Start in science. How well be able to read .doc - master class "How to know how to read well"

Goal : Expansion of the horizons of students, attachment to the study of historical and cultural heritage, the enormity of anxious and careful attitude towards books, love for reading, cohesion of the class team.

Equipment : exhibition of books, desired inventory for scenes, illustrations to fairy tales, posters titled classroom hour and crossword, tape recorder, audio cassette with a song recording.

Teacher's introductory word.

From early childhood, the whole life of a person is inextricably linked with books. The child has not yet learned how to speak, and his hearing is already catching her mother's, grandmother's fairy tales or additives. And fairy tales and boosters from books. We grow, go to study at school, at the institute, and a whole sea of \u200b\u200bknowledge that we draw from books, picks us. Through the books, we learn about what has never seen (and maybe never see). Through the books, we learn what thoughts were our ancestors. Through the books, we have the opportunity to refer to the niches of the great-grandfather, who will live after a century after us. And all this thanks to the books.

Books play very important role In our life, and therefore they need to be treated carefully, with love. For storage of books, humanity has invented libraries. It is about them that I will tell you now, because on October 22, the entire planet celebrates World Library Day.

On the history of the appearance of libraries in our state.

Translated from the Greek word "library" means "book storage" (from "bIBLion."- book and" tEKE"- storage).

The first Russian libraries appeared during Kievan Rus. In Kiev, Novgorod, Chernigov, Vladimir translated, rewriting and kept church books. In the chronicles said. That in 1037, Prince Yaroslav Wise collected many scribes in Kiev, who "write down many". Part of these books Prince "put in the Hagia Sophia of the Church," founding the first library. Yaroslav himself very much loved books and diploma. Generally B.XI Century Russia was one of the most competent countries in Europe. Only during tatar-Mongol invasion The number of schools and libraries decreased, but they did not completely disappear. On one of the miniatures dedicated to the life of Sergius Radonezh, a school class is depicted: five students are sitting on the bench with books, and a few more people are sitting on them, and the teacher explains Sergia lesson.

The girls usually studied at home, especially the daughters of the princes or noble boyars. For example, about the daughter of Polotsk Prince George Evphrosini wrote that, not learning in Athens, she reached Athenian wisdom.

They were famous for the formation and daughter of the Grand Duke Yaroslav wise. One of them, Anna, married the French king HenryI.who did not know the diplomas. It was Anna who signed state documents, since the king put a cross instead of signature. The brother Anna Vsevolod was widely formed - he knew five foreign languages. Yaroslav's wise "books of adjacent, and honorable often in a novain and in the bottom," that is, loved books and read often and at night, and the day. Chronicles, giving the characteristics of the princes, never forgot to emphasize their education.

Highly appreciated books and prince Vladimir Monomakh. He not only read a lot, but he himself wrote the books. In the famous "teaching children", he gives instructions that will come in handy and modern young man: "What do you know how good, do not forget, and what you do not know how to learn - as my father, sitting at home, knew five languages \u200b\u200b...".

Many Russian libraries did not survive the Mongol-Tatar invasion. Over time, large monasteries - Kiev-Pechersky, Solovetsky, Kirillo-Belozersky, Trinity-Sergievsky become the main keepers of the "Book Wisdom".

The word "library" in Ancient Russia Almost not used. For the first time it meets in the famous Gennadievsky Bible, translated and rewritten in Novgorod at the endXV century. On the fields near the storing the reader of the word "library", the translator made an explanation - "Book House". Prior to that, in different cities, the premises for books were called differently: "Powder", "Keeping Treasury", "Book Crate", "Book Chamber".

One of the most mysterious libraries of the time is the library of Ivan the Terrible. Her grandmother brought with him from Byzantium - Greek Tsarevna Sophia Paleologist, who married IvanIII. According to the stories, in the library, which was kept in the Kremlin in secret basements, there were many priceless, now lost books. By order of the princes of Sofia in 1862, DKA Vasily Makaryev passed the underground move from the Tainic Tower to Arsenal. On the way, he saw two chambers forced by the chests to the very backs. It is assumed that it was in them a library of Ivan the Terrible. These chests were looking for prince Shcherbatov at the endXIX. century. Ignatius Stelletsky at the beginningXX century ... Works in the arsenal tower archaeologists were carried out in 1975. Then the spring was completely cleared in the dungeon of the towers, but the catacombs of the Moscow Kremlin remained a mystery. So far, scientists hope that this library does not disappear, and waiting for an hour in the mysterious Kremlin dungeons. Perhaps one of the klepologans will be able to solve the secret of the tsarist library.

