What to make insoles for shoes. How to make the warmest insoles for shoes from a juice bag

For diseases such as flat feet, hallux valgus and arthrosis of the joints of the foot, wearing orthopedic shoes or at least insoles is indicated. Not everyone has the opportunity to purchase such shoes, since they are of high cost. It is also not easy to choose orthopedic insoles due to the individual characteristics of each person's foot, so they are often made to order from a cast of the foot, but, as you know, such an instep insole will also be expensive. To save money and get orthopedic insoles that fit your foot perfectly, you can make them at home. Do-it-yourself orthopedic insoles can improve gait, reduce fatigue and prevent progression in flat feet.

Often, orthopedic insoles are indicated for prophylactic wearing, therefore, having made such insoles at home on your own, you can not only wear them for the purpose of treatment, but also use them for prevention. Moreover, there is an opportunity to choose the material, its colors, and therefore even get a stylish accessory.

Indications and features

There are many indications for wearing corrective insoles.

The main disease in which orthopedic insoles are the basics of treatment is flat feet.

Moreover, such instep insoles are needed for both longitudinal and transverse flat feet. With the 1st degree of flat feet, the use of an orthopedic instep support, a course of massage, therapeutic exercises can cure pathology. At the 2nd and 3rd stages of the disease, the use of an instep support is necessary to reduce pain when walking, discomfort and reduce fatigue.

In addition to flat feet, orthopedic instep supports are indicated for overweight, impaired gait, and rapid fatigability of the legs. Arthrosis of the joints of the foot causes pain, therefore, special insoles for shoes can alleviate the condition and prevent the disease from progressing. Such insoles are prescribed after operations in the area of ​​the foot.

The wearing of anatomical insoles is indicated for both adults and children. An important nuance is that the insole should fit snugly in the boot, so both the boot and the instep insole should be the same size.

If a person wants a fashion accessory and does not want to make it on his own, then in such cases, orthopedic insoles can be purchased. Another way out is to purchase ready-made orthopedic shoes. Moreover, both summer women's orthopedic shoes and winter ones are common, so there will be no problems in the selection.

Making insoles

It is possible to make orthopedic insoles at home if desired, while the therapeutic effect of them will not be worse than if you choose them in a specialized retail network. It is necessary to carefully consider the manufacturing process, not to miss any nuances, since improper contact with the sole of the shoe or the foot can aggravate the pathology and lead to discomfort and pain.

The orthopedic insole-instep support is based on an old insole, but in good condition, solid, without roughness. You need to place your bare foot on the sample taken and make a mark with a pencil or marker between your thumb and forefinger. At this point, a cotton ball is attached with a plaster. Such a ball rolls down with hands and in diameter it should not exceed one and a half centimeters, so as not to cause pressure on the fingers when walking.

The thinness of the orthopedic insole is the presence of a bulge in the middle of the foot, in the place where the foot normally should not be in contact with the floor covering. To create a lift in the middle of the insole, rolled cotton wool or a bandage is taken, which every home has. On average, the diameter of the roller should not be more than 5 centimeters. The made roller is placed in the place where the instep of the foot should be, while the leg should feel comfortable and comfortable. Once the roller is well positioned, it will also need to be secured with a tape.

The third stage of making an anatomical insole at home is to fix the created structure. Care must be taken to select the material that will cover the base of the insole. It should be remembered that the material should allow the foot to breathe, be free of synthetic impurities and be reliable. You can make leather insoles, some prefer denim. The selected version of the matter must be attached to the base of the instep support, circle and cut, observing the contour.

It turns out that there are two components that make up the future instep support - the material with fixed bandages or cotton wool at the level of the toes and the middle of the foot, as well as the fabric that will be in contact with the leg. The fabric can be either glued or trimmed around the edges.

When the first insole is finished, you can move on to the other. It is worth paying attention to the fact that for many people the shape of the foot of each of the legs may differ, therefore, the second instep support should be done in the same way, removing the parameters from the leg.

Using insoles

When everything is ready, you need to check if the instep support is suitable for use. To do this, you should walk, fixing the instep support in the shoe. When putting on the boot for the first time, you may experience an unusual sensation, even mild discomfort. Over time, the legs will get used to it. It is important that there are no such signs:

  • increased pain when wearing shoes;
  • the appearance of corns, "corns";
  • skin irritation.

If these inconveniences do not arise, it means that no mistakes were made in the manufacture of the insole. When problems arise in the manufacture of an instep support or the use brings discomfort, it is better to choose ready-made insoles, and there are also orthopedic shoes for women or men, in which there is already an anatomical lining.

Of the advantages of self-made instep supports, one can note their use in children. As you know, children grow quickly and their feet are no exception. Buying new shoes every six months or a year will not be cheap, you can just make linings at home.

