Why put the walls: putting the walls under wallpaper and painting. Do you need to put the plasterboard under the wallpaper - the question that does not require evidence need a putty before sticking wallpaper

Repair is a difficult and requiring compliance with certain rules to obtain a qualitative result, which will delight for many years. Therefore, in front of the walls of the walls, many think about whether it is necessary to grind the walls before putty? The answer to this and other questions you are interested in are lower in the article.

Priming or not primed - that's what is the question

Do you need to prick the walls before putty? The applying of the soil is a mandatory point for performing any repairs that implies the walls of the walls. Properly treated before finishing the surface guarantees a long preservation of an attractive appearance. The primer will be useful in the following cases:

  1. Regardless of the material from which the wall (brick, wood, plasterboard) is made, there are microcracks and irregularities. The primer smoothes them. It turns out a more flat structure to which the subsequent finish falls significantly better.
  2. The composition of the soil mixture improves grip with paint, so it looks good and not cracking even a few years after applying.
  3. When using the soil, the spacure consumption level is significantly reduced.
  4. The primer mixture is forceding a film that prevents the appearance of various spots on the treated surface.
  5. On the processed surface of the walls, it is much easier to apply and evenly distribute the putty.
  6. The soil may include a variety of additives that have antiseptic, antifungal, anti-bale and moisture protection properties.

Is it necessary to prick the walls before finishing putty? Of course, because the mixture has a lot of useful properties that will help preserve the appearance of the renovated room for many years.

Varieties of soil

The modern market offers a large number of different soil mixtures for use in construction. Allocate 3 main types:

  1. Concentrate.
  2. Dry mix.
  3. Ready to use primer.

For self-use, the optimal option is the Acrylic-based ground. It is universal, therefore suitable for any surfaces. In addition, acrylic primer does not have an unpleasant sharp smell, quickly dries and forms a solid surface.

In addition to acrylic, there are several more varieties of the mixture:

  1. Alkyd - ideal for wood processing, as they have anti-corrosion properties. However, they are not suitable for drywall and plastered surface.
  2. Mineral - Different with high sprouting (2-3 hours). Suitable for any surfaces.
  3. Quartz - form a rough surface, which is ideal for subsequent or paint.

The choice depends on personal preferences and requirements for a final result.

Child selection for different types of walls

Specialists advise to pick up primer depending on the material from which the walls are made.

  1. The smooth surface of concrete requires applying mixtures with abrasive particles that make the treated surface rough.
  2. The metal surface is covered with anti-corrosion compositions that impede the appearance of rust.
  3. Wooden walls are covered with water-based compositions. For these purposes, you can use olla or shellak mixture. It is important that the primer contains substances that repulse coredists and other pests, and also protected the surface from mold.
  4. For premises with high humidity or insufficient heating, materials that have an antibacterial effect are used.

For ease of use, many manufacturers indicate the packaging of the primer compatibility with the varieties of walls.

Preparation for application

After we figured out whether the walls need to be pricked before putty, it is necessary to properly prepare the surface. For this, it is carefully cleaned from dust, dirt and old coating.

It is also important to trace the walls to be dry. The primer compositions are applied exclusively on a degreased surface. Failure to comply with this item may be the cause of uneven application, cracks, detachals and other troubles.

Preparation of primer

To prepare a mixture for applying, instructions should be followed, which is available on any package of composition.

  1. Ready to use the mixture just mix and pour into a container convenient for use.
  2. The dry mixture is divorced with water in the proportions specified by the manufacturer, and is thoroughly mixed.
  3. The concentrate should also be diluted, guided by tips on the packaging.

It is important that the mixture is homogeneous, without lumps, and not too liquid, otherwise the result will be unsatisfactory.

Application technique

How to obtain an ideal result should be guided by the following recommendations:

Compliance with the technology of applying the soil is the key to a good result and the long-term preservation of the subsequent finishing coating.

Primer after plaster

Do we need putty? Definitely yes, since its structure allows you to align the rough surface.

Before applying the soil layer, make sure that the plaster is completely dried, otherwise cracks may appear in it. This process may take several weeks if the builders have equalized the walls. Therefore, these repairs are taken in the summer when dry and warm air accelerates the drying process.

