The proverb saves an hour a minute. Class hour on the topic: "A minute saves an hour"

The old man had three sons: two clever, and the third Ivanushka the fool; day and night the fool is lying on the stove.

The old man sowed wheat, and rich wheat grew, and someone got into the habit of pounding and poisoning that wheat at night. Here the old man says to the children:

My dear children, guard the wheat one by one every night, catch me a thief.

The first night comes. The eldest son went to guard the wheat, but he wanted to sleep: he climbed into the hayloft and slept until morning. He comes home in the morning and says: he didn’t sleep all night, he was cold, but he didn’t see the thief.

On the second night, the middle son went and also slept all night in the hayloft.

On the third night, the fool's turn comes. He took the lasso and went. He came to the border and sat on a stone: he was sitting - not sleeping, the thief was waiting.

At midnight, a motley horse galloped into the wheat: one hair is golden, the other is silver, it runs - the earth trembles, smoke puffs out of the ears, flame glows from the nostrils. And that horse began to eat wheat: not so much eating as trampling.

The fool crept up on all fours to the horse and at once threw a lasso around his neck. The horse rushed with all his might - it didn't work. The fool rested, the lasso presses his neck. And here the horse began to pray to the fool:

Let me go, Ivanushka, and I will do you a great service!

Okay, - Ivanushka the fool answers. - How can I find you later?

Go out to the outskirts, - says the horse, - whistle three times and shout: “Sivka-burka, prophetic kaurka! Stand in front of me like a leaf before the grass! " - I'll be here.

Ivanushka the Fool dismissed the horse and took his word - no more wheat and no more trampling.

Ivanushka came home.

Well, you fool, did you see? the brothers ask.

I caught, - says Ivanushka, - a motley horse. He promised not to go to wheat again - so I let him go.

The brothers laughed to their heart's content at the fool, but since that night no one has touched the wheat.

Soon after that, the priesthoods (herald) from the tsar began to walk around the villages and cities, crying cry: gather, de, boyars and nobles, merchants and burghers and ordinary peasants, all to the tsar for a holiday, for three days; take the best horses with you; and whoever on his horse reaches the princess of the tower and takes off the ring from the princess's hand, the king will give the princess in marriage to him.

Ivanushka's brothers also began to gather for the holiday: not so much to ride themselves, but at least to look at others. Ivanushka also asks with them.

Where are you, you fool! - say the brothers. - Do you want to frighten people? Sit on the stove and pour the ashes.

The brothers left, and Ivanushka the fool took a basket from his daughters-in-law and went to pick mushrooms. Ivanushka went out into the field, threw the basket, whistled three times and shouted:

The horse runs - the earth trembles, from the ears, flames, from the noses smoke poured in a column. He came running - and the horse stood in front of Ivanushka rooted to the spot.

Well, - he says, - get into my right ear, Ivanushka, and get out into my left.

Ivanushka climbed into the horse's right ear, and climbed into the left - and became such a fine fellow that he could not even think of, not guess, or say in a fairy tale.

Then Ivanushka sat on a horse and rode off to the Tsar's holiday. He galloped to the square in front of the palace, sees - the people are visible and invisible; and in a high mansion, by the window, the princess sits: there is a ring on her hand - there is no price, she is a beauty from beauties. Nobody even thinks to jump before her: no one wants to break his neck for sure.

Here Ivanushka struck his horse on the steep thighs, the horse became angry, jumped - only three crowns did not jump to the princess's window.

The people were surprised, but Ivanushka turned his horse and galloped back. His brothers did not quickly move aside, so he whipped them with a silk whip. The people are shouting: "Hold, hold him!" - and Ivanushkin is gone.

Ivan drove out of the city, dismounted from his horse, climbed into his left ear, climbed into his right and became again the same Ivanushka the fool. Ivanushka let go of the horse, picked up a basket of fly agarics and brought it home.

Here's to you, hostesses, fungi, - he says.

