How to use the water level correctly. How to use the water level for one person

Hydro level is an easy-to-use and reliable tool that is used to perform horizontal markings during repair and construction. Do not rush to buy an expensive laser device for apartment renovation! The water level is accurate and will help you create even floors and ceilings. And using it is easy and simple, but find an assistant for work.

Preparation for using the hydro level

Prepare for work:

  • ladle, watering can and water container (bucket or jar);
  • hydro level;
  • sharp pencil and marker;
  • special dyed thread;
  • funnel;
  • potassium permanganate or water dye - optional.

Wash the device with soap, dirt will negatively affect the accuracy of its readings.

How to use the water level - fill the hose with water

Use one of the following methods to fill the water level tube with water:

  • method one. Spread the water level hose well, there should be no kinks. Type clean water into the selected container, it is better to take boiled water. You can tint the liquid with potassium permanganate or dye to better see the height of the water. Place the container of water on a hill. The best height is 2 meters. Put one end of the appliance in a container with water, and place the other end in an empty basin set on the floor. Begin to pass water through the hose until it flows in a single stream. After filling the tube, pinch the end of the hydraulic level located in the basin with your finger and pinch the other end and remove it from the bucket. Connect the two ends of the hose. Look, the water in them should be at the same level;
  • method two. Lower the end of the device with the bulb to the ground. Insert a funnel into the hole at the other end of the hose. Start pouring water evenly into the appliance with a ladle. Then fix the flasks and close the taps on them.

You can pour water into the appliance directly from the tap. However, air bubbles can enter the hose, which is undesirable.

How to use a hydro level - we apply markings

Find an assistant. Getting started:

  • On the wall, mark with a pencil - this is the height of the ceiling.
  • Connect the ends of the hydraulic level hose and lift them up to the mark.
  • Mark the water height with a marker on the appliance.
  • Keep one end of the appliance still on the marked wall.
  • The assistant moves with the second part of the hose with the flask to the next point on the wall and lifts the flask up. Take care not to bend the hose. The water should reach the mark made with the marker, the device should be held still for a while so that the level in the tube is well leveled.
  • Continue to hold your end of the hose and see if your helper needs to lower or raise the hose and by how much so that the liquid in the flask reaches the mark.
  • If everything is fine, the assistant makes a pencil mark on his side of the wall. If you need to make the next mark - transfer one hose of the water level to the last point, and the second assistant takes the new markings in place and work according to the above scheme.
  • Pull the special dyed thread between the marked markings. Lock it between them, pull it slightly and lower it. An even colored line will appear on the wall.

You have received guidance for installing a stretch or suspended ceiling frame. Use a similar principle to lay a horizontal line for leveling the floor or for installing a log.

How to use the hydro level - what you need to consider

Take note of helpful tips:

  • Pour boiled water or settled water into the device, there are fewer air bubbles in it.
  • After work, drain the liquid, otherwise a sediment will appear on the wall of the hose.
  • Check the accuracy of the water level before operation. After connecting the ends of the tube, the water level in the flasks should be the same. If it is different, then the tube is bent and there is air in its cavity or the instrument is damaged.
  • If you work in the cold, use an anti-freeze fluid for cars instead of water.

Using a hydro level will help you simplify the renovation or construction process. Store the device away from strong sunlight and it will serve you for a very long time.

During repair or construction work, it is often necessary to check the horizontal level of a surface. Today there are measuring tools that allow you to make accurate markings with a minimum of deviation. But, in order not to spend money, for example, on a laser level or a level, you can use a simpler tool - a water level or, as builders call it, a spirit level. How to use the water level for accurate marking will be described below.

Hydro level advantages

The water level consists of an elastic transparent hose that connects two plastic water tanks. It is used for the device of a ceiling or floor screed, leveling walls, marking the height of the horizon of the floor and ceiling, and other repair or construction work. Its distinguishing feature from other types of levels is the ability to align items that are in different rooms.

Among the advantages of the hydro level are:

  • ease of use;
  • cheap price;
  • can be used for hard-to-reach places due to the flexibility of the hose, for example, from different corners of the building;
  • alignment on one level of objects that are at a significant distance from each other;
  • the possibility of operation outside the premises;
  • simplicity in use;
  • undemanding to special storage conditions.

It is a simple tool that will never fail because there is nothing to break in it.

However, the water level has its drawbacks:

  • two people are needed to work with this instrument, while one is enough with other types of these meters;
  • long hoses are difficult to fill with water;
  • difficulties in working at low temperatures;
  • the need for regular fluid changes;
  • long equilibration time of the liquid in the tube;
  • the device must not be used near heaters and hot surfaces.

In addition, the water level is not intended for leveling vertical surfaces, but only for horizontal ones.

