Games at the graduation evening. Funny games and contests for graduation

High school graduation

Purpose: Creating an atmosphere of an unforgettable holiday, a favorable psychological climate between pupils and teachers children's house.
- educate the ability to communicate, be friends, make a feast person;
- contribute to the cohesion of the team of pupils and teachers of the orphanage;
- to promote the manifestation of the sincere feeling of gratitude to everyone with whom they communicated in a children's home for many years, and joy in connection with the transition to a new adult life;
- Develop creative skills Pupils.

Preliminary work:

Collecting materials for the Museum of the Past ";

Preparation of albums with wishes, photographs, drawings;


    Two leading.

    Museum by the Museum.

    Postman Pechkin.


"Stars" depicting graduates and words about them; The exhibits of the museum: past and future; Red ribbon, scissors, balloons; box for parcel; inscription "Graduation - 2008"; Flowers; Bells - "Graduate 2008" - every graduate.

Dance -

1 Vedas: Good afternoon, dear friends -

Guests, educators and defortions!

We are happy to see you

In this room, at this hour!

2 Vedas: Open our joyful holiday,

Open a solemn evening.

How many persons here are beautiful and different!

As we are glad to meet today!

1 Veda: His pets once again

Our "bell" will release now

They will go to the biggest life

So that there to exercise your dreams.

2 Veds: So, we meet the perpetrators of this holiday - graduates 2008: (everyone goes together, and then, who will be called to their places, everyone is awarded "bell"):

Gubaidullina Irina:

Often Ira is not in the case

Loudly grumbled out loud,

And the tutor and the word

Insert did not give.

We are today, per hour of separation,

All goodbye to you

And good in you

Remember promise.

Kaftanova Julia:

What a miracle master

With a blush light on the cheeks?!

Deftly smell pencils

In her young hands.

What do you want yulia will draw

And at the exhibition will show.

Anna Mikhailovna, just have time,

Girl pencils buy!

Stepanova Elena:

It seems to all unmeasured

At first, our Lena:

Rarely rarely smiles

It is only at first glance

The nature of Lena is simply "otpad":

Friend and very fun.

Dömy Tatyana:

Well, Tanya, here is, -

All guys crazy!

Modest, beauty,

Knows how to everyone like

Yes, and learns canceled!

And they wanted without

To happiness in this life

More often smiled her.

Shadchin Fedor:

Says Fedya rarely,

But it's very aptly.

There is no too little

In the lexicon, well done.

It seems to work

Fedheka will not break.

You do not believe it is nonsense,

There are no laziness in it.

Kravtsov Alexander:

Was always serious and closed a little

Sasha glanced sternly.

What happened?

Sasha looks like a playboy

And from the girls there is no abundance.

Glushchenko Paul:

Who will fuck before eating -

Come to visit to Pasha.

Although he will not become a chef,

But but canceled

Cooks and porridge

Swamp dumplings.

(music sounds, children dance dance, leading at this time go)

1 Ved.: - Let's greet our graduates again! (everyone claps his hands)

2 Veds: - Today, in honor of our graduates, we open our museum.


1 Ved.: - And we are very pleased that the museum became the main attraction of our village of Yaya, and its opening appointed today, on August 27, 2008.

2 Veds: - But only late for our museum career, and without him we cannot start the opening ceremony.

1 Ved.: - We will wait for him a little, but for now we will tell you a little about our museum. He is not simple. We will visit you in the past and look into the future of our graduates.

2 Veds: - And I remind you of the rules of behavior in museums. In the halls of the museum you need to abide by silence and calm. You can leave your impressions about the celebration in the "Book of Reviews", which is located at the museum caretaker.

The history of our museum is far away. Five years ago our orphanage I began to collect materials for this museum. The first exhibits were provided by educators. They also became the first keepers of museum exhibits.

1 Ved.: - They were helped by their pupils. For five years of fruitful work gathered the richest material. And today, after five long, trouble-free, labor-intensive years of restoration work, we want to open our Museum "Vernissage".

(Low passing, steps are heard away. Museum catering appears (hereinafter M.S.)

M.S. - Hello! (everyone greets with M.S.) Oh, sorry, dear friends! I have so hurried to open the museum that by mistake I sat on another bus and found out in a completely different place. I had to call a taxi. And finally, I am very glad to see you all!

1 Ved.: - Finally, we waited for you, now we can start the opening ceremony. And the honorable right to cut the ribbon is provided to the director of the children's home "Bell" Vanina Galina Pavlovna, which without exaggeration can be called the main custodian of the museum.

(Drumkins sounds, the director comes out to the stretched red ribbon, cuts it, congratulates it with the opening of the museum).

