False meanings or fake values? True and False Values. Faithfulness to your calling

"What you have done will come back to you."

Winston Churchill

Our actions run like a red thread throughout our life, thereby determining its quality. What are our actions based on, what is their foundation? The answer is very simple: the foundation of any action is our inner qualities, they are the values \u200b\u200bof our life. When we perform this or that action, we, first of all, must turn to our inner world, rely on our inner values.

The true values \u200b\u200bof our life are not material goods. Not a car, apartment, clothes, jewelry and many other things. Although for some reason we often value these things more than people. At the same time, it does not matter at all whether it is a native person, a work colleague or just a passer-by. We forget that by respecting others, you respect yourself. I do not in the least deny that an apartment, a car and other attributes are necessary and important, but I ask you to understand that they are not our true values. We are often hostile to other people, while elevating ordinary things to the rank of deity and worshiping them. It seems to me that we all got a little confused in this life, making external benefits more important than internal qualities. Remember, please, when was the last time you helped people who exist next to you, who are around you? How often do you do good deeds and show respect for others?

Sometimes it is very helpful to answer yourself questions that relate to your inner world. The answer to them can help to form an inner core, to develop in oneself the correct principles, on which one can always rely, no matter what life situation occurs.

One of these supports can be our inner values, which will help us navigate this life. By intrinsic values, I mean the qualities that guide us when making a decision. These qualities are of the following character: nobility, virtue, respect, responsibility, honesty, friendliness, mutual understanding and much more that you are able to find in the depths of your heart.

Of course, these qualities can only have a positive meaning and in no case can they be negative. Why can't they be negative? Can the bad deeds we have done can make our life better, more harmonious, happier, can they really help other people? There is a well-known proverb - "Don't dig a hole for another, you yourself will fall into it" or "What you sow, you reap."

And this is true, rather even a law that life itself came up with. It is very unwise to go against the laws of life. After all, if you jump off the roof, the law of attraction will certainly do its job, of course, if you are not Neo from the movie "The Matrix". By the way, Neo is the personification of true inner values, a stronghold of goodness and nobility. He saves the world from oblivion, trying to reveal to people the truth of life.

Sometimes the salvation of the world implies destruction, which is the struggle with something dark inside us. Likewise, we can shed light on that ignorance, darkness, which are trying to take root in us, in our entire being. We can break our old patterns of behavior that lead to the destruction of ourselves, relationships with our loved ones, and our entire world as a whole. We can create new principles for which true values \u200b\u200bare a beacon.

How can true values \u200b\u200bbe determined? Imagine that there are many roles in your life that you play. These roles are manifested in various spheres of life, for example: family, friends, work, hobbies, society in general. Now let's look at some of these roles.

Let's start with the family, the closest and most valuable to us. You can be: father, mother, son, daughter, sister, brother, etc. Let's take a father / mother example. Now imagine, or rather write down, what kind of father / mother you would like to be. What qualities would you like to show towards your children? Would you like to be sensitive to them, give love and care, bring them up in an atmosphere of respect and mutual understanding, loyalty and honesty? After you write down these qualities, try to follow yourself in real life. Are your behavior and actions consistent with the qualities that you would like to have? If not, think about why and how you can change it.

The next role that I would like to consider is the role that we play at work. Let's say you're a swimming coach teaching kids how to swim. Besides the fact that you teach kids to swim, you are also an example and guide for them. Learning takes place not only on the water, but also in the heads of children, you teach them moral principles. And the way you behave during class, on the basis of what principles you act and on what values \u200b\u200byou rely, forms, firstly, your behavior, and secondly, the behavior of the child, which he can learn from you.

It follows from this that our internal values, in whatever role we come in, should be formed in one key. And this key should open only those doors behind which our positive qualities are located.

Treat other children the way you treat your child. Observe your behavior, both in the family and in all areas of life, and always remember the true values.

We have the opportunity to go through all the roles of our life and see the qualities that we know about, but for some reason we do not use them as a guide, we do not use them as a foundation. Our inner values \u200b\u200bare like the bright light of a lighthouse that illuminates our path, helps us to walk the right path and not get lost in the abyss of passions that, like a fog, envelop us and our life.

True values \u200b\u200bshould be the basis of our personality, should serve as a guide and lead us in the right direction, permeating our entire path. I hope that your values \u200b\u200bwill be virtue and order, love and compassion, nobility and respect. And, of course, I hope that all of them will illuminate your life, the life of your family and all people on our planet.

1) I. Bunin in the story "Mr. from San Francisco" showed the fate of a person who served false values. Wealth was his god, and this god he worshiped. But when the American millionaire died, it turned out that real happiness passed by the person: he died without knowing what life is.

2) The name of a simple peasant girl Jeanne d "Arc everyone knows today. For 75 years, France waged an unsuccessful war against the British invaders. Jeanne believed that it was she who was destined to save France. The young peasant woman persuaded the king to give her a small detachment and was able to do what the smartest military leaders could not do: she set people on fire with her fierce faith. After years of shameful defeats, the French were finally able to defeat the invaders.

When you reflect on this truly wonderful event, you understand how important it is for a person to be guided by a great goal.

3) Few people know that during the filming of a famous film N. Mikhalkova "Burnt by the Sun" the weather turned bad, the temperature dropped to minus six. Meanwhile, according to the script, it should be a sultry summer. Actors who portrayed vacationers had to swim in icy water, lie on the cold ground. This example shows that art requires sacrifice from a person, complete dedication.

4) French writer G. Flaubert in the novel "Madame Bovary”Talked about the fate of a lonely woman who, entangled in life's contradictions, decided to poison herself. The writer himself felt the signs of poisoning and was forced to seek help. It was not by chance that he later said: "Madame Bovary is me."

5) Fidelity to one's vocation cannot but command respect. Narodovolets Nikolay Kibalchichwas sentenced to death for attempting to kill the king. While awaiting death, he worked on a jet engine project. More than his own life, he was concerned about the fate of the invention. When they came for him to take him to the place of execution, Kibalchich gave the gendarme the drawings of the spacecraft and asked them to hand them over to the scientists. "It is touching that a person, before a terrible execution, has the strength to think about humanity!" - this is how K. Tsiolkovsky wrote about this spiritual feat.

6) “I have always been amazed at Kirill Lavrov's immense diligence and patience,” director Vladimir Bortko recalls about the outstanding actor: “We had to shoot a 22-minute conversation between Yeshua and Pontius Pilate, such scenes are shot for two weeks. On the set, Lavrov, an 80-year-old man, spent 16 hours wearing a 12kg chest armor without a word of reproach to the crew. "


Moral responsibility of a person (artist, scientist) for the fate of the world

The role of personality in history

Human moral choice

Conflict between man and society

Human and nature

Approving theses:

1. A person comes into this world not to say what he is, but to make it better.

2. It depends on each person what the world will be like: light or dark, good or evil.

3. Everything in the world is connected by invisible threads, and a careless act, an accidental word can turn into the most unpredictable consequences.