Principle of operation

As noted above, the device is a flexible hose (tube) and two flasks with a scale applied. The tube length can vary from 3 to 40 meters. The operation of the instrument is based on Pascal's law of communicating vessels, according to which, inside the flasks, under the influence of atmospheric pressure, the levels of a homogeneous liquid are equal. Instead of flasks, you can use the two ends of the tube. The level is determined relative to the position of the horizon.

The correctness of the readings depends on the quality of the filling of the hose, as well as on the operating conditions - the air temperature must be above 0 degrees.

How to do it yourself

A spirit level can be found in any hardware store and purchased at a low cost. If you don't have time to find a tool, you can make it yourself. Stages of making a spirit level:

  • A water level requires a transparent (silicone) hose or tube, as well as a marker for marking the scale or making digital markings. Experienced craftsmen advise using a hose with thick walls - 1.2-1.5 cm. This choice is explained by the fact that it will not bend, ensuring the free movement of fluid. Tubes with thin walls are inconvenient to use: the liquid inside flows slowly, its level is not clearly visible. The length of the hose depends on the dimensions of the room: ceiling, floor, foundation, etc.
  • As flasks, you can use disposable syringes that fit the diameter of the tube. With it, cones are cut off, connecting to the edges of the tube. Syringes are convenient because they already have ready-made markings with divisions. Syringe pistons can be used as plugs when transferring the hydraulic level from one location to another.
  • You do not need to use flasks, but simply make a marking with a marker on both ends of the hose. If it is made of an opaque material, transparent pieces of plastic or glass should be fixed in these areas.
  • The tube is filled with water. For convenience, the liquid can be tinted with potassium permanganate or other dye.
  • As the tube fills with water, any air bubbles that arise should be released. This can be done by shaking the entire length of the hose two or three times.

Qualitative indications will be when using boiled, filtered water.

How to use

Before starting work with a spirit level, you should consider some recommendations:

  • The accuracy of the readings can be affected by the abundance of water bubbles in the hose, which distort the marking results. Therefore, it is recommended to use only clean, settled liquid.
  • Both ends of the hydro level are installed side by side, while the water must be at the same level in them. If the marks are different, then there is air in the hose or it is twisted somewhere. For this reason, the old hose does not provide accurate readings.
  • During operation, do not bend or step on the tube.
  • To calculate the optimal hose length, it must be borne in mind that the spirit level must descend vertically along the wall and lie down freely on the floor. During marking, it should not be too tight.
  • Always drain the water after using the tool. To keep the liquid transparent for a long time, sometimes a little alcohol is added there.

Working with the tool is simple, but requires care, and is carried out as follows:

  • At a height of about two meters, place a container with water, into which one end of the spirit level is lowered. The other end should be on the floor in another container.
  • Water is passed through the hose so that it moves freely inside it. When it is completely filled with liquid, one end (the one that is at the bottom) must be pinched with your finger, then remove the one that is placed in the container at a height, and also pinch it. After that, both parts of the tube are connected, while the water levels should be the same.
  • On one of the walls at a height of 1.5 meters, the starting point of the marking is applied - a clear horizontal line.
  • One end of the hydraulic level is applied to this mark, fixed on an adhesive tape, if the measurement is made without a partner.
  • The other end of the spirit level is transferred to the second wall and applied at the same height as the first time - at the level of 1.5 meters. The height of the second end of the tool is adjusted so that the liquid level in the first flask coincides with the mark on the wall.
  • The second mark, obtained with the second bulb, gives the desired height. In the same way, you can draw intermediate points, and then connect them into a solid line.

At the end of the procedure, you need to measure the desired distance from the marking line, apply another one around the perimeter of the room, marking the ideal level of the floor covering.

You can use a regular funnel to fill the tube with water. It is not recommended to use water from the tap because of air bubbles in the jet and the difficulty of regulating the flow.

A great alternative to hydro level - laser level -
How to use the hydro level!
In our age, when we use the latest technical devices during construction, such as a laser level, the old proven tools go into pitch shadow! Fewer and fewer ordinary people know how, and even wants to know, how the construction plumb line, the hydro level and the square are arranged ... This is impossible - this is not right! And the channel "Guys from the Stone" does not want to forget the developments of our predecessors in construction ... Vivid video №97 - "How to use the hydro level"!
The hydraulic level is a seemingly unpretentious flexible hose and nothing more, if, of course, you are not familiar with the works of Pascal. That's right, the law of communicating vessels in action! With this knowledge, the hose (hydraulic level) easily turns into a full-time tool for finding the horizon!
When building a foundation in an open space - the laser level is useless, with dead batteries - it will not work with the laser ... And our work should not be stopped!
Watch video # 97 "How to use the hydro level", do not forget the instructions of the Masons!

