Berries and fruits in a dream. Eat exotic fruits

Why is the fruit dreaming? Surely this question interests those who seek to unravel the future and open the veil of secrecy. Do dreams, in which beautiful fruits appear, always promise happiness and joy? We will talk about this in our article.


For a sick person, to see beautiful fruits in his dream means a speedy recovery.

The girl, who in her dreams watched the ripe fruits, will soon meet her soul mate. Fortunately, this young man will be the best in every way. Gallantry, deeds, stateliness, masculinity - these are all those qualities that will prevail in this man.

Why do people dream of a lot of fruits on a tree who long time can't conceive children? Expect more family members soon.

If an unmarried man dreamed of fruits, it means that soon a woman will appear in his life, who will forever take a place in a lonely heart.

For the poor, such a dream means an improvement in their financial situation.

Plucking the fruits, harvesting

Why is there a dream about a fruit on a tree that you cannot get? This means that your desires and goals are unattainable. Perhaps you are setting yourself challenging tasks that you cannot do. Did you get it? This means that everything in your life will turn out the way you want it.

Did you see in a dream how a branch with beautiful fruits bent towards you on its own? This means that you will achieve your goal without special efforts... Perhaps this will happen with outside help.

Harvesting? This suggests that the moment has come in your life when all desires come true at a click. Make good use of this period.

What if you greedily pluck the fruit from the branch, preventing others from enjoying it? This suggests that you are a person who does not think about others. If the attitude towards others does not change, then in the future you will be repaid with the same coin.

To pick a quince means happiness and victory over enemies.

Picking oranges promises good news and a noble deed.

Eat fruit

If the dreamer eats a ripe fruit in night vision, then there will come times in his life when pleasures will completely absorb him.

Is a young woman eating ripe fruits in her dreams? This is a bad sign, promising her the loss of her inheritance and moral decline. Be careful in your statements and do not sign questionable documents.

Why do you dream of orange fruits that you eat tangerines, oranges, persimmons means an early illness.

Are you greedy for a pear? Your financial situation will soon deteriorate.

The peach you eat means breaking up with your loved one. Don't worry, you will be together again soon.

Greedily grabbing and eating all the fruit bodes bad luck. This is due to the fact that you will be swallowed up by ... selfishness. It is because of this negative that a black life streak will overtake you. The dream book in this case advises to reconsider your attitude towards others, because loneliness and hatred from friends and loved ones will soon be provided to you.

Eating unripe fruit means waiting for an event.

Eating pineapples and bananas means happiness, luck, luck, strong relationships.

Did you drink coconut milk? So, you will reveal a big secret. Perhaps she will be associated with a big man. Whether you use this important information or not is up to you. But remember: by harming him, you will find a lifelong enemy.


Why do rotten fruits dream? This suggests that someone in your environment has negative feelings towards you. Be careful, for this person has been preparing a trap for a long time.

Ripe and mouth-watering fruits promise joy. Also, this dream means that you are on the right track.

If you see worms in the fruit, then this means your stability and firmness. Unfortunately, the moment you decide to take a step forward, you fail. The dream book advises to remove all obstacles and get down to business again.

Rotten apples promise loss of property, failure in business, a cowardly friend. Take a close look at your surroundings, because one of your so-called friends can betray you at any second.

Did you see beautiful and colorful fruits on the table in a dream? Enjoy life.

Why dream of vegetables and fruits in a vase? This suggests that all your efforts will soon be profitable.

Did you see the beautiful fruits on the platter? Do not flatter yourself: not everything is as cloudless as it seems. You are used to the fact that everything is presented on a silver platter. The dream book advises you to remove and start working, otherwise all your savings will soon run out.

Seeing dried fruits speaks of the dreamer's maturity. Perhaps global changes will come in your life or you will meet a person much older than you. In any case, you will be pleased with it.

Green unripe fruits mean disease. You may already be experiencing primary symptoms, so see your doctor urgently.

Fruit manipulation

If you are standing behind the counter of a fruit shop, then expect a good and profitable deal.

Do you buy fruit in boxes? Be careful with large cash investments. Perhaps you will be offered a project that seems profitable to you. But no! This is just an advertising step of ill-wishers who want to cheat you.

Why do you dream of fruits in a dream, from which you make jam? This means that life will be hard times.

What if you are peeling a fruit? This means that all your hopes will turn to dust. This may be due to the fact that you do not know how to trust and listen to the recommendations of more experienced and adult people. You look far ahead, ignoring small obstacles. But in vain!

Are you baking fruits? Expect interference from strangers.

Are you given apples? Someone is secretly in love with you. Also, this dream means that it may not be one person, but several, because your sexuality and attractiveness know no limits.

Do you dry plums in your dream? Expect betrayal and slander.

Giving someone oranges? To a quarrel in the family. Pears? Much deception.

What if in your dream you are squeezing fruit juice? You are very unhappy with your job or place of work.

Why do you dream of fruits on trees

If you see how the branches bend under the weight of the fruit, then this indicates that a fruitful life awaits you ahead. Finally, all your efforts will be worth it.

Are you observing an orchard with a huge amount of ripe and beautiful fruits? A happy family life awaits you.

