for dead children. She saw my death because of her faith and the spirit that she possessed from You, and You heard her, Lord; You heard her and did not despise the tears that streamed the earth in every place where she prayed; You heard her " (Confession. Book III. 11.19).



Mother's prayers for children

The mother's prayer is the strongest and most powerful, which can save her children from illness, misfortune and rash acts. "A mother's prayer will reach from the bottom of the sea" is a truth that is relevant at all times, confirmed by countless examples of the amazing power and effectiveness of the prayers of millions of mothers. Holy motherly love is able to overcome any obstacles, achieve the impossible and work real miracles.

Mother's word is especially powerful. There is nothing lighter and more selfless than a mother's love. From the first birthday of the child, the mother lives with his breath, his tears and smiles. The child needs a mother. This is the meaning of her life. Love for her baby is as natural for her as the blossoming of gardens in spring. As the sun sends out its rays, warming all living things, so the mother's love warms the child. The mother introduces the child to life. In his mouth she puts her native language, which has absorbed the wealth of the mind, thoughts and feelings of the people. She fills him with spiritual strength, helps to comprehend eternal values.

Many good believing mothers have had to worry about their children dying in the whirlpool of a vicious, confused life. Some had to spend many years in sorrow, humbly waiting and hoping. Their holy tears and prayers were not in vain.

In case of illness of children, you can pray not only to Christ and the Mother of God, but also to numerous Orthodox saints... Among them, St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, the Martyr Tryphon, the Great Martyr Panteleimon, Blessed Xenia of Petersburg, St. Matrona of Moscow and many others are famous for their special help.

3:3322 3:4

If Prayer Doesn't Help


Sometimes the help expected from God never comes, as if He does not hear prayers. But you shouldn't despair anyway. From the point of view of the Christian meaning of life, it is better for some people to die in time and be saved for Eternal Life than to survive, but then ruin their souls. God does not have anything accidental, and He takes a person to Himself at the moment of his best spiritual state and the greatest readiness for salvation in Eternity. Or when the spiritual fall is already irreversible.

And it also happens that God, it would seem, for years ignores the pleas of a mother asking to help her child in trouble, but in the end the story has a good ending. And the reason for "deafness" is the desire of God to correct a person, for whom premature indulgences can only do a disservice.


Mother's prayer for her child

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, prayers for the sake of Thy Most Pure Mother, hear me, sinful and unworthy of Thy servant (name).
Lord, in the mercy of Your power my child (name), have mercy and save him for Your name's sake.
Lord, forgive him all the sins, voluntary and involuntary, committed by him before You.
Lord, instruct him on the true path of Thy commandments and enlighten him and enlighten with Thy light of Christ, for the salvation of the soul and the healing of the body.
Lord, bless him in the house, near the house, in the field, at work and on the road, and in every place of your possession.
Lord, save him under the protection of Your Saint from a flying bullet, arrow, knife, sword, poison, fire, flood, from a deadly ulcer and from vain death.
Lord, protect him from the visible and invisible enemies, from all sorts of troubles, evil and misfortune.
Lord, heal him from all diseases, cleanse him of all filth (wine, tobacco, drugs) and ease his mental suffering and sorrow.
Lord, grant him the grace of the Holy Spirit for many years of life and health, chastity.
Lord, give him Your blessing for a godly family life and godly procreation.
Lord, grant me, too, an unworthy and sinful servant of Thy, a parental blessing on my child in the coming mornings, days, evenings and nights, for Thy name's sake, for Thy Kingdom is eternal, omnipotent and omnipotent. Amen.
Lord have mercy. (12 times.)

O Most Holy Lady the Virgin Mary, save and preserve under Thy shelter my children (names), all youths, young women and babies, baptized and nameless, and worn in the womb of the mother. Cover them with the robe of Your motherhood, keep them in the fear of God and obedience to your parents, pray to my Lord and Your Son, that he may grant them useful things for their salvation. I entrust them to Thy motherly look, as Thou art the Divine cover for Thy servants.

Lord Jesus Christ, wake Your mercy on my children (names), preserve them under Your roof, cover from every evil lust, drive away every enemy and adversary from them, open their ears and eyes of the heart, grant tenderness and humility to their hearts.

Lord, we are all Your creation, have pity on my children (names) and turn them to repentance.
Save, Lord, and have mercy on my children (names) and enlighten their minds with the light of the mind of Your Gospel and guide them on the path of Your Commandments and teach them. Savior, do Thy will, as Thou art our God.



Daily prayer for a child:

Lord Jesus Christ, wake Thy mercy on my child (name), preserve him under Thy roof, cover from every evil lust, drive away every enemy and adversary from them, open his ears and eyes of the heart, grant tenderness and humility to their hearts. Lord, we are all your creation, have pity on my child (name) and turn him to repentance. Save, Lord, and have mercy on my child (name), and enlighten his mind with the light of the mind of Thy Gospel, and guide him on the path of Thy commandments, and teach him, Savior, to do Thy will, as Thou art our God.

Do not forget to contact your child's Guardian Angel.



Prayer to the Guardian Angel for children

Holy Angel to the guardian of my child (name), cover her with your cover from the arrows of the demon, from the eyes of the seducer and keep her heart in angelic purity. Amen.

8:349 8:354

9:858 9:863

There is also a parental prayer "For the blessing of children"

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, bless, sanctify, preserve my child by the power of Thy Life-giving Cross. Amen.



There is also a special maternal prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos.

O Most Holy Lady the Virgin Mary, save and preserve under Your shelter my children (names), all the youths, young women and babies, baptized and nameless and carried in the womb of the mother. Cover them with the robe of Your motherhood, keep them in the fear of God and in obedience to your parents, pray to my Lord and Your Son, that he may grant them useful things for their salvation. I entrust them to Thy Mother's gaze, as Thou art the Divine Cover for Thy servants. Mother of God, lead me into the image of Your heavenly Motherhood. Heal the mental and physical wounds of my children (names), inflicted by my sins. I entrust my child entirely to my Lord, Jesus Christ and Yours, Most Pure, heavenly protection. Amen.

10:1353 10:1358

11:1864 11:4

Prayers for the health of the child

Prayer to Jesus Christ for children (Prayer for cover)

Lord Jesus Christ, may Thy mercy be on my children (names), keep them under Thy roof, cover them from all evil, take every enemy away from them, open their ears and eyes, grant tenderness and humility to their hearts.

Lord, we are all Thy creatures, have pity on my children (names) and turn them to repentance. Save, Lord, and have mercy on my children (names), and enlighten their minds with the light of the mind of Thy Gospel, and guide them in the path of Thy commandments, and teach them, Father, to do Thy will, as Thou art our God.