Another king - PeterI. - founded the Academy of Sciences and with her library. For her, the book was purchased at home and abroad, a lot of books received as a gift from individuals. A lot for the library of the Academy of Sciences made M.V. Lomonosov.

Simple people - not the kings, not academicians and not the monarchs - they could take books in reading libraries at bookstores. For a small book, reading books were issued to everyone.

On the highest behavior of CatherineII. Of May 16, 1795, the Public Library was founded in St. Petersburg. For her, a special building was built, in which the library is located today. First Director, A.N. Olenin, created the library almost from scratch - in his meeting there were only 4 Russian books. For readers, the library opened in January 1814. The famous public librarians so actively gathered books that today she is famous for the largest Russian books foundation, including those published abroad. In the Russian National Library, as it is called now, there are 32 million books.

Currently, the largest library in Russia and Europe is the Russian State Library, its foundation has 43 million units.

It is interesting and unusual!

    Better late than never! Forgetful readers were at all times. In 1975, the book "Learn to knit and embroider" was returned to one of the English libraries. The reader was so keen on her, which kept 43 years old. But the record recorded is installed in the library of the University of Cambridge: the book was returned there through ... 300 years!

    Live library. Belonged to the rich Roman merchant Icel. She consisted of ... slaves. Each of them he ordered to be a speaking book. Once after the magnificent lunch, it was disclaimed about scientists. "Bring me to me" Iliad, "the Izisser ordered. "Sorry, Mr! The Iliad has a belly! He can't rise, "the manager admitted horror, expecting severe punishment.

    In the service of Her Majesty. Known adherence to the British to traditions. One of them is respected in the library of the British Museum: to protect books from mice in the staff of employees consist of cats!

    Precious prisoner. In the Middle Ages, the books were very expensive. That is why there are particularly valuable copies for the wall or special muprats - so that none of the readers grab "in absentmaking" a book with me.

And indeed, how interesting you can learn from books! How to know how to read!

The student reads by heart the poem Valentina Berestov"How to know how to read ..." :

How to know how to read!

Do not need to pester

Do not go to my grandmother:

"Read, please read!"

No need to tend to sister:

"Well, read the page!"

Do not call,

No need to wait

And you can take

A group of students play a scene "Mile Case - Book" :

Active persons: grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter.

D E D. (yawns in a chair) . Ah! Well, so wonderful, slept a bit, and it will be. Charger will do: AT, two, you are two. Now you can do business. That's just what?(Looking around.) And the weather is the weather! Snow and the raplet and the film. White white. Pum - Puru - Rum - Pu - Room. What to do, eh? Here is the bridal(sings) : "Babasi lived two merry goose... "them ... oh(bends against pain) . Old age is not joy. I sit now (Playing on the lips). "Dage, Dedka, eat a candy." - "No teeth! No teeth! " - "Dedka, Dedka, that's the newspaper." - "No glasses! No glasses! " AHE-HE! Well and scarlet! A-ah! Pokhlu I am a grandmother with granddaughter. Maybe there will be more fun. Grandma! Granddaughter! Somehow they contacted! AU! Grandma! AU! Granddaughter! BUT? I can not hear! And, here you are where, heart. Hey, what are you who buried in the tables and silent? BUT?

In n at h to a. Grandpa, do not bother, please.

D E D. E?

In n at h to a. Do not bother, please.

DE D. IS You: do not bother! I will interfere! I'm bored. Grandma, and grandmother, go that they are cast iron and pans clean!

B a b k a. What are you old? It is said: do not bother. Today is the day off, and you are all cast iron.

DE D. IS, Tell me, please! Once upon a time! And I think there is a hunt with you Lyasy to sharpen?

In n at h to a. Do not be angry, dear grandfather. Better sitting with us, read something.

DE D. I read the newspaper "Dragonfly" ...

B a b k a. Say, too - the newspaper. Not laugh chickens. From the newspaper only anxiety. Then you willing the end of the world, then colorado beetle, then Saransch, then the terrorists will soon ... the age has lived, and nothing that, thank God, did not see. The sun is boosted - it is booming. Well, what about what they write in your "dragonfly"?

