Entertaining chemistry: Volcano from soda and vinegar. volcano model

A do-it-yourself volcano not only has an external resemblance to the real one, but also knows how to spew lava, more precisely, a liquid similar in consistency. Such a miniature volcano is ideal for school projects. With this product, you can visually show certain reactions without using a textbook. So, making a volcano with your own hands is not difficult.

With this type of production, it is necessary to use the following types of materials:

  • newspapers or magazines;
  • a sheet of cardboard, and preferably plywood;
  • tape for connection, preferably double-sided;
  • plastic bottle;
  • flour;
  • paint for drawing;
  • scissors and brushes different thickness for ease of use;
  • vinegar and baking soda.

It is quite possible to make a volcano at home, but you need to follow the recommendations as closely as possible. . You need to create a homemade volcano in stages:

dough volcano

The second option for a do-it-yourself volcano at home is to make it from dough. For this you will need the following materials:

Since it is easy to make a model of a volcano at home from dough, first of all you need to knead salty dough. The dough should be as dense as possible and not stick to your hands. In the center, you need to put a glass and stick around it with dough prepared in advance. With such a process, it is necessary to implement a model of the mountain.

From the bottom of such a mountain, it will be possible to draw a river or attach artificial plants. What happened should be left to dry. If the drying process takes place in the open air, then this one will take about four days, so you need to resort to using the oven. After drying, you can start drawing. In this case, you can rely on your fantasies.

You need to start the volcanic eruption itself in the same way as in the first case, but the material should already be placed in a glass. The main thing is to follow the rules and everything will work out. It is better to keep children away from some components of the composition.

Plasticine miracle

How to make a model of a volcano with your own hands from plasticine is a topic that will arouse the interest of a young cognizant. There are fixed and active forms of the product. Creating a fixed model is a simple process, it is enough to build a model of a smoking mountain from plasticine. The current creation will look much more exciting. The creation of such a product will be entertaining for both those who go to school and for children. preschool age. It is likely that the experiment with a model of a domestic volcano will cause a child to become interested in geology, geography and chemistry.

Creating an erupting volcano is easier than you think. Before making crafts, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the images and find out the structure, and also just look at the pictures, for example, in a children's encyclopedia or a school textbook. Still, this project is more educational than developing motor skills and creative fantasy. The child will expand his horizons, significantly replenishing his knowledge about the structure of the planet and its phenomena.

Before turning into lava, the magmatic mass ascends through a tight volcanic vent. Ample magma capacity and a narrow vent opening are just what is needed to properly recreate the experience. Good fit plastic container from under water and plasticine.

Would need:

Process of creation

The base must always be larger than the rest. The foot of the volcano is 15–25 cm from the ends of the cardboard. The first step begins with the reconstruction of the volcanic vent. Depending on the desired size of the mountain, you need to give the bottle the desired length. Shorten if a low volcano is required - to do this, cut off the top and bottom, then connect them with adhesive tape. Attach the bottle with the same adhesive tape to the middle of the base and start sculpting the volcano.

To do this, it is better to stock up on material, because this is a very resource-intensive process. You can take old and damaged plasticine, crumple it. This is just right to give the necessary, natural black, gray and brown coloring.

It is necessary to knead the resulting plasticine mass and begin construction from the base to the top.: measuredly, row after row, erect a structure. Bulges and bumps will give the product a much more believable look. "Channels" can be laid to drain magma.

This requires plasticine red, orange and yellow flowers. Need to blind different colors modeling material into a single piece, but do not mix them together so that colored stripes and patterns are noticeable.

The created model will be an excellent example if you need to do a school exercise or participate in a competition. It will help kids play in the "Mesozoic era", where volcanic eruptions were common events, and the earth was inhabited by dinosaurs.

A home volcano is not only similar in appearance, but also knows how to spew lava. Creating such a miracle develops Creative skills child. In addition, such a mini volcano is suitable for school projects. And it will also serve as a visual aid in the study of chemical reactions without the help of textbooks. How to make a model of a volcano from various improvised materials, you will find in this article.

Paper volcano: materials

To build a fiery mountain, we need:

  • sheets of newspapers, magazines;
  • a piece of cardboard or plywood;
  • double sided tape;
  • plastic bottle;
  • flour;
  • watercolor or gouache paints;
  • scissors;
  • brushes;
  • vinegar;
  • baking soda

Paper Volcano Progress

1. We collect the children near us and begin creating the form of Vesuvius at home. We place the plastic bottle in the center of the cardboard and glue it to the base with tape. Lead strips of adhesive tape from the neck of the bottle to the cardboard diagonally, forming a cone.

2. Now old newspapers are used. We crumple them into balls and stick them between the strips of adhesive tape to give volume and density to the foot of the mountain. The next step is pasting the cone with paper strips. Cut the newspaper into wide, long pieces and glue them, as shown in the picture.