4. Remember your High human responsibility!


1. There is one undoubted sign that divides the actions of people into good and evil: increases the act of love and unity of people - it is good; he produces enmity and disunity - he is bad (L. Tolstoy, Russian writer).

2. The world itself is neither evil nor good, it is a receptacle for both, depending on what you yourself turned it into (M. Montaigne, French humanist philosopher).

3. Yes - I'm in the rook. The spill won't touch me! But how can I live when my people are drowning? (Saadi, Persian writer and thinker)

4. It is easier to light one small candle than to curse the darkness (Confucius, ancient Chinese thinker).

6. Love - and do what you want (Augustine the Blessed, Christian thinker).

7. Life is a struggle for immortality (M. Prishvin, Russian writer).

8. They went into darkness, but their trail did not disappear (W. Shakespeare, English writer).


In everyone's hands fate the world

1) In a combat operation near Pervomaisk, the fighters who were repelling the attack of the militants rushed to the box with grenades. But when they opened it, they found that the grenades had no fuses. The packer at the factory forgot to put them in, and without them a grenade is just a piece of iron. The soldiers, suffering heavy losses, were forced to retreat, and the militants broke through. The mistake of the nameless person turned into a terrible disaster.

2) Historians write that the Turks were able to capture Constantinople, passing through the gate, which someone forgot to close.

3) The twentieth century is the first century of world wars in the history of mankind, the century of the creation of weapons of mass destruction. An incredible situation is developing: humanity can destroy itself. In Hiroshima, on the monument to the victims of the atomic bombing, it is written: "Sleep well, the mistake will not be repeated." To prevent this and many other mistakes from being repeated, the struggle for peace, the struggle against weapons of mass destruction, acquires a universal character.

4) Sown evil turns into new evil. In the Middle Ages, a legend appeared about a city that was invaded by rats. The townspeople did not know where to get away from them. One man promised to rid the city of vile creatures if he was paid. The residents, of course, agreed. The rat-catcher began to play on the pipe, the rats, bewitched by the sounds, followed him. The sorcerer took them to the river, got into a boat, and the rats drowned. But the townspeople, having got rid of the misfortune, refused to pay what they promised. Then the sorcerer took revenge on the city: he played the pipe again, children came running from all over the city, and he drowned them in the river.

The role of personality in history

1) "Notes of a Hunter" by I. Turgenev played a huge role in the social life of our country. People, having read bright, vivid stories about peasants, realized that it is immoral to own people like cattle. A wide movement for the abolition of serfdom began in the country.

2) After the war, many Soviet soldiers who were captured by the enemy were condemned as traitors to their homeland. Story M. Sholokhova "The Fate of a Man"in which the bitter lot of a soldier is shown, made society look differently at the tragic fate of prisoners of war. A law was passed on their rehabilitation.

3) American writer G. Beecher Stowe wrote a novel Uncle Tom's Cabin which told about the fate of a meek Negro, beaten to death by a ruthless planter. This romance shook the whole society, the Civil War broke out in the country, and the shameful slavery was abolished. Then they said that this little woman started a big war.

4) It is unlikely that King Edward III of England fully understood what his audacity would lead to: on the state emblem he depicted gentle lilies. Thus, the English king showed that from now on, neighboring France was also subject to him. This drawing of the power-hungry monarch became the reason for the Hundred Years War, which brought countless calamities to the people.

Human and nature

1) Before our eyes, man is continuing the fateful work that he began thousands of years ago: in the name of the needs of his production, he destroyed forests filled with life, dehydrated and turned entire continents into deserts. After all, the Sahara and Kara Kumy are obvious evidence of human criminal activity, which continues to this day. Isn't the pollution of the oceans evidence of this? A person deprives himself in the near future of the last necessary food resources.

2) In Russian folk tales, the unselfishness of a person is often glorified. Emelya was not going to catch a pike - she herself fell into his bucket. The wanderer will see the fallen chick - he will put it in the nest, the bird will fall into the trap - he will free it, throw the fish on the shore in a wave - he will release it back into the water. Not to seek benefits, not to destroy, but to help, save, protect - this is what folk wisdom teaches.

3) Human intervention in the complex life of nature can lead to unpredictable consequences. One famous scientist decided to bring deer to his region. However, the animals could not adapt to the new conditions and soon died. But the ticks that lived in the skin of deer settled down, flooded forests and meadows and became a real disaster for the rest of the inhabitants.

4) Global warming, which is being talked about more and more persistently lately, is fraught with disastrous consequences. But not everyone thinks that this problem is a direct consequence of the life of a person who, in the pursuit of profit, violates the stable balance of natural cycles. It is no coincidence that scientists are talking more and more about the reasonable self-limitation of needs, about the fact that not profit, but the preservation of life should become the main goal of human activity.

5) Polish science fiction S. Lem in their "Star Diaries" described the history of space vagrants who ravaged their planet, dug all the bowels of the earth with mines, sold minerals to the inhabitants of other galaxies. The retribution for such blindness was terrible, but fair. The fateful day came when they found themselves on the edge of a bottomless pit, and the ground began to crumble under their feet. This story is a formidable warning to all mankind, which is rapaciously robbing nature.

I do not expect everyone to agree with me, and I will be glad to those who object. This means you THINK. You have not yet lost this function and do not immediately believe what you read. You analyze, select the facts and only then decide whether you agree or disagree, or your own theory will appear.

False values \u200b\u200bare a rather lengthy topic, this is a consumer society, and a thirst for money, and a thirst for freebies, sexual licentiousness ... this is an endless list, but the result is the same: perceiving false values \u200b\u200bas true, you doom yourself to be unhappy.

Perhaps the most interesting false value is the consumer society. We consume everything, they tell us about new items from the screens, things determine the status, we need more and more money, and for this we need to work, rob, etc.

And since we are pursuing the cult of consumption, we ourselves become consumers. We try to compensate even feelings and spiritual components with material ones. For example, parents work a lot, pay very little attention to their child, and, feeling guilty about themselves, buy him expensive gifts, thereby cultivating a manipulator and a consumer in him. Then it gets even more interesting. The consumer is like a black hole, he absorbs everything, but returns nothing, except for feces and not very positive thoughts, because he is always not enough! Who are the consumers? These are the people who want everything ready-made: so that they can spread straws, feed them, warm them, and they? They will gladly consume it and, perhaps, will express their comments on this matter. Would you invite such guests to your place? I think a couple of times and turn from the gate. As a result, consumers become outcasts in a spiritual sense. After all, there is an opinion that a person has never been alone as in the 21st century. What happens in the end: spiritual loneliness, people do not bring anything new into this world, they only recycle what is left in the world and produce manure. Naturally, nervous breakdowns occur, and they shoot in the streets, people do not see a way out of the impasse where they came, even if not entirely of their own free will.

