Yellow earth monkey 1968. Relations in society

People born between the dates of January 30, 1968 and February 16, 1969 belong to the Earth Monkey sign on the Eastern Calendar. This is the birth year of successful businessmen. 1968 year of the animal Earth Monkey, which determines the main advantages and disadvantages of their character. The monkey often symbolizes high self-esteem, yellow color - calmness and openness to people, and the earth - prudence, good understanding with other people.

Year of the Earth Monkey

These people are extremely curious. They love to read, which makes them very erudite as a result. Those born under this sign are successful in areas such as finance and commerce. At maturity, most of them already have a decent capital. A set of positive qualities helps people of the Earth Monkey sign to be successful in their chosen profession, no matter what they do.

Anyone who was born in the year of the Yellow Earth Monkey is a calm and balanced person. He does not need the recognition of the crowd, he values \u200b\u200bhis loved ones. Usually monkeys strive to be the first, but the Earth is a material element, slow and deep, so usually the Earth Monkey prefers material values, but this is combined with high morality and altruism, helping the disadvantaged. These people are not very sociable, and not because they are incapable of communication, no, they just do not need it, they do not trust their secrets to everyone, but they value love and respect highly.

1968 according to the Eastern calendar makes people born at this time respected and loved by all. They are very caring and tend to be generous to those in need. Born in 1968 - people who have been endowed with high morality by nature, are very attentive to people who managed to gain confidence in them. Not very sociable, they prefer serious and calm activities.

1968 according to the Chinese horoscope is the year of the yellow Monkey, the element of the year Earth.

The beginning of the year of the Monkey according to the Chinese calendar is January 30, 1968, the end of the year is February 16, 1969. A person born before January 30, 1968 belongs to the sign of the Goat (the previous sign in the horoscope).

1968 character in the Chinese calendar

According to the Chinese horoscope, the element of 1968 is Earth, and the element of the Monkey (patron saint of the year) is Metal. The interaction of these two elements, Earth and Metal, largely determines the character of the year, as well as the character of people born in 1968.

The Earth, according to ancient Chinese philosophy, gives rise to Metal. In the Eastern horoscope, the Earth-Metal combination is considered very successful. Metal makes the Earth more fertile and richer, and the Earth provides Metal reliability and stability. Earth and Metal are friendly elements that interact well with each other and create a favorable background in 1968.

Together, Earth and Metal, according to the Chinese horoscope, endow a person born in 1968 with such a wonderful set of qualities as responsibility, practicality, dedication, honesty, and hard work. He is decisive in his actions and clearly knows what he wants to achieve! Thanks to his "metal" character, he has a strong inner core and is ready to take risks in order to achieve his goals, and the element of the Earth makes him realistic and sociable.

Character of a person born in the year of the Monkey

For a person born in the Chinese zodiac year of the Monkey, all life is a big game. He is agile, quick-witted and quick, and plays only by his own rules. From the outside, he may look frivolous and even funny, but behind an innocuous appearance, there is an observation and a sharp, resourceful mind. The Monkey has a huge number of friends and acquaintances, over whom she is not averse to making fun of, and she treats herself with a considerable amount of humor.

Years of the yellow Earth Monkey:

(People born in these years, according to the Chinese horoscope, are "heavenly twins", that is, they have much similar character traits and outlook on life).

Celebrities Born 1968:

- Alika Smekhova, Russian actress, pop singer, TV presenter. Honored Artist of Russia (2008) (March 27, 1968).

- Maxim Pokrovsky, Russian musician, singer, poet, composer, actor, producer, songwriter and leader of the Nogu Svelo! (June 17, 1968).

- Fyodor Dvinyatin, member of the Club of Experts "What? Where? When?" since 1989, the owner of four "Crystal Owls" (October 28, 1968).

"Years of the Chinese horoscope", Nadezhda Zima

1968 - the year of which animal? Before answering this question, it should be said that there are exactly twelve symbols in the Chinese calendar, each of which in turn takes over power in one or another period.

As is clear, the cunning and clever Monkey ruled over 1968. But for drawing up a horoscope, the knowledge of only one symbol is not enough. Indeed, according to the eastern calendar, each animal always belongs to one of the existing elements. Thus, when asked whether 1968 is the year of which monkey, one can safely answer that it was the year of the yellowish earth Monkey. So let's take a look at together how these features can affect the character of people who were born under the leadership of this sign.

The nature of the representatives

People born this year are calm and balanced. They don't need crowd recognition. They value their loved ones, relatives and friends very much. Usually Monkeys are active and always strive to be the first. However, the element Earth, to which this symbol belonged in 1968, makes such people material, slow and deep. That is why the representatives of this sign are extremely dependent on money. But this quality is combined in Monkeys with altruism, the highest morality and help to the disadvantaged.

Monkeys in conversation

1968 - the year of which animal? Yellowish Ground Monkey. Such people are not very sociable. And this is not due to the fact that they are incapable of communication. It's just that the Monkeys do not need it badly. After all, they do not trust all their secrets to everyone. But if there is such a representative in your friends, then know that he highly values \u200b\u200band respects you and your love for him.

