Baby health in kindergarten. "Children's health in kindergarten

When sending their children to preschool institutions, parents are concerned not only with nutritional issues, but also with care for their health in kindergarten. A rare child goes through a period of adaptation without suffering various kinds of diseases. However, in general, a lot of work is being done in kindergartens aimed at maximizing prevention of various ailments.

Physical exercises

For example, every morning children start with morning exercises in kindergarten. In the winter, it is held in the assembly hall, and in the summer, young athletes actively exercise on the street. The whole process is supervised by a physical education teacher or a choreographer, depending on the direction of the institution. The right skills are formed from an early age, smoothly transitioning into a sustainable habit, strengthening the health of children from an early age.

Between classes and lunchtime, the kids go for a walk to arrange various outdoor games and breathe fresh air. Depending on the temperature, the optimal time spent outside is selected, taking into account the wind speed, humidity level and other indicators. In addition, activities such as dancing, gymnastics or rhythm in kindergarten have a beneficial effect on the general physical fitness and development of children.


The developed diet has a beneficial effect on the immune system of any person. A correct diet, fractional consumption and a maximum of useful vitamins are the key to excellent digestion, excellent well-being and a healthy lifestyle. A properly balanced diet is the start of good eating habits, which form further nutrition and the maintenance of trace elements necessary in the body. The kindergarten menu includes not only healthy soups, cereals and meat, but also fruits, vegetables, dairy products and more.

Airing. Hardening.

Many groups organize a health day in kindergarten, involving not only children but also parents. Particular attention is paid to hardening, where experienced specialists talk about the methods, methods and possibilities of this procedure. Educators keep under control the daily washing of the legs after a walk, maintaining the cool temperature of the water. Airing of rooms is also an important positive factor, especially in the bedroom. In the summer, when most of the gardens are closed for repairs or vacations, children simply need to be taken out of the dusty city to the sea, a summer cottage or to their grandmother in the village. It is important to undergo a firming wellness massage from a qualified professional as needed.


Just as the theater begins with a coat rack, so every visit to your favorite band begins with washing your hands before breakfast. This skill should be worked out to automatism, so that children will continue to carefully monitor the cleanliness of their hands. It is noteworthy that hands are washed not only after the street and toilet, but just before any meal. It is worth telling the children how many microbes accumulate on their hands and what kind of diseases can cause dirty fingers and nails. Many teachers note that finger gymnastics can also be carried out in the process of washing hands and playing with water, which allows you to combine several useful things at the same time. It will not be superfluous to pay attention to handkerchiefs - it is worth using exclusively a disposable product.

Remember, you can go to kindergarten after an illness only with a medical certificate!

Municipal preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten number 114"

Healthy child in kindergarten

Prepared by: Boyarkina G.M.

The life of the XXI century poses before us many new problems, among which the most urgent one today is the problem of maintaining a child's health on the basis of health-forming education. This problem is especially acute during the period of adaptation of a child in a preschool educational institution, entering a kindergarten for the first time.

Health is not only the absence of diseases or physical defects, but also the complete physical, mental and social well-being of a person.

Currently, one of the priority tasks facing teachers is the health of each child in the process of health-forming education.

The formation of a healthy lifestyle begins at an early age. All life activities of a child in a preschool institution should be aimed at maintaining and strengthening health, especially during the adaptation period. With successful adaptation, two main criteria stand out: internal comfort (emotional satisfaction) and external adequacy of behavior (the ability to easily and accurately fulfill new requirements).

Recreational activities in kindergarten allow the child to cope with the difficulties of getting used to a new environment, allow you to organize your child's life in a preschool institution in such a way that leads to the most adequate, almost painless adaptation to new conditions, to form a positive attitude towards the children's peer group and the development of skills and abilities Everyday life. Creating a positive attitude towards all types of activity in the child, developing various skills that correspond to age-related capabilities, forming the need for communication with adults. The activities provide the solution of educational and educational tasks, already during the period of the child's getting used to new conditions and thereby accelerates and facilitates the course of the adaptation period, i.e. the child's habituation to kindergarten, to public preschool education.