Dr. about a lot they write. About crisis there are different, decrees ...

B a b k a. Skobet-scarotic!

B a b k a. Like what? Book. Here it is a friend and assistant.

Don't any such book? We have not turned around in our house.

In n at h to a. And now they will be found, grandfather! Here look at how many of them here, of the most different, for every taste.

Dr. Yes, from where, granddaughter?

In n at h to a. From the children's library, grandfather. Take what you want, read. I am Russian folk tales I read.

D E D Hm ... fairy tales. Is it about a kolobka and about chicken ham?

B a b k a. What are you old, what kind of ham?

D E D. Do not heart, grandma. I'm kidding it. (Considers books.) So ... it is not in my character, it is fairy tales. Grandma, and grandma, what are you reading? Give looked. "Ku - Li-Ri - I". Oh, what pictures, saliva flowed. Surely, grandma, will you make it up?

In n at h to a. Grandpa Choose a little book and sit down with us.

D E D. IS You, choose ... "Do not know." GM, some kind of nonsense. Granddaughter, and granddaughter, what kind of donowie here is this?

In n at h to a. Not so much. Dunno is a boy who knew nothing, did not read books and got into the most incredible stories. Read, grandfather, you will like it.

D E D. So it is for small! I would be satisfied with the book. Yours, what a beautiful - "Fifteen-year-old captain" Jules Verne. Tell me, please, for fifteen years, and captain! So! What else is there? Encyclopedia "DIY". Do it yourself! Hmm Good book, indispensable thing in the farm! "How to nail the hanger." "How to fix the chair." ABOUT! This is what it is necessary. Now bored no time. Ah yeah granddaughter, ah yelling.

In n at h to a. This is not me thank you, but those who write these books, prints, draws up ...

D e d. And then the truth is granddaughter, thanks and school Library! Well, I went to fix stool!

B a b k a. And I will go pies with apples stove. Charpell is called!

In n at h to a. And I will take a girlfriend here is this book. She wanted to read it for a long time.(Goes out.) Grandpa! Grandmother! I soon!

Teacher: Guys, today we will remember fairy tales, because your fairy tales are your first read books. And all of you, of course, love them. Reading fairy tales, you penetrate the mysterious, wonderful world. In fairy tales committed extraordinary: then the serpent of Gorynych takes beauty to his possessions, then Jablock is awarded the hardworking girl with gold and silver apples, then the tricky fox deceives everyone. Now we will hold a conservation dedicated to fairy tales.

Students are divided into two teams, invent the fabulous names, choose commanders of the teams. At this time, the song sounds"There are many fairy tales in the world" Performed by K. Rushasova (the words Yu.ntina, Music V.Shinsky.)

Competition - Workout "Who lives here?"

Teams in turn ask questions to which they should answer. For each correct answer 1 point is accrued.

    This dwelling is made of oak wood. And the red-haired fox kicked the owner of the hut when her own ice melted. Name the host-horn.(Hare.)

    One of them is a house made quickly from straw, another is more durable - from branches and twigs, but the third stone house with a sturdy door. Name all three.(NIF-NIF, NAF-NAF, NUF-NUF.)

    This reflector is located on the roof of the Stockholm home. And in it there is something to see: on the floor cherry bones, walnut shell and wrapper from candy. Who is the owner? (Carlson.)

    This team of the team turns to the forest with the back, to the guest in front, and his mistress deplets "Russian Spirit."(Baba Yaga.)

    Very close and poor outmates, however, the canvas hangs on the wall, followed by a small door unlocked by the magic key, which is derived from the turtle of Tortila.(Buratino.)

    In the house eight, fraction one

At the outbreak of Ilyich

High Citizen lived

On nickname calacha.(Uncle Step.)

Competition "Postal Address"

Commands must correctly write addresses fabulous heroes. Each correct answer brings one score team.

    Cat Matroskin (Prostokvashino.)

    Gulliver (Liliputia.)

    Vasilisa Vasilisa(Far Far Away kingdom.)

    Dunno (Flower City.)

    Scattered (Street pool.)

    Great Goodwin (Emerald City.)

    Captain Lunnershel(Yacht "Bed".)

    Alice (Locker.)

Competition "Drawing Buratino"

One person from each team should draw with closed eyes of Pinocchio.

Competition "Board of announcements"

By the text of the ad teams are invited to guess who wrote it. For each correct answer - 1 point.