The consumption of the solution when it is applied to the plaster will be significantly higher, since the surface absorbs a large amount of moisture absorbs, so it will be necessary to dip the roller in the container. It is recommended to apply several layers to achieve a better result.

Nuances of work

Do you need to prick the walls before putty? This question is asked by many newcomers, first encountered with repair work. Of course, the soil must be used, but it is also worth considering the following nuances:

  1. After cleansing the surface, 2-4 layers of soil should be applied on the wall. It must stop dust, be smooth and have a uniform color.
  2. The solution must be applied with a thin layer in order to avoid the formation of flops.
  3. After drying the soil, you can put a putty.
  4. When the putty layer finally hardens, it is recommended to apply a few more layers of finishing primer to make the surface more durable.

These rules work with walls made from any materials. Before starting work, it is important to know whether to primitive plaster in front of the putty wall. The mixture is a fixer of any layer of finishing, so it is necessary to apply it after each stage of work.

Protract whether the walls before putty? Experts respond positively. They also recommend to adhere to the following tips when carrying out repair work:

  1. For processing drywall, mixtures with a high degree of penetration are used, this significantly reduces the ability of the material to absorb moisture.
  2. Walls from fresh wood treated with shellats will not be distinguished by the resin and have a shade drops.
  3. If the primer is applied before putting down in order to provide a better clutch of the material, then after it allows you to increase the durability of the coating and the layer density.
  4. It is recommended to perform work at temperatures from +5 to +10 degrees.
  5. It is important to use the compositions from one manufacturer, as they may differ in composition, which adversely affect the strength of the coating.
  6. After applying the primer or putty, the temperature drops should be avoided in the first 3 days, otherwise the coating can crack.
  7. For convenience, you can apply primer using a spray gun, so you can achieve a more uniform layer.

Is it necessary to prick the walls before putty? Experts agree that it is necessary to do this. So you can get a more resistant, durable and durable coating that will serve you for many years.

It is necessary to put the walls before sticking wallpaper, and how smooth surface is intended for sticking - it is necessary to know before starting repair.

Method of sticking a mustache, when one cloth overlap a bit different, allowed not to notice the joints of the paper coating.

Modern technologies provide that the material is pasted with a jack, and it forces it to the pitch of the accuracy, which can be achieved only with a smooth and smooth surface. From here there was an urgent need for a thorough alignment of the wall.

Luxury or need

Even high-quality expensive wallpapers deposited on the basis of defects will begin to dig and bubble

Modern technology of wall decorations under the wallpaper provides for the mandatory application of the leveling layer, which is due to new building materials used in repair work. A common practice of removing the old coating and applying a new one immediately after this process is not applicable during finishing work with OSB plates, plasterboard, concrete or brick wall.

The most fashionable and expensive coatings lose their appearance immediately after applying if it is made on an uneven surface with cracks, chips or pits. The smooth wall contributes to the greater preservation of the finishing material, and the smaller consumption of the applied glue.

If the walls are placed under the wallpaper, the applied composition contributes to greater clourage of the wall and coating, significantly increasing the adhesive ability of the base.

This gives a guarantee of long-term operation without bubbles, detachments and deformation, which is especially necessary if universal wallpapers are selected, which have excellent properties, but are far from being so cheap as paper.

Alignment of the surface is not just giving him evenness and smoothness, but also ensuring the significant strength of the material that is applied to the draft wall.

Advantages of putty wall

Putty are applied in several layers

Professional producing repairs will insist on shtlocking walls before sticking wallpaper. Repair manufacturing with their own hands implies the quality of its execution, which can guarantee only thorough compliance with technologies, the fulfillment of the necessary stages, their alternateness.

The use of technology in the option "As for ourselves" provides that the wall should not only be spanking from noticeable irregularities of the relief and to align the color, but also apply the finishing leveling layer.

After applying putty adhesion walls, the walls will improve and wallpaper will fall more firmly

This will provide the following prerogatives:

  • the walls will become less absorbed by moisture;
  • will acquire greater strength;
  • enhance adhesion and will better hold the wallpaper;
  • visual defects will disappear, which spoil the final appearance;
  • the amount of the required glue will decrease;
  • the joints will be invisible, and the glue will not perform in them;
  • wallpapers will not be damaged in places of missed defects.

