Morphology. Morphological norms

Sections: Russian language


  • Repeat some morphological norms of the literary language.
  • Continue the formation of school skills on speech culture.
  • Answer interest in the history of the development of the native language.

The introductory word of the teacher, reporting students, the tasks is accompanied by a demonstration of slides (Attachment 1) .

Slide number 2. At the beginning of the lesson, it is necessary to repeat some of the concepts that will help students enter the topic (literary language, the norm, literary norm).

The introductory word of the teacher:

The presence of variability of word forms in the language.

Despite the fact that the morphological system of the Russian language is sufficiently investigated both from the historical and structural side, in modern speech practice there are many questions regarding the correctness of the use of certain forms of words.

Isn't it interesting and not useful, for example, explain why the use of option dispute (and do not spit fool ...)justified by A. S. Pushkin, but inappropriate today. How should we relate to infinitive forms straight, swing, transference,meeting in the novel "Eugene Onegin", or the forms of the Multiple houses, weeks,used in the "dead souls", instead of accepted now carry, reduce, translate, houses, weeks?

The main difficulty of studying the morphological norms is the presence of variant forms.

Causes of variability in the form of words.

The instability of the morphological norms of the Russian literary language is explained, firstly, historical reasons, secondly, constantly occurring changes in the language, thirdly, the impact of territorial dialects.

Slide number 3. But most often, internal factors play a major role in the formation of morphological options. So, the variability leads a contradiction between the shape and the content of words. For example, horrible (terrible) refrigeration.

Slide number 4. There were options and as a result of the elimination of the so-called bivalves. Before the verb to arrestused in perfect and imperfect form. The species redundancy was eliminated as a result of the appearance of a new form of an imperfect type - arrest.Now the use of form to arrestin an imperfect one is obsolete. However, some verbs are preserved in some verbs. Slide number 5. So, verb attackwhile remains a bivid, despite the neoplasm of the imperfect attack.Therefore, variant form of expression appear: the enemy continuously attacked (attacked).

Consideration of some morphological options. Messages of students:

On the forms of attractive adjectives.

Slides number 6.7. Mattering adjectives with suffix -in (Mamin, Babushkinetc.) had forms with a brief end. The norm was to say: at the mint of the table, to the grandmother's chair.

For example: - Just come to travel, worship your mother's coffin, and Babkin Coffin by the way(Turgenev. "Noble nest"). From the owner of the pocket there were thousands of three, no more(Chernyshevsky. What to do?).

However, now these forms are actively crowded with full: mamina table, to grandmother's chairetc.

On the decline of noun type towel, the mirror.

Slide number 8. And how to say correctly: " no towels " or "not towels "?

In the literary language of the XIX century. Almost equally used: towels and towels, mirrorand mirrors, Owlsand welcomeetc.

Most of them learned the form: mirror, Dressing Towels, Towelsetc.

In modern language, options are found almost only five such words: fiber, Donets, Kopytz, KORITS, Fillet.

Compare: Several white fibers, soft chicken meat ...(B field. Tale of a true man); Muscular fiber is more than a thousand very thin fiber.(f "Health")

On the decline of the names of units of measurement and names of fruits and vegetables.

Slide number 9.10. Also unstable grammatical norm in individual names of units of measurement (Grammov- gram),in words denoting fruits, fruits, vegetables (oranges- orange),as well as in the names of paired items (socks- sock).

Relatively competing forms of the parent multiple word gram (hundred gramsor gram?)spent very disgraced opinions. In many stylistics allowances, the form one hundred gramit is strictly prohibited. In modern dictionaries, preference is given to the traditional form - grams. And herein the Handbook of Difficulties of Tweets, you can read: grammovand permissible gram.Why? Yes, because too often this option (graminstead grams)it is used not only in oral, but also a written speech.

In colloquial speech, there are options for the forms of the majority of the multiple number of the names of fruits and vegetables: apricot- apricots, orange- oranges, banana- bananas, eggplant- eggplants, grenades- pomegranates, Mandarin- mandarins, Tomato- tomatoes.

Options with zero gradation are characterized by spoken speech and are usually used in combinations with words denoting units of measurement (One hundred grams, a kilogram of orange, ton tomato).

With the same, for example, individual, considered objects or in other values \u200b\u200bof the genitive case, only forms are applied to -One (five tangerines, the smell of oranges, a drawer from the tomatoesetc.).

Slides number 11-15. Word taxi, associated with a car, then with the machine during the occurrence of widespread use, used not only, as now, in the middle way, but also in male and female: Taxi stopped (A. N. Tolstoy. Emigrants); My taxi (M. Koltsov. Three days in a taxi).

Word galife Under the influence of the generic concept (trousers), it loses its identity to the average genus and is increasingly used as a noun having only a plural. Coordination of the Word galife With adjectives in a plural (wide halifa, blue halif, etc.) recorded at Sholokhov, N. Ostrovsky, A. N. Tolstoy.

Word avenue There are on average and female families in free combinations (Association with Words street, Alley): Walk asphalt Avenue; Wide, shady Avenue. In combinations with ordinal numerical avenue Registered only as a noun feminine genus: the first, second, etc. Avenue, and not the first, second, etc. Avenue.

Sometimes there are caprises of a literary language, which often keeps unproductive options as the norm (for example, coffee - male s). By the way, in a relaxed speech of the intelligentsia and even the well-known modern writers, the word coffee is often used in the middle way, for example: I exchanged a tobacco box for this coffee (Powhtsky. "Tale of Life").

