How to develop clear speech. How to develop, develop, improve, correct and train diction

Perhaps everyone knows the story of the ancient Greek philosopher Demosthenes, who, while still a child, was delighted by chance with the speech of a certain speaker he heard, and after a while he himself decided to use the word as his main tool.

Stuffing his mouth with pebbles, Demosthenes in motion tried to achieve intelligible articulation of passages from poems he read from memory, thereby getting rid of the flaws in his speech. Daily training benefited him, giving him the opportunity to become famous as the best speaker of his era.

Good diction- this is an indicator of an enlightened person, his weighty dignity, which can be applied in many life cases. It may be easy to write a competent and visual text, but it will not be so easy to pronounce it. Fuzzy diction of speech can get in the way, interfere with well-learned performance.

In fact, all diction defects can be corrected if desired. How to improve speech diction quickly? This requires regular training.

Breathing training

Shortness of breath is without any doubt a problem that we encounter even in everyday life. Diaphragm training can fix this. Excellent work to improve diction is the singing of vowels on the exhale. At first, breathing will be enough for a short time, but with constant exercises, 20 seconds can be reached.

The next stage of training is voice pitch correction. You can train, practice breathing, as if blowing out the flame of a candle.

Exercises to improve diction

There are many useful exercises, which can improve diction and speech clarity in a short time. Here are some of them:

Exercise number 1. Articulation charge.
  • open your mouth wide and slowly move your jaw forward and then back;
  • stand straight and, holding your hands on your chest, lean forward, as you exhale, speak in a low voice drawling vowels "o", "u", "s";
  • with your mouth closed and open, straining the tip of your tongue, alternately rest it on your right and left cheeks;
  • in an open-mouthed smile, run your tongue over your lower and upper teeth, and without moving your jaw, count each one.
Exercise number 2. Tongue twisters for the development of diction.

How to improve diction quickly? For this, tongue twisters are perfect. They combine different sounds. Think of the lumberjacks who chopped down the oaks, or the four turtles with four turtles. To improve diction, you can say tongue twisters by putting nuts in your mouth (from the movie "Carnival"). 5 tongue twisters with various consonances are enough to get rid of speech defects.

Exercise number 3. Listening to your own voice from dictaphone recordings.

The sound of our voice is not at all what we think. You need to read any poem, recording it on a voice recorder. The resulting recording must be listened to. Try to correct the flaws heard next time. You need to record until you get the perfect effect.

Video - How to improve speech and diction

Regularity of repetition

For exercises to work out good diction, spend 10-15 minutes a day.

It is necessary to transgress to the next task only after the previous one has been sufficiently clearly worked out. Regular exercises will save you from the question of how to improve diction and make speech clear and intelligible.

The article explains what diction is and how to improve it.

V modern world it is quite easy for people with good, expressive diction to get used to most areas of our dynamically developing life. Excellent speakers are needed not only on the stage, but also in business, and on television, and in politics.

Steve Jobs- great speaker

What is diction?

Diction is called a clear pronunciation of sounds in accordance with the phonetic norms of the language. Expressive diction is the most important characteristic of acting, singers, and performers.

Clear diction depends on the level of training of the active organs of speech - such organs include the tongue and lips. In this regard, the development of expressive diction should begin with muscle training - articulatory gymnastics.

Diction shows how a person pronounces words and syllables correctly, how clearly he pronounces sounds - all this can be trained, improved.

Fuzzy pronunciation of words interferes with their correct perception, and a poorly pronounced phrase sometimes even loses its meaning. Distortion of sounds can greatly distract the attention of the audience, forcing them to focus on the defects of the sound, and not on the meaning of the spoken phrase.

IMPORTANT: It is much easier for a person with expressive diction to interest and captivate the audience. Such a person is much easier to speak in public.

Work on diction and pronunciation

In order to get rid of the sharp “g”, whistling “s”, lisping “sh”, in order to improve the pronunciation of words and syllables, in order for the diction to become more expressive, you will have to work a little.

For a clear sounding speech, there are a huge number of exercises that have been helping people become interesting, exciting speakers for a long time. Some of the exercises were already known in Ancient Greece.

How to improve diction for an adult, a teenager?

To develop and improve diction, there are special exercises. This:

  • Breathing and posture

Not many people know how much beautifully delivered speech depends on breathing and posture. In this regard, there are even special exercises:

  1. You should stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, hands should be placed on the belt. After that, it is necessary to open your mouth slightly, and, supposedly overcoming resistance, exhale slowly. After training, you should complicate the exercise by reading a few lines of your favorite poem as you exhale.
  2. You should return to the starting position, and then slowly leaning forward to take a breath. The back should be kept straight, and as you exhale, begin to rise and pull “hmmm” for a long time.
  3. For posture exercises, stock up on a book. The book must be placed on the head, and slowly walk with it so that it does not fall. Then you should add gestures, squats, more dynamic walking.

Posture is the first step towards beautiful speech
  • Articulation. More details can be found in the section below.
  • Pronunciation of consonants and vowels. Examples of the correct pronunciation of sounds can be viewed in the following videos:

Video: Phonetics. Formation of consonants and vowels. Associate Professor Bitekhtina N.B.

Video: Staging whistling sounds in adults

Video: Correction of sound pronunciation in adults

  • Intonation

The best exercise for developing intonation is to read by roles.

Video: Intonation (training)

  • Tongue Twisters. A large list of tongue twisters can be found in the section below
  • acting methods. To train diction using acting methods, you should take it in your mouth walnuts, or a pencil, and then start slowly, legibly pronouncing tongue twisters or reading text

Exercises for diction and articulation

Expressive diction needs daily muscle training speech apparatus. To develop and strengthen the muscles of the mouth, jaw, lips and tongue, special articulatory gymnastics should be practiced.

You can choose some of the articulation exercises below, although for best and quickest results, it's best to do each exercise in turn:

  • Standing, holding your hands on your chest, you should lean forward a little and pronounce lingering vowels, for example, “a”, “o”, “and” in the lowest possible voice as you exhale.
  • You should open your mouth wide and move your lower jaw in different sides, including back and forth
  • You should close your mouth, tighten the tip of your tongue, and then alternately touch it to your cheeks. This exercise can be done with your mouth open.
  • You should smile very widely, and then alternately touch the corners of your mouth with the tip of your tongue. It is important that the jaw remains motionless and the tongue does not touch the lips.
  • You should smile broadly with your mouth slightly open, and then count the teeth in the upper and lower rows, touching them with the tip of your tongue. The jaw in this exercise should be motionless.
  • Grit your teeth and smile broadly. It is important that two rows of teeth are visible when smiling.
  • You should close your teeth, and then fold your lips into a tube, stretching them in front and at the same time pull the sound "u"
  • You should open your mouth wide and stretch your sharp tongue as far as possible

  • You should open your mouth and put a wide, relaxed tongue on your lower lip.
  • You should open your mouth, and then lick the upper and lower lip alternately with the tip of the tongue, without moving the jaw.