11:1032 11:1037



Prayer to the Trinity for children


O Merciful God, Father, Son and Holy Soul, worshiped and glorified in the Inseparable Trinity, look upon the blessed one on Thy servant (s) (name of the child) on the affliction of the possessed one; release him (her) all his (her) sins;

Give him (her) healing from the disease; return to him (her) health and bodily strength; Give him (her) a long-lived and prosperous life, Thy peace and great blessings, so that he (she), together with us, bring (a) grateful prayers to Thee, the All-Bounteous God and my Creator. Holy Mother of God, by your omnipotent intercession, help me to pray to your Son, my God, for the healing of the servant (s) of God (name). All saints and Angels of the Lord, pray to God for His sick (sick) servant (name). Amen

12:1328 12:1333



Prayer to the Mother of God for her children


Oh, Merciful Mother!

You see the cruel sorrow tearing my heart! For the sake of the sorrow that Thou didst pierce, when a terrible sword passed into Thy soul during the bitter suffering and death of Thy Divine Son, I pray Thee: have mercy on my poor child, who is sick and fading, and if it is not contrary to the will of God and his salvation, seek his health bodily in your Almighty Son, the Physician of souls and bodies.

Oh, Loving Mother! Behold how the face of my child has turned pale, how his whole body burns with illness, and have mercy on him. May he be saved by God's help and serve with joy of heart Your Only Begotten Son, Lord and his God. Amen.




Mother's prayer for her son's health


Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I put my trust in you and ask for my own son. Deliver him from diseases and ailments and heal a sinful soul from the wounds of mistrust. May it be so. Amen.

14:382 14:387

15:891 15:896

Mother's prayer for the welfare of her son


Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I beg you for the well-being of my son and for his deliverance from death orders. If he sinned, forgive and send down Orthodox blessings from heaven. Thy will be done. Amen.

15:1326 15:1331

16:1835 16:4

Mother's prayer for the marriage of her son


Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Help my child in a righteous marriage that goes for the good of his sinful soul. Send down a daughter-in-law who is modest and reveres holy Orthodoxy. Thy will be done. Amen.

16:428 16:433

17:937 17:942

Mother's Prayer for a Drinking Son


I beg you, Lord God, and ask for a holy absolution. Help my drinking son get rid of his craving for alcohol and protect him from imminent death. Thy will be done. Amen.




Mother's Orthodox prayer for her son


Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Send me good health, intelligence and will, strength and spirit to my son. Protect him from harmful influences and direct him on the path leading to Orthodoxy. Thy will be done. Amen.

And when you feel your mother's grief, remember that you have 5 orthodox prayersthrough which we communicate with God.

18:918 18:923

“The Mother of the World Is a Symbol of the Feminine Principle in new eras, and Male beginning voluntarily gives the treasure of the world to the Feminine. Great crimes were committed in the name of Christ, therefore now Christ is clothed in other clothes. "


“The Mother is common to the Masters, not a symbol, but the Great Phenomenon of the Feminine Principle, representing the Spiritual Mother of Christ and Buddha. The one who taught and ordained Them to exploit. FROM long ago The Mother of the World sends to heroism ...

After Atlantis, when Lucifer dealt a blow to the cult of the Spirit, the Mother of the World began a new thread. After Atlantis, the Mother of the World hid Her Face and forbade to pronounce the Name until the hour of the Luminaries struck. "

(H.I. Roerich, K.V. p.57)

“A great era of women will come. It is a woman who will have to accomplish a double deed - to raise herself and raise her eternal companion - a man. All the forces of Light are waiting for this feat. The Star of the Mother of the World has indicated the date of the great date ...

Let the woman's heart be inflamed with this selfless deed ... The Great Mother is coming! "

(EIR, P1, 17.8.34)

"eleven. Urusvati - it's time to say that this is what we call a star that is irresistibly approaching the Earth. For a long time she was a symbol of the Mother of the World, and the Epoch of the Mother of the World should begin when her star approaches the Earth unprecedentedly. The great epoch begins, for spirit understanding is associated with the Mother of the World. "

("Agni Yoga")

"They will ask:" Why is this age called the Age of the Mother of the World? " Verily, that is how it should be called. The woman will bring great help, not only bringing enlightenment, but also establishing balance. In the midst of confusion, the magnet of equilibrium is disturbed, and free will is needed to connect the decaying parts. "

(Helena Roerich. "Aboveground")

“The Mother of the World, or the Mother of our planet, truly is that High Individuality, whose spiritual energies participated in the saturation of our planet, during the birth of life on it, starting from the life of the vegetable kingdom. In the same way, the Mother of the Universe, or the manifested Cosmos, can be imagined as one of the persons of the Holy Trinity. Namely, there is no such religion, except for the later ecclesiastical Christianity, in which the Feminine Principle would not be included in the number of the Primates of Being.

So, the Gnostics also considered the Holy Spirit as the Feminine Principle. In the most ancient teachings, the manifested Trinity of the Father-Mother and the Son is seen as an emanation from the highest, eternally hidden Cause, and the latter, in turn, from the Causeless Cause. "

(Letters to Helena Roerich)

"One channel, one banner - Maitreya, Mother, Matter!"

("Agni Yoga". Community, 72)

“The night of July 18, 1924. Vision of the Mother of the World. Towards the morning, the dream turned into a vision, which I was already aware of outside the dream. Bright morning. I stand in the middle of abandoned palaces of the Romano-Gothic style. My being seemed to split in two. One I was left to stand among the ruins, the other I, wrapped in thin white clothes, began to move away, stepping through the air, going into the depths of the blue. But in the sky, cloudless turquoise, a bright white cloud appeared in the distance, which began to approach and took the form of a female figure in sparkling white clothes. These clothes, shimmering with dazzling brilliance and blue silver in the shadows, began to unfold and take various forms, one as if arising from the other. Suddenly, the silver of the clothes crumbled into multicolored sparks, which also quickly reassembled into silver and the harmony of magnetic movements - into an iridescent spiral star - the Dodecahedron, of extraordinary beauty and forming an almost circle on a dazzling silver field. This star sparkled, vibrated and seemed alive. Against her background, a white turban, a miter, the iconographic face of an old man with a white beard, a shoulder and a hand in a white robe loomed out of a spiral loop. In front of him, in the foreground on the right side, in a half-turn, is a seated female figure in bluish-purple tones, more real than the Elder. Her head and face were covered with a thick cloth, only a slightly flesh-colored chin was visible. On the bedspread there is a pattern of squares outlined with a rainbow. This woman raised her hand - a bodily one, decorated with silver hoops, and, as if moving away from something below, on the ground, turned to the Elder.

(E. Roerich. At the threshold of the New World. Dreams and visions)

“... and don't you think that if Christ appeared on earth now, then He would not have escaped, if not crucifixion, then the lynching, at best, life-long imprisonment with the mark of Antichrist”.

