The capsule is yellow. Yellow capsule (yellow water lily): description

Information about such a plant as a yellow egg capsule, photos, descriptions of medicines made on its basis have recently become very popular among Russians. This is due to the fact that it is actively used in folk medicine, the fashion for which steadily appeared in last years... At the same time, traditional medicine also uses the capsule along with classical medicines for the treatment of certain diseases.

General description of the plant

The yellow water lily belongs to the species of perennial plants of the jug family, therefore it is also called the yellow water lily. It grows in our country throughout the European part, as well as in Siberia and the Caucasus. At the same time, you can see it only on the plains in slow rivers, their backwaters, along the banks of ponds and lakes. It grows at a depth of no more than 1 m and is a kind of indicator of the purity of the water, as it dies in case of pollution.

This plant is herbaceous, has a powerful fleshy rhizome growing horizontally. It has a thickness of 3-10 cm and is covered with scars of a robotic-rounded shape that have arisen in the place of fallen leaves. They are divided into floating ovoid, growing on long triangular petioles, and lower ones under water. These leaves have fibrous edges and a translucent color. The floating variety is about 15-20 cm wide and about 25 veins.

The flowers are floating near the pod, yellow color, and single. Their size is about 6 cm, while they smell very unusual - alcohol. This smell attracts pollinating insects, although the plant can self-pollinate. Flowering usually takes place in September, resulting in ripening of multi-nest smooth fruits approximately 5 mm long. They are an ovoid-conical box stuffed with big amount seeds. The development of such fruits occurs exclusively in water, and they ripen around August-September. Moreover, in addition to seed, it is possible vegetative propagation of this plant.

Attention! The yellow egg capsule is listed in such a document as the Red Book, which must be remembered when collecting it for medicinal purposes.

The fact is that the reserves of this plant in nature are extremely slowly restored, so if they are intensively used, it is possible to destroy it in a fairly large area in a fairly short period.

The capsule is used mainly for medical purposes, although there have been attempts to decorative use... It should be remembered that the tubers of the plant are poisonous, so they must be protected from children. In addition to the yellow variety, there are also the following types of egg-pods:

  • small;
  • Japanese;
  • foreign;
  • many-petalled;

There are also hybrids of this plant, bred mainly for decorative purposes. At the same time, the small egg capsule and its hybrids can partially be used for the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases. In addition, from all types of egg capsules, a herbal egg capsule amulet is made.

The healing qualities of the yellow capsule and contraindications

The healing properties of the yellow capsule are explained by the presence in its composition of chemical trace elements and substances useful for the body. For example, it includes:

  • alkaloids;
  • tannins;
  • luteolin;
  • sinapic acid;
  • various resins.

Total nutrients this plant can contain more than 50, therefore, it is necessary to take drugs from it only as directed by a doctor, who can accurately calculate the dosage and therapeutic effect of a particular collection or infusion. Generally speaking, the yellow capsule can be used as a bactericidal, diuretic, analgesic, astringent, hypnotic and sedative. At the same time, both leaves and flowers, rhizomes, seeds can be used as medicinal raw materials.

For example, a very popular drug Lyutenurin is made on the basis of the rhizome of the capsule. The therapeutic effect of this drug is based on the presence of antichomonas spermatocides in its composition. As a result, with its help, it is possible to very successfully treat diseases of a Trichomonas nature. In addition, contraceptive pills are made on the basis of the yellow capsule.

Despite the fact that the yellow capsule has an extensive list of useful properties, there are also contraindications to its use.

Attention! It is worth remembering that this plant is initially poisonous, and if you do not comply with the dosage or violate the preparation technology of this or that drug, you can expect a fatal outcome.

So, the following signs can serve as symptoms of poisoning:

  • vomit;
  • diarrhea;
  • sound sleep.

If you notice the described signs in yourself or in your family, urgently call an ambulance. In addition, preparations based on a yellow capsule are categorically contraindicated for children and pregnant women. This is also worth remembering when going to be treated for her.

Diseases that the yellow capsule heals

If we call those diseases that the egg capsule can heal, then these are:

  • gastritis;
  • uterine bleeding;
  • diseases of the central nervous system.

In addition, drugs made from it can be used to correct the performance of the functions of the reproductive system. A particularly positive effect is noted in the case when funds are used to eliminate painful nocturnal emissions, as well as, if necessary, to alleviate the course of impotence and restore lost sex drive. This plant also helps women who want to get rid of such a phenomenon in the female body as frigidity.

It is worth noting that this plant is used in both folk and classical medicine, so if you see an image of a capsule or a photo of it on the packaging of a medicine, you can safely buy such a medicine, since it is officially approved. For example, as folk remedy such drugs can be used to treat stomach cramps, inflammation of the urinary tract and kidneys, rheumatism, tuberculosis. They also cope well with bronchitis, pneumonia, acute respiratory viral infections, gout.