Wellness activities take an integrated approach and are built on three main areas:

  1. Creation of a recreational environment for the prevention of various deviations in psychophysical development in children (vision, flat feet, poor posture, articulation apparatus, breathing).
  2. Formation of a healthy lifestyle for children in kindergarten and at home.
  3. Physical education development.

And it is also built on the fundamental principles:

  1. differentiation;
  2. sequences;
  3. axiological.

The principle of differentiationconsists in the pedagogical direction of health-forming education in the educational process, in an individually-differentiated approach to each child (tasks are given, the temperament of children is taken into account, positive couples of a formative nature).

Consistency principleconsists in the gradual connection of wellness procedures, their variety, arousing interest and a positive emotional response from children.

The principle of axeology(value orientation) is carried out through the parents, with whom the worldview representation of universal human values \u200b\u200bis considered, the healthy lifestyle of a young child, because the formation of a healthy lifestyle in children of the first three years is the basis for the formation of a healthy psychophysical development of a child in the future.

Forms of work with parents:

  1. health corner;
  2. consultations;
  3. parent-teacher meetings with the involvement of medical specialists;

The formation of cultural and hygienic foundations contributes to the correct upbringing and development of the child as a person.

The purpose of the wellness activities:upbringing a healthy child through health-forming education.

Work in this direction to achieve the goal involves the implementation of the following tasks:

  1. Create conditions for the protection and promotion of children's health.
  2. To form in children the skills of a healthy lifestyle, to promote the full physical development of children in the upbringing and educational process.
  3. To form the experience of social behavior that ensures emotional well-being, health in the process of adaptation, interaction of self-knowledge, self-regulation.

In the process of performing and carrying out health-improving measures, the following results are expected:

  1. Formation of understanding of this problem and responsibility for the implementation of the recommendations of teachers on the part of parents.
  2. Instilling in children cultural and hygienic skills in regime moments.
  3. Reducing colds.

The deterioration of the health status of children dictates the need to develop and implement health-improving measures aimed at improving the health of children, reducing their morbidity. The system of recreational activities is reflected in the content of recreational work with preschool children.

Name of wellness procedures

Methods and techniques of health improvement in the educational process

Dates and duration of events


Ensuring a healthy rhythm of life for a child in kindergarten

  1. sparing regime;
  2. flexible mode;
  1. during adapt. period
  2. daily

Physical development

  1. morning exercises for the general development of the child's body;
  2. health and fitness classes;
  3. mobile and dynamic games;
  4. exercise at the sports complex;
  5. preventive gymnastics;
  6. respiratory;
  7. improved posture;
  8. for feet (flat feet);
  9. speech apparatus;
  10. fine motor skills of the hands (finger).
  1. every morning
  2. Two times per week
  3. daily throughout the day
  4. daily throughout the day
  5. daily
  6. daily throughout the day
  7. daily after sleep
  8. daily after sleep
  9. daily after sleep

Hygienic and water treatment

  1. washing with the use of an artistic word;
  2. hand washing;
  3. water games;
  4. compliance with the drinking regime;
  5. ensuring the cleanliness of the environment (Chizhevsky chandelier, quartzing).
  1. daily 2 times a day
  2. daily
  3. Once a week
  4. daily
  5. daily

Using the natural environment for hardening activities

  1. ventilation of premises;
  2. sleep with open transoms;
  3. walks in the fresh air (climatotherapy);
  4. ensuring the temperature regime and air purity.
  1. daily throughout the year
  2. daily in summer
  3. daily
  4. daily

In winter, at a temperature not lower than 20 °

Light and color therapy

  1. providing a light regime; - color and light accompaniment of the environment and the educational process.
  1. daily

Auto-training and psycho-gymnastics

  1. games and exercises for the development of the emotional sphere
  1. Two times per week


a) natural
b) special

  1. sandals;
  2. salt quenching
  3. respiratory
  1. summer
  2. every day after nap

Working with parents

  1. health corner - consultations - parenting meetings

Probably, there is not a single person who would not like to see their children strong, healthy, seasoned, not reacting to any vicissitudes of the weather.

Systematic hardening contributes to the formation in the child's body of the ability to tolerate changes in the environment painlessly. Hardening leads to increased metabolism, increases the body's resistance to infectious diseases, has a beneficial effect on the general psychological state and behavior of the child.