(E. Roerich Letters in 9 volumes. Volume 1, p. 204. / 02.06.34)



9 . ...Why in the world there is a custom of worshiping cosmic forces in moments of need? Why then the attraction to Infinity? Why then the recognition of the so-called supernatural forces? I advise you to pronounce the Name of the Mother of the World not as a symbol, but as a giving power. I advise you to turn to the Source of Infinity not as a symbol, but as a phenomenon of Eternity, as an eternally giving birth to beauty and creating a firmament.

10 . The Cosmic Breath of the Mother of the World is all-pervading. Verily, everything is permeated with it. Life from the smallest blade of grass to innumerable sizes moves and breathes with this Breath. How can one fail to realize the force driving the Universe! How not to think about the essence of Being! Understand the rhythm of cosmic energy and understand the rhythm of evolution. The essence of evolution is unchanging and is measured by the manifestation of Infinity.

Fearful ends, turn to shine Mother of the World and establish your understanding of evolution. There is no limit to sending from the Mountains. There is no limit to the guarantee of the far-off worlds. There is no limit to the natural wealth of the invisible and visible spheres.

Fearful ends, turn around on all four sides and say - let us manifest Infinity! The heights and the bowels are your sources. The currents of these sources are endless. If people knew to collect the ever-pouring currents of Infinity, then, in truth, the laboratory of life would be contained.

The Era of Fire is coming, find courage and intelligence to accept it. The symbol of the serpent holding its tail is the circle of evolutionary events. The spiral is applicable to the climbing path.

Fearing ends, be affirmed in the power of the spiral of Light and Spatial Fire! Let's say - the Breath of the Cosmos is wonderful!

18 ... ... Indeed, the beauty of striving for unlimited containment will give a rainbow of radiance, and say: "Mother of the World, All-All-Containing, All-Containing, we want to decorate our distant firmament!"

22. ... Spirit striving towards the Creator of the Cosmos, turn to the Mother of the World! Declare what you see ...

36 ... ... The shroud of the Mother of the World will be completed by our striving. A spirit who has discovered in its essence the beauty of secret knowledge, why is your fear of the ridicule of your fellows so great? Why do you hide the sacred grain given to you for the sake of little people? Let's look at the one who is to cover Mother of the World will deliberately react. Let us see - out of all inexhaustible, innumerable consciousnesses, this warrior, burning with Cosmic Fires, rushes to where the power of Infinity shines, here the warrior carries the entire "Chalice" ...

38 ... ... The symbol of the Mother of the World, giving the entire breath of the Cosmos a form and purpose, transforming the core into innumerable manifestations, crowned our Earth with beauty.

Mother of the World- a great creative force in our essence. You lived in the cults of the ancients like the Earth, like the Sun, like fire, like air, like water. You, Giver of everything! You, the Giver of everything! Thou Who Revealed to humanity the great joyful knowledge of the Mother; You, Who Indicated the feat and Hidden Your Face; Thou Who gave us the manifestation of Spatial Fire; Taking on Your shoulders the burden of human actions; We will ask you to return our lost smile to us. Show us the mastery of the sacred Fiery Power!

47 . ...Mother of the World lives and builds. And we proclaim not that utopia created by humanity, but a true striving for endless construction.

49 ... ... Cosmic Justice knows the plan of evolution, and the plan is accomplished according to the outline of the same law Fire of the Mother of the World!

52 ... ... Space creates for Infinity. Space builds commensurately. Communication is necessary, and Matter Lucida is the consciousness of cosmic rays. They are right in calling Matter Lucida the great Mother of the World. You are right in calling Matter Lucida cosmic Love. Verily, the Universe is woven with the yarn of Lucida and the lever of Love. Only poor humanity clothed itself alone with the veil of the darkness of denial!

57 ... ... Rough hands cannot touch the motherboards of the Mother of the World. Gross consciousness cannot formulate the manifestation of cosmic energy. Only by wishing to see clearly can one gain access to the higher matter.

Let's say - bezpovorotno go from the lower sphere to the far-off worlds. Strive irrevocably towards ascent to Infinity. And we add - strive infinitely.

61 ... ... The distant worlds are our clear path. Distant worlds are our insight. The distant worlds are our dream expanse of the powerful Mother of the World ...

68 ... ... The uninterrupted path is open before the spirit and is a symbol of the Mother of the World to the one who has chosen the symbol of Light. But the one who wanders and seeks darkness will not touch the Spatial Fire.

Reveal knowledge of the symbol of the Mother of the World!

79 ... ... Humanity has violated the law of cooperation, and humanity will atone for this violation. Each Sovereign brought the lost balance to the planet, but the human spirit was so imbued with a sense of antagonism that it could not reach the destination indicated by the Sovereign. Therefore, humanity grows on a terrible contradiction; and waves will flood thinking, disturbed by the manifestation of the denial of Light as the Mother of the World.

95 ... Word sacred completely out of use. The sacrilege is made of the saint. There are many uses for the sacred on Earth, but people have rejected the most beautiful. When thought deviated from the sacred purpose of Being, then the very meaning of Being dried up. The manifestation of the highest coherence is a sacred action of the spirit. The sacred link is the basis of all Being.

Therefore, the Higher Spheres manifest the highest forms of Matter Lucida. When even on Earth, consistency gives a beautiful form to colors, sounds and human phenomena, what can be achieved in the highest consistency!

Maitreya sees New world consistency!

96 ... ... How can the spirit accept the concept of Infinity without directing its thought into the kingdom of ideas! When thought assumes the meaning of a living, realizable entity, then thought will show a person where joy is and where truth is. The search for thought led to the union with Spatial Fire. The search for thought led to the adoption of records of the past. The search for thought will lead to the realization of the higher worlds. The search for thought will lead to the radiance of the Mother of the World. Striving will lead to limitless beauty!

115 ... ... For an Arhat there is no annihilation. Cosmic creativity does not know destruction. Mother of the World knows no destruction.

117 ... ... At the heart of spirituality lies the beauty of achievement. Our Mother of the World gave the world that eternal feat, which is the foundation of the Universe.

156 . ...I declare that the power that adorns Our Universe is affirmed as Our Mother of the World- Feminine Beginning! Of course, there are so many scientific examples that point to the creative purpose of women. Those who deny the phenomenon of female creativity may know that a woman is willingly giving. Having rights does not mean those who claim. Therefore, the path of a woman is called voluntary giving. Of course, everything is cosmically intertwined, but humanity violates the laws of the Higher Reason. Therefore, the Feminine Principle is so beautiful! Therefore, the Peak of Being cannot be without the Feminine Principle. How much people have disfigured all the great Cosmic Laws! How far people have moved away from the Truth! ..