Now let's look at the nuances of using orthopedic insoles, which are made individually at home. Naturally, to wear an instep support insoles, you need indications, so you need to visit an orthopedic doctor who will conduct an examination, a survey and, if necessary, prescribe an X-ray diagnosis. Further, the doctor will be able to accurately answer whether it is necessary to use an instep support, and also select a course of gymnastics, physiotherapy or massage for treatment. If possible, you should show your version of the received instep supports to the doctor before starting to wear them constantly.

Do not forget about contraindications to the use of instep supports. You cannot independently apply this method of treatment for a hollow foot of the 3rd degree, calcaneal deformity of the foot and other advanced conditions. As a result, if the instep support for the shoe is made individually according to the impression of the foot, there are practically no contraindications.

Let's draw conclusions about the information provided. Regardless of whether the shoes are for women or men, if you wish, you can make the instep insoles yourself, but strictly observing the requirements for the level of rise between the toes and in the middle of the foot, as well as for the materials for manufacture and size.

Is it possible to make high-quality orthopedic insoles with your own hands? Will they have the same effect as purchased ones? What materials will be required? We suggest answering all these questions and making the insert yourself using step-by-step instructions.

Buy ready-made insoles or do it yourself

It should be immediately noted that in case of serious deformation of the foot, homemade products cannot be used. Only a ready-made version from a pharmacy, or even better - insoles ordered according to individual parameters in an orthopedic salon. The design of the chosen model should be determined by the doctor's recommendations., after all, with a heel spur, insoles with high hard backs are required, and the shape of the insoles with flat feet will be determined by the stage of the disease.

You should not experiment with your health, because even finished insoles, which are chosen incorrectly, can further aggravate the situation.

You can make preventive inserts yourself that will follow the anatomical contour of the sole, will help to more effectively distribute the load on the foot. They also act as a good shock absorber, cushioning shock when walking.

The constant wearing of orthopedic insoles is recommended not only for pathologies, but also if a person's professional activity is associated with excessive loads on the lower extremities: for loaders, sellers, hairdressers, etc.

Step-by-step instruction

Do you want to know how to make orthopedic insoles with your own hands? In a simple guide, we will tell you how to make prophylactic orthopedic insoles step by step for regular wear:

  • Get the old insoles from the shoes you plan to wear.
  • Standing on the old insole with your bare foot, mark the point between the first and second toes - here you need to stick a dense cotton ball with an approximate diameter of 1.5 cm (you can fix the elements with a plaster).
  • Now one of the most difficult stages lies ahead - to find a comfortable foot lift. For this, the same cotton wool or bandage is used. Place them under the arch of the foot, adjusting the volume, if the foot feels excessive pressure or discomfort, or, on the contrary, the arch does not have the necessary support. Once you have found the correct size insert, attach it to the old insole.
  • Transfer the contour of the insole to a well-ventilated material, preferably cotton. Cut it along the contour and glue it over the insole, covering the ball under the fingers and the roller under the arch with it. Make sure that during operation they do not move. In order for the upper part of the insole to hold better, it can be stitched along the contour with threads by hand or on a typewriter.
  • Slide the insole into your shoe and see how comfortable it is. Surely the sensations will be a little unusual, but this happens when using any orthopedic insoles. The main thing is that there is no pain.
  • You have successfully completed only half the way. Now, using the same instructions, you have to make an insert for the other leg. It will not work to use the old template by changing the front and back sides of the old model, because the feet of a person are not significantly, but differ.

Despite the fact that on the Internet you can find recommendations for the manufacture of orthopedic insoles for children, we would strongly advise you not to use them. Buy children's insoles and shoes only from high-quality manufacturers, which include the Russian company for the production of shoes, Ortek.

The child will not be able to adequately assess the degree of convenience of the homemade insert, which means instead of fixing the defect, you can make it worse or acquire new problems... In addition, ready-made orthopedic insoles in the pharmacy are quite affordable, and a huge number of models allows you to choose the best option for any patient.

Here's what I needed:

  • felt insoles - 2 pcs.,
  • nichrome wire - 60 cm,
  • MGTF wire (not essential) 0.2 (mm. sq.) about - 3m.,
  • battery compartment for 4 batteries - 2 pcs.,
  • three-position switch - 2 pcs.,
  • mini jack socket - 2 sets (socket + plug),
  • crimping sleeve 0.2 (mm.kv) - 4 pcs.,
  • heat shrink tube - 1m.,
  • strips of fabric with a Velcro fastener,
  • hot glue.

