Examples for addition within 100 print.

Option 1.

    Write the number in which 2 dec. and 8 units.

    Write the number in which 6 dec.

    Write the number in which 9 dec.

    Write a number in which 10 dec.

    Reduce every number 20, write write under each number

    Around the number in ascending order

27 4 72 6 56 34 2

Option 2.


47 5 82 3 68 54 8

Option 1.

1. Write the number in which 2 dec. and 8 units.

2. Write the number in which 6 dec.

3. Write the number in which 9 dec.

4. Write the number in which 10 dec.

5. Reduce each number for 20, write write under each number


6. Are there numbers in ascending order

27 4 72 6 56 34 2


Option 2.

1. Write the number in which 3 dec. and 7 units.

2. Write the number in which 6 dec.

3. Write the number in which 9 dec.

4. Write the number in which 10 dec.

5. Reduce each number for 20, write write under each number


6. Are there numbers in ascending order

47 5 82 3 68 54 8


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The manual contains 3,000 new examples in mathematics on one of the basic topics - "account within 100". Like any other topic, it requires attentive understanding and durable consolidation. A feature of this publication is a large font.
As practice shows, the student fully understood the topic if it decides the example and records the answer within 4-7 seconds. In this case, we can say that the skill of the account is brought to automatism.
Each page contains 6-7 columns, an average of 35 examples. At the end of the column is recorded time spent student on the decision. In the lower left corner, the control numbers are indicated: the ideal time for solving one column, satisfactory and the result, which should make the disciple think.
The teacher is difficult to check such a number of examples, so it is better if the time spent on the solution of each column will mark adults.
To achieve good results, you need to solve one page every day.
The manual can be used as an additional material in the lessons of mathematics, as well as for housekeeping.


In mathematics, of course, it is important to be able to think and think logically, but practices in it are no less important. Half errors on the exams in mathematics are made due to improper calculation of simple actions with numbers - addition, subtraction, multiplication, division. And it is important to work out these skills even in elementary school. In order not to miss anything, it is necessary to systematically deal with the child on special notebooks - simulators. They allow you to work out mathematical skills and skills and bring them to automatism. Simulators are diverse, not necessarily downloading them all, enough one or two people. The benefits can be used in working with younger schoolchildren regardless of the program on which training is conducted.

Mathematics. We solve examples with a transition after a dozen.

Notebook for testing the skills of addition and subtraction with the transition through a dozen. Not just examples, but interesting games and tasks.

Quest cards. Mathematics. Addition and subtraction. Grade 2.

Convenient cards for Teachers of Serbes. 2 options for addition and subtraction of one species. It is suitable for organizing independent work on mathematics, depending on the promotion of the program.

Mathematics. Addition and subtraction in the range of 20. 1-2 classes. E.E. Kochuurova

In different courses of mathematics, the topic of addition and subtraction within 20 is studied or at the end of 1 class, or at the beginning of the 2nd. In any case, the manual will help consolidate the studied methods of manipulation with numbers, in some tasks these methods are presented in the form of peculiar prompts. In the course of independent work with notebook, the child focuses on a sample of implementation and algorithmic prescriptions. The ability to use such prompts in studies will allow the student not only to find and use the necessary information during the task, but also to carry out self-test.

The notebook begins with the development of the skills of addition and subtraction within 10, this part is suitable for first grades.

Mathematics gym notebook for grade 2

The notebook contains not only examples of addition and subtraction, but also the translation of units to each other, and comparing the results of calculation (more or less).

3000 examples in mathematics (account in the range of 100 part 1)

Simulator with a bill for time. Time to span on the solution of one column of examples and record at the bottom in the window. Pay attention to the columns that the child has solved more than 5 minutes, which means it has difficulty in this type of examples. Examples are given for addition and subtraction within ten and with a transition through a dozen, addition and subtraction of dozens, manipulation within hundreds.

Account from 0 to 100

This proper is given many examples of addition and subtraction to consolidate the oral account skills within 100.

We consider it right. Workbook in mathematics. G.V. Bel

The notebook is also made in the form of a simulator, solid examples and equations. It starts from the account within ten, hereinafter - within hundreds (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division), ends with comparison of equations (examples with signs greater than, less, equal).

The benefits will be useful and teachers of primary classes in their work, and parents for households with children, in particular, in the summer holidays. The tasks of different levels of complexity will allow a differentiated approach to learning.

Several books included in the total series of "3000 examples in mathematics" are assigned to the interpretation. Each is devoted to one of the most important software topics that are studied in 1-4 grades of primary school. The number of examples in books is different and increases from class to class, from the topic to the topic. In total, 3000 mathematical examples are offered to work out the skills of an oral account. This manual presents the material aimed at creating an oral account skills on the topic "Account within 100" for grade 2. The oral account is developing the intelligence and attention of students, brings up mathematical resourcefulness and strengthens memory. The correct placement of the oral account in elementary school involves daily and short-term (from 5 to 10 minutes) exercises. Sequential execution of assignments of the manual will help students master the skills of the oral account of all forms: a fluked auditory account. (The teacher verbally calls an example and in peace, after a few seconds, receives an answer.) Spectatic account. (Examples are recorded, and the answers are called either verbally, or recorded by students.) Combined account. (The teacher dictates examples, and the student records the answers.) Oral solving tasks. The speed of the score arises as a result of long workouts. But in the first place should be the awareness of those or other techniques of oral calculations, and not mechanical use. The oral account must prevail, supplement or enter into the part of the lesson he is subordinated. The manual can be used in mathematics lessons, as well as for independent work at home.