170 ... ... Therefore, the Beginnings must be affirmed as guiding principles. Let us accept the principles of Being as an affirmation of the Highest Reason, and the Cosmic Magnet will unfold as the power of the force, the Revealed Mother of the World. This principle can open a true understanding of the existence of Our Brothers, a true understanding of the far-off worlds and a true understanding of those principles that are intended for man to be a creator!

178 ... Urusvati's rights, the beautiful Truth is in Beauty. Cosmos affirms evolution on this formula. Cosmos directs the world to mastering Beauty. Yes, truly, the Mother of the World possesses a magnet of Beauty. And where the Spatial Fire has gathered the fire of affirming its forms, the fire of the spirit is manifested there. When the invisibility of the process is revealed before the fiery spirit, then we can say: the transmutation of creativity has taken hold. Therefore, we can say that the psychodynamics of the spirit transmutes like the most saturated fire. When the centers can flamingly reflect the will of the Cosmic Magnet, then the psychodynamics of the spirit connects the higher planes with the planet.

180 ... ... When it is possible to manifest the creativity of the spirit, which is directed towards the radiance of the Mother of the World, then, truly, the world of higher tensions is reflected.

196 ... ... When the Tara of Light illuminates the world with far-off worlds, then it will be established as a manifestation of Beauty. When the Tara of the Heart illumines the world with love, then it is affirmed by the manifestation of Beauty.

201 ... It is so difficult to define the boundaries between the so-called passivity and activity in the Cosmos. If we say that all forces are active, then a person will find paradoxicality in this statement, but the higher consciousness understands when We perceive all the forces of the Origins as active. The division is so subtle that it is difficult to tell people about the principle that lives in the manifested power of Mulaprakriti. Just as the principle of life cannot be affirmed without the concept of the Feminine Principle. Just like the Cosmos Mulaprakriti is also a world principle. The beginnings cannot be regarded as competing forces, only the unification of forces builds life. And on the Higher Worlds, We show sacred reverence for the Beginning, which humanity calls passive. Yes Yes Yes! The higher consciousness knows the Truth and We are ready to inform this Truth to humanity, but for this humanity must rise to the highest level. Yes Yes Yes! When each Sovereign was to be given to the world by a mother, how can one not honor You, Mother of the World! When each Spatial Fire must be manifested in form, how can one not honor the Giver of life? Yes Yes Yes! How then not to accept as the highest manifestation of the Cosmos the power of the intense symbol of the Mother!

When Tara came to affirmation on Earth, three rays of the Masters sounded. Those facets of the Cosmic Fires can be seen on Tara with a sensitive eye. The manifestation of the facets is so powerful that the radiance melts all the perceived obstacles. We can truly say - the Light Image will give a new understanding!

227 ... We, brothers of humanity, are so fighting for the balancing and establishment of the Beginning of the Mother of the World. When the consciousness of creation is affirmed, then it will be possible for humanity to manifest the creative power of Fire.

Humanity has violated the Magnet of Existence so much that it is necessary to establish the construction of a new life. This is the only way to eliminate the emergence of currents that are now so absorbing humanity.

We, Brothers of Humanity, are fighting for the Cosmic Magnet and the principle of life. Difficult timebut great time! In tension, in the midst of a monstrous misunderstanding by humanity of the principles of Existence, We give the New Testament. We call humanity to this Covenant. In this great Testament lies the principle of Being! Let's say to humanity: honor the Beginnings, honor the Mother of the World, honor the greatness of the covenant of the Cosmic Magnet, yes, yes, yes! So Maitreya says!

231 ... Of course, the affirmation of the New Race must strive towards the principle of the center of evolution. The balance that now appears on the planet must inevitably cause that shift: either the participation of psychic energy continues, or destruction. Therefore, the continuation of existence depends on this affirmed force. Thus, the Mother of Agni Yoga brings the cup of salvation to humanity. Thus, Arhat and Tara bring salvation in building a better future. Thus, We lay the New Race and the stage of the highest merging.



341 ... ... Even the most ancient understanding expounded cosmic laws as striving with two-sided Fire. The indication in the ancient records of the appearance of two Principles is also based on the knowledge of the polarity in each energy. Cosmic creativity can manifest itself only in two Principles.

Thus, humanity, overthrowing the Great Mother, deprives itself of the advantages of conscious cooperation with the Cosmos.

360. When humanity learns to understand the Cosmic Unity, then the cosmic construction will be affirmed. The main task of humanity is to connect the material world with the spiritual ...

375 ... ... The husk that has accumulated on the human spirit has closed the path to confirmation, therefore, Our co-workers need to know that the husk does not belong to Our conditions. It is necessary to understand that it is indecent to show the garment of the spirit as a husk when We so revere shining payment of the Mother of the World.

716 ... Our principle of fire is so intense that creativity is directed towards the Source of Fire. And the Mother of the World directs her rays to Our spheres. Only Our approximations will give the planet evolution and decide the construction, therefore the evolutionary battle will decide Our victory; so every stone brought by the enemy will give a step to victory. Thus, verily, We use every obstacle. Truly great creativity. The Tara of Fire will give humanity a new science.

879 ... The phenomenon of life in Cosmos cannot exist without the vital forces given by the Beginnings. Of course, the forces of the Principles spiritualize the forces. Therefore, the Power of the Mother of the World saturates all spaces.


130 ... "Impossible Brotherhood on Earth!" - exclaim those filled with selfhood. “Brotherhood on Earth is impossible,” the dark destroyers will say. “Brotherhood on Earth is impossible,” the weak-willed whisper. So many voices try to deny the Fundamentals of Being. But how many true Brotherhoods lived in different eras, and nothing could stop their existence. If people do not see something, then it does not exist for them. Such ignorance can be traced from ancient times to the present. Nothing can force a person to see who does not want to see. It's time to understand that not only the visible exists, but the World is full of invisible realities.

134 ... People who carry fraternal cooperation within themselves can be observed from early childhood. Usually they differ sharply from everything around them. Their observation is high and their impressionability is strong. They are not satisfied with mediocrity and are lonely among the common pleasures. It can be seen that they, as it were, carry some kind of internal task. They can see and notice a lot in their minds. They are usually merciful, as if remembering the value of this quality. They are indignant at the rudeness of their treatment, as if they understand the meanness of such a property. They are concentrated in their favorite subjects, but they are surrounded by envy and ill will, like people who are misunderstood and alien to the environment. It is not easy to live with heightened consciousness, but it cannot be satisfied amid the denial of everything that leads to the Light.

Such a select few do not always meet. They are not often recognized. They have a dream brought from afar, which for other people will sometimes border on madness. From antiquity came the name of the sacred madness. Wisdom has often been described as madness. This is what people call every heightened consciousness. We will not consider these axioms generally known, for they are the ones that remain neglected for centuries.