Some modern materials of wall finishing under the wallpaper simply will not hold the decorative layer if they do not apply protective coating on them. This is due to the raw materials used in them, which simultaneously provides excellent qualities and makes vulnerable to applying wet glue.

The putty of the walls under the wallpaper is a fairly simple process, but necessary when performing truly high-quality repair or finishing.

Qualitative execution of finishing or repair work in any case provides that the wall must be aligned and apply the finishing layer. Otherwise, expensive materials with a decorative function will not serve the period that they are guaranteed.

Specificity of materials used for wall panels

Brick wall align the starting and finish layer

The most common types of wall panels, according to experts, require an indispensable additional finish. The technology and sequence of the work of work depends on the type applied type of panels or the starting material of the wall:

If this is not done, the old wallpapers will be removed with the top layer of plaster, and they will have to re-install the panels. The covered wall of plasterboard with ease will take off the old coating.

Possible finishing work defects

Some repairmen insist on the perfect smoothness of the upper layer created.

If, when applying the finish layer, distribute the material with a spatula evenly, and then align with a special tool, then you can do without an open.

Deciding than, with regard to the specifics of the material of the wall panels, selecting the appropriate putty brand, which has the necessary properties.

The use of spacious compositions is not for the purpose can lead to the result that will be opposed to the expected. The use of the protective layer makes it possible to avoid the usual defects accompanying the flooding with wallpaper. For details on Schpalevania, see this video:

The table of defects of finishing works when sticking wallpaper.

Types of putty and their target destination

Wait for every layer of putty

The preliminary stage of the preparation of the walls includes not only their cleaning, dedusting and exemption from the remains of old wallpaper and plaster. In old houses, the likelihood of detecting major surface defects that have to be plastering are great.

The plaster is traditionally prepared from sand and cement in a 3: 1 ratio. After everything is dry, produced, and only after that you can begin to apply the finishing layer. The walls after plaster certainly require priming, which provides a solid connection between the surface and the applied layer of the finishing coating. Otherwise, there is a risk to start repaid repair work. For a detailed review of the properties, see this video:

Whether such a phased finish is needed in place, and in any case, the putty must match either a soil layer or the type of panels used. To select the desired type of composition suitable for wall coatings, it is necessary to consult a profile specialist.

Cement mixtures are suitable for finishing in a wet room.

To acquire the necessary putty, it is necessary to learn a little about their high-quality and target destination:

  • cement content is suitable for wet rooms, but mainly used for exterior decoration after plastering;
  • gypsum-containing inexpensive, but applied where the stable temperature is maintained;
  • polymeric are not cheap, but are universal and economical when working with plasterboard plates;
  • with the addition of latex require a thin layer, they have resistance to significant mechanical exposure;
  • acrylic can be used both as starting and finishing, gained widespread due to suitability for any wall covering;
  • for premises with high humidity, the finish putty of walls is used with the addition of oil or glue, but it is unlikely to glue the wallpaper in such a room.

The putty can be purchased both in dry and in the finished form. Dry requires an additional preparatory stage, but is stored longer and cheaper. You can immediately apply it on the wall, but its value is higher, and it can be kept in an open form at all.

Proper application - half of success

Wallpaper sticking especially when used for walls or OSB plates should be carried out with indispensable observance of the subtleties of the preparatory stage. One of its necessary components is to apply putty. Is it possible to do without it if there is not enough time or means? For details on the preparation of the foundation for plating wallpapers, see this video:

Some people apply wallpapers for the primer. Probably, it is possible to do without wallpaper if the premises of a temporary or apartment is planned to be sold.

To avoid unnecessary expenses, you can buy not two types, but one - there is a special putty, the universal one, which is used in both cases - and at the start, and on the finish.

You should buy a dry makeup and cook it at home.

The indispensable condition is the correct application of a professionally selected composition, which is selected taking into account the material of the panels and is superimposed with a flat layer. And it is also desirable that the front of work is finished in one day, and the walls dried evenly.

Choose a versatile or good

Universal mixtures are well suited for any reason.

