Homemade timer for watering. Timer for drip irrigation: purpose, types and features of making your own hands

Usability automatic systems irrigation for watering significantly saves time for summer residents. Even more convenient option when the system is turned on by the watering timer set for gravity systems or barrel. There are two types of timers: electronic and mechanical. Let's take a closer look at their features.

Benefits of using a timer

Automation allows you to free up time and make the work of the farmer easier. Drip irrigation, sprinkling are excellent helpers, relieving the need for regular watering of beds with a hose.

However, leaving the garden or greenhouse for a long time still does not work - the system needs to be turned on and off every few hours. The use of a timer (controller) for automatic irrigation solves this issue. By programming the device, you will free yourself from the constant presence and control of the system throughout the season.

Photos of the watering timer give an idea of ​​​​its device. Modern timers can be controlled via mobile phone or the internet. The device operates on two conventional AA batteries.

Advantages of using the device:

  • there are practically no failures in work;
  • quickly and easily installed;
  • economical water consumption;
  • you can program watering individually for any landings;
  • plants receive regular watering at the same time, which contributes to their optimal development.

What is the purpose of the timer?

When deciding whether or not to purchase a timer for your landings, you need to understand exactly how it functions.

Timer for drip irrigation starts and stops water, controlling the system, even several irrigation lines at the same time.

It can be turned on and off independently - a special sensor sets the level of soil moisture. This allows the appliance to automatically turn off when, say, it rains.

Do-it-yourself installation of the timer is very simple - it is connected to a pipe or an ordinary garden hose using a fitting.

Mechanical timer

This type of controller is the easiest to use. It is turned on manually, and it turns off on its own - after the time set by the owner has elapsed.

The minimum running time is one minute, the upper limit is 120 minutes. The controller runs on batteries. The cost of a mechanical timer is low, while it has a long service life.

Electronic timer

Electronic controllers are more complex than mechanical controllers and the cost of these devices is higher. The irrigation process will be fully automated. Switching on and off is automatic, the device is battery operated, like a mechanical one.

The owner can schedule work for a long time, the duration of watering is from a minute to two hours. First, the date and time are set, after which you can select the optimal irrigation program for planting.

Principle of operation and setting

All types of timers operate on the basis of a ball valve or a solenoid valve. The ball watering timer works from a barrel or in gravity systems (at low pressures). Can be used for irrigation through medical droppers.

Controllers with valves operate from the central water supply (pressure of about 0.2 atmospheres). The multi-valve device allows you to organize several lines of simultaneous irrigation. It works from the mains.

When setting a timer for a certain period of time, remember one small but important detail. Watering with a hose manually, the summer resident perfectly sees when the earth is completely moistened.

With drip irrigation upper layer the soil remains dry, and moisture is concentrated deeper, at the roots. Without seeing this, you want to water more often because the soil seems to be still dry.

In order to avoid flooding the plants, after digging the soil with a shovel, you need to make sure that the root zone of the plants does not have enough moisture and watering is really needed. If the ground is too wet, then the timer needs to be adjusted to decrease the watering time.

Often in suburban villages during the day, due to active irrigation, the water pressure decreases. Installing an automatic timer will make it possible to organize watering in the evening and at night.

The timer will help automate watering on any area, whether it be several hectares, a greenhouse, or even one plant, freeing the owner from the mandatory presence on the site and vigilant control. You can safely be absent from the country for several days or weeks, knowing that everything is in perfect order with the plants.

Watering timer photo

Watering is one of essential conditions for the growth and fruiting of horticultural crops. This is especially pronounced in conditions of little snowy winters and subsequent dry summers, since many people do not have permanent opportunity monitor the process of watering your personal plot. Great solution will become an electronic irrigation controller, which, following the program laid down in it and relying on external factors, will independently perform the irrigation process.

Currently, there are several classifications of the irrigation controller, all of them, as well as types of timers, are listed below.

Classification of controllers by type of control

  • Auto. This type of controller allows you to water according to a given program. Also, with the help of it, you can regulate the amount of water during drip irrigation. Such a controller is the most practical for greenhouses. Undoubted advantage is the ability to program optimal mode glaze. A striking example of an irrigation controller is the popular S538 in our country. No less popular ball ga 322;

  • Manual timer. In it, for the supply of water and control over its distribution, it is necessary to look after. That is why such timers are gradually becoming a thing of the past, giving way to an automatic controller.