IMPORTANT: All exercises from articulation gymnastics should be done for about ten seconds. After a short break, each exercise should be repeated several more times.

Exercises for diction and voice

There can be no expressive diction without the correct frequency of the voice and its emotional coloring. In order for the voice to sound bewitching, one should train diction, the very timbre of the voice.

There are some exercises for this:

  • You should hold a pen, pencil, etc. with your teeth, and then, clearly pronouncing words and sounds, read texts, poems.
  • Read texts, poems alternately quickly and slowly, loudly and quietly
  • You should not stop breathing, maintaining all the pauses, expressively read texts, poems, jumping rope or jogging.
  • You should pay attention to your neck during a conversation, because. when trying to feel it, the neck relaxes and the larynx descends.

  • You should, making different sounds, beat yourself in the chest.
  • While yawning, you should pronounce vowel sounds for a long time, or talk. It will also help to relax and lower the larynx.
  • You should start the morning with lowing, pronouncing "m-m-m-m-m-m" for a long time.
  • You should speak with a smile. The voice will noticeably change.

IMPORTANT: If the described exercises are repeated for 10-15 minutes daily, then you can quickly notice the changes in your voice that have occurred.

Video: The best voice exercise for the development of diction

Do I need to read aloud to develop diction?

Reading aloud can be an important, closing exercise for working on improving diction. Reading aloud, it is easier to understand where and what problems exist, what still needs to be worked on.

If at the next reading aloud all previous mistakes are taken into account, then you will notice that each time the speech will sound cleaner and cleaner.

IMPORTANT: For reading aloud, it is better to choose white verses, multi-foot verses, difficult-to-read passages of texts.

Reading aloud - an exercise for diction

Patter for the development of diction

And I don't feel sick.
Arkhip Osip, Osip hoarse.

White snow. White chalk.
White sugar is also white.
But the squirrel is not white.
It wasn't even white.

Brit Klim brother,
Brit Ignat brother,
Brother Ignat is bearded.

Bombardier bombarded Brandenburg.

The sorcerer did magic in the barn with the Magi.

The raven raven crowed.

Tall Vavila merrily tossed his pitchfork.

Like on a hill, on a hill
Thirty-three Yegorkas are standing.

The galley messenger was burned.

Margarita collected daisies on the mountain,
Margarita lost daisies in the yard.

Two woodcutters, two woodcutters,
Two wood splitters sharpened their axes,
Axes are sharp for the time being,
For the time being, the axes are sharp, until the time.

Grandfather Dodon blew a tune,
Grandfather hit Dimka with a pipe.

A woodpecker heals an ancient oak,
Good woodpecker oak love.

Tongue twisters - exercises for diction

Fedka eats radish with vodka,
Fedka eats radish with vodka.

A week for Emela to spin a box of tows,
And Emelina's daughter - to spin one night.

The ground beetle buzzes, buzzes, but does not spin.

The hedgehog has a hedgehog, the snake has a snake.

Frost on a winter morning
Birch trees are ringing at dawn.

All lakes are mirrors
From green glass.

Sonya Zina brought an elderberry in a basket.

Intendant incident.

Donkey drove firewood to the village,
Donkey dumped firewood into the grass.

Cuckoo cuckoo bought a hood.
Put on a cuckoo hood.
How funny he is in the hood.

Karl stole coral from Clara,
Clara stole the clarinet from Karl.
Queen Clara severely punished
Carla for stealing coral.

The farrier forged the horse,
Conb with a farrier's hoof,
Farrier with a horse whip.

A cap is sewn, a cap is knitted, but not in a cap style,
A bell is poured, a bell is forged, but not in a bell-like way,
It is necessary to recap the cap, but recap it.
It is necessary to re-bell the bell, and re-bell it.

Have you washed the raspberries?
Washed, but not washed.

Soap Mila bear with soap,
Mila dropped the soap.
Mila dropped the soap
I didn't wash the bear with soap.

Called Marina Galina for raspberries,
Galina Marina called for viburnum.

Didn't we catch burbot on the Nile?

Our Nahum is on his mind.

Pavel Pavlushka swaddled,
Swaddled, yes swaddled.

Peter was the first to go for a walk,
I caught a quail and went to sell it.

Changed Praskovya crucian
For three pairs of purebred piglets.
Pigs ran through the dew
Piglets caught a cold, but not all.

Snouted a pig, blunt, white-faced,
Half a yard with a snout from a snout,
I dug, I dug, I didn’t dig to the hole.
On that sow and snout, so that she dug.

Greek rode across the river,
He sees the Greek in the river cancer.
He put the Greek hand into the river,
Cancer for the hand of the Greek tsap.

The dry bough was carried by a badger.

Old Semyon said to his sons:
"Move the haystack."
The sons cut the haystack.
Old Semyon said to his sons: "Thank you."

Senka is carrying Sanka and Sonya on a sled;
Sledge clap, Sanka - sideways,
Sonya - lope, Senka off his feet.

Tongue twisters are a great way to practice speech

Only Tanya will get up in the morning.
Dance Tanyusha pulls.
What is there to explain?
Tanya loves to dance.

Under the black grouse tree, the black grouse met:
"Black grouse, black grouse! How are your cubs?"
Grouse grouse in response:
“My cubs are healthy guys,
Hello from them to your grouse!”

Three Magpies, Three Ratchets
Lost three brushes
Three today, three yesterday
Three more the day before yesterday.

The duck began to teach her ducklings on the pond,
Ducklings do not want to swim in front of their mother.
Terribly the duck is tormented:
“Well, what will come of them?”

Bring a coal to the corner,
Put out the coal in the corner!

Ducklings were taught by mother duck
Look for snails in the meadow.
Snails in the meadow without jokes
Learned to hide from ducks.

Fani has a sweatshirt,
Fedya has shoes.

Foka fantasized,
Fedor was a magician
Feofan fenced with Feoktist.