When hardening, we adhere to certain rules, the first of which is gradualness. We also take into account the state of health and individual characteristics of children. Hardening procedures should bring joy to children.

Walking on salt lanes is an effective means of hardening. The effect of salt lanes is that the salt irritates the child's foot, which is rich in nerve endings.

Salt hardening technique

Indications: The salt hardening method is indicated for all preschool children.

Technics: Hardening is carried out after a nap under the supervision of a teacher. A child walks barefoot on a flannel rug soaked in 10% room temperature sodium chloride solution. They stomp on the rug for 2 minutes. The children then move to a second mat, rubbing the salt off the soles of their feet, and then move to a dry mat and wipe their feet dry. An important point during hardening is that the foot must be preheated. For this purpose, foot massagers, button and stick tracks are used.

Mechanism of action:Mechanical and chemical through thermo and chemoreceptors of the skin of the feet. The saline solution irritates the chemoreceptors, causing the peripheral vascular enlargement of the feet. Heat generation is reflexively enhanced, blood flow to the lower extremities and feet increases, and heat remains for a long time. Mechanical actions result from irritation of biological points on the sole.

Equipment: 3 flannel rugs,

a) with different-sized sewn-on buttons,
b) with sewn sticks.

10% solution of sodium chloride temperature + 10 ° + 18 ° С 1 kg of salt per 10 liters. water 0.5 kg per 5 liters. water 0.25 kg per 2.5 l. water

This method of hardening is available and simple, does not require large material costs and time, and is a pleasure for children. And most importantly, it has a pronounced effect, plays an essential role in the prevention of colds in children.

The system of health-improving measures in the I and II junior group for 2009-2010.

  1. Morning exercises in a light form (daily).
  2. Physical education classes 2 times a week.
  3. Walking every day at a temperature not lower than - 20C (daily).
  4. Washing with cool water (3 times daily, water temperature + 14, + 16 C.
  5. Invigorating gymnastics with music (daily after sleep).
  6. Walking along the “health path” (prevention of flat feet) every day after sleep.
  7. Salt hardening (daily after naps).
  8. Gymnastics for the eyes in classes with increased stress on vision (modeling, drawing), in order to prevent myopia.
  9. Respiratory exercises to increase the vital volume of the lungs (daily).
  10. Prevention of scoliosis (monitoring the position of the child's body during the day, during classes, while sleeping, while eating.)
  11. Games and exercises - relieving stress, overcoming fear, developing tenacity, dexterity, flexibility.

Nadezhda Bigasheva (Kiseleva)
Child health in kindergarten

Kindergarten for a child- this is practically his second home. Since he spends most of his time in kindergarten... But it must be emphasized that an aggressive viral environment is present in every preschool institution and it is constantly being updated. Therefore, everyone caught in this environment child is at risk of frequent colds. Despite the fact that baby runny nose or other symptoms of a cold or flu, parents still take their children to kindergarten,

unaware that they endanger all the children of the group.

From infections child will not hide anywhere, neither at home, nor on the playground, and even more so not in the garden. Among infectious diseases, there are those that are better a child to get sick in childhood... After all, when child a little illness is easier. Such diseases include chickenpox, rubella, etc. Most often, these diseases can be contracted in kindergarten.

Many respiratory diseases are caused by viruses. And these viruses are picked up by the pupils kindergarten... Every disease that the body carries baby, leads to the formation of immunity against this pathogen. If colds or others, any illnesses are delayed or accompanied by complications, then a child's weak immunity.

It is known that many pediatricians recommend giving baby in a dhow at the age of four, since by this time the baby's immunity is already more developed. Before giving child in kindergarten, he must first be prepared for this. Unfortunately, there are children who often get sick and these mothers need to think about what to do in such cases? Mothers of such children need to do the strengthening health of their babies.

1. Ventilate rooms, often walk outside.

2. Also strengthen health hardening can help.

3. A rational diet and daily routine are also very important. Child should perceive food in the kindergarten as natural, so you should accustom him to porridge, jelly, compotes long before visiting kindergarten.

4. A kid who is familiar with hygiene rules and skills at home goes through the adaptation period in the kindergarten much faster. Proper nutrition the child will strengthen his health and his body will be prepared for the psychological stress.

5. There is another way to strengthen the body child is a sport... Sport will not only strengthen the body baby, but also normalizes his psychological state.

