Why dream of swimming in a stormy river. Interpretations for women

The river is a symbol of the flow of life and destiny. A calm river in a dream is a more positive sign than a stormy one - why the river is dreaming. For lovers only thrill the stormy river promises a lot of interesting events, for the rest - unnecessary worries and excitements.

If in a dream you had to wade the river, then perhaps the person makes decisions too hastily, and ill-considered actions do not allow them to succeed in business. But if you had to cross the river in a dream over a bridge, then in reality you can expect a favorable course of life. Especially if the bridge in the dream is wide and beautiful. If the river had to be crossed on a wobbly and dilapidated bridge, then success can only be achieved by risking.

Swim and swim in the river in a dream

Sailing along the river in a dream, whether on your own or in a boat - the river is interpreted as a dream depending on how well the swimming is going, whether you are swimming "along" or "against" the current, whether there are obstacles, etc. If you swim easily and without incident, then in reality everything will go according to plan.
If the swimming is slow or the boat is standing still, then the desired events will not happen in the dreamer's life, at least not in the near future.

Entering the river is a symbol of the beginning of a new stage in life.
To swim across the river is a sign of change, and to reach the shore means that changes are just around the corner. In reality, the dreamer will surely get what he wants or accomplish what he has outlined. For example, he can change occupation, get a job at new job, move or change your social circle.
If in a dream something interferes with swimming, then in reality the sleeper is not the master of his life, he has obstacles in achieving the goal, but they are all temporary.

Flowing water is a contradictory symbol, therefore, in order to understand what water, a river is dreaming of, you need to try to remember the details of the dream as accurately as possible.

For example, if you had a chance to swim in a river in a dream, then you should pay attention to the state of the water. If it is clean, transparent and warm, then you can expect great success in business. Bathing in a dream in a clean but cold water foreshadows good health, such a dream, dreamed during an illness, portends a speedy recovery.

According to the dream book, swimming in a river in a dream in muddy and dirty water, on the contrary, portends serious trouble. We can expect a deterioration in well-being, and a decline in business activity, and, as a result, material problems.

According to the interpretation of the dream book, sailing along the river with the flow in a dream means that everything in life will turn out smoothly and simply. If you have to swim, with difficulty overcoming the force of the current, you can expect serious obstacles on the way, however, you will be able to overcome them if you make an effort.

If, according to the plot of the dream, the dreamer in clothes had to swim in the river, the dream book predicts an unexpected material bonus. It could be a lottery win or an unexpected prize.

Fall and drown in a river in a dream

Did you happen to fall into the river in a dream? This dream portends a quick and very significant change in life, which will cause a lot of anxiety. If the dreamer is able to get ashore or onto a boat nearby in a dream, then one can expect that changes will ultimately bring improvements. But if you can't get ashore, then you have to tune in to the fact that life will never be the same as before.

A harbinger of serious events is a dream in which the dreamer had to drown in the river. If you had to drown in a dream in a clean reservoir, then this means that a person in reality realizes his problems and can successfully get rid of them. A dream in which the dreamer had a chance to drown in a river with dirty water portends a serious and protracted illness, the appearance in life of problems that will be very difficult to resolve. The most bad dream it is a vision that if one has to drown in a river of blood, this is a serious warning, and one must receive it by tripling the caution. Sleep can portend accidents, accidents, attacks by intruders.

Clean and dirty river in a dream

According to the interpretation of the dream book, the river with clean water dreams of a successful solution to problems. Perhaps, guests from distant countries will soon arrive, who can make significant and positive changes in the dreamer's life.

Muddy or dirty water in a river is an alarming sign. In personal life, quite troubled times... A dream promises a deterioration in relations with some person, love disappointments, unsuccessful acquaintances, or entering into a dubious relationship.

It is bad if you dream about a dirty river, the dream book interprets such a dream as a harbinger of various problems. A gloomy and deep river with rocky shores dreams of the appearance of gloomy thoughts and the appearance of dubious proposals that will lead to material problems. But if the river is deep, but calm with clear water, through which you can see the bottom of the river and floating fish, then the dream promises great luck.

A river carrying a lot of debris, broken trees, etc. - a symbol of the futility of past efforts. Some things will have to start over or rebuild, be it business or relationship.