Classification of controllers by place of application

There are timers for watering the following areas of the estate:

  1. Garden. Designed for the garden different kinds controllers. Here you can use: electronic, mechanical, automatic, ball and other types. Such controllers can be used when taking water from both the water supply system and from the barrel. An excellent model for the garden is the ga 322 or ga 319 ball controller.
  2. Garden. To irrigate the soil in the garden, it is customary to use a mechanical or electronic timer. An excellent solution would be the palisad 66191 model, which has more than 15 irrigation programs. This allows you to set the desired conditions for the supply of water for beds with different crops.
  3. Greenhouse. As a rule, plants planted in a greenhouse require drip irrigation. For these purposes, the palisad 66191 mentioned above is also perfect. It also has a drip irrigation program in its functions.

Classification by type of water supply

There are several types of controllers, which are classified according to the type of water supply.

  1. Drip irrigation timer. At the moment, they are perhaps the most popular among their counterparts. The drip irrigation controller eliminates the possibility of overspending water and excessive soil moisture. Irrigation occurs in accordance with a pre-planned water supply scheme. The advantage of drip irrigation is the slow delivery of water. With this irrigation, plants grow more transiently. Also, in addition to moisture, it is possible to supply various additives that plants need. An example of such irrigation controllers are the notorious palisad 66191, ga 322, ga 319, as well as raco of various modifications. Irrigation system controllers of this type have a moisture sensor that is able to capture the condition of the soil and the presence of precipitation. If the soil is already wet or it is raining, this is detected by the moisture sensor and no water is supplied.
  2. Ball irrigation controller. There are two types: mechanical and electronic.

Ball controller

The advantage of a mechanical timer is its ease of operation. Before starting it, it is necessary to set the time frame for watering the soil and the duration of the water supply.

The electronic one needs to be programmed for the date, time, and also to install the necessary program that is most suitable for a particular culture. Water is supplied by pressure generated by a pump. The pump can take water both from the crane, and from a reservoir or a barrel. A striking example of such a controller is palisad 66191.

Most Popular Irrigation Controllers

Ga 319

Battery operated electronic. Designed to control automatic water supply and irrigation systems. The tuning scheme is very simple and flexible, has a wide range of values.

Characteristics of ga 319:

  1. The ga 319 control box is completely waterproof.
  2. It is possible to set a watering cycle ranging from two minutes to 48 hours.
  3. The ga 319 watering time can be set from half a minute to three hours.
  4. Power is supplied by two 1.5 V batteries.
  5. Ga 319 is compatible exclusively with a single irrigation system.
  6. The price is approximately equal to two thousand rubles.
  7. Water intake by the irrigation system can be carried out both from the tank and from the water supply. The flow is controlled by a pump.

S 538 (ga 322)

It is also a popular controller. Has 16 watering programs.

Characteristics of ga 322:

  1. The memory of this controller is capable of storing up to 16 programs.
  2. Power is supplied by two 1.5 V batteries.
  3. Completely waterproof when the front panel is closed with a semi-transparent gasketed cover.
  4. Great for gravity irrigation systems.
  5. The price varies between 2-2.5 thousand rubles.

Palisade 66191

It allows you to set the start and end times of irrigation systems, as well as their frequency and duration. 16 different programs allow you to choose necessary scheme irrigation for a particular crop.

Characteristics of palisad 66191:

  1. This controller is made of plastic.
  2. Capable of operating at pressures up to 10 bar.
  3. Maximum allowable temperature water 40 degrees Celsius.
  4. Power is supplied by two 1.5 V batteries. Their resource is enough for 1300-1600 starts and stops of soil irrigation.
  5. Able to support both one and two lines of watering.
  6. With 16 different programs, it is designed to irrigate soils with different crops.
  7. Suitable for gravity irrigation systems.
  8. The approximate cost of the unit is 2200-2500 rubles.
  9. Water intake is carried out using a pump, to which the sensor sends commands.


There is a whole line of raco timers, from the mechanical raco 4275-55/731D to the electronic raco 4275-55/738.

Characteristics of raco irrigation controllers:

  1. The raco controller's watering time can be set from 1 minute to 2 hours.
  2. At the end of watering, it automatically shuts off the water supply lines.
  3. Raco has simple design and therefore very easy to use.
  4. The connection point is a tap or any pipe with a thread of 0.75 or 1.
  5. The cost varies from 800 to 3000 rubles. 800 rubles is a mechanical irrigation controller, 3000 rubles, respectively, electronic.

