The homely clutter is a safe extreme at home. Children's climbing climbing climber at home

With your own hand.

Home climbing recipe fromSmileholds.

The clutter of the house is a fascinating sports projectile. He trains the muscles of the hands and legs, the strength of the fingers, endurance, and also develops the dexterity, flexibility and logic of the child. Unlike ordinary stairs, here the child appears the opportunity to choose the path to the top.

Climbing hooksthey are attached in such a way that you can easily change their location, thereby complicating or facilitating the trajectory of movement.

You can buy a clodder, and you can build it yourself.

For the construction you will need:

Plywood sheets 15mm thick

Bar 4 * 7 (for vertical) or 5 * 10 (for hanging) climbing

Nut furniture DIN 1624 M10

DIN 912 M10 bolts of different lengths


The number of required material is not specified, because Depending on the size of a particular clodmer, it is individually.

There are people who do not want to build a children's cliff from plywood, but they want to attach hooks directly to the wall. If you are from their number, then that, it is possible if in your apartment concrete walls.

I hope that none of you will mount hooks on plasterboard walls or similar decorative material.

However, my article is devoted to more solid climbing lovers.

So, do you want to build your clodm at home? Excellent!

1) First of all, it is necessary to determine the size and geometry of the structure .

As a rule, home children's climbers are limited to the ceiling height in the apartment and the width of the empty wall. You can make a simple vertical clade, connecting the timber 2 or 4 of plywood.

You can make a wall with different angles of inclination.

The most optimal option, in our opinion, is the wall of 4 plywood sheets (perhaps not entirely) having a small negative slope.

This option has three advantages.

FirstThe smaller the design, the easier it is to build it.

SecondThe vertical wall is quite quickly mastered by adults and children. The hanging wall is more complicated for the start of classes, but is good for the prospect.

ThirdThis is safer - less risk that the child will attain the following hooks by face or body, and jumps immediately to the underlying mate.

Quite a small slope!

Do not overdo it. 40Whisania - this is for advanced climbers!

So, plywood sheets are a wall, so to speak by the clodder itself. Plywood is nailed to the bar, and the bar can be attached to the wall (and ceiling) anchor bolts or dowels.

Why is Plywood not attached directly to the wall? Because otherwise you will not be able to fix the hooks on it properly.

In addition to plywood and bars you need furniture nuts.

They are driven into the back of plywood. From the front side you will be screwed to the nut hook. It is not always possible to choose the bolts as sure that they are not sticking out on the back of plywood. Accordingly, this requires a gap between the wall and plywood sheet.

The required amount of nuts is equal to the number of holes in your cliff. The holes are applied by a grid on the wall at a distance of 20-25 cm apart. The more holes - the greater the choice for cheating will be in your future. This is the advantage of a plywood cliff. Unlike the glued hook on the wall, you can at your own pointing the arrangement of the hook! Complicate or simplify the routes.

A sufficient number of hooks usually - 5 pcs on m2. You can cheat and more. Each clue is needed a bolt that you will be secured. Suitable bolt lengths are always indicated in our catalog for one or another tap set.

3) Installing a frame of a climbing bar from a bar.

Here, it seems to be no questions should not be.

4) Drill holes in plywood sheets.

The diameter of nuts -10mm, therefore, the holes should be slightly more - 11mm. Drill better from the front of the sheet, because With the return will remain "Borrowers".

5) Fix the nuts on each hole.

This is done by a simple hitting the nut with a hammer in Faneru, as already mentioned above, from the back, while the "mustache" do not get into a tree.

If the nut is poorly, then you will often face the fact that the "mustache" will rather be laughing from shocks than to join. This can be accessed by a more time-consuming process - screwing the nut to the tree bolt. That is, you first slightly push the nut in the right place by a hammer blow, and then, as it were, screw the hook and thereby attract the nut until it stops. It is better to use for such purposes not a hook, but a piece of timber with a hole, because The hook from such a strong pressure may break.

Why am I so much paying attention to nuts?