Instagram is a young portal, but photos about working with a hydro level will do -
Yo, for you and only you, a video on how to properly use the hydraulic level when pouring a foundation -
And Vkontakte is now all on the ears! Video # 97 about the hydraulic level gripper -

The collection of our channel is simply amazing! For the video about hydrachka, we offer three more editions that you need at your construction site:
# 1 Working with the hydro level will help you decide where to start repairs wherever you want -
№16 Where there is a hydro level, there is an old plumb line, and a video on how to use it correctly -
№55 And a video about the direct rival of the hydro level! How to use a laser level! Go for it! -

Oh, hydro level! We remember how to work with you!

How to use the hydro level!
In our age, when in the construction we use the latest technical devices, such as laser level, the old proven tools go into total shadow! Fewer ordinary people can, and wants to know how the dispensation plummet, hydro level and square ... So you can not - it’s not prvilno! And the channel "Men of Stone" does not want to forget the achievements of our predecessors in the construction of ... Bright Video # 97 - "How to use the hydro level"!
Gidrouroven seemingly simple hose and no more than that, if you are, of course, are not familiar with the works of Pascal. That’s right, the law soobschayaschihsya vessels in action!

Water level. How to use a hydro level with your own hands

Apartment renovation »Tool» Hand tool »Water level. How to use a hydro level with your own hands

You need to make horizontal markings along the wall and you are thinking with which tool it is best to do this, so that there are no deviations and, as a result, the required surface is perfectly flat.

For these purposes, a water level is suitable, which is often also called a hydro level. In this article, we will look at how to make and use this DIY measuring tool.

First of all, how does this beast, which is sometimes called "spirit level", look? The design is simple ... It consists of a long hollow transparent hose with a diameter of 1-1.5 cm, at both ends of which it is fixed along a measuring flask with graduations.

How to make a water level with your own hands?

Nothing complicated either.

Buy a hose at a hardware store with a length of 10-15 meters. Place marks at both ends of the hose at the same distance. Fill the hose with water. Ever sucked gasoline from a tank? The principle is the same.

By and large, you can not bother and buy a "spirit level" in any system store. It costs a penny: 100-150 rubles.

Thanks to the use of water in this tool, you will be able to perform horizontal marking with perfect accuracy.

Note that there are pitfalls here.

If the hydro level is not properly prepared, it will incorrectly show the desired points. Therefore, after filling it with water, release all air bubbles from the hose.

How to do it?

As easy as pie Find the middle of your hose. Press it down with your foot ... and lift it up by the two ends. The bubbles also go up accordingly. Further, by analogy ... you lower the place where the air rose to the floor ... and so on, until the bubbles reach the end.

Basically everything ... Now how to use the hydro level?

The device operates on the principle of communicating vessels.

That is, the water level in one flask must match the level in the other. Then the line is straight.

For example, you need to make markings for the future floor on the logs ... We put a mark on the wall at a distance of one meter from the floor.

Place one end of the tool against the previously made mark.

Place the other end in another corner of the room (or you need the help of a second person or attach the first end to the wall with masking tape). The level is determined as follows. The tube near the first mark remains stationary. Instead, you need to adjust the position of the second test tube - when the water level in the first flask coincides with the mark on the wall, at the other end of the instrument you need to make a second mark also opposite the water level in the flask (see photo above).

All other points are determined in the same way. Once you have made the required number of marks, connect them with a solid line.

It remains only to measure down from each mark, for example, 95 cm and make marks around the entire perimeter.

Again, we connect them with a solid line. All. Marking on the water level under the floor on the logs is ready

I hope you have no questions left. If something is not clear, feel free to ask in the comments.


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How to choose a building level: the application of this or that level in practice

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    How to use the hydro level

    Hydro level is a simple and reliable tool used during repair and construction works for horizontal marking. Its design is rather primitive: a transparent hose filled with liquid, with flasks at both ends, so everyone can make a hydro level with their own hands.

    Scope of application and principle of operation

    The hydro level is used to mark walls for shelves, in the process of installing a screed or leveling walls and floors, when installing a stretch ceiling, pasting walls with wallpaper and other works.

    The principle of operation of the instrument is based on the principle of communicating vessels: the water level in interconnected containers will be the same.

    Self-made tool

    To make a hydro level with your own hands, you will need:

    • transparent hose or tube with a diameter of 5 to 20 mm;
    • 2 medical syringes of the same volume;
    • containers with warm soapy water and clean;
    • stationery knife;
    • marker for marking.

    The length of the tube is chosen based on the area of \u200b\u200bthe room in which the instrument is going to be used - a tube that is too long will get confused, and too short is not enough for measurements.

    Assembly procedure:

    1. A soapy solution is poured into the tube to clean the inner surfaces of dust and dirt.
    2. The needles are removed from the medical syringes, the pistons are taken out, the cones on which the needle is attached are cut using a clerical knife.

      The syringes will act as the side flasks of the spirit level.