How Heated Insoles Work

I will explain the principle of operation of the entire circuit. As a heater, I took a nichrome thread with a diameter of 0.2 mm and a length of 25.5 cm. The resistance of such a segment was 8.9 ohms. The scheme provides for two modes of operation: from two or from three batteries. In dual battery mode, the insoles will be constantly warm.

When working from three - nichrome will be hot, but do not be afraid, there will be no discomfort from this. Before installation, I advise you to do a test run in both modes. It is done simply: you need to take a nichrome thread connected to a power source and put it in a light cloth (a handkerchief folded in half). Press this fabric between your hands for a minute.

If it's hot, then the heater should be taken longer, and if it doesn't heat well, we shorten it. This way you can be sure that your heated insoles will not become toasted insoles. The estimated current when operating from two batteries or batteries will be approximately 270 mA, and from three - 400 mA. Knowing the capacity of your batteries, you can approximately calculate the operating time of homemade heated insoles.

I attached a 0.2 mm MGTF wire to the nichrome. sq. using crimping sleeves. It is necessary to put the sleeve on the nichrome, then its end is inserted into the cleaned stranded MGTF. A sleeve is pulled in place of their joint and crimped. I used a special crimping tool, but you can do it with pliers. I took the wires so long that their length from the insole was 50 cm .. Just under my shoes.

How to put the heater on the insole. I decided that since I'm not cold in the heels, the main task is to keep warm in the forefoot. The photo shows the styling shape that I am applying. Experience has shown that the decision was correct.

With neat stitches, I fixed the heater in the desired pattern on the insole.

I sewed the MGTF wires to the side of the insole, pulled the heat shrinkage over the rest, and soldered the ends to the plug. The insole is ready.

The battery compartment had to be altered to fit my own scheme. I allocated one cell for a switch and a mini jack socket. Soldered everything according to the scheme. After, all this was filled with hot glue.

The rest of the cells should be signed, since, as you can see from the diagram, there is a difference in which cell will be empty - the first or the third. The batteries are protected from falling out with a simple rubber band. This is not a deep plan, but the lack of battery compartments with a cover in the store.

    Just don’t laugh, I didn’t come up with it. Some people have adapted women's pads instead of insoles to put in shoes. They say it's warm, dry and it's not a pity to throw it out in order to change it for another.

    The insoles can be easily made by hand. This not only saves you money, but also extends the service life of your shoes, as old insoles soaked in moisture and sweat contribute to its wear.

    So how do you make the insoles? First, we remove the old insoles from the shoes, wipe off the accumulated dust and dirt. We put the insole on a sheet of cardboard and carefully outline it with a pencil. The sheet should be thick; a box with thick, corrugated walls will work well.

    Cut out carefully, the first insole is ready. Now we do the second in the same way.

    You can also use an old rubber mat for the insoles. These are usually placed in front of the door. Technology - similar to cardboard insoles.

    Shoe insoles can be made at home.

    For the manufacture of insoles, you need to choose the right material.

    I always take a piece of thick old carpet and use the old insoles to outline them.

    Then I cut and put the new insoles into the shoes.

    With new insoles, your feet are always warmer.

    To make new insoles, just take out the old insoles from the shoe, put them on the material from which you will make new insoles, circle the silhouette with a felt-tip pen, and then cut out.

    Felt, old broken felt boots, animal skins (with fur) can serve as material for new insoles.

    If about the winter version, then you can cut it out of sheep's skin. But they will be very warm and thick and will not work for all shoes.

    You can also put an old felt boot on the insoles, and if you take a thin boot from the bootleg, then the insoles will be thinner, but still warm.

    Sometimes I had to make my own insoles for short-term replacement with others. Anything can happen, and there may not be a spare in the house.

    The insoles can be made out of cardboard by simply tracing your foot with a pencil on it. Then we cut out the result and insert it into the shoes. But they won't last long.

    Insoles on the same principle can be made from old, unusable boots. Only now it will be inconvenient to cut them out, and it is not a fact that it will work out.

    By the way, you can try to glue additional material to the cardboard insoles, the same base of boots. Then such insoles can last longer.

    Insoles usually wear out much faster than the shoe itself, due to intermittent exposure to sweat or external moisture. But the problem of their fragility can be solved on their own. It is enough to get the insole that is more complete and trace its contours on a dense, pressed cardboard, if available. If the size of the shoe allows, then for the winter time a felt insole is very convenient. It turns out to be warm and absorbs excess moisture well. I myself made such insoles for rubber boots in the country.

  • DIY insoles

    Here is such a short video, less than two minutes, but the authors have collected in it a lot of information about making insoles with their own hands. First, you will be offered different creative ideas from passers-by on the street. And then the word will be given to a professional.