The establishment of a single grammatical norm is a long process, especially if the form of forms is caused by alive intrasystem reasons, which determine the overall direction of language evolution.

Slide number 16. In our language a lot of complex words of type cafe-bar, cafes-shop, sofa bed, chair bed, rocking chair, cargo shop, nursery, museum-apartment, review competition, match tournament, march , Theater-Studio, etc. With their appearance, difficulty in determining the grammatical genus of such nouns. In addition, there is no solid rules on this. How to say? Cafe dining room opened (or opened), chair-bed is delivered (or delivered) in the corner?

1. Here it is necessary to keep in mind the following: the generic characteristic of the whole complex word corresponds to the genus of the first word, it means that you need to say: new sofa bed. stood in the corner dress-costume sewn meeting banquet. took place complaint letter Received).

2. Let's try to draw a complex word: I.P. Car-restaurant. And in the parent - vagon-restaurant or car-restaurant? In the artistic literature and in conversational speech there are both options. But the normative is considered a form with a variable first part: it means that it is correct - to incline both words: vagon restaurant.

In one, complex words are inclined in which the first part as it may perform the role of determination, for example, firebird (hot bird), miracle stove (Wonderful stove). In this case, the first word when declining does not change (catch firebird, fry in miracle stove).

About infinitive options (teacher).

Slide number 17. What words in the quotes given do not correspond to the current norm?

Lose life - and with her honor,
Friends with you on the plah news ... (A.S. Pushkin. "Poltava.")

The rest of the bitter young days
Wire a contempt ... ("Bakhchisarai fountain".)

But Lensky, not had, of course,
Hunting a marriage bond
I wanted heartily with Onegin
Introducing the shortness of Vice .. ("Evgeny Onegin".)

Compared to the literary language of the XIX century. Significantly narrowed by the use of infinitives for infinitives (such as: stump, take, say, flower). Meanwhile in. end. XVIII - middle of the XIX century. Infinitive forms of infinitive were given in dictionaries as generally accepted samples, they were consumed by classic writers, for example:

Print an insult (Gogol. Dead souls); You come when I have a garden to flow (A.P.chekhov. Letter Suvorin.)

The revaluation of embodiments has occurred, in essence, only in recent decades. Infinitive forms of infinitive were normative (carry, blossom, etc.). However, options for - t. Did not leave the language of fiction and persist on the rights of the so-called "literary surprise" not only in poetry (Yesenin, Mayakovsky, Yevtushenko), but also in prose. For example: after dinner, Baba began the Gres of Hay (Sholokhov. Quiet Don); Today, the old woman does not bring milk from the village (Provine. Seasons);

At the same time use of forms bring, fuse, get It is now a speech error, violation of the norms of the modern literary language.

Slide number 18. Thus, the relative decrease in the number of variant steam in the morphological stroke of the modern language compared to the XIX century. It does not yet mean that the variation of the forms is finally overcome. The eternal evolution of the language is applied even by the letter and protected by grammatical rules for the formation of forms. On the other hand, many variant morphological forms have become a stylistic language resource and have the right to exist (compare: on holidayand in emergency speech on vacation; Sonsand in solemn speech sons,eg: sons of the Fatherland).

Listen to the Parody of Yu. Krivonogov in the author of the author Gennady Bodrov and answer the question: how does the consumption of what word is attached to the poem an ironic meaning? Is it legitimately the use of the word "Sons" in this parody?

"Sons went to war:"
"Sons lost, tears not melting:"
(from the poems of Bodrov)

Son went to war
And Kuma, brothers stayed at home.
And the husband is waiting for her sons from the war -
This topic is enough for two volumes.
At night will not sleep with fathers,
And there was no peace between sisters:
Suddenly, the cheeks clutch to her daughters,
Clauds cousins \u200b\u200bcousins.
And uncle with these alone
Also reason in the same vein:
- Although he writes a war of war,
He grammar like a gunpowder, did not smell.
They tell him and neighbors:
- if you ate little, you are in the school porridge,
Not closure you are more poems,
Praise our sons and granddaughters.

Slides number 19-25.

Exercises. Check your knowledge.

Slide number 26.

The outcome of the lesson. What did you repeat in the lesson? What was new for you? What did you remember?

Slide 1.

Clade 2.

What is grammar grammar studies the formation and design of thought according to the laws of the Russian language, i.e. Construction of a phrase expressed by various units of speech. Grammar is divided into morphology - the doctrine of the forms of words and syntax - the doctrine on the laws of building phrases, suggestions, complex syntactic whole (SCC).

Slide 3.

Answer questions: What is part of speech? What features are part of speech? List all parts of speech. Which groups are divided into all parts of speech? What parts of speech relate to the variable, what - to unchanged? What parts of speech possess the following grammatical categories: declination, lining, inclination, view, time? What other grammatical categories from different parts of speech can you remember? What is the grammatical meaning of the word?

Slide 4.

Morphological norms are the norms of word ignition when the names of the speech and the leaning of verbs are explained.

Slide 5.

Noun. Morphological norms associated with the use of the noun

Slide 6.

