Cucumbers at home. Indoor cucumbers: how to grow juicy and crispy fruits on the windowsill

To get cucumbers on the windowsill in winter, you need to have good soil, hybrid seeds and arrange the possibility of sufficient lighting, not only natural, but also with the help of fitolamps. A month and a half after proper care, cucumbers can give a good harvest.

Growing cucumbers at home

We can not enjoy cucumbers for long, as their season ends quickly, especially if the summer was dry. Therefore, many who like to eat this vegetable fresh try to get cucumbers on the windowsill in winter. The lifespan of cucumbers grown in this way is about two months after the first harvest - this is quite enough to enjoy the vegetable to its fullest.

It is known that the cucumber reproduces only by seeds, since it cannot be obtained by cuttings. They absolutely cannot stand dry air and lack of moisture - this is worth remembering when growing cucumbers on the balcony. As soon as such homemade cucumbers bloom, the ground should always be moderately moist. Under the pots you will need to put saucers with water, which will help to avoid drying out of the earth. Also, indoor cucumbers, in addition to watering, require spraying, at least twice a day. And when flowering begins, the bush needs to be shaken once a day for better pollination.

Growing cucumbers on the window, do not forget about pinching, which is done after the appearance of 3-5 leaves - this will add splendor and density to the plant. Pinching the shoots not only reduces the length by half, but also makes the bush twice as magnificent - that is, instead of one lash, two short ones are obtained. Before the pinching point, the ovary is removed, and only the one that is above the pinching point is left.

In order for the cucumbers on the windowsill to please you with their harvest for as long as possible, it is better to collect the fruits as they ripen and not wait until all the cucumbers become large - this contributes to less depletion of the bush and saves the loss of excess juices from the plant.

Cucumbers on the windowsill - what do you need?

Initially, you need to start choosing seeds - these should be self-pollinating hybrids, from which it is better to choose early-ripening varieties. Give preference to bush varieties if you are going to grow cucumbers in an apartment. In general, you need to prepare:

  • special seeds;
  • biohumus and coconut substrate;
  • pots of 3-4 liters, depending on the number of seeds;
  • sprayer for daily plant refreshment;
  • lamp to create additional light.

So, how to grow cucumbers on the windowsill and where to start? Prepare a good substrate of biohumus and coconut fibers: mix one part of biohumus with two parts of coconut fiber. Filling containers can be standard three-liter pots. You can plant seeds both immediately in permanent containers, and with the help of a pick, transplanting the plants later into large pots. Everyone chooses individually how to grow cucumbers on the windowsill, but with the help of a pick, you can transplant stronger and more tenacious plants into pots, thus providing yourself with a reliable harvest.

Seeds of hybrid cucumbers need to be well prepared for planting, for which they are dipped in a solution of potassium permanganate at room temperature for a couple of hours, and then removed. It is worth paying attention that those seeds that have sunk to the bottom are good, and those that have surfaced are better thrown away, since their germination is low. Let the seeds drain, and later you can plant them (dry only).

When planting with a pick, they are initially planted in small cups with a capacity of 100 ml, filled with a special earthen mixture. You need to lay out 5 seeds in a glass, and then, after tamping the ground, water it. After a week or two, shoots can be observed, which must be thinned out, leaving two of the most powerful plants each. A week later, the final thinning is carried out, and one strong sprout remains in the cup.

A few secrets of a good harvest

When transplanting plants into large pots with a capacity of 3-4 liters, the earth is not filled to the brim by about 4 cm. Transplantation is done 3 or 4 weeks after germination. The seedling in the cup is turned over on the palm, gently passing it between the fingers. A sprout with a lump of soil is inserted into a prepared permanent pot, sprinkled with soil on top to the cotyledon leaves.

  1. In large pots, pickled sprouts require constant watering. In the first month of life, cucumbers at home are watered constantly, but moderately. At the initial stage, it is important not to overwater the seedlings, as they may start to hurt. In winter, there is little sun and heat, so there is not much moisture required for plants. From the end of March, more moisture is required if the cucumbers are still able to bear fruit.
  2. The cucumber also needs a support, which can be in the form of a grid or any other support.
  3. The following procedure will also be useful: once a day, turn the pot with seedlings around its axis by 180 degrees so that the plants receive light and heat not only from one side.
  4. And for a long life of the entire bush, you can feed once every two weeks: add a teaspoon of agrolife to the top layer of the earth or pour fresh biohumus into the pot once a month.
  5. They require cucumbers and the proper amount of light - at least 12 hours, which can be provided with artificial lighting.

If you are thinking about how to grow cucumbers at home in winter without picking, then plant the seeds in large pots without filling the ground 5 cm to the edge. After laying out the seeds, pour a layer of 1.5 cm of earth, and add the remaining soil in about a month - this will replace the dive.

