Come up with a fairy tale about a wolf. Wolf Tales

My restless son loves to have one of us tell him stories. And they must start
"Once upon a time there was a wolf!" well, it’s impossible without a wolf, otherwise he doesn’t need such a fairy tale. Well, how much do we remember fairy tales about the wolf? And yet the time has come and we began to invent our own fairy tales.

First fairy tale.

There lived a wolf!
He lived in a deep forest in a small rickety house. He was a kind wolf and the stories told to children that wolves are evil and bloodthirsty upset him very much. Our wolf was completely different. He loved animals, picked berries and dried mushrooms for the winter. And he also had small garden at the house where he grew cabbage, potatoes and other vegetables.
Once, late in the evening, a wolf was sitting and listening to a cricket sing. Suddenly he hears someone crying. The wolf was surprised. “Did it feel like an old man?” he thought.
Again he listened, again someone was crying.
The wolf came out onto the porch and shouted loudly:
-Hey, who's crying?
Silence, don't hear anyone. Already he decided to go home and sobbed again very close by.
“Well, tell me, who is there?” he said menacingly.
A girl of six years old came out into the world and looked at the wolf with wide eyes from fear.
- How did you get here? - the wolf asked the girl.
- I... I'm lost: - she stuttered and wept bitterly.
The wolf scratched his head and said-
- Well, stop crying, come in then or something, you will be my guest ...
The girl stepped back.
- I'm afraid of you, you are a wolf, you will eat me: - and sobbed even louder.
“There is nothing to be afraid of me, I won’t eat you, there’s nothing for me to do,” he said indignantly, “they told the children all sorts of stupid things,” the wolf muttered, and shouted loudly to the girl:
- Aren't you afraid in the forest alone?
"I'm afraid," the girl replied in a thin voice.
- Well, you come in, otherwise they completely froze the house, they let in the cold: - he grumbled and went into the house.
The girl timidly squeezed her way through the door and quietly closed it.
“Are you going to eat?” the wolf muttered.
"Yes," she replied in a trembling voice.
-And what's your name?
“Masha,” the girl answered quietly.
- A good name: - smile said the owner of the house.
How did you get here in such a wilderness?
“Yes, the guys and I wanted to pick mushrooms and berries, and I fell behind them, but I myself can’t find my way back, I’m still small!” And Masha began to cry again.
- Well, okay, okay, tears won’t help here, eat here, come on, here you have cabbage and mushrooms and berries. And I will think about how I can help you.
The girl was hungry and she pounced on the treat with pleasure. Having eaten, she looked around. Old stove, neatly stacked firewood. There was a flower in a pot on the window, which greatly surprised Masha. But in general, she liked it here. Firewood crackled in the stove and her eyes gradually began to close from fatigue.
“Thank you, uncle wolf, everything was delicious,” Masha thanked the wolf, yawning.
- Come on, good health - he was embarrassed ..
- Well, Mashunya, go get on the stove, and tomorrow morning we'll go look for your house.
Masha did not need to be persuaded for a long time, she quickly climbed onto the stove and immediately fell asleep soundly.
As soon as the sun rose, the wolf began to wake up Masha.
-Get up Mashunya, let's go already, the road is long, yours are already knocked off their feet, I suppose they are looking for you.
Masha rubbed her eyes, jumped up and dressed quickly. Now she was not a bit scared, and the wolf was very sweet and kind.
They packed up food for the journey and set off.
The paths in the forest were confusing and the wolf's instinct helped them find the right way. By late afternoon, the road led them to the village where Masha lived. They reached the edge of the forest and the wolf said
- Well, that's it Masha, then you will run alone! I can't go there, you know!
Masha was impatient to leave, but it was a pity to part with the wolf. Over a long journey, they managed to make friends. Masha went up to the wolf and hugged him with her little arms.
"Thank you for everything!" she whispered in his ear.
-Come on, not at all, - the wolf was shy.
“Well, run and don’t get lost again,” he muttered.
Masha, satisfied, ran along the path to her house. And the wolf looked after her for a long time, following her with his eyes. Already from afar, Masha turned and waved her hand to the wolf. He smiled and turned around slowly trudged back to his home.

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The wolf caught the lamb. While he was carrying it, a lion met him and took away the prey. Having lost the lamb, the wolf said in an undertone: - It is very strange that you take away what I captured. “Do not be sorry to part with the loot,” the lion answered him. Goods acquired by robbery do not remain with the robber for a long time. Often the robber himself becomes a victim of robbery.

A hungry wolf caught a horse in the meadow, and he decided to eat it. The horse humbly says: “Yes, apparently, the lord of animals and birds, Azhveipsh, wants me to become your victim. But I beg you, first save me from the wild pain. The thorn dug into the flesh above the pastern of the hind leg. A thorn can prick you when you eat my thigh. The wolf thought...