The name of the nouns are the phrases of the prost. + SUB., Identify the genus of the data.: Shampoo, migraine, parcel, potatoes, piano, cello, veil, table, tulle, corn, surname, penalty, weekend, newsletter. How correct? Georgine or Georgina Placer or Platating Rail or Rail of a Shoe or Shield Shoes or Cushion Rates or Mascara; Quarry or Career

Slide 7.

Nouns general kind What nouns are related to this group? How to determine the name of these nouns? "Who is bigger?" Record as many nouns of the common genus.

Slide 8.

Nouns total kind of poorness, tramp, beech, bjaku, warrior, jack, hill, dirty, dilda, huzza, zaznuka, cripple, leierwork, omitous, mumps, misfortune, ignoramus, loft, fell, fidget, gag , Razje, self-taught, orphan, sonia, shaking, clever, Khunzha, Jabed, and others. Verry, Voivod, Raedil, Embroidered, Durachin, Keyna, Zainka (Serious) - only male genus.

Slide 9.

The genus of susta., Denoting professions, federal (M.R.) Chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel visited (J.R.) Moscow. Highly qualified (M.R) Architect Petrov prepared (M.R.) sketch project of the building. Make a suture. Doctor, director, coach proposals so that it is clear, about a woman or a man is speech.

Clade 10.

Are a violation of the norm of the word: doctor, doctors, doctorate, hairdresser, rectors, etc. Available to both male and female option: janitor - Sanitary Sanitary - Sanitary Teacher - Teacher Explorer - Warning Giraffe - Giraffe Swan (White) - Tsarevna Swan (in poetry; about the flabe fence need to talk a winch)

Clade 11.

The genus of the unclean noun M.R.: SUBS., Denotent Persons Help Paul (Porter, Maestro), Names of Animal and Birds (Cockada, Pony, Flamingo). J.R.: SUBS., Denotes of female (Miss, Frau) CP.R.: SUB., Denotic names of inanimate objects (coats, cinema, metro)

Slide 12.

The genus of unclear nouns will determine the genus of the unlock nominal names of SUMS: chanson, Kangaroo, Pani, engineering (scenic role of a young innocent girl), Yankees, Coffee, Koala, Vamp, Referee, Olivier, Avenue, determine the genus of the unclear Naman names.: Baku, Missouri , Congo, AMK, Ontario, Foreign Ministry

Slide 13.

The number of nouns names form MN. I.P. From visit: Pharmacist, confectioner, director, engineer, accountant, doctor, lecturer, locksmith, driver, choice, contract, anchor, kocherga. Tooth (man, mechanism) root (plants, dried seasoning) sheet (paper, plants) Sable (fur, animal) Order (reward, knight) bread (cerebral creek, baked product) skip (document, absence) bottom (barrels, ocean)

Slide 14.

Remember !!! End - and (s) have words: accountants, elections, contracts, engineers, instructors, conductor, designers, lecturers, officers, reports, editors, rectors, sectors, locksmiths, cakes, fronts, chauffery ending -A (s) Have words: addresses, bills, director, doctors, boats, nodder, bells, body, dome, county, orders, vacation, passports, cooks, cellar, professors, varieties, stamps Equal Options: Tractors - Tractors, spotlights - spotlights, cruisers - Creiser, years - year and some. Dr.

Slide 15.

Eating form R.P. Form R. From South.: Tomato, Apple, Mandarin, Cherry, Armenian, Moldavian, Yakut, Chukchi, Shoes, Pantyhose, Shorts, Sock, Globe, Desert, Nun, Bass, Song, Pretty, Meditation, Nomad, Dress, Supper, Intern, partisan, soldier, kilogram, hectare, centner, x-ray, school, kocherga, dream, molver, hoof

Slide 17.

Slide 1.

A 3. Morphological norms (formation of forms of the word)

Getting ready for the USE

Teacher of Russian language and literature MBOU SOSH No. 4RScazazo Tambov region. Zalivina Irina Borisovna

Slide 2.

Education of Padded Forms:

Numerical forty, ninety, hundred in V.P. They have the same ending as in I.P., in other cases - ending -A. Eye parts are inclined in complex numerals: fiftyst (etc.), semi-dying (s), oh eighth (pp), six hundred (R.P.). At the decline of composite numerals, each word changes: three thousand seven hundred seventy three (DP), two thousand five hundred eight-way family (etc.).

Slide 3.

The sequence numbers change only the last word: students switched from two hundred and fifth audience in three hundred eleventh; The contract has been extended to two thousand tenth years. When declining fractional numerals, all words change, and the numerator changes as a corresponding word, denoting an integer, and the denominator is as an adjective in MN.: Two (what?) Third, three (what?) Seventh. Nutritive and a half (Women.R. - one and a half) and a year and a half in I.P. and V.P. have a specified form, and in all other cases - the form of one and a half and a gun; One and a half weeks (I.P. \u003d V.P.), one and a half weeks (R.P.), one and a half of kilometers (I.P. \u003d P.P.), one and a half hundred kilometers (etc.).

Slide 4.

1) To check the writing of numerical consisting of several roots, divide them into parts: two two / stars. Difficulty causes, as a rule, 1 root. If you separate it from the word, it will be much easier to understand how it is inclined. 2) Recall that the numeral 40, 90, 100 in indirect cases have only one form with the end-of: forty, ninety, hundred.

Slide 5.