6. Dancing, physical education, swimming, gymnastics - all this strengthens the immune system baby and protects his body from negative influences.

7. And, of course, child health in kindergarten depends on a stable emotional and psychological state, on the baby's ability to communicate with his peers, with adults.

What determines the strength of immunity baby?

Why can one kid run barefoot in puddles all day and not pick up anything, while another instantly reacts with a rise in temperature, even for a short walk in wet weather? As you can see, the first baby the strength of nonspecific immunity is much higher than that of the second.

Vaccinations are certainly a good thing. Thanks to her, children become immune to measles, chickenpox, whooping cough, diphtheria, some forms of hepatitis, etc. However, vaccination is not able to increase non-specific immunity. A kid can have all the vaccinations that are appropriate for his age, and at the same time suffer from tonsillitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, otitis media every month. Unfortunately, these diseases are caused by microorganisms that are not vaccinated against.

The main factors affecting the state of non-specific immunity baby,following:

1) Living conditions, everyday life. Poor financial situation of parents, the need for frequent change of residence undermines child immunity.

2) Psycho-emotional atmosphere in the family, in preschool. If parents are not averse to drinking and loudly sorting out the relationship with children, if the baby is offended in kindergarten, the body's resistance falls. For a kid health needs affection, love and care of his loved ones.

3) Food quality. Daily diet baby should include all the necessary vitamins, trace elements, minerals. An unbalanced diet significantly reduces immune defenses. Food should be as varied as possible and consist of products of plant and animal origin.

4) The presence of congenital and acquired diseases. The immune system baby cannot function properly if any of its internal organs are affected by disease. Quite a frequent occurrence in children's age - weakening of immunity due to intestinal dysbiosis, gastritis, pyelonephritis, etc.

Weak immunity in a baby should be suspected if he suffers from a cold more than six times a year, and the disease proceeds with complications in the form of tonsillitis, pneumonia, and traditional treatment does not help well.

To the choice of a preschool institution, where to kid to spend most of their childhood, must be approached consciously. And parents are faced with this important decision.

If the kid is happy in kindergartenand goes home with a smile,

His mother is happy too!

Reasons prompting child fight

1. If he fights with relatives or peers, then the reasons lie in the family atmosphere. Aggression often manifests itself in children in whose families physical influence is the order of the day.

2. In cases where parents are constantly shouting, and even more so they fight with each other or beat baby, he adopts a similar line of behavior. Every year, in such an environment, it embitters the baby. He cannot answer the older ones yet, so he takes out his anger on the weaker ones.

3. Constant criticism can also trigger fights. It is important not to forget to celebrate your baby's success.

4. Lack of attention. With indifference on the part of the parents and insufficient manifestation of love, the baby may start to fight in order to attract attention.

5. Excessive severity, excessive number of prohibitions, iron discipline.

6. Ignoring the tendency to fight and encouraging in the form of praise when the child gives change.

Related publications:

The concept of adaptation. The adaptation of a child to new social conditions is sometimes very painful. When he first comes to the nursery.

Consultation "Adaptation of a child in kindergarten" Kindergarten is a new life situation for children. For children, communication in a group comes to the fore. New furnishings.

The concept of "Adaptation" is a process of development of the organism's adaptive reactions in response to new conditions for it. Social adaptation.

Children's birthdays are fun, noise and bright emotions. Organization of a holiday for a child in kindergarten allows you to spend a rich and.

Health group - a complex of vital indicators of the physical and psychological state of children, which is used to assess the health of children from the moment of birth until reaching the age of 17, predicting changes in the state of children's health and excluding risk factors. The information is entered into the child's medical record so that any health worker has the necessary information without specifying the diagnosis.

Children's health groups: tables and characteristics

Parents are often wary of this practice, considering the distribution to be one of the forms of discrimination, however, experts, knowing the child's health group, can provide the child with timely assistance if necessary.

Distribution into groups of children's health in preschool educational institutions is necessary in order to:

  • children selected the optimal level of physical activity;
  • during the stay in kindergarten, the individual characteristics of the organism were taken into account;
  • the child was chosen a suitable daily routine and menu.