Proper pollination of hybrid cucumbers

How to grow cucumbers at home, because there is no one to carry out pollination, unless, of course, you breed flying insects at home? Without proper pollination, the ovaries will simply fall off. Try on the role of a bee!

In order for the fruits to set for sure, you need to separate the female and male flowers. Females have a pistil, consisting of an ovary and a stigma, while males do not have a pistil.

It is desirable to carry out pollination in the morning, when the pollen is sticky - pick the male flower, cut off the corolla, and put it in the female one so that the pollen gets on the stigma. This is how bees pollinate plants. But it is better to use self-pollinated varieties, they do not require pollination at all.

Having grown cucumbers correctly, you can collect up to 15 medium-sized fruits from a bush. At the same time, they will have a real taste, incomparable to store ones. The windows or balcony on which the plants are located should be warm, and it is desirable that they face south or southeast.

Protect homemade cucumbers from drafts and enjoy their crispy fruits!

Is it possible to grow cucumbers on the windowsill all year round? Alas, a break will have to be made, but only if there is no desire to bother with fluorescent or helium lighting. The last days of February, when daylight hours begin to gradually increase, is the time to plant cucumbers.

Cucumber is a fairly shade-tolerant plant, but on the windowsill there will still be not enough light for it, especially in the spring and autumn. Therefore, you need to grow cucumbers only on the southern or southeastern windows. The plant does not like drafts, make sure that there are no gaps in the window frames.

It makes sense to grow cucumbers on the windowsill only if the temperature in the apartment does not drop below 20 degrees. This heat-loving plant stops growing at temperatures below 16 degrees.

Cucumber loves high humidity, in winter it will not be very easy to provide him with such conditions, you will have to cover home heating batteries with wet towels. Simply spraying the leaves in this case will not help.

If you can organize suitable conditions for the plant, then you can easily grow cucumbers at home on the windowsill. From one bush, on average, it will be possible to collect from 10 to 15 good medium-sized cucumbers.

Varieties and seed preparation

In order to grow cucumbers on the windowsill, you need parthenocarpic hybrids or. Unless, of course, you want to pollinate them yourself. If you choose the wrong variety, the unpollinated ovaries of cucumbers will turn yellow and fall off. Recommended varieties: F1 Window-balcony, F1 Gift of the East, F1 Ekaterina, F1 Marathon, F1 Faust and many others.

If you are going to grow cucumbers for the first time, then it is best to purchase seeds of varieties that are shade-tolerant and not afraid of temperature changes.

To germinate seeds, you will need a cloth or cotton pads. We moisten them and place them on a saucer, spread the seeds of cucumbers on top. Don't let the fabric dry out. After just a couple of days, the seeds will hatch. Everything, they can be planted in previously prepared soil about a centimeter deep.

What is the best way to grow cucumbers on the windowsill

Cucumbers are quite freedom-loving, so the pot for growing them should be large enough. For one plant you will need a five-liter vessel. It can be a simple flower pot, or even better - a homemade box in which several bushes will fit perfectly at once. The most economical way is to take five-liter water bottles and cut off the top of them along with the neck. As an option - double plastic bags. Just do not forget that no matter what container you choose, be sure to make holes in its bottom to drain excess water.

In what soil should cucumbers be grown on the windowsill

It will be easier for beginner gardeners to purchase ready-made soil in the store. For those who have a desire to cook it yourself, you can offer several options:

  • Mix 4 parts of garden soil, 1 part of humus and 1 part of peat. For 5 liters of the mixture, add 100 grams of ash, a teaspoon of magnesium sulfate and a tablespoon of "full" fertilizer.

  • Mix 2 parts of garden soil, humus, peat and one part of sawdust. For 5 liters of soil, add 100 grams of ash, a teaspoon of magnesium sulfate and a tablespoon of "full" fertilizer.

  • Mix biohumus and garden soil in equal proportions, add 5 tablespoons of wood ash for every 5 liters of land.

In principle, you can grow cucumbers on the windowsill in any soil, no one will be left without a crop, just in the right soil, the crop, which is quite natural, will be much higher. Well, you still have to fertilize the unprepared soil.

How to plant cucumbers on the windowsill

In addition to soil and containers for planting, you will need twine for future support for cucumbers and glass or plastic caps for sheltering seedlings.

  1. We fill the pot with soil below the edges by 3-4 cm. We spread germinated (if not, then dry or wetted) seeds in the amount of 3 pieces at a distance of about two cm from each other. We sprinkle them with earth.