MS: - I think you need to give a word and today's educators of our graduates.

(The educators enter and sing a song, sounds the melody of the song "Vernissage")

And now we opened the museum

See how many things here!

And amazing and pretty.

Some old transport

And the globe that the eyes opened

This world is unique.

And this mouse and board

Well, very heart road

That party that was sitting together.

On this old briefcase

No one glance now

But you went to school with him

Chorus: ah, "Vernissage"! Ah, "Vernissage"!

The museum is open for you.

Museum of Wonderful Things

And these cute little things.

Hurry all more

Hurry all here soon and invite all friends!

M.S.: - The Museum of the past is open and I'm starting a tour. How many people familiar with the childhood and things here, each of which brings bright memories. Here, for example, this desk, sitting at which long winter evenings did homework And prepared for the exams of Stepanov Lena and Demin Tanya.

But the famous sports pants Kraravts Sasha. They remind our caregivers for Sasha's long searches in Berezovsky. Look, even spines are preserved.

Here is the famous apron and a cake, in which he loved to duty Pasha Glushchenko.

And what do we see here? Teachers ask you to close your eyes and not eavesdrop. Squata here are here of different typeswhich enjoyed graduates in the exams. We will not call their names.

Here we see an old briefcase. Unfortunately, the inscription he belonged to.

Go to the next exhibit. This is an unfinished work of a tree thread Shadchin Fedor. We hope, he will still complete her when it will come to visit us on vacation.

The next exhibit has an exotic name - mouse. Cat, unfortunately, we could not find. But with the mouse likes to play Kaftanova Julia. She not only likes to play with mice, but also dogs. A photo of one of them is represented on this stand.

And here is a suit in which Gubaidulin Ira performed. Ira loves to dance and we want her to wish not to throw this occupation in the future.

1 Ved.: - We are as if at the "car time" visited the graduates. And now we want to look into the future of our graduates.

2 Veds: - But as we talk about their future, if we do not know whether they are ready for him, which they have learned in our children's home. I suggest a little check with the willingness of our graduates to independent life. To do this, we will conduct small contests.

1 Ved.: - And I suggest choosing a jury that will help us to appreciate all the skills received by graduates in the orphanage (choose the jury)

2 Veds: - First Competition:

Who at least once visited the kitchen

Our thought will easily understand

After all, not everyone was capable

Make cutlets or soup

How compotes roll.

We were taught to understand

How to boil potatoes

How to put out cabbage.

1 Ved.: - Second Competition:

How to assist the first

For a long time you know

At competitions you studied the wounds to binting

And the "phytobars" everyone also remembers.

Here we now check how you can provide first aid.

You must be attentive, and do everything quickly. You are invited to "bandage" toilet paper victim from head to tick. And who will make it faster?

2 Veds: - Now there is a turn to check the strong half of our graduates. There is such a saying in the people: "Who eats, he works." Now we can find out how our boys work, by how they eat (it is proposed to eat a manna porridge who is faster)

Competition 4 "troublesome business": for the game you need a rope, handkerchiefs, two inflatable phones and two dolls. The rope is stretched, and two people get on the phone, doll and a stack of nasal headscarves. The task of players: holding a doll on the hands, like a child, and the phone's phone, like when conversation, hang scarves on the rope.

Competition 5 "Life in drawings": Players receive sheets of paper, handles and draw something that calls the lead, with closed eyes.

Each man must grow her son, plant a tree and build a house.

1. In the middle of the sheet draw the son. While he did not grown, you can plant a tree.

2. To the left of the son is drawing the trunk, and then the crown.

3. While the tree grows, to the right of the son to draw the foundation of the future at home, because there is not enough funds to the rest.

4. Son, playing, roets under the tree of the yam - draw a circle. In it he finds a chest. Draw it.

5. To build a house now is enough - draw on the foundation of the wall and roof.

6. Interrupt the construction, because the tree begins to be fruit - we draw apples on it.

7. Collect the harvest, draw two windows on the house.

8. Meanwhile, the son has grown and asks the car. Draw it. Now we depict a smile on the face of the son.

9. Compare the house - draw the door and pipe.

1 Veds: - Our tests are over. To summarize the readiness of our graduates to an independent life is provided by the jury.

Jury: - All tests you have passed worthy. We see that you with benefit spent your free time in an orphanage and learned a lot. And today you give you a "certificate" about readiness for independent life. The right to hand the "certificate" is provided ...

Dance -

MS: - Now it is time to visit the next exhibition of our museum - "Museum of the Future". What do we see here?

An article about the excellent teacher of the Gubaidulina Irina, which in 2037 won the competition "Educator of the Year of the Universe." I climb her.