What if the dreamer saw in his dream large fruits growing on a tree? This means abundance and a good harvest.

Green fruit on the tree means that all your efforts will be in vain. Perhaps on the way to your goal there will be a person who will prevent you from realizing everything you have conceived.

See the growing quince? Wait good news and good luck in business.

What is the dream of the pomegranate fruit that abounds on the tree? This signifies your sexuality and charm. There are no boundaries to your victories on the sexual front.

Have you watched the kiwi on the branch? This is a bad sign promising parting with a loved one.

If you see fruits ripening in the foliage, then this means a luxurious life.

Details and little things

Do you eat fruit pits? Expect success.

Did you see delicate and beautiful peaches in your dream? This means your sexuality and uniqueness. Also, this dream suggests that you have excellent success on the love front.

A man dreams of ripe fruits because he is not indifferent to lush female forms.

Watching how many different fruits lie on the ground? This speaks of wealth and luxury. Did you rush to collect them? Do not be greedy, otherwise you risk being left with nothing.

Are you working on growing fruit? Expect a good harvest.

In your nightly dreams, did you observe how the fruits were missing where they should be? This promises sterility, emptiness, failure and loneliness.

If you are walking in an orchard, expect profit. The reverse is interpreted as a dream in which you walk in a garden where there are bare trees.

Have thrown away the fruits? Luck can change you. Do not trust dubious individuals and do not participate in unverified projects, otherwise you risk losing all your savings.

See the apple cores? Expect sadness and loneliness.


If in your dream you eat an apple and do not feel the taste, then this promises you an unfaithful friend. Be careful!

Do you eat sour plums? Expect quarrels in the family. Sweet? Short-term pleasure.

What if you ate sweet fruits? Expect good events.

In your dream, did you eat sour fruits? It means resentment and disappointment in close person... He may have already betrayed you. You will soon find out about this.

Eating sweet apples promises a good and sweet life.

Are you eating lemon and can you taste it? Money.

Why dream of fruits and berries that taste disgusting? Expect bitter news and unpleasant events.


Seeing a fruit in a dream always means something good and positive. But the complete interpretation of such a dream depends precisely on the little things and details that occur in the dream. For example, fruit, its taste, degree of maturity, etc. Therefore, this should be taken into account when interpreting night vision.

More beautiful and ripe fruits for you in a dream and in life!

Seeing rotten fruits and vegetables in a dream is a warning from above. What he sees means the extremely tainted reputation of the dreamer and his friends. Most likely, you will be drawn into someone's shenanigans and will not be able to influence the situation if you dreamed that you had a chance to eat spoiled food. Urgently look into the dream book to clarify what rotten dreams are about.

Miller's dream book signals

Psychologists suggest: if you dreamed about spoiled food, look in your circles for a person who will soon betray and go to rivals. Seeing rot, a wormhole in a dream, cutting them off apples, pears, tangerines - for a complete check and cleaning in the ranks of colleagues and partners.

Miller's dream book, revealing what rotten fruits and vegetables dream of, focuses on the following nuances:

  • collect in the garden - to promote a dubious project ;;
  • buying, accepting as a gift - to resentment against an old friend;
  • eating yourself, treating friends - to poisoning;
  • to bury in foliage or in the ground - to identify a dishonest person in your circle.

Don't fall prey to scammers

Seeing fragrant but rotten fruits is a subconscious tip: you are moving in the wrong direction. A dream means that there is a risk of becoming a participant in a fraudulent plan. If you dreamed that the fruits smelled bad, be wary - someone clearly wants to drag you into a business that goes against the law.

Psychologists, comparing what spoiled pears and apples dream of, do not see a fundamental difference in interpretations famous dream books... This is due to the fact that foods that smell bad in a dream symbolize only "dark deeds".

Take time to exercise

When interpreting sleep, Vanga's dream book refers to a signal from above that there is a risk of poisoning. The healer clearly defines what spoiled vegetables dream of. It turns out that the body warns the dreamer about oversaturation with unnecessary elements and minerals.

Most often, what is seen in a dream reports an excess of alcohol, drugs, medicines. It looks like it's time to go on a diet, go in for sports, fitness, if you dreamed about rotten and musty fruits. It's even better if you manage to change the climate at least for a while, go to the sea or to the mountains.

Learn to forgive loved ones

To see rotten fruits on the ground, to bury them in a dream - to the timely detection of a traitor in your team. The dream book says that a person himself will show cowardice and betray himself. Any unseemly act committed in the coming days will be revealed, and the guilty one will be punished.

A fruit basket in the house is always associated with beauty, comfort, reflects the desire for proper nutrition and healthy way life. Why fruit dreams, we find out in proven dream books.

Fruits in a dream have always personified health, abundance, longevity and good luck. Of course, only those fruits that were dreamed of already ripe, ripe, juicy and without any wormholes bear positive symbolism.

In the philosophy of Feng Shui, fruit is a powerful energy of longevity, the implementation of plans, the realization of ambitions. Such a sign encourages you to use and enjoy the benefits that you justly got. Such vivid dreams with fruits indicate that your prosperity and wealth was completely dependent on previous merits. Indeed, in order for a decent harvest to be born, the garden must be carefully looked after, having invested a lot of energy and health.