Filin Fili has two filins -
Filka and Filimonka.

Laughing letter X
Laughed: Ha ha ha!

crested laughter
They laughed with laughter: ha, ha, ha.

The braggart boasted, boasted,
Boasted, boasted, and boasted,
Yes, and boasted.

Flowers are blooming in the flower garden.

A bobcat fox in a chintz dress
He sows wheat flour through chintz.

Appreciates the chain mowing on the mower.

Four black grimy little imps
Drawn in black ink drawing.
Extremely clean!

Chok, choke, heel,
Jumped on a branch
Torn off, broken
Chock, chock, heel.

A goose rides on a stick.
Duck - on a pipe,
chicken on a chock,
Bunny on a wheelbarrow
A boy on a dog.

Six mixes from six baskets
And three laughs from a fluffy bag.

Proshkina Mongrel bit Pashka;
Pashka beats Proshkina Shavka with his hat.

Bristles at the pig, scales at the pike.

The goldfinch chirps over the thicket.

The goldfinch had a dandy.

Yulia Yulenka Yula,
Yulia was nimble,
Sit in place Yulka
I couldn't for a minute.

Lizard on a skiff
apples at the fair
Carried in a box.

My yacht is light and obedient,
I will plow the seas on it.

Yaroslav and Yaroslavna
Settled in Yaroslavl.
In Yaroslavl they live nicely
Yaroslav and Yaroslavna.

Video: How to work with tongue twisters Diction and Articulation // 24 VOCAL LESSON

Practice, train your diction, and then you will have no equal in oratory.



beautiful speech - important factor for career and personal success. Tongue twisters for speech development and diction training. Tips - how to work on tongue twisters.

“It is even rarer to hear a good tongue twister on stage, sustained in tempo, clear in rhythm, clear in diction, in pronunciation and in the transmission of thought. Our tongue twister comes out not clear, but blurry, heavy, confused. This is not a tongue twister, but chattering, spitting out or spilling words. A tongue twister must be developed through very slow, exaggeratedly clear speech. From the long and repeated repetition of the same words in a tongue twister, the speech apparatus is adjusted so much that it learns to do the same work at the fastest pace. This requires constant exercise, and you need to do them, since stage speech cannot do without tongue twisters. K.S. Stanislavsky.

Russians help the development of the speaker's speech technique, the clear pronunciation of words and phrases, and the speaker's diction. folk tongue twisters. It is important for the announcer to learn how to pronounce the tongue twister clearly, quickly, with different intonations (intonation of surprise, reflection, admiration, etc.), pronounce the tongue twister in a whisper, but with clear articulation of consonants with a strong exhalation on vowels and with open ligaments. That is, the vowels must be pronounced as if into a mouthpiece, and all sounds in the tongue twister should be articulated, and not pronounced with an anguished sound that only injures the throat. In a tongue twister, the announcer needs to overcome all difficult sound combinations. It is important to pronounce a complex word syllable by syllable, albeit at a slow pace, but pronounce it without any difficulties, misfires, reservations. Speak each tongue twister at first silently, but articulating, then switch to a whisper and only then aloud, at first at a slow pace, and then at a fast pace, but remember the clarity of pronunciation.

There is a law of "stage" tongue twister (that is, a fast pace of speech when the speaker speaks): the faster the speech, the clearer the diction, the brighter the intonation pattern should sound. Because the listener must have time to understand everything, hear everything that the speaker tells him, and see the pictures that the speaker conveys by speech. Those. the faster, the more accurate! Pay special attention to the stresses in difficult words. Try to feel the perspective in everything: in a phrase, in a word, in a thought, understanding and remembering that there is a tempo for pronouncing a syllable in a word, a word in a phrase, a phrase in a period of thought.

How to learn to speak beautifully? - Work on tongue twisters for speech development!

1. (B, p) - Beavers wander into the cheeses of the forests. Beavers are brave, but kind to beavers.

2. (B, r) - All beavers are kind to their cubs.

3. (B, e) - Good beavers go to the forests, and wood cutters cut down oaks.

4. (B) - White snow, white chalk, white hare is also white. But the squirrel is not white - it was not even white.

5. (B, c) - White-oak tables, smooth-planed-hewn.

6. (B, p) - The bull is stupid, stupid bull, the bull's white lip was stupid.

7. (B) - Okul shod a woman, and Okula shod a woman.

8. (V, l) - Vavilu sailed wet and wet.

9. (V, p) - The water carrier was carrying water from under the water supply.

10. (B, l, e) - It is not visible whether the shares are liquid or not liquid.

11. (V, u, w) - Barbara, who was feeling emotional, felt the unfeeling Vavila.

Patter for the development of diction

12. (V, s) - The flute whistles with a flute.

13. (V, t, r) - Thirty-three ships tacked, tacked, but did not catch.

14. (V, r, h) - The nervous Babylonian Barbara, became nervous in Babylon, the unnervous Babylonian Babylon of Babylon.

15. (B, p) - An otter strove to snatch a fish from an otter.

16. (G, c, l) - Our head over your head with your head, over head.

17. (D, b, l) - The woodpecker hollowed out the oak, hollowed out, hollowed out, but did not hollow out and did not hollow out.

18. (D, l, g, h) - De-ideologized-de-ideologized, and pre-de-ideologized.

19. (D, r) - Two woodcutters, two woodcutters, two woodcutters talked about the Stall, about Varka, about Larina's wife.

20. (F, c) - The reins made of leather are entered into the collar.

21. (F) - A hedgehog has a hedgehog, a snake has a snake.

22. (F) - The ground beetle buzzes, buzzes, buzzes and spins. I tell her, don't buzz, don't spin, and you'd better go to bed. You will wake up all the neighbors if you buzz under your ear.

23. (J, r, c) - Yaroslav and Yaroslavna
Settled in Yaroslavl.
In Yaroslavl they live nicely
Yaroslav and Yaroslavna.

24. (K, b) - In Kabardino-Balkaria, valocordin from Bulgaria.

25. (K, c) - You can’t over-speak all tongue twisters.

26. (K, p) - They drove a stake into the palisade, nailed it.

27. (K, t, r) - Kondrat's jacket is a bit short.

28. (K, n, l) - Is this colonialism? - No, this is not colonialism, but neo-colonialism!

29. (K, p, r) - From under Kostroma, from under Kostromishchi, four peasants were walking. They talked about auctions, but about purchases, about cereals, and about sub-grains.