    3. The hole located at the cut point is widened so that the tube will enter.
    4. Insert a tube into the prepared holes of the syringes.
    5. The zero point is marked on the flasks (the middle of the tank, for example).

      Syringe markings will help you do this accurately.

    6. Water is poured into the spirit level. By squeezing the hose in the center and lifting the free end upward, air bubbles are released from the tube.

    The ready-to-use device must be free of air bubbles in the hose, and the liquid in the reservoirs at the ends of the tube must be at the same level.

    Since it is sometimes necessary to work with the hydro level in the open air at subzero temperatures, instead of water, in this case, an anti-freeze fluid for a car is used.

    It is also allowed to use a colored solution (water with a coloring pigment), this helps to better see the water level in the hose.

    After the end of the work, the liquid from the hydro level must be drained.

    Rules for using the hydro level

    For convenience and to obtain more accurate results, 2 people should work with the hydro level.

    Mark the starting point. To draw a horizontal line, you need to transfer this point to another section of the wall.

    The first person holds one end of the level at a given mark, the second takes the other part of the level and moves to the opposite end of the wall.

    He applies the tube with the flask to the surface, holds it motionless for a while, so that the water level in the tube evens out after moving.

    The first worker, who continues to hold his end of the tube, controls how much to raise or lower the hose to the second so that the water in his flask reaches the control mark.

    When, after all the manipulations, the goal is achieved, the desired point on the wall is marked, then a line is drawn.

    How to use a water level alone correctly? When marking, one end of the hose must be precisely fixed at the level of the reference mark. This can be done with tape, fasteners or any other available method. You can see in more detail all the subtleties of the process by watching the video.

    It is most convenient to connect the dots using a special device - a dye cord.

    It is stretched between two marks, pulled slightly to the sides and released. The cord strikes the wall and leaves a clear, straight line on the surface.

    You can additionally measure flatness with a regular bubble level to make sure the lines are correct.

    Drawing a horizontal line around the entire perimeter of the room

    All measurements are taken from the first control point.

    According to the same principle as described above, they make marks on the other three walls (2 - 3 on each), and then they connect everything using a dye cord.

    If everything is done correctly, the end line exactly coincides with the starting point.

    Transferring a mark to an adjacent room

    This work will require 2 people.

    One holds its end of the hose at the control point, the second moves to the room where you want to transfer the mark.

    The procedure for work is the same as when marking on one wall: they wait for the water level to equalize, and then change the position of the second flask until the liquid reaches the marked level in the first.

    During work, you need to ensure that the hose lies on the floor freely, does not twist or bend.

    Otherwise, all measurements will be incorrect.

    When the first point in the adjacent room is set, it is used as a reference point for drawing a horizontal line.

    The nuances of using a water level

    1. Monitor its position during work.

      Avoid kinks, mechanical damage to the hose - all this affects the measurement accuracy.

    2. After finishing work with the device, drain the water and carefully twist the hose, put it in storage. If you need constant use of the water level, and it is difficult to fill it with liquid every time, you can add alcohol or vodka to the water so it will not bloom.
    3. A technique that will help distinguish a correctly working device from one that gives inaccurate results - the flasks are applied to each other, holding them vertically.

      If the liquid level in them coincides, the readings are correct; if not, the instrument is damaged.

    4. To store the water level, you should choose a place that is not illuminated by the sun's rays, so that the material of the hose remains transparent and does not cloud over time.

    Having learned how to use the water level, you can use this useful tool when carrying out repair and construction work.

    A bubble level, or, more correctly, an alcohol level, is an instrument that is a rail with transparent inserts - "eyes".

    At the construction site it is called simply "level". There are other types - a hydro level (a tube with water), at a construction site called "spirit level" and laser, in abbreviated form - "laser". How to use building levels of other types is described in the corresponding sections.

    "Eyes" are flasks with a colored liquid (alcohol) in which a bubble floats.

    The most preferable levels are with a metal case - they are both reliable in operation and are not afraid of water, because they are made mainly of non-corrosive alloys, and are less sensitive to mechanical damage, which, you understand, can hardly be avoided at the construction site.

    Although there are also plastic ones - usually cheaper, of course, and less accurate, most often they are provided as a bonus in a set with some other tool.

    Sometimes you can also find wooden rarities from the times of our grandfathers. They are valuable as antiques rather than tools.

    Construction level device

    Most often, the bubble level has two or three "eyes".

    The correct name for the "eye" is the sight. Each such sight is designed to check a certain plane: one is horizontal, one is vertical, and the third is at a certain angle to the horizon. The vizier is designed as follows - it is a transparent insert, inside which there is a cavity - like a tube with sealed ends.

    Inside the cavity there is a liquid - usually a solution of alcohol, painted in a bright color, in which an air bubble floats.

    Also on the walls of the sight there are marks - risks.

    Working with a hydro level

    They serve as a guide - whether the bubble is in the correct position. Levels are used in a very wide range of works - therefore this tool comes in many types and sizes.