    I offer governess services. Scientific tender boys read, count, write, also good manners.(Malvina)

    All princes! Do not disturb your kisses next hundred years - I want to sleep very much.(Sleeping Beauty.)

    An experienced joiner from the customer's material touches you kids, and some boys.(Dad Carlo.)

    I will write memoirs for you, to compose pylles, hills, obscene, etc.(Winnie the Pooh.)

    Found key is precious metal I guarantee a remuneration.(Buratino.)

    I sell chicken chicken, remaining after redeveloping the hut.(Baba Yaga.)

    I teach artistic whistle.(Nightingale - Robber.)

    Travel Agency offers exceptional journey on a gray wolf.(Ivan Tsarevich.)

    Veterinary services with departure to any part of the world.(Dr. Aibolit.)

    A security agency for a permanent job requires 33 employees of strong physique. (Chernomor.)

    I rent a roof. Payment by confectionery products. (Carlson.)

    Golden eggs. Expensive.(Ryaba chicken.)

    I will attract your grandmother's pies.(Little Red Riding Hood.)

    I wash everything! (Moidodyr.)

    Entertainment for you: I sing songs, fuck nuts.(Squirrel.)

Competition of captains "Chamomile"

Completes of teams are invited to choose a petal from chamomile, on the back of which are written various questions. For each correct answer, the captain receives two points.


    Where did Baba take flour on a bun?(Sustays screamed, deliced \u200b\u200bon barnings.)

    Who goes about? There was a girl more often a flower, and there was a girl a little more nogot.(Thumbelina)

    What did the Fairy make Cinderella Careet?(From pumpkin.)

    Name three fairy tales with the main hero of Ivan.

    Who defeated the cockroach from the fairy tale of the root of Chukovsky "cockroach"?(Sparrow.)

    Name the name of the girl who saved Kaya's brother.(Gerd.)

    What color were the hair from Malvina?(Blue.)

    About what speech? It was not lying on the window, rolled along the track.(Kolobok.)

Contest "Fairy Crossword"

A poster with crossword pose is hanging on the board. Students solve it, while in the isolated cells, the name of the famous storyter (Andersen) is obtained. Team questions are read in turn. A member of the team who gave the correct answer, goes to the board and fills the crossword cells, the team receives one score.


    What was the name of the boy, whose heart almost turned into a lot?(Kai.)

    Who was able to make a magic pitcher who told. What are they talking in every home?(Swineherd.)

    What was the duck, until he became a swan? (Nasty.)

    What was the name of a girl who in a fairy tale makes a distant journey?(Gerd.)

    What helped princesses to become a wife of a prince?(Pea.)

    Who wanted to change the tail on his feet?(The little Mermaid.)

    Who flew in the fall to winter in the warm countries?(Swans.)

    What was needed by an old witch in Dupell?(Flint.)


The teacher sums up the results of the competition, hands the prizes (bookmarks) necessary for reading books, thank students for active work.

Guys, I see that you all read a lot, and own large quantity information. I wish you never to offend books and do not forget about them. Read more and find out a lot of new things!

Education of independence in children. Mom, can I myself?! Vologda Olga Pavlovna

How to know how to read!

Do not need to pester

Do not have a grandmother shake:

"Read, please read!"

No need to tend to sister:

"Well, read the page yet."

Do not call,

No need to wait

V. D. Beresov

Many modern parents in a panic: their children do not want to read for anything dumping! Moreover, naturally, this is alarming, mostly for those parents who themselves love to read. It bothers them that the child may not go to the university, grow a limited person, uneducated, have problems in communication. There is another moment. We all remember how the books of A. Duma read in childhood, A. Lindgren, L. Kassil, imagined themselves with the heroes of the described adventures. Why do children deliberately deprive themselves such pleasure, do not understand the parents.

What causes children such indifference, and then the dislike for reading? Why do these feelings arise?

Sometimes it is straightforward from parents who do not read and believe that without it it is not bad to live.

Another important moment - Incorrect approach to learning to read. Remember how all of us were taught as a child to read in the syllables, call the letters correctly? It was fun? Not really. Not one child passed through the abandoned book, irritation of the parents "stupidity" of Chad, tears and those and others. Naturally, the child is just starting to learn to read, makes many mistakes. Do not be angry, do not scold him for them, take patience. Do not rape it if it is not located in this moment Read, but on the contrary - wants to walk or play. There will be no sense from such a read.