30. (K, s, s) - An oblique goat is walking with a goat.

31. (K, l) - Klim pounded in one pancake wedge.

32. (K, r, d) - Crab made a rake for a crab, gave a rake to a crab - rake gravel with a rake, a crab.

33. (K, sh, p, n) - The cuckoo bought a hood for a cuckoo, put on a hood for a cuckoo, the cuckoo is funny in a hood.

34. (K, r, l) - Karl stole corals from Clara, and Clara stole the clarinet from Karl.

35. (K, r, v, l) - The queen gave the cavalier a caravel.

36. (K,r,m,n) - The elector compromised the landsknecht.

37. (K, p) - The courier overtakes the courier in the quarry.

38. (K, s, c) - Coconut cooks cook coconut juice in a short cooker.

39. (K, p) - Buy a pile of spades. Buy a kipu pik. Buy a kipu peak.

40. (K, s) - Mow, spit, until the dew, down with the dew - and we are home.

41. (K, l, b) - Our Polkan from Baikal lakal. Lakal Polkan, lakal, but not shallow Baikal.

42. (K, l, c) - There is no ring near the well.

43. (K, t, n) - The nervous constitutionalist Konstantin was found acclimatized in the constitutional city of Constantinople and with calm dignity inventing improved pneumo-bag-beaters.

Patter for diction

44. (K, l, p, c) - A cap is sewn, not in the style of a bell, a bell is poured, not in a bell style. It is necessary to re-cap, re-cap. It is necessary to re-bell the bell, re-bell.

45. (K, r, l) - The crystal crystallized, crystallized but did not crystallize.

46. ​​(L, h) - The fox runs along the sixth: lick, fox sand!

47. (L, k) - Klavka was looking for a pin, and the pin fell under the bench.

48. (L) - We ate, ate ruffs at the spruce. They were barely eaten at the spruce.

Russian folk tongue twisters

49. (L, n) - On the river shallows, we came across a burbot.

50. (L, m, n) - On the rocks we lazily caught burbot, You exchanged burbot for a tench. Didn't you sweetly pray for love, and beckoned me into the mists of the estuary.

51. (L) Did you water the lily? Have you seen Lydia? They watered Lily, saw Lydia.

52. (L, b) - Malanya chattered milk, blurted out, but did not blurt out.

53. (L, k) - Klim threw a bow into Luka.

54. (M, l) - Mom washed Mila with soap, Mila did not like soap.

55. (P, r, m) - Your sexton will not re-offer our sexton: our sexton will re-offer your sexton, re-offer.

56. (P, x) - Get up, Arkhip, the rooster is hoarse.

57. (P, k, r) - In the pond near Polycarp - three crucians, three carps.

58. (P, t, r) - Shot for quails and black grouse.

59. (P, k) - Our Polkan fell into a trap.

60. (P, t) - From the clatter of hooves, dust flies across the field.

61. (P, x) - Osip hoarse, Arkhip osip.

62. (P, p) - The quail hid the quail from the guys.

63. (P, d) - The parrot said to the parrot, I'll parrot the parrot, the parrot answers him - Parrot, parrot, parrot!

64. (P, k, u) - The commander spoke about the colonel and about the colonel, about the lieutenant colonel and about the lieutenant colonel, about the lieutenant and about the lieutenant, about the second lieutenant and about the second lieutenant, about the ensign and about the ensign, about the lieutenant, but about the lieutenant was silent.

65. (P) - Pyotr Petrovich, nicknamed Perov, caught a pigalitsa bird; carried it around the market, asked for a fifty, gave a nickel, and he sold it like that.

66. (P) - Once a jackdaw, scaring a pop, noticed a parrot in the bushes, and then the parrot says: "You scare the jackdaws, pop, scare. But only jackdaws, pop, scaring, don't you dare scare the parrot!"

67. (P) - I went to weed the fields in the field.

68. (P, r, k) - Prokop came - dill boils, Prokop left - dill boils. As dill boils under Prokop, so dill boils without Prokop.

69. (P, r, h, k) - They talked about Prokopovich. About what about Prokopovich? About Prokopovich, about Prokopovich, about Prokopovich, about yours.

70. (P, k, r, t) - The protocol about the protocol was recorded by the protocol.

71. (P, p) - A quail and a quail have five quails.

72. (P, r, c) - Employees privatized the enterprise, privatized but not privatized.

73. (P, k) - Tell us about the purchases! - What kind of purchases? - About purchases, about purchases, about my purchases.

Folk tongue twisters

74. (P) - There is a shock with a little feather, and under the shock there is a quail with a quail.

75. (P, k) - There is a priest on a shock, a cap on the priest, a shock under the priest, a priest under the cap.

76. (P, r, t) - Turner Rappoport drank the pass, rasp and caliper.

77. (P) - In our courtyard, the weather got wet.

78. (P, r, l) - Parallelogram parallelogram parallelogram but not parallelogram.

79. (P, t) - Ipat went to buy shovels.
Ipat bought five shovels.
Walked through the pond - clung to the rod.
Ipat fell - five shovels were gone.

80. (P, p) - Perpendiculars are drawn without protractors.

81. (P, r, t) - Changed Praskovya crucian
For three pairs of striped piglets.
Pigs ran through the dew
Piglets caught a cold, but not all.

82. (R, p, t, k) - Pankrat Kondratov forgot the jack. Now Pankrat can't lift a tractor on the tract without a jack.

83. (R, d) - With a bang, the inauguration of the guru passed.

84. (P, t, c) - The interviewer of the interviewer interviewed the interviewer, interviewed, but did not interview.

85. (R, l) - An eagle on a mountain, a feather on an eagle. Mountain under an eagle, an eagle under a feather.

86. (R,m,n) - Roman Karmen put a novel by Romain Rolland in his pocket and went to "Romen" to "Carmen".

Patter for speech development

87. (R, c) - There is grass in the yard, firewood on the grass. Do not cut wood on the grass of the yard!

88. (R, k) - A Greek was driving across the river, he sees a Greek - there is cancer in the river. He put the hand of the Greek into the river, cancer by the hand of the Greek - tsap!

89. (R, p) - I reported, but I didn’t report, I reported, but I reported.

90. (R, l) For that, Khavronya was given a snout, so that she would dig.

91. (R) - On Mount Ararat, a cow was picking peas with her horns.

92. (R,l,g) - A Ligurian traffic controller regulated in Liguria.