    If you want to buy a bubble level, then buy it not in the construction market, but in a specialized store. Choose a tool from reliable and well-known manufacturers, this will help you save your money in the future without spending much on measurement accuracy.

    How to apply the instrument correctly

    It is also important to remember that a spirit level has a work surface.

    The working surface is the side with which the level must be applied to the place that is being checked. Usually it is "flushed" - not painted, but processed as if it had been sawed off with a circular saw (maybe with a magnetic insert).

    If you attach the instrument with the opposite side, this is usually not scary, however, it happens that there may be a small error.

    Some levels have two work surfaces. Never work with a level, attaching it to the surface with the side - all results will be incorrect, because in this case, in fact, you are measuring a non-existent surface.

    Most often, a sighting device located in the middle of the level is intended for checking horizontal surfaces, and located near the end for checking vertical.

    I don't think it's worth explaining that horizontal planes are a surface parallel to the horizon - floors, ceilings, countertops window sills, etc. everything that "lies". And the vertical is everything that is located at an angle of 90 ° to the horizon - walls, slopes, doors, pillars, etc.

    - everything that is "worth".

    When choosing the length of a construction tool, solely proceed from what work is to be done with it.

    Work rules

    How do I use the bubble level?

    Let's consider two main tasks - checking horizontal and vertical planes.

    1. Let's say we need to install a window sill - it's horizontal. We put a level on it with the working surface down.

    The air bubble in the corresponding "eye" should be exactly in the middle between the risks - even fractions of a millimeter play a role, here one cannot be content with an estimate "approximately in the middle" every tenth of a millimeter to which the bubble deflected, at a distance of a meter will already be an error of several millimeters.

    If the bubble is deflected to the left, then it is necessary to slightly lower the left side (or raise the right).

    If it is the other way around, then we act accordingly. That is, it is necessary to lower the edge where the bubble has deviated, or raise the opposite one. When the window sill is exposed, fix it firmly in this position.

    Pay close attention, when choosing a building level, as a rule, it should have precisely adjusted, tightly located flasks, which should be fixedly embedded in the metal body of the instrument itself. In the event that the flasks are fixed with simple bolts, then it will be very difficult to achieve a perfectly accurate measurement.


    Now about how to use the building level on vertical surfaces. As an example, consider checking a plastered wall. We attach the level to the wall with a work surface. The vertical line should be at the top (very rarely it is at the bottom - but then there should be a corresponding inscription or pointer on the instrument).

    If the bubble in the "eye" deviates "from the wall" - it means that the bottom of the wall sticks out, that is, there is not enough plaster at the top.

    If the bubble deviates from the center towards the surface, it means that the wall is tilted towards you - there is not enough mortar from below.

    Working at any level is a painstaking job. Please be patient and take your time. And you will succeed!

    During construction work, very often there is a strong need for the simplest tool with which you can simply and accurately produce horizontal marking on absolutely any surface.

    In order to get a fairly even marking, which has a minimum of deviations from the horizontal, it is enough to use a fairly simple tool - a water level, sometimes it is also called a hydro level.

    In the article presented to your attention, we consider the question of what materials you can make this tool yourself and how to use it correctly in your work.

    In appearance, we can say that the water level is a simple device.

    It is a transparent hollow hose having a certain length and a diameter of no more than one and a half centimeters, at both ends of which a size scale is applied.

    How to make a water level?

    First of all, it is worth noting that such a device as a spirit level (another name for a water level) can be purchased at any store that sells construction goods, and it costs no more than two hundred rubles.

    However, if for some reason (for example, you have too little time or you are in a place remote from all hardware stores) you cannot purchase a water level, then you can do it yourself at home.

    First you need to take a small piece of transparent hose (silicone is recommended) and a marker or felt-tip pen, with which you will mark the scale or line on the objects to be marked.

    Although, in practice, builders work without these marks.

    Next, the hose must be filled with water (it is worth noting that you can use any other moderately viscous liquid, for ease of use, the water can be tinted with food coloring), while filling the hose you need to get rid of bubbles.

    The bubbles can be removed with a syringe.

    But be that as it may, it is best to use boiled filtered water, this will allow you to more accurately determine the required level.

    Since if it is ordinary tap water, it will not be possible to avoid a lot of bubbles in the hose, and this will significantly affect the accurate reading.

    2. After filling the hose, be sure to check for air bubbles in the hose. To check it is necessary to lift the middle of the hose up with one hand, at the same time pull the ends of the hose down with the other. As a result, air bubbles, respectively, if any, should gradually rise. By this method, you can extract all the air from the entire hydro level.


    By installing the two ends of the silicone hose side by side, the water level must be in both at the same mark. In the event that it is different, then there is only one output, or air remains, or somewhere the hose is bent.