Otherwise, the energy of fruits will affect those dreamers who had to eat unripe and wormy pears, apples, rotten grapes. All this predicts poor health, a deterioration in the state of affairs, due to competitors, rash actions, excessive self-confidence, which will bring a lot of trouble.

What fruits are the harbingers of blessings in a dream

Each fruit individually carries a certain symbolism in a dream.

  • peach symbolizes a long and happy life in love and marriage;
  • pomegranate dreams of conceiving and bearing an unborn child. There are many tasty seeds inside the pomegranate, each of them speaks of the dreamer's fertility and large family;
  • grapes come in dreams to those who dream of eating tasty and satisfying food. It is a symbol of abundance of food and material wealth. It also reflects family integrity and friendship, unity and brotherhood. A good sign for someone who is disappointed in their own luck. After such a dream, good luck and luck are expected in all spheres of life;
  • It is good to see an apple for a sleeping person if he experiences disharmony in the family, discord in relations with loved ones, and, as a result, feeling unwell and losing strength. If you dreamed of picking a juicy and ripe apple, it means finding peace and quiet in the house, strengthening your strength and improving your health;
  • pineapple is a symbol of prosperity, wealth and a constant flow of abundance. If you taste the slices of this fruit, it means that you are destined to soon become a wealthy and influential person. For those who are just starting their own business, this is a good reason to believe in their business qualities, intuition and business knowledge. This vision is usually followed by events that change the way you think about financial security. There will be enough money not only to close all problem areas, but also to invest successfully;
  • an orange in a dream - repels failure in reality, saving you from bad thoughts, thoughts, actions, people. For a sleeping person, this is a good symbol of the keeper of luck. This means that there will be something in the future that will hold you back, guide and protect you on the way. The rest of the citrus fruits - lime, lemon, tangerine have a similar interpretation. Circumstances will be especially positive if you saw these fruits in dreams in the amount of nine or more.

Of course, it is important to remember that all fruits bring a lot of joy and happiness if they are fresh, beautiful, and fragrant.

Author's dream books

Sigmund Freud

Fruit is associated with a beautiful graceful figure or separate parts body. The interpreter gives a phallic symbol to the fruit of an oblong shape. A banana in a woman's dream is not ambiguously understood as new with a charismatic man with powerful sexual energy.

Soft and tender peaches, apricots reflect female sexuality and attractiveness. For a woman, such visions mean that she is at the peak of her sexual activity. You need to take advantage of the moment when the desire to learn a lot of new things in the intimate world coincides with your capabilities. This is not about promiscuous intercourse. Beautiful, ripe fruits are a sign of future success: love, everyday, family. Health during this period allows you to conceive strong babies and give birth without any problems and difficulties.

For men, peeling an overripe banana in a dream is a sign that impotence may soon overtake and problems with potency begin. Restore masculine strength and the former activity will succeed by some abstinence from intimate relationships.

Gustov Miller

Plant a fruit tree in a dream and then admire how it appears and ripens juicy fruits- a sign of happy changes and prosperity thanks to fruitful and meticulous work. This characterizes the dedication and responsibility of the dreamer, who knows what he wants and how to achieve it.

I dreamed of plucking unripe fruits - to hasty decisions and rash actions. In this case, it is likely that high ambitions, excessive independence and confidence will let you down. You are not used to trusting others' opinions, listening exclusively to your heart's voice. Sometimes it lets you down terribly. Learn to look closely at someone else's successful life experience, to hear those who wish you well and prosperity.

A young lady to taste an unripe peach in a dream is to succumb to temptation and commit an immoral act, after which they may be reproached for immorality and the fall. Such a plot foreshadows subsequent troubles and discord in the family. Do not aggravate the conflict with relatives, otherwise it will affect the deprivation of your future inheritance. Prudence, restraint, and remorse can keep trouble to a minimum.

Selling fruits or being in the role of a buyer - sleep promises high employment, a lot decisions taken, but the low profitability of all processes that are associated with money. Your activity during this period will require you enough time, your own activity, but will not meet your financial expectations.

There is overripe grapes - in reality it promises one-time dubious pleasures. The luck that will accompany this period promises to be very unreliable. You should rely only on your own strength.

Yuri Longo

It is a good sign for a woman to see a bowl of fruit on the table. The auspiciousness of the events will contribute to your relaxed state. You, like a magnet, attract with your charm, calmness and self-sufficiency. It's time to enjoy love, to succumb to carnal pleasures, to feel your sexuality and femininity.

In a dream, stretching a fruit to someone close to you means participating in someone's destiny. Your patronage will take time and effort, but it will give a good result.

The dream in which you see fruit is considered extremely favorable by Felomena's dream book. It promises a long time of happiness and prosperity, business will be more successful than ever, and fortune is generous and supportive of you.

What did you do with the fruit in your sleep? What kind of fruit did you dream about? What, besides fruits, did you dream about?

What did you do with the fruit in your sleep?