Because after you install a sheet in place and start screwing the hooks, poorly fixed nuts will begin to scroll. At best, the nut flies, and you just can not fix the hook in this hole. At worst, the hook bolt will stay hanging on this nut. And to remove them, you will need access to the back side. If you have a vertical clade, you have to remove the plywood sheet entirely.

So my advice is to carefully trace so that the mustache nuts do not get bent.

6) Install plywood sheets in the right place.

You can paint your cloth into your favorite color, you can enclose the photo wallpapers, which is popular among children's climbers, and you can just leave as it is. All about your taste.

7) Houch the hooks to your cliff.

So, the optimal number of hook - from 5 pcs on m2. How to place hooks on the wall of accurate rules not. Place as your heart. For a start, more or less evenly throughout the wall, alternating big hooks and memera. Then you can mount some hooks further so that it is more difficult to reach them, etc.

It is important not only the location of the hook, but at what angle they are located!

Usually for children and beginners take the hooks in the form of "handles" or "shelves" and twist them with a comfortable side up.

However, try to flip out a few hooks "upside down" after a while. It will be not so easy. You will have to take such hooks "in the pickup".

You can turn 90 degrees and take these hooks "in the folding". Etc.

You can limit the hooks, thereby creating short routes that will consist of a limited number of tightened in advance. Thus, it will be possible to work out some kind of complex movement at the moment, increasing the level of climbing.

If you are very passionate, you can search for information on the types of gripping and rock climbing techniques on the Internet.

8) Take care of security! Put something soft, ideal - sports mats, on the entire surface of potential fall.

9) Enjoy! Home climb is ready.

The clutter of the house is a fascinating sports projectile. He trains the muscles of the hands and legs, the strength of the fingers, endurance, and also develops the dexterity, flexibility and logic of the child. Unlike ordinary stairs, here the child appears the opportunity to choose the path to the top.

The climbing hooks are attached in such a way that you can easily change their location, thereby complicating or facilitating the trajectory of movement.

You can buy a clodder, and you can build it yourself.

For the construction you will need:

  • Plywood sheets 15mm thick
  • Bar 4 * 7 (for vertical) or 5 * 10 (for hanging) climbing
  • Nut furniture DIN 1624 M10
  • DIN 912 M10 bolts of different lengths
  • SMILEHOLDS hooks

The number of required material is not specified, because Depending on the size of a particular clodmer, it is individually.

There are people who do not want to build a children's cliff from plywood, but they want to attach hooks directly to the wall. If you are from their number, then that, it is possible if in your apartment concrete walls.

I hope that none of you will mount hooks on plasterboard walls or similar decorative material.

However, my article is devoted to more solid climbing lovers.

So, do you want to build your clodm at home? Excellent!

1) First of all, it is necessary to determine the size and geometry of the structure.

As a rule, home children's climbers are limited to the ceiling height in the apartment and the width of the empty wall. You can make a simple vertical clade, connecting the timber 2 or 4 of plywood.

You can make a wall with different angles of inclination.

The most optimal option, in our opinion, is the wall of 4 plywood sheets (perhaps not entirely) having a small negative slope.

This option has three advantages.

The first thing is easier the design, the easier it is to build it.

The second, the vertical wall is quite quickly mastered and adults and children. The hanging wall is more complicated for the start of classes, but is good for the prospect.

Third, it is safer - less risk that the child will attain the following hooks by the face or body, and jumps immediately to the underlying mat.

Quite a small slope!

Do not overdo it. 40Whisania - this is for advanced climbers!

So, plywood sheets are a wall, so to speak by the clodder itself. Plywood is nailed to the bar, and the bar can be attached to the wall (and ceiling) anchor bolts or dowels.

Why is Plywood not attached directly to the wall? Because otherwise you will not be able to fix the hooks on it properly.

In addition to plywood and bars you need furniture nuts.

They are driven into the back of plywood. From the front side you will be screwed to the nut hook. It is not always possible to choose the bolts as sure that they are not sticking out on the back of plywood. Accordingly, this requires a gap between the wall and plywood sheet.