What do we see here? And that's wonderful project Cities of the Future, the author of the project Shadchin Fedor he was awarded Nobel Prize.

And this exposition is devoted to Stepanova Elena. We see her in the photo surrounded by her pupils. She opened her in the future kindergarten For guests from another planet. All children love her very much.

The unusual car invent Gloschko Paul. In 2040, he will be handed this patent for her invention. It invents the "time machine".

Kaftanova Julia baked the largest cake, and most importantly where? She baked him on the planet Mars and on this occasion it was listed in the Guinness Book of Records. This is evidenced by the record in the book Guinness.

And here we see a wonderful picture that Demina Tatiana drew. In the orphanage, she was fond of drawing and in the future she did not give up this passion and became one of the most famous artists of our planet.

Kravtsov Alexander became a wonderful gas electric welder and created his company in which gathered the coolest specialists. The company serves as the space industry.

1 Ved.: - So it came to the end our journey through the museum. We saw the present, looked into the past and visited our graduates in the future. We thank the museum of the museum for helping the tours of the museum.

2 Veds: - Everything we saw the future in the museum will be possible if you make a maximum of efforts, and so that you with great zeal, we will take the exercise of your dreams, we will take an oath.

(The oath is written on a sheet, one graduate reads, others only speak the word "swear"):

"We are graduates of 2008, the egg house" bell ", solemnly swear:

    Be loyal to your native child house. Kley!

    Do not forget our educators and friends. Kley!

    To achieve success in life, so that the native orphanage can be proud of us. Kley! Kley! Kley!

1 Veds: - Five years old you lived in the family

Five years lived in one!

We know each of you will take care of hardly

Your children's home - "bell" native!

Today your teachers, friends who want to congratulate you on this solemn day gathered in this room.

    Director of the orphanage

    Head of Education Department

    School № 1

That's all ... you have a light mouth,

And stepped over the threshold,

And now you need to let down with sadness

Your first quest is the result.

Congratulations and wishes of younger children:

We made you coasters that I will keep you from the troubles and adversity throughout your life!

(Children give the COWS, at this time the postman Pechkin appears)

Where are the educators of graduates? Parcel you, lay down in the receipt (Postman hands the chest and goes out)

1 Veda: - some kind of chest, look.

Come on, learn what inside.

Perhaps, values, rewards ...

2 Veds: - or overseas outfits ...

I love to dress awful

In someone yes turn

1 Vedas: - What time is a misfortune,

It's time to open the chest.

2 Veds: - Oh yes, there is a cake and some kind of note.

In the note: "You need to blend the candles and make a desire."

(The educators invite children, graduates, make desires and poke candles)

1 Ved.: - And now the word is provided to graduates.

Director: - Dear Galina Pavlovna!

When we are severe

You look sometimes

We are trembling knees,

And we subside,

And yet we know

What are you for us

We love you for it

And grateful to you.

Tempel: Tempel, Irina Sergeyevna, from us bow.

Who is not in love with you?

You are soul and strict!

And at the same time you are smart.

Know, you will not forget you

Six graduates from us.

Soc. Pedagogue: A - Social teacher!

Svetlana Vladimirovna,

Very designed and strict!

Does not like laziness, despondency -

All instances will pass

And the order will bring!

Psychologist: Tatiana Nikolaevna -

Psychologist our native!

We came to you sometimes

With a wounded soul.

You were attentive to us

Helped to sort out themselves.

We will be forever grateful

For participation in our fate.

Educators: Educators Dear,

Were with us here and there

We have become like the closest and relatives

We are also grateful to you!

Life will seem to be all faster

You are for us - support in it.

CL. Supervisor: As in every state there is a ruler

How in every fairy tale there is a princess

We have cool our head

Thanks for love and affection,

Care, tenderness and warmth.

In fate, you gave us a "tip",

We are very lucky with you.

For what you think we taught us,

For all, for everything that was done for us.

We remember promise you from now

And in a good way, and in good time.

how christmas holiday Fairy tales end

As a ribbon in the cinema breaks down dreams,

Alas, without hoping for someone's tips,

We ourselves solve all tasks must.

Not every trail will remain smooth,

Not all tests will be easy,

And life in front of us lies like a notebook,

In which there is no row yet.

Years fly, and we are mature,

And our whiskey Sedina will appear,

Let our orphanage never agrees

And eternal teaches good guys!

The forever "bell" will be our friend,

We will support in grief and trouble,

And let the year pass around

"The bell" we will remember everywhere.

2 Veds: - Thank you for the warm words. A lot of good, good wished today in this room, and now listen to the farewell of your educators.

Do not look for you easy happiness,

Do not flush before the terrible trouble:

All beautiful let it remain

And the bad will pass the side.