Calm and stormy rivers in a dream

Other interpretations of dreams are given when the dreamer is simply watching the river. The dream book answers in different ways, what the river is dreaming of. For a correct interpretation, it is very important appearance water.

The calm surface of the water portends a measured and a little boring life. But the mountain river is a symbol of life filled with interesting events which, however, will bring a lot of trouble and excitement.

The dreamed waves on the river are a symbol of obstacles in business. The size of the waves is very important. If this is just a slight ripple, then you can expect a little trouble that will soon be resolved. Worse, if the waves are large, such a dream portends big problems at work or in family matters.

As the dream book says, a mountain river is a harbinger of not only worries, but also stormy relationships and love experiences. Rapids and rafting on a stormy river in a boat can mean both life difficulties that have to be overcome, and an exciting relationship or love affair.

The nature of the river flow is an important symbol. So, if you dreamed of a river with a current that a person is watching, then this may portend that stormy events in the life of acquaintances or friends will indirectly affect the dreamer.

According to the interpretation of the dream book, a stormy river dreams of a turbulent period in life. Unfavorable is a dream in which a river with a turbulent current is polluted, garbage floats through the water. In this case, you can expect health problems, quarrels with loved ones, unpleasant moments at work.

Otherwise, the dream book interprets a river with a fast current, which the dreamer had a chance to swim across. If the dreamer manages to reach the other shore in a dream, then great success can be expected in life, however, in order to achieve the goal, you will need to work hard and not give in to obstacles.

According to the predictions of the dream book, a mountain river with a fast current and clear water is a good sign. This means that the dreamer expects a period in life when events will change rapidly, it will only be necessary to have time to react to changes in order to keep up with life.

What river did you dream about?

Dreamed big river? The interpretation of sleep is ambiguous, it can portend both great joy and the chagrin of tears. In addition, a wide river that got in the way of the dreamer portends that in reality they can begin to spread gossip about him, slander him in order to discredit him. But if a bridge or other means of crossing is found on the river, then ill-wishers will be put to shame, their weapons will work against them.

If you dreamed about a shallow river (shallow water), then in the near future the owner of the dream may be stranded. It is worth being more reasonable in spending and giving up investments.

A river connected to other water sources, for example, flowing into the sea, will mark the permission of some difficult situation, removal of a certain barrier or obstacle. After such a dream, the sleeper may come to a decision that he could not accept for a long time, or will look at the problem from such an angle that it seems like a trifle. Sleep also favors rapprochement with a person with whom a relationship had not developed before.

This is how the frozen river in a dream is interpreted by the dream book. This dream can be a signal of an incipient depression, a person falls into a longing for the past, which cannot be returned. Another interpretation of the dream book: ice on the river in a dream symbolizes stagnation in business, which causes the dreamer's subconscious fear. But this dream does not predict anything particularly unpleasant, everything will soon get better, because in real life spring comes to replace winter.

Dreamed of a dried-up river? This is not the most favorable sign, saying that the dreamer does not have enough persistence to solve problems. If in a dream you had to walk along a dry river bed with a cracked bottom, then in reality the dreamer makes decisions not of his own free will, but under the influence of other people. If you dreamed of a partially dry river and a dying fish is visible, then in reality the dreamer will have to become the keeper of someone else's secret, and this will greatly weigh him down.

Different interpretations have dreams in which the dreamer sees a river cliff. So, if in a dream a person comes to the edge of a cliff and looks down, then in reality he can commit an adventurous act that no one expects from him.

Falling off a cliff in a dream means that in real life serious financial problems cannot be avoided. If at the last moment he managed to stay on the edge and not fall, then in life the dreamer will be able to cope with any problems. To dream that stones are flying from a cliff means in life close person(spouse, friend, relative) will need psychological support and help.

Favorable is a dream in which a river of milk flows in front of the dreamer. This is a symbol of well-being in all areas, great joy awaits the dreamer, pleasant surprises, the upcoming period of life will be easy and enjoyable.

Dream interpretation on a different topic:

Why dream of swimming in the river? The dream book gives this plot several interpretations. A vision in a dream promises successful beginnings, romantic relationships, successful work, but also warns of troubles, illnesses.