  2. Water the seedlings well, let the water soak in.

  3. To create a greenhouse effect, we cover the seedlings with a plastic or glass container. We remove the pots in the warmest place in the apartment. Most often this is the top of cabinets in the kitchen. After the appearance of sprouts, the "greenhouses" are removed, and the pots are placed permanently on the southern or southeastern window sills.

  4. When real leaves are formed, we select the most powerful and beautiful plant, we delete the rest.

How to grow cucumbers on a windowsill

Prepare in advance a support for cucumbers. It can be either twine or a thick nylon thread, or a long peg to which cucumber lashes will need to be tied. In the case of a peg, all mustaches that appear on the cucumber must be removed.

After the appearance of 5-6 internodes, the cucumber must be pinched. Lateral shoots are also pinched over the second leaf.

Growing cucumbers on the windowsill without top dressing is a waste of time. Once every two weeks, and when cucumbers appear, and once every 10 days, it is necessary to feed. 1 tsp can be added to the topsoil. "Agrolife" or watered with a cap of "Rosta" diluted in two liters of water. You can just add fresh biohumus once a month.

No, which will allow you to harvest vegetables even in winter. However, in order to harvest a full-fledged crop, seeds of varieties bred for cultivation in an apartment should be preferred. .

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Features of growing cucumbers on the windowsill

Cucumbers, when grown at home, will not have those natural conditions that affect the rapid germination and ripening of fruits.

Factors affecting sowing and seedlings:

  1. Lighting. In winter, you will have to abandon the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bplanting cucumbers if there are problems with installing fluorescent or helium lighting. Favorable days for planting seeds are the first days of March. At this time, there is more light, which will favorably affect the seedlings.
  2. Temperature. It is necessary to have young sprouts as far as possible from drafts. Drafts adversely affect the efficiency of seedlings. In this regard, constant monitoring of the temperature regime is necessary. The best option is 17-18 degrees.
  3. Watering. Should be carried out as the earth dries up. The plant does not like excessively moist soil. If this rule is neglected, soil infection with diseases can occur, which will lead to the death of sprouts.
  4. Top dressing and introduction of fertilizers into the soil. At each stage of growth, growth stimulation is necessary for a rich harvest.
  5. Timely pinching and garter.
  6. seed preference. To obtain a full-fledged crop of this vegetable in an apartment, a careful choice of variety is needed.

When forming strong bushes of grown cucumbers, the necessary moment is the maximum free space. This is necessary for the organization of high-quality lighting. A good location will be remoteness from other plants.

In a video produced by HitSadTV, an expert gives some very helpful tips on how to grow cucumbers on a windowsill.

The best varieties for growing at home

Before planting cucumbers on the windowsill, it is recommended to study the characteristics of cucumber varieties. Breeders have specially identified varieties with the possibility of breeding indoors. Most of them are hybrids. The peculiarity of these species lies in the ability to form fruits regardless of the environment. Given the limited space in which they will grow, they were created with the possibility of self-pollination. In scientific terminology, hybrid types of cucumbers were called parthenocarpic.

To plant cucumbers in winter, most often they use such varieties bred for cultivation in an apartment:

  1. Balcony. The first hybrid was bred in 2007. Perfectly adapted to growing indoors. Planted in closed and open ground. Undemanding to the area of ​​​​habitat, a variety with early ripening, the average term is 39-41 days from the first shoots. High yield. The length of the lashes is small, the branching is normal. The variety is self-pollinating.
  2. Buyan. This hydride needs an abundant supply of light and is demanding on temperature conditions. It is distinguished by its duration of fruiting, the compact size of the branches. Has an average of 5 ovaries per node. The better the conditions of detention, the more fruits will be obtained from the bush.
  3. Ant. Differs in precocity. Bred for sowing in open ground. Suitable for canning. With the right care technology, the yield will be 10–12 kg. He will not need help in pollination.
  4. Marathon. This variety of hybrids needs third-party pollination. Thanks to this process, it has a high fruiting of more than 25 kg per square meter. Harvest begins to appear on the 85th day from the first shoots. Popular with gardeners for its disease resistance.
  5. Olympics. Commercial yield in the winter greenhouse 23.2 and 32.8 kg/sq. m. Resistant to cucumber mosaic microbe. Advantages of the hybrid: the highest yield and marketability of products, good taste properties of greens.

Sowing cucumbers on the windowsill

At the first sowing, it is necessary to adhere to proven technology. It is necessary to take into account all the factors affecting the yield and the time of full ripening of the fruit.

Preparing seeds for sowing

To quickly pass the stage of preparing seeds for sowing, purchase ready-made seeds in a specialized store. They can immediately be taken to work, without any additional manipulations. If ordinary seeds or self-harvested seeds were chosen, they must undergo the necessary procedures for germination.