Buy fruit according to the dream book

If you dreamed that you were buying fruit, this is an ambiguous symbol. On the one hand, such a dream promises successful negotiations, on the other hand, it suggests that in the end they will not bring the desired profit or satisfaction.

There are fruits in a dream

Eating ripe and juicy fruits in a dream is a warning. The future prepares numerous temptations that can cause serious trouble. Try to weigh the pros and cons before making a decision.

I dreamed that you were collecting fruits

A dream in which you pick fruit promises a quick turn in life for the better. Sorrows will bypass you and your loved ones, prosperity will come into life, your soul will be filled with tranquility. There is a great chance that your deepest desires will come true.

Meetings with interesting people will bring many vivid impressions. In addition, among new acquaintances there may be your other half, relations with whom will become truly sincere and strong.

What kind of fruit did you dream about?

Dreamed of rotten fruit

If you dream of rotten fruits, the dream prepares you for life's difficulties. Negative emotions, resentment towards loved ones and empty suspicions will become your constant companions. But only your choice is to succumb to their influence or not.

Wormy fruits in a dream

The dream book warns: wormy fruits can mean that among your acquaintances there are people who are negatively disposed towards you. Perhaps outwardly they look friendly and peaceful, but inside they can hold a grudge against you and envy you.

Why do exotic fruits dream?

If you dreamed Exotic fruits- be ready to be completely captured by inspiration and creative mood. The energy will begin to gush like a fountain, the main thing is to put it in the right direction. This will be the beginning of big life changes.

Many fruits in a dream

If you dreamed of a lot of fruits, the dream is interpreted in a positive way. The interpretation of a dream portends joyful events if appearance the fruit was good. Pay also attention to the events unfolding in the dream.

What, besides fruits, did you dream about?

Dreamed of vegetables and fruits

Seeing mixed fruits and vegetables in a dream may not be a very good sign. There is a high probability of entering the path of disappointment and failure. Be strong, the difficult period will end sooner or later, and life will again be colored in bright colors.

Fruits on trees in a dream

If you saw a dream about fruits hanging on trees among the green foliage, the dream portends you a future filled with many joys: happy moments with loved ones, peace of mind at home and major achievements in business.

Why do fruits and berries dream

If you saw fruits together with berries in a dream, the dream book promises a dramatic improvement in financial situation. With pleasure to feast on them - to good health and longevity, if you are sick - to recovery.

What do fruits mean in a dream?

Fruit is not only a reliable source nutrients, but also a good sign in a dream.

They can predict your future, reflect your state of mind and tell how others treat you.

The meanings of fruit dreams are many, and in order to correctly determine what fruit is dreaming of, you will have to remember all the details of your night vision.


Seeing exotic fruits in a dream is a symbol of positive change. Fruit trees with an abundance of fruit they speak of the rich, happy life... And the fruits, neatly folded in boxes, are the harbingers of a promising acquaintance.

Beautiful cutting on festive table promises pleasant guests. And whole fruits at the holiday means that you are about to meet old friends.

Seeing skins and peels is a sexual hunger. And rotten exotic fruits dream of envious people.

Sexy fetus

Receiving pleasure and sexual activity is what the pomegranate dreams of. To clean it means to postpone pleasure in order to plunge into it with your head later.

And eating pomegranates is to diversify your sex life. Perhaps you will have a new partner or you will come up with something new with your loved one.

  • Unripe pomegranate - to a fleeting romance.
  • Rotten seeds inside - beware of disease.
  • To see a pomegranate in a cut - to acquaintance with a passionate nature.

A dream in which you collect fruits is a dream of well-being and success. And buying them in a supermarket or at a bazaar means trying to attract the attention of a man you like.

To see your partner eating a pomegranate is to become the object of his baseless jealousy. And to eat with a loved one means to spend a passionate night with him.

Habitual goodies

When dreaming not overseas, but ordinary fruits, such dreams mean that soon you can easily solve the accumulated problems.

Eating fresh berries and fruits - according to the dream book, means getting rid of the disease. And to see them on a tree is to significantly improve your material condition.

  • Dreaming of many different fruits - to the opportunity to relax, rest.
  • Dried - to a misunderstanding in the family.
  • Frozen - to the revival of a former feeling.
  • Rotten fruits or berries - beware of cheating.
  • Seeing the halves of the fruit is a pleasant experience.

If you dream that you are picking fruits, it means that soon your life will come white stripe... During this period, the execution of your cherished desire... You may have to make some effort to do this, but the result will definitely please you.

Eating rotten fruit in a dream means getting in the way of someone without suspecting it. Be careful, you may be stabbed in the back soon.

Wormy fruits dream when envious people appear in your immediate environment. And hard, unripe fruit in a dream is a sign that you will need to work for a long time to achieve your goals.

Other meanings

The dream book also describes why the dream is to receive fruit as a gift. If these were the fruits that you love, then in reality a pleasant surprise awaits you. And if you accepted the gift, but did not eat it, then you must clean your wardrobe of unnecessary things.

  • Seeing stubs in a dream - to temporary financial difficulties.
  • Rotten fruits on a tree - to a sharp change in plans.
  • Dreaming of how you juggle fruit is a risky event.
  • To treat them to someone - to experience a lack of communication.
  • Seeing them in a large basket is a prosperity.