On our site you can download the book "3000 examples in mathematics. Oral account. Account in the range of 100. Grade 2" Pretorova Olga Vasilyevna, Nefedova Elena Alekseevna for free and without registration in FB2, RTF, EPUB, PDF, TXT format, read book online Or buy a book in the online store.

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Attention! Preview slides is used exclusively for informational purposes and may not provide ideas about all presentation capabilities. If you are interested in this work, please download the full version.

Objectives lesson:

  • Improve computing skills and ability to solve simple tasks.
  • Fasten oral addition and subtraction techniques.
  • Develop cognitive interest, expand knowledge about the world.
  • Vision correction according to the method of V.F. Bazar.
  • Include an element of advanced learning (disclose the meaning of the multiplication).
  • Develop attention, logical thinking, smelting, ability to reason, think, interest in mathematics lessons.

Equipment:multimedia projector, computer, disc with a presentation, individual differentiated tasks, an electrified handover manual with a program in mathematics to monitor students' knowledge, rebuses.

Forms of work:collective, individual, differentiated.

Type of lesson:non-standard, tune-trip, presentation lesson.

I. Organizational moment

one). (Slide 1) Message Themes and Lesson Objectives

2) (slide 2) emotional attitude to lesson

Long-awaited dance call -
The lesson begins.
Games, jokes, everything is for you!
For work, in good time!

II. Repetition of the studied material

1. Minutes of cleaning

Guys! Today we have an unusual lesson. I invite you to go on a sea trip to the Knowledge Country.

Throughout the trip, we will fix the skills of addition and subtract numbers within 100. We will travel on the ship (Slide 3)

You know that all travelers lead diaries of observations.

Your questionnaire will be your notebook in which you will lead all the necessary records. They must be clear and neat.

Be all diligent,
And the girl is attentive!

(Slide 4) - On the number of numbers - these are the rooms of the cabin. Write them down in the notebook in ascending order and you will learn the name of our ship. Check! Well done!

So, we went on a trip. We will sail for a long time, so I suggest you play in Domino.

2. (Slide 5)Game "Domino"

The guys are distributed cards, except one. Her teacher puts on a magnetic board. Students decide the example recorded on the card. The pupil should be released to the board, which in the left part of the card recorded the answer of the first example. He puts the card next to the first. A recorded example of the example is deciding all students, and the board comes to the board that the second example response on the left side is recorded on the left side of the card, and puts the card to the right of the second. The game continues until the chain of all cards is set on the stand on the specified rule above. The remaining students are controllers. They confirm or refute the responses of students leaving for the board.

3. (Slide 6) Oral account "Mathematical nebula

(work with reduction material)

Need your help - and this is your mathematical knowledge. Please, please solve examples. (Guys consider examples and show answers)

4. (Slide 7) Mathematical chain

Guys, see what beautiful birds are hired over the sea! What are their big wings!

Which bird has the biggest scope of wings?

Find the answer we will help the mathematical chain

It is necessary to solve it right. The answer of this chain will be a prompt

Cognitive minute:

Albatrosse is sea birds. Most of the life they spend over the open sea or the ocean, beautifully gliding over the waves. They reach a length of up to 1.5 meters. Albatrosams have to fly very long distances, so the wingspan of them reach up to 4.5 meters. These birds have highly developed ability to plan flight. This bird can soar over the ocean of 6 days, without making a single waving wings. They have very long wings, so Albatrosse arrange their nestings, most often, on rocky islands, cool rising from the sea, or the ocean. "

5. (Slide 8) Fizminutka for the eyes according to the method of Professor V.F. Bazar

The scheme of the visual and motor trajectories (with the help of the arrows indicates the main trajectories of which should move the look of the student in the process of performing physical scientific perspective: up - down, left - right, but counterclockwise, eight. Each trajectory is depicted in different colors. It makes the scheme Bright and attracts attention).

5. (Slide 9.) "Country of Knowledge"

Residents of this country have prepared for you a task not to a computer. You need to guess mathematical crosswords. Each of you will receive only one crossword, you need to solve it correctly and write to the notebook (students receive an individual differentiated task).

Check! Well done! We coped with this task.

And now you need to go through a mathematical labyrinth.

(Slide 10) one). Mathematical labyrinth(Solution of examples at a commenting board)

(Slide 11) - In this country, everything is magical, even sun With rays. Each Luckka has its own task

2). "Sun with rays"

(Slide 12) First Beam "Task"

(Electrified handouts for monitoring students' knowledge. Read: If the light lights up with a green color - the task is solved correctly, and if red is incorrect.

(Slide 13)The second beam "County" (verbal counting)

What is multiplication?
This clever addition.
After all, it is smarter to multiply times

Than to set off the whole hour (collective reading poem)

(Slide 14) The third beam "Cooker"

(Mathematical Rus))

III. Total lesson

(Slide 15) - Our journey comes to an end. We return home to our native class.

Not all the secrets of this country we opened. Many sun rays remained open. And this means that we will definitely go to the seabed in the following lessons.

If the journey for you was interesting and exciting, then attach a red apple to this magic tree, if not very green.

IV. HOMEWORK: Come up with mathematical crosswords.

Used Books.

1. "Once, two, three-answers" (mathematical entertainment for younger schoolchildren) - Persekov O.I. Moscow: 1994. Publishing House of the Training and Scientific Production Center "Energomash"

2. T.G.Zhigalkina "Games system in mathematics lessons in 1 and 2 classes." M.: New School, 1997.

3. T.I. Ringo "Games. Rebuses, riddles for ml. Schoolchildren. "- Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 1998.

4. R.D. Trigger "Correction and Development Training" - Moscow. : School press. 2004

5. Internet resources.