The capsule is used with caution for the treatment of bedwetting in children. It is also shown as a mild sleeping pill and sedative. However, it is important to adhere to dosages here, since if they are exceeded, the central nervous system will be inhibited.

Many recipes for natural medicines involve the use of yellow capsule extracts for pain in joints or bruises, and also as a general tonic. It can also be used for cosmetic purposes to combat seborrhea and enhance hair growth. In any case, you need to get the permission of a doctor, since the egg capsule has a very strong effect, which can in some cases harm the body.

Collecting a yellow egg capsule

For making from a yellow egg-capsule folk medicines you can use two ways. The first is to purchase a ready-made collection from a pharmacy. The second presupposes independent preparation medicinal raw materials.

The use of ready-made collections is good because you do not have to look for this plant on the banks of reservoirs, it is quite difficult for an inexperienced person, given the existence of several types of egg capsules in nature. In the event that you have experience in procurement medicinal herbs and you know that to identify a plant such as a yellow egg capsule, you do not need a photo of it, you can collect the raw materials yourself.


This happens in the summer or at least at the beginning of autumn. To do this, the plant is first cut with a knife, and then a pitchfork is used to extract the necessary parts of it, robbed, or just hands. Further, the rhizomes will need to be washed and cleaned of roots and leaves, and then cut into plates.

These plates are laid out in a layer of 2 cm on paper or cloth, strung on threads and hung to dry. After the rhizomes have dried up, they will need to be dried in ovens under the influence of a temperature of 50-60 ° C. The same operation can be performed using attics with roofs covered with iron, in well-ventilated rooms or on open verandas.

The rhizomes prepared for use should ultimately have a thickness of no more than 1 cm. The presence of scars on them is allowed dark color in places of cut or dead leaves. Rhizomes should have a faint odor, a bitter taste, and a brown-gray color. The average shelf life of such medicinal raw materials is 2 years.

As for the flowers, they are stored for 1 year in a dried state. Drying is carried out in ovens, dryers, ovens at a temperature of 60 ° C. It is worth remembering that the yellow capsule is a plant listed in the Red Book, therefore, when harvesting it, it is necessary to leave about 10-20% of the plants intact.

Prepared from the harvested medicinal raw materials:

  • infusion;
  • broth;
  • essence.

For example, if you need to restore sleep, you will need to brew 20 g of flowers of this plant in 1 liter of boiling water. Next, the resulting solution should be infused for 50 minutes and filtered. In order to achieve a positive effect, you will need to take this drug 3 times a day 1 tbsp. l.

In summer, exquisite flowers appear on the surface of many bodies of water. It is a snow-white water lily, sometimes called a water lily, and the more common water lily is yellow. Both of them belong to the family with the poetic name "nymphaean".

In the legends of European peoples, the water lily and the egg capsule are associated with water nymphs and mermaids. These deadly beauties were dragged to the bottom of anyone who dared to encroach on the beautiful flowers of the lake. Ripening nymphaean fruits resemble a jug or a jug (pot), for which they received their popular, and later scientific name.


The capsule is yellow, like other nymphaeans, one of the most ancient flowering plants on our planet. Botanists classify them as the so-called basal dicotyledons. They have retained many primitive traits characteristic of the most ancient angiosperms. For example, the number of petals, stamens and pistils in their flower can be almost any, while in most other families it is strictly defined. Moreover, water lilies and egg-pods have no clear border between petals and stamens. If you "disassemble" such a flower into parts and put them in order from the periphery to the center, you can see the gradual transition of some organs to others.


The yellow capsule lives in three environments at once: soil, water and air. Its long and thick (3-7 cm) rhizomes, like anchors, firmly anchor the plant in the muddy soil at the bottom of the reservoirs. They are quite temperature sensitive and do not tolerate freezing. To protect itself from the cold, the egg capsule tends to grow at the maximum possible depth. The peduncle and triangular leaf stalks are in the water. The deeper the reservoir, the longer the peduncle and petioles, because they must necessarily reach the surface. Large, 20-25 cm in diameter, leathery, rounded leaves float on the surface. Most terrestrial flowering plants have stomata (cells that regulate water evaporation and gas exchange with environment) are located on the lower surface of the sheet. In the nymphaean, this side is submerged in water, so the stomata are located at the top.

Sometimes the water level rises too high due to heavy rainfall, and plants cannot immediately bring the leaves to the surface. In this case, the nymphs have a special plan of action. Soft translucent underwater leaves grow on their rhizomes. In shape and structure, they are very different from those that float on the surface. This phenomenon has received the scientific name "heterophilia".

Large, 6 cm in diameter, bright yellow spherical flowers of the capsule are inhabitants of the air environment, they are always slightly raised above the water.