I'm stumped, and then what? Maybe you should stop and think about where your friend is and where is your fellow traveler? Maybe it's worth lifting your head up, wait, and your head is still in place? If so, turn it over, shake it, blink your eyes, give yourself a resounding slap in the face, WAKE UP!

It is important to understand where you are now, to feel what is left of your soul, of your body, of your DREAMS. Remember yourself in childhood, how much playfulness, how much resourcefulness you had, there was a huge world for you, and the day was huge, and a piece of colored glass was a great treasure, and a small spring stream was a huge river for paper boats. Then you were REAL.

Stop! and write for yourself what you want, do not limit yourself to age, money and so on, just write what makes your soul happy, makes you want to sing, dance and share joy with the world!

This is your real, not superficial, here is your energy and creativity. Following your dreams, you understand that it is worth living for the sake of them and you are unlikely to want to leave life ahead of time. But if you live on the basis of "so it is necessary", then I do not envy you.

I would like to give interesting information from the article “What do dying people regret? "

1. I wish I had the courage to live the life of my real self, and not the way others expected me to see

This was the most common regret of all. When people suddenly realize that their lives have come to an end and look back, it becomes clear how many dreams have never been fulfilled. Most people did not fulfill even half of their dreams, and died with the knowledge that this happened because of the choices they made or did not follow.

It is very important to fulfill at least some of the dreams that you plan to fulfill. When you lose your health, then it is too late. Health gives freedom, which people realize only when they irrevocably lose it.

2. What a pity that I worked so hard

This is the regret of every man whose nurse I have been in the last days. They missed the adolescence of their children, and the communication with their partners. All the men I have looked after deeply regretted spending so much of their life spinning like a squirrel in a wheel to achieve success at work.

By simplifying your lifestyle, making informed choices along the way, it is quite possible to do without the income that you think you need. And by creating more free time in your life, you will become happier, and more opportunities will open up for you, which will be more suitable for you based on your new lifestyle.

3. I wish I had more courage to express my feelings

Many people suppress their feelings in order to get along with others. As a result, they exist neither here nor there, and never become who they were meant to be. Many develop illnesses that are the result of their bitterness and resentment that they did not become who they wanted to be.

We cannot control the feelings of others. However, while initially people may react in one way or another when you change the way you communicate, speaking frankly, in the end it takes the relationship to a qualitatively new and healthier level. Or frees your life from unhealthy relationships. You win anyway.

4. I wish I could stay close to my friends

Often they did not fully realize all the delights of relationships with old friends, until the countdown of the last days of their lives begins, when it is almost impossible to bring them back. Many are so focused on their personal lives that, gradually subsiding, true friendship disappears over the years. There were many regrets that they did not devote much time to real friendship, and did not seek to maintain the relationship that deserved it.

This moment is common for everyone, when a busy lifestyle leads to a thinning of friendships. But as you get closer to your final hours, ordinary life recedes. People, whenever possible, strive to put their financial affairs in order. But money or status is not what matters to them. They want to put things in order so as not to create problems for their loved ones. However, they are often so sick that they cannot complete the task. In the end, everything is still about love and relationships. This is all that remains with them in their last days - love and relationships.

5. I would like to allow myself to be happier

This point is surprisingly shared by many. Many people do not realize until the very end that happiness is a choice. They are trapped in old habits and behaviors. The fear of change leads them to pretend they are content with life, in front of themselves and in front of others.

When you are on your deathbed, what others think of you interests you least. How wonderful it would have been then, long ago, to just allow yourself to smile. Long before there are days before death.

There are no values \u200b\u200bthat are absolute in content that all people would strive for, but there are values \u200b\u200bthat are absolute in value, to which all people are drawn explicitly or implicitly. it true values. The word "truth" in an axiological context differs from its interpretation in epistemology. Here truth means not the correspondence of knowledge to reality, but, on the contrary, the correspondence of reality to everyday or political wisdom . The truth or falsity of values \u200b\u200bin axiology is inseparable from wisdom.Based on this connection, values \u200b\u200bcan be divided into true and false . True values \u200b\u200bare those values \u200b\u200bthat make the life of a given person and people close to him, social group, society happy. On the contrary, false values, taking away people's strength, time and money, make them unhappy. The truth or falsity of value is best seen in the examples of the individual destinies of people. Socrates' motto "Know thyself" is directly related to the truth of value ... A person who knows his material, intellectual and psychological capabilities well, will choose the right path, a faithful companion in life and will be happy regardless of his position in society. On the contrary, ignorance of oneself and the surrounding social environment, or the predominance of feelings over reason, lead to serious mistakes in life, to a loss of time that cannot be returned.... “All that glitters is not gold,” says popular wisdom, but how difficult it is at times to recognize what is behind the outer brilliance. Values \u200b\u200bgive meaning to a person's life, they determine the direction of a person's activity ... It should be noted, however, that not only true, but also false values \u200b\u200bhave such a property, perhaps even more so than true values. The reason for this is the duality of human nature. As an animal, man is “programmed” to perform certain reflex actions. The performance of these actions does not require either intellectual or physical efforts, there is no situation of choice, the individual-animal acts automatically, and easily automatically. Biological evolution took care of everything. The situation is more complicated for the individual who is the carrier of culture. Performing actions requires certain, sometimes considerable, intellectual and physical efforts. In more complex cases, the ratio of both sides of human nature is also more complicated, but false values \u200b\u200bare formed more easily and seduce people stronger than true values. When, for example, a person is driven by greed, the question arises about its source; the source is the human body. Greed shows a person as an animal, and not as a creator and bearer of culture . The need for self-affirmation can, in particular, be satisfied by the possession of things (material objects). It is not the thing itself that is valuable, but the possession of it.. I am happy not because I have this thing, but because you do not have it. The needs of the individual, and they can only be in the individual, are satisfied by various means, but the loveliest of all are the means expressing his biological nature. Needs are not true or false, this property is possessed only by desires, which, although they arise on the basis of needs, are determined by upbringing, the content of the information received, the current situation and other circumstances. From here stem for the most part misconceptions. .False values \u200b\u200bare functioning values , not development . Functioning is a circle, not a qualitative change, not a development. False values \u200b\u200bsometimes cover entire nations. If we consider the cause of the collapse of the Roman Empire in an axiological sense, it is quite easy to see the erosion of the values \u200b\u200bthat elevated Rome. The desire for enrichment, debauchery, craving for pleasure have become more significant than the worship of gods, patriotism, respect for the law. The subject of society is the population, and the more people in it are guided by false values, the closer the collapse of the state and the decay of society. ... At present, some values \u200b\u200bof Western culture have prevailed in society. They may well be called false. There is no doubt that sooner or later the values \u200b\u200bof enrichment, popularity, sex, thrills, etc. will lead people who are guided by them into a dead end. Since Western values \u200b\u200bdominate the world, anxiety for the future grips Western scientists themselves. For an entrepreneur, his occupation is a kind of special sport. Money turns from a means into an end, which again turns into a means, etc. The entrepreneur (with a few exceptions) is not interested in the welfare of the population, which he uses as material for his operations, he is interested in the rate of profit. To the existing million you need to add the second million and so on ad infinitum. J.-J. Rousseau was right in saying that it is easier for a rich man to earn a second million than a poor man his first penny . People who call themselves musicians write and sing one-day songs, lowering the already low level of musical culture of the population. Tomorrow there will be new songs that the voiceless singers will sing. At worst, you can defile the classics, this is not prohibited by law. There are already so many “stars” that they, as in astronomy, have already begun to be distinguished by their “magnitudes”. Fortunately, their native state allows them to take over television and radio air. And also to get rich, which is doubly pleasant for the candidates for the “stars” and for the “stars” themselves. The value of money and luxury goods led to a flourishing of crime. The value of human life turned out to be lower than the value of money, which is why films rarely appear on TV screens without shots and corpses.When the question of the death penalty for criminals arises, they immediately recall the value of human life, as if the criminals themselves did not diminish its significance . Each society has a certain margin of safety, but if the political course is not periodically corrected, then sooner or later the ultimate strength comes, and with it a catastrophe.

