Numerology: magic numbers. Numerology is the magic of numbers, what the main numbers mean

Modern man, despite numerous technical advances, still continues to believe in various signs and teachings. This is normal: the magic of numbers and fortune-telling have firmly entered our life, and it is almost impossible to forget them. There will always be people who will bring the old teaching back to life, finding new patterns and explanations. In this article, we will show you several ways to find answers to your questions using non-scientific theories.

It is believed that the whole world around us is made up of numbers. If you look closely, you can see them everywhere. Explicitly or covertly, but they haunt us throughout our lives. Any law of life can be expressed using numbers and their combinations, the main thing is to find the correct order. Numbers, on the other hand, become reflections of days gone by and predict their future for people. Yes, this is not such an exact science if you look closely. Certain patterns can always be identified. This will help the so-called "magic of numbers" or numerology.

The meaning of this teaching is quite simple: by simplifying the numbers around us, we get a number; this figure will give us access to sacred knowledge and the power that is hidden in every person. The basis of the basics is the compilation of a special numerological map for an individual. This is done by date of birth. For the first time, Pythagoras said about this: he presented a fairly simple scheme by which key numbers are calculated. They characterize a person as a person and talk about his future achievements and failures.

Sacred numbers

Among all the numbers, several special ones can be distinguished. It is believed that they are most likely to have an impact on a person's life:

  • 7. Talent, luck and knowledge of the unknown - this is what this figure portends to its owner. If you are a rather creative person, and there is a seven in your numerological chart, then you can safely go into the creative sphere - you will not be lost (of course, provided that you yourself try to achieve success, and do not leave everything to chance);
  • 9. The person associated with this figure can do a lot. Very often magicians, psychics and simply very strong, strong-willed people are born under this number. They have huge potential, which is quite simple to realize - you just need to take the first step;
  • 8. The figure associated with all material. Wealth, financial well-being and stability are what it promises to a person. If you work hard enough, your income will rise significantly, surprisingly to competitors who invest the same and receive an order of magnitude less. In addition, the eight is a kind of symbol of infinity;
  • The number 23 has some destructive, not fully understood potential. The stable period ends, the transition to something radically new begins. Crises, disasters, unrest - all this was somehow associated with this number.

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Monetary rites and rituals

What did Pythagoras say?

The magic of Pythagoras numbers has been accompanying us for a very long time. This is not only his theory - he simply deduced certain patterns between several teachings (Egypt, Arabia and Phenicia) and said that the numbers that are obtained after certain mathematical calculations tell us about the fate of a person.

The starting point is your birthday, and the date of birth is a kind of concise source of information from which you can get answers to your questions. To gain knowledge about your destiny, you need to count four numbers:

  • The first additional number - all digits of the date of birth are added;
  • Second additional number - the digits of the first additional number are added;
  • Third additional number - the first digit is subtracted from the first additional number from your date of birth, multiplied by two;
  • The fourth additional number - the digits of the third additional number are added.

After everything is calculated, you can transfer the result to a special Pythagorean square. In fact, you just look at the frequency with which each digit occurs, and then look at what exactly it is responsible for:

  • 1 - character;
  • 2 - energy;
  • 3 - accuracy;
  • 4 - health;
  • 5 - intuition;
  • 6 - attitude to work;
  • 7 - creativity;
  • 8 - responsibility;
  • 9 - intelligence.

The principle is simple: the more often one or another number occurs, the more developed this quality is.

The modern magic of numbers

The modern magic of numbers has changed a little - now, in the age of the latest technology, people began to notice special combinations on the hands of watches and in number combinations in the computer. This is normal: as we said, numbers are everywhere; if a certain pattern can be traced, then it can influence something. We just don't fully understand how.

To date, only the magic of numbers on the clock is sufficiently developed: several fairly simple laws have been derived, after seeing which people can momentarily open the curtain of the unknown. Naturally, each esotericist offers his own interpretation. We will present you one of them:

  • 01.01 - wait for good news from a man;
  • 01.10 - started business may not be as simple as it seemed at first glance. Beware of dangers that are not visible from your perspective;
  • 01.11 - act bolder. Do not be afraid to take the reins into your own hands: such confidence will definitely pay off;
  • 02.02 - received an invitation from a woman? Do not rush to refuse, because this meeting can bring you good news and even turn your life around;
  • 02.20 - proceed with caution. In any incomprehensible situation, try to get away from conflicts: now you better stay away from all this;
  • 02.22 - if you have important matters that you have not fully figured out, it's time to do it;
  • 03.03 - have fun, if possible;
  • 03.30 - stay secretive. You shouldn't tell people about what's going on in your soul: they may not quite correctly understand and change their opinion about you;
  • 03.33 - very soon luck will visit you. Be prepared and don't slam the door on her;
  • 04.04 - do not dwell on the same thing. If there are problems, look at them from a different angle, because, perhaps, the solution lies right in front of your nose;
  • 04.40 - everything is as ordinary as possible. Not a day for creativity or self-expression;
  • 04.44 - everything is not as rosy as it was before. Get ready for the blows of fate;
  • 05.05 - the meaning of the numbers is favorable. If you have not found your love, soon you will have such a chance. Lovers on this day will feel a new rush of tenderness to their partner;
  • 05.50 - today it is not worth changing anything;
  • 05.55 - forget about adventures. Now is not the best time to experiment with your life;
  • 06.06 - there is a person who likes you so much that he is ready to make you an offer;
  • 07.07 - Don't be alone. Find someone with whom you can have a heart-to-heart talk or just chat online;
  • 08.08 - be careful: most likely, in the near future, your financial affairs can go up the hill. Do not miss your chance;
  • 09.09 - changes are coming. Gather your strength and accept them with honor;
  • 10.01 - soon you will meet a rather influential man;
  • 10.10 - it's time to start some new business, because it is doomed to success;
  • 11.11 - possibly dependence on someone or on something. Analyze the situation and decide if it is dangerous for you at the moment;

  • 12.12 - make your deepest wish. It will be fulfilled if you manage to do it before the next minute;
  • 12.21 - soon you will meet a wonderful person with whom you can spend time creating something useful;
  • 13.13 - pay attention to those around you. Among them there may be enemies that you did not even know about;
  • 13.31 - dreams will come true ... Provided that you pay for their fulfillment with something very important to you;
  • 14.14 is a great time to start or continue a romantic relationship;
  • 14.41 - try to avoid unpleasant situations in every possible way;
  • 15.15 - there is a high risk of accidents on the roads. Be careful;
  • 15.51 - a very stormy but short romance is on the horizon. Decide if you need it;
  • 4:16 pm is not the best time. Do everything very carefully, do not take risks;
  • 17.17 - do not be afraid to ask for help from older comrades or simply from those who have more experience in this area. This will help you avoid unnecessary actions;
  • 18.18 - changes are coming;
  • 19.19 - great things await you. So, no false understatement. The magic of numbers doesn't lie, so get ready for it;
  • 20.20 - pay attention to your loved ones. Do not run into scandals and try to avoid them in every possible way;
  • 21.12 - soon you will learn about the opportunity to start a new project ... Or about a child;
  • 21.21 - a very stormy, but short romance is on the horizon. Decide if you need it;
  • 22.22 - expect a new acquaintance (not the fact that it will be useful or interesting);

  • 23.23 - you are playing a dangerous game and associating yourself with the wrong people. Perhaps it is worth reconsidering your position in life?
  • 23.32 - take your health seriously. Don't trigger even the smallest symptoms.

Numerology. Numerical magic. Magic numbers game.

NUMEROLOGY is an esoteric science about the influence of numbers on fate, akin to astrology and palmistry.