The daughters-in-law got angry with Ivan:

What did you fool bring for mushrooms? Do you alone have them?

Ivan smiled and climbed onto the stove again.

The brothers came home and tell their father how they were in the city and what they saw, and Ivanushka lies on the stove and laughs.

The next day, the older brothers went to the holiday again, and Ivanushka took a basket and went to pick mushrooms. He went out into the field, whistled, barked:

Sivka-burka, prophetic kaurka! Stand in front of me like a leaf in front of the grass!

The horse came running and stood in front of Ivanushka rooted to the spot.

Ivan dressed up again and galloped to the square. He sees that there are even more people on the square than before; everyone admires the princess, but no one thinks to jump: who wants to break his neck! Here Ivanushka struck his horse on the steep thighs, the horse became angry, jumped - and only two crowns to the princess did not reach the window. Ivanushka turned his horse, whipped the brothers to step aside, and galloped away.

The brothers come home, and Ivanushka is already lying on the stove, listening to what the brothers are saying, and laughing.

On the third day, the brothers went to the party again, and Ivanushka also rode up. He whipped his horse with a whip. The horse got angry more than ever: he jumped and reached the window. Ivanushka kissed the princess and rode off, not forgetting to whip the brothers with a whip. At this point both the king and the princess began to shout: "Hold, hold him!" - and Ivanushkin is gone.

Ivanushka came home - one hand was wrapped in a rag.

What is this with you? - Ask Ivan's daughter-in-law.

Why, - he says, - looking for mushrooms, he pricked himself with a bitch. - And Ivan climbed onto the stove.

The brothers came and began to tell what and how it was. And Ivanushka on the stove wanted to look at the ring: as he lifted the rag, the whole hut shone like that.

Stop pampering with fire, you fool! the brothers shouted at him. - You will burn down the hut. It's time to drive you, fool, completely out of the house!

Three days later, there comes a cry from the king that all the people, no matter how many in his kingdom, gather to his feast and that no one dares to stay at home, and whoever disdains the royal feast - that one’s head off his shoulders.

There is nothing to do here, the old man himself went to the feast with his whole family.

They came, sat down at the oak tables; they drink and eat, their speeches grow loud.

At the end of the feast, the princess began to carry honey from her hands. She walked around everyone, went up to Ivanushka last; and the fool is wearing a thin little dress, all in soot, hair on end, one hand tied with a dirty rag ... just passion. |

Why do you have it, well done, your hand is tied? the princess asks. - Untie it.

Ivanushka untied his hand, and on the princess's finger there was a ring - so he beamed everyone.

Then the princess took the fool by the hand, led him to her father and said:

Here, sir, my betrothed.

The servants washed Ivanushka, combed their hair, dressed in a royal dress, and he became such a good fellow that his father and brothers look - and do not believe their eyes.

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Once upon a time there was an old man, and he had three sons. They called the younger one Ivanushka the Fool.

Once the old man sowed wheat. Good wheat was born, but someone just got into the habit of crushing and trampling that wheat.

Here is the old man and says to his sons:
- My dear children! Guard the wheat in turn every night, catch the thief!
The first night came.

The eldest son went to guard the wheat, but he wanted to sleep. He climbed into the hayloft and slept until morning.

He comes home in the morning and says:
“I didn’t sleep all night, I guarded the wheat! All the creeps, but I haven't seen the thief.
The middle son went on the second night. And he slept all night in the hayloft.

On the third night Ivanushka the Fool's turn comes.
He put the cake in his bosom, took the rope and went. He came to the field, sat on a stone. Sits awake, chews a cake, waits for the thief.

At midnight a horse galloped over the wheat — one hair of silver, the other of gold; running - the earth trembles, smoke puffs out of the ears, flame blazes from the nostrils.
And that horse began to eat wheat. Not so much eating as trampling with hooves.

Ivanushka crept up to the horse and at once threw a rope around his neck.
The horse rushed with all his might - it didn't work! Ivanushka jumped on him dexterously and grabbed hold of the mane.