How to choose a mixture for putty of walls, is not solved on the market, but at the place of repair work. And this choice affects the necessary urgency of the work, and the characteristics of the wall, and the humidity of the room, and even the state of finance. In order not to be a negative result, the choice should be carefully planned.

Experts are increasingly inclined to choose a universal putty, which combines the quality of the finish and starting, can be used to process any surface, has moisture resistance and quickly dries and does not depend on the conditions of the room. This is not the cheapest one that is sold in construction stores, but a good thing for definition cannot be cheap.

If the repair is done with your own hands, and for yourself, then you need to choose materials certainly excellent quality so that they are convenient to use.

Selection of putty based on the material of the wall: concrete, brick, wood. Selection of primer for putty. Principles of material application, sanding. Novikov tips.

Putclone under the wallpaper

Before proceeding with waters, you need to prepare the walls.

The putty under the wallpaper is applied only after the end of all works on plastering walls.

Gypsum Carton is called dry plaster, this base should also be placed and prepared for salary.

Do you need to put the walls under the wallpaper

This must be done for several reasons:

  1. The plastered walls have many defects that will be visible when sticking with wallpaper. Especially they can stand out when striped wallpaper can be glued or thin, light tones.
  2. After plastering during drying, the walls may have cracks. They must be treated. Because the reasons for the appearance of this disadvantage are unknown - they are expanding from the soil movement, with an incorrectly made solution they can remain unchanged.
  3. After putty, the walls become more protected from exposure to external factors.
  4. Puttailing of the plasterboard wall is sure to glue the wallpaper on the "naked" plasterboard do not recommend the masters for many reasons - from the loss of the appearance of wallpaper, to unpleasant surprises when removing them.

Surfaces are spent in several stages:

  1. Determination of the irregularities of the wall and its preparation.
  2. Apply starting mixture.
  3. Finish coating and bringing the surface to perfect.

With the right carrying out putty work, the surface will be ready for sticking wallpaper.

The correctness of the work will exclude the peeling of the putty layers and the discharge of wallpaper.

Types of finished putty for walls: what better

A well-splashing surface is the result of the final work of the master and the indicator of the applied materials.

Ready putty mixes allow you to reduce the time of the wizard to the putty putty.

The most applied types of finished putty:

  1. Latex acrylic - apply to any surface, including plasterboard. The most widespread use of it with the finish surface coating. The elastic solution allows to make a layer of putty in 1-3 mm.
  2. Oil-glue and glue - has a high density, so professionals work with it. It is hard to apply to the surface, but when drying has a certain strength.
  3. Putty with pva. It has antifungal components, therefore applies in wet rooms.

The novice master is better working with a finished solution. It is more plastic, well falls on the plaster and retains its qualities after drying.

Home: Best Choice

In addition to the finished mixtures, the market is sold dry solutions for spacing.
The starting putty is applied to the prepared laptop walls.

Most often apply such putty:

  • cement solutions;
  • gypsum mixes;
  • polymer putty.

Cement putty applied in a wet room. It is coarse-grained, with a gray tint.

Gypsum mixes are used in a dry room, which is heated in winter. It has an overtime lime.

Polymeric - apply both in wet and dry rooms. It has high elasticity.

Starting putty manufacturers:

  1. Starting putty Knauff is designed for work indoors. It has a gypsum base. Due to its environmentally friendly, the mixture is used in children's rooms. Minus putty consider rapid frost. The maximum layer of the applied solution is 1.5cm.
  2. Volma standard. Consists of plaster and mineral compositions. After spittle, you can start shook. The surface is smooth and durable. Minus consider rapid grasp.
  3. The basics of Ekonsilk is a gypsum basis. Designed for dry rooms. Plastic, does not shrink. The thickness of the applied layer of 1 mm, if more, then cracks appear when drying.

Observing the correctness of the preparation of the solution, the woven wall will have a good result.