The required amount of nuts is equal to the number of holes in your cliff. The holes are applied by a grid on the wall at a distance of 20-25 cm apart. The more holes - the greater the choice for cheating will be in your future. This is the advantage of a plywood cliff. Unlike the glued hook on the wall, you can at your own pointing the arrangement of the hook! Complicate or simplify the routes.

A sufficient number of hooks usually - 5 pcs on m2. You can cheat and more. Each clue is needed a bolt that you will be secured. Suitable bolt lengths are always indicated in our catalog for one or another tap set.

3) Setting the frame of the cliff from the bar.

Here, it seems to be no questions should not be.

4) Drill holes in plywood sheets.

The diameter of nuts -10mm, therefore, the holes should be slightly more - 11mm. Drill better from the front of the sheet, because With the return will remain "Borrowers".

5) Fix the nuts on each hole.

This is done by a simple hitting the nut with a hammer in Faneru, as already mentioned above, from the back, while the "mustache" do not get into a tree.

If the nut is poorly, then you will often face the fact that the "mustache" will rather be laughing from shocks than to join. This can be accessed by a more time-consuming process - screwing the nut to the tree bolt. That is, you first slightly push the nut in the right place by a hammer blow, and then, as it were, screw the hook and thereby attract the nut until it stops. It is better to use for such purposes not a hook, but a piece of timber with a hole, because The hook from such a strong pressure may break.

Why am I so much paying attention to nuts?

Because after you install a sheet in place and start screwing the hooks, poorly fixed nuts will begin to scroll. At best, the nut flies, and you just can not fix the hook in this hole. At worst, the hook bolt will stay hanging on this nut. And to remove them, you will need access to the back side. If you have a vertical clade, you have to remove the plywood sheet entirely.

So my advice is to carefully trace so that the mustache nuts do not get bent.

6) Install the sheets of plywood to the desired place.

You can paint your cloth into your favorite color, you can enclose the photo wallpapers, which is popular among children's climbers, and you can just leave as it is. All about your taste.

7) Houch the hooks to your cliff.

So, the optimal number of hook - from 5 pcs on m2. How to place hooks on the wall of accurate rules not. Place as your heart. For a start, more or less evenly throughout the wall, alternating big hooks and memera. Then you can mount some hooks further so that it is more difficult to reach them, etc.

It is important not only the location of the hook, but at what angle they are located!

Usually for children and beginners take the hooks in the form of "handles" or "shelves" and twist them with a comfortable side up.

However, try to flip out a few hooks "upside down" after a while. It will be not so easy. You will have to take such hooks "in the pickup".

You can turn 90 degrees and take these hooks "in the folding". Etc.

You can limit the hooks, thereby creating short routes that will consist of a limited number of tightened in advance. Thus, it will be possible to work out some kind of complex movement at the moment, increasing the level of climbing.

If you are very passionate, you can search for information on the types of gripping and rock climbing techniques on the Internet.

8) Take care of security! Put something soft, ideal - sports mats, on the entire surface of potential fall.

9) Enjoy! Home climb is ready.

The clade with your own hands is quite real. A fascinating sports simulator will make it possible to work hardness, muscles of fingers, hands and flexibility. As for the child, the specified adaptation will allow it to get to the cherished vertex. The change in the placement of the hooks is excellent motivation for the development of various skills, up to the maximum complication.

General description of the simulator

Made with your own hands the clade is a vertical platform with protrusions that are placed so as to determine the final complexity of the lifting track or descent. Extreme versions of the simulator provide for the presence of additional planes located at an angle.

The main advantage of the instrument under consideration is that it does not occupy a lot of useful area. Such an aggregate makes it possible to throw out the child, and also supports it in good physical form, along with improved coordination and plastics. Rock climbing is also developing logic, perseverance and visual memory.

The overall dimensions and configuration of the cliff for children, with their own hands made, depend on the availability of a free space allocated for the placement of the simulator. The optimal and simple option is the installation of a sports unit with reference to one of the walls of the room. If possible, you can organize an angular version on two adjacent wall floors. In a standard home, it is appropriate to build a model under the very ceiling (height - 2.5-2.8 meters). Advanced version - a clade, with your own hands, with a negative indicator of the slope.