The egg capsule blooms at the end of May and blooms all summer, sometimes even until the end of September. The flower consists of 5-6 petals, a rather large tall pistil and a dense ring of many shaggy stamens. However, what we usually think of as petals are capsules, in fact sepals, successfully "disguised" as petals due to the yellow coloration of the inner part. This is sometimes found in the plant world. But the egg-capsule also has real petals. To see them, you need to look closely: they are so thin. They are one third shorter than sepals, but there are more of them - 15-20, they surround the calyx of the flower and attract pollinators (flies and beetles) with their aroma, slightly reminiscent of the smell of alcohol. Honey pits, which are more often found on the receptacle, are located near the capsule on the outer sides of the petals. One flower releases 3-5 mg of nectar per day and blooms for 6-7 days.


Juicy berry-like green fruits ripen from July to September. The seeds are supplied with an air sac, on which they set sail with the hope of establishing a plantation far from their native thickets. In addition, the seeds are covered with sticky mucus and, imperceptibly sticking to the paws of birds, fly with them to other bodies of water. Waterfowl, eating the fruits of the egg-capsule, are fed themselves, and contribute to the spread of the plant. The remaining rhizomes not only hibernate and sprout new shoots in the spring, but also branch out, capturing ever larger territories.

The egg capsule inhibits the development of blue-green algae, and the water in its reservoirs does not bloom, which greatly helps aquatic inhabitants. The net of rhizomes of the yellow capsule is an excellent place for spawning. The forest of petioles and peduncles is a refuge and dining room for small fish: roach, tench, rudd. Perches and pikes swim to the thickets to hunt for them. Beavers, otters and water rats feed on rhizomes and leaves of the egg capsule. Elks, finding such a reservoir, enter the water and feast on juicy rhizomes for a long time.


In folk medicine, the yellow capsule is used for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, metabolic disorders, fever, skin and oncological diseases, and also as a general tonic. Its leaves and rhizomes are used to prepare baths and poultices to get rid of rheumatism and gout. Crushed fresh leaves of the capsule are applied to sore spots to reduce inflammation. However, doctors do not recommend self-treatment with this plant, since the egg capsule is poisonous.

In official medicine, only rhizomes are used as medicinal raw materials. They contain valuable alkaloids that are used to prepare the drug luthenurin. It is used in gynecological practice to combat certain diseases and as a contraceptive.

The rhizomes of the capsule are part of the mixture of M. N. Zdrenko, which is used to treat a number of gastrointestinal diseases.


The yellow capsule grows in lakes, oxbows, river creeks and other bodies of water with stagnant or slowly flowing water and forms whole thickets. She loves open sun and well-warmed water, but agrees to bloom in partial shade. If the summer turned out to be dry and the reservoir became shallow, then the egg capsule can grow on a swampy shore. It is distributed throughout the territory, except for the Far North.


Kingdom: plants.
Department: angiosperms.
Class: dicotyledonous.
Order: water lily.
Family: water lilies.
Genus: egg capsule.
Type: yellow egg capsule.
Latin name: Nuphar lutea.
Size: up to 2-3 m.
Life form: herbaceous perennial.
Egg-bed lifespan: over 100 years.

Yellow capsule- Latin name: Nuphar lutea (L.) Sm.
Other names of this plant: yellow pupavka, white-sided, buttons, aquifer, chicken pestilence, yellow bells, yellow water lily, schalobolnik, yellow glechik, water lapug, shabolnik, adalen, yellow swimmers, throat seed, swimsuit, yellow or water lily, aquarius, cufflinks, overpower, latatie zholto, water poppies, yellow shift workers, burdock water, glechichok, lapushnik, mushroom mushroom, kupava, glechechki, water lapukha, riverside water lily, yellow kupavka, kupavka, water lilies, yellow jugs.


This is a herbaceous aquatic perennial... The herb belongs to the water lily family. The length of the rhizomes can reach three or even four meters. They are from the inside white, with outside stand out with a yellowish-green tint. The shape is cylindrical. Also the rhizomes are horizontal. The root is cordlike, white. There are a lot of such roots at the rhizome.
Leaves are both underwater and floating. Floating leaves of an elliptical shape, at the base of which there is a deep depression, whole-edged, leathery and dense.
The flower rises above the water surface. Flowers are yellow, one at a time on elongated peduncles. They reach 4.0-6.5 cm in diameter. Fruits are smooth, pitcher-shaped.

Habitat and distribution

The yellow capsule can be found almost everywhere in Russia except the Far East and the Far North. The plant grows in creeks, oxbows, overgrown ponds, as well as in lakes and near the coast in slowly flowing waters.

Chemical composition

Rhizomes contain vitamins (carotene and C), 20% starch, alkaloids (0.4% nufarin), sterols (sitosterol glycoside, sitosterol, stigmasterol), 2.3% tannins, phenol carboxylic acids, higher fatty acids. The flower contains vitamins (carotene and C), sterols (stigmasterol, sitosterol).