Family happiness awaits you

Swimming in a river in a dream is interpreted according to the dream book, according to the details: was it behind the current or against, by swimming or on a boat, overcame obstacles or everything went smoothly.

So, sailing on a boat on a calm water surface promises a successful course of affairs, a happy family life.

A man who dreamed of boating with a friend portends an early marriage, family happiness.

Mutual love

Why does a girl dream of a plot with a man rolling her on a boat? The dream interpretation promises: she will soon receive a marriage proposal.

If a woman dreamed of herself floating in a dream on a boat with a man on a mountain stream, then some strange circumstances will happen that will lead to the emergence of a long-term relationship.

A young man to swim in a river in a dream and see a girl bathing promises a meeting with a beautiful stranger and a love adventure.

Water freezes - difficult changes

Why dream of swimming in a river and suddenly find yourself on the ice? The dream book warns: the dreamer's desire to change his life is commendable, but you should not be fanatical about such changes - this will harm.

To remain under the ice in a dream without the ability to swim out - the current worldview will collapse (a change of religion is possible). Such a vision also portends illness.

Had a dream of sailing on a boat on a frozen water surface? The natural course of the sleeping person's life will be disrupted.

Achievement of the conceived

Swimming across the river means: soon your desires will come true, you will achieve what you have long dreamed of.

The dream book gives another interpretation of the dream: to swim successfully across it - to triumph over your enemies.

Swimming in a river in a dream and seeing turtles swimming is a good omen. A dream promises success at work, unexpected luck, new good ideas, their implementation.

Much work to be done

Had a dream to swim across a stormy stream? The dream book says: you have a large amount of work on which you will spend a lot of energy. However, the result will be worth it. Work with full dedication will bring rich fruits, reasons to be proud of yourself.

Why dream of swimming in a river that turned out to be muddy? Participation in a dubious enterprise or a dangerous adventure is possible. It is advisable to try to avoid this, since then big troubles and regrets are possible.

What was she like?

The dream book advises to pay attention to what the river was:

  • clean - health, longevity;
  • cloudy - deterioration of health;
  • cold - burst of energy, good health;
  • dirty - you will become the object of gossip, envy;
  • shallow - difficult times, lack of energy.

Also swim in clean river means: a successful life awaits the dreamer, good luck in your endeavors, mutual understanding at home. Was the water dirty? Obstacles will appear, so achievement of the goal or work will slow down.

In a dream, the river symbolizes the very life of the dreamer. By the peculiarities of the reservoir and the nuances of the dream plot, one can judge what is happening at the moment and what may happen in the future. Dream Interpretations will describe the most common cases.

Why is the river dreaming according to Miller's dream book?

The river, whose waters are calm, predicts prosperity in business, a time of joy. This image also portends the receipt of new opportunities, which will improve your overall financial situation. If you manage to use them, then luck and prosperity will not leave you, but, on the contrary, will increase.

Are the waters of the river muddy and restless? This predicts a series of disagreements, misunderstandings and quarrels with others.

When a river suddenly appeared on the road in front of you, then you should beware of troubles in professional activities. In addition, this is a warning that you inadvertently can perform some rash action, bordering on insolence, and it can completely destroy your reputation in the eyes of your superiors and colleagues.

Sailing on the waters of a clean river stream and being at the bottom in the company of drowned men warns you that joy and fortune will not come to you soon. To see a dry river bed in a dream - expect sorrows.

River in a dream - Freud's dream book

The image of a full-flowing and immense river space symbolizes the fact that you often tend to fantasize about sexual topics, but are afraid to admit your desires to your partner. You dream of having sex in unusual situations and scenery, but you are afraid of their real embodiment in reality.

Swimming in the waters of a calm river means that you selflessly surrendered to the feeling of falling in love. Forgotten by you and all the affairs and concerns, which you still need to devote at least a little time. The dream reminds you that you need to look at life more sensibly.

What does it mean to dream of a river - Vanga's dream book

Falling into the river and sipping on its water is not at all bad sign... This suggests that soon your career will go uphill, your overall financial situation will improve.

Plunge into the river water without taking off your clothes - your household and you yourself will not know any needs. Fighting the river flow and swimming to the shore, getting out on land means that despite some obstacles, you will soon get rich.