Types of values

Values \u200b\u200bare divided for a variety of reasons... The simplest one is the content of the activity.On this basis, values \u200b\u200bare distinguished political, economic, legal, religious, moral andetc. But more relevant in philosophy and social sciences is the division of values subject, bearer of values. In this regard, one can single out five types of values.

1. Personal values, individual... The infinite variety of values \u200b\u200bdoes not mean that they are equally important to all people. People are not omnivorous each of them recognizes only those values \u200b\u200bthat correspond to individual characteristics and personal outlook . But the value of life itself comes first... With the exception of suicides, everyone wants to live, and as long as possible, regardless of any quality and standard of living. The striving for life is a natural human right, which is given to him by God, not by the state.. The second most important is the value of health sufficient for active life ... The older people become, the clearer the significance of this value becomes to them: the quality of life of a healthy person is clearly higher than the quality of life of a sick person.A healthy person can work, study, enjoy life, and the patient undergoes treatment, waiting for recovery. Therefore, among the priorities of many people, health occupies the most important place. It is difficult to arrange other values \u200b\u200bof personal life in decreasing order of their importance, however, undoubtedly, they have a great influence on the motives of people's behavior. These are the values \u200b\u200bof human freedom of will, love, friendship, family, prosperity, prestige, career growth, respect for others, education, abilities, communication, hospitality, hobbies, etc. A large number of personal life values \u200b\u200ballows an individual to change value orientations, "tactics" personal life.

2. Values \u200b\u200bof small social groups. A small social group is a set of people who systematically communicate with each other. A small group should not be identified with a collective, since the collective as a set of free individuals is only one of the varieties of small social groups. Each of us is a member of several small groups - a family, a labor or military unit, an educational group, a sports section, a hobby club, etc. A small social group makes very specific, sometimes stringent, requirements for its members. “We” prevails over “I”, otherwise the group is unstable or even disintegrates. The “cement” that holds the group together are values . The family is created not for the sake of procreation, as people usually stupidly answer, but for the sake of a higher quality of life - the actual, not imaginary, freedom of a person. Children feel the value of family life more strongly than adults. Family photos usually show young parents and happy children. Other small groups, which are called collectives only for convenience of designation, also have their own values. ... Among them, the leading role is played by the solidarity of the group members in the face of a potential enemy, in whatever image he appears... It doesn't matter for what reason we ended up in the same "team", but as soon as we ended up together, the norms of conduct that allow us to coexist must be respected... Therefore, the members of the small group undertake to help each other, or at least not interfere with each other. In the “team” such values \u200b\u200bare often found as help and mutual assistance, cooperation, exchange of experience, etc.... The best part of life for many people is spent at work or service, so communication in small groups leaves a deep imprint on their souls.

3. Values \u200b\u200bof large social groups. A large social group is a collection of people who are similar to each other in some way significant for society. Large groups include classes, nations, races, religious, professional, gender, age, and other social groups. Unlike small groups, members of large social groups are almost always not personally acquainted and do not communicate with each other. Nevertheless, they know about the existence of their own kind thanks to the activities of the state, the media, and various social institutions. An individual is simultaneously a member of several not only small but also large social groups. He belongs to a certain class of society, nation, generation, gender, etc.e. Knowledge about their own kind allows each individual to identify (correlate) himself with a particular group. In accordance with the belonging of an individual to a particular large social group, values \u200b\u200bcommon to members of the group are revealed... The most essential basis for the division into large groups is the attitude towards ownership of the means of production and consumer goods. For this reason people are divided into classes of rich and poor (although there are other signs of classes). Both the rich and the poor are inherent in the values \u200b\u200bof class solidarity, cohesion, unity of action. The twentieth century passed under the sign of the strengthening of national movements both on a global scale and within the territories of states, which in itself testifies to the increasing importance of national values. These include, first of all, the independence of a given nation from other nations.As an individual is dear to his personal freedom, so a nation is dear to its independence. A nation is a collection of people living in one culture (language, customs, traditions, holidays, beliefs, folklore, art, etc.) The true life of a nation consists in its “use” of the elements of its culture. These elements are national values. . For members of society professing a particular religion, the values \u200b\u200bare the dogmas and cult of that religion.... Supporters of each religion consider their own religion to be the only "true", and all others are false. Men and women also have different values \u200b\u200bdue to their gender, about which a lot has been written and said. Suffice it to mention feminism - the ideology of the female sex, based on the alleged superiority of women over men... Representatives of different generations also have different values, which explains the well-known conflict of “fathers and children” that is constantly reproduced in each generation. Clothes, hairstyles, demeanor, music, leisure - all distinguish representatives of different generations.