    4. If you work with the old level, which is not deprived of excesses, then remember that it will not show accurately. In such a situation, the first mark should not be placed in the corner (as indicated), but out of the blue and all corners should be checked exclusively with one end of the hydro level.

    The last (fifth) mark must be placed next to the control one, and then pull the cord or fishing line in the corners. This will help check the horizontal level.

    Remember, when moving the hose from one corner to another, you need to open it.

    How to use the hydro level yourself

    Use only a well-sharpened pencil. Since we need a thin and precise mark, and a blunt pencil is able to leave a mark up to 2 millimeters thick, I repeat our goal - to achieve a perfectly even level.

    8. Be sure to drain the water after working with such a tool, because in a week or two the water can turn sour and bloom.

    How to use the water level?

    The basis of the work of a self-made construction tool is the principle of the interaction of communicating vessels.

    When the water level in two parts of the vessel communicating with each other coincides, the scales are equally spaced from each other in height from the point that is the initial one. Due to such a coincidence, it is possible to obtain points on the marked surface that are located at the same height from the conditional elevation, which is taken as zero.

    After making your own water level, you can get the same elevation as follows (consider the example of laying a log for the floor):

    1. First, on one side of the working wall, at a height of about one and a half meters (and best of all at eye level), apply the starting point of the marking.

      At this level, you need to draw a clear horizontal line. Circle it with a marker or felt-tip pen, so as not to lose this applies to all marks.

    2. Next, we apply one of the ends of the water level to the mark made earlier and fix it there with adhesive tape. If you are going to work with a partner, then you do not need to fix it with tape.
    3. We transfer the second end of the level to the other side of the wall and attach the end of the tube to a place that corresponds in height to a height of one and a half meters.

      We adjust the height of this end of the hose so that the water level of the opposite end coincides with the previously drawn line.

    4. The mark obtained at this end of the device, according to the water level, gives the desired height. In the same way, you can set intermediate marking points, which are then connected by one solid line.

    After completing all these operations, it remains only to measure the required distance down from the marking line and mark the location of the genital lags along the entire perimeter.

    Benefits of a water level

    The self-made level has a number of undoubted advantages, including:

    • relatively low cost;
    • ease of manufacture;
    • ease of handling the device;
    • pretty good discernibility in absolutely any illumination of the instrument readings.

    All you need is ordinary tap water and, accordingly, a transparent, necessarily thick-walled silicone hose that is not capable of breaking at the slightest bend.

    Also, in such a hose, the liquid flows instantly and freely along the entire length, when in a hose of small diameter the liquid mixes very slowly, which is why it is necessary to wait a long enough time for the moment when our level is corrected, and it will be possible to set a mark with confidence.

    The main problem with a thin hose is the small, inconspicuous air bubbles that form when it is filled with water.

    One of the earliest measuring instruments that builders and masons began to use was the water level. This is the simplest and most primitive device designed to detect the level of a horizontal surface located at an appropriate distance. Although this meter has a simple design that works on the principle of balancing, it is often difficult for beginners to use it. The material describes how to use the hydraulic level in different ways, as well as the principle of operation and features of self-made tools.

    Description of the construction hydraulic level and its purpose

    Externally, this device consists of two containers in the form of flasks, as well as a hose connecting these reservoirs. The main feature of the device is that the flasks, as well as the hose, have transparent walls, which is needed to control the liquid. A measuring tool is used when installing a suspended ceiling, when installing pillars and pouring a screed with a foundation. With its help, objects are aligned, which are located on two parallel or perpendicular bases.

    The hose used is PVC or silicone, and the plastic flasks have a graduated scale. Accurate measurements are carried out on this scale. It is important to say that the scale on the flask is optional, since it can be replaced by a mark made with a marker. Why do you need a scale and a marker on the flasks of the device, you will learn when studying the section how to use the hydro level.

    Due to the fact that the tool has the simplest design, it costs no more than 500 rubles. Moreover, the price depends on two main factors - the length of the hose and its diameter. The greater the length and diameter, the correspondingly higher the price of the hydro level. Modern manufacturers produce devices with a hose length of 3 to 30 meters. This primitive device is being replaced today by a laser level, which costs many times more.

    What are the advantages and disadvantages of the device

    A relative of the hydro level is, which is designed to detect deviations in any plane. The hydraulic level is also called a pipe level, which is easy to use, and most importantly, it allows you to align items placed on two parallel and perpendicular surfaces with sufficient accuracy.

    Before figuring out the principle of operation of the device, as well as the features of its use, let's figure out the advantages and disadvantages. The disadvantages of the meter include the following factors:

    • Difficulty to use by one person - one of the main big disadvantages of the tool, which is solved by using tape or fastening materials
    • Difficulty filling a long hose with water
    • After using the device, the water must be drained, and refilled when reused.
    • The meter must not be used near heaters that could affect the integrity of the connecting hose
    • The tool is designed exclusively for measuring the horizontal plane.