Healing properties

The healing feature of the water lily has been known since long ago... Rhizome is included in a wide variety of medicines to cure a wide variety of diseases.
The rhizomes of this plant have a protistocidal effect on the body, suppressing the functioning of protozoa. For this purpose, alkaloids are extracted from the rhizome.
Trichomonas causes serious problems of the human genitourinary system. Trichomoniasis is treated with drugs from the yellow capsule.
Luthenurin is obtained from this plant, which is also prescribed as a contraceptive, used in urology and gynecology.
Also, alkaloids extracted from a water lily are distinguished by a bacteriostatic effect on the body, that is, they are able to fight the active reproduction of bacteria.
Due to this feature, the use of water lily alkaloids for gastrointestinal diseases is popular. Also known is the fungicidal feature of the yellow egg capsule, which allows you to suppress the functioning of a wide variety of fungi.
In folk medicine, the plant is used as an analgesic, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and diuretic drug. It is also used to treat a wide variety of skin diseases.


In salted and boiled form, the rhizomes of the plant are eaten. They can also be used to bake bread by adding them to flour. The extracts are essential for dyeing a wide variety of fabrics and for tanning leather.
Seeds are fed to waterfowl and are also used as a coffee substitute. Rhizomes are also necessary for the fight against cockroaches.
The use of water lily preparations leads to relaxation of the smooth muscles of the organs, to getting rid of protozoa and lowering blood pressure. Medicines from this plant are bacteriostatic, diuretic and contraceptive.
For the treatment of inflammation of the kidneys, urinary tract, tuberculosis, rheumatism, gout, cough and skin diseases, a decoction from the capsule is prescribed.
If your ears, teeth or head hurts, then in folk medicine it is advised to use a decoction of the plant. In addition, the decoction of the egg capsule is also suitable for the treatment of chronic and acute Trichomonas diseases. For the treatment of seborrhea, a decoction is prescribed in combination with beer.
A decoction of seeds is recommended as a hypnotic, antipyretic and sedative.

Collection and procurement

For medicinal purposes, flowers and rhizomes of the plant are needed. Rhizomes need to be harvested in June-August, when flowering and fruiting occurs. They should be washed and cut into pieces. Dry first in the sun, and then in attics, under awnings on the street or in ovens with a low temperature.
Flowers are most often used fresh. But they can also be dried, pre-grinding. You can store raw materials for two years.


It should be remembered that the yellow capsule is poisonous plant... It is always necessary to monitor the shelf life of raw materials and the dosage. In case of poisoning, vomiting and diarrhea may appear. In addition, poisoning can lead to death.
You can not use the plant for children under twelve years old, pregnant and lactating mothers. Personal intolerance to the components is also a contraindication.


  • For the treatment of hair loss and with their slow growth, you can prepare a decoction of the plant root in beer. You should take 0.5 l of beer and put dry roots in an amount of 20 g there. Boil for ten minutes on low heat... After the broth has cooled, strain it. For one or two months, you need to wash your head with a decoction once or twice a week.
  • To alleviate the condition with rheumatism, gout and bruises, prepare 50 g of egg-capsule flowers. They need to be put in cotton or gauze cloth and tied. Then the resulting bag is placed in boiling water for two or three minutes. Then it should be applied to the affected parts of the body.

In the wild, it is distributed throughout the water bodies of the temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere. Leaves of two types: underwater - cordate-arrow-shaped, wavy along the edge, translucent; floating on the surface of the water - dense, shiny, dark green, up to 20 cm long. The leaf petioles are almost triangular. Flowers are bright yellow, up to 6 cm in diameter, fragrant, appear in June-July. They close at night, but do not immerse themselves in water, like a water lily.

Yellow capsule application:

Perennial herbaceous aquatic plant from the water lily family with a thick horizontal fleshy rhizome and numerous roots. Lower leaves underwater, translucent, upper - floating on the surface, dense, green, long-petiolate, elliptical, rounded at the apex with a deep heart-shaped base, whole-edge. The flowers are solitary, large, yellow, rising from the water by 5-6 cm. Fruits are juicy, smooth, spherical, licking when ripe. Blooms from early June to late August.

Grows in river backwaters, oxbows, ponds, lakes of forest and forest-steppe zones.
The rhizome contains a mixture of alkaloids (nufarin), the most important of which are nuflein, tannides, sucrose, tannins, starch, metarabic acid, bitterness, and a little fatty oil. Flowers are an alkaloid lutenurin and glycosides of foil-like action, seeds are more than 40% starch. The alkaloid has a high antistatic and anticidal effect against Trichomonas, some microorganisms and fungi. From a mixture of alkaloids and lambliasis, luthenurin is prepared, which is used in acute and chronic Trichomonas urogenital diseases, giardiasis, and as a contraceptive. Included in the anti-cancer collection of M. N. Zdrenko.