Already the horse carried it, carried it across a clear field, galloped and galloped - could not throw it off!
The horse began to ask Ivanushka:
- Let me go, Ivanushka, free! I will serve you a great service for this. - Okay, - Ivanushka answers, - I'll let you go, but how can I find you later?
- And you go out into an open field, in a wide expanse, whistle three times with a valiant whistle, shout with a heroic shout: "Sivka-burka, prophetic kaurka, stand in front of me like a leaf in front of the grass!" - I'll be here.
Ivanushka let go of the horse and took from him the promise of wheat never to eat or trample on again.
Ivanushka came home in the morning.
- Well, tell me what you saw there? The brothers ask.
- I caught, - says Ivanushka, - a horse - one hair of silver, the other gold.

- And where is the horse?
- Yes, he promised not to go to wheat anymore, so I let him go. The brothers did not believe Ivanushka, they laughed at him to their hearts content. Yes, only since that night, no one really touched the wheat ...

Sivka-Burka - an instructive folk tale about the adventures of the peasant son Ivanushka and his valiant horse. The tale will appeal to both boys - since the protagonist here is a young man, and girls - after all, the story contains descriptions of Ivanushka's relationship with the beautiful princess. Sivka-Burka somehow miraculously resembles the story of Cinderella, only an ordinary country guy, who later becomes a prince, plays the role of a stepdaughter. We strongly advise all modern mothers to read this story to their children, because it is so important for babies to realize that the simplest person is able to achieve a lot thanks to his ingenuity. Read the tale of Sivka-Burka online will be very helpful for your child.

Features of the tale

The adventure tale for children tells about real friendships, that a true friend will not let you down and will help to overcome any difficulties. The tale of Sivka-Burka, which you can read online on this page, will teach the baby that a truly smart person behaves modestly, does not push out his extraordinary abilities and so achieves brilliant results. The narrative is replete with repetitive motives that will help the child enrich their vocabulary and speech structure. The events of this children's fairy tale are changing dynamically - the kid simply cannot tear himself away from the bright adventure plot.

Once upon a time there was an old man, and he had three sons. They called the younger one Ivanushka the Fool.

Once the old man sowed wheat. Good wheat was born, but someone just got into the habit of crushing and trampling that wheat.

Here is the old man and says to his sons:
- My dear children! Guard the wheat in turn every night, catch the thief!

The first night came.

The eldest son went to guard the wheat, but he wanted to sleep. He climbed into the hayloft and slept until morning. He comes home in the morning and says:
“I didn’t sleep all night, I guarded the wheat! All the creeps, but I haven't seen the thief.

The middle son went on the second night. And he slept all night in the hayloft.

On the third night Ivanushka the Fool's turn comes.

He put the cake in his bosom, took the rope and went. He came to the field, sat on a stone. Sits awake, chews a cake, waits for the thief.

At midnight a horse galloped over the wheat — one hair of silver, the other of gold; running - the earth trembles, smoke puffs out of the ears, flame blazes from the nostrils.

And that horse began to eat wheat. Not so much eating as trampling with hooves.

Ivanushka crept up to the horse and at once threw a rope around his neck.

The horse rushed with all his might - it didn't work! Ivanushka jumped on him dexterously and grabbed hold of the mane.

Already the horse carried it, carried it across a clear field, galloped and galloped - could not throw it off!

The horse began to ask Ivanushka:
- Let me go, Ivanushka, free! I will serve you a great service for this.
- Okay, - Ivanushka answers, - I'll let you go, but how can I find you later?
- And you go out into an open field, in a wide expanse, whistle three times with a valiant whistle, shout with a heroic cry: "Sivka-burka, prophetic kaurka, stand in front of me like a leaf in front of the grass!" - I'll be here.

Ivanushka let go of the horse and took from him the promise of wheat never to eat or trample on again.

Ivanushka came home in the morning.