If the fruits in a dream were ripe, beautiful, then everything that you conceived will gradually come true. And if they look like that, but inside they are completely tasteless, then circumstances may interfere with you.

Seeing artificial fruits means trying to deceive yourself. And if they were painted on canvas, then you have a deep enough inner world.

If you carefully study the dream book, fruits will no longer be just food for you. You will understand that these are the harbingers of many events in your life.

And even if these events are not entirely pleasant to you, then there is a chance to prevent them, and begin to independently model your life.

Dream interpretation Rotten fruits

Why do Rotten Fruits dream in a dream from a dream book?

Rotten fruits, according to the dream book - suspiciousness, touchiness, irritability will accompany you for a long time.

A lot of fruits

Dream interpretation Many fruits dreamed why in a dream a lot of fruits? To select the interpretation of the dream, enter keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get online interpretation of dreams with a letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a lot of fruits in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Dream interpretation - Fruit

Dream interpretation - Fruit

Spoiled fruit is in trouble.

Dream interpretation - Fruit

Dream interpretation - Fruit

Dream interpretation - Fruit

Dream interpretation - Fruits, fruits

Dream interpretation - Fruit

But don't be in a hurry.

Dream interpretation - Fruits (fruits)

Dream interpretation - Fruit

Dream interpretation - Fruit

Rotten fruit

Dream interpretation Rotten fruit dreamed why the Rotten Fruit dreams in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Rotten Fruit in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream interpretation - Fruit

Fruit is a symbol of femininity, fertility or decline.

Seeing in a dream the fruits ripening among the leaves, you can safely count on prosperity and a secure old age.

Green fruits mean that your labors will be in vain.

If a young woman dreamed that she was eating some kind of fruit, then she could lose her inheritance.

The dream in which you bought or sold fruit means large, but not particularly profitable deals.

If you dreamed that you saw or ate a ripe fruit, luck and the pleasures you receive will be unreliable.

In general, eating fruits in a dream is an unfavorable sign.

Ripe fruits dream of prosperity in the future.

Overripe fruits are a sign of vain efforts and rash actions.

Dream interpretation - Fruit

Seeing unripe fruit is unfortunately and sad.

Spoiled fruit is in trouble.

Dried fruits - to a new source of income.

Seeing ripe fruits is for happiness and wealth.

Collecting fruits - for the birth of a son.

A woman sees how she sells fruits - to divorce.

Dream interpretation - Fruit

Fruit is a symbol of femininity, fertility or decline. However, in some cases, this symbol can also be viewed through the prism of the concept of FOOD. Therefore, it is important to determine under what circumstances the fruit was dreamed.

Have you offered fruit to anyone, or, conversely, has someone offered fruit to you?

Perhaps the appearance of a certain fruit in a dream is due to its recent appearance in your real life?

Dream interpretation - Rot

Seeing rotten bananas in a dream means that soon you will be forced to do something unpleasant for you. Selling rotten bananas means getting carried away with useless trifles.

If you dream of a rotting wound on the body, annoying incidents will interfere with the implementation of plans, and the disease will completely remove you from urgent matters.

Rotten nuts seen in a dream means that your bright hopes will turn into deep disappointment.

If a girl sees herself crossing a muddy stream on a rotten flooring, this means that she will painfully experience the indifference of those she loves to herself.

Collecting rotten acorns or chestnuts is a harbinger of the fact that your rash actions will cause a scandal in the house or the departure of a family member.

If you dream of rotten potatoes, it means that your joys and pleasures come to an end, and a streak of nightmarish bad luck begins.

Rotten vegetables in a dream promise great sorrows in reality. Cooking something from such vegetables means losing a beloved person due to a disagreement, but in the future marriage with a worthy and faithful chosen one is possible.

Dream interpretation - Fruit

Fruit dreams are interpreted depending on which fruit was dreamed of. But to see in a dream many different fruits, both English and imported, means an unlimited increase in the state, a pleasant marriage with a wealthy spouse, a large and happy family... Different fruits have different interpretations in dreams.

Dream interpretation - Fruit

If you dreamed of fruits on a tree, among the foliage, then you have a future ahead of you, which you can only envy. You will be successful, especially in business. Unripe fruits are a symbol of your frivolity and haste. At the same time, you need to wait a bit for your dreams to begin to come true. If you eat fruits in a dream, then depending on their taste, either pleasant events (sweet fruits) or sorrows and experiences, remorse (sour, bitter fruits) await you. Buying or selling fruit symbolizes activity in business, which is not always able to bring the expected profit.

Dream interpretation - Fruits, fruits

this is marriage (or marriage). It is also said: fruit for the poor promises wealth, and for the rich - an increase in wealth. And whoever sees the fruit pouring on him, he will be famous for his piety and kindness. Any yellow fruit means disease. Green fruits are wealth that does not multiply.

Dream interpretation - Fruit

To see a laid table on which a wide variety of fruits are in abundance: to the fact that in the near future you will have to plunge into the sea of ​​carnal pleasures.

Do not be afraid of your feelings, try to give them the fullest possible outlet.