Germination procedures consist of the following steps:

  1. Disinfection. It is carried out using potassium permanganate or hydrogen peroxide. If there is no time to create a solution on your own, a ready-made solution is sold in specialized stores. Using them according to the instructions, it is easy to replace your solution. After soaking, the seeds are washed with water.
  2. Growth stimulation. There are two options here. Buy a ready-made composition, or you can cook at home from aloe juice. The solution recipe is simple, 20 ml of juice is diluted in 100 ml of water and the seeds are left in it for 4 hours. It makes it possible to identify strong specimens at an early stage of germination.

Sowing dates

In winter, we grow cucumbers in 3 stages:

  1. December sowing. Sprouts make their way to the first of February.
  2. Sowing in January. Harvesting is possible by the end of February, beginning of March.
  3. February. When sowing seeds in this winter month, the first shoots of cucumbers will appear by the end of March.

If we plant cucumbers at a certain time of the year, then we can regulate the appearance of the crop on the table. To have fresh cucumbers by May 1, seeds for seedlings must be sown in the second half of February. But in practice, January and February are considered the most favorable time for sowing. When sowing in December, there is no necessary amount of lighting for the healthy development of cucumbers. They will need additional light during this period. You can also plant in September-October, but it is almost impossible to achieve a strong harvest.

Choosing a place to grow cucumbers at home

The locations of the seed containers should be correctly placed on the southern windows in order to get maximum light. Early shoots are equally susceptible to both light and heat. You also need to consider the possibility of installing additional lighting, since daylight hours do not last long in winter.

Soil selection

Beginners can take the easy route and buy ready-made cucumber growing mix. For this purpose, lands with high fertility, loose, with good water and air permeability are suitable. Slightly acidic soils may be suitable, but yields will decrease. The ideal option would be peat soil mixture. Such material has a low level of acidity and already contains many additives.

You can prepare the earth mixture with your own hands.

It is prepared from:

  • peat;
  • humus;
  • fine-grained river sand.

Proportions 3:3:1 are respected. Sand, if necessary, is replaced with coconut flakes. It is characterized by a neutral pH of 7.0, and also promotes moisture retention, increases breathability. To prepare the soil mixture, coconut flakes are poured with water according to the instructions. Coconut flakes can be replaced with overripe hardwood sawdust. The prepared soil mixture is recommended to be disinfected.

Disinfection is usually carried out in several ways:

  1. In the oven. This is done by calcination. The oven heats up to +120°C and warms up within 30 minutes.
  2. using liquid solutions. A weak solution of potassium permanganate or a special chemical agent can be used. Many gardeners advise pouring boiling water on the ground, but do not give a full guarantee of complete cleansing of pests.
  3. Freezing. It is considered a more effective method of disinfection than calcination. Since the high temperature of the procedure kills not only harmful organisms, but also the beneficial properties of fertilizers. The prepared soil is placed in the cold for about a week, then returned to the house. After the earth warms up, it must again be placed in the cold. And so repeat 3 times.

Capacity selection

You need to choose a container for growing cucumbers in winter, taking into account their needs at this time. The vessel should contain a volume of soil from 5 to 7 liters. It should also be high for easy growth and root formation. Accordingly, the more convenient the container, the stronger the whip of plants. Under the container it is useful that there are small boxes and plastic buckets at hand. The main thing is with a depth of at least 15 cm.

Basically, it is recommended to place each cucumber in a separate container. An ordinary plastic cup, a plastic bottle with a volume of about 1 liter will do. At the initial stage of cucumber growth, a peat cup is suitable, when the plant increases in size, it can be immediately planted in a larger container.

Seeding rules

Let's analyze the sequence of sowing seeds that gave sprouts:

  1. Small indentations are made in the ground by 2-3 centimeters. Seeds are located root down.
  2. Sprinkle with a small layer of earth.
  3. We cover the vessel with a film and send it to a warm place.

You can sow from a pack, without pre-soaking, in the same way. The difference is in the number of seeds suitable for sowing. Several seeds are planted in a container at a time. After the first leaves appear, be sure to add two centimeters to the ground. For less injury to seedlings, cucumbers are sown in the container in which they are planned to be grown. You can sow cucumbers already germinated or dry.

Growing cucumbers at home

Cucumbers planted on the windowsill in winter are more demanding to care than ground cucumbers.

These activities are carried out on an ongoing basis:

  • quality watering;
  • fertilization;
  • garter;
  • pinching bushes.

Watering cucumbers

Each stage of cucumber ripening on the windowsill has its own level of watering. In the early period, while the seedlings are green and in the stage of intensive growth, watering should be carried out systematically, without stagnant water. At the time of the formation of flowers and the ripening of fruits, the bush requires more moisture; at this time, watering should not be skipped. This is where intensity matters. By constantly spraying the leaves with a spray bottle, you can increase the humidity level. In this case, green plants will be provided with additional nutrition from the outside. Watering cucumbers is only in the pan.