The homemade simulator for climbing is a plywood shield, which is reinforced by the perimeter with wooden bars or steel cross. Additional stiffness of the structure is provided with additional vehicles or similar material.

At the fixed shield, the prepared hooks for the cliffment are made with their own hands or with the help of specialists. It can be hooks, artificial or natural stones of a variety of shapes and sizes. Buy devices are available in sports stores or through interactive trading platforms. The hooks should be a normal size so that the legs and hands of the child have not experienced excessive loads. Good modifications for the climbing device are made of a mixture of sand quartz and polymers. Such a surface of the parts allows you to provide the necessary softness and roughness, guaranteeing the absence of sliding while lifting or descent. At the initial stage of classes, smaller protrusions are used as a leg support. With an increase in athlet craftsmanship, they can be moved higher, using both hand hooks.

For the manufacture of the simulator, the following materials and tools will be required:

  • plywood leaf with a thickness of 15 mm;
  • wood timber secting 70/40 mm;
  • together with dowels for fixing the bar on the wall;
  • self-tapping screws for fastening the base and frame;
  • hooks with fasteners;
  • hex key;
  • drill with a 10-12 mm drill;
  • emery;
  • decorative details and paint as possible.

In the first stage, the project of a children's cliffment is developed, with their own hands that make it not so difficult, as it seems. Defined with the placement of the device, calculate the number of required parts. The dimensions of plywood directly depend on the total area of \u200b\u200bthe future simulator. The hooks can be sold with fastener or without it, the calculation of the amount of stops is 6-7 pieces per square meter.

Formation of carcass

At this stage, make a frame of the cliff. On the perimeter of the base, the holes are drilled after 500-550 mm, in which special dowels of plastic are placed. To strengthen the design, add stiffness ribs by screwing into the inner part of the perimeter of several wooden planks.

The overall dimensions of the dowels are selected depending on the wall material. The length and diameter of the bolts are calculated as follows: plus sheet thickness, timber and dowel length. Since plywood sheet will be attached over the frame, the bolts should be chosen with countersunk heads. It is not allowed to fix the simulator or hooks on plasterboard sheets.

Production of the base

First, it is necessary to cut the plywood sheets, according to the project of the clolodrome, with your own hands created. You can make this operation yourself using a milling tool or order the cutting of specialists. Many building stores provide a similar service. On the finished basis, marks for future holes.

It is recommended to withstand the grid in a step of 200-250 mm vertically and horizontally. This will allow rearrange the hooks in other positions, displaying several options for lifting tracks. If the diameter of the nut 10, with a drill of 11 mm and the drill is done by the holes themselves. The operation is performed on the front side, which will make it possible to remove possible chips to the back of the sheet. Each nest is driven special locks ("Bulldogs"). The finished base is screwed into the frame through suitable screws. The surface is then treated with sandpaper and color, if desired.

Installation of hooks

At the finish stage, the assembly of the simulator installs hooks. They are fixed in the pre-veined holes using bolts tightened by the hex key. The specified design of the device makes it possible to vary the placement of the stops, complicating or simplifying the track.

Some users recommend fixing Phaneur right on the wall. However, it is not always possible to calculate the desired fastener length, which complicates the assembly process. The hooks for the cliffment can be bought in specialized stores or via the Internet, they differ in form, sizes and color. The most affordable embodiment of the simulator under consideration is the installation of hooks directly on the wall, even without using plywood sheets. There is one significant minus here - the monotonous route will quickly bother the child, and the creation of new routes will require the drilling of additional holes. In addition, such a design is quickly wearing, loses its commodity look and dumps.

One of the most optimal versions of the creation of a clodmer in the country with their own hands, according to users, is the wall of four plywood sheets located under a small negative angle. The advantages of such a design:

  1. Easy in assembly and installation.
  2. Vertical adaptation is perfectly mastered not only by adults, but also by children. The hanging stand is composed in the first stages of classes, but perfectly comes up in the prospect of the development of an athlete.
  3. Safety expressed in the fact that when a child falls, the child will not hit the lower stops, and falls directly on the mat, which is necessarily placed under the simulator.
  4. The bias should not be too large, sufficiently small deviation.