Since ancient times, numbers have played an important and multifaceted role in human life. Not surprisingly, they have always attracted close attention from the mind. The ancient people attributed special, supernatural properties to numbers, almost any religion has its own "sacred numbers". Some numbers promised happiness and success, others could cause a blow of fate, some favored travelers and warriors, others the sacred mysteries. Ancient Indians, Egyptians, Chaldeans were recognized experts in the field of numbers. They trusted the secrets of their teachings only to a narrow circle of initiates.
According to the "Book of Creation", one of the main esoteric works of the teachings of the ancient Jews - Kabbalah, the world was created by means of numbers and sounds (or numbers and letters). “Explore all things with numbers, penetrate this mystery and contemplate,” it says. Having comprehended the wisdom of numbers, you yourself will become wise. " The authorship of this work is attributed to the biblical patriarch Enoch, among the Egyptians he bears the name Toga, and among the Greeks - Hermes.
Pythagoras was the founder of the European teaching on numbers. He is credited with the statement: “The world is built on the power of numbers.” In his school, knowledge of the properties of numbers was the first step on the path to esoteric knowledge. The book of Pythagoras “The Sacred Word” has not survived, but the principles set forth in it are introduced to us by the works of his followers - Philolaus, Archita, Plato, Aristotle, Porfiry.
Echoes of ancient teachings about numbers can be found in the cultural heritage of almost any nation. For example, the famous researcher of the primitive rock art of the Sahara, Anri Lot, in his book "To the Other Tassili" mentions: "In the African shepherd tribe Fulbe, the number 7 symbolizes the unity of the whole, combining the masculine principle - 3 with the female - 4". During the Renaissance, interest in ancient teachings, including numbers, aroused. In 1533, Cornelius Agrippa publishes Occult Philosophy, containing a description of the magical properties of numbers. Occultists of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, among whom should be distinguished Eliphas Levi, Theodore Lab, Dr. Papus, Aebarrol, devote whole works to the study of the properties of numbers, the interpretation of the Book of Creation and other Kabbalistic writings.
The ancient philosophy of number is highly appreciated by modern scientists (see, for example, the book by VV Nalimov "Spontaneity of consciousness"). The founders of three astrological schools in Moscow also paid serious attention to numerology. The largest work is "Kabbalah of numbers" by Absalom Podvodny. "Numerology" Sergei Vronsky's works are more popular Publications of Pavel Globa's school - "The Arithmetic of Fate" and "The Meaning of Numbers".
The most authoritative modern expert was Count Louis Gamon, better known by the nickname Cairo, who for a long time was Churchill's adviser on occult issues. His main merit is the development of a doctrine applicable in everyday life, which he set out in the "Book of Numbers". According to the views of Kabbalists, numbers represent formless entities that are present in all things and phenomena. “Each number has a certain force, which a figure or symbol for denoting a number expresses not only quantitatively. These forces are contained in occult connections between the relations of things and principles in nature, the expressions of which they are, ”writes K. Agrippa. Any thing consists of essence, form and name, and the name is an important link between essence and form: it is thanks to him that essence plus form form a thing. The name is the result of a certain combination of letters through which it has a numerical value and, thus, is an expression of the properties of one of the numbers.
To modern man, the influence of numbers is more understandable from the point of view of psychoanalysis. Each number, primarily a simple one, is associated with certain images that are fixed in the subconscious. Each such image is in harmony with a certain type of activity, character traits, and so on. For example, the number 1 evokes in the mind of a person the image of something individual: a lonely person, a detached building, a tree, the Sun in the sky. These images are associated with the beginning of any activity, with creative, individual work, with a penchant for leadership. 2nd images of a married couple, an arrow with a beginning and an end, a balance beam, a crescent moon; 3 - triangles, families of three; 4 - squares, four cardinal points; 5 - pentagon, star, pentagram - magic sign, etc. Since a person's thinking is figurative, when learning to count, each number forms a corresponding image in the mind. When a person in his activity encounters numbers, areas corresponding to the images of these numbers are activated in his consciousness. The reverse process is also possible: a certain image that has arisen in a person's consciousness activates areas of the subconscious with images corresponding to the same numerical value. If someone has the same name, date of birth, place of residence, etc., as the other person, then this will cause a predisposition in their relationship, most often favorable.
According to Louis Gamon, the main for a person is the birth number. To develop its properties, one should increase the concentration on it, i.e. live in houses and apartments, the numbers of which are in harmony with the number of birth, select the appropriate name, the same applies to all dates, numbers and names that occur in life. The name of the city and locality should be considered and applied as a broader octave of harmony; the number of your house or apartment - as more intimate, personal; the number of the date or day of the week - as more immediate, directly related to events, and the number of birth or name in relation to oneself - as more individual, relating to feelings, love, affection and home life.
If the birth number is not favorable, then you can concentrate, for example, on the number of the name or sign of the zodiac. To find the numerical value of a name or any word, add the values \u200b\u200bof the numbers corresponding to each letter:
A-1, B-2, C-3, O-7, P-8, D-4, Q-1, E-5, R-2, F-8, S-3, G-3, T- 4, H-5, U-6, I-1, V-6, J-1, W-6, K-2, X-5, L-3, Y-1, M-4, N-5, Z-7
In Russian transcription:
A-1, R-2, B-2, C-3, V-6, T-4, G-3, U-6, D-4, F-8, E-5, X-5, Zh- 1, Ts-3, Z-7, Ch-8, I-1, Sh-8, Y-1, Sch-2, K-2, b-0, L-3, Y-1, M-4, L-1, H-5, E-4, O-7, U-7, P-8, Z-2
Zodiac signs:
Aries - 9, Libra - 6, Taurus - 6, Scorpio - 9, Gemini - 5, Sagittarius - 3, Cancer - 2, and 7, Capricorn - 8, Leo - 1, and 4, Aquarius - 4 and 8, Virgo - 5, Pisces - 3 and 7.
In Cancer 2 is more pronounced than 7; in Leo - 1 than 4; in Aquarius - 4 than 8; in Pisces - 7 than 3.
At the beginning of each sign, Louis Gamon allocates 7 days, considering that the days of these periods bear the properties of two neighboring signs. Days of the week: Sunday - 1 and 4, Monday - 2 and 7, Tuesday - 9, Wednesday - 5, Thursday - 3, Friday - 6, Saturday - 8.
Any composite number refers to a series of one of the ones. To determine this, carry out the "extraction of the theosophical root": add up the numbers that write the number, repeat if necessary until you get the number one. For example, 176 corresponds
Numbers and domicile
Any person can determine how favorable the city, town or area where he intends to settle will be for him. Everyone can easily detect the presence of their birth number in the name of a city or area.
Spell out the name of the city or area, attributing to each of them the numerical value of the letters of the Mystical alphabet. Put these numbers under each letter of the city; put together they give the number of that city. Continue adding until there is only one digit left, which will be the single number corresponding to the name of your city.
If this single number corresponds to the number of birth, then the name of this city, town or area is in agreement with your personality. This effect will be further enhanced if the name of this person is also in agreement with the number of the area. Number one people will easily find that the cities listed below are best suited for their permanent residence.
Let's work out, for example, the name of the city of Manchester: MANCHESTER 4 + 1 + 5 + 3 + 5 + 5 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 2 \u003d 37 \u003d 1.
Other cities giving 1: Birmingham, Boston, New York. People of numbers 1-4 and 2-7 have a much wider choice than those born under the signs of other numbers, since these numbers are interchangeable.
People of the number 2 can choose any city, the final single number of which barks any number from the above series, but it will be especially successful to call them a choice if the name of the city gives their own number 2, for example: Leeds, Plymouth, Norwich, Brighton.
Number 3 people can choose Dublin, Moscow, Melbourne, Nottingham, Aewonport or Bradford.
Number 4 people can live in London, Quebec, Montreal, Salisbury.