93. (R, m, t) - Margarita collected daisies on the mountain, Margarita lost daisies in the yard.

94. (S, n) - Senya carries hay in the vestibule, Senya will sleep in the hay.

95. (S, m, n) - In seven sledges, seven Semyonov with a mustache sat in the sleigh themselves.

96. (S, k, v, r) - The quick talker was quick to say that you can’t speak all tongue twisters, you won’t speak too fast, but after speaking quickly, he spoke quickly - that you will re-speak all tongue twisters, you will re-speak. And tongue twisters jump like carp in a frying pan.

97. (S, k, p, r) - Just as you can’t re-speak all tongue twisters, don’t re-speak all quick proverbs, you can’t re-speak all quick proverbs, you can’t re-speak all quick proverbs, and only all fast sayings can be re-speak, re-speak quickly!

98. (S, k) - Senka is carrying Sanka and Sonya on a sled. Sledge lope, Senka from his feet, Sonya in the forehead, all in a snowdrift.

99. (C) - A wasp does not have a mustache, not a mustache, but a mustache.

100. (S, m, n)

101. (S, k, r)

102. (S, n, k) - Senka is carrying Sanka and Sonya on a sled. Sledge lope, Senka from his feet, Sanka in the side, Sonya in the forehead, all in a snowdrift.

103. (S, r, t) - The longboat arrived at the port of Madras.
The sailor brought a mattress on board.
In the port of Madras, a sailor's mattress
Albatrosses broke up in a fight.

104. (T, r, s) - A captain with a captain, a captain with a captain.

105. (T) - It stands, stands at the gate. The bull is stupid-lipped-broad.

106. (Т,к) - The weaver weaves fabrics for Tanya's scarves.

107. (T, k) - To interpret plainly, Yes, to no avail to interpret.

108. (T, t) - Fedka eats radish with vodka, Fedka eats vodka with radish.

109. (T, p) Torushke crust for the future.

110. (T) - Don't go so-and-so, don't ask for so-and-so - here's something for you.

111. (T, k) - The Turk smokes a pipe, the trigger pecks at the grains. Don't smoke a Turk's pipe, don't peck the cock's grits.

112. (F,ch,n) - Feofan Mitrofanych has three sons Feofanych.

113. (F) - Fofan's sweatshirt Fefele fit.

114. (F,d,b,r) - Defibrillator defibrillated defibrillated but not defibrillated.

115. (F,r) - Pharaoh's favorite for sapphire was replaced by jade.

116. (F, l, v) - I was at Frol's, Frol lied to Lavr, I'll go to Lavr, Lavr to Frol Navra.

117. (X, t) - Crested laughter laughed with laughter: Xa! Xa! Ha!

118. (X, h, p) - There was a commotion in the garden -
The thistle blossomed there.
So that your garden does not decay,
Weed thistles.

119. (X, u) - Khrushchev grab horsetails.
A handful of khina is enough for cabbage soup.

120. (C, p) - A heron chick tenaciously clung to the flail.

121. (C, x) - The heron withered, the heron dried up, the heron died.

122. (Ts, r) - Well done ate thirty-three pies with a pie, all with cottage cheese.

123. (C) - Well done among the sheep, but against the young man himself a sheep.

124. (C, k, p, d, r) - Once upon a time there were three Chinese
Yak, Yak-Tsi-Drak and Yak-Tsi-Drak-Tsi-Drak-Tsi-Droni.
Once upon a time there were three Chinese women
Tsypa, Tsypa-Dripa and Tsypa-Dripa-Limpomponi.

Here they are married:
Yak on Tsyp Yak-Tsi-Drak on Tsyp-drip
Yak-Tsi-Drak-Tsi-Drak-Tsi-Droni on Tsype-Dripe-Limpomponi.

And they had children:
Yak and Chick have Shah,
Yak-Tsy-fight with Tsypa-dripa - Shah-Shahmoni,
At Yak-Chi-Drak-Chi-Drak-Chi-Droni
With Chick-Dripa-Limpomponi -

125. (H, t) - A quarter of a quarter of a pea, without a wormhole.

126. (H, sh, w) - Scales at the pike, bristle at the pig.

127. (H) - Our daughter is well-spoken, her speech is clear.

128. (H) - Turtle, not bored, sits for an hour with a cup of tea.

129. (Ch,r) - Four black, grimy imps drew a drawing in black ink extremely cleanly.

130. (Ch, p) - Four turtles have four turtles.

131. (H) - The custom is bullish, the mind is calf.

132. (H, w) - Three birds fly through three empty huts.

133. (Sh, s) - Sasha walked along the highway, carried the dryer on a pole and sucked the dryer.

134. (Sh) - Even your neck, even your ears, you stained with black ink. Get in the shower soon. Rinse mascara off your ears under the shower. Rinse the mascara off your neck under the shower. Dry off after shower. Dry neck, dry ears, and do not dirty your ears anymore.

135. (Ш)

136. (W, W) - A yellow dervish from Algeria rustles silks in a hut and, juggling with knives, eats a fig.

137. (W) - Shishiga was walking along the highway, his pants were rustling. The step will step, whisper: "Mistake". Ears wiggle.

138. (Sh) - Six little mice rustle in the reeds.

139. (Ш) - Boxwood, boxwood, how tightly sewn you are.

140. (W, m) - Jasper in suede suede.

141. (SH) - Forty mice walked, carried sixteen pennies, two mice of a smaller size carried two pennies each.

142. (Sh, k) - Two puppies cheek to cheek pinch the cheek in the corner.

143. (Sh, p) - Staffordshire terrier zealous, and black-haired Giant Schnauzer is frisky.

144. (Sh,s) - Sasha has whey from yogurt in his porridge.

145. (Sh, k) - Sasha has cones and checkers in his pocket.

146. (Sh, k, v, p)

147. (W, w) - The piston is not a hornet:
does not buzz, quietly glides.

148. (Sh, r, k) - Earrings have disappeared from the baby doll.
Earrings Seryozhka found on the path.

149. (W, s, k) - Sunflowers look at the sun,
And the sun - on sunflowers.

But the sun has a lot of sunflowers,
And the sun is one sunflower.

Under the sun, the sunflower laughed sunnyly while it ripened.
Ripened, dried up, pecked.

150. (W, R) - The balls of a ball bearing rummage around the bearing.

151. (W, s) - Sasha quickly dries the dryers.
Sushek dried six pieces.
And funny old women hurry
Sushek Sasha to eat.