I dreamed of a river in a dream - what does it mean according to the dream book of Nostradamus

Washing your face with river water - expect heavy losses. Cross the river in breadth - means that you should prepare for problems in real world... Getting out of the river onto land is good news.

To see how the dam is being built, it is necessary to prepare for some kind of test. They tried to catch a turtle from the river water - to sadness, to catch a snake in the water column - to financial prosperity, to catch a fish - to learn the taste of victory in love affairs.

Why does the river dream - according to Longo's dream book

Seeing a clear river surface in a dream means that your life and its arrangement completely satisfies you, and you do not want more.

To contemplate the muddy water in the river - to misunderstandings and to quarrels, clashes with others. Fall into the waters of the river - in business sphere new opportunities will open up.

Interpretation of the dream "river" according to Loff's dream book

In a dream where you wash yourself with waters from a river, there is a message that you will soon have to decide to unravel the tangle of many problems that will not be delayed. Their solution will take a lot of effort.

Remember what the water was: if it is transparent, then you will be able to resolve all worries without loss, and fate will smile at you again; when the river is muddy, then be prepared to endure harsh times. To wash in the waters of a seething mountain river portends a quick cold.

Why the river is dreaming - according to Tsvetkov's dream book

Did you see yourself watching the river flow from the bank? Expect a long and urgent journey.

Sailing along it - to profit in business, increase wages, the possibility of winning, any favorable event in the material sphere.

Wade the river or walk along the river - fate prepares you a number of obstacles, it will not be possible to achieve your goals soon.

River in a dream - according to Miss Hasse's dream book

In a dream there is a river in which clear and clear water flows - expect a lot of joys in the near future.

Swimming in the crystal-clear river water is to gain prosperity and wealth. Falling into such a river means that you will receive some important message.

Why the river is dreaming - according to Meneghetti's dream book

The river is a symbolic image. She is the road of human life.

If in a dream a river with clear waters flows to the sea, then the dreamer successfully realizes his life goals, especially when a person perceives himself in a dream as a river or is in it at the moment when it merges with the sea current.

If in a dream you are floating downstream of a river stream, then this is a signal that in real life he begins to lose energy and vitality, health and good luck. Swim upstream - everything that you want to get from fate will require a lot of effort from you. In a dream, wanting to cross the river in order to find out what is on the other side means that you are striving for knowledge.

What does it mean if you dreamed of a river in a dream - according to Grishina's dream book

Looking at the river in a dream means that you have to start something new in your life. Bathing someone in river waters - you will have to direct someone's actions, be responsible for someone, become his mentor.

Washing clothes or rinsing them in the river suggests that you yourself control your life and time. Drinking from the river or drawing water from it - a new step awaits you on the path to wisdom and mastery.

Why the river is dreaming - according to the Persian dream book Taflisi

To see a river in a dream means that in the near future you will have to meet with important person who has a lot of power and can influence your life. Drinking water directly from the river - to the prosperity that you will receive from the influential people of the city or country.

If the water seemed brackish, then you can be drawn into illegal, criminal actions. To catch a lot of fish means well-being and prosperity in the family.

River according to the Muslim dream book

Seeing yourself floating on a river in a boat means that you are completely immersed in some important business. Being in a boat that floats down the river also means that fate is merciful to you and will save you from adversity and turmoil.

What the river dreamed about - according to the dream book of the XXI century

The image of a river and a thing dropped into it that has reached the bottom means that the day is already near when you will be able to profitably invest money or purchase something at a profitable cost.

If you see a river on which a lot of garbage, chips and even logs are floating, then you have to rebuild everything in your destiny - from personal relationships to career and reputation.

Why dream of a clean, transparent, beautiful river?

A river stream with clear and transparent water is one of the best dreams, it is very favorable for a sleeping person. The image of such a river is a symbol of good news, communication with pleasant people, the opportunity to receive good advice receiving consolation.

Why is a dirty, muddy river dreaming?

If the water of the river in a dream is dirty and muddy, then expect a period of difficulties in life. Such waters foreshadow the dreamer that he will face a misunderstanding among colleagues and close associates.

Even if the water in the river is calm, this does not change anything: troubles cannot be avoided.