Health groups in preschool educational institutions

The distribution of children by health groups is based on the results of the examination, which is carried out by narrow specialists (dentist, otolaryngologist, neuropathologist, cardiologist, ophthalmologist and surgeon), and a comprehensive opinion of the pediatrician. If experts consider it necessary, an additional examination, clinical research is carried out, the child is tested.

The determination of the group is carried out on the basis of the Assessment Rules and the Instructions for a comprehensive health assessment, which were approved by the Ministry of Health. It is advisable to go through the distribution immediately after the birth of the baby, but more often parents find out the health category of their baby when applying to kindergarten.

Each child who has reached a certain age, parents enroll in a kindergarten. Some act on the basis of those considerations so that the child does not spend his days aimlessly chasing a ball, watching cartoons for hours. In other cases (in almost every family), there is no one to look after the child due to work employment. But whatever the reason, the health of children in kindergarten is steadily ensured, which has a positive effect both mentally and physically.

Why a child needs to be sent to kindergarten

Many mothers consider it right to leave their baby at home, preferring to keep him with him all day and "blow dust off him." They explain this behavior by the fact that when communicating with other babies, it is possible to pick up various viral diseases. However, the same mothers do not understand or fundamentally do not want to understand that it is impossible to turn a child into a "greenhouse plant".

And the constant presence of the baby in the home walls and the restriction in communication will make him a notorious, self-contained and uncommunicative egoist. It is extremely important to place him in a child care institution, giving the child complete freedom of communication and self-development. As much as the parents want it, they in any case will not be able to devote enough time to their child to play with him and work out.

Moms are busy with household chores all day: washing, ironing, cooking, cleaning and so on. Dads, on the other hand, spend most of their time at work, but in the evenings they are too tired to take up children's play or upbringing.

Ensuring children's health is the # 1 problem for both parents and educators. Therefore, various activities are organized and carried out, aimed at both physical and mental development. These can be educational games (riddles, puzzles on different topics), simple physical exercises, staging small scenes, and more.

Taking part in all this, the child involuntarily develops, improves, learns the world, learns to communicate with peers and adults (in this case, with educators, parents of children from the group). And most importantly, he gets acquainted with such life concepts as: independence, responsibility, determination. These concepts play a leading role in the development of personality.

Wellness activities

In any kindergarten, a number of recreational activities are carried out aimed at ensuring and maintaining the health of the baby. Wellness activities include:

  1. Raising the need for a healthy lifestyle.
  2. Physical culture and health improvement work.
  3. Hardening.
  4. Prevention.

Raising the need for a healthy lifestyle

This event is aimed at developing in the child the need to lead and strive for a healthy lifestyle. At the same time, special attention is paid to the child's observance of the daily routine, the instilling and development of cultural and hygienic skills, training in caring for their body.

Physical culture and health work

This type of wellness activities is no less important than all others. Engaging in physical education and gymnastics strengthens the muscles, joints, and bone tissue of the baby. The body acquires the ability to fight various ailments, diseases, disorders. Thus, health and fitness activities include:

  • morning exercises;
  • physical education;
  • outdoor games and play exercises;
  • physical education in the fresh air;
  • sport games;
  • breathing exercises after a nap;
  • diagnostics of physical development;
  • sports and musical events;
  • leisure.


Tempering procedures are aimed at strengthening the health of each child, making him strong and increasing his immunity. Before proceeding with the implementation of this event, it is excluded that the child has any disease. In general, hardening involves:

  • outdoor games, walking;
  • taking air baths;
  • implementation of water procedures;
  • water games;
  • dosed sunbathing.

Walking barefoot is both a hardening procedure and a great pleasure. Children like it very much.


A child's adherence to basic prevention measures is also part of a health program. Preventive measures include:

  • ensuring the cleanliness of the environment;
  • creating a healthy microclimate;
  • rational and balanced nutrition;
  • vitaminization - the use of vitamin drinks, fruits;
  • flu prevention - phytotherapy using onions and garlic;
  • preventive vaccinations to protect the child from such serious diseases as: whooping cough, mumps, tuberculosis, chickenpox and others;
  • aromatherapy procedures;
  • medical and physical culture;
  • restorative massage.

The implementation of recreational activities is aimed at ensuring that the child, being in kindergarten, grows up absolutely healthy and strong!