Number 5 people can choose Portsmouth, Chicago, Vienna. But, since 5 is the only number that is in harmony with any other number, people of the number 5 can afford not to be especially scrupulous in choosing a place of residence, since they are almost as harmoniously in agreement with any city in which they live, regardless of the number this city.
Number 6 people can live in Liverpool, Paris, Louvre, Oxford.
Number 7 people can choose Hollywood, Calcutta, Preston or any other city from the series of numbers 1, 2, 4, 7.
Number 8 people can live in Belfast, Glasgow, Bombay. But not all people of numbers 4 and 8 should strengthen the influence of these numbers, living under the sign of their amazing fatality, but choose a city with a numerical value of 1, 3, 5, 6, etc.
Number 9 people can settle in Berlin, Rome,
Toronto. As noted above, people of the numbers 3, 6, and 9 sympathize with each other, and similarly they can choose any city or town whose number is 3, 6 or 9, almost as well as if they chose a city with a single, " their own ”, individual number.
Note. It should be borne in mind that titles and names in this book are analyzed in English. For a Russian person, the Russian pronunciation of words is harmonious, for example: MOSCOW 4 + 7 + 3 + 2 + 6 + 1 \u003d 23 \u003d 5, and the English sound (Meskoyu) corresponds to 3, as indicated above.
Numbers and diseases
Maintaining good health is one of the prerequisites for achieving success in life. The same ancient scientists who discovered the extraordinary influence of numbers on the fate of people developed a system with which you can relieve pain and illness, using herbs and fruits associated with each of the planets, and therefore with the numbers under which people were born.
Number 1 people have a predisposition to heart disease, circulatory disorders, and with an increased active lifestyle - high blood pressure. They are also prone to eye diseases and astigmatism. It would be nice if they did an examination of their vision from time to time.
The main herbs and fruits of the number 1 people: raisins, chamomile, saffron, garlic, cloves, nutmeg, sorrel, lavender, bay leaf, oranges, lemons, dates, thyme, myrrh, ginger, barley. They should eat as much honey as possible.
The 10th, 19th, 28th, 37th, 46th, 55th, 64th years of their life will bring them important health changes in one direction or another.
Months in which to fear worsening health: October, November, January. Number 2 people have a predisposition to diseases of the stomach and digestive organs.
The main herbs and fruits of people number 2: lettuce (lettuce), cabbage, turnips, cucumbers, melon, flaxseed, banana, chicory (individual winter).
The 11th, 20th, 29th, 38th, 47th, 56th, 65th years of their lives will bring them important health changes.
They especially need to monitor their health in January, February and July.
Number 3 people most often suffer from disorders of the nervous system, which occur mainly due to conflicts, overwork. They are also prone to attacks of nephritis, sciatica, and various forms of skin diseases.
Herbs and fruits of number 3 people: blueberries, asparagus, dandelion, chicory, sage, cherries, pears, olives, rhubarb, prune, pomegranates, pineapples, grapes, nutmeg, cloves, garlic, almonds, figs, common nuts, wheat.
Years of life that are important in relation to health changes: 12th, 21st, 30th, 39th, 48th, 57th, 66th.
In December, February, July and September, you should be wary of deteriorating health and avoid overwork.
Number 4 people are likely to suffer from mysterious health conditions that are difficult to diagnose normally. They are more or less prone to melancholy, anemia, headaches, and back pain.
These people benefit most from all kinds of "electrical treatment", hypnosis, psychotherapy, and spiritual suggestion. They should be especially careful about drug use and avoid early vegetables and raw or bloody meat.
The main herbs and fruits of people of number 4: spinach, sage, loquat, Solomon's seal.
The years important for their health are 13th, 22nd, 31st, 40th, 49th, 58th, 67th.
The months in which their health is particularly vulnerable are January, February, June, August and September.
Number 5 people tend to overextend their nervous system, are prone to voluntary spiritual and intellectual overloads, which in the end they themselves can not stand, live "on the nerves." They seem to cause neuritis and are prone to nervous exhaustion and insomnia. Sleep, rest and rest ”are the best remedies for them.
The main herbs and fruits of the number 5 people: carrots, parsnips, oats, parsley, champignons, caraway seeds, thyme, nuts of all kinds, but especially common nuts and walnuts.
Important years when one should expect health changes in one direction or another: 14th, 23rd, 32nd, 41st, 50th, 59th, 68th.
Months in which number 5 people are especially susceptible to poor health and which to watch out for: June, September and December.
Number 6 people have a predisposition to diseases of the throat, nose and upper lungs. As a rule, they have a strong body build, especially if they have the opportunity to live outdoors or outside the city, where they have enough fresh air and exercise. As a rule, women born under the number 6 are prone to breast diseases. In most cases, the heart by the end of life in people of the number 6 begins to "donate" and this is the cause of circulatory disorders.
The main herbs and fruits of the number 6 people: all kinds of beans, beans, parsnips, spinach, zucchini, mint, melons, pomegranates, apples, pears, apricots, figs, walnuts, almonds, daffodils, wild thyme, violet, verbena, rose petals ...
The 15th, 24th, 33rd, 42nd, 51st, 60th, 69th years of life are 6 years for people, in which significant changes can occur in their health.
The most dangerous months in relation to a possible deterioration in health are May, October and November.
Number 7 people are much more susceptible to all kinds of pain and anxiety from their health than people of other numbers. As long as everything goes smoothly, they easily overcome any “blockages” in their work, but if they are disturbed or disturbed, they tend to imagine everything in a darker light than it really is, and easily fall into despondency and melancholy.
They are extremely sensitive to their surroundings and willingly take on any responsibility for those who understand and appreciate them. They are unusually conscientious in doing work that interests them. But their bodies can be too fragile for the burden that they put on themselves, since they are much stronger spiritually than physically. They have especially delicate, thin skin, which, due to the specificity of its structure, worries them with easy perspiration, sweating or increased susceptibility to irritation.
The main herbs and fruits of people of number 7: lettuce (lettuce), cabbage, cucumbers, flaxseed, mushrooms, sorrel, apples, grapes, juices of any fruit.
Years of life in which important changes in their health can occur in either direction: 16th, 25th, 34th, 43rd, 52nd, 61st, 70th. Months most dangerous for their health: January, February, July, August.
Number 8 people are susceptible to diseases of the liver, gallbladder and intestines. They are prone to headaches and rheumatism. They should give up animal food and live on vegetables, herbs and fruits.
The main herbs and fruits of the number 8 people: spinach, banana, plantain, sage, verbena, mandrake root, celery.
The most important in terms of health changes for them will be the 17th, 26th, 35th, 44th, 53rd, 62nd, -71st years of their life.
The months to watch out for overwork and poor health are December, January, February, and June.
Number 9 people are more or less prone to fever, fever of all kinds, roots, scarlet fever, chickenpox, etc. They should avoid heavy food, if possible, limit themselves to wines and other alcoholic beverages.
The main herbs and fruits of luden number 9: onion, garlic, leek, horseradish, rhubarb, mustard seed, wormwood, cheremitsa, ginger, pepper, broom, rapeseed, madder, hops, nettle juice.
The most important years of life, in which they can experience health changes in one direction or another, are the 18th, 27th, 36th, 45th, 54th, 63rd, 72nd years of their life. ...
Months in which you should especially be afraid of deteriorating health or overwork: April, May, October and November.
The connection between music and numbers
Numbers and music have a very definite connection. People of numbers 1, 3, and 9 love marching, uplifting music; people of numbers 2 and 7 are prone to strings and light wind instruments such as violin, cello, harp, flute, "bagpipes; people of number 6 love romantic gentle music of all kinds, having a melody and rhythm; people of number 5 are inclined or extremely original, or unusual music that lies outside the developed musical traditions.People of numbers 4 and 8, if they have any musical ability or a penchant for music, gravitate towards the organ and are often excellent choral singers, but their music always has melancholic notes in the background, religious fervor or fanaticism.
Due to the magnetic rays emitted by number 9 people, their presence often annoys people born under the signs of numbers other than 1, 3, 5 and 6. People born under other numbers are very often nervous or uncomfortable in the presence of people number 9.