I remember how to teach your four-year-old son. He did not want to master this science. Since he was (and remains) fidget, he was more interesting to play or run, but not sit over the letter, mastering the wisdom of reading. And then I decided to postpone training. After some time, the teacher in children's garden I was told: "And you know, he knows how to read!" Say that I was surprised - not to say anything, but the fact remains a fact. Those small knowledge that we mastered with him with such work, did not destroyed from his head, and duraly dreamed there to one great moment Exit outside in an orderly form. I must say that everyone reads in our family and a lot, read a lot and him. Therefore, those initial knowledge that he received, mastering the ward, lay down on the prepared soil.

The choice of books is of great importance. What do you read the child? Do not chase the new-fashioned children's literature, as a rule, there is very little sense from it, and there are often many mistakes there. Contact your already recognized samples of classical literature - Russian, Soviet, foreign. If you were brought up on Karlson and Winnie Pohel, then why don't your child come to these books?

For beginners to read the child, pick up books with big letters, bright beautiful pictures. For many years already have a well-deserved success of a book with the illustrations of V. SUTEEV. If you decide to contact modern children's literature, do not be lazy to read by yourself, at least start, and pay attention to the story, heroes, is not a book for the perception of your baby.

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When using materials of this site - And the placement of banner -Article !!!

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(V. Berestov)

What is the beauty of reading? You read a lot - you know a lot.

It's not a secret: now the book eclipsed with television, computer. Of course, look at the fairy tale in the color image; Find the answer to the right question On the Internet, it is much easier than finding it in the book itself, go to the reading room in the library, to extract encyclopedia. Ready answers and solutions do not give durable knowledge. After all, it remains for a long time in mind what I did, a man performed. It is better to remember what you found and read by you.

Through reading, the inner and external culture of man is given. It becomes the benchmark of courtesy, educational, education. Such a person himself will not make bad, and the other will teach good.

That's the totality of these personal qualities Man and working pedagogical team GOU SOSH №1371 with in-depth study of English language In close community with the Central Children's Library No. 17 "Change".

Every new school year teacher primary classes Start with dating students of 1x classes with a library. Head of the Children's Library Alexandrova Marianna Vladimirovna does not just talk with children, but conducts an excursion to all the department of the library, introduces the content of stands and racks, advises first-graders how to make reading a favorite activity. Employees of the subscription hall give children reading tickets that open the way to live communications with the book.

The school holds contests, reader conferences and competitions in Russian - "Word about words"; mathematics - " Magic numbers"; on history -" Streets of Krylatsky "," Heroic Defenders of Moscow during the Great Patriotic War "and others. Library provides students required materials To prepare from participation in creative and intellectual events.

For a long time I remember the children of the meeting with the writers E. Uspensky, Osterman.

For example, in September 2007, the children met with the young writer of Dina Krupskaya, with the editor of the "Yeralash" by Sergey Georgievich Georgiev.

And how many correspondence meetings with writers were classics: Boris Zhitkov, Ivan Khukovsky, Vitaly Bianki, V. Bestov, where children learn about interesting, and sometimes difficult writing path, but the love of people around people, to nature, do writers by donorians of good, nobility, the joy of many generations of people. Penetrating with respect and confidence in the writer, students show more interest in the written works.

Excursions in Peredelkino, and then conversations with children in school or library help them understand a lot, to learn the main thing - a real person is born through knowledge true valuesdeveloped by humanity and most often clothed in the form of the book.

Skillful summing up and bright exchange of impressions from visits to the historical Museum "Borodino", Museum "Borodino Panorama" and of that many, which is read, listened about the events of 1812, puts students to the place of the heroes of this war and makes them sublime, patriotic. Children write reviews about the tour and conversations, create their panorama seen.

And how much read students on the topic "Great Patriotic War": About the blockade of Leningrad, Stalingrad battle, heroic battles near Moscow, about the Eagle-Kursk arc.

Children write abstracts, draw up stands on these topics, are gaining in the images of heroes, become accomplices of fighting and victories, feel the feeling of patriotism and pride in our country, our people.

And all of these we owe the book, school, library.

Great wisdom of the people says:

  • "Reading - Here is the best teaching"
  • "With a book to be friends - the eyelid does not truck"
  • "A good book is the best friend."