Cast aside all doubts and fears if you are buying fruit: in real life, you crave a love affair.

But don't be in a hurry.

Try to sort out your feelings and desires, take a closer look at those around you and, as soon as you are convinced of the seriousness of a person's intentions, you can respond to his feelings.

If you hold out a fruit to someone: in reality you will take an active part in the fate of this person.

If this is a member of the opposite sex, then, most likely, you will start an affair with him, which can lead to marriage.

However, in this case, you should take the initiative, if you do not, the romance will end in nothing.

If you give the fruit to your friend: soon you will try to arrange his personal life.

Maybe you will contribute to his acquaintance with the subject of passion or find him a worthy match.

In any case, your intervention will prove beneficial.

Plucking fruits: a dream suggests that now a bright streak has come for you in life, everything will work out for you without the slightest effort on your part.

Even the most fabulous dreams can come true.

Do not waste time and try to take advantage of this favorable moment for you.

By the way, this time is the best suited for the arrangement of personal happiness.

It is possible that a recent acquaintance will develop into a more strong union and lead to marriage.

Dream interpretation - Fruits (fruits)

Fruits ripening on trees - to prosperity in all matters, success.

The same is the meaning of fruit on banquet tables (if you only see, but do not eat).

A mountain of various fruits can dream of the appearance of numerous offspring.

There are fruits - an unfavorable dream.

To see or eat a ripe fruit is to luck and pleasure, but without hope for the stability of the situation.

Green fruits - for a must.

Overripe - to a destructive delay in business.

Fake fruits - to betrayal.

If a young woman eats fruit in a dream, in reality she will lose her inheritance and repentance for immoral behavior.

Dream interpretation - Fruit

They embody dreams of sexual relationships, the joys of love, and the enjoyment of nature.

According to Freud, elongated fruits are phallic symbols.

Delicate Peaches - a hint of female sexuality.

Beautiful, ripe fruits - fortunately, love affairs and health.

Spoiled or unripe fruit is a complication in your personal life.

Tropical fruits

Dream interpretation Tropical fruits dreamed why Tropical Fruits dream in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Tropical fruits in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream interpretation - Fruit

Fruit is a symbol of femininity, fertility or decline.

Seeing in a dream the fruits ripening among the leaves, you can safely count on prosperity and a secure old age.

Green fruits mean that your labors will be in vain.

If a young woman dreamed that she was eating some kind of fruit, then she could lose her inheritance.

The dream in which you bought or sold fruit means large, but not particularly profitable deals.

If you dreamed that you saw or ate a ripe fruit, luck and the pleasures you receive will be unreliable.

In general, eating fruits in a dream is an unfavorable sign.

Ripe fruits dream of prosperity in the future.

Overripe fruits are a sign of vain efforts and rash actions.

Dream interpretation - Fruit

Seeing unripe fruit is unfortunately and sad.

Spoiled fruit is in trouble.

Dried fruits - to a new source of income.

Seeing ripe fruits is for happiness and wealth.

Collecting fruits - for the birth of a son.

A woman sees how she sells fruits - to divorce.

Dream interpretation - Fruit

Fruit is a symbol of femininity, fertility or decline. However, in some cases, this symbol can also be viewed through the prism of the concept of FOOD. Therefore, it is important to determine under what circumstances the fruit was dreamed.

Have you offered fruit to anyone, or, conversely, has someone offered fruit to you?

Perhaps the appearance of a certain fruit in a dream is related to its recent appearance in your real life?

Dream interpretation - Fruit

Fruit dreams are interpreted depending on which fruit was dreamed of. But to see in a dream many different fruits, both English and imported, means an unlimited increase in fortune, a pleasant marriage with a wealthy spouse, a large and happy family. Different fruits have different interpretations in dreams.

Dream interpretation - Fruit

If you dreamed of fruits on a tree, among the foliage, then you have a future ahead of you, which you can only envy. You will be successful, especially in business. Unripe fruits are a symbol of your frivolity and haste. At the same time, you need to wait a bit for your dreams to begin to come true. If you eat fruits in a dream, then depending on their taste, either pleasant events (sweet fruits) or sorrows and experiences, remorse (sour, bitter fruits) await you. Buying or selling fruit symbolizes activity in business, which is not always able to bring the expected profit.

Dream interpretation - Fruits, fruits

this is marriage (or marriage). It is also said: fruit for the poor promises wealth, and for the rich - an increase in wealth. And whoever sees the fruit pouring on him, he will be famous for his piety and kindness. Any yellow fruit means disease. Green fruits are wealth that does not multiply.

Dream interpretation - Fruit

To see a laid table on which a wide variety of fruits are in abundance: to the fact that in the near future you will have to plunge into the sea of ​​carnal pleasures.

Do not be afraid of your feelings, try to give them the fullest possible outlet.

Cast aside all doubts and fears if you are buying fruit: in real life, you crave a love affair.

But don't be in a hurry.

Try to sort out your feelings and desires, take a closer look at those around you and, as soon as you are convinced of the seriousness of a person's intentions, you can respond to his feelings.

If you hold out a fruit to someone: in reality you will take an active part in the fate of this person.