Number 1
The number 1 in occultism symbolizes the Sun. This Beginning is what all the other nine numbers were created by. The basis of all numbers is one, the basis of all life is one. This number represents everything that is creative, individual and positive.
Individuals born under the "birth number" 1 or any of its number have principles in their work that make their work creative, strictly individual, very specific in their views. As a result, they are more or less persistent (stubborn) and decisive in everything, no matter what they undertake. This applies to all men and women born under the sign of 1 (1st, 10th, 19th, 28th of any month), but this is especially true if they were born between July 21 and 21-28 August, during the period of the Zodiac, called the "house of the Sun", or between March 21 and April 21-28, when the Sun enters the vernal equinox and is considered elevated or full-strength during this period. That is why people born under the number 1 during these periods should have the qualities of this number, expressed in a particularly strong form.
Number 1 people are ambitious, they do not like restrictions, they always try to break out to the top, whatever their profession or occupation may be. They want to become leaders, "the head", and as leaders they maintain their authority, "set" themselves and are able to make their subordinates look at themselves with respect. Number 1 people should try to carry out their plans (the most important) and ideas on all days corresponding to their number (1st, 10th, 19th, 28th day of any month, but especially in the periods from July 21 to 28 August and from March 21 to April 28).
Outside of their numbers, people of number 1 get along well with people born under the signs of 2, 4 and 7, and especially in those born during the strong periods mentioned above. The days of the week that are most favorable for people of the number 1 are Sunday and Monday, especially if one of their numbers falls on this day, such as the 1st, 10th, 19th, 28th, and somewhat less - their alternating numbers 2, 4 and 7. The most suitable colors for number 1 people are all shades of gold, yellow and bronze to gold-brown. Precious stones - topaz, amber, yellow diamonds and all stones of the same color. Whenever possible, these people should wear a piece of amber on their bodies.
Number 1 was born: Alexander the Great, Bismarck, Calvin, Danton, Goethe, Nansen, Edgar Poe, Brigitte Bardot, Zhukov, Makarenko.
Number 2
The number 2 symbolizes the moon. The moon has the feminine signs of the sun, and thanks to this, the number 1 and number 2 people converge well with each other, despite the fact that they usually have very opposite characters.
Number 2 people are gentle, kind, imaginative, impressionable, artistic and romantic by nature. Like number 1 people, they are very resourceful but not very strong at bringing their ideas to life. The fundamental properties of their character are much more spiritual than physical. These are those who were born on the 2nd, 11th, 20th, or 29th of any month, but their characteristic qualities are manifested especially strongly if they were born between June 20 and July 20-27, i.e. ... during the period called the "house of the moon".
Number 2 people should strive to carry out their main plans and ideas on those days, the numbers of which are in harmony with their own: the advantage should be given to such numbers as 2, 11, 20 or 29, and the period from June 20 to 20-27 is especially favorable. July.
The days of the week most fortunate or fortunate for them are Sunday, Monday and Friday (Friday is favorable because it is ruled by Venus). This is especially evident if on this day a number falls out that is harmonious with 2, as well as with 1, 4 and 7.
The main mistake that people of number 2 should beware of is self-depletion, work without rest, being in a state of disorder and indecision, lack of perspective in their plans and ideas, lack of self-confidence. They are very prone to hypersensitivity, too easily to fall into despondency, despair and melancholy, unless they are in a happy environment. As lucky colors, they should wear all shades of green, from the darkest to the lightest, light green, as well as cream and white. They should avoid all dark colors, especially black, magenta and deep red. Lucky stones for them are pearls, moonstone, all pale green stones, and they should carry a piece of jade (agate) with them, preferably directly on their bodies.
Under the number 2 were born: Ednsson, Musset, Ibsen, Sophia Loren, Bing Crosby.
Number 3
The number 3 in symbolism is associated with Jupiter, the planet that plays the most important role in both astrology and all systems of numerology. This is the beginning of what can be defined as one of the main lines of force that runs through all multiples of 3.
People who have 3 as their birth number were born on the 3rd, 12th, 21st or 30th of any month, but the number 3 especially increases its influence in the so-called "period 3", from 19 February to 20 March 27 and from November 21 to December 20-27.
Number 3 people, like number 1 people, are very ambitious. They are never satisfied if they are in a subordinate position. Their goal is to rise in the world, to gain control and power over others. Nevertheless, they are excellent in executing orders, they love order and discipline in everything. They readily obey orders themselves, but also insist that their commands be followed. Number 3 people often reach the highest levels in whatever profession or area they are in. They often occupy a leading position in the army or navy, in governments, and especially in positions that require trust and responsibility, because are extremely conscientious in the performance of their duties.
A common mistake of these people is adherence to dictatorship, the desire to establish their own laws, their persistence in the implementation of their own ideas. That is why they often make many enemies, although they themselves are not prone to quarrels. Number 3 people are extremely proud, do not like to be in debt, strive for independence and are annoyed by the slightest restrictions.
They are encouraged to carry out their plans on days that are in harmony with their own number, such as the 3rd, 12th, 21st or 30th of each month, but especially when these dates fall on the "period of 3". The most fortunate days of the week are. Tuesday, .-, Thursday - and Friday, Thursday are the most significant. These days are especially favorable if the number that gives 3 falls on them, and also slightly less favorable if the numbers 6, 9, etc.
Number 3 people are in the greatest harmony with people born under their own number 3, or under the numbers 6 and 9. As happy, "lucky" colors, they should wear purple or purple, shades of mauve. Any smear of this color should always be with them, as well as in the room in which they live. All shades of blue, crimson and pink are also favorable for them, but these are still secondary colors for people of number 3. The lucky stone for them is amethyst. They should always carry it with them and, if possible, wear it on the body.
Under the number 3 were born: Lincoln, Churchill, Kipling, Darwin, Mark Twain, Mendelssohn, Voltaire, Peter 1, Stalin.
Number 4
The number 4 symbolizes the planet Uranus. It is believed that Uranus is associated with the Sun, which corresponds to the number 1, and in occultism the symbol of Uranus is written as "4-1". Number 4 people have a special character that distinguishes them from everyone else. They seem to view all things and events from the opposite point of view for all. During discussions, they always strive to take the opposite position, some kind of opposition is always formed around them. By doing this, they make a large number of hidden enemies who constantly act against them.
It is quite natural for them to begin to consider the things or events offered to them from the opposite point of view for others. They instinctively rebel against all rules and regulations, and if they cannot act in their own way, they reverse the order of things even in public and state spheres. They often rebel against the official authorities and establish new orders and rules, both in personal and public life. They are drawn to reforms of all kinds and, being very stable in their views, they are very difficult to make concessions and agreements.
Number 4 people include everyone who was born on the 4th, 13th, 22nd, or 31st of any month. Their inherent individuality is especially pronounced if they were born in the zodiacal period of the "Sun and Moon", namely between June 21 and July 20-27 (Lunar period) and from July 21 to the end of August (Sun period). This is not to say that people of the number 4 make friends easily. But most of all they are attracted by people born under the signs of numbers 1, 2, 7 and 8. They are rarely as lucky in business and endeavors as people born under the signs of other numbers. As a rule, they are more or less indifferent about the accumulation of wealth. If money gets to them, they usually surprise everyone with the way they are used and the benefits they receive from it.
They should try to carry out their plans and ideas on those days to which their number corresponds, namely the 4th, 13th, 22nd or 31st of each month, but especially if these days fall on the time of their "strong period ": from June 21 to July 20-27 and from July 21 to the end of August. The days of the week are the happiest," lucky ", for them - Saturday, Sunday and Monday, especially if these days have" their "number or what - any of those harmonious with him - 1, 2 or 7.
The main disadvantage of these people is that they are overly stressed and overly sensitive. They are easily vulnerable in their feelings and tend to feel lonely and abandoned, almost always fall into despondency and melancholy if they do not succeed. As a rule, they have very few real friends, but in relation to the few that they have, they can be very devoted and attached. However, they tend to take the side of the defeated in all matters and disputes in which they themselves participate.
As lucky colors, they should wear so-called "penumbra" or halftones, as well as "Electro" colors. Electro blue and all shades of gray suit them best. Their lucky stone is sapphire, light or dark, they should wear it directly on their bodies.
Under the number 4 were born: Byron, Faraday, Bacon, Dode, Conan Doyle, Kant, Schubert, Wagner.
Number 5
The number 5 in occultism symbolizes the planet Mercury and in all its characteristics is changeable, impermanent, mobile. Number 5 people include those who were born on the 5th, 14th, 23rd of any month, but their characteristics are especially pronounced if they were born in the so-called "period 5" - from May 21 to 20-27 nyunya or from August 21 to September 20-27.
Number 5 people easily find friends and get along well with people born under the gender signs of almost all other numbers, but their best friends are those born under their own number 5. Number 5 people are constantly in a state of spiritual tension. They live on nerves and seem to be looking for a reason for arousal themselves. They are quick in thoughts and decisions, impulsive in their actions, hate any lengthy and painstaking work, it is quite natural for them to strive to “make their money fast”. They have a keen eye for money earned through ingenuity and new ideas. They are born gamblers, stock speculators and, as a rule, are always willing to take risks in all the cases they take on.
These people are amazingly flexible. They recover from the heaviest blows surprisingly quickly, it seems that nothing can press over them "for a long time. Like their symbol - mercury, which is represented by Mercury, the blows of Destiny leave no trace on their character. If they are good people, they will remain the same, if they are bad, all the sermons of the world will not have the slightest effect on them.
Number 5 people should strive to carry out their plans and ideas on those days on which their own number falls, i.e. The 5th, 14th or 23rd of any month, but especially when those dates fall within "period 5".
The days of the week most favorable for them are Wednesday and Friday, especially if they account for "their" number.
The main disadvantage of these people is that they often exhaust their nervous system to the point where they get nervous breakdowns in the worst manifestations and under the influence of the slightest pressure they easily lose their composure, become irritable, unable to show tolerance for other people's shortcomings. Their lucky colors are all shades of light gray, white and all shiny materials. Since they easily converge with people born under any numbers, they can wear all shades of any color, but light shades are best for them and they should try to wear dark colors as little as possible. Their lucky stone is a diamond or diamond, and all shiny things are also happy ALA. They should trim everything with platinum or silver and, if possible, wear platinum with diamonds directly on the body.
Under the number 5 were born: Shakespeare, Fahrenheit, Karl Marx, Mesmer, Resilier, Talleyrand, Eisenhower, Einstein.
Number 6
The number 6 in occultism symbolizes Venus. People who have 6 as their sign under which they were born include everyone who was born on the 6th, 15th or 24th day of any month, but the number 6 has a special influence on their life if they were born during the period called "house 6", namely from April 20 to May 20-27 and from September 21 to October 20-27. As a rule, all number 6 people are extremely magnetic. They attract other people to themselves, are loved, and often cause admiration from those below them. They are very tough in the implementation of their plans and can seem unforgiving and stubborn, except when they themselves are imbued with deep devotion: in this case, they become slaves to those they love.
Number 6 people are more prone to so-called "maternal" rather than sensual love, although Venus is believed to have a great influence on them. - They seek out romanticism and ideals in all their affections, but in some cases they very faithfully correspond to the supposed qualities of Venus They love beautiful things, create artistically furnished homes, tend to rich, saturated colors, and have aptitude for drawing, sculpture and music. If they are rich, they are especially generous towards people of art, they are fond of all types of art, they like to entertain their friends and make everyone around themselves happy. The only thing they can't stand is all kinds of strife and jealousy. Seized with anger, they do not tolerate any objections and are ready to death for the cause or the person to whom they are devoted. They can do this out of a sense of duty.
Number 6 people are endowed with a great ability to make friends, more than people other than people of number 5, but they especially easily converge with people born under 3, 6 and 9.
The most important days of the week for them are Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, primarily Friday, especially if the number 3, 6 or 9 falls on these days, as well as other numbers of their series. They should try to carry out their plans in numbers corresponding to their own number, i.e. 6th, 15th, or 24th of any month, but especially when those dates fall within "period 6".
Their lucky colors are all shades of blue, from the lightest to the darkest, and all shades of pink or light crimson, but they should avoid wearing dark purples or blacks. Their lucky stone is turquoise and they should, if possible, wear jewelry with it or a piece of turquoise right on their bodies. Emeralds are also lucky stones for number 6 people.
Under the number 6 were born: Napoleon 1, Walter Scott, Michel Angelo, Rembrandt, Leonardo da Vinci, Repin.