4. Society values \u200b\u200b(social values ). Society is not a set of physical bodies of individuals, but a set of social relations between them and large and small groups . The content of such relationships is different and this depends to a decisive extent on the values \u200b\u200bthat people are guided by. People's behavior is determined not only by individual values \u200b\u200band the values \u200b\u200bof small and large groups to which they identify themselves. There are values \u200b\u200bof a higher order - public. These include this or that form of government or type of state, form of ownership, patriotism, political stability, economic prosperity, social justice, the prestige of the profession, the prestige of the state in the international arena, a high level of development of science, military power, etc. The greater or lesser importance of certain social values \u200b\u200bis tested in times of trouble, when the further course of events in a given country is unclear and alarming. One of the well-known political values \u200b\u200bis the value of democracy. But in the past few centuries, it has acquired a completely different meaning than it was in its homeland - ancient Greece. If in the small Greek city-states, democracy really meant the rule of the people (free citizens with certain property), then with the conquest of state power by the bourgeoisie in modern times, democracy began to mean the money-bag races... Whoever has more money and who knows how to better manage it won the “elections”. Especially, if the applicant for the commanding chair generously paid for the servile "people". Former Prime Minister of Great Britain Winston Churchill called bourgeois democracy a disgusting thing, but better than which, in his opinion, people would have thought of nothing. It is unlikely that the residents of the Sultanate of Brunei, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and other Arab Emirates would agree with W. Churchill. Monarchs rule in these countries, and the standard of living is such that citizens of democratic states would envy.

5. Human values.For a long time, the commandments of Moses claimed the role of universal human values. However, these commandments were originally addressed only to Jews and did not apply to other nations .. The popular commandments do not express the ideals of justice, freedom, equality, therefore the commandments of Moses express the culture of one people. Do not kill a Jew, do not deceive a Jew, etc. These commandments did not apply to representatives of other nations. They did not agree with the need to retaliate for atrocities, destroy maniacs, protect the family or homeland from enemies. It is not surprising that representatives of other peoples so rarely listened to these commandments. Those values \u200b\u200bthat are recognized by all people in a given historical epoch should be considered universal. These values \u200b\u200bare eternal, not temporary, and are shared by almost all civilized inhabitants of the planet. The spiritual universal values \u200b\u200bare culture, especially religion and language, the ideals of justice, freedom and equality and dr... Although religions, languages, understanding of these ideals are different, none of the people renounces them. Material values \u200b\u200bare less clear. The material values \u200b\u200bshould primarily include the value of private ownership of the means of production and consumer goods. Private property does not deny, but complements other forms of property (municipal, corporate, state), but it is traditionally recognized by all people. And this is not surprising: after all, the value of private property lies in the fact that it is the material basis of human freedom, real freedom, and not imaginary. The material universal values \u200b\u200balso include fertile soils, a mild climate, sufficient rainfall, the presence of minerals, precious metals and stones, an ecological balance between society and nature, etc.... The coincidence of people's values \u200b\u200bgenerates great energy, allows them to organize their joint coexistence. However, due to the many differences between people, the same many of their individual and other values \u200b\u200barise.... Their significance may be insignificant, so the mismatch of values \u200b\u200bdoes not lead to a complication of relations. These mismatches may overlap in coincidences of more significant values. But it should be noted that any values, from individual to universal, do not know compromises . Many conflicts between individuals, small and large social groups, peoples and states arise because their values \u200b\u200bare different, or because that they understand the same values \u200b\u200bdifferently. Passions and interests do not always allow them to come to an agreement. The key to understanding (not necessarily to agreement) all kinds of friction, tension, conflict is the knowledge of people's values.

The value of friendship

Friendship and love are prominent in the set of individual values. In the modern era, there are complaints about the impoverishment of friendship, which is apparently caused by the individualism and selfishness that afflicts Western culture. Among "traditional" peoples, the importance of the value of friendship is not questioned. Friendship is seen as the social support of the individual. As the Eastern wisdom says: "A man without friends is the same as a tree without roots." The phenomenon of friendship arises during the disintegration of the tribal system, when, on the one hand, family ties are weakened, and when, on the other hand, the network of social relations between people becomes more complicated. Proto-Slavic word drugb means “friend, comrade, other, other, next”. The increasingly complex social structure of society requires the strengthening of social ties and more people on whom the individual could rely in the hour of trial by fate. The custom of twinning arises... Usually it is furnished with the same ritual, for example, brothers cut their fingers, drain the blood into a bowl and share it among themselves. Outwardly, friendship acts as an imitation of family ties, which has survived to this day. The so-called godfathers and mothers, brothers and sisters are known. Internally, friendship complements family relationships or compensates for their lack. At the same time, intuitively, people understand the need for a very moderate number of friends, if, of course, we consider as friends those who do not betray in difficult times, and not those who are friends “by chance”, since their abundance does not meet the requirement of the quality of relationships. Therefore, the proverb “... but have a hundred friends” is unlikely to meet social realities. A friend is our second “I”, only a relative can be closer to a friend. The number of friends should be small. Among the tribes of Africa, New Guinea and other peoples, the number of friends is limited to three persons... Friends should not be relatives, they were called “brothers in the knife” and were obliged to provide mutual assistance, especially material assistance. Among the American Indians, a brother-friend turns out to be even dearer than a brother. To refuse to help a brother or to throw him on the battlefield meant covering himself with indelible shame. The concept of the value of friendship was reflected in the writings of philosophers. Platonic Socrates asserts that “b without friendship, no communication between people has value. "Plato himself wrote about friends as people who are much closer to each other than mother and father, the friendship between them is stronger, because the spiritual qualities that bind them are more beautiful and immortal. Aristotle in Nicomachean Ethics sets out the theory of friendship. Friendship, in his opinion, is the most necessary thing in life. Nobody chooses to live without friends, even in exchange for all other benefits. Aristotle highlights three types of friendship: 1) utilitarian, which is based on considerations of mutual or unilateral benefit; 2) hedonistic, which is based on emotional attachment and is committed for the sake of pleasure, pleasantness, this is friendship for the sake of friendship; 3) moral or perfect, in which utilitarian and hedonistic motives are combined, it is friendship that turns into love. Understanding friendship is not only influenced by the value-motivational approach to it. From the point of view of the structural-functional approach, friendship is classified according to its objective functions within a certain social system and according to its place among social institutions.

1) One such function is merge: friendship merges with some other kind of activity, for example, with cooperation, with being in places that one would like to leave as soon as possible (“friends in misfortune”) or a more significant social role. People are friends because they occupy equal responsible posts in the state. Under different circumstances, they would hardly have been friends.

2) Substitution. Friendship replaces, compensates for any missing roles.A person who does not have relatives replaces them with friendship with other people or communication with animals. Lonely, elderly people become attached to animals, take care of them like children, since they have an obvious lack of communication. Sometimes animals are preferred to people for their sincerity and devotion, which are not found in humans.

3) Addition. Friendship complements other social roles without merging with them. In the family, there is a good relationship between dad, mom and their children, however, children want to be friends with their peers.