The capsule preparations can only be used on the advice of a doctor.

In folk medicine, a decoction of rhizomes is drunk for pulmonary tuberculosis, kidney and bladder diseases, an infusion of leaves and stems for back pain, flowers - as a sedative and hypnotic for insomnia, increased sexual excitability, nighttime potions, a decoction of leaves - for constipation and jaundice, vodka infusion for gastritis and rheumatism. Outwardly, the infusion of flowers is recommended as an analgesic, and fresh crushed leaves are applied to wounds, ulcers, skin areas affected by erysipelas. The hair is washed with a decoction of the roots in beer to improve hair growth.

In homeopathy, the essence of fresh rhizomes is used for prolapse of the uterus and impotence. Rhizome is a proven remedy against cockroaches.

Fresh rhizome is poisonous. Boiled in salted water is edible. Roasted seeds can replace coffee.

Yellow capsule

The egg capsule is a yellow perennial herbaceous aquatic plant of the water lily family. The rhizome is thick, cylindrical, fleshy, yellowish-green, white inside, porous, horizontal, branched, top covered with scars from dead leaves. The length of the rhizome of the capsule is up to 1 - 2 m and the thickness is 3 - 10 cm, attached to the bottom by numerous filamentous roots that go deep into the ground. The leaves of the capsule are yellow of two types: floating and underwater. Floating leaves with long petioles (up to 3 m), leathery, ovate-oval, with a deep heart-shaped base, whole-edged plates up to 20-30 cm in diameter. Underwater leaves are delicate, translucent, slightly folded, with wavy edges, on short petioles. The flowers of the capsule are yellow, fragrant, protruding from the water by 5 - 6 cm, single, almost spherical, up to 4 - 5 cm in diameter, with five rounded thick sepals, bright yellow at the top, green to the base, 20 - 30 in length mm. and with numerous petals and stamens. Petals are yellow, shorter than sepals. The fruits of the yellow capsule are multi-celled, polyspermous capsules, smooth, ovate-oval, green, licking when ripe. The seeds are surrounded by an air sac, so they float on the water and are carried over long distances. The yellow capsule blooms from May to September. The fruits ripen in July-September.
The yellow capsule is widespread almost throughout the CIS, except for the Arctic, Central Asia, the Far East and the Caucasus.

The flowers of the yellow capsule contain glycosides of the cardiac action, like a foxglove. In fruits - up to 45% starch, tannins. In the rhizomes of the yellow pod were also found tannins (about 6%), phytosterols (sitosterol, stigmasterol and their glycosides), sucrose, a lot of starch (up to 20%), vitamin C, carotene. The dried rhizomes of the yellow capsule contain 0.4% of the total alkaloids. The main alkaloids are thiobinufaridine, deoxynufaridine, B-deoxynufaridine, allothiobinufaridine. The flowers and seeds of the capsule contain nymphaline. The seeds contain 6.7% tannins, and they contain gallic (29.9 - 34.5%) and ellagic (2.1 - 15.1%) acids. The leaves contain ellagitannin, luteolin, caffeic, ferulic, synapic and p-coumaric acids.

The rhizomes of the yellow capsule are used for the manufacture of the drug luthenurin, which is used to treat Trichomonas diseases. The preparations of the yellow capsule have strong antimicrobial properties, are resistant to antibiotics of bacteria, and also have antifungal and anti-trichomonas activity. They have analgesic, anti-inflammatory, astringent, urinary and choleretic properties.

The yellow capsule is used for prolapse of the uterus, for uterine bleeding as a hemostatic agent, for gastritis, depression of the central nervous system, for acute and chronic Trichomonas diseases.

The flowers and rhizome of the yellow capsule are used as a remedy that has a corrective effect on human sexual activity, and therefore are quite effective both with increased sexual activity, painful nocturnal emissions, and with impotence with a weakening of sexual desire.

It is a mild hypnotic and sedative.

In folk medicine, the rhizome and flowers of the yellow capsule are used for inflammatory processes of the gastrointestinal tract, skin diseases, with fever, to enhance hair growth.
A decoction of the root of a yellow water lily and its seeds with milk stops chronic uterine bleeding.
Infusion and water lily decoction acts as an antipyretic agent.
Collected in June and July, it heals migraines and dizziness.
Drinking or a medicated dressing from the root helps with swelling of the spleen and with wet dreams.
The root heals pain.

It should be remembered that the egg capsule is yellow - a poisonous plant. It is necessary to take for treatment only as directed by a doctor, strictly observing the indicated doses and duration of treatment. Cases of poisoning of children with rhizomes of a yellow capsule are known. Poisoning is manifested by vomiting, diarrhea and prolonged sleep.