Additional timer functions

In addition to its main purpose, the following additional features:

  1. Rain sensor. A similar device is installed when installing soil irrigation systems on open area. It captures the presence of precipitation in amounts from 3 to 30 millimeters. The irrigation scheme changes accordingly, that is, the mini sensor will not humidify during natural precipitation. Also on such a sensor there is a delay timer, which is set in manual mode. The water supply tap will be closed after rain for the time you set.
  2. Diaphragm pump. This device is mounted together with the timer or separately. It monitors the amount of water accumulated in the tank, and when it reaches a critical point, it turns off the supply.
  3. Soil moisture sensor. Similar devices are installed in several places in the garden. They measure soil moisture. When a certain level is reached, the sensors send a signal to the controller, which in turn opens the tap. The humidity sensor is an indispensable device for irrigation systems in case they are not constantly monitored by a person. The humidity controller allows you to save water as much as possible, because the tap of the water supply system opens only in those moments when it is really needed. When installing such a device, the irrigation scheme must be changed, as a rule, in irrigation controllers, the sixteenth program is designed to work with humidity sensors.
  4. Filter. It serves for additional water purification, if water for irrigation is taken from natural reservoirs or septic systems.

All additional devices can be purchased as a set with the irrigation controller or separately. It will cost much less when buying all the equipment for installing irrigation systems.

DIY controller design

If for some reason you do not want to buy in the store, you can do it yourself. There are many do-it-yourself timer assembly methods, the most popular of which are listed below.

The simplest irrigation controller

The simplest irrigation controller is easy to do with your own hands. This does not require any super knowledge. All that is needed is a fiber like that used in kerosene lamps, and a container with a side height of 5-10 centimeters. The scheme of work is very simple. The fiber at one end falls to the bottom of the container. After it is completely saturated, water will begin to drip from the other end. It must be placed above the plant that needs watering. Thus, the level of humidity will be maintained. If you need more abundant watering, you need to take a thicker fiber.

Also, a drip irrigation device can be built with your own hands from an ordinary medical dropper, the principle of operation of which is known to every person.

Ball valve control device

To make your own, you will need the following materials and products:

  • water container;
  • tap;
  • plywood circle - 2 pieces;
  • five-liter bottle;
  • mounting adhesive;
  • sewing threads.

To mount the irrigation controller, the faucet needs to be slightly modified. Instead of a handle for closing and opening a tap, a pulley must be installed.

  1. The pulley is made from two plywood circles. They are glued together with glue. A sewing thread is wound around the pulley, so that the design is reliable, several turns must be made.
  2. To the second end of the cord, it is necessary to tie a balance and a compensator for its weight, that is, a container of water. The weight of the load must be chosen so that it is enough for the crane to become a lever.
  3. It is very easy to adjust the weight of the load. To do this, you must alternately add the necessary components to the bottle with water and sand.
  4. Weight compensator, that is, a bottle of water. To do this, it is necessary to make a small hole in its bottom. When the mass of the compensator decreases, the load will begin to pull the rocker pulley towards itself, thanks to which the crane will open.

It can be connected both to a water tank with a tap equipped on it, and to a water supply system. In the case of a container, its level should exceed the surface of the earth with planted plants that require watering.

In the case of plumbing, everything is a little simpler. But nevertheless, the location of the water supply line should be at least 1.5-2 meters above ground level. Otherwise, the ballast and the timer tank will not be able to function due to the lack of room for maneuver.

Arrangement of an electric timer

In order to make an electric timer with your own hands, you must have basic knowledge in the field of electrics.

All we need is: an electric motor, a pulley and photocells.

  • Instead of a faucet handle, a pulley must be installed;
  • By means of a belt, it must be connected to the pulley of an electric motor installed in close proximity;

electric motor

  • The motor will turn on depending on the movement of the sun, which is why photocells are needed, which should be adjusted to the movement of the sun or some other factor. You can also set a timer on the electric motor switch, which will start it at a certain time to open the water supply. And in the other - for closing, that is, the reverse operation of the engine will be performed.
  • In no case should you use a powerful motor that is powered by a power line. An excellent solution would be a screwdriver motor, and in some cases even from toy car. It all depends on how tight the faucet opens and closes.