Number 7
The number 7 in symbolism means the planet Neptune and is a sign of those born on the 7th, 16th or 25th day of any month. The influence of 7 is especially strong on these people if they were born from June 21 to July 20-27, during the period of the Zodiac, called the "house of the moon". The planet Neptune has always been considered in connection with the body of the Moon and with the tone part of the Zodiac, which is called the "First House of Water". This is easily and logically explained by the very name of the planet Neptune, which is always associated with water.
Since the numerical sign of the Moon is always defined as 2, then people of the number 7 always have their second number 2. They get along well and make friends with everyone who was born under the sign of the Moon, namely the 2nd, 11th, 20th or On the 29th of any month, especially if they were also born in the "house of the moon".
People born under the 7 sign are very independent, original and have a pronounced originality. In their hearts, they love change and travel and are very tireless by nature. If they have the means to satisfy their desires, then they visit other countries and are keenly interested in the affairs of other, far-lying states. They love travel books and tend to have extensive universal knowledge of the big world.
People born under the sign of 7 often make good writers, artists and poets, but sooner or later they come to a specific philosophical outlook on life, which gives a special shade to all their works. They care little about the material side of life, while at the same time they often become rich people thanks to their original ideas or methods of doing business. If they achieve wealth, they willingly make donations to various institutions and for charitable purposes. Women born under this number usually marry successfully, because they always care about the future and always feel that they need a shore to be nailed to so that the waters of Destiny will not wash them overboard.
Number 7 people think well in business terms and, as a rule, their plans are very successful if only they carry them out. When circumstances permit, they willingly engage in matters related to the sea: in trade or business, they often become merchants, exporters or importers working with other countries, as well as owners or captains of ships. They have a specific view of religion. They do not like to walk beaten paths, create their own religion, but one that primarily appeals to imagination and mysticism. These people usually have significant dreams, they have a great penchant for the occult. They have developed the gift of intuition, clairvoyance and a special, only inherent in them, soothing magnetism, which has a great influence on others. Number 7 people should try to carry out their plans and ideas on those days on which their own number falls, namely the 7th, 16th or 25th of any month, especially if these dates fall on the "period 7", namely from June 21 to July 20-27. The most successful days of the week, the happiest for them are the same as for the people of the number 2, i.e. Sunday and Monday, especially if one of these days falls on their own number or any of their interchangeable numbers - 1, 2 or 4. Their lucky colors are all shades of green, pale shades, and also white and yellow. All heavy dark colors should be avoided as much as possible. Their lucky stones are moonstone, cat's eye and pearls. If possible, they should wear a moonstone or moss on their bodies.
Born under the number 7: Charles Dickens, Oscar Wilde, Bret Hart, Newton, Picasso.
Number 8
The number 8 in occultism symbolizes the planet Saturn. This number has an effect on all people born on the 8th, 17th or 26th of any month, but this influence is especially strong if they were born between December 21 and January 19-26, a period called the "house of Sathurna" (positive), or from January 19 to February 19-26, a period also called the "house of Saturn" (negative).
In their lives, they are often doomed to be misunderstood by others and, perhaps, therefore, in their souls they feel terrible loneliness. These are people with a deep nature, subject to strong feelings, with a strong, pronounced individuality. As a rule, they play a rather prominent role on the life stage, but this role usually has a fatal connotation, often such people are an instrument of Destiny in relation to others.
If they strike at any religion they want, they reach the point of excessiveness and fanaticism in their zeal. In any such case, they are trying to pave the way for their idea, despite any objections and opposition. Doing all this usually makes themselves cruel and ruthless enemies. Often they seem to be cold, expressionless people, although in reality they have tender, loving hearts, responsive not only to the sufferings of loved ones, but also to all oppressed, oppressed. But they hide their feelings, allowing people to judge them as they please. Number 8 people are either very lucky or bitter losers; in their case, there seems to be no middle ground. If they are ambitious, they try to manifest themselves in public life or in government positions and often reach a fairly high position, but it costs them a lot. From a common point of view, eight is not at all the lucky number under which one should wish to be born, th. the number 8 people very often get undeserved blows of fate, trash, sadness and humiliation.
Lucky colors for people born under the 8 sign are all shades of dark gray, black, dark blue and purple. If number 8 people dress in light-colored clothes, they look awkward, awkward, as if something is wrong with them. The number 8 is the number of Saturn, so Saturday is their most important day. Due to the fact that the number 4 affects Sunday and, in a secondary way, Monday, people of the number 8 refer to their important days, in addition to Saturday, Sunday and Monday.
People of the number 8 should try to implement their plans and goals on those days on which "their" number falls, for example, on the 8th, 17th or 26th of any month, but especially if these dates fall on the "period of eight", namely from December 21 to January 19-26 and from January 19 to February 19-26, as well as if they fall on Saturday, Sunday, Monday. Favorable are “and days corresponding to the number 4 alternating with 8, i.e. 4th, 1st and 22nd day of each month. Lucky stones for people number 8 - amethyst and dark sapphire, black pearls and black diamonds. If possible, they should wear one of these stones on their bodies. Eight is a number that is difficult to explain. It represents two worlds - spiritual or material, and even outwardly, if you pay attention, the number eight looks like two circles touching each other. Eight is composed of two equal numbers 4 and 4. Since ancient times, the number 8 has been associated with the symbol of the inevitability of Fate, both in relation to the lives of individuals and entire nations. In astrology, the number 8 symbolizes the planet Saturn, which is also called the planet of Destiny.
One side of the nature of this number represents coup, revolution, anarchy, capriciousness, inconsistency and eccentricity of all kinds. The other side represents philosophical thinking, a strong penchant for the occult, religious commitment, focus on purpose, zeal, zeal in whatever endeavor you give yourself up to, and a fatal perspective that colors all action.
All people whose life is in some way connected with the number 8 clearly feel that they are “not like that”, that they are not like other people. They are lonely at heart, they are not understood and they very early reap the fruits of “gratitude” for the many good deeds they have done. After death, they are often praised, their work is praised, and tribute is paid to their memory. At a lower level, they usually come into conflict with human justice and end their lives tragically. At a higher level, they carry their incomprehensible motives through their whole lives and reveal the tragedy of their souls only before Divine Justice.
The difference by which one should judge in which of the two classes a person of number 8 falls should be sought by the similarity of his “disappearing numbers”. If they are completely suppressed by the constantly recurring number 8 in the most important moments of their life, or some as strong number as 1, 3, 6, etc. from their series does not level the consequences of events that happened under the sign 8 and other numbers from the same series.
If the reason is this, then you can be sure that through a long series of reincarnations through which they went through, they paid already in one of the previous states and are now on their way to the higher, where Divine Justice will give them a well-deserved reward. Or, on the contrary, we find that the person is completely dominated by the number 8, constantly appearing on the stage at important moments, or instead of 8, the equally fatal number 4. In this case, we can be sure that we are witnessing one of those strange jokes Destinies with such opportunities that the appearance of tragedies on the path of life becomes quite likely.
Born under number 8: Bernard Shaw, Wilkie Collins, Maria Steward, Jules Berne, Elizabeth Taylor.
Number 9
The number 9 in occultism symbolizes the planet Mars. This number has an effect on everyone born on the 9th, 18th or 27th of any month, but this is especially true if the date of birth of this person falls on the period between March 21 and April 19-26, called the "house of Mars "(Positive), or for the period between October 21 and November 20-27, also called" the house of Mars "(negative).
Number 9 people are fighters in everything, no matter what they undertake in life. In their younger years, they usually have "hard times", but, as a rule, towards the end of their lives they still achieve success thanks to endurance, strong will and determination of character. Number 9 people have a hot-tempered character, they are harsh, impulsive, independent and always strive to be their own masters. If the number 9 begins to appear too often in important dates and events in their lives, they find that they have made big enemies for themselves, cause strife wherever they appear, and often get wounded or die, both in peaceful life and on the field. battle. These people have courage, they make excellent soldiers, fighters and leaders in whatever business they give themselves to.
The greatest dangers threaten them from their own courageous recklessness and impulsiveness in words and deeds. They often have a specific propensity for catastrophes associated with fire or explosions, and they rarely go through life without suffering damage from these sources. As a general rule, they have one or more times_ in their lives to perform "under the surgeon's knife." Their home life is usually accompanied by quarrels and squabbles, the same applies to other relationships.
Number 9 people are inherently intolerant of criticism, even if they are not conceited, they still have the best opinion of themselves. At the same time, they do not tolerate anyone's interference in their own plans, they love when they are looked at from the bottom up and wish to be always recognized as the "head of the house." They are good organizers, inventive, tireless, but they should always and in everything observe strict control: otherwise they will lose their composure, find themselves out of work and "everything will fall to pieces." For the sake of their sympathies and love, they are ready to do anything: from a man who was born with this sign, you can make a complete fool if an intelligent woman picks up the keys to his heart.
As a rule, they get along well with people whose birth dates are under the sign of 3, 6 or 9, or some other number from their series, i.e. with people born on the 3rd, 6th, 9th, 12th, 15th, 18th, 21st, 24th, 27th or 30th of any month. All these numbers are in harmony with the number 9 people.
It is believed that 9 is a number, born under the sign of which special luck. It is true only if the person born under this number really pays serious attention to him and he will not be led astray by either increased irascibility or an excess of strength that this number expresses. The lucky colors of people born under the sign of 9 are all shades of crimson, red, and also pink. The most important days of the week for them are Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, but especially Tuesday, also called the "day of Mars".
Number 9 people should strive to fulfill all their important plans for the days on which their own number falls, such as the 9th, 18th or 27th of any month, but especially when these dates fall on the "period of nine", and exactly from March 21 to April 19-26 or from October 21 to November 20-27, as well as for all interchangeable numbers, i.e. those that correspond to 3 and 6. Their lucky stones are ruby, garnet and heliotrope (bloodstone) and they are advised to carry them with them, preferably directly on their bodies.
In all areas of occult calculations, for whatever purpose they are made, the numbers 7 and 9 are considered the most important. Seven has always been understood to be associated with the spiritual side, acting as a Divine or creative force on earth. As a creative number, it appears to the highest spiritual in humanity. Nine, as opposed to seven, is a symbol of physical strength in any form and is associated with all material.
The number 9, representing a person and everything connected with the physical and material side, is a symbol of strength, energy, destruction and war in their most overwhelming qualities. In its application to ordinary life, it means energy, ambition, ambition, aspiration and ability for leadership, power. It represents iron, the metal from which weapons are made. The number 9 is the emblem of a deed that can never be destroyed, since 9, being multiplied by any number, always reproduces itself. All ancient peoples encouraged fear of the number 9 and all its derivatives. It is believed to be born. under the sign of the number 9 - great luck, unless a man or woman born under this sign, do not strive for a peaceful and monotonous life and know how to curb their character so as not to make enemies.
Number 9 were born: Roosevelt, Kepler, Paganini.
Recommendations for those born under the numbers 4 and 8
People born under the sign 4 or 8 need to avoid the numbers 4 and 8 by all means, namely, not to live in houses and apartments under the signs of these numbers, not to choose the lat, giving them, if these numbers do not bring them good luck. A briefly formulated rule, which should be followed in this case by people of numbers 4 and 8, sounds like this: "Never increase the power of these numbers." Consequently, these people should not follow the rule established for those born with gender signs of other numbers, but on the contrary - they should do the opposite.
Since they cannot change the numbers of their birth, they have the opportunity to change the number of their name and ensure that it gives a different number from among the lucky ones. It is desirable that it be one of the numbers with stable strong vibrations, such as 1, 3, 5 or 6. Having firmly and definitely taken this path and finally deciding that from now on they will be represented by a new number given by their name in relation to this new numbers, you should adhere to the rule set out above, namely: think of yourself as this number, try to feel one with it, plan all important matters for the dates that this number gives.
Having done all this, persistently and persistently continuing to do so, people of the number 4 or 8 will avoid the manifest unfavorable qualities of "unlucky fate" and will become almost as lucky as others.