Semoration of collective numerals:

It is necessary to pay attention to the collective numeral (two, three, four, five, six, seven), which are used only in the following cases: with noun, denoting male people: Two friends, three brothers; With noun children, people: four people; With noun, designating young animals: Five kittens, seven kids; With noun denoting pair or composite items and have only MN.: Two scissors, four days.

Slide 6.

Collective numerals are not used: with noun, denoting female people: two daughters, three sisters; With noun, denoting adult animal individuals: two cats, three bear. Remember that the form of collective numeral both depends on the kind of noun: in both (M.R.) boxes, in both (cf.) chairs, in both (J.R.) rooms.

Slide 7.

Slide 8.

Slide 9.

Education of some forms of nouns names:

When forming forms of names, nouns are associated with the choice of options for case endings. Zero endings fastened in the form of R.P. words that are: names of units of measurement: one hundred amps, Arshin, Bit, Bon, Watt, hectare, carat, x-ray; Names of nationalities: many Armenians, Bashkir, Romanian, Gypsy, Georgian, Ossetian, Turkmen, Moldava: BUT: Bedoumen, Kazakhs, Kalmykov, Kyrgyzov, Koryakov, Mongols, Morderovin, Negro, Tajiks, Turks, Tungs, Uzbeks, Khakasov, Croats, Chukchi, Eskimos, Ethiopians, Yakuts, etc.;

Slide 10.

Names of paired items: a few shoes, bots, trousers, buthars, boots, galosh, ked, lat, cuff, moccasin, pursuit, boot, stocking, spur, shtiblet, short, epolet; But: socks, golf, clips; As well as noun Women.R. On-room: Desert - Desert, Dovenia - Pucholat, Nun - Nuns, Basnya - Basen, Sheet - Sheet, Tower - Towers; At the words of the barge, keys, cemeteries, coordinates, pasta, pancakes, marks, shoes. End of -Os / -Ev entrenched in the form of R.P. Words that are the names of vegetables and fruits: pineapple kilograms, bananas, tomatoes, but: apples. Nouns cf. On -ye, mostly ends on -y: the coast - coast, meditation - thought, but: dresses, mouth and others.

Slide 11.

In some cases, the end of nouns in I.P. Serve to distinguish between the lexical meaning of words: Knight's Orders - breastholders, passes of classes - to have a pass. Do not allow "clusters of the same case" ("Handling of cases"): We began prepared for the elections; The question will be considered appointed by the Director Commission. Correctly determine the genus of inclined nouns, for example: imported shampoo, beautiful tulle, old piano, healthy vegetable, my birthday, spacious room, steel rail, one placentar, left shoe, sneaker, slipper, sneakers.

Slide 12.

Education of comparative and excellent degrees of adjectives:

Correct the form of a comparative and excellent degree correctly. For example: a simple form of comparative degree - more (less) brave; A simple form of excellent degree - bold, composite form of excellent degree is the most brave, most brave, bolder all. You can not mix a simple and composite form of degrees of comparison! A rough mistake will be the following forms: more bolder, the most bold, better, worst. Remember the following form of a comparative degree: Call, lighter, softer, sweeter, Heller, healthier, more beautiful.

Slide 14.

The formation of degrees of comparison Nasrechi:

When the formation of simple and composite forms is comparative (faster, more quickly) and excellent (faster than all), the degrees are also important to prevent them with mixing: more quickly. The principle of work is identical to work with adjectives.

Slide 15.

The formation of some verb forms:

In the literary language there are no forms of the 1st person by units. verbs defeat, make sure, to find yourself; Forms of the 1st face of the verb to eat (cf. incorrect use: in the morning I usually * eat yogurt). Conversational are the forms of the 1st person of the verbs hanging (Vich), vacuuming (vacuum). In pairs to see - see, hear - to hear the second verbs of conversational. Proper the verbs to put (do not lie down), put (do not put), waving, splashing, pegs, bitch, purr, meowing (not waving, splashes, gets dripping, cacked, purr, meales); Come, go (do not go, eat, go), sow, wet, frost, fastener (did not dry, blocked, etc.).

Slide 16.

Properly use bivide verbs to organize, form, implement, etc. (What to do? And what to do?): Deanat organizes annually (does not organize) meetings of graduates of the faculty. Forms with suffixes are mistakenly used, educated from verbs play, wash, rinse: children * play in the garden (you need to play); I will * erased (you need to wash), etc. Cf. Proper use: The play is played for the first time; This fabric is easily erased. Some forms are visiting two-giving: Young professionals are sent to enterprises (or someone?). In order to avoid ambiguity, you should use another form, for example: young professionals are sent to enterprises. Do not allow violation of the species correlation of verbs, for example: in the house they began to wake up: sleeping voices were heard. Clapped doors.

Slide 17.

Slide 18.

Education and use of the forms of pronoun:

Use the right shapes of the pronouns: them (not their own), she (not in it). The pronoun must be coordinated by the genus and a number with a noun. Examples of erroneous use: We discover the delightful beauty of the Kuban for themselves, we comprehend the secrets of its charm; Another group approached, they have a test today. Incorrect order of words in proposals with personal pronouns leads to distortion of sense of suggestions. Wed: Scientists conducted numerous experiments, they (it turns out: experiments) were very patient. Personal pronoun, he should refer to the last noun Music., She is to the last noun Women.R., it is CP.R., the pronounter they - to the last noun in the form of MN.

Slide 19.