152. (Sh, p, k) - Yerema and Foma have sashes - wide across the back,
The caps are recapped, new,
Yes, the shlyk is well sewn, covered with embroidered velvet.

153. (Sh, p) - Shushera shusher rustled,
That the rustle of the rustling interfered with the rustling.

154. (Sh) - Mother Romasha gave whey from curdled milk.

155. (Sh, k) - Troshkina mongrel
Bitten Pasha.
Beats Pashka with a hat
Troshkin's mongrel.

156. (W, k, h) - Under the mountain near the pine edge
Once upon a time there lived four old women,
All four big talkers.
All day on the threshold of the hut
Chattered like turkeys.
The cuckoos fell silent on the pines,
Frogs crawled out of the puddle
Poplars tilted their tops -
Hear the old ladies talking.

157. (Sh, k, p) - Pashkin's mongrel bit Pavka on the leg, Pavka beats Pavka's mongrel with a hat.

158. (Sch, t) - In vain does the pike try to pinch the bream.

159. (Sch, t) - I'm dragging, I'm dragging ... I'm afraid I won't drag it,
But I definitely won't.

160. (Sch, w, c) - In a puddle, in the middle of a grove
Toads have their own living space.
Another tenant lives here -
Water beetle.

161. (W, w, h)

162. (Sch,h) - Puppies' cheeks were cleaned with brushes.

163. (U, h) - I brush my teeth with this brush,
I clean my shoes with this one,
I clean my trousers with this
All these brushes are needed.

164. (Sch, t) - Wolves are looking for food.

Beautiful clear speech is not only pleasing to the ear, but therefore arouses the disposition of a person who knows how to speak well. In some cases, doing without this skill is completely impossible. For example, it is difficult to imagine a central television announcer who is unable to clearly pronounce sounds.

Good articulation will be useful to anyone who is forced to speak a lot to a wide audience: a lecturer, teacher, politician, YouTuber. By regularly performing exercises for diction, you can achieve noticeable success in the first weeks of classes.

Diction is not directly related to the voice, its innate characteristics. Diction is something that can and should be “set” through regular training and special exercises. Under the "correct diction" is understood the distinct and sonorous pronunciation of all phonemes in accordance with the accepted norms of the language. To a large extent, it depends on the correct setting of the position of the organs of articulation (lips, tongue), on the ability to breathe correctly. Expressiveness, a rich emotional coloring of speech exerts its influence.

Attention! To achieve a lasting effect, diction training must become a habit, because without regular repetition of exercises, the skill is quickly lost.

Slurred pronunciation, swallowed sounds - they say about such a person "he has porridge in his mouth." It is difficult to understand the meaning of the spoken words, the necessary expressiveness and stimulating intensity are lost. In professions that require frequent speaking in public, this is simply unacceptable.

If the voice is not a working tool, mastering the skill of beautiful speech is no less useful. Knowing how to express your thoughts clearly, intelligibly and in an accessible way, it is much easier to win over a business partner, employer, win a competition or get a coveted place in a casting.

Types of exercises for the development of diction and clarity of speech

Where should you start, how to improve diction and clarity of speech? There are several different methods that allow you to achieve amazing success with careful and regular exercise. Among them:

  1. - probably the most famous, common way to deal with speech defects, which consists in the rapid repetition of phrases and rhymes, composed in such a way as to train the clarity of articulation of difficult sounds and sound combinations.
  2. Clean tongues - have a similar function with tongue twisters, their pronunciation also contributes to the development and consolidation of the skill of pronunciation of complex phonemes, but they differ in form, representing a set of rhyming lines.
  3. - kit speech therapy exercises to develop the mobility of the lips, tongue, in order to "teach" them to take the correct position, for a clear pronunciation of syllables.
  4. Respiratory gymnastics - the endurance of the lungs and vocal cords, the uniformity of breathing have a great influence on speech in general, therefore, when mastering the skills of correct speaking, one should not neglect the training of these instruments.

Important! Performing exercises for diction and voice training, it is useful to record the process of classes on a voice recorder. This measure is needed in order to control the correct execution, fix errors, problem areas which are still to be worked on.

Features of exercises and how to perform them correctly

It should be remembered that the beginning of work on pronunciation and in adulthood is associated with a number of difficulties. It is quite difficult to get rid of habits that have developed over the years, to change the entire system of speech to the ground.

Experts recommend starting with the development of articulation, muscle endurance training, accustoming the speech organs to setting in the correct position, improving the timbre and tone of the voice. For this, the following exercises are perfect, which can be performed anytime and anywhere, the more often the better:

  • as a warm-up, warming up, it is recommended to make a long drawn-out moo;
  • elements of respiratory and articulatory gymnastics contain an exercise during which you should make a variety of sounds by hitting your chest with your palms;
  • clearly, with expression, making pauses, read the poetic lines, changing the tone of the voice - raising and lowering it alternately;
  • read the texts of poems and prose at the same time as jumping rope, while running, trying to keep breathing as even as possible;
  • pronounce words and whole sentences, stretching the facial muscles in a smile, maintain clarity of pronunciation;
  • read aloud, after holding a small oblong object between the teeth, for example, a fountain pen, during the exercise, strive for a clear pronunciation of syllables and sounds;
  • well helps the development of articulation, muscle training, the use of small rounded objects (for example, walnuts), nested on one or both cheeks while reading poetry and literary texts.

Much attention should be paid to the daily gymnastics of the organs of speech, since it is impossible to put speech and diction on your own without this:

  1. opening your mouth as wide as possible, move the lower jaw forward, backward and to the sides;
  2. stick out with your mouth open maximum length tongue, folding it with a "sting";
  3. having slightly parted the jaws, smile broadly, run the tongue over the upper and lower rows of teeth, touching each tooth with the tip in succession;
  4. touch the inside of both cheeks with a tense tip of the tongue, first with an open, then with a closed mouth;
  5. stick out the most relaxed tongue from the parted mouth with a “shovel”;
  6. fold your arms on your chest, lean forward, in an inclined, slightly bent position, pronounce vowel sounds in the lowest possible tone: “o”, “s”, “u”. When you finish pulling one sound, straighten up and bend down again for the next run.

Important! The duration of one exercise is at least 10 seconds. During one lesson, 4-5 approaches are performed.

The formation of the correct pronunciation is inseparably linked with breathing, since speech itself is impossible without it. The air jet, touching the tense ligaments, makes a sound, the shape of which a person gives already by other organs of the speech apparatus. Therefore, the answer to the question of how to improve diction, among other things, includes training the lungs, developing the diaphragm.