If fertilizers were originally applied to the soil, then the best period for new dressings will be the manifestation of the first leaves. To increase the duration of the growth of the bush and achieve a rich harvest, it is worth feeding cucumbers every 2-3 weeks.

The following options are possible:

  • once a month, renew the old biohumus in the container;
  • apply watering with a solution of the "Growth" agent - 1 cap per 2 liters of water;
  • a little Agrolife on the top layer, 1 tsp is enough;
  • as the buds are tied, feed the plant with wood ash, dissolve 1 cup in 10 liters of water.

Top dressing should be different, otherwise there will be no benefit from it. It is recommended to apply organic fertilizers after mineral fertilizers.

In winter, it may be the remains of indoor plants:

  • dry twigs;
  • leaves;
  • potato peel.

They are suitable for herbal decoction. An infusion of ash is also suitable. You can buy it in flower shops. Brew the infusion according to the instructions on the pack. The concentrated solution is diluted with water.

The optimal temperature for growing cucumbers at home

The following rules must be observed:

  • initially, the plants are under a temperature of 20 ° C;
  • for more intensive growth use 23–25°C;
  • when the first sprouts appear, the temperature is not sharply lowered;
  • lowering the temperature is done after the germination of the leaves.

In winter it is much cooler than in summer or spring. To protect plants from the cold, auxiliary lighting and heating are installed. Otherwise, the harvest is not worth waiting for. In order to avoid hypothermia of the earth in the boxes, the boxes are installed for a while to warm up in a warm place, for example, on a battery. To insulate the container, you can wrap it with a material that retains heat.

Illumination of cucumbers

Illumination of cucumbers is carried out as follows:

  1. On cloudy days and in spring, you need to compensate for the lack of lighting with a daylight device. Organized with the help of mirrors, foil.
  2. In winter, the plants must be supported by an additional source of heat.

Cucumbers need at least 13-15 hours of daylight to grow. If the harvest fell in December, then at least 16 hours of additional light is required. In January-February, 12 hours of heat is required for the proper development of plant buds.

Diseases of cucumbers in the apartment

Cucumbers on the windowsill in winter are the least susceptible to disease. In apartments, the air is quite dry, so a pathogenic atmosphere does not develop. There is in this cold time the only threat in the form of a black leg. It can infect cucumbers at every stage of growth. But in most cases, seedlings and young bushes are exposed to the disease.

There are several environmental factors that can cause diseases of cucumbers on the windowsill:

  • non-observance of air humidity and temperature regimes;
  • watering with very cold water;
  • lack of nutrition of cucumbers.

Cucumber pests

Indoors, sciarids are activated in spring and during late autumn. These flies appear when vegetables are stored in the house. As insects, they pose no threat. Their larvae are dangerous, which destroy plants by eating the roots. Their actions are in October and mid-spring. Flies appear with an increase in humidity, which is inevitable when growing cucumbers on a windowsill, since the saturation of watering cannot be reduced.

When pests appear, it is worth using drugs:

  • fly-eater;
  • Zemlin;
  • Aktar;
  • Bazudin.

Aktara - 45 rubles Bazudin - 28 rubles

In order to grow a crop of cucumbers in pots, on the windowsill in the apartment it is necessary to have a high-quality earthen substrate, a light window sill (the presence of sunlight for at least 3-4 hours a day) and the presence of self-pollinating seeds (hybrids), it will also be necessary to illuminate with fluorescent lamps ( phytolamps) in winter.

Cucumbers, with good care, give a harvest in a month and a half after germination.

Cucumbers (among such vegetables as pepper, tomato) leave the earliest. The lifespan of cucumbers in pots is up to two months from the date of receipt of the first harvest.

cucumber on the windowsill, 7 weeks from planting

The growing season for cucumbers is the smallest, literally after 4-5 weeks from the moment of planting it is already possible to harvest, but after two to three months from the start of fruiting, the plant will have to be changed. Cucumber is not propagated by cuttings, like pepper and tomato, it is only sown with seeds.

cucumber on the windowsill

Cucumbers cannot stand the lack of moisture and dry air. From the moment of flowering, the ground in pots with cucumbers should always be moist. And the pots themselves should be in containers (saucers) with water in order to avoid drying out of the soil, which is fraught with shedding of the ovary.

from the moment of flowering, you will need a deep container of water to prevent drying out

Spray cucumbers 2-3 times a day, at least in the morning and evening.