The pronouns of yourself, their belongs to the face that makes an action, so incorrectly use them in the following constructions (in their action is performed by one person, and the pronoun is related to another): The teacher suggested that I read my essay aloud; I asked my mother to attribute a notebook to himself. To the personal pronouns of the 3rd person (he, she, it, they) are added primary H if they are standing after non-derivative prepositions (without, in, for, before, from, k, s, y, etc.) and some Prepositions formed from the shortcoming and managers Rod.p. (Around, ahead, near, by, on the contrary, around, in the middle, after, etc.): without him, around them. Wed: Contrary to him (DP), like it (the preposition is formed from the noun). After the forms of comparative degree, the pronoun is used without H: older than it.

Slide 20.

Morphological norms of the Russian literary language. Eating forms of nouns 1. Iniquitable nounsnial nouns, denoting inanimate objects, belong to the average genus: summer coat, wide highway. Exception: hot coffee (male genus). 2. In the modern literary language, the word of the female shower. The shape of the shoes (male genus) is inherent in professional use. 3. The word Tulle of a male race. Men's family also includes words: banknotes, shampoo

Slide 2.

Morphological norms of the Russian literary language use of the forms of nouns of nouns, but among but the boots of the oranges of Armenians Kalmykov Valenok Eggplazanov Georgian Kyrgyz Pursuit of Hectares of Ossetian Mongols Mongols Mandarin Bowarins Bashkir Tajikov Stocking Tomators Buryat Tungus Socks Rails Romanian Uzbek Tomatov Tatars Yakut Movies Turkmen Comments Turk

Slide 3.

Several but Detachment But Ampere Grams Soldier Miners Watt Kilograms Partizan Sapoers Volt Grenador Gran Gusar Dragun Kirassier Ulan Morphological Norms of the Russian Literary Literature The following forms of nouns of nouns in the literary language use the following forms of the Multiple Padget of the Multiple Number (Some without completion, other with the end): a) Words of male rhodation

Slide 4.

Morphological norms of the Russian literary language use of the forms of nouns of nouns several barges, sheets but basen, apple trees waffles, shares of shoes, kegles domain, hassle kocherug, saclay oglobel, candles game Do not stand candle weddings, Herons b) Women's words

Slide 5.

Morphological norms of the Russian literary language use of the forms of nouns nouns no rover knees of swamps saucels of low-level drugs, cereal coats mirrors of the mouths of the lacy apples of the dresses of the shafts of the fields of the poles Towels in the coolers of the coasts of the crankspiece c) the words of the medium

Slide 6.

Morphological norms of the Russian literary language

Slide 7.

The morphological norms of the Russian literary language use of the forms of impressions of adjectives in the formation of a form of a comparative degree should consider the following patterns. 1. Forms of a comparative degree are most often formed with the help of suffixes / -: Beautiful - more beautiful / beautiful; Strong - stronger / stronger. Please note that the forms are more, less, further, more, earlier do not have options with a suffix - (options for wounds, Mean are not allowed in the literary speech!).

Slide 8.

Morphological norms of the Russian literary language use of forms of the impression of the adjective comparison value can be expressed both with the help of special suffixes and descriptive way - with words more / less (comparative degree) and words the most / most (excellent degree): more good, more difficult ; The best, most difficult.

Slide 9.

It is completely unacceptable to use two ways to compare expressions at the same time: the words are more / less or the most / most combined with adjectives in a comparative or excellent degree! Such an error is very frequent in speech: today it was more sadder than yesterday; He is the greatest physicist in the world. Suggestions will be grammatically correct: today it was more sad than yesterday; Today she was sadder than yesterday; He is the greatest physicist in the world; He is the greatest physicist in the world. The exception is forms: the best, the worst. Morphological norms of the Russian literary language consumption of forms of impressive names


Slide 10.

The rules for the decline and consumption of collective numerals. 1. With nouns, people, children and the names of cubs: seven goats, two kittens, five children. 2. With noun, meaning the name of male people: four brothers, three friends. 3. With nouns, which are used only in the form of a plural (paired or composite items): Three gates, five days, seven sled. 4. With noun, which are called persons and have a substantive type: Three entered the room, today in class two duty officers. 5. With personal pronouns: We will be three, five will come. The correct phrases will be correct: three students and three student. But in no case cannot be said: Three student, although this error is also often found in the surprise. Morphological norms of the Russian literary language use of numeral names


Slide 11.

Morphological norms of the Russian literary language. Use of numerical compound numeral numeral numerical components. These are numerals, which indicate the order of nouns, and consist of several words: twenty-first from the family, forty-fifth house. When declining composite sequence numbers, their last part changes, which, when declining, receives form coinciding with the form of complete adjectives:. first, first, first, etc.


Slide 12.

The morphological norms of the Russian literary language use of the forms of numerical components and complex quantitative numbers. According to the rules of the Russian language, each part and every word, from which consists of composite and complex numerical, is inclined separately: pay twenty-five rubles. The main part of the numerical inclined on the third decline, but, as we know, almost from each rule of the Russian language there are exceptions: in accordance with the morphological norms of the modern Russian language, the number of "thousand" is inclined not in the third, but according to the first decline: pay thousand rubles. Nevertheless, a very typical error is, when it is numerical, like everyone else, inclined by the third decline - with a thousand. The names of the numerical "hundred" and "forty" in indirect cases have only one form: hundred and forty. But when the "STR" is part of complex numeral, it is inclined by archaic type: with fiftests, about two hundred.