A hunter with a bow and arrow went hunting, killed a goat, put it on his shoulders and carried it. On the way he saw a boar. The hunter dropped the goat, shot at the boar and wounded him. The wild boar rushed at the hunter, spored him to death, and he himself immediately died. The wolf smelled blood and came to the place where the goat, the boar, the man and his bow lay. The wolf was delighted and thought: -...

Once upon a time there lived a goat with kids. The goat went into the forest to eat silk grass, to drink cold water. As soon as he leaves, the kids will lock up the hut and won't go anywhere themselves. The goat will come back, knock on the door and sing: - Goats, kids! Open up, open up! Your mother came - she brought milk; Milk runs along ...

The hungry wolf was looking for prey. At the edge of the village, he heard a boy crying in the hut, and the old woman said: - If you don't stop crying, I'll give you to the wolf. The wolf did not go further and began to wait for the boy to be given to him. Here comes the night; he waits and hears - the old woman says again: - Do not cry, child, I will not give you to the wolf. Just come...

The hungry wolf roamed in search of prey. He went up to one hut and heard a child crying, and an old woman threatening him: “Stop it, otherwise I’ll throw you out to the wolf!” The wolf thought that she had told the truth, and began to wait. Evening came, but the old woman still did not fulfill the promise; and the wolf went away with these words: “In this house, people say one thing, but do ...

The wolf at night, thinking to climb into the sheepfold, Got to the kennel. Suddenly the whole kennel rose up - Sensing the gray so close to the bully, The dogs burst into the stables and rush out to fight; Houndsmen shout: "Oh, guys, thief!" And in a moment the gate is locked; In a minute, the kennel became hell. They run: one with a club, another with a gun. "Fire!" they shout, "fire!" They came with fire.

It was or was not, one day the tiger, the padishah of animals, fell ill. Runny nose! It is known that people do not die from this disease. But the mood of the ruler deteriorated - and this is mortally dangerous for subjects. Therefore, all the animals, as one, came to the tiger to testify to him their devotion. And only the fox did not appear. A tiger that didn't want to see anything further that day...

Once the fox climbed into the chicken coop, ate plenty there and quickly ran away, while the mistress did not notice anything. But then the fox felt a strong thirst; she began to look for somewhere to get drunk, but nowhere could she find a drop of water. Nearly dying of thirst, she wandered everywhere until she finally came across a well. Without thinking, the fox jumped into the bucket tied to it...

The wolves found a sheepskin at the bottom of the river. They decided that it was a live ram, and began to think about how to get to it. They thought and thought and decided to drink the river and then eat the ram. And a man who was nearby said to them: - You'd rather burst than drink all the water from this river. The moral is clear: do not take on what is not feasible.

There lived a husband and wife. When they were young, they lived well, together, never quarreled. But then old age came, and they began to argue with each other more and more often. The old man will tell the old woman a word, and she will give him two, he will give her two, and she will give him five, he will give him five, and she will give ten. And such a quarrel between them begins that at least run away from the hut.

Once I stood in the yard and looked at the nest of swallows under the roof. Both swallows flew away in my presence, and the nest was left empty. While they were away, a sparrow flew off the roof, jumped onto the nest, looked back, flapped its wings and darted into the nest; then he stuck his head out and chirped. Soon after, a swallow flew to the nest. She...

A sparrow and a mouse lived next door: a sparrow under the eaves, and a mouse in a mink in the underground. They fed on what fell from the owners. In the summer it’s still so-and-so, you can intercept something in the field or in the garden. And in winter, at least cry: the owner puts a snare on a sparrow, and a mousetrap on a mouse.

The raven built his nest on the island, and when the crows hatched, he began to carry them from the island to the ground. First, he took one crow in his claws and flew with him across the sea. When the old raven flew into the middle of the sea, he got tired, began to flap his wings less often, and thought: now I am strong, and he is weak, I will carry him across the sea; and when he becomes great and strong, and I ...

The raven took out a piece of meat and sat on a tree. The fox saw this, and she also wanted meat. She came up and said: - Eh, raven, when I look at you - you are so beautiful that you can only be a king. And it’s true, he would be a king, if he also knew how to sing. The raven opened its mouth and screamed with all its might. The meat fell, the fox picked it up and said: - Oh, raven ...

The raven took away a piece of meat and sat on a tree. The fox saw, and she wanted to get this meat. She stood in front of the raven and began to praise him: he is already great and handsome, and he could have become better than others king over birds, and he would, of course, if he also had a voice. The raven wanted to show her that he had a voice; he released the meat and croaked loudly ...