It is so difficult for the concept of Brotherhood to enter consciousness.

166 ... Let us reaffirm the distinction between cooperation and Brotherhood. I hear bewilderment - as if both concepts are identical. But their steps are different. Cooperation is certainly expressed in external action, but Brotherhood is born in the depths of consciousness. Co-workers may differ in the degree of consciousness, but the brothers will sense each other precisely by consciousness. The brothers may not have a common external work, but their thinking will be tightly welded. They will be freely united, their union will not be a yoke or a bondage. But it is the brothers who will understand unity as powerful engine for the good of the World. It is impossible to limit such unity, for it will be based on love. Thus cooperation will be a preparation for the perception of the Brotherhood.

175 . Great Service everywhere causes much perplexity. Usually people imagine it as something unattainable. They hope that the responsibility for such a Service will pass them. But let's look back at some of the great Servants. Let's see if They were inaccessible supermen? Pythagoras and Plato, and Boehme, and Paracelsus, and Thomas Vaughan were people who carried their lamps among brothers, in the midst of life under a hail of misunderstanding and reproach. Everyone could approach them, but only a few were able to see the supermundane radiance under the face of the earth. One can name the great Servants of the East and West, and the North and the South. You can read their biographies, but everywhere we feel that the supermundane radiance manifests itself only in centuries. You need to learn from reality.

Let us not classify ourselves as blasphemers of Plato and persecutors of Confucius. They were persecuted by those citizens who were considered the decoration of the country. So the World raised a hand against the Servants of the Great. Believe me, the Brotherhood formed by Pythagoras was dangerous in the eyes of the city guards. Paracelsus was the target of ridicule and ill will. Thomas Vaughan turned out to be an outcast, and few people wanted to meet with him - this is how the laws of darkness manifested themselves. After all, they have their own laws. They are very watching over the dangerous great Service. Let us apply former examples to all days.

176 . It is necessary to understand how the forces of darkness are constantly fighting against the Brotherhood. Every reminder of the Brotherhood, even a small one, will be fiercely pursued. Even everything that can lead to Brotherhood will be condemned and reviled - so we will be on watch.

188 ... The hidden Teaching cannot be frozen at one level. The truth is one, but every century and even every decade touches it in a peculiar way. New scrolls are being opened, human consciousness is following the phenomena of the Universe in a new way. Science, even in wanderings, finds new combinations. From such discoveries, the foundations previously promulgated are established. Every wisdom is irrefutable, but it will have its successors. Honoring Hierarchy, they also honor Her messengers. The world lives by movement, and the delivery of the Secret Teaching is affirmed by movement. The poor will call such progress a violation of the foundations, but thinkers know that life is in motion.

Even the knowledge of languages \u200b\u200bwill multiply the perception of new discoveries. How much more liberated thought will bring! Each decade opens a new approach to the Secret Teaching. Those who read it half a century ago read it completely differently. They emphasized completely different thoughts than those who are reading now. You cannot talk about New Teachings if Truth is One! New data and new perception of them will only be a continuation of cognition. Anyone who interferes with such knowledge commits a crime against humanity. Followers of the Secret Teaching cannot hinder the path of knowledge. Sectarianism and fanaticism are out of place on the path of knowledge. Whoever can disturb cognition is not a follower of Truth. The age of peoples' shifts must especially protect every path of science. The age of approaching great energies must openly meet these bright paths. The age of aspiration to the Higher Worlds should be worthy of such a task. Swara and quarrel are the lot of the weeds.

197 ... Verily, the Teaching of Life is a touchstone. No one will pass by without showing their essence. Who will rejoice, who will be terrified, who will be indignant. So everyone should show what is hidden in the depths of his consciousness. Do not be surprised that the reaction of the Teaching is so varied and vivid. Narada struck the same different sparks from human consciousness. If someone cannot contain the foundations of justice and morality, let him show his worthlessness. Let the masks of hypocrisy remain as few as possible in the explicit formula. Let the wildness manifest itself, for it cannot stay long under the clothes of pretense. In the same way, let the young heart rejoice; it can manifest itself in a joyful ascent. So let the measure of the Teaching also be an indication of the division of humanity. Good and evil must be distinguished, but such discrimination is not easy.

461 ... The Brotherhood is not a refuge, but a Beacon of Light, like a Watchtower. This is how the emergence of Brotherhood should be understood. Otherwise, people often think that the Brothers are saving themselves from some persecutors. No, the seclusion of the Brotherhood is due to completely different reasons. It, like a Lighthouse on a high rock, puts its knowledge into the salvation of mankind.

491 ... The teacher bent over the reservoir and asked the student: "What do you see?" He replied: "I see your clear reflection." Then the Teacher pointed out: "Ridle the surface with your little finger, what do you see?" - "I see your distorted features." - “Think, if the touch of the small finger has already changed the features, then what distortions occur among the subtle energies when roughly touched.”

567 ... People know monasteries that have existed for thousands of years. People know trading houses that have existed for centuries. Thus, people agree to learn about the location of the most varied institutions, but only about the Brotherhood they express various doubts. People especially deny any possibility of Brotherhood. There are many reasons why people are afraid of the concept of the Most Beautiful. Isn't someone afraid that the appearance of the Brotherhood will reveal his plans? Or that he will be forced to think about the good of his neighbor? A whole arsenal of tools of the self is put forward against the peace-loving Brotherhood. The simplest way is to deny the very possibility of the existence of the Brotherhood. Historical examples, given by biographies, seem to indicate the existence of the Brotherhood in different centuries.

But especially deaf are those who do not want to hear.

575 ... Among the millennia, how to find the founder of the Brotherhood? The peoples will name Rama, Osiris, Orpheus, and many of the best who have been preserved in the people's memory. We will not compete as to which of them to give the championship. All were tortured and torn to pieces. Tribesmen do not forgive worries about the Common Good. Let the Teaching be transmuted in centuries, and thus the scattered parts of one body will gather. Who will collect them? The national memory has also confirmed the one that will put strength into the fusion of living parts. Remember how many have labored for the Brotherhood.

580 ... ... Light of Truth, Light of Courage, Light of Devotion - these words begin the Charter of Brotherhood.


506 ... The worm of doubt is a very revealing symbol. It is the worm that is like the bacillus, decomposing psychic energy, and even affects the composition of the blood. Someday scientists will show the psychic and physical feature a person who has fallen into doubt. Such consequences of the disease of doubt will be among the most contagious.

From infancy, you need to use better prevention against doubt. Healthy, rational inquisitiveness will not give rise to doubt, but all ignorance will be the source of the most ugly doubts. Doubt will be, above all, ugliness and, in the end, will lead to betrayal. The epidemic of betrayal is already a planetary disaster.