Method of preparation and use:
Broth: 1 tablespoon of chopped roots and rhizomes of the capsule pour a glass of boiling water, simmer for 15 minutes, strain hot. Take 1 - 2 tablespoons 3 times a day with meals.
Tincture: mix well-chopped roots and rhizomes of the yellow capsule in equal volumes with vodka, insist warm for 14 days, strain through several layers of gauze. Dilute the resulting tincture with vodka in a ratio of 1: 2, store in a dark place.

Yellow capsule - Nuphar lutea

In the wild, it is distributed throughout the water bodies of the temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere.

Leaves of two types: underwater - cordate-arrow-shaped, wavy along the edge, translucent; floating on the surface of the water - dense , shiny, dark green, up to 20 cm long. The leaf petioles are almost triangular. Flowers are bright yellow, up to 6 cm in diameter, fragrant, appear in June-July. They close at night, but do not immerse themselves in water, like a water lily. Rhizome 5-8 cm thick and up to 1 m long. The fruit resembles a jug. Lives at a depth of 0.3-2.5 m. Tolerates temporary drying out of the reservoir and freezing. Location: it is desirable that the reservoir is in the sun and warm up well. But unlike a water lily, it can grow in flowing water in partial shade.

Soil: prefers a mixture of peat and humus with the addition of clay soil.

Planting: when transplanting, the rhizome should remain on the surface of the soil. From above it is pressed with stones so that it does not float. Planting depth 30-60 cm (medium-sized species); 0.6-2 m (large species).

Leaving: old and excess leaves are removed so that the water mirror is 3/4 or 2/3 free. They are periodically fed. Non-wintered species are carried away before the onset of frost in winter Garden or planted in a large cold aquarium.

Reproduction: by dividing rhizomes in late spring or summer.

Usage: for the design of reservoirs. Small and Japanese egg capsule can be grown in containers. For a safe wintering, reservoirs must be frost-free. In autumn, even wintering species sink below the ice zone. Only the yellow capsule tolerates short-term freezing.

Yellow egg capsule in a pond.

The dissemination and experience of culture.

The yellow capsule grows in stagnant and slowly flowing rivers, backwaters. In Bashkiria, it is found in all areas where there are lakes, oxbows. It forms especially large thickets in the Cis-Urals and Trans-Urals, in smaller quantities it is noted in the mountain-forest zone of the republic.

In the Cis-Urals and Trans-Urals, it is found mainly along the oxbows of the Belaya, Ufa, Dema, Chermasan, Karmasan, Tanyp, Inyak, Urshak rivers, etc.

Procurement of raw materials and storage.

In medicine, the rhizomes of the capsule are used. They are harvested in July, August and September. For this, hooks are used, with which the rhizomes are taken from the bottom of the reservoir. Rhizomes 1-1.5 cm long and up to 6 cm thick, very juicy, contain a lot of water. They are cleaned of roots, small roots, washed and cut into pieces. They are dried in the shade, well-ventilated areas. The rhizomes are dried in dryers at a temperature not exceeding 60 ° C. You can cut the rhizomes, string them on twine or copper wire and hang them in attics, like drying mushrooms. The output of raw materials is 8-10%. The plant is poisonous, so care must be taken.

For blanks, it is necessary to use reservoirs that are supposed to be drained. The accounting showed that the raw weight of the rhizomes is from 1 to 1.5 kg.

The rhizomes of the egg capsule in Bashkiria have not yet been harvested.

The finished raw material should consist of brownish-gray rhizomes, with a break of a grayish-cream color. Moisture in them is allowed no more than 14%, blackened rhizomes no more than 5%.
Chemical composition of raw materials.

The rhizomes of the capsule contain alkaloids - nufaridine, lutenurin, etc. They contain tannins, sucrose, starch, resinous, bitter, tannins. The seeds are rich in starch, it contains up to 44%.

Flowers and seeds contain the glycoside nymphaline.

Effects on the body, medicinal use and drugs.

Preparations from the rhizomes of the yellow capsule in small doses have an exciting effect on the central nervous system, and in large - depressing. The egg capsule alkaloids have a weak local anesthetic, curare-like effect, moderate toxicity, and have a tricho-manacid, bacteriostatic, fungistatic and spermatocidal effect.

The drug luthenurin, previously used as an anti-trichomonas and contraceptive, is now excluded from the arsenal of drugs due to the availability of more effective drugs.

Currently, a mixture of M.M.Zdrenko is being prepared from rhizomes for the treatment of papillopatosis of the bladder and anacid gastritis. The rhizome has an insecticidal effect.

Egg capsule in the garden pond

The capsules with their radiant yellow flowers on thick peduncles and the shiny green of leathery-heart-shaped leaves on long petioles are an exquisite decoration of the waters.
Egg pods are among the oldest plants on our planet: it has been established that they appeared about 30 million years ago.