If this is a member of the opposite sex, then, most likely, you will start an affair with him, which can lead to marriage.

However, in this case, you should take the initiative, if you do not, the romance will end in nothing.

If you give the fruit to your friend: soon you will try to arrange his personal life.

Maybe you will contribute to his acquaintance with the subject of passion or find him a worthy match.

In any case, your intervention will prove beneficial.

Plucking fruits: a dream suggests that now a bright streak has come for you in life, everything will work out for you without the slightest effort on your part.

Even the most fabulous dreams can come true.

Do not waste time and try to take advantage of this favorable moment for you.

By the way, this time is the best suited for the arrangement of personal happiness.

It is possible that a recent acquaintance will develop into a stronger union and lead to marriage.

Dream interpretation - Fruits (fruits)

Fruits ripening on trees - to prosperity in all matters, success.

The same is the meaning of fruit on banquet tables (if you only see, but do not eat).

A mountain of various fruits can dream of the appearance of numerous offspring.

There are fruits - an unfavorable dream.

To see or eat a ripe fruit is to luck and pleasure, but without hope for the stability of the situation.

Green fruits - for a must.

Overripe - to a destructive delay in business.

Fake fruits - to betrayal.

If a young woman eats fruit in a dream, in reality she will lose her inheritance and repentance for immoral behavior.

Dream interpretation - Fruit

They embody dreams of sexual relationships, the joys of love, and the enjoyment of nature.

According to Freud, elongated fruits are phallic symbols.

Delicate Peaches - a hint of female sexuality.

Beautiful, ripe fruits - fortunately, love affairs and health.

Spoiled or unripe fruit is a complication in your personal life.

Dream interpretation - Fruit

Fruit - If you dreamed that you were eating fruit, then you will know the joy and excitement of meeting a pleasant man who will give you love, affection and tenderness.

Fruit on one tree

Dream interpretation Fruit on one tree dreamed why in a dream Fruits on one tree? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to dream of Fruits on the same tree by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream interpretation - Fruit

Fruit is a symbol of femininity, fertility or decline.

Seeing in a dream the fruits ripening among the leaves, you can safely count on prosperity and a secure old age.

Green fruits mean that your labors will be in vain.

If a young woman dreamed that she was eating some kind of fruit, then she could lose her inheritance.

The dream in which you bought or sold fruit means large, but not particularly profitable deals.

If you dreamed that you saw or ate a ripe fruit, luck and the pleasures you receive will be unreliable.

In general, eating fruits in a dream is an unfavorable sign.

Ripe fruits dream of prosperity in the future.

Overripe fruits are a sign of vain efforts and rash actions.

Dream interpretation - Fruit

Seeing unripe fruit is unfortunately and sad.

Spoiled fruit is in trouble.

Dried fruits - to a new source of income.

Seeing ripe fruits is for happiness and wealth.

Collecting fruits - for the birth of a son.

A woman sees how she sells fruits - to divorce.

Dream interpretation - Fruit

Fruit is a symbol of femininity, fertility or decline. However, in some cases, this symbol can also be viewed through the prism of the concept of FOOD. Therefore, it is important to determine under what circumstances the fruit was dreamed.

Have you offered fruit to anyone, or, conversely, has someone offered fruit to you?

Perhaps the appearance of a certain fruit in a dream is related to its recent appearance in your real life?

Dream interpretation - Fruit

Fruit dreams are interpreted depending on which fruit was dreamed of. But to see in a dream many different fruits, both English and imported, means an unlimited increase in fortune, a pleasant marriage with a wealthy spouse, a large and happy family. Different fruits have different interpretations in dreams.

Dream interpretation - Fruit

If you dreamed of fruits on a tree, among the foliage, then you have a future ahead of you, which you can only envy. You will be successful, especially in business. Unripe fruits are a symbol of your frivolity and haste. At the same time, you need to wait a bit for your dreams to begin to come true. If you eat fruits in a dream, then depending on their taste, either pleasant events (sweet fruits) or sorrows and experiences, remorse (sour, bitter fruits) await you. Buying or selling fruit symbolizes activity in business, which is not always able to bring the expected profit.

Dream interpretation - Fruits, fruits

this is marriage (or marriage). It is also said: fruit for the poor promises wealth, and for the rich - an increase in wealth. And whoever sees the fruit pouring on him, he will be famous for his piety and kindness. Any yellow fruit means disease. Green fruits are wealth that does not multiply.

Dream interpretation - Fruit

To see a laid table on which a wide variety of fruits are in abundance: to the fact that in the near future you will have to plunge into the sea of ​​carnal pleasures.

Do not be afraid of your feelings, try to give them the fullest possible outlet.

Cast aside all doubts and fears if you are buying fruit: in real life, you crave a love affair.

But don't be in a hurry.

Try to sort out your feelings and desires, take a closer look at those around you and, as soon as you are convinced of the seriousness of a person's intentions, you can respond to his feelings.

If you hold out a fruit to someone: in reality you will take an active part in the fate of this person.

If this is a member of the opposite sex, then, most likely, you will start an affair with him, which can lead to marriage.