The latter option is the most optimal in all respects, because with it it is possible to regulate the water supply for the irrigation line in the required volumes and for quite a long time, unlike the second option.

Everyone knows that it is almost impossible to be in the country all the time, we are all busy with various things. And often there is a difficulty associated with watering the garden plot. What to do in such a situation? You can solve this problem by assembling an automatic watering system with your own hands, which, without your presence in the garden, organizes the watering of plants in the greenhouse and garden plot.

To do this, it is necessary that the garden has running water and an electric valve or a water tank plus an electric pump. Control over the automatic watering process occurs in two directions: a timer and a soil moisture sensor.

That is, when a signal is received from the humidity detector, the electrovalve or electric pump turns on and automatic mode plants are watered in greenhouse or garden until the humidity is sufficient or until the time set in the timer has elapsed. This relieves the owner of the garden from the constant watering of plants with his own hands.

Greenhouse automatic irrigation scheme

The timer is assembled on microcircuits DD1 - DD3. In fact, this is a daily automatic timer. For example, by pressing the start button, the machine will irrigate the area and exactly in a day it will repeat this operation again.

On logic elements, a timer rectangular pulse generator is assembled, following at a frequency of 97 Hz. These pulses are fed to the counter dividers DD2 and DD3. At the output 1 of the counter DD3 once a day, a logical unit signal appears. Now, at both inputs of the element DD1.3 log.1 and when log.0 arrives at any of these inputs, the output of this element will switch from logical 0 to 1.

This will create an impulse through the elements C6 and R5, thereby resetting the counter DD4. Zero at the output of the counter DD4 starts the multivibrator, which determines the duration of automatic watering.

The time setting is performed by changing the resistance of the variable resistor R6. With the indicated values, this period can be changed from 1 min. up to 20 min. If you need to further increase this interval, then in this case you should increase the capacitance of the capacitor C7.

The humidity sensor is based on the DD5.3 element. At high humidity, a logical unit is formed at its output, and at low humidity, zero, indicating that it is necessary to water the plants located in greenhouse or garden. The sensitivity threshold is set by a variable resistor R7. As soon as log.0 appears at both inputs of DD5.4, a log.1 is formed at its output, as a result of which the transistor switch supplies power to the pump or electrovalve, thereby starting automatic watering plants.

Humidity sensor electrodes can be made by hand. They are a pair of stainless steel pins stuck into the ground not far from each other. There may be several such sensors, which must be placed in different places near plants garden plot or in a greenhouse. They should be connected in parallel with each other with a mounting wire.

Plant Watering Machine Parts

The CD4001 counter can be changed to the domestic K561LE5, and the CD4040 to K561IE16, K561IE20. Diodes KD522 can be replaced with KD103, KD521, KD102. As a relay, you can use a 12V automotive relay type BSV1M1240. Any zener diode for stabilization voltage 9 ... 10V.

Irrigation measures are one of the main conditions for obtaining high yield, and it is the timer for drip irrigation that allows you to improve the system, as well as make it as easy to use and highly efficient as possible.

Timer for drip irrigation: purpose, types and principle of operation

There are several classifications that allow you to subdivide devices into several types.

Depending on the type of control, the watering timer can be represented by:

  • automatic control system. Such a timer is designed to perform watering in accordance with a pre-set program. Through such a device, regulation of the amount of water consumed in the process of drip irrigation is allowed. This option is one of the most practical devices for greenhouse structures. The undoubted advantage is the ability to program the most optimal and efficient irrigation regime;
  • manual or mechanical timer became less popular with the advent of automatic devices. Such low demand manual equipment due to the need to control the device.

Depending on the site of use, controllers can be applied:

  • in garden areas. Electronic, mechanical, automatic, ball and other types of devices can be used here. They are used to take fluid from a centralized water supply system or a special container;
  • on garden beds it is best to use a spherical water controller, but mechanical or electronic timers such as palisad have proven themselves just as well, which allows you to set optimal conditions water supply for beds with different cultures;
  • greenhouse structures require the use of a drip irrigation system, which is equipped with an autocontroller.