Do not forget friends too soon

Swipe the door widerly:

Do not find better in the life of the support,

Than reliable friendship, believe!

Let's hit the road! Seven you feet under the keel!

Let your dreams be fulfilled!

Let any luck be accompanied!

Happiness to you, beauty, kindness!

1 Ved.: - So, dear our graduates, in a good way! (applause) And now we invite you to take pictures for a long memory at the entrance to the orphanage (the farewell song sounds on the melody "Goodbye, Moscow!")

Song: This room becomes quieter.

And on the faces of many sadness.

Goodbye, everywhere we hear

You always remember us!

We are grateful to you heartily

We lived here with a single family,

And studied and were careless

Years raced their turn.

Chorus: We break up with you

Tenderness remains in the heart.

We will be friendly to take care of

Goodbye to new meetings!

So with childhood it is time for us to say goodbye,

So the time of miracles ended.

We ask you, our educators,

We forgive us, uncompressive vision.

All of us are grateful to you heartily,

With you together learned to dream.

And now in this memorable evening

You good we want to wish!

Chorus: We are grateful to everyone

With whom we grew and adultels.

We will keep friendship -

We do not forget these years.

For this game program Some requisites are required, the elements of the costumes that will wear the participants of the game - Pumps and Chalunca: Bows, Caps, Aprons, Panamki, Shortika, etc.

Conducts the program to famous Shalun and Roljnik Carlson.

The game program is held in the middle of a festive evening to diversify a dance and entertainment program. FROM greeting speech Speaker director or head. At the end of his speech, the voice and phonogram of the working motor suddenly sound.


Let's landing! Landing, I say, come on! See - Motor Barahlit! Landing come on!

Under the phonogram " Funny man On the roof lives "Carlson flies into the hall. He is in every way hooligan, says: pulls girls for pigtails, folds in a pocket of candy and sweets, teases the boys. Boutfoot buttons on chairs, distributes to future participants. balloons. One of the balls is loudly shutting over the ear of the director, which is trying to continue the unfinished speech.

Carlson (joyful):

So! We continue the conversation!

Director (surprised):

Sorry, and what are you doing here, you, in general, who?

(Looks at the paper.)


Like who? I am Carlson, the best carlson in the world, a man in full bloom.


Yes, but in the lists of graduates, invited you do not mean!


How?! Yes, you! How it is - I don't mean?! This is me - moderately dug, moderately educated, and I don't mean? After all, I'm charming, charming - Yes, I'm just beautiful!


Yes, but we have this good in school and so grabs. Carlson (thinking about a minute):

Yes, but I also also in the world in the world, the fifteentist, dresser, pursuit and chaluncia, and also (scaring the director) the temper of the housekeeper and directors. And you have something to tame - won, look, what kind of kids are intimidated - do not run, do not jump, and so that there is a steam car or pull it with a vacuum cleaner - even there is no conversation about it! Oh and scarlet!


Well, you know, it's above my strength! (Goes out.)


That's much better! Well, you will have now, send! Agree? Well, who wants to be small on a little short again?

The guys come out that got balls. Of them, Carlson forms two teams. In the ball in advance the notes of two colors. Tasks players - burst their ball, and, by defining what the letter there is written there, make up the name of two future teams from the letters: "Pumps" and "Shalubashiki". Between them Carlson and conducts contests, alternating them with dance compositions.

Participants in the teams first "return to childhood" - put on the details of the costumes, turning into Mashen, Petovek, Sashachek and Vouchers (in the bows and shorts). Competitions are accompanied by phonograms of funny children's songs ("Antoshka", "Blue Wagon", "Cheburashka", "Let them run awkward", "smile"), you can use songs on the school theme.

Competitions proposed below - accommodation options and fun, but you can simply carry out a number of mobile games: "Forged chains", "Stander", "spoiled phone", "Chepuha", "Gardener", "Fantas" or cheerful relay, not requiring participants physical tension.

Carlson takes a lively participation in all games, fun and contests, then preventing players, then helping retreating. For participation in competitions, sweet prizes are laid, but each time Carlson "is in a lot," persuading the winner to give him most of the prize.

Carlson (winning the next contest):

Here, look, I have two chocolates here: big and small. Choose yourself any, but remember that the one who takes the first must take a smaller part.


Then I treat you - choose yourself, any.

Carlson grabs chocolate and stuffed it into her mouth.


Oh, well, you took a big one!


Sure! After all, if you chose the first, you would take a small part. Graduate:


So you get upset - she got to you!

Sample contests and tasks for prom

1. "Silent relay" - convey the rattle so that it is not heard.