3. Now we will compact the body of the volcano. To do this, we prepare a sticky mixture of flour and water in a ratio of 1: 2. While the parents are busy with the test, the children cut strips of paper. We advise you to stock up on rags for wiping your hands during the construction of the volcano model. We dip newspaper strips into the finished paste and tightly glue the entire structure to the very mouth of the fiery mountain. The work is completed, we are waiting for the complete drying of the model. If you want to speed up the drying process, then place a homemade volcano in the oven.

4. It's time to decorate the mighty mountain. This moment will especially appeal to children. It will help develop creative abilities and get great pleasure from the result. Primary colors are brown, gray, green, red. We give the color of vegetation to the foot and cardboard. In the same places you can draw a river. Paint the body of a fire-breathing handsome man in shades of brown and gray. Run streams of lava over hillocks and depressions.

5. The most interesting and exciting moment has come - a little magic and the mouth of the volcano will begin to spew lava. Let's prepare the magic mixture. Pour into the neck of the bottle warm water mixed with liquid soap or dish detergent. Pour 2-3 tbsp there. soda. We take a glass of vinegar, preferably tinted red with food coloring or gouache, and pour it into the bottle. The best option: half a bottle of water, 2-3 tbsp. soda and 150-200 ml of vinegar.

6. Sounds of hissing, bubbling, and ... in a couple of seconds, the mouth of the fiery mountain erupts a fountain of lava from the home volcano! We observe what is happening for a couple of minutes and rejoice at the enthusiastic, children's cries.

Do-it-yourself volcano from dough

Continuing the topic of how to make a volcano with your own hands from improvised means, we offer creation from dough.

Dough Volcano: Materials

For work you will need:

  • flour - 400 g;
  • salt - 200 g;
  • water - 150 ml;
  • watercolor paints or food coloring;
  • glass cup or plastic bottle;
  • vinegar, baking soda;
  • a piece of thick cardboard or plywood.

Volcano from the test: progress

1. Knead the steep, salty dough. Ready option should be very dense, not sticky to hands, but easy to acquire the desired shape.

2. We put a glass in the center of the sole of the volcano and cover it with dough, forming a model of the mountain. For greater credibility, blind the strands of the mountain range, the lake at the foot. "Plant" trees by sticking fake aquarium plants into the dough. Leave the finished layout to dry. Under the influence of the surrounding nature, drying lasts a couple of days, so we send the volcano to the oven and lightly bake.

3. It's time to draw. Armed with a brush, paints and a glass of water, we begin to revive the mountain. Make the top white from snow or red from lava, or maybe gold veins lie in its rock. Your volcano, your fantasies.

4. In order for the fire-breathing vent to start “spitting” with lava, pour water with dishwashing detergent into a glass covered with dough. Add a couple of tablespoons of soda there and pour the whole mixture with vinegar. After a couple of seconds, the lava will rise and begin to flow down the stone slopes.

By the same analogy, a volcano is made from plasticine

To make it you will need:

  • cardboard sheet;
  • small, plastic bottle;
  • plasticine;
  • thin plywood or plastic;
  • soda, vinegar;
  • food coloring.

The skeleton of the mountain will be a cardboard cone, which is cut out taking into account the size of the bottle placed inside. Then this design is covered with colored plasticine. The product is placed on plywood, taking into account the protection of furniture from “lava” drips and aesthetic completeness. You can attach to the base with plasticine or cement mortar.

When the model is ready to erupt, fill half the bottle with liquid soap and water. Pour soda into the mouth of the volcano and fill it with red-tinted vinegar. From the bowels of the mountain, lava flows will begin to erupt.

You can even make a homemade volcano out of sand and earth, simply by forming a hill and placing a test tube with a reactive mixture there. Whichever option you choose, the children are always enthusiastically watching what is happening and asking to repeat. So immediately stock up on baking soda and vinegar. When the experiment is completed, the homemade volcano can be washed with a damp sponge and left until the next use.

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With an active volcano. The craft is completely made of waste material.

One of the most interesting elements in the world of dinosaurs is the volcano. It is real, Anya really likes it when we launch it. True, she hides dinosaurs in caves in advance so that they do not die.

And today I want to tell you how to make a homemade volcano. By the way, the volcano is interesting not only from the point of view of the game, but also from the point of view of the development of the child. Launching a volcano - you spend a small chemical experience, showing the child how baking soda and vinegar can interact together. An older child can be told that the bubbles that stand out are carbon dioxide.

First, I'll show you how to make a reusable volcano that can be launched repeatedly. It will take some time to create it. At the end of the article I will tell about one more - fast way creating a home volcano.