Whatever perfect is a clodder (made independently or purchased in the store), it is necessary to ensure the safety of the use of a sports projectile. To do this, the special mat or mattress is put at the bottom, allowing you to reduce the strength of the strike at a random drop. So that the hands of the small conqueror of the vertices do not slide on the hooks, they are covered with magnesia. At first occupations, an experienced mentor should be present next to the child or someone from parents.

Let's find out why the clodder is guaranteed safe extreme?

In Sweden, all elements over 1 meters were removed from playgrounds, from which children could fall and injured. Thus, the children's leisure was lain.

Thanks to this step, the percentage of child injury has grown by half. What is it connected with? It is due to the fact that children constantly want to go somewhere, without satisfying some need, the children began to massively climb trees and dangerous places that were not intended for this (with the complete absence of soft mats and safety systems).

Upon completion of an unsuccessful experiment, the Government of Sweden completely replaced the course of development: now a large number of playgrounds are created annually, where there is a middle height street clodder.

Special safety mats as a means of insurance

The first case is special, here insurance is made due to thick mats, which are completely safe.

We note that the height of the climbing, thickness and rigidity of mats are calculated by CK Format specialists, based on standard solutions. Also on the basis of an individual order under a certain age group, taking into account all the characteristics of the clients.

For example, we cannot recommend the use of mats at a height of over 3 meters without special training. At the same time, up to 3 meters absolutely every new baby can be completely safe to launch. Initially, it is desirable under the control of parents, but after several classes you can safely leave the child (from 7 years old) one. At the same time, parents must be present at the first classes in order to personally make sure that it is completely safe.

Automatic Insurance System \u003d increased security

For clutches more than 4.5 m. Mandatory is the application.

There is the possibility of using a mechanical, semi-automatic and automatic insurance system. We note that even with mechanical (in other words, manual insurance), you do not need a professional instructor if you are an amateur novice. Enough for another person who got acquainted with our instructions, where everything is clear and extremely spelled out. Automatic insurance allows a person to overcome high-altitude routes on the cliffroad without attracting other people. Such insurance is most safe.

For the manufacture of home and children's climbers, we use only environmentally friendly and safe materials that have passed tests and best suited for children. In particular, for the manufacture of popular clutters, we use, which is designed for professional sports climbers and withstands the static and dynamic load of more than 200 kg. The plywood sheet passes the process of detailed grinding and covered by safe paint and layers of non-toxic varnish for more durable use.

As for embossed, we, unlike a number of manufacturers, are guided primarily by the safety, strength and environmental friendliness of materials. In particular, we use an epoxy resin as one of the components, which is more environmentally friendly and stronger than polyester resin, which most producers use due to ease of use and low cost. Yes, polyester resins are cheaper and easier in production, but we will definitely not save on the health of children, because the very idea of \u200b\u200bchildren's home and all the climbers is a healthy lifestyle.

Laying all year on the couch, you are unlikely to be able to mascere even the most simple rock route. Passion for climbing implies regular workouts, and not only OFP!

General exercise - It is wonderful, but not enough!

Running, swimming, fitness, simulators and the like - will make their job in strengthening your body, but without special workouts, do not stand on top of you on top, gently from happiness.

To work out the technique of movement on a rock, you need to do it regularly and it is on the rocky route or a simulator.

You can envy if you live in the area where there is natural rock relief. In this case, at your disposal there is a place for training that is in a natural environment with all the ensuing capabilities.

A lot of opportunities appear:

  • training and working out climbing climbing in natural natural environment;
  • no restrictions in the choice time for training (at least deep at night!);
  • weather help to work unforeseen difficulties of passing the route (after rain, under the scorching sun, etc.);
  • fresh air training in an embrace with a rock strengthen immunity;
  • your Snorke can attract attention passing by the person of the opposite sex (what if this is fate?).