Finish: how to choose the best rating

After drying the starting putty and work, the finish mixture is applied. The most popular are:

  1. Students - finishing. The composition includes plaster and additives. Apply indoors with high humidity. Sinkable, plastic, quick-drying. Minus - low surface strength after drying.
  2. Weber LR +. The applied layer is 1-5 mm. The working solution does not freeze for 2 days. After drying, it turns out a smooth smooth white surface. The putty is applied with both manual and mechanically manual.
  3. Sheetrock Superfinish - The composition includes vinyl additives, so the spacure has high plasticity. 2 mm layer dries after 5 hours. However, all the subsequent works of the Master are recommended to be carried out in a day after applying. Has a shrinkage.

What to choose a good coarse-grained

The coarse putty is needed for initial wall processing after plastering. The most popular allocate:

  • Unis Glike - the composition includes natural materials. Do not apply in rooms with high humidity. The surface of the surface use the reinforcing grid. No shrinkage. Has plasticity, after drying there are no cracks;
  • VGT Acrylic Universal - based on acrylic. The thickness of the layer is 1-7 mm. It has a small shrinkage, good adhesion.

All kinds of cement-based mixtures perform coarse-grained putty.

What is better for deep alignment

Starting putty. With their help, it is possible to eliminate all the errors of plaster works, cracks. It is coarse-grained, applied to a surface up to 20 mm.

Advanced Manufacturers:

  • Spacure KNAUF HP (start-up) - gypsum putty, applied by a layer from 4 mm to 15 mm. The main direction is the alignment of the surface before the finish coating. After kneading, the solution is quickly hardening, after 15 minutes work is stopped. Does not give a shrinkage.
  • Ceresit CT 29 start-up - performing work on a concrete, brick, cement-sandy wall. She close up cracks, recesses, remaining after plaster. The most applied layer 20 mm. It is unsuitable for working in a room with high humidity. After the kneading solution, you can use for 50 minutes. For complete drying on the surface requires 10-15 hours. High strength.
  • Kreisel 662 Universal - Cement and Lime Cement. Apply a thin layer on the surface covered with plaster, as well as without coating. Has high adhesion. Use a mixture in rooms with high humidity. The maximum layer is 3 mm., There is a shrinkage.

When detecting cracks, besides putty, it is necessary to apply the reinforcing tape. She will not give a crack to become more.

What putty to choose for drywall

Plasterboard surface is treated several times. Initially use putty for junctions together with a reinforced ribbon. The second stage is covered with starting putty.

The next stage is the coating of the surface with the finishing splitel. Only after the complete drying of one layer, it is necessary to start the following works.

Under the wallpaper, the plasterboard surface is covered with layers of splotels for greater strength of the whole design.

For a neat appearance, since if thin wallpaper paste on sheets without processing, the color of the wall will manifest on the wallpaper.

How to put wooden surfaces before sticking wallpaper

Wooden surface spit is different from concrete, brick. There are factors affecting the selection of a spatle mixture for wood:

  • high adhesion - the service life of putty under wallpaper depends on this;
  • the solution must be elastic;
  • the speed of drying.

Applied species for surface with wood:

  1. Mixture based on plaster.
  2. Latex putty.
  3. The mixture with the addition of acrylic.
  4. Oil mixture.
  5. Putty with pva.

Mainly the wizard use gypsum mixes that do not give shrinkage and having good plasticity.

Which putty is better to put a raw concrete

The concrete wall basically does not have large drops in the plane. Therefore, skipping plastered, proceed immediately to the spitting of the starting lineup.

The basic coating consists of several layers. Moreover, the second layer is applied only after complete drying of the first. Cement formulations are stirred for coating. They have a shrinkage, so the layer should not be fat.

The finishing layer should be thin. It is difficult to hide the gray color of the starting material under it, however, the thin layer makes the surface with a smooth, ready for sticking wallpaper.

Universal putty apply. But, they apply to them with a thin layer 2 times. They are plastic, do not have shrinkage. If the walls are smooth, the differences are 2-5 mm, then the use of mixtures is permitted.

How many layers need to be applied to concrete naked walls

A 1 layer of starting putty is applied to the concrete practically smooth surface. The thickness of the layer does not exceed 15 mm. Newbies to align the walls need to use a perforated lighthouse profile. It is fixed on the mixture, regulate the level of evenness. Works start only after complete drying of the solution under the profile.

Attention. If there are wooden rails, they are used as lighthouses. But, the rail should not be high and jar, otherwise there will be a ribbed surface.