Slide 13.

The name of the numeral "one and a half" has two generic shapes (and men's, and female), which are used depending on the kind of noun: one and a half thousand, and a half dozen eggs. In indirect cases, this numeral also has the form of "one and a half": about one and a half thousand dollars. The same situation is observed with a numerical "both": both fingers, both countries. Like a numeral "one and a half", "one and a half" also has a special form in indirect cases: about two-year-old guardsmen. Morphological norms of the Russian literary language use of numeral names


Slide 14.

The morphological norms of the Russian literary language use of the forms of pronouns 1) the pronouns they do not correlate with collective nouns (people, youth, merchants). Wrong: the people went together for the election, because they understood how important it is. Instead: they → he or the people → People. 2) Personal pronouns cannot be used as a second subject or supplement. Wrong: Plushkin, he is a negative hero of the novel. Instead: Plushkin is a negative hero of the novel.


Slide 15.

Morphological norms of the Russian literary language use of the forms of pronouns 3) If there are two subjects of the action of pronouncing it, it requires additional explanation or reproduction of the proposal so that ambiguity does not arise. Wrong: Professor suggested a graduate student to read his report (whose: professor or graduate student?). Instead: Professor asked that the graduate student would read his report. 4) Determinent pronouns, anyone, anyone and everyone cannot replace each other. Wrong: anyone (instead of: everyone), a person himself is responsible for his life.


Slide 16.

The morphological norms of the Russian literary language. Using verbs has its own major morphological norms governing the use of verbs. 1) It should be distinguished by the verb pairs: see - see, hear - lay, raise - raise, climb - climb, etc. The first version of the book, the second is spoken. 2) verbs with alternation about / / and based on: determine - to determine, concentrate - focus, etc. Also differ as a book (form on o) and conversational (form at a).


Slide 17.

Morphological norms of the Russian literary language Eating verbs 3) At the so-called "insufficient" verbs (winning, convincing, to find, keep, feel) The shape of the 1st person of the only number of future time has an integral nature and is formed with the help of words I can / mind / should. 4) The "abundant" verbs have two forms of present with stylistic or semantic difference that need to be considered. For example: waving - wax (book and spoken option), moves ('moves') - drives ('manages, prompts'). 5) The verbs in the last time the primary acts shape without suffix - well (mock - the IOC, get used to - used).


Slide 18.

The morphological norms of the Russian literary language consumption of verbs 6) Under one sentence, the unity of species-imported forms of verbs should be observed, according to which all verbs and their forms should be used in one grammatical form. Wrong: he rested on vacation and was engaged again (instead: it took) a favorite thing. 7) In the special form of the verb of the verbalism of suffix -to, it is regulatory, while the suffix - there is a spacious. Wrong: After reading the book (instead: reading). Thus, morphological norms are grouped by parts of speech, regulating how to form words forms. In case of difficulties, it is recommended to turn to grammatical dictionaries.


Slide 19.

Morphological norms of the Russian literary language. Use of communities. Mixing return and non-returnable communities leads to an error: federal troops, fighting (instead of the right shape: fighting) on \u200b\u200bthe streets of Grozny, beat off the office of the commandation. Note: Returns are those that have a return suffix-сфис. Mixing valid and suffering communities leads to an error: a girl who is raised (instead of the right shape: brought up) grandmother, learns well.


Slide 20.

Morphological norms of the Russian Literary Language Eating Perpecrates Remember: The literature are the forms of verpricatios on -B (not on the first time!): Having met, having bought, thinking, removing (not having taken, bought, thinking, removed); From the options: dried - high, putting - putting, revealing - the distribution, bruises - fasten, leaving - broken - literary are the first forms; The second forms are outdated and persisted only in phraseological combinations (fastening the heart, laying their head, put the hand on the heart, etc.)


Slide 21.

Morphological norms of the Russian Literary Language Seaing of Temperations precisely because the action of verprication belongs to the subject, verbalia cannot be used in impersonal proposals, that is, where there is no acting subject, a pronounced form of a nominative case. For example: Returning home, I became sad. Such a statement will be grammatically incorrect, since the action of the Decreation returns comes to adding me. To correct the proposal, it is necessary to either convert it so that the supplement becomes subject to (returning home, I buried), or replace the verbatility to the verb-faithful or addressed offer (when I returned home, I was sad). It is allowed, although it is not welcomed, the use of verprices in those impersonal proposals that include infinitives (returning home, you need to go on the road to bun.)


Slide 22.


Slide 23.

Morphological norms of the Russian literary language Control in phrases with pretexts


Slide 24.


Slide 25.

Spelling norms of the Russian literary language spelling of consoles


Slide 26.

Spelling norms of the Russian literary language spelling of consoles


Slide 27.

Spelling norms of the Russian literary language spelling of consoles


Slide 28.

The syntactic norms of the Russian literary language with the announcement of the subject and faithful 1. The faithful is placed in the singular, if a collective noun does not have managed words, for example, the majority voted for the proposed resolution, the minority was against. The formulation of the attacked in the form of a plural in this case can be dictated by the context conditions or a stylistic task, for example: many guests arrived at the Slavists Congress; Long before the meeting, the majority took place for them (the form occupied is in accordance with the subsequent form of a multiple number for them); Insenko quite clearly imagined that the majority will obviously die here ... (Simonov).