Thus, the most terrible dragon is formed from an insignificant worm.

415 ... Mother of the World! It would seem that in one consonance of these two words the meaning of the greatness of the concept is already clear, but life shows otherwise.

Poets and singers often praise women, but states cannot recognize simple equality. At the shameful stage of history it will be written that even now equality has not been established. Women's upbringing and education are not equated with men's, and motherhood itself is not protected.

Whoever is the first to perform such a common human action is going according to evolution.

416 ... A woman herself must set an example of unity. We know how rarely such agreement is reached. But if it is said about a single real engine, then it is impossible to remain deaf due to ridiculous habits. Of course, many of them have a historical basis, but these congestions must be eliminated.

With her own hands, a woman of all tribes and beliefs will help build the steps of evolution. We cannot delay!

535 ... One can understand why comparatively little has been said about reincarnations in the ancient Teachings. On the one hand, enough was known about them, on the other, it would not be useful to pay attention to the past. Only people with especially expanded consciousness can plunge into the past without harm for progress. For a small consciousness, looking back can be destructive. People must be constantly prepared for the future. Only in such a consciousness can they harmonize earthly life ...

598 ... Individual expressions of psychic energy are innumerable. The energy itself is still the same, its basic law is unshakable, but at the same time there are no two living beings with the same expression of it. Many delusions are generated from this variety. Pedants cannot stand diversity and therefore, instead of the basic unity, they represent conventional divisions, calling them invented names. Over the centuries, the most harmful mixtures have been growing, and few people have the determination to turn to the Fundamentals again.

Small thinking feels even more protected amid heaps of heaps, but such heaps are nothing but heaps of refuse. Someday you will have to clear them; someday you will have to collect the scattered members of Osiris. Will Isis gather them?


106 ... The main perplexity is usually why people cannot see the Subtle World with the physical eye? But, of course, because the eye cannot yet overcome the transmutation of the ether. Imagine photographing against a window: you will never be able to get a clear picture of interior objects and distant outlines. Also, coming out of the darkness into the sun, we are blinded and struck by the power of the blue light. We multiply these light phenomena to infinity, we get light Of the Subtle World, which to the untrained eye will seem darkness. Also, sometimes I wonder why some seemingly limited people have visions of the Subtle World? First of all, because, if they have gone down now, in the past they had some kind of purified action, in other words, their heart had already awakened once. It is especially remarkable that the quality of the heart does not disappear; it can manifest itself very one-sidedly, but it will still be in potential.

Also, why do women often awaken for the Subtle World? Because the work of the heart is much more subtle, and thus transcendence is facilitated. Verily, the Epoch of the Mother of the World is based on the awareness of the heart. Namely, only a woman can solve the problem of two worlds. So you can call a woman to understand with her heart. First of all, it will be useful also because the quality of the heart is eternal. There are already many different feats among women, but now instead of a fire, a woman has been given the flame of the heart. Let's not forget that for every important achievement, the feminine principle is needed as the basis and essence. The heart cannot open to the Subtle World if it is not understood by a special achievement.


Part two

9 ... There was a sensitive feeling that one had to muster all the courage to get there. There are boring and dangerous transitions, and they can only be endured by relying on the Guide. He must bring and not strain strength. If he breaks his strength, how will he replace them?

The lofty commission of women must be revealed by a woman. And in the Temple of the Mother of the World there must be a woman. The Phenomenon of the Mother of the World will create the unity of women. It is now the task to create a spiritual and royal position for a woman.

And the transfer of direct communication with the Higher Forces is necessary for a woman as a psychological impetus. Of course through new religion the necessary respect will come. I sense how tense the current, how tense the atmosphere, but soon the movement of the stars will change. Even the approach of a friendly planet is difficult, for new rays cut new layers of the atmosphere.

10 ... With a deep symbol, Christ pointed to the children, just as easily we will approach the Gates of Great Knowledge. True, We add complex and precise formulas, but the method of finding lies in spiritual consciousness... It is with this consciousness that we find new ways to connect new spheres of the worlds to accessible thinking - and to the limit of thinking, because consciousness plunges into a bottomless ocean, capturing new spheres.

So great and powerful is the creation of the Cosmos.

11 ... Urusvati - it's time to say that this is what we call a star that is irresistibly approaching the Earth. She has long been a symbol Mother of the Worldand era of the Mother of the World should begin when its star approaches the Earth unprecedentedly.

The great epoch begins, for spirit understanding is associated with the Mother of the World. Even those who know the term wonderfully look at the physical approach of the predestined. The coming of a very great era is important, which will significantly change the life of the Earth. Great - I am so happy seeing how new rays penetrate the thickness of the Earth. Even if at first they are heavy, their emanations bring in new elements that are so necessary for a push. New rays reach the Earth for the first time since its formation.

Today is the beginning of a woman's awakening, for a new wave has reached today and new foci are kindled, for the substance of the rays penetrates deeply. It is joyful to feel the approach of a new era.


2 . Mother of the World is a symbol of the Feminine Principle in new eras, and the Masculine Principle voluntarily gives the treasure of the World to the Feminine Principle. If the Amazons are a symbol of the power of the Feminine, then now it is necessary to show the spiritual perfect side of the woman. Great crimes were committed in the name of Christ, therefore now Christ puts on different clothes... Everything embellished must be purified.


11 ... I have already Told you that the Mother of the World hides Her Name. I have already shown you how the Mother of the World closes Her Face. I have already mentioned Mother Buddha and Christ.

Of course, now is the time to point out that the common Mother of the Lords is not a symbol, but The Great Phenomenon of the Feminine Principle, representing the spiritual Mother of Christ and Buddha.

The one who taught and ordained them to exploit. For a long time, the Mother of the World has been sending on a heroic deed. Through the history of mankind, Her hand draws an invisible thread.

Many examples can be named when even high Magicians left behind unexpected consequences and a desire to find support in the lower layers of matter.

Such a perversion could be called a channel of the intellect and delay communication with other worlds for a long time. Now they are mechanically looking for what is already spiritually predestined. The teaching of the future era will be the connection of spirit with intellect. The flow of the planets makes it possible to speed up communication between the worlds, and the development of the human spirit will follow new paths.

12 ... The luminaries allow us to speed up the path of humanity. Now more about the Mother of the World. The Mother is beauty; World- self-sacrifice;it is with these two foundations that the Gates are opened. The bridge between the planets, the contraction of the race circles, lies in these two foundations.

Why seek gradualness if one insight rises above the boundaries ...


273 ... How much humanity needs to suffer before it realizes the benefits of unity! The most destructive forces are directed to darken the beginnings of unification. Each connector is personally at risk. Every peacemaker will cheat. Every employee is ridiculed. Every builder is called a madman. So the servants of corruption are trying to wipe the banner of the Enlightenment from the face of the Earth. Labor is impossible in the midst of enmity. The structure is unthinkable amid the outbursts of hatred. The Commonwealth fights against misanthropy.