What technologies exist

The masters use 4 methods that are suitable for newcomers:

  1. Mechanical method of applying a solution.
  2. Semi-mechanical - applying the mixture, and then her alignment with a spatula.
  3. Light - apply for starting spatlement.

For a mechanical method, a machine spraying with a thin layer is applicable. After applying the layer, it is necessary to align the plane with a wide spatula.

Semi-Speaker - The car throws large drops on the wall, which must be stretched evenly throughout the wall.

Lights apply with starting plaster. Suitable for newbies. The use of lighthouse profiles will accelerate and facilitate work.

As beginners without experience correctly put the walls with their own hands: Phased guide

Beginner masters need to know the nuances and the correctness of the work.

The phase of preparation of the solution, applying the material to the surface includes:

  • for the preparation of the solution, you must carefully read the instructions and accurately know how much water is necessary for mixing;
  • the starting solution is applied to the surface horizontally and vertical. To avoid bugs, it is not necessary to apply a solution from the floor itself. He clings the garbage. Corner - here it is necessary to go to the trowel to go perpendicular to the corner, horizontally floor. So there will be no "washing board";
  • for productive operation, the solution is prepared in small portions. When working out, he will not have time to frozen;
  • the finishing layer is applied to the projected surface with a layer of 2mm;
  • when putty, the instrument must be kept at an angle of 30 degrees;
  • after applying the solution on the walls, put the angle of the corner spatula.

Surface preparation

In order for the surface to be perfectly smooth, smooth must prepare the surface. This process consists of several steps:

  1. Cleaning walls from dust, extra pebbles, frozen drops of plaster. For cleaning, mechanical means are used - grinding machines, brushes, spatulas.
  2. Protecting the surface. This must be done for degreasing, as well as almost all primers contain antiseptic agents that protect the surface from the appearance of mold.

After processing the wall, proceed to subsequent work.

Select the necessary tool

For proper splouthing, you need to have a tool:

  • construction mixer;
  • a set of spatulas - a wide shovel, small, angular;
  • brush, roller for priming;
  • rule to create a smooth wall - 2 meters;
  • level to monitor the flatness of the wall;
  • sandpaper for rubbing the surface;
  • skootor;
  • capacity for the mixture.

The entire tool and container must be clean. This will speed up the process and will not give a quickly frozen solution. Since the frozen particles in the tank and on the spatulas accelerate the frozen mixture.

As a novice to put the uneven surfaces of the starting putty

To apply to the dry clean wall of the starting mixture, novice are recommended to use metal beacons-profiles. They are installed along the wall so that from one profile to another maximum distance of 1.5 meters.

Lighthouses put on spacure flaws. Equality is displayed. Excess pulp solution is cleaned. The mixture must completely dry before getting started.

The putty is applied by flaws on the wall and stretch over the surface without catching out for the mounted lighthouses. Equality of the surface is formed by the rule. With it, the solution is tightened, excess from the tool is removed. If a second layer of solution is applied.

The application of the second layer is produced only after drying the first.

If the shplanke has a shrinkage, then 20 minutes after applying it is necessary to tighten with the rule.

How many times the mixture is applied to frost

The starting mixture is applied with a layer of 20 mm.

If you need to level the wall with a large layer, then apply the second layer.

But it happens in rare cases, because after plastering work, irregularities are on average up to 1 cm.

Puttailing of naked walls is carried out in case the irregularity is 2 cm. The plaster layer is applied once, it can be with a fathom.

How and the better check the readiness of the surface to the subsequent stages of work

After putty, the wall work should be left for a while. It all depends on the composition. Cement solutions give shrinkage: after 20 minutes, the treated wall should be tightened by the rule. After passing, 1 hour should be palm on the surface, it should give "milk", while the solution has already been hardened. This milk neatly remove the spatula. Make the coverage. Cement mortar freezes about a day. Check is palm, the solution should not adhere.

Gypsum and polymer mixtures shrinkage do not give. After applying, they do not need to touch at least 10 hours. After that, dry palm should be made of op surfaces. It should be dry, smooth. If dampness or adhesion is felt, then the surface is left back at time.