During flowering, the bush needs to be shaken a little (once a day) for better pollination (this applies to all hybrid crops).

two-month-old cucumber bush on the windowsill, front view (left), back view (right)

Cucumber in a pot must be pinched after 3-5 leaves, to give the bush pomp and density.

pinching cucumbers

By pinching the shoot, we reduce the length of the shoots by 2 times and make the bush 2 times more magnificent (thicker), since instead of one long lash we get two short ones.

the result of pinching, instead of two shoots, we got four

We remove the ovary up to the pinching point (and on it), leaving the ovary only above the pinching point.

extra ovary

Harvest is better as the fruits ripen (do not wait until all the fruits on the bush become large), so as not to pull excess juices from the plant and not deplete the bush.

large fruits are removed as they ripen

Seed selection. Cucumber seeds for growing on a windowsill should be self-pollinating hybrids. From self-pollinated hybrids, early-ripening varieties are preferred. It is good if these are bush varieties.

Quality substrate prepared from coconut fiber and biohumus. To do this, mix 1 part of biohumus with 2 parts of coconut fiber.

biohumus and coconut fiber

As containers for growing cucumbers on the windowsill, they take ordinary three-four liter flower pots.

cucumber seedlings

Cucumbers can be planted immediately in large (permanent) containers, or through picking - first into small cups, and then transplanted into large pots.

shoots of cucumbers in a large container

The second method is more troublesome, but it makes it possible to choose and plant the most powerful and strong seedlings from grown seedlings and plant them in large pots.

two-week-old seedlings (from shoots) of cucumbers in small containers

two-week-old seedlings (from shoots) of cucumbers in large containers

Seeds must be prepared for planting. They are dipped in a warm solution of potassium permanganate (not pink and not dark red) for 2-3 hours. Then they take it out (if there are enough seeds, then they take out only those seeds that have sunk to the bottom during this time, and those that have surfaced are thrown away, since the germination of such seeds is very low), on a cotton pad (or a piece of cotton fabric) , let it drain. Treated seeds (green, red) are not soaked, but planted dry.

seed preparation and planting

The seeds are planted in small cups, 100 ml in volume (when planted with a pick). The cups are filled with an earthen mixture, lightly tamping, while not filling up to the edges of 2 cm. The seeds are laid out on top and covered with a substrate, crushing so that the height of the earthen layer above the seeds is 1-1.5 cm, watered.

Lay out 4-5 seeds in each cup. 1-2 weeks after germination, the seedlings are thinned out, leaving 2 pieces of the most powerful and beautiful in each cup. A week later, a second thinning is carried out, leaving one of the strongest.

winter illumination of seedlings

When planting immediately in large pots (with a capacity of 3-4 liters), without picking, they pour in an earthen mixture, lightly tamping, do not get enough sleep to the edges of 4-5 cm. The seeds are also laid out (4-5 pieces each) and sprinkled with a layer of earth in 1- 1.5 cm. The remaining depth is filled up in about a month. This procedure will replace the pick. Seedlings also break through in several stages, until one or two of the 4-5 pieces remain - the most powerful.

preparation for picking

Approximately 3-4 weeks after germination, small seedlings are transplanted (dive) into large pots. They take a seedling in a cup, turn it upside down (the top of the cup will be on the palm, and the seedling itself is passed between the fingers), gently pull the cup up.


A seedling with a clod of soil shaped like a glass is carefully inserted into the prepared large pot with pre-poured soil mixture and the soil mixture is poured into the remaining empty space around the perimeter of the large pot. The seedling is sprinkled with soil from above to the cotyledon leaves.

picking cucumbers

When planting seeds immediately in large pots, the picking procedure is replaced by pouring an earthen substrate into the pot to a height of 2-3 cm.

cucumber seedling after picking

Dive seedlings are abundantly watered already in large pots.

Cucumbers are watered differently throughout the year. In the first month of life, seedlings should be watered regularly, but moderately. At this stage, it is important not to overwater the seedlings, as there will be a threat of various diseases (such as blackleg).

four week old cucumber bush

In winter, you do not have to water them often, as there is little sun and heat. In winter, they adhere to the rule “it is better not to top up than to overfill.”

six week old cucumber bush

From the end of March, moisture consumption will increase, and the sun will do its job with warmth. In the summer, especially if by this time fruits have begun to appear on the bushes, it is important not to let the potted soil dry out. Since the ovary and fruits on the bushes dramatically increase moisture consumption, in the hot summer they adhere to the rule “it is better to pour than not to add”. Lack of moisture will lead to shedding of the ovary.