    A large number of disadvantages does not mean at all that this measuring tool is unusable. Before drawing conclusions, let's consider its advantages:

    1. Work can be carried out in the most inaccessible places
    2. The price of the device is so low that buying a tool is not difficult.
    3. The tool, in the absence of the possibility of purchase, can be made from improvised means
    4. High accuracy of the results obtained
    5. The possibility of its use not only for leveling the ceiling, screed, pillars, etc., but also for monitoring the work performed

    It follows from this that the device is suitable for use by everyone who does not have the opportunity to purchase a laser level. If the work on pouring the foundation or installing the pillars is carried out in a one-time quantity, then it simply does not make sense to purchase expensive laser equipment.

    On the principle of operation of the device and where it is used

    As already mentioned, the principle of operation of the device is based on the effect of liquid balancing. Many believe that it is impossible to make measurements with a device without tanks, but in fact, the main component of the hydro level is a connecting polymer tube. Measurements can be made with one tube, but this will require calibrating it.

    The most effective are hydro levels, which use a large diameter polymer tube. In such a hose, less air bubbles are created, which must be removed, and the likelihood of bending or kinking is also excluded.

    The considered measuring device is used to implement the following tasks:

    • When installing the ceiling in order to level it
    • When building a foundation - allows you to determine the level of concrete pouring around the entire perimeter
    • For leveling the floor, pouring liquid concrete does not guarantee that it will be even. To do this, you need to designate the marks by which to navigate when pouring concrete
    • Installation of heating radiators in all rooms by level, as well as the location of shelves, paintings, etc.
    • When aligning the pillars - if a fence and other structures are being built, then the posts should be located at the same level. It is irrational and incorrect to level them with a tape measure relative to the ground, therefore, a hydro level is used
    • When building a fence, it doesn't matter what the structure is built from - concrete, wood, metal, etc. In order for each section of the fence to be located at the same level, you will need to use a hydraulic level

    When performing all of the above works, you can use either an optical level, but the hydro level is more accessible, and no less effective than modern counterparts.

    How to use the hydro level - learning how to use it in different ways

    The construction hydraulic level, like any other measuring tool, needs preparation before use. This preparation includes filling the instrument with liquid. The liquid poured in the form of ordinary water is pre-painted in a bright color, which increases the measurement accuracy. Coloring the water in bright colors is not necessary, but it has a positive effect on the measurement accuracy.

    When pouring water inside the device, you need to look so that air bubbles do not form in the hose. Their presence is unacceptable, as this will lead to inaccurate data. You need to fill in water until the entire tube is filled with water, and there are no air bubbles. How to properly pour liquid into the device is shown in the diagram below.

    After the device is filled with water, you can begin to calibrate it. Calibration is needed to get accurate results. The procedure consists in combining two flasks with each other, and adding water until they are aligned at the same value.

    This value is the zero mark, but it is not at all necessary to fill the flasks with water until the liquid is aligned at zero. For this, any value that must be remembered is suitable. This is the whole process of hydraulic level calibration. When the device is ready for use, consider the first use case:

    As you can see, using this device is not at all difficult. If both flasks are filled to a mark that does not correspond to zero, then measurements are carried out using a similar method. This is the second way how to use the hydro level:

    1. We remember the value at which the value of the liquid in both tanks was balanced (for example, +3) during calibration
    2. We bring the first tank to the surface, and align the flask with the previously set mark on the wall at the value that was fixed during calibration (i.e. +3)
    3. One person holds the first reservoir, and the second moves to another object, and puts the flask against the wall, and achieves until the liquid in the flask reaches +3
    4. After that, a mark is put on the wall

    The measurement principle for the second method is completely similar to the first, with one small exception - it is necessary to remember the value of the liquid level during calibration. The accuracy of the results depends on this value.

    It is interesting! If you are wondering how to use the hydro level for one person, then everything is quite simple here. To do this, use tape or a nail. With their help, the first flask is fixed after alignment with the pre-set mark on the wall. The fixed flask remains in place, and the technician must move to another surface, where the second mark is applied.

    How to make a hydro level with your own hands from improvised means

    To make a hydro level from improvised means, you will need to use a transparent PVC tube, the diameter of which should not be less than 8-10 mm. If you strive to get a device that will be completely similar to the production one, you will also need two syringes. Further steps to make a homemade hydro level are as follows:

    1. Clean the hose with soapy water to remove any residual production oil. The soapy solution will also make the inner walls smooth, which will positively affect the elimination of air bubbles.
    2. Extend the holes of the syringes to the outer diameter of the hose. Connect the syringes to the hose using sealant or
    3. Remove the pistons from the syringes. The holes formed can be closed with tape after filling the tool with water
    4. Homemade hydro level ready to use

    If you need to make the hydraulic level as quickly as possible, then you only need a transparent hose. The ends of the hose are marked with a marker during calibration. The tool is then ready for use. How to make a device with your own hands is shown in the video.