On the manufacturer's packaging, the exact time of drying the mixture on the surface is indicated. This time must be waiting.

Is it necessary for the finish putty primer: what to use

All primers differ in their composition and destination. The primer mixtures should be applied to the finish spat for reasons:

  • the primer increases the adhesiveness of the materials applied. That is, the finish coating will be better to go to the projected surface;
  • if, after drying the starting mixture, a "web" from microcracks appeared on the surface, then the primer clogs them without allowing to penetrate there moisture;
  • the primer creates a thin film on the plane, protection against absorbing moisture and the components of the finish layer in the starting. Due to this, the finishing solution falls uniformly. Material consumption is reduced.

The compatibility of primer with putty is indicated in the table:

How to apply the finish finish yourself and suprate

To properly apply material to the surface, it is necessary to perform the principle - applying material with dry on wet. From the ceiling it is necessary to retreat by 30-40 cm and apply a layer of solution. From the ceiling, putty is applied by vertical movements.

The putty is better to apply under the side light. To do this, use a diode lamp or spotlight. The insecure movement of the spatula and too thick putty leave on the surface ribbed trail, noticeable with the light of the lamp.

Vertical movements in a spatula near the corners are not allowed. The tool concerns the adjacent wall - the "washing board" appears. The tool lead from the corner to the opposite wall.

The finish putty is applied by a layer of 1-3 mm, so the mixture should not be thick.

What to do after finishing putty: grout

After drying the walls, they are sanded - rubbed.

To work it is necessary:

  • malyary bar;
  • respirator;
  • diode lamp;
  • diamond grid or sandpaper.

There are 2 ways to sandwiches:

  1. The walls of the walls with a diamond grid or emery paper (quickly clogged) under the wallpaper.
  2. Grout under the lamp "skirt" fine-grained.

In the first method, the bar is used on which the grid of the fraction is 300-400. On the wall there are irregularities, unrelated without a lamp. It is necessary to wear a mask and circular movements throughout the wall. From time to time to use a vacuum cleaner for collecting dust on the floor.

When performing work, a lot of dust appears, so you will need an old vacuum cleaner, as well as good ventilation.

In the second case, the lamp is installed on the side so that the light goes along the wall. Then you can see all the shortcomings after the finish layer. On the bar dress the mesh with the shallow fraction from 600 and higher. Starting from the corner browsing the wall. With all small grooves, hillocks, strips are grown by circular motions.

The second method is applied to the surfaces under painting, under the sticking of thin wallpaper, which repeat the surface structure.

When you can get to pasting

After sowing the surface, it is necessary to clean the walls from dust with a brushing. It makes a vacuum cleaner at the first speed. After cleaning the wall, it must be covered with primer. After drying, it will leave a thin film that protects the absorption of glue into the surface.

When the primer is completely dry, proceed to work with wallpaper.

After studying all the subtleties on the choice of putty, the surface will be perfectly smooth, durable. It is not necessary to overcome small nuances from the work, they play an important role in the formation of a durable wall under the wallpaper.

Walls with putty and wallpaper have an attractive appearance, long warranty.

Useful video

So, let's start with the beginning. In the process of repairing the walls and ceilings pass through three stages of finishes. The first stage is preparatory. It includes the removal of old wallpapers from the walls (either whitening from the ceiling), the removal of sprinkled putty and plaster and the like works. The second stage is a rough finish. She, in principle, comes down to three things: reinforcement, alignment and putty. Third stage - finishing finish. This is: Wallpaper sticking, painting, or applying a wall coating.

A very common mistake is to assume that all the repair is reduced to the third stage, and the first two can be neglected. I will try to explain - why are they needed. With the preparatory stage, everything is more or less obvious: if paint is painted - the paint falls off with whitewash; If you punish on old wallpaper - old wallpapers are sank under new ones, and everything is gone. With reinforcement, it is also clear: you want no crack - it is necessary to reinforce.

The use of alignment and putty walls is not so obvious at first glance. What are they needed for? Let's start with putty. Sometimes you have to see expensive good wallpapers pasted on the walls; And under them, as if garbage was embarrassed - all in the sumps, or under them the wall breaks. This, of course, is not fatal, but the type of repair will deteriorate. It happens because the wallpapers are glued to unreplicit walls. But even this is not the worst thing. Wallpaper is a very capricious material. Wallpapers are good on a homogeneous surface. If the surface is heterogeneous, and you try to shove the wallpaper online - do not be surprised if (when the wallpaper is dried) the seams will disperse.