Slide 29.

2. The surehead is placed in the singular, if a collective noun has a managed word in the parental case of a single number, for example: the overwhelming majority of the population came to polling stations. The faithful can stand in a plural with the so-called back coordination, i.e. Coordination of a bundle is not with subject to, but with a registered part of the composite, for example: most groups were visiting. The syntactic norms of the Russian literary language with the announcement of the subject and the beyond


Slide 30.

The syntactic norms of the Russian literary language with the announcement of the subject and faithful 3. The pretty one is put in the form of a single and in the form of a plural, if a collective noun has a managed word in the parental case of a plural. Compare: there are many people in the courtyard ... lined, sitting without hats near the brotherly boiler (Pushkin). - Many hands are knocking in all windows from the street, and someone will break in Believers.


Slide 31.

The syntactic norms of the Russian literary language with the announcement of the subject and taped with numerical two, three, four, two, three, four, the firstly taled is usually put in the form of a plural, for example: two soldiers with cottomiles are indifferent to the train windows ... (A.N. Tolstoy); Thirty-two people ... breathe in one spirit (Sholokhov. But the legends-verbs with the meaning of being, the presence, existence, position in space, etc. (i.e., with the meaning of the state, and not actions) are usually used in these cases In the form of a single number, for example: the three kingdoms in front of it stood (Nekrasov); ... with the hospital, two people (Turgenev) consisted; died of shock ... three more people (L. Tolstoy); there were two windows with wide Window sills (Caveryin).


Slide 32.

The syntactic norms of the Russian literary language with the announcement of the subject and taped with composite numerals ending to one, the faeed, as a rule, is put in the form of a single number, for example: twenty-one delegate arrived at the meeting; ... a thirty one statement was submitted (Sholokhov) . The form of a plural number of this design may be due to the context, for example: twenty-one delegate met over the round table (the ledge-verb met indicates a mutual action that is expressed by the form of a plural); Twenty-one box with dishes that were delivered to the base, got there by mistake (the influence of the appendant offer with the union word which in the form of a plural); 231 ruble were paid for everything (with a formal role of the countable turnover, the circumstances of the measures in the suffering design); Twenty-one student did not appear on the exam (an emotionally painted conversational version, underlining the number of absent).


Slide 33.

The syntactic norms of the Russian literary language with the announcement of a thousand, a million, a billion, a billion, a billion, usually consistent with the rules of coordination with subjective-noun (in childbirth), for example: a thousand books entered the school library; Million demonstrators filled the square and street of the capital.


Last Slide Presentation: Morphological Norms of the Russian Literary Language Eating forms

In Russian, the order of words is free. It can be direct and reverse - depending on the position of the subject and faithful in the proposal. Evening dawn in the punching of the village, // over the gloomy elbo was rushed ... (A. S. Pushkin The syntactic norms of the Russian literary language The order of words in the proposal and if we do not follow the norm, then such proposals will appear in our speech: the exhibition works of educators, parents, children from natural material (it turns out that children from natural material

Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) Olekminsky district
MBOU "Dabanskaya School"
Zhirohova Valentina Aleksandrovna, Russian teacher
language and literature first category
Slide №1

For an intelligent person
It would be bad
Recognize the same
Infexiety, how not to be able to
Read and write.
Slide №1

The most important qualities of good speech

Slide number 2.

Proper speech is a speech in which all the rules of the literary language are complied with

Slide number 3.

The norm of the literary language is a uniform, exemplary generally accepted use of language elements.

Slide number 4.

Language norms of speech

Norms of word formation
Slide number 5.

Morphology and speech culture. Morphological norms of language

Slide number 6.

The morphological norms of the language are the norms of formation of various parts of speech.

Forming nouns and
Forming of verb forms;
declination and combinability of numeral;
Remuneration of functional homonyms.
Slide number 7.

Epigraphs lesson

Right way
Find out a person -
His mental
Development, It
moral appearance
Its characterized by K.
how he says.
Slide number 9.
Words leads
Errors B.
Areas of thought I.
Then in practice
D.I. Pisarev.

What kind of signs are grouped by words? Justify the answer. Determine the name of nouns, pick up the definitions.

Cook, Kimono, Tornado, Hindi, Salami
Pony, Chimpanzee, Tsetz, Cockada, Ivasi
Miss, Freulein, Dandy, Lady, Couturier
Ontario, Times, Sukhumi, Congo, Gobi
Moon Park, Cloak Tent, Woman Ambassador
Slide number 10.

Group 1.

the words
Slide number 11.

1. Words denoting inanimate
items usually relate to the average
The male genus includes words: brie,
Suluguni (cheese), coffee, penalty, ha, tornado,
Sirocco (wind); Language names: Hindi,
Urdu, Bengali and others;
To the female genus include words: salami
(sausage), kolrabi, broccoli (cabbage),
Avenue, Street (Street) and others.
Slide number 12.

Group 2.

the words
Slide number 13.

2. Animal names usually belong
to male clan, but may relate
To the female family, if we are talking about the female.
To the female genus include words:
Tsetz (fly), Ivasi (fish).
Slide number 14.

Group 3.