2. Inflate the biggest ball.

3. How quickly can drink juice from a bottle with a nipple, eat as many candies and jams.

4. Show the newspaper in a bottle with a narrow neck, and then get it without breaking the bottles.

5. Relay "Cross". With the help of the hoop, send all the team members on one side of the hall to another, and all members of the team should be placed at the end of the hoop.

6. "Elusive Ball". Players on the team diverge as part of some limited space.

According to the signal, they freeze and remain in those places where they caught them. The task is to convey to each other without moving from the place, the ball, so that he visits all the participants of the game. The ball can be transferred.

7. "Excess". During the fast composition, players go, dancing, in a circle. As soon as a pause occurs in music - players must grab one of the candies lying on the floor (for one less than players). A player who did not get candy leaves out of the game. (His or Carlson gives one candy.)

8. "Call". Each team comes up with a funny call sign: "Yeah", "Ha ha ha" or "Be-Be-Bee." One of the players tie their eyes, and then during the composition, players will scream their call sign, dancing in a common circle. And the captains of the teams must collect members of their team in one place.

9. "Pyramid". Commands must in a few minutes, data on training, build the largest pyramid from sweets and cookies, call it and give advertising.

10. "Kangaroo" - a task for boys. Players, taking to her legs, try to jump as far as possible.

11. "Cheerful Telegraph". All players receive one letter alphabet. Hazing first calls simple wordsAnd then the phrases are increasingly harder, and the players standing in the overall circle, during a quick composition, are made according to the letters words a step forward, clap your hands. Each time the telegraph speed increases. The tasks can be complicated if the players allowed a mistake will drop out, giving their letters to the neighbors (in the end, some players may have several letters, and they will need to be extremely attentive).

12. "Lavata" - cheerful game For all participants. In general, a circle (under the phonogram) all sing:

We dance together


Merry dance ours -

This lavat.

The leading says: "My hands (legs, ears, nose, etc.) are good."

All: "The neighbor is better."

The players are taken for the names of the neighbor's body, and the game is repeated.

13. "Sweet relay" - to transmit an apple or orange to each other without touching it with his hands, clamping the subject between the breast and the chin or between the knees.

14. "Cat and Mouse" - a game for all participants. It is carried out during the dance composition.

Everyone gets up in a circle, holding hands. Watch two people. One - the cat - catches the second - the mouse. The mouse has a row to run into a circle, hiding from the cat.

15. "Song in a circle." Team members sing on a couple of children's songs in turn (option: In the same song, the words are replaced by various sounds that are published by animals). You can also give a task to guess the melody, which commands perform without words, mock, meowuchanam or chambane, etc.

16. To make a long sausage from plasticine (the whole team).

17. To stick into the pencil as many buttons as possible.

18. Who eats a piece of bread faster, and then whistles.

19. It is as long as possible to sit on a stool, raising my legs (alone, two, three, etc.).

20. Come up and make your "leprosy".

After these (and other) contests:

Carlson (Director):

Well, convinced? Who is the best videos in the world and fideller? Of course, Carlson - Carlson, who lives on the roof. And by the way, each of you, until they became important aunt and uncle, until you twisted you adult worries, while in life more important money, career, cars, apartments and lips of loved ones, cheerful laughter, snow on the Christmas trees, daisies in the field - All you are the best chalwany and rollars.

But, alas, it happens only in childhood. But for smart books, for problems, please, well, do not forget that you were small, remember your childhood.

Often, after graduation, it is remembered not the most interesting moments. The solemn part with sentimental and touching speeches and the presentation of certificates will be remembered. And the festive, the banquet part is how? Let the graduation be remembered by cheerful games and contests!

We offer games, draws and contests to prom, which can be used during any festive events, and especially - for the last evening of high school students.

Competitions for guests sitting at the festive tables

Dates and numbers

The lead offers the guys to recall the most significant events of class life and schools, which certainly erased from memory by the time of the final ... especially dates and other numbers, for example:

  • What year did they enter the first class?
  • What year graduated from elementary school?
  • How many years in school is studied by geography? And chemistry?
  • What is the number of the Cabinet of the School Director?
  • How many steps on the stairs from the first to last floor Schools?
  • How many steps (on average) from the nearest stop to school?
  • How many bus routes stop at the nearest stop?
  • How many items have you studied in the graduation class? And how much for all school years?
  • Remember the birthdays of our classmates. Whose date is closest to the beginning of the calendar year? And who marks his birthday the very last year?

The great many questions, the main thing - do not need beaten and stamped. For each correct answer - pre-cooked token (ticket, phanta, candy, etc.). The prize receives the one who received the most of the tokens.