From the genus Nuphar, belonging to the Nymphaeaceae family, several species are bred as ornamental plants.
The medium-sized species, suitable for a medium-sized pond with a depth of 30-60 cm, are the small egg capsule (Nuphar minima) and the dwarf egg capsule (Nuphar pumila). In these species miniature flowers with a diameter of about 2.5 cm.
For a deeper and more extensive pond, large egg capsules are suitable. From large species the most widespread is the yellow capsule.

Yellow egg capsule (Nuphar luteum) is a perennial aquatic plant that is often found in various water bodies (lakes, canals, oxbows, rivers with sluggish water).
The generic name of the plant Nuphar comes from Latin language from Persian (nilufar, nufar, naufar - "nymph", "water lily") through Greek mediation. The specific name luteum in Latin means "golden yellow".
The names of the egg capsule and its close "relative" water lily, or nymphea, in Belarusian language often common, only in relation to the egg capsule there is an epithet “yellow”: garlachyk zhotya, zhootaya lilya, swimmers zhotyya. Both of these plants were called kapelyush, burdock, garlachykі, kalіtkі. At Serzhputovsky we read: "The dough floated to the shore, the memory of the kalitak became lost."
The names "kapelyush" ("hat" (white)) and "kalita" ("mosna, bag, bag") are associated with the shape of the fruit capsule and water lily.
The jug in Belarus is also called buldoўka, which is related to the word “buldaveshka” (“knob, thickening”) - this name was given because of the configuration of the protruding solid stigma of the flower.
In Russia, the water lily is often called the "yellow water lily".

The yellow pod is widespread: the general area of ​​this plant is located in Europe and Siberia without the Arctic, the Caucasus, Asia Minor and Central Asia. Relatively undemanding to the growing conditions, the egg capsule grows not only in flowing, but also in standing clean water forming thickets. At shallow depths, in hot dry summers, you can find leaves and flowers of the egg capsule sticking out on the coast in the zone of bygone water.
The rhizome of the yellow capsule is fixed in the ground of the reservoir horizontally with the participation of numerous strong roots. It is long, thick, fleshy, yellowish-green, white inside.
The underwater leaves of the capsule are very attractive: translucent, slightly folded, with wavy edges. Upon reaching the water surface, the leaves flatten and turn green, acquiring the shape and color familiar to our eyes.

Single flowers of the yellow capsule are rather large (4-8 cm in diameter), bright yellow, with green outside a rounded calyx of five dense concave sepals. The round flat stigma of the flower is closely surrounded by stamens and many graceful reduced petals with nectaries at the bases. The flowers of the capsule exude a light pleasant aroma. Flies and beetles are involved in pollination of the plant, attracted by the sweet nectar of its flowers.

Flowering of the yellow pod begins at the end of May and lasts until significant September cold weather. Usually, the flowers of the egg capsules protrude from the water by several centimeters, reflecting in gold in the mirror water surface.
The seeds of the capsule are enclosed in a green, berry-like, jug-like fruit (in shape it is much more reminiscent of a jug than the fruit of a water lily). Thanks to the air sac, the seeds of the capsule have floating properties, so the water is involved in the spread of the plant. Birds eating the fruit of the egg capsule carry its seeds over a considerable distance.

The yellow capsule does not tolerate polluted water and participates in its purification, inhibiting the development of blue-green algae: where the capsule grows, the water does not bloom. Therefore, both in the decorative and in the recreational (for water) sense, the egg capsule is suitable for growing in garden pond or in a large aquarium. The egg capsule is especially good in aquariums, allowing you to admire its underwater leaves (but when cultivating in a house, you need to take into account the need for a plant in winter rest).
The egg capsule is propagated by dividing the rhizome in late spring or summer. You can plant the capsule directly into the soil of the reservoir, however, to facilitate growth control and care, it is better to plant the rhizome in a special basket

The egg capsule is valued not only for its water-purifying and decorative properties - it has been widely used for a long time.
The yellow capsule has been used since ancient times as medicinal plant... The capsule flowers contain a medicinal glycoside (similar to foxglove).
The drug Lyutenurin, produced by scientific medicine on the basis of egg capsule alkaloids, kills bacteria and pathogenic fungi. It was intended for the treatment of venereal and fungal diseases. Foaming tablets prepared from the drug were used as a topical spermicidal contraceptive. At the same time, an infusion of seeds of a yellow capsule in folk medicine was used to treat impotence! This is how - opposite problems go towards each other, and their effective solution perhaps with the same egg-capsule!

In folk medicine, the powder of the rhizomes of the yellow capsule or their decoction was used very diversely: for inflammation of the digestive tract, tuberculosis, gout, rheumatism, sciatica, fever, lumbago, rheumatism, for venereal and skin diseases. The infusion of plant flowers was used as a local anesthetic, including for otitis media. A decoction of yellow capsule seeds was taken as an antipyretic, sedative and hypnotic.