However, you should not expect the results of such a change to show up within a few days, as is the case with many impatient people. Be patient a little, and after a reasonable period of time you will see pronounced changes in your favor as a result of your actions.

In numerology, there are certain numbers and combinations of numbers with which you can attract what you want into your life, speed up processes and even manage time!

What magic numbers attract good luck

In order to use the magic of numbers for your own purposes, you need to know about their properties.

  • If you want to enlarge something, for example, your income or the number of fans, then your lucky number will be 1 and 7. One is energy and purpose, seven is a mysterious action. These two digits add up to 8, the number of infinity. How do you put the magic of these numbers into practice? It's very simple! For example, when counting, receiving or touching money, say to yourself: "seven plus one."
  • If you want to be lucky everywhere and in everything, repeat the number 21. Say it out loud, whisper or think about it when you urgently need to attract good luck. This number will be an excellent talisman of good luck for those who were born on the 21st, or live in apartment 21. If you are haunted by this number in life, then you are lucky!
  • If you do not have time to do something and want the time to last longer, the number 91 will help you. One is the beginning, nine is the end. Thus, you slow down time for yourself, since these numbers cover the entire time cycle.
  • If you want to stop time, for example, in order to delay an unwanted meeting, repeat "four" to yourself. The four is capable of slowing down the action, delaying the process.
  • If, on the contrary, you want to speed up time or any process, say to yourself: "twenty". Two is multiplication, and zero is opposition to all difficulties.
  • If you are starting any important businessand want to enlist the support of higher powers, then repeat to yourself: "forty forties." This number will help you fulfill your plans.

According to numerology, the magic of numbers can be an excellent assistant in any business. Try to attract happiness, money, luck, love into your life with the help of magic numbers, manage your time and protect yourself from troubles! Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

22.06.2014 09:00

Numbers have a magical property to help us in the most important moments of life. With the help of proven ...

From the point of view of geometry, the phrase "Pythagoras Square" has no meaning. However, in numerology there is ...

In our life, numbers occupy a special place, the magic of which has haunted people since ancient times. Many are interested in their origin and impact on humans. It is not surprising, because we are faced with numbers at every step. They accompany people from birth to death. Today we cannot imagine our life without numbers. We invite you to find out what their magic is.

There are a huge variety of numbers, as well as superstitions associated with them. Even a person far from magic and not believing in omens will still spit over his shoulder three times or hit the table three times in order not to "jinx". And the magic of numbers for attracting money is becoming especially popular today.

Ancient ideas about numbers

Many of us have our own favorite number, and we believe that it will definitely bring us good luck. Modern superstitions are echoes of the ancient ideas of humanity about the mystical power that numbers are endowed with. In a distant time, there were tribes, the account of which stopped at two or three. Anything that exceeded these numbers was designated by the concept of "darkness" or "a lot." What could not be counted seemed to be beyond comprehension. Therefore, it was mysterious. People considered it sacred and endowed with various supernatural properties. This was the ancient magic of numbers.

The emergence of numerology

After a while, humanity invented numerology. Its roots go back to antiquity, because even primitive tribes used numbers. People still follow numerology, consciously or not. For example, the number of flowers in a bouquet must be odd, otherwise you will be misunderstood. The studied material should be repeated three times, and the service is for 6 or 12 persons. Many superstitions reflect the magic of numbers. For example, in many countries there are no planes with tail number 13. Also, in hotels they prefer to avoid number 13, and houses may not have floor number 13. Another example is the magic of the number of birth, which is very popular in our time.

Secret knowledge

Numerology in ancient times was a secret knowledge that belonged to the most educated elite of the state. It was studied by Indian Brahmins, Assyrian magicians, Egyptian priests. The priests of ancient Memphis believed that the art of will and the science of numbers are two keys that open all the doors of the universe to man. In ancient Greece, numbers were also surrounded by special reverence.

Pythagoras and the Pythagorean school

Back in the 6th century BC. e. the main provisions of modern Western numerology were developed. This credit goes to Pythagoras, the ancient Greek mathematician and philosopher. He combined the mathematical foundations of the Phoenicians, Druids, Arabs and Egyptians into a system, combining them with the sciences of human nature that existed at that time. Pythagoras was born around 580 BC. e. He made many travels in Chaldea, Egypt and other countries. Returning home, Pythagoras founded a special philosophical society in southern Italy. In it, known as the Pythagorean school, various sciences were studied. A special place among them was occupied by arithmetic, astronomy and geometry. Members of this society made important discoveries.

The magic of Pythagoras numbers

Pythagoras argued that numbers rule the world. His supporters believed that they were living their own special mystical life. Behind each object, as the Pythagoreans believed, there is certainly one or another number. They, like spirits, bring people happiness and unhappiness, good and evil. The magic of numbers can both help a person and harm. You just need to know which numbers are good and which are evil.

The connection of numbers with fate

The ancient thinker Pythagoras, expounding this mysterious science to his students, said that a person has so much power over his own destiny, as far as he is familiar with the magic of numbers. The Pythagoreans put one above the others. They believed that the whole world went from her. The unit in their view was the beginning of all that exists, the gods, the universe. The deuce symbolizes marriage, love. However, it is a symbol of the fickle. The Pythagoreans identified perfection with the triplet. It seemed to them an extraordinary figure, since it is obtained from the sum of the two previous ones. The number six was also considered amazing. After all, it is obtained by multiplying or adding all the numbers divisible by it. Indeed, the number 6 is divisible by 1, 2 and 3, and when we add or multiply them, we again get 6. This is a unique property that only six has. And in our time, the magic of Pythagoras numbers is actively used. for example, relies on it. Pythagoras developed a special technique for reducing numbers, bringing them to numbers. Let's briefly describe its essence.

Pythagoras theory

This thinker, as well as his followers and students, reduced all available numbers to numbers, that is, from 1 to 9 inclusive. They believed that these were the original numbers. All others are derived from them. Today we can say that this does not inspire confidence, because, for example, there is only one such figure, and there are 15 of them in hexadecimal.