The faster and better such representatives learn to smooth out their mood, the more fun and easier it will be for them to live. Monkeys should not be found guilty of everything. After all, it is even more effective and useful to maintain a positive attitude and never focus on offenses. Such people exude goodness and warmth, but only in this case, if they are in harmony with themselves.

Professional inclinations of Monkeys

Now you understand, 1968 is the year of what animal. As mentioned above, such representatives are very fond of and dependent on funds. That is why, from an early age, they are trying to earn money on their own, and not "sit" on the parent's neck. The prudence and intelligence of the yellowish Monkey can contribute to the fact that in life they will achieve incredible success in business. Usually, by the time they reach adulthood, such representatives already have a decent capital.

A love of reading, erudition and curiosity can bring good luck and success to the Monkeys, not only in the field of commerce and finance, but also in such professions as consultant, doctor, constructor, stockbroker and literary figure.

Features of Monkeys

1968 is the year of the monkey in the horoscope. Such an element gives rise to a business vein, stability and solidity in the character of the representatives. All yellowish Monkeys love to plan ahead and be sure to bring the work started to the end.

One cannot ignore the fact that those born in 1968 have a great chance of getting a good education. After all, sciences are given to them with incredible ease.

Positive character traits

1968 - the year of what animal according to the horoscope? This period was ruled by the land yellowish Monkey. At her best, she can be complacent, sincere, peaceful, loyal, calm, reasonable, judicious, and resourceful. In addition, the land Monkeys are extremely intelligent.

Negative character traits

Despite the huge number of advantages, not everyone loves such a Monkey. This is initially due to the fact that she can be petty, overly capricious, cunning, emotional and careless. It is also worth noting that the yellowish Monkey has an overestimated self-esteem, and she indulges herself in almost everything.

Personal life of Monkeys

The horoscope of 1968 year of birth would not be complete without a section on the love relationships of yellowish Monkeys. Due to the fact that such representatives are financially dependent, they can easily enter into a conjugal union "of convenience." This is especially true for the ladies. But if the Monkey is a self-sufficient person and does not need foreign exchange support from others, then she finds herself a partner in her heart. In such a family, representatives of this sign will retain the status of a "gray cardinal" all their lives.

In love, such people are mostly loyal and selfless. But at the same time, they require increased attention, admiration and violent ecstasy to their personality. Indeed, without such "feeding" the self-esteem of the Monkeys very rapidly falls and withers.

Compatibility with other signs

The happiest marital union for the Monkey can develop with the Dragon, Sheep and Snake. After all, all the signs presented are just as smart and erudite. They always have topics for spiritual conversation. As for the relationship with the Dog, Rooster and Horse, they have a right to exist, but they will be far from perfect. There are a great many reasons for breaking up with such representatives, but the main one may be a mutual misunderstanding of partners.

As practice shows, the most unsuccessful union is between the Monkey and the Monkey, also with such signs as the Rats, Ox, Tiger and Hare. This is due to the fact that representatives of these symbols are strong and love power, and people born in 1968 will not tolerate leadership in the family other than their own.

The most popular monkey people

Among the recognizable people, the representatives of this sign are the following: Ivan Kozhedub, Alexander Herzen, Yegor Ligachev, Alexandra Kolontai, Konstantin Rokossovsky, Nikolai Dobrolyubov, Boris Polevoy, Nestor Makhno, Anton Denikin, Grigory Rasputin, Jacqueline Bisset, George Byron, Jacques Chirac, Julius Caesar , David Copperfield, Alexander the Great, Joseph Chamberlain, Spinoza, Ian Fleming, Timothy Dalton, Charles Dickens, Harry Houdini, Tom Hanks, Mick Jagger, Descartes, Diana Ross, Lyndon Johnson, Leonardo da Vinci, Omar Sharif, Giordano Bruno, Rodano Bruno , Harry Truman and Elizabeth Taylor.

    Those people who were born in the period from January 30, 1968 to February 17, 1969 should know that their year of birth corresponds to the year of the Monkey in the Eastern calendar. The element of this year is earth, the color is yellow.

    At its best, the Monkey can be sincere, loyal and intelligent, resourceful and have great intelligence. But if we talk about the other side of the medal of her character, then this is cunning, capriciousness and excessive emotionality, negligence, pettiness. But the saddest thing is that she indulges herself in everything.

    The year 1968 is the yellow earth monkey.

    The sign of the monkey implies liveliness of character and some business vein, at the same time, the element of the earth gives stability and solidity to a person born in 1968. They love to plan everything carefully and be sure to bring the work started to the end.

    For 1968, the Chinese defined the name Yellow earth monkey. The Chinese believe that a person born this year has a great chance of getting a good education, since science is given to him with great ease. They can also successfully work in the financial sector.

    1968 was the year of the Monkey. The upcoming 2014 year - Horses - will be easy and successful for those born in 1968. The horse, in fact, does not like Monkeys, and will try to "screw up" with them, but the Monkey will be able to turn these small dirty tricks for the better.

    1968 Eastern was the year of the Monkey. The main element of the year was Earth, and the main color was Yellow (the year of the Yellow Earth Monkey).