Manual watering timer (video)

Currently used several types of controllers, classified according to the type of water supply:

  • drip irrigation with timer. The most popular and demanded option, which completely eliminates the possibility of running into water overruns and excessive waterlogging of the soil. Irrigation activities are carried out according to a pre-planned water supply scheme. The advantage of this design is the slow flow of liquid and the ability to carry out top dressing with liquid fertilizers. System controllers of a similar design are characterized by the presence of a moisture sensor, which allows you to capture the state of the soil;
  • irrigation ball controllers can be either mechanical or electronic. The main advantage of a mechanical timer is ease of maintenance and operation. Immediately before the launch, it is required to establish the optimal time frame for irrigation activities and the duration of irrigation. Electronic devices involve programming the date, time, as well as selecting necessary program, which most closely matches botanical features cultivated crop. Irrigation is carried out by means of pressure created by the pump.

The choice should be made depending on factors such as soil and climatic conditions, irrigated areas and the type of plants grown.

Advantages and features of operating a faucet with a timer for irrigation

The timer allows you to solve the following tasks:

  • providing irrigation with a given intensity and optimal frequency;
  • prevention of waterlogging of the soil and rotting of the root system due to measured and slow water supply;
  • prevention of formation on the foliage sunburn;
  • provision of local irrigation, which reduces the risk rapid growth weed plants.

With all this, it is necessary to take into account some disadvantages of the application:

  • the use of a classic irrigation system connected to a centralized water supply and fan sprayers causes simultaneous switching on and a noticeable pressure drop when using one standard timer;
  • used tap water cold enough, which often causes hypothermia of the root system of too heat-loving garden and flowering plants.

It is required to follow the connection method and use only high-quality and reliable connecting fittings that can withstand high pressure water. Otherwise, an uncontrolled spill of liquid may occur, which can cause flooding of plants and severe water overruns.

How to make drip irrigation with an automatic timer (video)

Making a mechanical water timer for watering with your own hands

You can make a simple device quite easily and with minimal cost time and Money with your own hands. At the same time, properly executed homemade version, in most cases, does not differ much in functionality from finished, factory products. The response time of the water timer is determined by the action of the drop, and the tank acts as a ballast. Flowing out of the container, the liquid reduces the mass of the structure and the water supply is started.

The arrangement of a water timer is carried out using a water barrel, a ball valve, a couple of sheets of sheet steel or plywood, a canister, building glue and a spool of ordinary sewing thread. The uninterrupted operation of the system will require some refinement of the ball valve in the form of attaching a small rocker pulley to the handle. Thus, it is possible to open the handle tilt valve.

The pulley must be built from a pair of identical plywood circles glued together with construction glue. If metal circles are used, then their connection is made with bolts. A few turns of a strong cord are required to be wound onto the pulley. When constructing the lever, the lengths of the cord must be firmly fixed at the edges of the structure. A weight-ballast must be attached to the free ends of the cord, which allows the lever to be brought into working condition.

The mass of containers can be adjusted by adding sand and adding water. Also, as a weighting agent, you can use metal chips or lead shot. A container filled with water acts as a timer. In the bottom of such a container, you need to make a very small hole through which water seeps through. The device is put into action by installing a container of water for irrigation on a flat surface. Balance bottles filled with sand and water are hung on a pulley with a cord.

Overview of manufacturers of automatic watering timers

To date, there are a huge number of timer-controllers that are installed on various irrigation systems, but The following models have proven themselves best:

  • electronic model Ga-319, battery-operated and designed to control the operation of automatic water supply and irrigation systems. It features easy and flexible setting, wide range of values ​​and compatibility with single irrigation systems. Liquid intake can be carried out from a container or a water pipe, and the pressure is regulated by means of a pump;
  • model S-538 configured for sixteen irrigation programs and powered by a pair of batteries. The device is optimal for installation in gravity irrigation systems;
  • Palisad-66191 with the ability to set time frames for the beginning and end of work, as well as the frequency and duration of humidification. The installation involves the use of sixteen programs that are suitable for various cultures. The best option for the arrangement of gravity irrigation systems;
  • manufacturer Raso produces a whole line of timers, including mechanical and electronic models that automatically shut off the water supply line. Such devices have a simple design and ease of operation.

Electronic watering timer (video)

Irrigation timers are very widely used by both summer residents and small farmers in order to ensure the correct and timely dosing of water supply for any plants. In addition to ease of use, such devices help to save a lot of effort, time and money.

Greetings Muscovites!
Finally came to me new smartphone, which one eat camera, and I can do any but reviews. Go! Today, for my colleague, I received a timer bought on Ali to automate watering in the country / garden. All the same, the age of 21 technologies, but there is no time (and who has the desire) to visit the dacha for irrigation. We do not touch on the part of water delivery to “consumers”, this is another topic, here we will talk about a timer that will open water and let it go to consumers. Go! Review added! Please under the cat!