The Pythagoreans developed various systems for reducing large numbers to elementary ones. The most popular and simplest method is to add all the digits of a given number. Then, if you get 10 or more, add those numbers as well. This process should be continued until an elementary number remains. It should be noted that in some variants of calculations, the numbers 11 and 22 are considered dominant. They are not quoted.

Numerology by date of birth and the magic of Pythagoras numbers are related. The above methods of "analysis" can be used not only for it, but also for any numbers. Here are some examples of where the magic of numbers is applied. Date of birth, apartment number, telephone number and so on - everything can be analyzed. In addition, you can find out the meaning of words from the point of view of numerology.

Numerological analysis of words

With the help of it, you can find out, in particular, what a particular name bears. After all, the name distinguishes a person from other people. This is the basis for believing that it contains a person's individuality. With the help of analysis, you can reveal his fate and character. To do this, numerologists make up special tables in which a certain number corresponds to the birthday and each letter of the name. The sum obtained by adding numbers is reduced to a digit. She is the essence of the name. In other words, a person "corresponds" to certain character traits inherent in the number. He also determines his fate.

Can you trust numerology

Of course, the magic of numbers, date of birth, the secret of the name, horoscopes, etc. are not able to influence the activities, character and fate of a person who knows himself and his abilities. However, in superstitious people, these factors create additional emotions. In one case, these emotions add strength and energy to a person, give confidence, and bring joy. In another, the magic of numbers causes fear, uncertainty, suppresses the will. People begin to doubt their abilities, believe in fate. Some even seriously think that there is a magic of numbers to attract money. As you can see, some people take numerology very seriously.

We offer you a detailed description of the numbers 3, 7 and 13. Having become acquainted with it, you will find out how many interesting things are associated with them.

Number three

Many superstitions arise around him. They date back to the time when our ancestors counted no more than three. As you remember, the ancients had their own magic of numbers. Numerology and religion have borrowed a lot from our ancestors. The three is sacred in many religions. Even in the ancient world there was a three-faced, there were 3 hypostases of female characters in mythology (3 graces, erinia, gorgons, mountains). The understanding of cognition in Buddhism is perceived as a three-fold (trikaya). In addition, there is tritarna - the symbol of the three jewels, as well as trilakshna - the 3 signs of Buddhism.

Three in Christianity and folklore

The Christian religion has its own magic of numbers. Numerology and religion in this respect have quite a lot in common, although the latter does not recognize the former. In Christianity, for example, there is a concept of the Trinity. There is one God who appears in three hypostases (persons). It is known to be the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Almost all church rituals and ceremonies are performed using the troika. An example is the three-fingered addition of the fingers, which is carried out with a sign. At baptism, a three-time immersion is performed. At meetings and partings, three kissing is accepted. The soul leaves the human body exactly on the third day after we die. Other examples can be cited. In folklore, the number 3 is one of the most popular. The hero must complete 3 tasks, the king has 3 daughters, the snake has 3 heads, etc.

Number seven

This number has been endowed with magical properties since ancient times. Our ancestors saw in it a reflection of many phenomena of the surrounding world. For example, it was believed that there are 7 moving planets in the sky orbiting the Earth. These planets are: Sun, Mars, Moon, Venus, Jupiter, Mercury, Saturn. The ancient Babylonians deified them. They believed that the 7 gods who live on them control the destinies of peoples and individuals.

Apparently, the origin of the 7-day week is associated with the number of these celestial bodies. Since the Moon is visible in the sky for 28 days, this period is divided into 4 phases, including 7 days each. For Arabs, Jews, Assyrians, the number seven was an oath. The oath of the French is: "Strong as seven." This number is also found in the Bible. Our world was created in seven days, there are also seven sacraments. For a long time, only 7 metals were recognized in alchemy.

The meaning of the seven in numerology

What does numerology say about the meaning of the seven? This secret, the study of the invisible and the unknown. Astrologers believe that 7 is the perfect number. It unites the ideality of the six with the integrity of the one and has its own symmetry, which makes it a truly mental number.

Seven is the number of luck. Many people associate the magic of numbers with it. Money, love, longevity - this figure promises everything. She is considered the most sacred and magical number that personifies secret knowledge, holiness and wisdom. And what does the magic of numbers by date of birth tell us? Seven corresponds to such properties of the human personality as a poetic soul and diligence, developed intuition, a tendency to think analytically, rich imagination, as well as a vivid imagination. Seven is the number with which musicians and poets, thinkers and philosophers are born. It is also characterized by the ability of a person to direct his talent into the world of science, philosophy and art, into religious activity. We can say that this is the most mysterious number. It is believed that its owners are talented, inquisitive and emotional. They have a penchant for invention and a good sense of humor.

Number thirteen

It is known as the Devil's Dozen, and the English also call it the Baker's Dozen. This interesting name has its own history. The fact is that bakers in the Middle Ages were afraid of the harsh punishments that were envisaged at that time for deceiving customers (it even went as far as cutting off the hand). So they added an extra bun to every dozen in fear of accidentally making a mistake.

As we have already noted, in many European cities in our time there are no apartments, floors, houses at number 13. It is also allowed through when the seats are numbered in buses and planes, in train cars and in auditoriums. It is believed to bring misfortune to people.


According to ancient belief, 13 is a heck of a dozen. Therefore, it is believed that it does not bode well. Especially if this number falls on Friday - then you will certainly expect trouble. As you know, Monday is considered a difficult day. However, many people do not particularly like Friday either. On this day, unknown forces can bring many troubles to people, since all the worst that is in the number 13 and on Friday doubles when they are combined. Therefore, this unfortunate day is considered "the day of Satan." The fear of Friday the 13th is even called by the special hard-to-pronounce word friggatriskaidekaphobia, or paraskavedekatriaphobia.

And this is not at all superstition and not a joke. For example, in one reputable publication, the British Medical Journal, it was noted that surgeons on Fridays, especially on the thirteenth, try not to perform planned operations. They know that on this day, the risk of failure doubles! Official medicine has not yet practically studied this phenomenon, but it exists.

It must be said that not only narrow-minded people, but also geniuses believe in such prejudices. For example, Goethe tried to spend Friday the 13th in bed. Bismarck did not sign documents, and Napoleon avoided battles. In 1913 the writer G. D "Annunzio dated all his letters to 1912 + 1.

How to beat your fear of number 13

The fear of the number 13 is quite common. So much so that he was classified as triscadecaphobia in neuroses. According to some reports, in the United States, this fear affects from 17 to 21 million people. Typical symptoms range from mild anxiety to real panic. Many people are influenced by this number to change their schedule or business decision. Often they even refuse to work on such an unfavorable day.

There is one very simple cure for this phobia. You need to focus your attention on pleasant things that happen even on the 13th. You don't need to focus on failure. Other medicines can be found in folklore of different peoples. For example, you need to climb to the top of a mountain (you can skyscraper), and then burn all holey socks here. You can also eat a piece of cartilage while standing on your head. What to do for you - decide for yourself.

The meaning of numbers, their magic - all this is very interesting, albeit ambiguous. In this article, we have touched on only some aspects of numerology. We hope you have found the information you are interested in.

In search of happiness and the key to a long and prosperous life, a person resorts to various tricks, conducts magic rituals and ancient rituals, uses the power of talismans and amulets. He tries to prevent unwanted events in his life, to avoid them, studying astrological forecasts, tries to comprehend the secrets of palmistry and numerology. All this taken together is a powerful tool, with which a person is able to control his own destiny.

Numerical and digital magic in esotericism was actively practiced in Ancient Egypt, Rome, Babylon, Greece. True, in those days, numerology was not used in the form that is familiar to modern people. In those days, it was a teaching accessible only to a select few people - alchemists, astronomers, healers, shamans, etc. Not a single world religion at that time recognized numerology, believing that it was the Devil's tool.

Over time, when such scientific disciplines as astronomy, physics, mathematics (including algebra and geometry) reached a new level of development and were already quite well spread, in many religions they stopped looking at numerology as a "devil of Hell", and its supporters ceased to be accused of demonism and persecuted.

What is Numerology?

Numerology today, as in antiquity, is considered the science of numbers, but these numbers are not simple, but magical, although they have nothing to do with magic itself. They are called magical for a different reason - simple mathematical manipulations with them allow you to get very accurate predictions about a variety of life situations and events. Numerological science, like esoteric science, has received great application in astrology, using its digital subtleties and aspects in its calculations and algorithms.

The exact date or period of time during which the foundation was laid for the formation and development of numerology is unknown. In ancient times, numerology was used in their practice by Egyptian, Indian, Roman, Babylonian and Greek scientists, they simply called numerology differently - arithmomancy (or the science of predictions by numbers).

If we talk about the version of numerology that was developed in the West in the 16th century even before the beginning of our era, then the ancient Greek mathematician and philosopher Pythagoras should be considered its author. He was the first to discover the vibration of numbers and its influence on the fate of a person. He was also able to successfully combine the developments of the Phoenician, Druidic, Egyptian and Arab mathematical systems into a single complex, including the science of human nature. Traveling a lot to different countries (Egypt, Chaldea, etc.), stopping in southern Italy, Pythagoras became the founder of a special philosophical society - the Pythagorean school, in which geometry, arithmetic, astronomy were the main sciences.