Why dream of swimming, swimming in the river? Dream interpretation - sail along the river, swim across the river.

Swimming in the river means that it is time to change something in your life - something that you have closed your eyes to for so long, and it is you yourself who should strive for change.

But swimming in the river means that many benefits await you, which means that there is no need to be afraid of changes in fate.

Why is the river flowing in a dream?

Is the water flow in the river rough? Then expect quick disagreements and clashes with others, which will be possible, but difficult to avoid. In order to do this, you will need a lot of strength and patience.

A slow current indicates that you are living a well-ordered, but monotonous life, and boredom begins to overcome you. Change something in yourself or around you.

Why is the bridge over the river dreaming? Dream interpretation - to cross the river.

The vision of a bridge in a dream warns the sleeper about changes in fate, but you do not need to be afraid of them, because the support of loved ones awaits you.

The bridge over the river is a symbol of insecure relationships with the environment, since it is unfamiliar with your inner world. Crossing a river in a dream means you're ready to start. new stage in your life, and changes in it will soon occur.

If you cross the river on a bridge, then in your the inner world there is a struggle with disappointments and setbacks to start new life... In any case, the image of a bridge is a very vivid image of transformation and changes in fate, sometimes even unexpected, but favorable for you.

A fast, stormy river - why are you dreaming?

Seeing the flow of a fast and stormy river flowing in the mountains means that many fundamental changes in your life await you, which will not be without hassle, but you will certainly cope with them.

If in a dream you see yourself drowning in a river with a turbulent current, but swim ashore - you know that you are not afraid of any obstacles on the way to your goal, you will overcome all obstacles on the way to it.

Why else is the river dreaming

  • dreaming of a river bank, sitting or standing on the bank - to the upcoming road, changes in life;
  • a blue, blue river with clear water dreams of wealth, prosperity, overcoming obstacles;
  • river with turbid water- to trials, obstacles in achieving the goal;
  • to wade the river, fight the current - to face obstacles in fulfilling life plans, a long recovery from an illness, but everything will end well, the obstacles will be overcome;
  • swim across the river - overcome difficulties, achieve the fulfillment of desires;
  • to dream of a mountain river, a stormy stream - expect trouble, problems that require maximum efforts to solve them;
  • fishing on the river - to good luck in matters of the heart;
  • jump into the river - experience new feelings, especially for women;
  • falling into the river dressed - prosperity in the house, there is an improvement in well-being, promotion is foreseen;
  • drown in a river, a fast stream, but get out on the shore - quickly improve your financial situation, achieve success in business;
  • big wide river - you are overwhelmed by sexual fantasies that you are afraid to realize in reality;
  • a flooded river blocked your path - expect trouble at work;
  • dry river - associated with feelings, despondency, longing, and as a result, expect trouble, sadness, illness;
  • frozen river - stagnation in business, despondency, indulge in sorrow;
  • to dream of the bottom of a river through clear water is a solution to problems, a sign of good luck in the near future;
  • drown in a river - get ready for trouble;
  • washing your face in river water is an unfavorable sign that speaks of future problems, illnesses;
  • crossing the river across the bridge is a very good sign that promises good luck, success in business and in personal life;
  • a quiet river flows among fields and forests - a calm life awaits;
  • the river flows among stones in a desert area - marks the coming meager, poor life;
  • swim in the middle of the river in a dream - in life one should show caution and prudence;
  • not to find the river in its former place - a dream warns that you are being drawn into other people's strife;
  • run along the river bank along its course - you are afraid of changes in fate, and you avoid them;
  • running along the river bank against its course - the ability to adequately endure failures in business;
  • the river flows among mountains and gorges - reality promises you an arrogant attitude, disgust and contempt for you from others;
  • to lay a river bed for the future river - you will control your own destiny, not relying on public opinion about your person;
  • to change the course of river waters - to work under the guidance of a person who is not indifferent to your future career, who seeks to teach you what he knows and can do himself;
  • the changeable course of the river stream is a symbol of the fact that there will not be something definite and stable in your life yet;
  • if the current of the river carries you away, and you cannot overcome it, then by chance you have to be among those who can harm you;
  • if your hat is blown into the river by a gust of wind, get ready for possible persecution from others;
  • seeing obstacles that interfere with the normal flow of the river means that you have not grasped the true meaning of an important conversation for you;
  • if you managed to remove such barriers, then in real life you are able to get out of any trouble;
  • notice fish that swim against its current - you have to go through a quarrel with your beloved person;
  • catch the river flow with your palm - soon a real friend, faithful companion or business partner will appear in your life.