I recognize you by name

Each group at the table is issued an envelope with separate letters, from which you need to make a name, name and patronymic of the teacher, width or director educational institution. All groups have different identities, but the same total number of letters. Who is encrypted, students are unknown. Winners - a team that guess all the fastest and coped with the task.

This contest is also interesting because each of the encrypted name holders can then give a word for congratulations to graduates.


The lead gives each group the guys printed words - rhymes, and you need to make a poem-Burim on the school theme:

  • To school - by joke.
  • Teaching is torment.
  • Cheerful - Novoseli.
  • Camping - along the way.
  • Labor - erase.
  • Love - Supreme.

It is possible to make such rhymes that will be understood by this particular class associated with their joint travel, travel, meetings (for example, "Museum - Colosseum") a prize receives a team who has invented the most interesting poem.

Hero of our time

We offer the guys, parents and teachers to decide who from graduates most suitable images of literary heroes (and in the go will have to remember who owns this description):

Thus, it is possible to recall important or simply memorable literary heroes: Ilya Muromets, a nightingale-robber, an auditor, a young lady, Poor Lisa, Alice in Wonderland, Margarita from Master and Margarita, etc.

Ask leading or talented graduates to come up in advance descriptions of literary heroes. Agree, this is a very informative game for graduation class! After her graduation, be sure to reward the prizes of the most well-read players!

Bureau forecasts

This is the task, which is called, to the future. Graduates of grade 11 we distribute paper and handles, let everyone write, how he sees himself in 15 years (you can install another time, but 5 or 10 is not enough to achieve something outstanding).

Let everyone present himself in a solid age, will describe its future family, the situation in society, a profession, place of work or residence.

Each sheets neatly fold into the tube and omit in a specially prepared box or a vase where they have to be stored.

If someone from the parents or class leader will leave these letters to memory, after years it will be very interesting to read and evaluate whose forecasts were the closest to the truth.

Graduation 2017.

Usually, contests on such holidays in different years are repeated, smoothly flowing from one scenario to another, but the graduation party of 2017 should be remembered with something special. You can write 2017 School wishes or to give a class teacher such a number of colors.

  • For example, the figure 2: the book of Cavery "Two Captain", the song "Two merry goose", The picture of the reshetnikov" again two ", etc.
  • Interesting associations with a digital zero. For example, someone will remember the saying "Zero without a stick", and someone has a fantasy or memory will tell anything completely unexpected.
  • By analogy, we remember everything related to the numbers 1 and 6. Let the children and adults fantasize!

Songs about school

Remember songs that somehow relate to school themes or sounded in the films about students. Condition: Be sure to execute chorus or one verse! The prize receives the team, the latest excerpt performed.

Contests on the dance floor


As is known, molecules consist of atoms. All graduates come to the dance floor, which are depicting single dancing atoms (chaotic moving in space).

Dance geography

Participants are divided into groups of 5-6 people. Dance, portraying the national and dance features of the people whose characteristic music sounds:

If you dance one melody or a characteristic excerpt from each melody, you still get a dance battle for 20-30 minutes. Evaluate teacher's artists and parents with applause. To whom the applause sounds louder, the winner!

Change roles

This is another dance competition. Parents with teachers are invited to the dance floor - they form one team, and the disciples are another. Each team is your task:

  1. Adults should show how, in their opinion, young people dance in clubs and on discos for characteristic youth music.

    For complexity and interest, it is possible to include anything from the club dance melodies - from hip-hop and R & B to the styles of Tehno and Hauz.

  2. And youth, respectively, for dances to offer melodies in the style of "disco 80s", and ask them to perform dancing precisely with the characteristic movements of those years when their parents and teachers were young.

Highly merry contest! Especially fun to look at adults who are lost in the rhythm of club music.

House that ...

Everyone knows the poem "The house that Jack built." Before you start the competition, give role players:

The presenter reads the poem, and the players try to play their roles when their words are named. For example, the "house" rises directly and hands makes the roof over the head, "Title" - flutters the wings, the "Chulan" - squatting, "Jack" depicts a builder, laid bricks, and so on. And the heroes must interact with each other. "Jack" - with the "house", "Wheat" - in an embrace with the "Chulana", "Cat" catches "Sinitsa", etc. Funny competition.

Humor is that in the course of the poem, the presenter not only often repeats the same words-roles, but also speeds up the pace.

Artists need to closely follow the text and do everything correctly, interacting with each other. At the end, it still turns out confusion, a leap and a lot of laughter!


Participants are built in two or three columns (train) on the same line. Task: Responding correctly to the questions of the lead, take a step forward and get to another shore. You can consult yourself, just without breaking the column (it will be the most difficult). Having answered correctly, the entire column takes a step forward. Who did not have time (answered later or wrong) - remains in place. Wins the team, the first passing.