    Although the hydro level is an interchangeable tool, it is still popular today. If you plan to use the meter at subzero temperatures, then an anti-freeze for cars or alcohol should be used as a liquid. Antifreeze or antifreeze cannot be used, as these liquids are toxic. Also, the device must not be stored with the liquid filled in for a long time, and therefore the water should be drained after use. Store the measuring tool away from the sun. With this primitive gauge, you can always easily, quickly and correctly level the horizontal plane.

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    When carrying out construction work, it becomes necessary to determine the horizontality of various components of structures and buildings. For this, water is used. Externally, it is a piece of transparent vinyl tube filled with water. Next, let's look at the structure of the device. The article will also explain how to use the water level.

    Components and design

    You can buy a water level at any hardware store at a very affordable price. However, there are times when there is no time to buy. At the same time, improvised means allow you to make a water level with your own hands. This will require a transparent piece of hollow hose with the appropriate length, as well as a marker, felt-tip pen or other devices for applying control marks both on the tube itself and on objects. on opposite ends it is installed on the same level. It will match the horizon line. To check this, the filled ends of the tube connected together are brought upright. At first, the water will move up and down. Then it stops at the edges on one straight line. For this operation, the length and diameter do not matter. If during the check it was not possible to achieve the final result, then it is necessary to find an obstacle that prevents the free movement of water inside the hose. This can be hampered by crowding in the tube or clogged one end, which creates an air lock.

    Level or water level?

    We will analyze how to use the device further, now we will talk about its advantages. First, it should be noted the affordable cost and the ability to make it from improvised means. In addition, the water level is tolerant of mechanical damage: it does not lose its qualities with all kinds of falls and impacts. It can be used in a wide variety of environments and rooms. In places where there is no direct line of sight, the device can be easily applied in different sides of the corners of buildings, as well as near large obstacles. But, for example, the level will have to be installed several times. Difficulties in focusing the level can be avoided using a flexible water level. Therefore, it is convenient in small rooms too. Even one person can work with such a device. And the last, but one of the most important aspects is the measurement accuracy, in which the level loses.

    A budget option

    The water level, as mentioned above, can be made from one flexible and transparent vinyl tube. But there are also more complex models, which are a hose with Some of them on the inside are covered with a thin oily layer. Small bubbles may appear on it, which negatively affect the measuring qualities of the device. It is enough to rinse the inside with warm water and addition of detergent. This will remove plaque.

    What size can I use?

    The small diameter of the tube, despite its small and convenient dimensions, tends to accumulate bubbles during filling. The readings will be more difficult to write off due to the pronounced meniscus. It is called water. In larger pipes, this defect is eliminated due to the smaller bulge.


    To fill the tube, place one end in a container of clean water, keeping the other below the level of the container. The liquid is sucked in until it begins to flow independently from the free part. After that, the device is taken at both ends. They are held together. This allows you to make sure it is the same and close to the ends. The fixture is now ready for use. If the water level differs, it is most likely caused by the accumulation of air bubbles inside. Additional liquid can be passed through the tube to remove them. You can also lift the ends up and shake it several times. A small amount of food coloring is added to make it easier to see the water level and the bubbles that appear.


    How to use the water level? It is more convenient to work together. If it is planned, for example, then along the entire perimeter it is necessary to draw a horizontal line at the level of its placement. For this, the ends of the water level are bred to different corners of the room and held next to the wall. You can perform such a task at any height, because at the first stage, reference marks are only made. It will be difficult to cope with it alone. After the water in the tube has settled, marks are made on the walls opposite its level. If the surface is pasted over or painted, then it is best to make points on the stickers, which were previously attached to the right places.

    With a small diameter of the tube, as well as a pronounced meniscus, it is worth agreeing with a partner about serifs: along its upper or lower border. To transfer a point to another corner, one end is installed on the already marked area, and the other - in the intended place of marking. During the transfer of the tube, the holes are closed with a finger - this does not allow water to splash. At the end of the work performed, points are marked at the design height of the ceiling above one of the benchmarks. The vertical distance is measured between them. Then the same value is plotted from the marks in other corners. You can draw a line corresponding to the height of the stretch ceiling with chalk between the marks obtained for convenience.

    All reference marks can be made immediately at the required height. However, as practice shows, working on the floor is more comfortable and stable. After completing the marking by means of a stepladder, it is transferred to the required level. But if it is not possible to work with someone in pairs, then a wire loop is attached to each end of the level. It is fixed with adhesive tape. In this case, the opposite side is hung on the nail. When not in use, the tool can be hinged at a convenient location. The flexible water level, which does not require much effort in work, will become an irreplaceable assistant with which you can work independently.