4) Competition. Friendship is antithetical to and competes with other social roles."Friendship is friendship, but tobacco apart" ... It happens that friendships compete with family or work relationships. Friendship between men and women can sometimes seriously complicate family relationships. At work, a person spends most and the best part of his life, at work it is not uncommon for “office romances” to start into friendship, violations of labor discipline occur, etc. The principle of “friendship is friendship, and service in service” turns out to be difficult for people who falsely understand the essence of friendship. Both approaches to understanding friendship are not opposed, but complement each other. In real life, hardly anyone reflects on the establishment of friendships and their prospects. Friendship usually begins spontaneously, voluntarily, under the influence of people's sympathy and trust in each other. At the same time, friendship is very selective; not every individual will establish warm relations with each other. Selectivity is defined by some conditions: homogeneity of temperaments, unity of values, similarity of social statuses and roles (“people of the same circle”), the presence of joint activities. Hence the proverb: "Tell me who your friend is ..." If these conditions are met, friendship between A and B is possible, although some unaccounted for factors, for example, discrediting subject A or B, can prevent it. In any macro or micro environment, there are unwritten rules friendship. They boil down to the following: my friend's friend is my friend; my friend's enemy is my enemy my enemy's friend is my enemy; the enemy of my enemy is my friend. In more developed societies, such a position is also possible: not a friend and not an enemy, but so ... Friendship is diverse, which indicates its objective necessity and unfading value for people. Individuals, families, collectives, cities and peoples are friends. how wrote Epicurus, "friendship with dancing goes around the universe, announcing to all of us that we awaken to the glorification of a happy life."It is difficult to talk about a happy life as a result of friendship, because besides friends there are enough enemies. But undoubtedly the result of friendship is cooperation and mutual assistance, which is not so little for an acceptable life. The value of friendship consists in strengthening and maintaining social ties, such communication between people, which increases a person's satisfaction with his life.

The value of love

Love is a more complex phenomenon in the mental and spiritual life of a person. In essence, it is identical with happiness, since a loving person does not know anything higher and significant for him. Countless poems and songs have been composed about love, the frequency of use of the word "love" ranks first among thousands of other words. But the theme of love was not only occupied by writers and musicians. Philosophers also paid much attention to it. A loving person is not alone. Hegel wrote: “Love in general means the consciousness of my oneness with the other, that I am not isolated for myself, but acquire my self-awareness only as a rejection of my for-myself-being and through knowing myself as my unity with the other and the other with me. But love is a feeling, in other words, the morality of the natural in form: in the state there is no longer love, in it unity is recognized as a law, in it the content must be reasonable, and I must know it. The first moment in love is that I do not want to be an independent person for myself and that if I were, I would feel my insufficiency and incompleteness. The second moment is that I find myself in the person of another, that I have significance in him, which he, in turn, acquires in me. ” A loving person, according to Hegel, forgets himself in his beloved and leaves his beloved, enriched by his love ... The 20th century philosopher Erich Fromm, analyzing the phenomenon of love, identifies several of its obligatory points. Love is the ability to give, not receive. Giving does not mean sacrificing and suffering, giving, a person lives. " It is much more joyful to give than to receive, - wrote E. Fromm, - not because it is superfluous, but because, giving, I feel that I am living. A loving person feels responsibility for a loved one and does not consider responsibility a burdensome duty. Responsibility is accompanied by respect for the loved one and thorough knowledge about him. A truly loving person lives a loved one”. Such a high assessment of the manifestation of love shows it as a fact of spirituality. However, the understanding of love is greatly complicated and trivialized by the connection between love and sex. A sexual bias in the understanding of love occurs in many works, although the spiritual essence of love is visible to the naked eye. In the era of “mass culture,” sex is even covered with a mask of love. That is just one title of the American film "Let's Make Love." As if love can be “made” ... Sex, can be a complement to love, can be done without love, but in no way can replace it. In mythology, eros was understood as the creative force of nature. The idea was spread that there is a worldwide “sympathy” for things, that love created the world and moves it. In relation to interpersonal relationships, eros was understood as spontaneous and passionate self-giving, enthusiastic love, aimed at the carnal or spiritual. Philia was called love-friendship, conditioned by social ties and personal choice. Storge - this is love-affection, especially family love, and agape - sacrificial, indulgent love for one's neighbor. Plato builds his “ladder” of love-beauty somewhat differently. The first and lowest step is the desire for physical pleasure, the natural goal of which is to have children. The second stage is love for specific samples of physical beauty. The third step is love for beauty in general. The fourth (highest) stage is agape, that is, love for wisdom, which, like religious experiences, allows one to know the absolute truth. Love of the highest type is the work of the soul, the work of two noble minds, uniting to create a spiritual offspring, which only men are capable of. IN dialogue "Feast" Plato expounds the doctrine of androgynous - people of the currently non-existent third sex: “Once our nature was not the same as it is now ... People were of three sexes, and not two, as now - male and female, for there was still a third sex, which united in imagine signs of these both; he himself disappeared, and only his name remained from him ... - androgynes, ... they combined the appearance and name of both sexes - male and female. Then each person had a round body, the back did not differ from the chest, there were four arms, as many legs as there were arms, and each had two faces on the neck, completely identical; the head of these two faces, looking in opposite directions, was common ... There were three of these sexes ... because the male from time immemorial comes from the Sun, the female - from the Earth, and who combined both of these - from the Moon, since the Moon also combines both beginnings ... Terrifying in their strength and power, they nourished great designs and even encroached on the power of the gods ... They tried to make an ascent to heaven to attack the gods. " Further, according to Plato, the threat prompted the gods to take decisive action. Zeus cut androgynes in half and created homosexuals, when the male half seeks to reunite with the male, lesbians, when the female half seeks to reunite with the female half, and heterosexuals, when the male and female half seek to reunite. Heterosexuals were considered the lowest sexual category. Since then, according to Plato, people are attracted to each other, they are trying to restore unity. The process of re-creating unity is love, which is the painful feeling of reuniting into a whole individuality. The myth of androgens began to be traditionally interpreted in the sense of the sexual attraction of men and women to each other, which reduced man to the level of an animal. Descendants corrected Plato, his name began to be called love without sex . Strictly speaking, any love does not imply sex. Ordinary consciousness identifies lust with love, but lust is a biological phenomenon, not spiritual. The need to procreate and create a family was not always caused by love. Although the ancient world knew romantic love, it was not always recorded as the love of a man and a woman. Same-sex love flourished. Ancient greek writer Lucian, in the book "Two Loves" through the lips of his heroes, recognizes the need for a family, but considers the true love of men for boys.But the qualitative difference between love and sex is manifested even in those types of love that are traditionally associated with sex. 1) Love of man and woman sung in many literary and musical works. They are not talking about the thirst to quickly jump into bed. Loved ones want to be together and that's enough for them. Here, indeed, the desire is manifested, if not to restore, then at least to establish the spiritual unity of man and woman. 2) Same-sex love may not exist without sex, but it also cannot be reduced to it..3) The love of parents for children and children for their parents is an almost purely spiritual attitude, although to some extent it is biologically determined. This kind of "love" of animals for their young cubs is known. Subsequently, "moms", not to mention "dads", become completely indifferent to their children and even drive them away from themselves. The love of human parents lasts a lifetime. 4) Love for work, work is characterized by a high degree of self-sacrifice, refusal from some other types of activity, sometimes even from the family. Fanatics in the best sense of the word have brought together hobby and work, in our time they are called workaholics. five) Love for the Motherland, small and large... Love for a small homeland (settlement, area in which this person grew up) is due to painful childhood memories. Love for the big homeland (the society of which the individual is a member) is due to the degree of spiritual development of the individual, when a person is "offended for the state." 6) Love for nature is manifested not only in the contemplation of wonderful landscapes, but also in the activities to preserve these landscapes. 7) Self-love is usually associated with selfishness. Really, selfishness is selfishness, but only if the selfish person infringes on the interests of other people or harms them. In other cases, self-love is morally justified, since a person who does not love, does not care about himself is unlikely to arouse the trust of other people. Thus, in the manifestation of love, its connection with the biological and spiritual nature of man is visible. The first three types of love are determined by both sides of human nature, the rest - exclusively by the spiritual nature of man. The value of love lies in the desire for unity with the object of love, and in relation to another person in the desire to live his life, his feelings and thoughts.