General Roda
Slide №15

3. Words denoting people have a genus,
corresponding to the floor indicated.
Total clause includes animate
Nouns names, equal
calling men and women: visa
Parvenue, Prothege, Yankees.
Most of the unclear names
Professions refers to male genus even
In the event that we are talking about a woman: she
- Experienced Couturier. He is famous couturier.
Slide number 16.

Group 4.

Slide №1

4. Right of the unclean names of their own
determined by the generic concept (city,
River, Desert, Newspaper, Journal I.T.D.)
Slide №1

Group 5.

Slide №1

Group 6.

Moon Park
Cloak tent
Woman's ambassador
Slide №1

5. The genus of comprehensive words is determined
By the main word. CIS (Commonwealth
independent states).
6. The male genus includes words: university, Foreign Ministry,
The nature of complex nouns is determined
By two rules:
1) if the 1st part does not change, then
Determined by the 2nd part: Sword Fish (railway),
King-gun (railway);
2) if both parts are inclined, the genus is determined
According to the first word: sofa bed (M.R),
Monastery-Fortress (M.R.), dress-suit
Slide №1

1. a) to do with semi-dying
six days;
b) do not stop;
c) this cloth is lighter;
d) a kilogram of tomatoes.
4. A) in both girls;
b) over four thousand
c) several young men;
d) I will try.
2. a) k two thousand eighth
b) Put on the shelf;
c) a lot of cherries;
d) Experienced chauffeys.
a) pair shoes;
b) a few towels;
c) experienced doctors;
d) about five hundred kilometers.
a) the strongest wrestler;
b) healthy guys;
c) forty rubles;
d) a few pin.
3. a) several tomatoes;
b) very cool;
c) up to two thousand twenty
second year;
d) old professors.
Slide №1

Remember: You can not mix a simple and component form of a comparative and excellent degree of adjectives.

Education degrees comparing adjectives
Excellent degree
Source form
Slide №1
Source form

Remember: when forming forms of nouns, the danger represents variant form.

In the form Nouns may have
variant endings; - s (s) and -a (s).
-Y (s)
addresses, director, inspector,
passports, vacation, terema, silk,
dome, stamps, anchors, board,
buffer, bill, evening, voroch,
gutter, millstone, inspector,
boats, nicer, clover, bells,
body, dome, ham, county,
Orders, passports, quail,
cooks, cellar, professor,
Storam, tenor, paramedic,
Flyugher, stacks, stamps.
Obstetrics, accountants,
Elections, Griffel, Drivers,
dispatchers, contracts,
Instructors, engineers,
Proofreaders, Lekari, Elevators,
officers, players, polishers, ports,
printers, rectors, editors,
Warehouses, Fixers, Snipers, Tokari,
Cakes, coaches, fligels,
Flots, fronts, chauffery.
Slide №1

End of the Multiple Nouns of the Multiple Page

- Idle ending
Shoes, boots, stocking, pursuit,
Lampas, Epolet.
Socks, golf, clips,
Armenians, Bashkir, Bulgarians, Buryat,
Georgian, Ossetian, Lezgin, Romanian,
Tatars, Turkmen, Turk, Roma.
Kalmykov, Kyrgyz, Mongols,
Tajiks, Uzbeks,
Yakuts, Croats.
Apples, plums.
Oranges, Mandarins,
Tomatoes, tomatoes, pomegranates.
Ampere, Arshin, Bit, Watt, Volt,
radian, x-ray
Acres, bytes, grams, carats,
kilograms, hectares, rails.
Grenader, Gusar, Dragun, Ulan,
Miners, Supper, Michmanov.
Slide №1

Nouns medium sorts without emphasis
Coast - coast,
Solon - Solii
- Iy
Oladya - Olady
Dance-dance dance
Swords - exceptions
Verkhovye - Verkhovyev, Nodovye - Lowowev, Dresses - Dresses, Ustye - Ustov,
Apprentice -Podmaster:
Roots - King, Lochmock - Richmotyev, Ruffle, Frames, Flakes
Nouns of the middle kind under the stress
Ruzhier - guns
Words-exceptions: spear - copies.
Slide №1

SUD SR.R. in I.P. on-de
in R.P. on-out
Saucer - Sauce, Mirror - Mirrors, Towel Towels, Heart - Hearts,
Exception: Sun - Suns
In R.P. A number of land. J.R. and general rhodation
The end is zero or - she
Wafer - Waffle, loop - loops, shoes - shoes, barge-barge,
Earring - Seagh, Cuff Cuff, Tablecloths.
If sowing. Before-it is worth
Communication Soft: Brownie Bogin
If sowing. Before-it is worth
End Solid: Basnya Bassen
Slide №1

The declination of numerals

All compound are inclined
Sixty - sixty
five hundred and fivestairs
Six hundred fifty six -
six hundred fifty
Only the last thing is inclined
twenty second - twenty
Slide №1

The combination of collective numerals

Collective numerals
Nutritive do not combine
1. With land. M.R. and general kind,
Calling male people:
Friend - Two friends, orphan - Three orphans
1. With land. Denoting persons
Female: Two girls, but
You can not say: two girls.
2. With land. having forms only
MN.: Day - Four days
2. With land. M.R., calling
Animals: Two sheep. (Nelzady wolves, but you can two
3. With land. Children guys, people, face
Two children, three guys, four
Young people, two unfamiliar persons.
4. With personal pronouns: we are two,
There were five of them.
5. With substantivated
numerical and adjective,
denoting persons: two, three
Slide №1


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Slide №1