To create a volcano you will need:

  • plastic bottle 1.5 l.;
  • plastic lid (for example, from sour cream, mayonnaise, or from a regular plastic disposable round jar);
  • adhesive tape masking and ordinary;
  • gypsum plaster (or salt dough);
  • acrylic paint (or a mixture of gouache with PVA);
  • the base for the volcano (we have a plastic substrate for cookies);
  • paper or old newspapers;
  • foil.

1. Cut off plastic bottle desired height, set it to plastic cover and secure with tape.

You will have a solid base for the volcano.

2. Attach the future volcano to the plastic substrate with adhesive tape. You can also use a piece of plywood as a base.

3. Shape the bottle into a cone shape.

To do this, we tore off small pieces of paper, crumpled them up and laid them out around the volcano and secured them with molar tape, gradually rising up. To prevent the paper from getting wet from plaster, cover it with foil (we also fix the foil with masking tape).

4. Dilute the gypsum plaster to the consistency of very thick homemade sour cream and cover the volcano with it. Try to give relief to the volcano: make something like grooves through which lava flowed and ledges.

Instead of gypsum plaster can be used - just overlay them with the base of the volcano, giving the desired relief.

Alternatively, you can overlay the volcano with paper soaked in glue using the papier-mâché technique.

5. Wait for the volcano to dry and paint it. Use different shades of brown paint. Use red paint to paint traces of lava.

Volcano is ready!

For a volcanic eruption you will need:

- a teaspoon of soda;

- a drop of dishwashing detergent;

- red paint or red food coloring;

Let's get to the fun part! Put a teaspoon of baking soda inside the volcano, pour in red food coloring or red gouache (we used gouache), add a drop of dishwashing detergent. You can pour a little water, but we did without it.

Carefully pour table vinegar into the mouth of the volcano and the eruption begins!

Dishwashing detergent makes chemical reaction more active - it turns out a lot of beautiful red foam (lava).

And as promised, a simpler version of creating a volcano.

How to make a volcano out of paper and plasticine

Fold a sheet of cardboard into a cone shape and cut off the crown. This will be the shape for the home volcano. Cover it with plasticine from above so that the cardboard looks like a mountain. It is better to place the volcano on a plate or baking sheet so that nothing gets dirty during the eruption.

Place a jar inside the cone (for example, from under baby food or soap bubbles). In a jar, pre-put the mixture for lava (soda, paint, food coloring).

Everything, the volcano is ready. This volcano is very quick to make, it is convenient when you want to show your child a real volcanic eruption right now.

We took the second option for creating a volcano from the book "".

Now you know how to make a volcano. You can experiment!

Every day your children strive to learn something new. And it is the parents who should not only support this desire, but also help the kids in every possible way in studying this big and such interesting world. The task of adults is not just to tell and show the maximum of the new, but also to teach the child to think and draw conclusions. And practical research will help in this.

Today, modern stores offer many options for different kits for chemical and physical experiments, but it is not at all necessary to spend a lot of money to show the real miracles to the baby. For example, you can arrange a real volcanic eruption for a child right at home using ordinary baking soda and vinegar, or show your child how to fill a balloon with gas without inflating it.

How it works?

Both experiments are based on a neutralization reaction, since vinegar and soda, which are essentially acid and alkali, neutralize each other, while releasing carbon dioxide - our "lava". The kid will be very interested to look at a phenomenon that has never been seen before. And an older child will be interested in learning more about carbon dioxide. We exhale that gas into the air, and plants are able to process carbon dioxide, producing oxygen. With its help, the same bubbles are formed in the soda.

How to inflate a balloon without hands?

What do you need for the experience?

How to conduct an experiment?

Prepare all materials and place at an accessible distance. A solution of soda with water must be poured into glass bottle. Then pour vinegar into the bottle and quickly put a balloon on the neck of the bottle. It is important to secure the ball well on the neck with adhesive tape so that the ball does not break off. Almost immediately, you will notice how carbon dioxide fills the balloon, inflating it.

Experience with a volcanic eruption right at your home

What will be needed?

How to conduct an experiment?

With the help of plasticine, we stick around plastic dishes (a cylinder from under soap bubbles, for example) and securely fasten them to the plate. For greater credibility, you can give the vessel the shape of a real volcano, with protrusions and bumps. Pour soda into the flask, and pour vinegar on top and observe a real eruption!

Children are constantly interested in everything new. They are interested in the world, the structure of nature. They dream of seeing a tsunami, an earthquake, or a volcanic eruption. They wonder where mountains came from and why trees grow. You can’t explain or show everything, but you can offer your child an interesting activity together - to make a home volcano with your own hands.

We bring to your attention several ways to create simple layouts. Such a project for a geography lesson can be done independently by any student. Younger kids will need your help, you can turn the construction of the volcano into a real exciting game. It will be useful for preschool children to take part in the creation of the layout. They will be able to learn how to work with plasticine, papier-mâché, plaster and any other materials that you choose to bring your project to life.