Cucumber needs support (support, trellis, mesh). The higher the support, the better (from 0.7-1.0 meters).

type of cucumber stand

Any support will do, as long as it is stable and strong.

another support for cucumbers

Seedlings and adult plants on the windowsill must be rotated 180 degrees around their axis once a day. Plants that receive light only from the side of the window tend to bend over towards the light. Therefore, rotate them so that they are not crooked, asymmetrical and ugly.

In order for the bush to last as long as possible, cucumbers are fed once every 2-3 weeks (a teaspoon of agrolife in the top layer of the earth, or watering Rostom - 1 cap per 2 liters of water, or adding fresh biohumus to the pot once a month).

There is not a single person who would not like such a dish as a salad based on cucumbers. It is especially pleasant if the cultivation of greens was carried out step by step on the windowsill or on the balcony with your own hands. There is such a category of gardeners who are not limited to the cultivation of tasty and healthy fruits in summer cottages, balcony cucumber - the pride of any specialist.

Cucumbers on the windowsill

It may seem impossible for many novice gardeners to grow cucumbers on a windowsill, but this is quite real. Of course, you will have to work hard to get the harvest, but for those who like to show their talent in agricultural technology, this process is a real pleasure. In addition, such an activity can become a family hobby.
There are no restrictions on the landing time. But planting is one thing, and taking care of it - following a step-by-step plan of events, especially in winter, is quite another. The conditions for success are the installation of a daylight lamp near an improvised bed from November to February, proper watering, attention to flowering, pinching and garter. Insufficient light adversely affects the vegetation.

Due to the absence of time limits, it is possible to plant and harvest fruits at any time of the year.

The best varieties to grow on a windowsill

In the abundance of varieties it is easy to get confused

The main rule on how to grow greens in a room is the right choice of seeds. What variety to use for planting? If you take the first variety that comes to hand for cultivation, the development of seedlings will be slowed down, which, most likely, will lead to the death of the seedling.
The following varieties are suitable for cultivating cucumbers on the windowsill.


An unpretentious early ripe variety with a fruit ripening period of 40-42 days from the moment of germination. The yield per square meter is 8-11 kg. To successfully grow this variety and get a big harvest, the main thing is to water it correctly according to the instructions.


A variety that does not require pollination has a long fruiting period. Zelentsy ripen 44-48 days after the appearance of the first shoots. The average yield is 3.5-5 kg ​​per m2.


The characteristic quality of the variety is ultra early ripening, the fruits appear on the 37-38th day after the mass germination of seeds. The plant does not require pollination. With proper care, 10-12 kg can be removed from 1 m2.


A hybrid that requires pollination has a high yield (over 25 kg per 1 m2). Ideal for window cultivation due to its compact vine size and high disease resistance.


The plant, although it has a long lash, adapts well at home. The fruits ripen on 47-49 days after germination of seeds on the surface of the soil. When grown in a greenhouse in compliance with the technology, up to 45 kg are removed from 1 m2, at home it is also noted high yield - over 24 kg per 1 m2.

Basic growing rules

Cover with lid to protect seedlings

The key to obtaining a good harvest of cucumbers will be the inviolable implementation of the basic rules of agricultural technology:

  • Plant only varieties suitable for window growing.
  • Conduct soil and seed disinfection.
  • Observe the temperature regime characteristic of each stage.
  • Avoid drafts.
  • Control the degree of soil and air moisture, as well as the level of lighting.
  • Timely transplant and garter, introduce fertilizers and top dressing
  • Hand pollinate the flowers of those varieties that require it.
  • Periodically loosen the soil to provide access to the roots of oxygen.

When to plant cucumbers at home?

Seedlings sprout and gain strength in pots

More often, sowing seeds for seedlings is done step by step in March. A month later, the grown seedlings are transferred to separate pots. This decision is due to the appropriate time of the year, when there will simply be no shortage of good lighting.

What is the most suitable technology term for planting?

You can start sowing in January, this is also practiced quite often. There are no strict restrictions on the timing of planting on the street; when determining the period, one should be guided by the possibility of creating favorable conditions for the vegetation of the plant.

The right soil for growing early varieties in a pot

Loose fertile soil is used for growing cucumbers. A ready-made universal substrate or a self-prepared mixture of equal parts is suitable: fertile soil, humus, sand, ash, rotten sawdust. Why not do this at home? For aesthetic reasons, you should not fill the house with these smells.
To disinfect the substrate, it is necessary to warm it up in the oven. With the help of such a procedure, it will be possible to get rid of various larvae and spores, which can subsequently infect young shoots.