    People born this year combine openness to people, good nature, mutual understanding with others, calmness, prudence. But this sign is characterized by overestimated self-esteem.

    1968 was the year of the Earth or Mountain Monkey. Unlike other Monkeys, the Earth Monkey is characterized by isolation, secrecy. Monkeys are very attentive to people, but not very sociable. She is very scrupulous and picky, she will rarely use a prohibited method. People born in the year of the monkey are very well-read, smart and well versed in finance.

    Year 1968 - this is the year earthen monkey according to the eastern calendar.

    The Earth Monkey is educated. She is principled, strictly follows the established rules.

    Loves difficult cases, but only those that promise good benefits. Climbs the career ladder gradually, but purposefully moves towards the intended goal.

    Earth Monkeys are distinguished by their non-wastefulness, therefore they often become successful and rich people.

    Earth Monkeys are admired, loved, but due to their secrecy and restraint, no one fully understands their nature.

    Those born in the year of the Earth Monkey would not hurt to have more relaxation and earthiness.

    1968 was the year of the Monkey in the Eastern calendar. Yellow color. Element Earth.

    In general, this element greatly affects a person's character. People born under this symbol in life can only change slowly, but deeply enough. They love comfort and are very sensitive to it. Their element allows you to quickly regain strength. By nature, selfish, real materialists, although educated and well-read. Their strengths. directed to career growth. Unlike other Monkeys, they are not very sociable. They prefer material values. If necessary, they easily go to help others.

    and before this date, it is still the year of the goat (or sheep), red and fiery.

    Anyone who was born in the year of the Yellow Earth Monkey is a calm and balanced person. He does not need the recognition of the crowd, he values \u200b\u200bhis loved ones. Usually monkeys strive to be the first, but the Earth is a material element, slow and deep, so usually the Earth Monkey prefers material values, but this is combined with high morality and altruism, helping the disadvantaged. These people are not very sociable, and not because they are incapable of communication, no, they just do not need it, they do not trust their secrets to everyone, but they highly value love and respect.

    In the Eastern calendar, 1968 was the year of the yellow earth Monkey.

    People born in the year of the Monkey have good intelligence, are smart, reasonable, and devoted. At the same time, Monkeys are overly emotional, capricious, petty.

Year of birth according to the Eastern calendar from: 01/30/1968; 02/16/1980; 02/04/1992; January 22, 2004; 02/08/2016 ;.

Monkey man is the most extravagant suitor among all the signs of the Chinese zodiac! At the feet of his lady, he will throw flowers and diamonds, expensive champagne, chic restaurants and limousines. This man is so generous that he is ready to give his chosen one literally everything that he has, except, in fact, himself. He values \u200b\u200bhis independence above all else. A man of this type would rather simply lend money to a friend in a difficult situation than directly participate in solving his problems.
The Monkey man loves to be in the spotlight and make appeals to the public. The sound of his own voice is more pleasant to his ears than any music. He is noisy and funny, knows how to successfully joke, including over himself, and cannot imagine his life without friendly parties and revelry. This man seeks to please everyone around him and is very concerned about what impression he makes, and therefore always carefully hides his personal or financial difficulties. To publicize his failures is worse for him than to confront them alone.
The Monkey man is very inclined to take risks, sometimes completely unjustified. As a result of his actions, especially in business, he often puts himself in difficult situations. However, he is still a Monkey, and therefore deftly extricates himself from all kinds of troubles. His extraordinary cunning and quick wits help him in the most hopeless situations, as does his inherent charm.
The Monkey man is endowed with a special type of attractiveness - lively and boyish - which awakens in those around him almost parental feelings: maternal care in women and paternal willingness to help in men. As a rule, he enjoys universal love, because he perfectly knows how to create the impression of a person worthy of trust and help.

Elements of the man Monkey.

The Monkey man of the element of the Wood seems to live with continuous noble aspirations. He has an innate talent for being perfectly surrounded by people completely unfamiliar to him, which helps him masterfully conquer all new goals and steadily increase his social status. On close acquaintance, this person seems superficial, and most often he is. A Monkey man of this type is unlikely to be a devoted friend.

The Monkey man of the elements of Fire is decisive, stubborn and ambitious. He is able to achieve impressive success thanks to his frantic energy, vivid imagination and the pressure with which he storms the opening opportunities. With him you need to be on the lookout - he can become ruthless.

The Monkey man of the elements of the Earth is calm, thoughtful and receptive. He is popular among acquaintances for his erudition and remarkable sense of humor. This person can make an excellent teacher, because he can explain in a creative and interesting way. Sentimental and sensitive, he is especially fond of women.

The Monkey man of the element of Metal can be childishly jealous of the successes of others. Others' successes arouse indignation in him and awaken a warlike attitude. He is dangerous as a rival, and bad intentions are often hidden under his charming appearance.

The Monkey man of the element of Water is generous, resourceful, intelligent and generous. He is usually lively, cheerful and extremely popular due to his inherent sociability and affability. This Monkey man is distinguished by his responsiveness and willingness to provide support. He can be very sexy and is often fond of temperamental, explosive women.