What we just do not have to do at times in our night visions. Dreams are a mysterious, magical place where everything is possible - and most importantly, any action means and symbolizes something.

Whether it is a fantastic flight in the star peaks, or an ordinary walk through the city, these are all important signs, and they are important to understand and decipher. With the help of dream books, it is easy to understand the meaning of sleep, and find out, among other things, why you dream of swimming.

Water is usually associated with the emotional sphere and feelings. But you can swim in a dream both in dirty and clean water, in a fast-flowing river or a calm lake, in a stormy sea or in an ordinary pool.

Of particular importance are dreams in which you had to wash in a bath, stand under the shower or bathe in the bathroom. All of these symbols are unique and important individually. The action itself, the quality of the water, and the dreamer's sensations are important.

You can find out reliably why you dream of swimming after you remember all the details of your vision. The plots and varieties are as follows:

  • Swimming in the water.
  • The water turned out to be very clean and transparent.
  • I had to swim in cold water.
  • Wash in a bath or be in it.
  • To stand in a daydream in the shower, to wash in the shower.
  • Take a shower or bath and stay in the mud.
  • I dreamed about swimming in the sand.
  • Take a shower or bath and get dressed afterwards.
  • Find yourself in very dirty water or mud.
  • Swim in muddy river.
  • I dreamed of swimming in an icy river, lake, sea.
  • Swim in a beautiful clean lake.
  • Wash in the bathroom.
  • Swim in the sea in a dream.
  • Be in a dream in the pool.
  • Find yourself in calm, calm water.

Each such plot has its own meaning and significance. Whether you had to find yourself in a daydream in a clear or muddy river, dived in a pool, washed yourself in the shower or steamed in a bath - a dream book will help you understand what this means and what to expect from reality.

What would that mean?

Do not rush to rush to the dream book - remember the nuances and details of the dream. If you confuse a detail or a moment, you will get an inaccurate interpretation. Treat the interpretation of dreams responsibly, because it comes about your destiny. And remember that it is not the dream books that are responsible for it, but only you yourself, and the decision is also up to you.

1. The dream interpretation assures that swimming in a dream is, in general, a good sign. You will have a bright, emotional life period - you may have to fall in love, meet a new friend or experience a lot of joyful changes. You will not be bored, in any case, a new period in your life awaits you, bright and full of experiences.

2. It is easy to understand why you dream of bathing in any body of water, but - in a clean, clear water. Of course, swimming in clean water means health, high tide vitality, healing, deliverance from anxiety and blues, great happiness and a lot of joys. Wait for all the most pleasant and joyful, miracles will begin soon!

3. If you dreamed about swimming in a cold, but not icy water for example, in a cold river or even standing in an invigorating cold shower is a very good sign.

This is a convalescence! And not only in physical sense diseases and ailments, but also spiritually. Longing and anxiety will go away, health, harmony and a wonderful feeling will come.

4. As the dream book says, swimming, taking a steam bath or just being in a dream in a bath is an unfavorable sign. Bathing in the bath symbolizes ailments and illnesses that for some reason you do not pay attention to.

It's time to worry and check your health, so as not to get a whole bunch of problems later! If you dreamed about it - do not be lazy, go through the examination, be more attentive to yourself.

5. Washing in the shower means new opportunities. Now is the best, just ideal period for planning and undertaking, for daring projects and risks, for achieving big goals - you have prospects, and fate smiles at you. Take action!

6. Such a dream, in which you bathed in a bath, but went out all the same in the mud, means that in reality you are used to not finishing your affairs, and from this your life is not good and prosperous enough.

Try to begin to follow through on everything you start. And you will see how the real everyday begins to change in better side For you.

7. Dreamed that you were swimming in the sand? This vision means all that is most favorable to you. Joy, pleasant surprises, peace and harmony in your soul await you.