Preparing seeds for planting

The preparatory process for sowing on a balcony does not differ significantly from the usual procedures that are used when growing a crop in open ground or in a greenhouse. In addition to disinfection, carried out in a weak solution of potassium permanganate, it is necessary to sort out the highest quality seeds. A feature of home cultivation is the preliminary germination of seeds. This must be done in order to determine the exact number of bushes that fit into the box. In the cold season, there is nowhere to transplant adult seedlings, and it is blasphemous to throw away developing shoots. Forcing all the windows with cucumbers is not a way out, therefore it is better to sow only germinated specimens.

To accelerate the germination of seedlings, it is recommended to treat the seed with a growth stimulator before sowing.

How to plant and transplant at home

Seeding is conveniently done in wooden boxes or individual pots. You can also use plastic cups, it is important that there is a hole on the bottom to release excess moisture. After germination, the seeds are buried in moist soil by 1.5 cm. Until the emergence of seedlings on the surface of the soil, the container should be covered with glass or plastic wrap to create a greenhouse effect. The temperature regime at this stage is at least 25 °. After 2-3 days, it will be possible to observe how green dots break through the soil. After the shoots appear, you need to remove the shelter and reduce the room temperature to 20 °.
It is necessary to transplant strengthened seedlings with 3-4 leaves into more capacious pots, where up to 5 liters of soil can fit. Also, some owners use boxes, where 3-4 bushes are planted per 1 m2.

The shoots are transferred to a new place carefully together with the soil so that the weak root system is not damaged.

Care for the first shoots and seedlings in the apartment

Seedling care is tremulous, it is at this stage that it is important to help the shoots get stronger, which will play a positive role in further development.

Lighting in spring and summer

Cucumbers need a lot of light, so it is better to choose a window sill or a loggia for a garden bed on the south or southeast side. On cloudy days and in spring, you need to compensate for the lack of lighting by installing fluorescent lamps. So that in the summer the plant does not dry out from the sun's rays in the apartment, the glass is tinted with a thin tulle. Light shading will protect the whips from ultraviolet radiation.

You can create additional lighting using mirrors, foil and other reflectors that will redirect sunlight to the bushes.

Watering indoor cucumbers

Seedlings are moistened by spraying. For this, it is better to use a spray gun. It should be filled only settled warm water.

Seedling feeding

After sowing, the seedlings are in a warm place with a temperature regime of at least 23 ° for 25-28 days. During this time, it is necessary to introduce several dressings: the first time 15 days after germination and another 10 days later. As a nutrient composition, it is recommended to use complex fertilizers.

Garter of grown lashes

Garter - a necessary condition for the development of the plant

The growing lash needs help - tie it up.

For the garter, a trellis net is used, which is easier to wrap in a semicircle. After immersing it in the ground and fixing it, the stalk should be launched onto the formed wall. Then he himself will wrap around the grid. You can tweak it, but do it carefully so as not to damage the plant. Excess tendrils are removed.
The garter is also organized using a cord, which is fixed on a specially made frame of slats. The sequence of the process is as follows:

  • a cord is attached to the top of the frame ( from natural fibers);
  • the end of the cord descends to the root zone of the bush, wraps (not tight!) Several times around the stem and
  • returns to the top rail;
  • both ends of the cord are tied together.

When and how to pinch?

To increase the yield, it is necessary to form a bush of cucumbers. Often the plant lays male shoots on the stem, the so-called barren flowers. To prevent their formation, after gartering the whip, remove the side shoots from the bottom. Next, 6-8 sheets are passed along the stem and pinched (cut off the edge). This procedure provokes the formation of lateral branches, on which greens are well tied.

Watering and feeding

Only warm water is used for irrigation, cold liquid inhibits the development of roots and reduces the formation of ovaries in the sinuses. You need to irrigate the bushes once a week. In the summer, the intensity of moistening, if necessary, is increased up to 2-3 times a week. You can also spray the whips throughout the day using warm, clean water.
Fertilizer should be introduced into the soil regularly, about 1 time in 10 days. The first time this should be done 2 weeks after sowing. For these purposes, ready-made mixtures of minerals or solutions based on organic matter are used:

  • mullein and water (1:10);
  • bird droppings and water (1:15);
  • infusion on onion peel, etc.

How to pollinate

How to manually pollinate cucumbers

When choosing pollinated varieties, it is necessary to provide artificial pollination, in open ground conditions, this function is performed by bees.
Before you conduct it, you need to learn to distinguish empty flowers from female flowers. The female inflorescence is formed on a green seal that looks like a mini-cucumber. Pollination is the transfer of pollen from the male flower to the fertile one. To do this, the barren flower is plucked and the stamens are opened as much as possible, removing all the petals. It remains only to touch the stamens of the female flower, repeating the procedure several times (to be sure). This should be done carefully so as not to damage the delicate inflorescence.
How to successfully grow cucumbers on the windowsill? The secret lies in the systematic care of plants, which will certainly thank you with a generous harvest.