Why dream of kissing a handsome guy. Consent in a couple, improving the financial situation

A passionate kiss in a dream is interpreted by the dream book as a harbinger of strengthening the bond between partners, success at work and the attention of the opposite sex. But the vision also warns of misunderstanding, separation, the emergence of problems from the past. Why the plot is dreaming, the details will tell.

You will be promoted, you will be interested in a young man

Did you dream that it happened to a man? A job promotion is coming, but colleagues will consider it unjustified.

See your own in a dream a passionate kiss with a man who you like means: you can interest him in reality. Just act unobtrusively, delicately.

Nuances of relationships

Have a chance to kiss a stranger? The dream interpretation claims: the sleeping person does not have enough attention of the opposite sex.

Why dream of kissing a stranger on the lips? A flash of strong emotions and passion is coming. Perhaps a romance will begin, but it will turn out to be fleeting.

A passionate kiss on the lips with your boyfriend explains that he isn't giving you enough attention. Try to change something in your behavior or appearance.

Had a dream about kissing your boyfriend on the lips? The partner is in no hurry to show feelings, this depressing the dreamer.

Also, a kiss with a guy in a dream portends a quick separation. And although it will not last long, it will bring experiences and melancholy.

Miller's interpretation

Why dream of kissing your beloved in the light of day? Miller's dream book suggests: he takes you very seriously, values ​​this relationship.

Consent in a couple, improving the financial situation

Did a young man dream of kissing his beloved? Agreement, mutual understanding reigns between you.

A passionate kiss with your beloved in a dream promises: your feelings will become stronger over time, they will move to a new level.

It is hot for a man to kiss his beloved promises her favor. The girl will meet your desires.

Why dream of a passionate kiss with your beloved? The dream book promises: improvements are planned in the financial sector. profit from original solutions.

Details of the dream

Remember you kissed:

  • with a loved one - passion, desire in relationships;
  • with your husband - harmony between you;
  • With ex-lover- a reminder of past failures, ugly actions;
  • With ex-husband- long-standing troubles soon become active;
  • a friend - misunderstanding, relationship problems.

Show patience and understanding

Had a dream of seeing passionate kissing with your husband? The dream book warns: you should refrain from impulsive actions that can break your strong connection.

Did you see a passionate kiss and hugs of your beloved in a dream, while in reality the relationship became somewhat tense? The vision signals: it's time to put up, do not prolong the misunderstanding if you want to keep this connection.

Other meanings

Why dream of how the chosen one kisses the neck warmly, and it excites you? The dream book claims: he shows a lot of passion and tenderness. Cherish your beloved, try to please him too.

You had an amazing and pleasant dream, full of sensuality and romance. In a dream, you were kissing a man. Was this kiss desirable or not pleasant? Who is he? Under what circumstances did you meet your companion at Morpheus's home? You need to give a clear answer to all these questions in order to find out what your dream may mean.

Secret desires

It should be said right away that kisses are often dreamed of by those who dream about them in reality. Your desires and emotions are transferred from reality to dreams. Psychologists are convinced that you should not look for meanings in dream books, but you need to look into your own soul and find an explanation there. Probably in this moment you are in love and do not yet know how much your feelings are mutual. Perhaps the day before you met a guy with whom you once walked in the moonlight. An unexpected meeting reminded of feelings and desires. In this case, it is very easy to interpret your dream: kissing a familiar man with whom you once had an affair promises new experiences and, most likely, your feelings will flare up with new strength... How long the heart will burn is up to you. And, of course, on whether he reciprocates and wants to start from scratch.

Lover kiss

Dream interpretation interprets ambiguously, in a dream with a man. This can be both joyful events and troubles. If in a dream you met your lover and began to kiss passionately with him, then soon you will be very worried about your relationship and suffer. They say that the kiss of a lover dreams of quarrels and a break in relations. If in a dream there was a kiss long and full of fire, beware. You will soon have a rival. With whom will the beloved stay? It depends on you, on how smart and wise you act. If you wanted to kiss in a dream with but something stopped your impulse, know that everything will be fine in the future. If the kiss was interrupted by someone else, it's also a good sign. This means that the upcoming troubles will bypass your love or will not affect the relationship in any way.

Meeting a stranger

The dream book tells very interesting why a random passer-by - a representative of the stronger sex - kissed you. Such a dream guarantees success to a mature woman. Kiss with by a stranger for her it means a society of admirers and suitors or a fateful meeting. If you are an unmarried girl, then very soon someone will ask for your hand. But if married woman had a chance to kiss in a dream with a man, let him prepare for the fact that her husband will become jealous of her. And this, in turn, will rekindle the extinct love and incinerate everything that previously destroyed marital relations.