Lesson Topic: Values \u200b\u200bTrue and False

· To promote the assimilation of the concepts of spiritual and material values, wealth and charity by students;

· To promote the development of students' skills to distinguish spiritual values \u200b\u200bfrom material ones;

· To help children to realize, to feel the true values \u200b\u200bin human life, to foster interest in studying the subject "Orthodox culture".

Lesson type and type:

A lesson in studying new educational material, a lesson-conversation.

Supporting: God's commandments, the Gospel, a parable.

New: words - "misery", "charity", "covetousness", "benefactors"

Methods of action:

Supporting: verbal and visual teaching methods

New: partially - search method.

Didactic materials and equipment:

EMC "Orthodox culture", computer, cards for self-analysis of students

During the classes:

I. Organizational moment


Good afternoon, dear guys; we begin our lesson in Orthodox culture. Today we have guests, and we have a lot of interesting work ahead of us, which, I really hope, will be successful and fruitful.

II. Reiteration

We begin the lesson with repetition. (Slide 1)

Who wrote these lines?

In a difficult moment of life

Is sadness squeezed in the heart:

One wonderful prayer

I repeat it by heart.

There is a power of grace

In consonance with the words of the living,

And the incomprehensible breathes

Holy charm in them.

From the soul as a burden will roll

Doubt is far away -

I believe and cry

And so easy, easy ...

W.What mood is conveyed in the final part of the poem? What is it about?

D.It is about that enlightenment, about joy, about peace that comes in a person's soul after communion with God.

W.And what kind of music, against the background of which the verses sounded?

D. This is the "Prayer" romance.

Have... How many composers have put this poem to their music?

D. It is very lyrical, so it was set to music by over 40 composers

Have... - What is prayer in your understanding?

When does a person turn to God with prayer?

(in joy, in sorrow, in illness, when it is difficult or we don’t know what to do ...)

In what fairy tale does the heroine, finding herself in a difficult situation, turn to God with the prayer "Our Father"? ("The Snow Queen")

Before you is the famous work of the Russian artist Namerovsky A. ...

What historical event is depicted on this canvas?

Why do you think the Russian army defeated the Mongol?

What is a blessing?

(overshadowing with a cross, an icon, a word of prayer)

Who can give a blessing?

(priest, parents)

Prince Dmitry with his army performed a feat of arms, and what was the feat of Sergius of Radonezh? (prayer, spiritual feat)

In what gospel parable did Jesus Christ set the pattern for true prayer?

(parable of the Pharisee and the publican)

Why was the prayer of the publican more pleasing to God than the prayer of the Pharisee?

W. People turn to God with different requests. Let's read some of them written by your peers:

· I want to be rich, but do nothing, just get money.

· I want to be given pocket money before old age.

· I want to become a superman, just so I don't have to train, do exercises in the morning. I hear all this from my father every day.

What do all these requests have in common? Yes, to become rich, but not to put in the slightest effort.

The following requests:

· I want to make a lot of money to heal my little sister.

· I would like to have my own profitable business.

· Get \u200b\u200ba job that would pay a lot to feed poor people.

What do these wishes have in common?

Topic message.

Open worksheets. Write down the number. Read the topic of the lesson.

"Values \u200b\u200bare true and false." What do you mean by the word value?

Value- what is of great importance for a person and society as a whole.

In the read-out requests of the children, you saw a different attitude of the children towards wealth.

What if you had a lot of money, what would you do with it? How would you spend them?

We will write the result in table №1.

III. Working on new material

In the worksheets, you need to divide the listed words into two groups in the table. In one group everything that belongs to material values, in another to spiritual. Be careful!

Today in the lesson the word rich, wealth was said many times. How do you understand the meaning of these words?

In the word wealth is the main part of the word God.

What does Scripture say about attitudes toward wealth? Let's turn to the Gospel.

What does the word gospel mean?

(good news)

What Does the Gospel Say?

(about the earthly life of Christ)

How Should You View the Gospel?

(reverently - that is, with the deepest respect)

Despite the fact that the words of Christ were spoken almost 2,000 years ago, they are important for a person at any time. Most often, Jesus Christ spoke with his disciples in parables.

What is a parable?

(short instructive allegorical story)

Let's hear the parable of the unreasonable rich man (Luke 12: 15-21)

(Slide with sound file).

One rich man had a good harvest in the field; Ion reasoned with himself: “What should I do? I have nowhere to gather my fruits. " And he said: “This is what I will do: I will break down my granaries and build large ones, and I will gather there all my bread and all my goods, and I will say to my soul: Soul! You have a lot of good things for many years: rest, eat, drink, be merry. " But God said to him: “Mad! This night they will take your soul from you; who will get what you have prepared? "

What qualities do you think are characteristic of a rich man?

For whom did the rich man collect treasures?

What should a rich man do to please God?

They say about such people that they have developed money-making is the love of multiplication, luxury and whim.(Slide).

People like this rich man are well spoken about in the spiritual alphabet of Demetrius of Rostov. But to find out, you need to read the text in the Church Slavonic language.