Teacher of additional education

Romanova A.A.

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Alphia Kadyrov
A summary of classes to memorize the poem "How good to be able to read"

1) Introductory part 3 min.

Organizing time

Creating a motive for children's activities

2) Main part 23 min.

Conversation on the topic "School".

Reading poem teacher B.. Berestova "As well be able to

The game "What is superfluous?".

Conversation with children about school supplies.

Inventing mysteries with children according to the scheme.

Explore poems.

The game "Question answer".

Team poem children.

Fizminutka "Change".

Conversation with children about the first book of the first grader.

Productive activities, appliqué.

Final part 3 min.

3) Evaluation of children's activities

Summing up nodes

Node duration 30 min.

Subject: « Exhausting poem B.. Berestova "As well be able to

purpose: explore poems children by heart and expressive it



Systematize children's knowledge about school.

Continue to learn children listen poetic work, understand it.

Achieve good memorization of poemUsing various


Develop a poetic hearing.

Development of thinking, memory.


Rail interest in poetry.

To raise a wish learn poems.

Equipment: Portrait of V. Bestova; mystery scheme; primer; Bookmark;

colored stripes; geometric figures; glue; oilcloth; Napkins.

Preliminary work: Heading poems, drawing up mysteries

according to the scheme.

The course of educational activities

Hello children!

Invented by someone wisely and just

At the meeting greeting: "Good morning"

Good morning - the Sun and Birds

Good morning - smiling.

And everyone becomes good, gullible!

Let be good morning - Lost until the evening!

Smile to each other, so that we have with you good mood.

Sit on chairs.

Tell me guys, what do you like to do?

Play, dance, sing, draw.

You said you love to play, I suggest you play the game "What

1) Graduate - Elastic - Machine Why?

2) Notebook - violet - handle - briefcase

3) Handle - Album - Rule - Swallow

4) Diary - Book - Apple

Correctly guys, I listed school supplies. Who needs

school supplies?


Tell me why you need a letter?

Alina, and a notebook for what is needed?

To write in it, do.

Guys, and a briefcase why?

To put school supplies to wearing.

Volodya, and the album needs students?

To draw in it.

Guys, and why?

To record homeworkto put the assessment.

Well done! We are able to oK guess riddles and still know how and

make them. I will now make riddles according to the scheme.

for example:

In color it is multicolored, but not a rainbow;

In shape it is square or rectangular, but not the table;

He is worn to school, but not a book;

He is leather, but not shoes. What is it? "Portfolio"

Well done guys, and now you try to make a riddle according to the scheme, and we

with the guys guess. (Children make up the riddles of school


It remains very little time and you will go to school. For what is needed

go to school?

To learn, get knowledge, be smart.

Well done, at school you will learn a lot of interesting things. What did you learn

guys in kindergarten?

Right you learned a lot and of course TO READ! No wonder

speak: Reading is the best teaching. I am now read the poem

Valentina Berestova "How well be able to read» .

Do not need to pester

No need grandmother shake:

"Read, please! Read! "

No need to be sister:

"Well, read more page» .

Do not call,

No need to wait

Who wrote poem?

Valentin Berestov

What is the name of poem?

About what poem?

Well done, and now we will play the game "Question answer". I ask you

questions, and you are responsible for suggestions poem.

Need to mom pester? (do not need to pester to mom)

Need grandmother shake? (Do not shake your grandmother, read, please!

Need to be sister? (I do not need to tend to sister, well, read more


Need to call? (do not call)

Must wait? (no need to wait)

Well done. I am again read the poem, and you try

remember it. V. Berestov "How well be able to read» .

finished. (2 times)

Well done! 2 - 3 people read completely.

Thank you. Guys, and what is the name of the time when students are engaged in

And the time when students rest?


That's right, and we have a change with you now.

Change! Change! - go in a circle DR.

Relax pretty: - Perform Jacks

You can run I. make noise- run in a circle

Dance and sing songs - Dance Movements

You can sit down and silent - squat

Only - Chur! It is impossible to miss! - Perform skots on the socks.

Guys, when you go to first class, you will have your first book there

Primer. And you know that with books it is necessary to use neatly, do not soak,

do not mine them, to do this, enjoy the bookmark.

I am a beautiful bookmark.

I need you for order.

For nothing, the pages are not leaf.

Where the bookmark is there read.

And today we will make a bookmark for our first book.