Let us keep these old Testaments in mind.



89 ... The planetary terms correspond to all the supermundane terms. The gloomy state of the planet requires all forces to establish balance. It is easy to manifest thinking about the future, when the spirit knows the connection between the two Worlds, when the spirit can succeed in its aspirations towards the Fiery World. There is no deepening that would not open up the spirit of the affirmed future. In the Subtle World, events are taking place that will help the manifestations on Earth. The layers close to the Earth are especially stressed. Whole Armies are gathered for events. Whole nations are up in arms against the forces of destruction. The Supermundane World will not leave the planet without help. And so Mother of the Worldand the Hierarchy of Good, and the Fiery Governors gather their camps. Verily, the great time decisive for the earthly fate - the Heavenly Forces saturate space - so let us remember on the path to the Fiery World.

162 ... Fiery Servants can affirm new principles. Before each great Epoch, space is filled with fiery formulas. Thus, every great undertaking is fierily affirmed. Thus every great phenomenon of unification will be powerfully affirmed. The Cosmic Construction affirms the highest for the New Epoch. Therefore, future evolution will be built on the highest principles, for that which was destroyed must re-enter life as a great guiding foundation. The manifestation of the Law of Fiery Law will initiate a New Epoch, the Epoch of Balance and Beauty of Existence. The striving to create new great formulas will give humanity a new wonderful step.

171 ... Yes, the Heart of an Arhat is equal to the Heart of the Cosmos. But what is the sunlike heart of an Arhat? Let's say - precisely in love, but not in the Image in which mankind imagines, but not in that blissful love that people attribute to the love of the Patriarchy. No, the sun-like heart of an Arhat affirms for achievement and smites everything that is corruptible. The heart of an Arhat fights against darkness and affirms fiery striving.

What does the Heart of an Arhat eat? Let's say - love. Only this source knows how to saturate the fiery heart. Great Mother of the World knows this Source. Every pure heart knows this Source. How to drain hearts? Let's say - with love, that powerful source that turns life into a manifestation of Beauty. The source that contains all the subtle energies of the heart ...

226 ... Such a stressful time! The Cosmic Magnet displaces and regenerates the manifestation of human actions. Thus I Affirm the New Era. So the dates are approaching, events are going on.

241 ... Therefore, it is so necessary to affirm the Feminine Principle in the spirit. For it is given to a woman to raise the Banner of the great Balance of the World. So the time has come when a woman must win the right that was taken away from her and which she gave voluntarily. How many powerful records fill the space with the achievements of the Feminine Principle! As the Teacher creates through the disciples, so the woman creates through the Masculine Principle. Therefore, a woman fieryly elevates a man. Therefore, degeneration, for without true chivalry, the spirit cannot rise.

264 ... At this time of global contamination, there is only a single path for the regeneration of thinking. It is precisely the need to awaken the consciousness. It is when the spirit can already look back, knowing that the day of yesterday with its thinking has already passed, that the transmutation of recognition takes place. It is precisely the past time that can indicate to the spirit how all energies pass and are processed. But woe to those who wish to meet the future, looking back! For the spirit, burdened with the remains of yesterday, is laden with masses; with such a load, one cannot climb the Mountain, one cannot pass through the Gates of Light, one cannot join the bright Future. So, if the Fathers of the Church call to the past, then the Servants of the Light calling to the future... Awakening of consciousnesses, purification of the Teaching and a call to the future will give a great rebirth of thinking. On the path to the Fiery World, My Leading Hand displaces energies.

284 . In the same way, creativity goes in a spiral, and each life attraction or repulsion creates its own spiral. Therefore, the spirals of the Masculine and Feminine beginnings go in such different directions. The Masculine Principle strives to capture and does not reckon with the human heart. The Masculine Principle builds bridges to its achievements, walking on hearts and heads. The matter is not in the brain, for in its potential the Feminine Principle contains the same fires. But the Feminine Principle needs heart release. When the Feminine Principle gets used to living to develop its potential and reborn its sense of constant giving, the Feminine Principle will outstrip the Masculine in all directions.

304 ... When we talk about Spirit and Matter, we must keep in mind the highest meaning of Matter. But speaking about the liberation of the Spirit, we are talking about those phenomena that can be called material, life manifestations. You need to know that speaking about these associations under in different forms, implies a fall in spirit. For the spirit, manifesting itself in matter, must strive towards higher functions together with matter. Matter strives towards creativity and gives forms and life. And the spirit must especially know how sacred this abiding in matter is. The cosmic concept of the Feminine Principle as Matter is so high and so far from the everyday understanding of Truth! Only a pure and high consciousness will appreciate this comparison. It is difficult to separate Spirit from Matter.


306 ... The breath of the Mother of the World, the Giants who hold the burden, and the Redeemers who received the cup - these three images arose near one law. The accumulation of psychic energy of space creates explosions of parts of the planet. Organisms corresponding to the breathing of the Great Mother will resonate with the explosions of spatial bodies. Could such a shock be an advantage? Just as finely tuned instruments are preferred for performing exquisite creations. Of course, when such instruments are few, few are subject to the pressure of currents. It is superfluous to prove that, nevertheless, it is better to accept the burden of the world than to be innocent of life's movements. When I speak of caution, I thereby Confirm fearlessness, sealed by a grown consciousness. But you cannot build without courage. Without creation, one cannot approach the Chalice. Only the flame above the Chalice illuminates the height of the vault. Therefore, the Redeemers are not hidden for Us by golden vestments.

315 ... The Mother of the World pointed out: “Gather, winds, gather, snow. Do not come, birds, and do not approach, animals!

A human foot will not be established on My Summit. The basis of the dark daring will not be affirmed. The light of the month will not hold, but the ray of the sun will reach the Summit.

Save, sun, My Top, for where will I stand on guard? The beast will never rise and human strength will not be able to hold out! "

Itself Mother of Jehovah with a fiery shield will stand guard.

What glitters on the Summit? Why have the whirlwinds folded a shining crown?

She, Great Mother, one climbed to the Summit. And no one will follow Her.

317 ... The Mother of the World shines on the highest mountain. She came out to smite the darkness. Why do enemies fall? And where do they turn their eyes in despair?

She put on a fiery dress and surrounded herself with a wall of Fire.

She is our strength and aspiration.

620 ... I advise the Teacher to keep the Name as a shield. Not a symbol, not a dream, but the chain of consciousness gives a current of invincibility. We do not know the end of this chain. You do not know its beginning - how the serpent stretched from the bowels of the earth into inaccessible spheres.