One day, a raven saw an eagle carrying a lamb from a flock. And the raven wanted to become like an eagle. Noticing a fat ram, the raven fell on him like a stone and plunged his claws into his wool. But the raven was not only unable to lift the ram into the air, but could not even release the claws from its wool. The shepherd overtook the feathered predator, hit it with a stick and killed it. Fable...

How many times have they told the world, That flattery is vile, harmful; but only everything is not for the future, And in the heart the flatterer will always find a corner. Somewhere God sent a piece of cheese to a crow; Crow perched on the spruce, I was quite ready to have breakfast, Yes, I thought about it, and kept the cheese in my mouth. To that misfortune, the Fox ran close; Suddenly the cheese spirit Lisu...

It's no secret that kids love fairy tales. Do you want to please your child with another one of them? A fairy tale about a wolf, for example, can be a great option. So which one is the best to go for? A fairy tale about a wolf can have different plots. Let's consider this issue in more detail.

A story about a wolf. Familiar plots

There are a wide variety of fairy tales about a wolf for children. Many of them your children, of course, have long been familiar with. Remember, for example, the tale of the wolf and the fox, which witty and deftly deceived the main character, sending him to fish with his tail. Here stupidity is ridiculed as a human vice.

One more famous fairy tale- about a wolf and seven kids. Justice triumphs in it, and good, as usual, triumphs over evil.

Tale of gray wolf and Ivan Tsarevich, on the contrary, depicts a wild beast as a loyal subject of the protagonist. In a word, options in Russian folk art(and not only) just a myriad.

Writing a new fairy tale

However, you can do something even more interesting! That is, compose a fairy tale about a wolf on your own! Connect your imagination, Children will definitely appreciate your efforts.

It might look something like this. The plot is based on the friendship of a wolf and a fox. While walking through the forest in search of food, they begin to argue about where to get it. The wolf offers to catch the hare. However, the fox does not want to chase him at all. She insists on going to the village. At dawn, they do just that. Friends go into the shed with chickens, but the fox does not have time to grab the prey, as the rooster wakes up at the wrong time and starts screaming. Friends have to return to the forest. They also fail to steal the catch from the fishermen near the hole. As a result, all the trips of friends are in vain, and they still have to work hard to finally have lunch. Here's the moral - "you can't even pull a fish out of the pond without difficulty"!

Dream with your child

A fairy tale about a wolf can also be invented together with your baby. Thus, you will get the opportunity to help your baby learn to resolve some difficulties, find a way out of difficult situations and, most importantly, you can have fun and interesting time with your child. You can connect other family members to the composition - dad, grandmother, grandfather.

If you find it difficult to come up with the basis of the plot, you can simply remake some old fairy tale. It is enough just to start changing it, and you will succeed by yourself absolutely new story. You can introduce another character into the fairy tale, or you can endow old heroes with other character traits. Add new circumstances, redo the ending, in general, fantasize all together! It is very interesting!

Use pictures and associations

A fairy tale about a wolf will be perfectly composed if you use a variety of illustrations. Select in advance the desired series of pictures. These can be plot or subject illustrations, as well as children's drawings. Take any of them at random and start the story. The story will continue as the pictures are replaced with each other. You can also use books large quantity illustrations. Open the page at random, look at the picture and compose.

Another option is to use associations. Take a certain series of words from any fairy tale. For example: wolf, goat, kids, cabbage, voice. Add a new word to them. For example, a phone. Think about how events will develop now, what will happen now.

In short, just turn on your imagination. Be sure that you will spend your time with benefit and interest, and the baby will definitely be satisfied with the result.

Everyone in the forest knew that the wolf is an evil and rude animal. He drove hares, offended squirrels, took away mushrooms from hedgehogs. The wolf often robbed the fishermen who were fishing in the hole or frightened the children walking in the field and picking flowers. The fairy tale about the wolf will tell about how Tanya managed to change the evil beast with the help of an ordinary tangerine.

Tale about the wolf read

One winter, a small but smart girl, Tanya, went skating on a frozen lake in the forest. Parents forbade Tanya to go into the forest alone. But the girl really wanted to learn how to skate like a figure skater, and then perform at the Olympic Games. The lake was completely frozen, there was no one on it, it was possible to ride all day. Tanya told her parents that she would be with her friend. And she honed her skills on the ice.
Sitting down to rest after a long workout, Tanya drank hot tea and ate a tangerine. Suddenly she heard that someone had crept up to her. Tanya looked around and saw a wolf:
“Ha ha, gotcha, girl!” - said the wolf and howled loudly throughout the forest.
But Tanya was not afraid and did not run away. Although, of course, her heart sank into her heels and it was very creepy. But she realized that the wolf would not do anything to her. If I wanted to do it, I would have already done it. And so he most likely just decided to scare her. But why?

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