The ability to breathe is an integral part of life, but not everyone knows how to do it right. The following set of exercises will help strengthen the voice, give it a more pleasant, melodic timbre:

  • take a comfortable body position - lying, standing or sitting, press left palm to the stomach, right - to the lower part of the sternum from the side, draw in the air with the nose, controlling the expansion of the diaphragm with the hands, slowly exhale to the end;
  • inhale slowly through your nose, hold the air for a couple of seconds, exhale through your mouth;
  • inhale briefly, while exhaling, stretching as much as possible, pronounce any lasting vowel sound;
  • count on exhalation from 1, trying to pronounce maximum amount numbers without haste;
  • exhaling, pronounce combinations of vowel sounds, for example: “oooooooouuuu”, “aaaayyyy”.

Since it is impossible to develop diction in one day, when starting training, you should be patient. At the very beginning, it will be useful to draw up a lesson plan, to outline the range of problems that will have to be eliminated in order to obtain the desired effect. As the speech improves, correct and supplement the original sketch with new details.

Do not neglect any opportunity for exercise, because it is in their regularity that the key to success lies.

Reciting poetry, pronouncing tongue twisters and tongue twisters will help you quickly “warm up” before a performance, when there is a long and important conversation ahead. They must be learned and spoken out loud at least several times a day.

invaluable assistance in correct pronunciation will provide courses in acting or rhetoric.

Classes in stage speech, supported by exercises in diction, among other things, will add sonority and charm to the voice, make it more expressive.

People with a clear natural diction are extremely rare. But, do not assume that diction cannot be improved. Each of us can improve our pronunciation. You can put the correct diction not only in childhood but also in adults. We will talk about special techniques and techniques in this article.

Diction is a clear pronunciation of sounds and words. Clear and beautiful speech has a positive effect on the perception of the person who has it. Therefore, not only the announcer of the central television, but also each of us should have a clear and intelligible diction.

If you want not just to speak, but to make your interlocutors understand you, you need to work on your diction. Especially if she needs it.

What does diction consist of?

Distinct articulation(Correct and clear pronunciation of sounds). It is thanks to clear articulation that the speaker's speech is legible and his interlocutors easily understand what he wants to convey. Violation of this indicator of diction may occur due to the physiological characteristics of a person. You can improve the clarity of pronunciation of sounds by training the tongue and lip muscles.

Correct articulation(The coordinated movement of the muscles of the articulatory apparatus). Malocclusion, frenulum, etc. have a negative effect on articulation. With such physiological deviations, burriness, nasality may appear.

Timbre. Often, the temperament of a person affects the manner of pronunciation. The speaker may tend to be monotonous or speed up his speech. Often it is haste that occurs in people with poor diction. But, as practice shows, almost anyone can "defeat" this problem.

Intonation. As for intonation, it is formed primarily from the ability to clearly pronounce vowel sounds and stresses. You can set the intonation with the help of some breathing exercises and reading aloud. Improving intonation is a very difficult and painstaking work.

Do I need to read aloud to develop diction?

Every speech therapist will tell you that one of the best diction exercises is reading aloud. At the same time, it is not the number of words read that is important, but the articulation and clarity of pronunciation of sounds.

When using this technique, one should not forget that reading has other useful qualities. A nice "bonus" of this method of improving diction will be an increase vocabulary, improve imagination, develop memory.

Many people love to read, and yet their diction leaves much to be desired. That is why you need to read aloud. Try to pronounce the letters and words written in the book clearly and with expression, paint your speech in emotional colors.

Regular reading aloud will help get rid of tongue-tied tongue, slips of the tongue, hesitations and other things that negatively affect diction.

Since the text of books, especially in classical literature, is very different from how we talk in Everyday life, will help you not only express yourself beautifully, but also form your speech according to the literary language.

Don't be in a hurry to read aloud. Sit in comfortable armchair and take the book. It is desirable that this be one of your favorite books. Of course, militants or Russian "detectives" are not suitable for this practice. Complex scientific literature too.

Leo Tolstoy has a very beautiful style. But, in his main work "War and Peace" there are too many French. Therefore, this work will not suit you. Practice on his earlier stories.

Soviet fiction is very good for reading aloud. Especially the works of the Strugatsky brothers. Unfortunately, their modern successors have simplified the genre too much and are hardly suitable for reading aloud.

Read the selected work expressively, marking the stresses and making the necessary pauses. If you return to the Strugatskys, then listen to the audiobooks of these authors, recorded by Vladimir Levashov. Take his diction as a standard and try to repeat it.

You can go further and add some artistry to your reading aloud. Try to imagine the heroes of the work, their appearance and character. Then add individual notes to their replicas. But, of course, do not forget about the most important thing - diction training. Don't overdo it with artistry.

Once you're able to read aloud confidently, you can increase your reading speed a little. But, it is important to clearly and distinctly pronounce sounds and words. With an increase in reading speed, monotony and excessive acceleration cannot be lost. Even if on the next page of the book you will find out the denouement of the event.

In order for reading aloud to have an effect, it is important to read at least 30 minutes a day. And in a month you will be able to achieve noticeable success. And in order to be sure that your diction is progressing, record on the recorder how you started to read aloud and how you read after some time of such regular training.

How to improve diction for an adult, a teenager?

WALNUTS. in a good way to improve your diction is to use walnuts for this. They need to be laid on the cheek (one on each side) and pronounce the tongue twister for several minutes. After that, you need to remove the nuts and say the same tongue twister again.

PENCIL IN TEETH. Grip a pencil with your teeth and read some poem from memory with expression.

IMPORTANT: Both techniques can be used for both children and adults. With their regular use, you can improve diction, make speech more relaxed and free. This technique can be used even in cases of speech impairment due to a stroke.

RECORDING ON THE DICTOPHONE. This technique can be combined with reading aloud, which we talked about above. Turn on the recorder before you start reading aloud and write down a piece of any text you read. Then you need to listen to the recording and note the sounds that you pronounce incorrectly. When reading books aloud later, try to pay special attention to problematic sounds.

TONGUE TWISTERS. Perhaps the most known way improve your diction are tongue twisters. Repeat these rhythmic phrases daily. Special attention focus on pronunciation of problematic sounds. If your diction suffers from incorrectly pronounced hissing or whistling sounds, then you can solve this problem with the help of a tongue twister:

ARTICULATION GYMNASTICS. There are a lot of exercises to improve diction, which are included in the concept of articulatory gymnastics. With their help, you can significantly improve pronunciation in an adult. We will talk about them in the section "Exercises for diction and articulation."