To make the bookmark we need will be: take long strips and

decorate them with a pattern of geometric figures. Tell me, what about

geometric shapes do you see on the tables?

Triangles, ovals, circles, rectangles.

(Children perform application - bookmark).

Well done, what everyone turned out to be beautiful bookmarks. Look

what interesting combination Colors, how carefully work is done. Everything

guys are great. And what did we do with you today?

Talked about school; did bookmarks, taught poem.

Valentin Berestov

And what is called poem?

The book is a great teacher and friend, without it unthinkable harmonious human development, because it forms not only memory, intellect, but also imagination, moral and spiritual face of each of us. "Tell me what you read, and I will say who you are," so you can rephrase wise saying.

Reading is the engine of knowledge of life, without him she is deprived of something very important, dull, dead and sounds like a void. The book, especially intelligent and kind, adds optimism and teaches to reflect, changes life and converts space.

But how does all this explain to your child, who, instead of reading, would you like to put in the courtyard with a soccer ball or sit at the TV and computer screen?

I have nothing against football balls, rackets, rope, sneakers and sports costumes. Fresh air, healthy sleep After a good walk, mobile games are zero! But if the only way to know the world for your child becomes militants, serials and computer gamesPerhaps it's time to score alarm.

Games with book

The game is the main way to master the surrounding world and the existence of a child about 9-10 years of age. The game is the main way to master the surrounding world and the existence of a child about 9-10 years of age. Games form habits, interests and moral guidelines. There is no coercion in the game, on the contrary, very high motivation and emotional saturation of information. Therefore, what is learned in the game is securely fixed in consciousness and enters the gold reserve of your child.

Self simple games with a book:

"Voice"- This is the viewing of pictures with the smallest and their sound accompaniment. The child really likes to wash, like a cow, meow, gavkut, hiss. It is very important and playing the whole heart to be emotionally involved in the process. Then contact and pleasure will be complete.

"Peekaboo" - one more interesting form gaming activity, developing attentiveness. The donkey was lost, she walked around the forest and got lost, let's find it. You will see with what delight will be detected by your child of this donkey on the latest page of the book. Only if you also participate in this process and comment on your long and stubborn searches. Versions of hide and seekers can be the most diverse. It all depends on your imagination. You can search for something specific color, size, shape. Thus, expanding the horizons of the child, subsequently, when begin to study the letters, you can play a hide and seek with the letter "A" and others.

"Copying the picture" is very interesting gamewhich makes your baby carefully pepper in the shown. You are depicting with him in faces and with the help of items what is depicted in the pictures. You do not just comment on what is happening, but as if all the time appeal to the text of the book: "We'll see what is written on the bear there, it says that he has walked very much. How, in your opinion, laughs our teddy bear? Well done! Very good! And then he sat down on the penets. "Although it is necessary to provoke the baby all the time, so that he looked into the book. She must become a friend to him, and not just a friend, but the most beloved and interesting. Very often in the process of such a game, a child learns. To create a book on my own, he himself comes up with a script. Encourage such manifestations. This is the invaluable experience of his independent creative involvement in the reading process. In the picture, it is not always depicted exactly what is written in the book. Therefore, most pictures you have the opportunity to reproduce yourself together with the child, relying on text.

"Illustrating the book" - This game is suitable for older children who still do not know how to read, but already know how to draw. Read some episode and ask your child to draw it. The younger than your illustrator, the big help he will need. But do not get drunk. It would be a mistake to grab my brushes and paints and start painting for a small artist. You, of course, will get much better. But the benefits of such a drawing is minimal.

Complex games begin when simple already mastered and became uninteresting. As the baby grows, it is possible to complicate his communication with the book.

"Game in Carlson"or in a red hat, Gray Wolf., Cat Matroskin, etc., is a joint fantasy and playing in the everyday life of the episodes of your favorite heroes invented. Your child can be for some time a wooden boy Pinocchio and will remove toys in a striped cap. He will have to learn how to move like Pinocchio, as if he was wooden. Everything should be extremely reliable, otherwise the game loses the meaning. By the way, these games give you the opportunity to use the interest of the child and teach it to dress, remove it, carefully eat, clean my teeth, etc. You can play your favorite heroes and in the tram, and in the country, and in the store. Do not forget all the time to "consult" with your favorite book. She must be at hand. You continue to read it with the child. To get involved in this game is not worth it, because the child, identifying himself with Pinocchio, cat in boots or someone else, maybe To take away from reality and forget that he is actually Petya Ivanov. Therefore, sometimes it will be for Pinocchio and you.