Questions should be, of course, from the school program:


Everyone who wants to get into the common circle and, starting with the lead, is called the number of numbers from one to one hundred. Condition: All numbers in which the figure 2 is found, it is necessary to replace the phrase "Mom, forgive!", And the figure 6 - the exclamation of "Wow!".

Thus, will be called: one - mom, sorry - three - four - five - Wow - seven - eight - nine - ten - eleven - mom, forgive me, etc. The main thing is to establish a good pace from the very beginning, and when Participants will reach numbers 16, 22, 26, 32, 36, will be fun and follow the players, and participate in the competition.

Who was wrong - comes out of the circle, and the team continues the bill further. The winner is the most attentive and persistent.

Game for all at the time of graduation

"Mystery friend"

The game is quite famous and loved by many, so I also want to offer it to hold it as an entertainment for prom.

At the beginning of the evening, the young men pull out the notes from the box, on which the names of the girls are written, and the girls are the names of the boys. That whose name got along with the note - your secret friend. During the evening, without revealing anyone secret name Your friend, you can and need to provide him (s) special signs of attention, do surprises, gifts, nice little things: invitation to dance, compliment, flower. At the end of the evening, everyone is trying to guess who was whose secret friend. In any case, the secret is revealed.

In the "secret friend" well play well with teachers and parents. Contests specifically for parents are rare, and adults (dads, moms and teachers) can take part in the game and together, and in parallel with high school students. And, believe me, then their toasts, dancing, congratulations and compliments will be especially bright and unusual!

post office

Also famous gameBut about it - the classics of the genre - for some reason, in the age of mobile technologies often forget and do not take seriously. Although age is 17-18 years old - romantic and sentimental for young men and girls, and therefore postal messages will be by the way graduation eveningWhen the whole class is going together for the last time.

In this day, the mailbox is real or specially prepared for this day, by signing the envelope, put the message to any person if you wish to say something to him.

Condition: No offensive statements on the part of senders and disorders on nonsense from recipients.

Envelopes, handles, paper leave near mailbox. We open it at the very end of the evening, and everyone will decide, where and when to read the messages. Most often, it is these letters that remain in memory of school graduation albums and maiden diaries, and not the Essays of SMS and letters in social networks.

Only from you depends that for contests will be held at the prom evening: funny, intellectual, romantic or stupid and hurt. In no case, do not let this component of the last ballet, do not trust the leading evening training for all 100%.

It makes sense to talk in advance which contests for your children is preferable, and what you do not want to allow. In order to not blush from the heard nonsense or vulgar games, consider this part of the evening thoroughly. After all, not the number of dishes on the tables, but the quality of the time spent will remember graduates for a long time.

Probably, for each person, the graduation ball is associated with something particularly beautiful. This date will be for graduates by the starting point in adulthood. At the prom evening, you seem to feel no longer a child, but you understand at the same time that you still do not want to grow up. This solemn event is waiting for him, they dream about it, they are carefully prepared. After difficult exams, good and not very estimates of the graduation ball becomes a kind of award for all the works. Every person has only once in his life. And understanding this, every parent tries to create an unforgettable atmosphere for his Chad at this farewell night.

In order for the graduation ball at school, it is necessary to take care of all the nuances and organizational issues in advance. If you want your graduation to be cheerful, you need to think about the program, come up with mischievous and interesting games and contests for graduation.

Create, as well as to conduct an entertainment entertainment program for graduates, their parents and teachers will be able to experience his own business. If you want the evening to be full of prime contests, focus, sparkling humor and many pleasant surprises, it is worth a very serious approach to the choice of Tamada. Do not forget that the leading celebration should be on one wave with graduates, to be an excellent psychologist and teacher, and also possess bright appearance and charisma.

Naturally, if a specially invited presenter will be responsible for holding a prom, the games and competitions on the graduation should invent he. But not everyone is invited to professional toasta, but they are bypass and efforts. In addition, there is a chance that graduates may not like the selected leading contests for graduation. Therefore, it is necessary to progress, having learned a couple of other original games and contests, because you probably know that you will like your classmates.

Competitions for the graduation party can be the most different: funny and serious, dance and intellectual. Without them, it is impossible to present a graduation evening. Players can deal with teams, compete, sing, dance.

Competitions for graduation - several examples:

"Future diploma"

For this competition, you will need five sheets of paper and five markers. Then invite five graduates. The task of the participants is as follows: it is necessary to write the phrase "Diploma of Excellent", holding a pencil with a foot. Thus, graduates seem to come to parents to complete the university on "excellent." Who will do it carefully and faster, he becomes the winner.