Well, tell me what you saw there? the brothers ask.
- I caught, - says Ivanushka, - a horse - one hair of silver, the other gold.
- And where is that horse?
- Yes, he promised not to go to wheat anymore, so I let him go.

The brothers did not believe Ivanushka, they laughed at him to their hearts content. Yes, only since that night, no one really touched the wheat ...

Soon thereafter, the king sent messengers to all the villages, to all the cities, a cry to click:
- Get ready, boyars and noblemen, merchants and simple peasants, to the king's court. The Tsar's daughter Helen the Beautiful is sitting in her high mansion by the window. Whoever on horseback reaches the princess and takes off the gold ring from her hand, for that she will marry!

On the day indicated, the brothers are going to go to the royal court - not so that they can ride, but at least look at others. And Ivanushka asks with them:
- Brothers, give me at least some horse, and I will go and look at Elena the Beautiful!
- Where are you going, you fool! Do you want to make people laugh? Sit on the stove and pour the ashes!

The brothers left, and Ivanushka the fool said to his brother's wives:
- Give me a basket, I'll even go into the forest - I'll pick up some mushrooms!

He took a basket and went as if to pick mushrooms.

Ivanushka went out into an open field, into a wide expanse, threw a basket under a bush, and himself whistled with a valiant whistle, barked a heroic shout:

Anything, Ivanushka?
“I want to see the Tsar's daughter Elena the Beautiful!” Ivanushka answers.
- Well, get into my right ear, get out into my left!

Ivanushka climbed into the horse's right ear, and climbed into the left - and became such a fine fellow that he could not even think of, not guess, say in a fairy tale, or describe with a pen! I sat on the Sivka-burka and rode straight to the city.

He overtook his brothers on the way, galloped past them, showered with road dust.

Ivanushka galloped to the square - straight to the royal palace. She looks - the people are apparently invisible, and in the high tower, by the window, sits Princess Elena the Beautiful. On her hand the ring sparkles - he has no price! And she herself is a beauty of beauties.

Everyone is looking at Elena the Beautiful, but no one dares to reach her: no one wants to break their neck.

Ivanushka struck a Sivka-burka on the steep sides ... The horse snorted, whinnied, jumped - only three logs did not jump to the princess.

The people were surprised, and Ivanushka turned Sivka and rode away.

Everyone shouts:
- Who is that? Who is this?

And Ivanushki is gone. They saw where he rode from, did not see where he rode off.

Ivanushka rushed into the open field, jumped off the horse, climbed into his left ear, and got out into his right and became Ivanushka the fool as before.

He let go of Sivka-burka, picked up a full basket of fly agarics and brought it home:
- Eva, what good fungi!

The wife's brothers got angry at Ivanushka and let's scold him:
- What kind of mushrooms have you brought? Only you alone have them!

Ivanushka smiled, climbed onto the stove and sits. The brothers returned home and told the wives what they saw in the city:
- Well, mistresses, what a fine fellow came to the king! We have never seen anything like this. I didn’t reach the princess just three logs.

And Ivanushka lies on the stove and chuckles:
- Brothers, dear ones, wasn’t I there?
- Where are you, you fool, there to be! Sit on the stove and catch flies!

The next day, the older brothers went back to the city, and Ivanushka took a basket and went to pick mushrooms.

He went out into an open field, into a wide expanse, threw a basket, he whistled with a valiant whistle, barked a heroic shout:
- Sivka-burka, prophetic kaurka, stand in front of me like a leaf in front of the grass!

The horse is running, the earth is trembling, smoke is pouring out of his ears, flame is blazing from his nostrils.

He came running and stood in front of Ivanushka rooted to the spot.

Ivanushka Sivka-burke climbed into his right ear, got out into his left and became a fine fellow. He jumped on his horse and galloped to the yard.

He sees that there are even more people on the square than before. Everyone admires the princess, but no one thinks to ride: they are afraid to break their neck!

Here Ivanushka hit his horse on the steep sides. Sivka-burka started to laugh, jumped - only two logs to the princess did not reach the window.