So, the putty of the walls is needed, firstly, in order to make the walls smooth. It will be better for smooth walls with better wallpaper than on bugs (after all, under each tuberculk - air bubble). Also, the putty smoothes all sorts of plaster influx, fills potholes, and removes small wall surface defects. Finally, the putty creates a homogeneous surface of the wall, to which the wallpaper will then be fine. Based on all this, good craftsmen, more expensive to their reputation, will not even glue the wallpaper on unreplicit walls - it's easy to give a guarantee that the wallpaper will be fine.

If we can definitely say with the putty, that it is necessary to do it, then everything is more complicated with alignment. In principle, it is possible to make repairs and nothing alignment. Since putty is often confused with alignment, I will explain - the putty just makes the walls smooth, it does not make them smooth, it is not calculated for it; So that the walls become smooth - they should be aligned with plaster before putty. If the putty is needed for the technological reasons, then alignment - according to aesthetic.

If you look at standard apartments in ordinary homes, it is the wallpapers that occupy most of the surfaces of the walls and the ceiling. This finishing material attracts simplicity, cost, as well as speed. You can choose today not only from a variety of colors, but also from quality.

Use wallpapers on a variety of surfaces, for example, on brick and concrete walls that should be pre-placed in order to make a smooth surface. They are often glittering for drywall walls, while the question often arises, whether to put the walls before sticking wallpaper or can be neglected by this stage of work. The answer to it and let's try to disclose in this article.

We prepare the surface

Concrete or brick wall

Before you break the wallpaper on this surface, you must use putty. In this situation, two stages are meant - applying the starting layer, and then the finish. At the same time, it is necessary to clean the surface from the garbage, remove the peeling old plaster and deny it using the soil.

Starting putty can be applied with a layer even with a thickness of 60 mm in one occasion. It is large-grained in the structure and therefore allows you to quickly prepare the surface under the finish finish. Typically use a beacon system that makes it possible to highlight the surface.

After that, the wall is given time for complete drying. If you do not wait wait, then in these places wallpaper will be frowning and bubble, since, hung, the material will begin to deform.

Tip: Check, dried surface or not can be visually - there are dark spots on it, it means that there is still no time for further work.

The second stage is the coating of the HELL themselves with a thin layer of finishing putty with their own hands. Although there are such finishers that this stage is missing to complete the work faster.

But let's see what it can be threatened in the future. For example, 10 years later or earlier you want to change the interior in the apartment, for which the best and fast way is to cross the wallpaper.

What will result in the old panels "peeze" together with the cardboard surface of the plates, exposing the layer of plaster. It is impossible to use such sheets in the future, they should be replaced. Thereby you have to spend money and time.

If you were covered with a surface of plasterboard sheets of pre-finishing putty, such a misunderstanding did not happen. Therefore, the answer is unequivocal - the putty in GLC is needed at mandatory.

Now about joints. They can be reinforced and not to use additional materials for this. In the first case, use any start and finishing putty, in the second - a special mixture for sealing the seams of GLC "Uniflot".

But even in this case, additional processing does not prevent.

  1. Purchase in the store or on the market the glass cholester, which is usually sold in rolls 1 m wide, the price of which is quite affordable.
  2. Buy also Glue PVA marked "Construction".
  3. Brush wake the dried sealed seams between GKL.
  4. Cut the rod from the roll of 70 mm with a knife on plasterboard and glue it to the seam. From above again, it is hugged her pva glue.

After drying the joints, apply deep penetration into the GLC and after drying the finish putty layer. Only after this wallpaper can be glued to GLC, without worrying that once you will have to reoperate the cost repair.


The use of putty on the surface, which will subsequently be covered by wallpaper, be sure. This is especially true of plasterboard sheets. You do not need to bring the surface of perfect smoothness, minor scratches will be reliably hidden by wallpaper ().

In the video presented in this article, you will find additional information on this topic.