BREATHING EXERCISES. Many underestimate correct posture and breathing while communicating with other people. But, without this, it is impossible to have the correct diction. Entire courses in the study of acting are devoted to the correct inhalation and exhalation. And if you want to talk like Andrei Mironov or Vasily Livanov, then be sure to devote a few minutes a day to breathing exercises.

  1. Stand up straight, put your hands on your belt, and your feet shoulder-width apart
  2. Take a slow breath through slightly parted lips.
  3. Then try to also inhale the air while reading the text aloud
  4. Then make the task even more difficult: move around the room, take a breath and speak
  5. As you exhale, rise and pull the letter "mmm"

Warm-up for diction

Pencil in the teeth is a great exercise for diction

Before public speaking, it is imperative to warm up diction. To do this, you can use the methods described above. For example, take a pencil in your teeth and read a few tongue twisters. Then you need to say the same thing without a pencil.

Try to pronounce difficult words from the text that you need to convey to the audience several times. Read favorite poem by memory. A few minutes of such a warm-up is enough to stretch your vocal cords, facial muscles and set yourself up for a performance.

You can also stretch your diction with the help of the following exercises:

Pull out and hide We push the tongue forward as far as possible, then hide it back. Move the tongue forward and then back. The duration of the exercise is 2-4 minutes
Pricking the cheeks with the tongue We begin to prick our cheeks in turn with our tongue. Call first left cheek, then right. The duration of the exercise is 3-5 minutes
"Teeth cleaning" We rotate the tongue in the mouth in a circle. The mouth must be closed. We do 15-20 rotations clockwise and vice versa
Circular movements We stretch out the tongue and twist it in a circle. We do 10-15 circles clockwise, then against
"Tube - smile" We stretch our lips forward, after 3 seconds you begin to smile as widely as possible. First lips forward, then back. We do this exercise for at least 3 minutes.
"Bubble" We inflate first one cheek, then the other. Duration 2 minutes

Work on diction and pronunciation

Oratory talent is extremely rare. Almost all famous people prepare hard for every public performance. It is known that Cicero without preparation could not utter a single word. And he is still held up as an example as a great rhetorician.

There are a lot of exercises with which your speech can become clear and beautiful. There are both universal exercises and those that are designed to help fix a specific problem. For example, a whistling "S", an indistinct "L" or a violation in the pronunciation of the sound "P". In order to solve these problems will have to work.

Exercises for diction and voice

In public speaking or in normal conversation, we use the muscles of the tongue and throat. It is logical that in order to speak beautifully, you need to “pump” these muscles. But, unlike the biceps and pectoral muscles, we do not need sports equipment.

1. You can pump the muscles involved in the reproduction of sounds by regularly saying "A-E-O". At the same time, it is important to try not to open your mouth too much. The effect can be achieved if you pronounce sounds as deep as possible in the mouth.

2. A very good effect can be achieved in diction and by training the lips. To do this, you need to say:

  • "GL", "VL", "VN"- for the upper lip
  • "KS", "GZ", "VZ", "BZ"- for the lower lip

3. You can also shape your tongue into a spade shape and say "AND" and "E" repeatedly. Now we will give the tongue the shape of a hook and at the same time say "O" and "U".

4. We continue to "pump" the muscles of the tongue. We close our mouth and with the help of internal movements of the sky, cheeks and lips we draw the sound "M".

Performing these exercises for diction, you can feel the result after a few regular sessions.

Exercises for diction and articulation

Since the tip of the tongue is very active in clear pronunciation, there are several exercises that will help improve its activity.

1. Imagine that your tongue is a hammer and beat it with the tip of your teeth. During such blows, “say” yes-yes-yes-yes. Then try to clearly pronounce the letters "T-D".

2. For clear pronunciation of letters "TO" and "G" you need to "pump" your larynx. To do this, inhale through your nose and completely empty your lungs through your mouth. The release of air through the mouth should occur sharply and resemble a sound "Ugh". Do this exercise several times.

3. If you notice a problem with pronunciation of letters "P" and "B", then train your labial muscles. To do this, you need to puff out your cheeks and release air from your mouth with an energetic cotton.

4. It is also very important to learn how to control the amount of air. For this you need to use breathing exercises and practice in front of a mirror. Try reading a short text at a normal volume. As a rule, while doing this, you can easily control your voice. Now, do the same, but turn up the volume. There must be problems.

With regular declaring of the text at an increased volume, you will soon be able to control the amount of air needed and will be able to successfully speak in front of a large audience.

5. There is another exercise to improve articulation. Take a few lines from your favorite poem. Then exclude consonants from these lines and sing only vowels. Then insert the consonants and pronounce them loudly without changing the pronunciation style of the vowels.

Also, articulation can be improved with the help of such exercises:

If you notice that you are swallowing the endings of words, then read any text, emphasizing the endings of the words written in it. You need to do this daily, and after a while you can forget about such a problem of your diction.

If you have trouble pronouncing a particular letter, take Dictionary Russian language and clearly read all the words beginning with this letter. Do it regularly. If you wish, record this exercise on a tape recorder.

Patter for the development of diction

The most popular way to improve your diction is tongue twisters. They can also be used as a warm-up before public speaking. In general, get into the habit of saying a few tongue twisters every day. Such training will help you overcome problems in the pronunciation of certain sounds and make speech more convincing and beautiful.

You don't need to set aside time for this workout. You can repeat tongue twisters while getting ready for work. Experts believe that three weeks of using tongue twisters will make speech smooth and diction clear.

Here are the most popular tongue twisters that will help improve diction:

Kristina. I am from the South of Russia and used to often “ghekala”. When I studied in St. Petersburg, I was very shy about this. I searched the Internet and found a simple way to get rid of this speech defect. You just need to pronounce phrases containing the sound "Ge". It is necessary to focus on this sound and pronounce it clearly. After two weeks, I began to pronounce this sound correctly and forgot about this problem.

Yuri. Also in student years participated in the drama club. Our leader tactfully hinted that I did not have the best diction. And she asked me to read books aloud for at least 30 minutes a day. I liked this exercise so much that I began to devote even more time to it. And diction has become noticeably better.

Video. An diction exercise that will make your speech beautiful in a week