Ivanushka turned Sivka and rode off. They saw where he rode from, did not see where he rode off.

And Ivanushka is already in an open field.

He let go of Sivka-burka and went home. He sat on the stove, sits, waiting for the brothers.

The brothers come home and tell:
- Well, mistresses, the same fellow came again! Only two logs did not reach the princess.

Ivanushka and says to them:

- Sit down, you fool, shut up! ..

On the third day, the brothers are going to go again, and Ivanushka says:
- Give me at least an inferior horse: I'll go with you too!
- Sit, you fool, at home! Only you are missing there!

They said and left.

Ivanushka went out into an open field, into a wide expanse, whistled with a valiant whistle, barked a heroic cry:
- Sivka-burka, prophetic kaurka, stand in front of me like a leaf in front of the grass!

The horse is running, the earth is trembling, smoke is pouring out of his ears, flame is blazing from his nostrils. He ran up and stood in front of Ivanushka rooted to the spot.

Ivanushka climbed into the horse's right ear, climbed into the left. The young man became a fine fellow and rode to the royal palace.

Ivanushka galloped up to the high tower, lashed Sivka-burka with a whip ... The horse began to laugh more than ever, hit the ground with its hooves, jumped - and jumped to the window!

Ivanushka kissed Elena the Beautiful on her scarlet lips, took the coveted ring off her finger, and ran away. Only he was seen!

Then everyone made a noise, shouted, waved their hands:
- Hold it! Catch him!

And Ivanushki was gone.

He let go of Sivka-burka and came home. One hand is wrapped in a rag.

What happened to you? - ask the brothers' wives.
- Yes, I was looking for mushrooms, I pricked myself on a twig ...

And he climbed onto the stove.

The brothers returned, began to tell what and how it happened:
- Well, mistresses, that fellow this time jumped so that he jumped to the princess and took the ring off her finger!

Ivanushka is sitting on the stove, but know yours:
- Brothers, wasn't it me there?
- Sit down, you fool, don't talk in vain!

Then Ivanushka wanted to look at the princess's precious ring.

As he unwound the rag, so the whole hut shone!

Stop pampering with fire, you fool! the brothers shout. - You will burn down the hut. It's time to drive you out of the house completely!

Ivanushka did not answer them anything, and again tied the ring with a rag ...

Three days later, the king called again the cry: so that all the people, no matter how many in the kingdom, gather to him for a feast and that no one dares to stay at home. And whoever disdains the royal feast, his head off his shoulders!

There is nothing to do, the brothers went to a feast, took Ivanushka the fool with them.

They arrived, sat down at the oak tables, at the patterned tablecloths, they drink, eat, talk.

And Ivanushka climbed behind the stove, into a corner, and sits there.

Elena the Beautiful walks, treats guests. She brings wine and honey to everyone, and she looks to see if anyone has her cherished ring on her hand. Whoever has a crosshair on his hand is her fiancé.

Only no one can see the ring ...

She walked around everyone, goes to the last - to Ivanushka. And he sits behind the stove, his clothes are thin, his sandals are torn, one hand is tied with a rag.

The brothers look and think: "Look, the princess brings wine to our Ivashka too!"

And Elena the Beautiful gave Ivanushka a glass of wine and asks:
- Why is it you, well done, have your hand tied?
- I went to the forest to pick mushrooms and got stuck on a branch.
- Come on, untie, show!

Ivanushka untied his hand, and on his finger the princess had the cherished ring: it shines and sparkles!

Elena the Beautiful was delighted, took Ivanushka by the hand, led him to her father and said:
- Here, sir, my fiance was found!

They washed Ivanushka, combed her hair, dressed him, and he became not Ivanushka the fool, but a fine fellow, you just don't know!

Then they did not wait and did not argue - a merry feast and for a wedding!

I was at that feast, I drank honey-beer, it flowed down my mustache, but I didn't get it in my mouth.