"Writing a fairy tale"- The game that you like, but will require certain creative abilities. It is not so easy to compose fairy tales, but it is extremely interesting. If you have a computer, you can print a fairy tale, supply it with illustrations. And let your child actively participate in this process. But it is better to create a book manually. Every day on page. Berently store these diamonds of the creative activity of the child. In the process of creating a book, a large share of participation should have to be at him. When he learns to write, try to participate in this minimally.

If you could not interest the baby, never force him to play forcibly. Such actions can only harm him and do not bring or pleasure, no benefit.

And all this time, read the child's smart and beautiful books!

Learn to read

Remember the formation of an impatient desire to finally learn how to penetrate the fascinating world of the book: "How to be able to read, you don't need to pester to my mother, you don't need to ask my grandmother ..."

But the first unsuccessful experiences may find a hunt. He understands that learn to read is not so easy and hardly repeats attempts. More letters to learn there and here. But to connect them to words and read, and then understand that you read - it is pretty hard. But gradually you will overcome this difficulty.

Learn to read in the game. There are many methods learning to read. But most importantly, what you should remember, do not rape yourself and the baby. Do not turn it into an unpleasant duty, do not compare your child with a neighbor boy, who has been reading for a long time, do not scold if something does not work. This will only brake the process. Here you will have patience, love, sequence, fantasy. You can beat the learning process, turn into a holiday, into a fascinating game. Let it be short, but daily and effective.

"Friendly guys"- This game modifications can be a lot. The letters are listed. They are friends and together make up the Word. One beak is like running another. And we say, pull the sound "d" until it reaches a new sound "A". And together they will speak and tell us the short word "yes."

You can try to connect the fissal friends to any free minute. We, for example, were engaged in this in the kitchen, in trolleybus, drawing beaks on the glass, sitting on the sofa. Several minutes of tireless classes. And the child gradually begins to get used to tie the letters into the syllables, and then in words.

"Find twins"- The game is that the child already read the syllable is looking for print text. More interesting when this is a favorite book or just turned up the text of the newspaper, magazine, signs. The kid understands that books are different, not only with beautiful illustrations. All this you need invariably agree on your comments and praise for achieved successes, then play this game is interesting. Be sure to pronounce the found syllables so that they are not associated with two different sounds spoken by separately, but with one. Gradually visual addictive to the type of syllables will lead to automatic compound letters in syllables.

"Abracadabra" - Try from Abracadabra, which turns out when you read the word spelled, make a word to understand the meaning of the encrypted note. Not able to read the reconnaissance elephant should be sure to understand the task of the center to fulfill the secret mission. You will see how it will be funny to a child to hear the insight into the inept spelling of the word. And how he will be proud of his ability to help him. Sometimes abracadabras are so funny that you will laugh with your "Elephant" from the soul.

Do not make read

Already after your child learned to independently fold the letters into the syllables and words, there will be a lot of time, while he will take advantage of fluid reading. And this will not cause him negative experiences associated with slow reproduction and understanding read. Therefore, during this period, in addition to its independent experiments, the child should feel your support.

Continue to read it out loud and discuss read. Damage deliberately until the most interesting place and suddenly, unexpectedly remember the need to urgently move away to the store, cook dinner, wash it, etc. Book naturally leave in the most prominent place. Sooner or later, the child himself will draw it to her, to find out what is there next. You can provoke it on it if it does not recognize. Give out interest in the fate of the heroes of the book and surprise that he still did not read it himself. And if read, be sure to praise and ask to retell the episode that interests you. Only sincerely interest. He must understand that this is not a duty that it does not make it, that it is himself. And therefore well done!

I read my children to 8 years old. We together came up with the continuation of fairy tales and composed our own. Sometimes before bedtime, laughed until you fall. Because they loved humorous junctions or unexpected turns of the plot.

The truth I learned by passing the period of learning to read and son, and daughters - it's never forcing! On the contrary, such a motivation was offered: "If you remove from the table, I will allow you to read a little before bedtime."

Reading is knowledge, pleasure, development. When you understand it yourself, you do not need to read the son of my son or daughter on this topic. Because your example turns out to be very infectious!