8. Swimming in a dream and then dressing is a wonderful sign. You will get a new post, a promotion or even power, you will leadership position, your situation will improve significantly in the near future.

9. Being in unpleasant dirty, muddy water, or even wallowing in the mud is not a good sign, but don't worry. Perhaps now is the time for a not very favorable life period, but after all, our whole life consists of different stripes - so now is the time of the dark strip.

You need to take it calmly and wisely, not take any active actions, not make decisions, wait out a difficult period. It will be replaced by a happy streak, there is no other way!

10. Being in a daydream in a pond with muddy water is unpleasant and does not mean anything good. Be more careful in reality - gossip accumulates around you and intrigues are woven.

There are dishonest people, imaginary comrades, it is worth looking around. If you have been in contact with muddy water in a dream, just be more attentive and more careful.

11. Have you sailed on the river? Expect new events, and perhaps a rapid flow of change. You have to live at a fast pace, be more active in order to keep up with the course of events in life and keep up!

12. Find yourself in a lake, pool or other body of water with ice water- to a surprise, and a very good one. Some unexpected action will greatly surprise and even shock you, but it will lead to very positive and good changes.

13. The lake is a symbol of eternal wisdom, purity and tranquility. If you find yourself in a daydream in a beautiful, picturesque lake with clear blue water, you will gain wisdom, new experience, harmony and understanding of things. Your life will move on new level awareness.

14. But the dream books interpret the stay in the bathroom as a quick disappointment. Do not rush to trust all the people around you, especially the unfamiliar, do not entrust anything and do not wait from others for some time to avoid disappointment.

15. The sea is a good sign. You are about to start a big and promising new business, a successful enterprise that can dramatically change your whole life. The main thing is not to be afraid of anything and go sailing!

16. Swimming in the pool is a symbol that an interesting one will soon appear in reality new person... He can significantly affect you and your life, change a lot in you and even affect your destiny.

17. If you swam in calm calm water - and in reality a period of harmony, peace and tranquility awaits you. There will be no worries, fears or problems.

Water is a symbol so multifaceted and varied that it is worth changing only one small detail, as the whole meaning of visions changes, dramatically and strongly.

Therefore, interpret your dreams competently, slowly, listen to your intuition and your heart - and make informed decisions, because life is not a dream. Author: Vasilina Serova

When a person cannot understand the secret meaning of a dream he has seen, a dream book comes to his aid. Swimming, swimming in the sea or river - the interpretation of such a dream depends on many factors. Was the water clean or dirty, warm or cold, whether other people figured in the dream - all these details must be taken into account when trying to get to the truth.

Swimming in the sea or river: Miller's dream book

The condition of the reservoir is the first thing a well-known psychologist recommends to pay attention to. What interpretations does the dream book compiled by him offer? Swimming, swimming in the river - such a dream promises wealth and luck if the water is clean and transparent. A muddy body of water, on the other hand, should be considered a prediction of various troubles. The dreamer's expectations may not come true.

A sleeping person who sees himself drowning in a muddy river must be on his guard. Mindfulness will help you avoid fatal mistakes that will have a negative impact on your entire future life. Splashing in a pond with individuals who cannot swim means facing stagnation in business.

What other options are considered by the dream book written by Miller? Swimming, swimming in the sea in night dreams means facing unrealizable hopes in reality. It is possible that the sleeper is not satisfied with the way his life is going, dreams of changes for the better.


The company is another point that any dream book will advise to pay attention to. Swimming, splashing in the water with someone is what night dreams with such a plot warn about. If the person accompanying the dreamer during the voyage is a stranger, he will soon make useful connections. It is highly likely that influential patrons will contribute to his promotion.

Splashing with relatives - such a dream promises an imminent arrival of guests. It cannot be said whether the upcoming meeting will turn out to be joyful. Why in the water with a child (your own, a stranger)? In the near future, little joys await a person, most likely associated with family life... If a friend is the company to the sleeping person in a dream, then in reality fun awaits him. Bathing with a person of the same gender predicts the emergence of a powerful rival. Figuring a person of the opposite sex in a dream promises a love affair.