Deadly kiss

It should be said that sometimes a kiss in a dream carries unpleasant information to a sleeping beauty. If you do not remember who touched your lips with his lips or did not see your companion in the kingdom of Morpheus, then the dream book will not tell you anything good. Especially if at the same time you felt a sense of disgust and fear, and also felt the presence of someone out of this world. They say that kissing in a dream with a ghost or spirit man means illness and death. Such a kiss is popularly called a fatal kiss, sent from the one that walks around the world with a scythe.

Drawing conclusions

Or maybe we won't flip through the dream books in search of the interpretation and meaning of what we saw at night? In the end, the future depends on a person and his actions. Just be careful and attentive in the near future, and also act wisely, considering each step. And all the troubles will pass.

How to reliably and as accurately as possible explain why you dream of kissing?

Worth considering whole line nuances - it turns out that everything is not so simple in the dream book.

In general, kissing dream scenarios are as follows:

  • You saw a kissing couple from the side.
  • They kissed themselves (with a stranger, with a loved one, with an enemy, with a girl, and so on).

In addition, it is very important to remember what emotions in a dream you experienced while kissing. This characteristic must be added to common interpretation sleep that you get from the dream book.

If you felt incredible pleasure, joy and euphoria, kissing someone on the lips in a dream, any interpretation takes on a positive connotation, and a good prediction only intensifies. Conversely, if you have experienced disgust, fear, or anxiety, then you should be careful.

Remember all the details of your actions in a dream, your emotions and feelings - and you will find out why you dream of kissing in a dream.

Sweet kiss

The most important point for the interpretation of such dreams is who exactly you kissed with: a stranger or loved one, former or current, enemy or friend.

1. A dream in which it was not you who had to kiss, but you saw from the sidelines how a guy kisses on the lips with a girl, portends that you will soon be drawn into some kind of adventure or risky business.

It may sound fun and interesting, but be careful not to overstep the line, maintain your reputation and conscience, and not risk your safety.

2. A kiss with a stranger in dreams - to surprises and something new. Here, what emotions and experiences you experienced in dreams plays a special role.

  • If, kissing a stranger, you felt pleasure, you were pleased, - be sure: you are expected pleasant changes, joyful surprises.
  • On the contrary, if you did not want to kiss, felt displeasure, then be careful and get ready for unpleasant surprises or not the most joyful news.

3. Kissing with a loved one portends love and harmony. If in Lately in your love union there are frictions with a partner, conflicts or misunderstandings - they will pass, reconciliation and complete harmony await you.

4. If you have seen a strange dream where you had to kiss your own enemy, rival, rival, ill-wisher, or just someone who invariably dislikes and dislikes you - this is very interesting.

The dream interpretation indicates your inner readiness to yield and reconcile. Probably, you are already spiritually ripe to internally accept this person, forgive him everything and if you do not recognize him as a friend, then at least no longer hold any grudge against him.

5. As the dream book says, kissing a familiar person, for example, with a friend, colleague, neighbor - in general, with such a person with whom you would never have thought of doing it in reality, is a signal of an obvious and acute lack of adventure, new emotions and acute experiences.

Think of something! Take a vacation, do something exciting, go to a new place. Just do not go beyond the limits of prudence, do not rush to extremes after reading the instructions of the dream book!

6. I wonder why you dream of kissing a man for whom you secretly feel sympathy. It can be either your friend or unknown guy whom you sometimes meet somewhere and have a hidden feeling for him.

A dream of this kind promises a novel - a new and dizzying one. But the insidious dream book is silent about whether this romance will begin with the same hero of the dream, or whether you are about to meet someone new. But in any case, you will be happy!

7. A kiss in dreams on the lips with a certain girl - to quarrels and conflicts, to squabbles at work or at home. Such a dream is a reason to be more restrained and tolerant, not to break down, to try to avoid conflicts.

8. If you kissed in a dream with your girlfriend - this is also a symbol of conflict, but with someone close. Not necessarily with her, with this friend - maybe you will break off at home or "nag" your loved one.

As in the previous case, the advice is this: keep yourself in hand, do not be hot-tempered. It's easier to avoid conflict than to smooth it out later.

9. A kiss in dreams with a former lover does not promise, as it might seem, reconciliation and return to a relationship with your “former”. This dream portends some kind of adventure, new, vivid emotions and unforgettable events. Something truly incredible awaits you!

10. It also happens that in dreams you kissed on the lips, but with whom exactly - do not remember, and in night dreams it somehow did not matter. Such a dream portends a new, very interesting and promising acquaintance, pleasant flirting, and if you wish, the beginning of a novel. Author: Vasilina Serova

The kiss of a man in a dream often portends a strengthening of relationships, attention from the opposite sex, changes in various areas. But the dream book also gives other interpretations - dissatisfaction with a partner, conflict. Our dream interpreter will tell you why the vision is dreaming.