In P. Sedir's book "Magic Plants" it is mentioned that the capsule was used for headaches: "Fresh leaves are applied for pains on the head, and if they dry, then in favor."
The father of botany, Theophrastus, dedicated a few lines to the egg-capsule in his “Research on Plants”: “The root of the ... yellow egg-capsule is sweet ... The Beotians who eat its fruits call it Madonaise. They say that if you rub it and apply it to the wound, then it stops the blood. "
Another ancient author - Dioscorides - called the egg capsule Madon. Dioscorides wrote that tanners use this plant for leather dressing (the rhizomes of the capsule contain tannins).

Like many other species of edible aquatic and coastal plants, the starchy rhizomes of the yellow capsule were eaten in salted or boiled form. Powdered rhizomes were added to flour when baking bread. To remove bitterness and toxins, the rhizome of the capsule or flour from it was pre-soaked.

For example, here are some old recipes:

Porridge from the capsule: chop the rhizome and soak for 6 hours, changing the water three times. Cook for 40-50 minutes in salted milk; add butter and sugar 10 minutes before cooking.

Egg-capsule cutlets: mix the soaked rhizome flour with grated potatoes, dilute with milk, let stand for 20-30 minutes. Add the sautéed onions, form cutlets, breaded and sauté.
When using this plant in cooking, you need to keep in mind that the healing capsule is at the same time pretty toxic: fresh rhizomes or their powder, consumed without soaking, can cause a burn of mucous membranes. The accumulation of yellow capsule alkaloids in the body with prolonged and uncontrolled use of it can lead to poisoning, manifested in the form of vomiting, diarrhea, and prolonged sleep.
Due to its toxicity, the rhizomes of the yellow capsule are considered an excellent natural remedy for fighting the oldest enemy of humanity - the red and mustachioed cockroach.

Water beauties - water pods and water lilies - are shrouded in legends, their beauty is sung by poets and representatives of other arts. For example, the French impressionist Claude Monet has a cycle of paintings "Yellow Water Lilies".

In some areas, the egg-capsule is considered magic plant and is identified with the mythical grass overpower.

The yellow capsule is a beautiful inhabitant of our reservoirs. This aquatic plant is used in folk medicine. The yellow capsule dies quickly without water.

A yellow or yellow lily capsule - bright decoration our reservoirs. This plant is also called yellow water lily, yellow bell and water lily. This plant, like common reed, can grow in polluted water.

Even an experienced person finds it difficult to distinguish between a yellow lily and a white water lily by the leaves. At first glance, their leaves are exactly the same. If you carefully examine the leaves of these plants, you can see that the leaves of the water lily are more rounded.

Only the flowers cannot be confused with each other: a water lily has a white flower on the water surface, and yellow flower water lily rises above the water.

Yellow capsule - description.

This herbaceous plant cylindrical rhizomes grow horizontally. Rhizomes grow up to two meters. Many white roots grow from the rhizomes, growing in length up to almost 50 centimeters.

Leaves grow in bunches from rhizomes. The leaves are located on very long stems reaching four meters. The leaves of the plant are submerged and floating. Floating leaves have cavities that are filled with air. For air access, special microscopic holes are located on the upper side of the floating sheet.

Dark yellow flowers grow on long peduncles. Beautiful flowers give off a pleasant delicate aroma. It is worth removing such beauty from the water, as the plant dies.

Where the yellow capsule grows.

The yellow lily lives in ponds, backwaters, lakes and oxbows. Prefers low current or stagnant water. It lives at a depth of one to four meters. Sometimes the plant forms real thickets.

How the yellow capsule reproduces.

Flowers appear in May and bloom continues through the month of August. The seeds are in green boxes. When ripe, the seeds become covered with sticky mucus. In this way, they stick to the paws of birds and are transported over long distances. In addition, reproduction can occur with the help of broken pieces of rhizomes.

What are the useful properties of the yellow capsule.

  • Traditional healers use the flowers and rhizome of the plant to treat fever and skin diseases.
  • The plant has a bactericidal, sedative and hypnotic effect.
  • It is believed that if a fresh leaf is applied to the head, the headache will subside.

Scientists warn that this aquatic plant is poisonous. Therefore, the treatment with this plant must be treated with caution. For example, small doses of yellow lily tincture lead to excitement, and large doses cause depression of the nervous system.

In past centuries, people tanned and dyed their skin with the help of rhizomes, very successfully bred cockroaches.

Yellow egg capsule and fish.

Dense thickets of rhizomes are a great place for fish spawning. Later, these thickets serve as a dining room and refuge for tench, rudd and roach. Quite naturally, perch and pike very often stand next to the plant.