“Oh, mad man, how long do the uglebesh, like a bee, collect your wealth? Soon Bo will perish, like dust and ashes: but more seek the Kingdom of God. "

reference: "Uglebaeshi" - to sink, sink

The Monk Samson the Stranger disposed of his wealth in a completely different way. After the death of his parents, he inherited a lot of wealth, he released all former slaves with security at will. He settled in the city of Constantinople, built a house in which he received the poor, the sick and the strangers. He treated the sick, fed and clothed the poor, gave shelter to strangers. The Patriarch of Constantinople performed the sacrament of the priesthood, and Samson became a priest.

Once it happened to the Emperor Justinian to fall ill. When all the attempts of skillful doctors were unsuccessful, the emperor turned to the priest Samson, who successfully cured him. The emperor wanted to reward the healer, to which Samson replied that he did not need wealth. And if the emperor wishes, he can build a house for the sick and the poor. "This will please God and please me." A house was built and a hospital attached to it. So the priest Samson set up the emperor for a charitable cause.

What do you think is charity?

Charity showing compassion for others and providing

gratuitous aid to the poor.

There have always been benefactors in Russia, and today we will learn about some of them.

Pavel Mikhailovich Tretyakov - created the famous Tretyakov Gallery Museum. The museum is located in Moscow. Both adults and children love to visit it. Pavel Tretyakov began collecting his painting collection in the mid-1850s. In August 1892, Pavel Mikhailovich donated his art gallery to the city of Moscow. In the collection by this time there were 1,800 works of the Russian school, 75 paintings of the European school, 15 sculptures and a collection of icons. On August 15, 1893, the official opening of the museum took place under the name

"Moscow City Tretyakov Gallery ».


Nesterov M.V

4. "



Russian entrepreneur and philanthropist. Born into a merchant family, was the fourth child. The Mamontov family lived richly, when Savva was 8 years old, they moved to Moscow, where Savva's father was building railways.

continues the work started by his father. The name of the Russian industrialist is closely related to the history of the Northern Railway. At his own expense, he built a railway to Yaroslavl, Vologda and Arkhangelsk.

Each city had and still has its own benefactors who invested money in the construction of churches, schools, hospitals, and shelters.

And in our modern life there are also benefactors. For example, thanks to one of them - Yuri Nikolayevich Mishustin, the director, we guys have such a great opportunity - to study Orthodox culture using a computer and new educational literature.

In modern language, the word benefactor is heard less and less often, and the word sponsor is often used.

Do you think the words “benefactor” and “sponsor” are equivalent?

Is it necessary to replace the original Russian word with a cold, foreign word?


So, in today's lesson, we talked about true and false values. What makes a person truly happy?

And the goal of human life is not enrichment: "Do not lay up treasures for yourself on earth, but lay up treasures for yourself in Heaven, where moth does not destroy and where thieves do not steal, for where your treasure is, there your heart will also be."

“Treasures in Heaven” is good that man has done, but which God forever remembers. Such a treasure cannot be stolen. Your money or your phone can be stolen. But the good deed you have done will forever remain yours.

2. Assessment of work in the lesson.

Several people are evaluating their work.

What new have I learned on the topic of the lesson? What have you learned?

V. Reflection

If you were interested in the lesson, if what we talked about touched your soul, raise the sun... And if you didn't like the lesson, seemed boring, left indifferent, then raise a cloud.

You did a good job in the lesson. Well done! Thank you for your work!

And now we will take a small virtual excursion to the Tretyakov State Gallery. Ksenia will be our guide.

In the exhibition halls you can see the world famous canvases of Russian artists:

1. "Old Testament Trinity". Andrey Rublev.

The greatest creation of Andrei Rublev was the icon "Trinity", written for the church of the Trinity-Sergius monastery near Moscow. At that time, in the 20s of the 15th century, unprecedented calamities fell on central Russia - a general pestilence and famine. And again life seemed to people unbearable and gloomy. And in the Trinity Church there was an icon of Rublev, shining with unearthly peace. The great icon painter created the image of an inseparable heavenly union, full of silent meekness and selflessness.

2. "Vision to the youth Bartholomew." Nesterov M.V

"Vision to the youth Bartholomew" is the most famous work of the artist. It was based on an episode from the Life of St. Sergius of Radonezh. The young shepherd Bartholomew (future Sergius) lost his foals in the forest. Going in search, he wandered into a deserted place, and met an unfamiliar old man - a priest. He gave the youth a piece of prosphora and, together with it, a craving for
learning and enlightenment. This canvas opened the so-called
"The Sergius Cycle", which also included "The Youth of St. Sergius",
"Works of Sergius of Radonezh", "Reverend Sergius of Radonezh".

3. "". Orest Adamovich Kiprensky

The artist creates one of the best portraits in 1827. This is the image of a mature person, a poet who has already survived the Decembrist uprising. He seems to be reflecting on their fate, about himself, about Russia. Kiprensky in Russian art paid a lot of attention to self-portrait, trying to convey the state of a person's soul.

4. "Heroes ". Victor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov.

This is the most famous painting of the artist. He was the first artist who, with such graphic power, reflected in painting the poetic world of Russian folklore - the world of heroic events, fairy tales, legends and traditions carefully preserved by the people. What are the names of the heroes? In the center - the oldest and most powerful - Ilya Muromets, sitting on the right hand - Dobrynya Nikitich, and on the left Alyosha Popovich. Take a close look at their faces. Did the war leave the imprint of the ferocity of cruelty on their faces? Not. Why? What kind of war are they fighting? Bogatyrs perform the sacred work of defending the Motherland, their faces are strict and inspired by this high idea.

5. "Christ in the Wilderness." Ivan Nikolaevich Kramskoy.

We present to your attention two paintings by "Dostoevsky" by Vasily Grigorievich Perov and "Christ in the Desert" by Ivan Nikolaevich Kramskoy. Notice the almost literal similarity in the poses of these different characters. But Kramskoy, who created his picture independently of Perov's portrait, did not accidentally come to a similar result: his Christ is both a divine character and an image of a person of any era, making a choice between good break.

Samson the Stranger

The Monk Samson the Stranger disposed of his wealth in a completely different way. After the death of his parents, he inherited a lot of wealth, he released all former slaves with security at will. He settled in the city of Constantinople, built a house in which he received the poor, the sick and the strangers. He treated the sick, fed and clothed the poor, gave shelter to strangers. The Patriarch of Constantinople performed the sacrament of the priesthood, and Samson became a priest.

Once it happened to the emperor Justinian to fall ill. When all the attempts of skillful doctors were unsuccessful, the emperor turned to the priest Samson, who successfully cured him. The emperor wanted to reward the healer, to which Samson replied that he did not need wealth. And if the emperor wishes, he can build a house for the sick and the poor. "This will please God and please me." A house was built and a hospital attached to it.