Numerology basics

Numerology practices the principles of simple addition according to a certain principle, as a result of which their sum should be represented by a single digit. All single digits belong to a numeric range. The numbers of this numerical series in occult practice are characterized by a certain meaning and endowed with certain properties, images, concepts.

In magical practice, the numerical values \u200b\u200bof alphabetic letters are also actively used, they are determined by the ordinal number of the letter in the alphabet. To get the numerological meaning of any word, phrase or expression, it is enough to add together the alphabetic ordinal numbers of the letters that make them up. The magic of the numbers that surround each of us in the form of various codes, addresses, significant dates, apartment / house numbers and various technical devices (including serial numbers) influences our destiny.


Even a ticket for travel by any transport is fraught with a numerical code of an event that can happen to us on a trip. Each of us has a “happy” thing in our wardrobe and one that subconsciously wants to get rid of, no matter how dear it cost you. When purchasing clothes, it seems to us that we are guided by the principle of "like / dislike", in fact, we subconsciously choose our fate, and not clothes. This, in principle, applies to the acquisition of any things / objects - from small household items to furniture, cars and real estate. You can check this when you enter, for example, a bank card. Usually, you choose the one you like best by the numerical number, like the sim card for the mobile device.

This is the very numerical magic discovered in due time by Pythagoras, transformed over several centuries and dressed in a new, simpler and more accessible form for us. The teachings of the Pythagoreans were the basis for the origin and development of various European secret societies - Freemasons, Anthroposophists, Rosicrucians, Kabbalists, etc. In each of them, the meanings and schemes of reading certain numerical combinations were individually developed, but they took the laws of the concept proposed by Pythagoras as the basis of their teaching ...

Numerological science, transformed into gematria, received special significance in Kabbalah - the Hebrew doctrine of the universe, God, man and their interconnections.

Kabbalists have endowed numbers with special power and filled them with a special divine meaning.

Representatives of this trend were able to expand the concept of Pythagoras, using the principle of his number square to solve a variety of purposes and their own esoteric doctrines with their many magic kabbalistic squares. With their help, you can decipher almost all the events taking place around us.

There are many magic squares that perform different functions. Kabbalists were convinced that the 3 x 3 square represented the forbidden name of the Lord. Alchemists assured that using it you can turn metal into bars of gold. During the Middle Ages, squares of this kind were made (cut out, minted) of silver and kept with them as an amulet / talisman / amulet. European society began to use such magic squares at a time when plague struck Europe. Europeans believed in their powerful protective properties. Albrecht Dürer in one of his engravings depicted such a magic square, known as "Melancholy":

Kabbalah deciphers historical dates, individual words and large texts and names / titles, predetermines the fate of people, the likely consequences of future events, etc. However, Kabbalah presupposes the duality of each number when it acts as a unit of measurement, but at the same time it can reveal a secret the spiritual side of any subject. When, in the 19th century, the curtain over the secrets of the nature of magnetism, electricity and light was opened, humanity, pushing back the ancient occult concepts of the meaning of numbers, started talking about the vibration of energy, its effect on humans.

The principle of modern numerology

The main principle she practices is based on simple addition. The number series is the initial one, all other numbers of different orders can be formed from it. The Pythagoreans developed a system for reducing a large number to an elementary one by adding its numbers that make up it. If the addition results in a two-digit number, it should also be abbreviated. In a word, the addition algorithm proceeds along this cycle until the result of this mathematical operation is an elementary number from the range of values.

Numerology: scope

Similarly to astrology, using numerology, you can study the nature of an event, phenomenon, action, object and the person himself, her knowledge allows:

  • reveal the special properties of a person's character;
  • determine his abilities, predispositions and defects;
  • identify its strengths and vulnerabilities;
  • predict the future;
  • study the impact of certain events on him;
  • indicate a favorable time to make an important decision;
  • choose a positive geographic point for residence within the city / region / country;
  • warn against possible danger;
  • identify the dates favorable for important business meetings, the conclusion of agreements / contracts;
  • help choose a partner for a marriage union, determine the compatibility of the characters of future spouses;
  • identify positive areas of activity for self-realization, etc.

Each number corresponds to a specific meaning, such an individual interpretation of them allows you to decipher all the events listed above. Since both numbers and letters (including Latin ones) are subject to decoding, the possibilities of numerology are quite wide.

Each person has his own individual cycle, based on certain numbers, which can be obtained as a result of carrying out some calculations by his date of birth, name, street name (or city / region / country) of his place of residence, car brand, etc. On the basis of the obtained calculations, you can build a personal numerological horoscope.

If, for example, you want to determine the nature of your future partner, you need to use the data of his date of birth and a table of values \u200b\u200bthat looks like this:

The decoding of the meaning of each cell of this square and their general interpretation can be found on a specialized website on the Internet.

With its help, you can give an accurate assessment of those events that have already occurred, study real life and the events occurring in it, trends, and also look into the future. In this case, the information concerning the present and future tense is of the greatest value. If a person cannot change the past, then he can try to correct his life today or tomorrow.

Numerology: practical examples

Similarly to astrology, using numerology, you can study the nature of an event, find a lucky / unlucky number for yourself, determine the number of wealth / poverty, etc.

Money magic

Its own monetary "magic" is inherent in numerology, based on the magic of numbers and numbers, in its power, for example:

  • decoding the meaning and energy force of any banknotes;
  • search for a "lucky" or "unlucky" bill;
  • determining the date of a successful / unsuccessful transaction;
  • the possibility of attracting money, etc.

Numbers and money are closely related concepts, since the invention of digital signs is associated with the need to calculate something, determine its value (in equivalent) for purchase or sale, etc. The solution of monetary issues in numerology is carried out according to different schemes and principles, but all of them are aimed at achieving a single result - to determine the financial potential of a person and direct his activities in the necessary (beneficial to him) direction.

Determination of the magic number by the banknote code

The calculation of the money code must be performed on the banknote with which you are lucky (it can be sudden money, change transferred, the result of a successful transaction, etc.). The dignity of the bill itself does not matter, since it is not its denomination that is valuable to us, but the number that can bring financial success. To determine it, you should add together all the numbers that make it up.

The two-digit result must be reduced to one digit, therefore the digits of the obtained two-digit result are summed up to obtain a prime number. If the first addition gives you 10/11/12 values, you don't need to simplify them, because these numbers have a special meaning. However, if you want, you can simplify these numbers too, analyze them, and then simplify and take into account both results. Having received the necessary data, you will only have to decipher the result of these simple calculations using the table of values:

Number code Code meaning
1 Good luck in the trade and any financial endeavors.
2 Unfavorable code, promising losses and financial loss.
3 A code that attracts money and increases capital for business and creative people.
4 Helps open up new profitable financial prospects.
5 It helps to improve the image, increase the authority (requires some effort).
6 A very good number for attracting money, improving the financial side of a business. Particularly favored by jewelers and people dealing with antiques. (This is the main magic number of the properties of the Pythagorean square!)
10 It attracts good luck, but does not bring financial stability.
11 Helps to establish useful and promising (financially) acquaintances.
22 Stability code.
Banknote - amulet

The magic of the properties of the Pythagorean square can be used to calculate the code by date of birth and to determine the money amulet. The mystery of this square is that the sum of the digits in all its columns and diagonals, as well as in the middle row, is 6:

1 4 7
2 5 8
3 6 9

As can be seen from the calculations, the result equal to 6 dominates, but in two cases (the upper and lower rows) a different result is obtained (respectively - 3 and 9). Therefore, Code 3 and 9 are also considered to be successful, although not as powerful as Code 6.

If you put a drawing of this square on a lucky bill or write the number 6 on it, it can be used as your powerful money amulet.

Using the "day number"

No one can control their own destiny, but with the help of numerology, you can significantly influence the development of many events in life. For a safe interaction with the outside world and the society in which you live (whether it is a party of friends or a business meeting, a romantic date), it will be useful to assess the current situation using simple numerological calculations. To determine the prospect of a relationship with another person, you need to know your number of day and the number of the day of this person (as well as other participants in any important event or meeting). The day and name are calculated using the following numeric and alphabetic values:

It is not difficult to calculate the number of the day, add together the number of the day, month and year of your birth, and then the number, day and year of the alleged event (or the person you are interested in). Reduce the results obtained to a prime number, analyze each result separately according to a special table of values \u200b\u200b(it can be found on a specialized website on the Internet). Then summarize the simplified results and analyze again using the table of values.

Be sure to keep in mind that the first 9 calendar months are influenced by numbers from the range, and the last three belong to a number series. This is due to the fact that the 10th month (October), when simplified, takes a value equal to 1 (10 \u003d 1 + 0 \u003d 1 ), 11th month (November) \u003d 2 (11 \u003d 1 + 1 \u003d 2), 12th month (December) \u003d 3 (12 \u003d 1 + 2 \u003d 3). We see that the method is simple and does not take much time for calculations, but it can be very useful.