Taking advantage of our sessions on the choice and, you can make daily outdoors in the fresh air that will make our work on turning you into a spider person.

And if you are not lucky? And you live in a steppe, forest or similar area, where there are no rocks and in mom? Is it possible to abandon the breathtaking dream of a dizzying rock? Not at all! The dream will help to implement wall for, More precisely, the scalodrom.

It is believed that the clutters came to us from America, where they got the spread only 35 years ago.

Skalodrom - This is an artificial wall for climbing, which mimics the rocky surface. It can be placed both indoors and open-air.

Placing wall for climbing in room has a number of advantages:

  • can be engaged in any weather ("What the snow is that we have a hail that we have a pouring rain ...");
  • can be engaged in any season (Let it be behind the window at least -30 ° C!);
  • routes allocated for classes according to the degree of complexity (for the beginner - its own, for the pros);
  • availability at the bottom mitigating fall surfaces;
  • artificial the wall is clean And it is repeatedly disappeared by the training climbers (the natural rock surface is quite dirty: a single workout is enough to get enough clothes, but also break).

The wall for climbing is a metal frame, trimmed by plywood. Hooks are attached to her. Here the manufacturers are sophisticated!

Often not only visually, but also to the touch, such an artificial wall seems to be a natural rock surface. However, there is and completely without the clades of the clutter.

Hence the formation of the price: it fluctuates from 100 to 350 rubles For one visit.

Classes with a trainer will cost more ( from 750 rubles).

Many complexes exist. The school is its world where the same lovers of extreme vertical live. There you will not only train, but also get an invaluable charge of energy from communicating with like-minded climbers.

And how much interesting and useful you can learn from professional instructors! Schools organizes competitions and trips on rock passage in natural conditions.

Fine alternative to visiting Different climbing centers are to create it at home.

You get mass privilege:

  • sole use;
  • always at hand (foot!);
  • option of morning charging for cheerfulness for the whole day and evening reset day stress;
  • you can regulate the route itself and the level of complexity.

If the hands are not for boredom, then you can collect the wall for climbing.

It will take plywood, the hooks of different form of complexity (depends on the capabilities of your wallet!), Fastening anchors, nuts and bolts of various lengths.

Depending on the degree of your skill, you can assemble a unique simulator for the development of the muscles of the hands and legs to the maximum in a couple of days.

Pay attention to the hooks from the Russian manufacturer from Samara Smileholds worth from $ 4.5.

For a homely climbing simulator, it is enough to fix 20 hooksAnd it will be a movement not so much up (after all, the ceiling is not removed, but in ordinary apartments height 2.5 - 2.65 m), how much horizontal.

But to acquire the skills of movement on the rocky route, this is quite enough. And you will admire the height during the real climb on the scaling route.

If there is no desire to make, then you can buy a clutter. Their cost is different:

  • russian manufacturer of Sorel LLC - from $ 1600.;
  • ukrainian manufacturer KROK - from $ 150.;
  • Kharkov Sportsman factory - from $ 70..

In this case, the price depends on the configuration.

If your family has children, then an alternative to the Swedish orphanage will serve children's wall for climbing.

In addition to the strengthening of the muscles of the hands and legs, children develop a dexterity and an increase in regular classes on the climbing.

Home Children's climbing wall has a compact surface, can be placed on the wall In the nursery. Typically, such simulators are equipped with additional mats for child safety.

The Russian company "Sorel" produces bright children's clutters to order. Color and drawing can be chosen individually, the price is from $ 300.

Installation of children's climbers is currently very relevant, since modern children suffer from a sedentary lifestyle.

Children's climbing can be install in the courtyard. Believe me, it will be the most favorite place of collecting the children.

The Russian company "ASM-Sport" builds the rocks of any configuration and modification at the cottage territories and not only.

And you can come even easier and buy inflatable clutter. This bright simulator will not only benefit your child, but also will decorate the courtyard. Typically, such clutters are equipped with safety cables and a platform with a fence.


What makes up on the climbing plaque