Fateful meeting ahead

A dreamed vision means increased attention from the stronger sex to the dreamer. She will have more confidence and positive emotions.

Seeing such a plot in a dream promises a strengthening of relations with your chosen one or a greater likelihood of meeting your soul mate.

Possible troubles

Why is a man dreaming of a passionate kiss? The dream interpretation explains: the sleeping person does not enjoy the success she achieves, even from the attention of the stronger sex.

Had a dream of seeing yourself kissing passionately with a young man? On the basis of misunderstanding, a conflict may arise between a sleeping person and a loved one.

Harmonious relationships

Got a kiss on the neck from a man? Be more assertive when dealing with young people. Do not be afraid to take the first step, because sometimes a man cannot understand whether you like him or not.

A neck kiss seen in a dream, according to the dream book, portends a lonely girl: she will meet the chosen one. If this has already happened, the dream promises good luck.

Also, the plot about the kiss of a man on the neck promises a woman to make love, preceded by a leisurely pleasant foreplay.

Dreamed of ardent hugs and kisses symbolize a love relationship that brings joy and satisfaction.

You need to revitalize the bond with your partner

But if a loved one kissed your cheek, it means that he would like to end this relationship and remain friends.

Why dream of kissing not with your own, but with another young man? The dream interpretation points out: the love affair has become quite routine, you need to revive it a little.

Had a dream about doing it with another young man? The dreamer is unhappy with her partner and would like to find a replacement for him.

Possibly a romantic adventure

Why dream of a kiss from a man who turned out to be familiar? The dream interpretation tells: you are charming, so it is not difficult for you to turn someone's head. But don't be led by your emotions.

Did you do it in a dream with a friend you like? Love adventures on the side that were not expected are possible.

Who kissed?

The interpretation of the dream takes into account who you kissed with:

  • acquaintances - an easy flirtation is possible between you;
  • a stranger's boyfriend - a passionate impulse of feelings will not continue;
  • a stranger's husband - infidelity, which will bring negative emotions;
  • married - an unpleasant situation, after which your reputation will be spoiled;
  • unfamiliar - you can harm your own reputation by messy connections;
  • which you like - the object of your sympathy will greatly disappoint.

Miller's dream book: be careful

Why dream of kissing an unfamiliar young man? The dream warns: be careful, you can commit an immoral act.

Many girls are interested in the question of what a kiss with a loved one is dreaming of. But few people know that there are several meanings and interpretations of this plot. It's time to find out all the possible meanings this dream when dreaming about a kiss with a loved one. More on this later.

What if dreaming about a kiss with a loved one?

Had a kiss with your beloved? I must say that this dream can have several meanings and interpretations at once.

So, the first of them may mean that a rather long stage of warm and tender relations has been outlined in a couple.

Lovers will not leave each other a step. All the time they will not have enough of their second half, and therefore it is quite possible that soon there will even be a desire to live together. However, such a decision must be very deliberate and balanced. Otherwise, it may be undesirable to force events, which will only harm the relationship.

In general, the pair will be stable. The guy and the girl who are in it will certainly be happy for a very long time. long period own life. Therefore, it remains only to enjoy each other's company.

By the way, there are the most good days for such a dream. For example, it will be great if he dreams on the night of Tuesday to Wednesday, from Thursday to Friday, and also from Sunday to Monday. This will color the entire coming period with joy and love.

What other meanings does a dream have in which a kiss occurs with a beloved man? It is likely that there is a little parting ahead. But don't be scared! This little test can strengthen relationships, make them more meaningful, touching and sensual.

The above-mentioned separation will be short-lived and, most likely, will be associated with the work of the second half. Therefore, you need to be patient in order to steadfastly endure these hardships and the temporary inability to see your beloved.

What portends?

By the way, it is very important to pay attention to exactly what the kiss with your loved one was like in a dream. From this, its value can be slightly adjusted.

For example, a long kiss on the lips may mean that the couple is still very for a long time will spend together. It is possible that in the future they may become husband and wife.

If you dreamed of a kiss on the cheek, then this means that there are feelings between partners at the moment, but at the same time there is some kind of obstacle. It is because of this that the relationship cannot fully develop. This cause must be understood and eliminated.

Had a passionate, hot, but short kiss? This means that the relationship between a guy and a girl will be exactly the same. As a result, each of them will become a participant in a very passionate, but short romance.

It is important to pay attention to whether there are any other details about the dream. So, a bouquet of flowers can portend a quick wedding. If there is some kind of outsider, then it is quite possible that he has some kind of influence on one of the partners.

These are the interpretations of a dream in which a kiss is seen with a beloved man. It is these values ​​that are the most accurate, truthful and close to reality. Therefore, you can safely listen to them and make your life much brighter and more colorful.