I don't like a lot of photos about tracks, packaging and so on. Everything arrived, and the whole, this is the main thing. So let's start with what arrived:

The product was bought in another store, the link is lost. According to the link in the review, there is also an adapter for a quick connection, but I either didn’t have it in the description, or the seller forgot to put it, it’s not scary. So, what is available: the timer itself, instructions, a pair of threaded connectors for connecting to the water supply.

What the timer can do (the most important and interesting):
16 programmable programs
Water pressure: max. 6 bar/150 PSI
Water temperature: max. 40 degrees
Batteries: 2x1.5V AAA

The most important thing is that it holds some kind of pressure. The device will be operated connected to a container with water, the water will flow by gravity through the drip system to consumers. I think it is possible to use it on the water supply, but you may have to put a reducer so that the device does not break.

The assembled device looks like this. Definitely missing the quick release hose adapter. On the other hand, it will always be connected. Why take it off?

Inside, everything is plastic, but the plastic is quite pleasant to the touch, thick and durable. Exactly the same as used in garden supplies.

The lid is transparent. It is screwed onto the timer through a silicone sealing ring, very tightly, with a creak. Creates an impression of reliability.

Everything runs on two AA batteries. Opening hours are not yet clear, tk. the device was not in combat operation. A bug was immediately identified, while twisting and photographing, the contact was gone. Therefore, when installing in combat mode, it is better to additionally fix the batteries in the compartment.

We pass to the most interesting, setting. At first glance, everything is very complicated, there are a lot of buttons, what to do is not clear. Gradually read the instructions and try. Everything becomes very clear and in its place.

How and what is configured?

The first thing we do is press the Time button. Use the ˄ and ˅ arrows to set the current time, confirm each value with the Set button, and also select the day of the week.
Unfortunately, I deleted this photo, so I already have the next photo, where you can turn the timer on and off by hand, bypassing programs.
Press the On button, set the operating time with the arrows, press the Set button. The timer opened, the water ran. On current photo, time 14:53, the timer opened the "valve" for 15 minutes.

Let's move on to the most delicious, the program. We press the Prog button, we get into the menu for setting up irrigation programs, as stated, we have 16 of them.

What can be customized. Program number, watering start time, operating time, number of operations, either every 2nd day (as I understand it, from the day the program was created), every 3rd day, or according to the schedule. Select the day with the arrows, mark with the Set button.

At first, dealing with this contraption, I thought that the wrong thing was bought, because. how to water several times a day? Everything turned out to be easy. For example, a person wants to water 3 times a day, but the program is set to turn on once?
Therefore, we need 3 programs out of 16.
1. 7.00 for 30 min on Mon, Wed, Fri, Sun.
2. 15.00 for 30 minutes on Mon, Wed, Fri, Sun.
3..21.00 for 30 min on Mon, Wed, Fri, Sun.
Everything, the setting is completed, lubricate the sealing ring, screw on the cover and put the timer in its rightful place.

Measurements and device:

In the mode " idle move"The device eats 1.1-1.2 mA.

When the valve is actuated, the current rises to 350 mA (0.35 A) and then drops back to 1.2 mA while the valve remains open. Also, in the event of a power failure, the valve remains open.

Now let's move on to a very important point - internal organization. Comrade Muskovchanin explained:

<...>If not inside ball valve, and the diaphragm - then from the pressure from the barrel, alas, this timer tap will not work, which has already been written many times on specialized forums. It is these green timers that come with both ball and diaphragm<...>

My situation is as follows: in appearance, there is still a diaphragm inside, because. the crane mechanism is not exactly visible at the end. At the same time, after opening, the air is blown without much effort.
All this prairie is tied to job opportunity this device with gravity flow tanks, according to some information, devices with a diaphragm will not open at low pressure. I invite you to delve into the topic in more detail in the comments.


For those who missed, I repeat, the timer was just bought, it did not work in combat conditions, but when checking everything buzzes, closes, does not let air through. Bought on Ali in another store, link in the review for an example! In the hands it gives the impression of a reliable and high-quality product. Review not paid for and goods not provided free of charge. I just decided to share with everyone, in my opinion, a good thing for automating routine processes before the setting irrigation season.
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