The Mountain of the Mother of the World does not know its peak. Shall we be afraid of her? Shall we be terrified of inaccessibility? Or shall we rejoice that Amrita is inexhaustible? Between the concepts of measurability, the Innumerability shines like Light! Shall we be dissatisfied with the coolness of the distant wind, conceived in the Infinity? In the midst of the sterility of the heat, let us not turn away from the life-giving stream.



401 ... ... You can see how humanity is in last years leaves the spiritual principle. On the contrary, many books that should have been directed to spiritual life, on the contrary, go away from the attention of people. But this cannot continue. It is necessary to remind by all means of the essence of the spirit. Finding a multitude of sects does not help and leads people into aimless wanderings. The essence of Kali Yuga is characteristic as the division into joints of the whole organism. But Good mother stands up at Dawn to collect these scattered parts of one Being. Mother of the World attracts the attention of peoples and waits for the Star of the Morning.


1 ... So much has been said about doctrines, but humanity does not know how to accept the doctrine of Brotherhood. How many perversions are layered on the Truth! How many principles have been destroyed! Ask: “On what is the Stronghold of the Brotherhood built?” Say: "The doctrine of the heart, the doctrine of labor, the doctrine of beauty, the doctrine of evolution, the doctrine of tension, the doctrine of the most vital!"

We are Followers of Infinity. Where a complex striving is not available, there the Brothers of Humanity do not assert their manifestation. We saturate space with the course of evolution. The Brothers of Humanity renounce Paranirvana for the approval of human evolution, voluntarily striving for the foundation of a better stage. The goal is not without labor, the goal is not without offerings. So point out the proximity of Maitreya's manifestation!

When humanity, having lost the basis of the Teaching, plunges into misunderstanding, then, according to the prediction revealed by the most ancient Teachers, will come Age of Maitreya!

Our foundations were sent for the revival of spirit understanding, so tell those who do not understand, so point to the Doctrine of the Heart!

2 ... When We pointed out the need to revive Our Covenants about the balance of the Principles, humanity did not accept the statement and established the phenomenon of violation. So one side upset the cosmic balance.

We know the step of the Mother of the World. We know the Manifestation of the Mother of the World. We strain all the streams of the Magnet for the implementation of the Doctrine of the Heart.

I point to Tara as a symbol of the approval of Our Decree, yes, yes, yes! Tara and Arhat carry the most striving Covenant to humanity. This is how the future is built. Thus, We affirm Our striving. Great future!

8 ... Maitreya wants to speed up everything, Maitreya wants to complete everything successfully. Maitreya wants your joy. Maitreya wants to give the gift to humanity by fiery experience. Maitreya wants to transform life on Earth into the radiance of the Mother of the World, yes, yes, yes! The beauty of life is limitless!

9 ... Lady, I proclaim You as a great Collaborator of the Cosmic Reason. Mistress, above all cosmic forces, You carry within You that innermost seed that gives shining life. The Mistress, affirming all the phenomena of Reason, You are the Giver of the joy of cosmic creativity. The Mistress will adorn the striving land with creative fire. Mistress of thought and Imposing life, We show you the radiance of Our Ray. Mother, honored by the Masters, We carry the fire of Your Love in our hearts. The giving Ray lives in Your Heart; life is born in Your Heart, and We will affirm the Ray of the Lady. Yes Yes Yes! So the Cosmos lives on the greatness of the Two Origins, yes, yes, yes!

Thus, the Cosmos crowns Two Beginnings! This is how the Mother of the World and the Lords build life, yes, yes, yes! And in limitless striving, the Cosmic Magnet unites its innermost parts. Thus, We honor the Lady beyond all limits!

10 ... There is a wide field for the coming manifest Tara. We, Arhats, when we ascend to the Spatial Fire, we prostrate ourselves before all the fiery container of the Mother of the World. The container of the Mother of the World has all the reflections on Earth. One of them, the most intense tense, is the manifestation of the walking Tara. The Mother of the World bears visibly and invisibly the manifestation of those ineffable threads - the affirmation of the world's threads.

Let us find the reflection of the Cosmos in the great principle of structure and fusion ...

11 ... The Brothers of Humanity are appointed to build the life of the planet; appointed as Leading Commands of the Great Mother of the World. When the wire of joy goes, then the music of the spheres sounds. When the heart trembles with cosmic force, then the music of the spheres fills space. The Heart of Our Brotherhood protects the path to the Common Good for humanity.

13 ... ... If it were possible to give a complete picture of the course of the life of an Arhat, then Our Image would take on its correct size. Our "Book of Life" resounds and cements Our step.

Each Master has His own note. The era of Maitreya affirms the woman. After all, the Appearance of Maitreya is associated with the affirmation of the Mother of the World in the past, in the present and in the future. The Book of Life is so beautiful!

16 ... People did not hear the prayer that Christ uttered when he left the Earth. People did not hear the prayer that Buddha said. The prayer that Maitreya utters knocks like lightning to the human spirit ...

23 ... You've heard right about dominion. Verily, the Hierarch uses the power for cosmic advancement. We, Brothers of Humanity, have this power walking with the Cosmic Magnet. Verily, I affirm that we create with a strained heart. Thus, let us show understanding to unity. After all, cosmic creativity creates, also straining by the Heart of Reason, yes, yes, yes! This law is the affirmation of Reason. The cosmos creates so much, yes, yes, yes!

To you, the Mother of the World, the law of Being is revealed. You, Lady, We, Brothers of Humanity, adore you. You, you, you! So the merged heart reigns in the Universe, yes, yes, yes!

214 ... Of course, when the black lodge directs its arrows at the White Brotherhood, the consequences are self-destructive and the phenomenon of a return blow is inevitable. What you have heard is a consequence of self-destruction, for the directed arrow turned to the sender, so let everyone be affirmed in the understanding of Our Power ...

376 ... I'll tell the fanatics and bigots about betrayal. They believe betrayal is in only thirty pieces of silver, but they forget that it is in every blasphemy and reproach. One should not think that a spiteful word will not be betrayal. It is often that malice is inseparable from betrayal and slander. One ebony feeds these shameful branches. And the consequence will be as black as the black roots of shame. One must hastily unlearn the terror of evil words.

377 ... The transformation of the world, of course, is affirmed in the highest tension. All perturbations, all displacements, all diseases accompany this transformation. The most striving energies set fires in motion. Thus, in the epoch of Fire, darkness thickens and everything is intensified in a fiery striving. Evil is created by condensed darkness. Light transforms the world. Thus, in a great time, the phenomenon of universal transmutation saturates space.

Thus, in the epoch of Fire, when Light fights against darkness, the appearance of the Banner of Peace is the basic sign that will give a new step to humanity. So they will unite under this sign - Beauty, Knowledge, Art and all nations