Cleanliness, dirt

Not only Miller's dream book, but also other guidebooks to the world of dreams emphasize the importance of the purity of the reservoir. The dream book of Nostradamus claims that bathing in clear water symbolizes success, the dreamer will successfully complete the projects he has begun. also suggests why you dream of swimming in water if it is clean. If we rely on its interpretation, swimming in an unclouded reservoir serves as proof of the purity of the intentions of the owner of the dream. However, if a person is drowning in a transparent river in a dream, in reality he will have to deal with piled-up affairs.

All guidebooks to the world of dreams are unanimous that swimming in a muddy body of water portends trouble. You should especially be on your guard if the legs are entwined with algae, as they symbolize insurmountable obstacles that will suddenly get in the way and destroy all undertakings.

Water temperature

What does a dream mean in which a person has to swim in a river or in the sea, realizing that the water is cold? Such a plot suggests that the sleeping person needs to reconsider his attitude towards others. It is possible that close people are upset by the dreamer's excessive coldness. If the owner of the dream splashes with one of his relatives or friends in an icy sea or river, in the near future, relations with them will deteriorate.

Swimming in a warm pond - often people have such a dream. Swimming in the water in this case means achieving a cherished dream. Fortunately, this requires a minimum of effort, since many of the obstacles preventing the achievement of the set goal will disappear on their own.


Swimming in the sea - such a dream warns males that they subconsciously do not trust their chosen one (wife, girlfriend). A bad deal is predicted by sailing in the sea during a storm, and a person may also have a serious rival, because of which he will have problems related to professional activities.

What does it mean to swim in if the water is calm? If the sleeper enjoyed swimming, a streak of luck awaits him in reality. This is a great time to lay aside and rest. Solving current problems does not require the dreamer's efforts, the clouds over his head will dissipate without his intervention.


Often, the fair sex also has a similar dream. Pure water predicts the imminent receipt of good news, which the dreamer is looking forward to. Married ladies should not be afraid of family conflicts, relations with a spouse will definitely improve, even if now there are doubts about it. Lonely young ladies can hope for a quick acquisition of personal happiness.

It is bad if the sea that appears in a dream is dirty, restless. Such night dreams predict quarrels, and the conflicts that occurred during this period will become protracted. Such problems can be avoided if a woman shows restraint and avoids harsh words.

The seething sea predicts financial problems for ladies. If a woman is afraid of drowning while swimming, she will face unfavorable changes, most likely related to her personal life. If other people pull the girl out of the water in time, you can safely count on the help of close friends and relatives in the coming difficult situation.

See the sea or the river

Seeing water in a dream - what does it mean if you rely on the opinion of various interpreters? A person who is not abandoned by inner anxiety can watch the raging sea in night dreams. If such a dream often disturbs the dreamer, he needs to allocate time for a long rest, forget about current tasks. For businessmen, the seething sea predicts instability financial situation, interference in the affairs of a superior person vested with power. In the coming days, you should be careful to abandon dubious projects. For young people, troubled water promises conflicts with the chosen one, parting.

Dream guides do not give an unambiguous answer to the question of what the dreaming calm sea predicts. Some interpreters argue that such a dream indicates that a person's life has become too boring, that dreams of change do not leave him. It is possible that the time has come to think about changing your job, place of residence or partner. Others insist that the calm sea symbolizes the calm before the storm, and that one must prepare for the worst.

What does it mean to see water in a dream, realizing that it is a river? A calm reservoir promises a streak of luck, various benefits will enter the dreamer's life, which he will only have to accept with gratitude.

Various plots

It is obvious that a person can not only above water, but also under it. Such dreams often disturb the night peace of people who are not allowed to live in peace by the desire to solve some riddle, to find out someone else's secret. However, having managed to achieve their goal, they can experience upset and disappointment, so it is worth giving events the opportunity to develop naturally.

Often there are dreams in which people have to swim in the sea without feeling the bottom under their feet. Joy or misfortune promises such a plot, it is easy to understand if the dreamer manages to remember his mood. If the sleeping person did not leave self-confidence, he did not feel fear, in real life all his undertakings will be successful. The fear of drowning indicates internal hesitations, an unwillingness to take responsibility for important issues, infantilism.

Also, the dreamer can watch someone else splashing in the water. In reality, he will have to help this person. It is possible that he already needs support, but he is embarrassed to turn to the owner of the dream with such a request.