  • Any shoe should have insoles, be it winter or summer shoes, so insoles are made of various materials. The general principle for making a template for insoles is as follows: you need to take thick cardboard and old insoles, and then attach the insoles to the cardboard and circle them with a marker or pen. Now we cut out our cardboard stencils and safely use them to make insoles. For me, the most preferred material in cold weather is felt, therefore I recommend it to everyone.

    In the same way, you can reduce those insoles that are of a larger size, that is, you need to apply the insoles to the larger ones, draw a contour, and then cut off unnecessary parts.

    Homemade insoles can be made from different materials. In general, there is an easy way - cut out several insoles of the same size and put them in the shoes. They will not last long, a maximum of a week or two, but production will be very fast, and due to the fact that air will be retained between the layers, such a structure will have insulating properties.

    Another way is to cut the insoles out of felt or from the bootleg. Also quick and easy, provided the material is available.

    Another way is to take thick cardboard as a basis or cut out the base of the insole from the material of a tetrapak-type package - but better from a two-liter one, it is the largest in size. Make a base from it and sew to it, attach a layer of dense fabric (sweep beforehand) or even fur.

  • 2 ways to make shoe insoles

    First way: cut out of cardboard

    We take the old insoles and place them on a larger piece of cardboard. We outline with a pencil and cut out. Under cardboard means a special leatherboard for insoles.

    Second way: cut out yoga mat

    We do everything in the same way as last time, only we cut out several pairs of insoles. Then they need to be combined with liquid glue.

Bad weather, damp ... We make the INSOLES BY YOURSELF!

We make the INSOLES BY YOURSELF from ... GASKETS !!!

It has long been no secret - the use of pads for warming winter shoes. Only now for myself I recently discovered how convenient and without problems it is to install them in boots or boots.
For me it was a problem - they, the pads, always crumpled, crumpled and were not evenly spaced in the shoes. Oddly enough, the problem is solved with insoles.


On winter fishing, frost is the most annoying thing. I can tell you how to keep your feet warm, even if you are not wearing expensive modern shoes, but ordinary shoe covers.
It's all about the insoles inside your boot. A double felt insole is not yet a guarantee of warmth in severe frost. But if a thermal foil shield is inserted between two layers of felt, this is a completely different matter.
First, take out the insole and mark the foil on it, as if on a template. Foil is not suitable for any: too thin will tear. I have successfully used the material from the baby food bag "Malyutka". The foil-clad material of the flower wrap will also work.
Cut out the foil insert according to the marking. Now it is necessary to undercut the double insole on one side, insert the foil inside and sew it up (see fig.).

It is important that the foil is facing the mirror side of the foot. In order not to confuse the removed insoles during drying, it is advisable to mark them with the appropriate inscriptions made with a marker. In the process of fishing, the heat will be reflected from the foil and return back to the foot, as a result, the legs will be much more comfortable and warmer.

You probably noticed that in frosty weather, the legs are the first to freeze. In the cold, blood circulation slows down, blood does not flow well to the limbs. Our feet get cold quickly. And then the consequences follow ... Colds, cystitis, kidney disease - this is a small list of ...

You probably noticed that in frosty weather, the legs are the first to freeze. In the cold, blood circulation slows down, blood does not flow well to the limbs. Our feet get cold quickly. And then the consequences follow ... Colds, cystitis, kidney disease - this is a small list of what hypothermia of the legs threatens.

But how do you keep warm? Indeed, sometimes in the evening after work you have to wait for a long time for transport, and nobody canceled walks in the fresh air in winter. Then even thick-soled boots and woolen socks do not help to keep warm. Your fingers start to go numb and you feel the coldness spreading throughout your body. Therefore, I have prepared for you an effective way to warm your feet in winter.
winter shoes
marker heat reflector
A foil heat reflector for installation behind a battery can be purchased at any hardware store.

Take the insole out of your boot and place it on the heat-reflector sheet. Use a marker to trace the edges of the insole. Use scissors to cut the insole out of the heat reflector and place it in your boot. Place a regular insole on top.
And one more important detail: advice from a seasoned tourist! To make the foot "breathe" better, it is necessary to punch several holes with a diameter of 3-4 mm in the insole. Thus, the reflector will return heat to the body and prevent cold from entering the ground. May you be warm and comfortable this winter!

A source


The warmest insoles for boots. The amazing is near.

I will advise you what I have been using myself for a long time and I am very satisfied. Such insoles do not require any expenses, they are made from what we usually throw away.

Buy a large paper bag of juice.

You drink the juice, cut the bag so that you get a canvas. Wipe well, removing the stickiness from sugar. After that, we cut out the insoles from the resulting canvas to size and place them in the shoes so that the inside of the bag (where the foil is) is turned towards the foot. You can put a felt insole on top. This way we get a permanent foot warmer that works by reflecting the heat from the foot.