Before starting work, it will be interesting and useful for children to learn what a volcano is and what parts it consists of.

Volcano - mountainous formation, which appeared naturally over faults in the earth's crust, through which lava comes to the surface. Lava is magma that has come to the surface and got rid of gases. Magma is the liquid, burning component of the earth's crust.

A volcano is most often imagined as a high mountain, from the mouth of which steam pours and lava erupts. This is not entirely true, it can not only have the shape of a mountain, but also be quite low, like a geyser or a small hill.

Pay attention to the sectional diagram of the volcano. Red-hot magma rises to the surface along the vent, where it turns into lava, breaking out through the crater. During the eruption, it is extremely dangerous to be nearby.

In our article, you will get acquainted with the creation of various layouts of the volcano. You can make a sectional model. This work will serve well study guide for kids.

Gallery: do-it-yourself volcano model (25 photos)

How to make a volcano with your own hands

In this article, you will learn how to create models from various materials, such as plasticine, paper, polyurethane foam, gypsum. You will also learn how to turn your homemade volcano into an active one and be able to demonstrate this phenomenon to children and friends.

Plasticine model

To create a volcano you will need:

  • plasticine various colors: brown for mountain, green for grass and red for lava
  • cardboard (will be a stand);
  • base for a volcano, it can be a bottle or a paper cone.

Let's get to work:

Creating a model from plasticine is one of the easiest ways. Even preschoolers can handle this task.

paper layout

Making a model of a volcano out of paper. You can use newspapers, old leaflets, etc.

For the paper layout we need:

Let's get to work:

  1. We cut off the neck of the bottle, attach it with adhesive tape to the base (cardboard).
  2. We make a frame. Fasten one side of the cardboard strip to the top edge of the bottle, the other to the base of the future volcano.
  3. After the frame is ready, start forming the mountain. Crumple the paper in clumps and distribute it inside the frame.
  4. When there is enough padding and the design becomes dense, shape it by wrapping it with clean sheets of paper.
  5. Your work is almost finished! It remains only to take the paint and decorate the resulting model beautifully.

In a similar way, it will be possible to make a paper mountain layout. Only it will be necessary to add a cone-shaped top, because mountains do not have a vent.

Do you have a lot of unnecessary waste paper?

To make a papier-mâché volcano, you will need:

Let's get to work:

  1. Cut off the neck of the bottle, cut the paper into equal long strips.
  2. Glue the bottle to the cardboard. You can use glue or double sided tape.
  3. Make a frame using strips of whatman paper.
  4. Then glue the same strips horizontally to make the frame more dense.
  5. Tear newspapers and paper into pieces and soak in water or paste. Cover the frame with wet paper, coat with glue, sculpt the next layer. For a fortress, it is better to make 5 layers or more. Last layer make from pieces of white paper.
  6. Let your layout dry. This design will dry for about a day.
  7. After the model dries, it can be decorated with paints.

Volcano in a section from polyurethane foam and polystyrene

The cutaway model will serve as a good teaching aid for geography. And creating such a model yourself is a fascinating process.

To make a volcano in a section, we need:

From polystyrene we form the base and the cone of the volcano itself. We glue pieces of foam plastic on the base in layers. Each layer should be narrower than the previous one.

When the base for the volcano is ready, mounting foam draw flowing lava let her cool down.

After the foam hardens, you just have to decorate the layout and cover it with a layer of varnish.

Plaster model

A model of a volcano can be made from plaster. For this you will need:

  • gypsum;
  • water;
  • paints.

Let's get to work:

  1. Dilute gypsum in water, according to the instructions.
  2. Form the body of the volcano from the resulting mass, leave the craft to dry.
  3. After the plaster body dries - paint it with paints.

Lava from dishwashing detergent and gouache

Let's get down to the most interesting part of creating models of volcanoes. Eruptions!

We offer you several options for making lava.

You will need:

  • soda;
  • dishwashing liquid;
  • vinegar;
  • red dye or paint.

Put a spoon in the mouth baking soda, add red dye or paint, and a couple of drops of dishwashing detergent.

Now, in order to arrange an eruption, it will be enough to pour table vinegar into the vent.

Lava from sparklers

  1. Crush the sparkler into a crater.
  2. Set it on fire.

Foam volcano from potassium permanganate

You will need:

Pour liquid soap into the vent, add potassium permanganate to it. For the eruption, pour hydrogen peroxide into the resulting mixture.

Making layouts is fun. You have learned the basic ways to create models at home. It is not necessary to stop at volcanoes, you can start making models of sights and architectural monuments, such as the Kremlin or Baiterek.

Gypsum, paper and papier-mâché are versatile materials that will help you create interesting and beautiful fakes.