However, in this case, you should take the initiative, if you do not, the romance will end in nothing.

If you give the fruit to your friend: soon you will try to arrange his personal life.

Maybe you will contribute to his acquaintance with the subject of passion or find him a worthy match.

In any case, your intervention will prove beneficial.

Plucking fruits: a dream suggests that now a bright streak has come for you in life, everything will work out for you without the slightest effort on your part.

Even the most fabulous dreams can come true.

Do not waste time and try to take advantage of this favorable moment for you.

By the way, this time is the best suited for the arrangement of personal happiness.

It is possible that a recent acquaintance will develop into a stronger union and lead to marriage.

Dream interpretation - Fruits (fruits)

Fruits ripening on trees - to prosperity in all matters, success.

The same is the meaning of fruit on banquet tables (if you only see, but do not eat).

A mountain of various fruits can dream of the appearance of numerous offspring.

There are fruits - an unfavorable dream.

To see or eat a ripe fruit is to luck and pleasure, but without hope for the stability of the situation.

Green fruits - for a must.

Overripe - to a destructive delay in business.

Fake fruits - to betrayal.

If a young woman eats fruit in a dream, in reality she will lose her inheritance and repentance for immoral behavior.

Dream interpretation - Fruit

They embody dreams of sexual relationships, the joys of love, and the enjoyment of nature.

According to Freud, elongated fruits are phallic symbols.

Delicate Peaches - a hint of female sexuality.

Beautiful, ripe fruits - fortunately, love affairs and health.

Spoiled or unripe fruit is a complication in your personal life.

Dream interpretation - Fruit

Fruit - If you dreamed that you were eating fruit, then you will know the joy and excitement of meeting a pleasant man who will give you love, affection and tenderness.

Fruit is not only a reliable source of nutrients, but also a good sign in a dream.

They can predict your future, reflect your state of mind and tell how others treat you.

The meanings of fruit dreams are many, and in order to correctly determine what fruit is dreaming of, you will have to remember all the details of your night vision.


Seeing exotic fruits in a dream is a symbol of positive change. Fruit trees with an abundance of fruits speak of a rich, happy life. And the fruits, neatly folded in boxes, are the harbingers of a promising acquaintance.

A beautiful cut on the festive table promises pleasant guests. And whole fruits at the holiday means that you are about to meet old friends.

Seeing skins and peels is a sexual hunger. And rotten exotic fruits dream of envious people.

Sexy fetus

Receiving pleasure and sexual activity is what the pomegranate dreams of. To clean it means to postpone pleasure in order to plunge into it with your head later.

And eating pomegranates is to diversify your sex life. Perhaps you will have a new partner or you will come up with something new with your loved one.

  • Unripe pomegranate - to a fleeting romance.
  • Rotten seeds inside - beware of disease.
  • To see a pomegranate in a cut - to acquaintance with a passionate nature.

A dream in which you collect fruits is a dream of well-being and success. And buying them in a supermarket or at a bazaar means trying to attract the attention of a man you like.

To see your partner eating a pomegranate is to become the object of his baseless jealousy. And to eat with a loved one means to spend a passionate night with him.

Habitual goodies

When dreaming not overseas, but ordinary fruits, such dreams mean that soon you can easily solve the accumulated problems.

Eating fresh berries and fruits - according to the dream book, means getting rid of the disease. And to see them on a tree is to significantly improve your material condition.

  • Dreaming of many different fruits - to the opportunity to relax, rest.
  • Dried - to a misunderstanding in the family.
  • Frozen - to the revival of a former feeling.
  • Rotten fruits or berries - beware of cheating.
  • Seeing the halves of the fruit is a pleasant experience.

If you dream that you are picking fruits, it means that soon a white streak will come in your life. During this period, the fulfillment of your cherished desire is possible. You may have to make some effort to do this, but the result will definitely please you.

Eating rotten fruit in a dream means getting in the way of someone without suspecting it. Be careful, you may be stabbed in the back soon.

Wormy fruits dream when envious people appear in your immediate environment. And hard, unripe fruit in a dream is a sign that you will need to work for a long time to achieve your goals.

Other meanings

The dream book also describes why the dream is to receive fruit as a gift. If these were the fruits that you love, then in reality a pleasant surprise awaits you. And if you accepted the gift, but did not eat it, then you must clean your wardrobe of unnecessary things.

  • Seeing stubs in a dream - to temporary financial difficulties.
  • Rotten fruits on a tree - to a sharp change in plans.
  • Dreaming of how you juggle fruit is a risky event.
  • To treat them to someone - to experience a lack of communication.
  • Seeing them in a large basket is a prosperity.

If the fruits in a dream were ripe, beautiful, then everything that you conceived will gradually come true. And if they look like that, but inside they are completely tasteless, then circumstances may interfere with you.

Seeing artificial fruits means trying to deceive yourself. And if they were painted on canvas, then you have a deep enough inner world.

If you carefully study the dream book, fruits will no longer be just food for you. You will understand that these are the harbingers of many events in your life.

And even if these events are not entirely pleasant to you, then there is a chance to prevent them, and begin to independently model your life. Author: Vera Fractional