Each of the commands pulls out the lead card with the name of a famous picture that will be necessary to portray. It is necessary to try to do it so that everyone learned the depicted work. The winner team is determined depending on how quickly the paintings were deposited.

It is impossible to leave the contests for the graduation evening, which suggest the choice of the king and the queen of Bala. Many graduates and graduates are waiting for this moment for a long time and only dream of winning this title. Voting is best to spend at the end of the celebration, anonymously when everyone needs to write on a sheet of paper the name of the applicant for the title of King or Queen Bala and omit it into a special box. By counting the votes, the king and queen are chosen. After that, they are usually awarded by prizes, and they are also offered to dance school waltz.

The leading such celebration should be included in the game. It can be a humorous basketball where the ball will play a crumpled newspaper, and the basketball basket will serve as a real, attached to the wall, garbage basket, or it will be cheerful football, in which graduates in the role of football players will drive the air ball. You can also hold such a game.

Dance competitions on the graduation ball will allow positive setting. Moving games and competitions between classes will make the evening fascinating and unique. Relay and marathons, youth collective tasks and draws will create a festive atmosphere and will help to capture this day in the memory of graduates for a long time.

    Farewell kisses game

    All graduates and teachers play. To perform the game you need to prepare cards with the names of all participants and fold them into the portfolio.

    Players are in a circle. Music turns on. One of the participants takes a portfolio into his hands and begins to pass it in a circle. A player, in his hands, which turns out to be a portfolio after musical accompaniment stops to sound, pulls at random card. His task - friendly kiss or hug a person whose name is written on the workpiece. The game continues until all the cards are stretched out of the portfolio.

    Competition-drawing. From all graduates, one is the most brave and desperate person. The presenter tie his eye player and offers to go through carpetunder which lie cell phones Teachers trying not to step on them. He is appointed assistant who has the right to suggest the right moves.

    After the participant does not see anything, the lead removes the phones. The contestant, not knowing this, at his own fear and risk begins to go along the path, trying not to step on the phones. The assistant has no right to speak the participant that there is nothing under the path. His task is to minimize and force the player to make as much movements as possible on the track.

    At the end of the competition, the participant takes off the bandage and understands that he was simply played.

    "Quiz" game

    Parents of graduates play. They divide equally for 2 teams. One of the graduates in turn sets each group of participants questions. After they give the correct answer, he moves to the next question.

    The team wins, which in 2 minutes gives more correct answers.

    Examples of questions

    • What is the name of the place where all children are serving a period of 11 years? (School)
    • The name of the signal, which indicates the beginning and end of school torments. (Call)
    • The name of the club dating between parents and class teacher. (Parent-teacher meeting)
    • What are the riders and hide schoolchildren? (Spurs)
    • What is the color of the eye in the class teacher?
    • The place where students do not like to leave. (Board)
    • Three months of happiness. (Vacation)
    • Head of school. (Director)
    • From 2 to 5. (Evaluation)
    • Document records of marks and registration of attendance. (Cool magazine)
    • A wand, which indicates something. (Pointer)
    • Quadrangular bag with a fastener. (Portfolio)
  • Chamomile game

    Play 7 graduates. For the game you need to make a color chamomile with 7 petals in advance. On each petal it is necessary to write a task.

    Before starting the game, participants become in a circle. One player takes a tambourine. Music turns on. Participants begin to convey the tambourine in a circle. That player in the hands of which it turns out musical instrument After turning off the music, it must tear the petal of chamomile and perform what is written on it. After he copes with the task, comes out of the circle. The game continues until the tambourine will be in the hands of all participants.

    Examples of tasks

    • Sneak a couple of lines from the song "Where to leave childhood"
    • To tell the farewell poem of school themes (or any other poem)
    • Express the words of gratitude to your favorite teacher
    • Tell Russian alphabet
    • Come up with text explanatory notes teacher on behalf of parents about the absence of a child at school
    • Make a festive appeal to graduates
    • Pronounce phrase " School years - The best "different intonations - sad, joyfully, indifferent
  • Everyone will participate in the competition. 2 assistants take the ribbon in the hands, stretch it and keep it at a certain height. Music turns on.

    Participants begin to dance and take turns under the ribbon. It is impossible to lean forward. The one who touched the ribbon is dropped. After all participants take place in the dance movement under the ribbon, the helpers lower it below.

    The competition continues until one, the most flexible graduate (or graduate) remains.

    All graduates participate in the competition. His essence lies in an anonymous vote for the best Dress of the Queen Bala and for the most beautiful costume of the cruise of the prom. Each participant receives on the leaf of paper and handle and writes the name of the guy and the girls whom he considers the most fashionable and beautiful.