Not heroes die: Ukraine was stunned by new data on the real losses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Donbass. What are the real losses of the Ukrainian army during the ATO

"Cargo 200". Losses of foreign mercenaries in Ukraine COMPLETE LIST". So, how many of them, "soldiers of fortune" who returned to their homeland "cargo 200"?

122 (cargo 200), citizens of Poland.

112 (cargo 200), people, US citizens.

70 (cargo 200) people Canadian citizens.

56 (cargo 200) people, citizens of Latvia.

60 (cargo 200) people, citizens of Georgia.

- 50 (cargo 200) people, citizens of Estonia.

44 (cargo 200), British citizens.

90 (cargo 200) people, citizens of Lithuania.

20 (cargo 200) people, citizens of Australia.

12 (cargo 200), + 1 sniper Mikael Skilt, citizens of Sweden.

10 (cargo 200) people, citizens of Azerbaijan.

211 (cargo 200) people PMC from Poland "ASBS Othago" - (Analizy Systemowe Bartlomiej Sienkiewicz), led by the Minister of Defense of Poland.

80 (cargo 200) people PMC from the USA "Greystone".

150 (cargo 200) people PMC from the USA "Academi" (until 2009, known as Blackwater).

Baltic women snipers lost 34 people.

32 employees of the CIA, FBI and Mossad, (20 - cargo 200, 12 - cargo 300). July 29, (cargo 300) in the city of Izyum, Kharkiv region - the head of the ATO and the head of US advisers, Major General Randy Key. (cargo 200) his three deputies, US officers! August 18, (cargo 200)

And after all, they were professionals, contractors against miners, chemists and steelworkers ...

And here is another interesting fact.






About 34,9508 military personnel, including members of the military and paramilitary units of the Ukrainian security forces to date. (excluding mercenaries of foreign military personnel and advisers). Of them:

About 5,783 militants of the "Right Sector", mostly part of the National Guard, as well as 30 mercenaries from the special battalions "Dnepr" and "Azov", "AYDAR" and other illegal armed formations of Ukraine, according to operational data, the corpses were taken to Dnepropetrovsk and destroyed in local crematorium, or buried at the place of execution and are listed as missing,

About 19,756 military personnel of the Ukrainian Army (mainly from the 25th Airborne Dnepropetrovsk Brigade and 95th Airborne Zhytomyr Brigade, 24th Motorized Brigade from Lviv region, 79th Airmobile Brigade, 51st Mechanized Brigade, 24th Mechanized Brigade from Yavoriv, ​​72nd Separate Mechanized Brigade from Belaya Tserkov, the Kremenchug brigade of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense and other units Ukrainian army, mainly from places of deployment from Western Ukraine),

About 5,993 employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, from among the so-called. "national guard"

About 381 employees of the SBU of Ukraine,

State Border Service of Ukraine -25 3 people,


88 employees of the CIA, FBI, US DIA Special Forces,

Foreign mercenaries - 1049 people from among the Polish PMC "ASBS Othago" (139 people from 22.04 to 13.07 14), the American PMC Asademi (until 2009 it was known as Blackwater) and its "daughter" Greystone Limited PMC (125 people from 22.04 . to 13.07 14), from Canada, Germany, Great Britain, Lithuania, Estonia, Italy, Sweden, Turkey, Czech Republic, Finland, African and Arab and other countries.

Only from April 22 to July 13, 2014, the total losses of foreigners in the Donbass amounted to 330 people. In particular, the Polish PMC "ASBS Othago" lost 139 people, the American PMC "Academi" (until 2009 it was known as Blackwater) - 125 people.

55,908 people, incl. from the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the National Guard, military battalions, battalions of the "right sector", the State Border Service, the police.


SBU employees - 524 people.

National Guard - 2015 people (total since July 2014)

Military personnel - 3562 people. (total since July 2014)

Foreign mercenaries - 549 people.


28 combat helicopters ("Mi-24" and "Mi-8", MI-17), as of 02.02.15

Mi-24: 6 irretrievably destroyed + 8 hit/damaged in total = 14 pcs.

Mi-8: 7 irretrievably destroyed + 6 hit/damaged in total = 14 pcs.

planes at 20.00. 3.02.15:

Su-25: 19 irretrievably destroyed + 1 captured by LNR + 12 hit/damaged. As a result = 32 pcs. at 20.00 03.02.15

Su-27 - 1 unit. 1.09.14

Su-24: 2 irretrievably destroyed + 1 hit/damaged. Total = 3 pcs.

MiG-29: 2 units destroyed.

An-30 (scout) + 3, Il-76 (transport workers) + An-26 (transporter) were destroyed.

UAV - 24 pcs. on 06.10.2015

motor vehicles (6 - Hummer, GAZ-66 - 11 units, URAL - 70 units, KAMAZ - 47 units, ZIL-131 - 4 units KrAZ - 1, KShM - 2 units), TOTAL 706 VEHICLES as of 1.06 2015 G.

automobile tractors (ATL, MTLB) - 80 units. as of 06.06.15

tanks: T-64 and other types - 529 pcs. as of 10.08.15

BULAT tanks - 2 pcs. at 10.00 26. 12. 2014 (captured)

tank Leopard - 1 unit. as of October 23, 2014

Armored personnel carrier - 397 pcs. at 10.00 1.0 2015

BTR "BUCEPHAL" - 7 pcs. as of March 12, 2015

BTR-4E - 2 pcs. as of 12/21/14

BMP-1, BMP-2 - 285 pcs. as of 10.08.2015

BMD - 52 pcs. at 19.00 27.01 2015

BRDM - 19 pcs.

MLRS BM 21 "Grad" - 104 pcs. as of 08/14/2015 (including those captured)

MLRS "Smerch" (9K58 - 300 mm.) - 14 pcs. on 27.01.15

240-mm heavy self-propelled mortar "Tulip" - 9 pcs.

MLRS multiple rocket launchers (9P 140) "Hurricane" - 17 pcs.

152 mm self-propelled guns 2S3 "Acacia" - 13 pcs.

SAU-152 "Elizaveta" - 1 pc.

SAU-2S9 "NONA" - 26 pcs.

Self-propelled guns "Gvozdika" 2S1, etc. - 54 pcs. as of 04.06.2015

Self-propelled guns "MSTA S - 9 units as of 01/08/2015

152-mm towed howitzers 2A65 "Msta-B" - 6 pcs.

SAU - "Peony" - 21 pcs. on 18.02.2015.

mortars 120 mm - 113 pcs. as of 1.06.2015

mortars of caliber 82 mm - 49 units.

howitzers D-30 - 99 pcs. as of 04.06.2015

anti-aircraft installation (ZU-23-2) - 23 pcs. at 11.00 01.02. 2015

installation ATGM "Competition" - 3 pcs. at 10.00 17.07.2014

anti-tank guns MT-12d (100 mm) "Rapier" - 37 pcs.

military boats - 3 units.

self-propelled 152-mm gun "Hyacinth" -2 units.

Heavy weapons of foreign supply - 2 units

tactical missile Tochka - "U" - 3 pcs. as of 20.08.2015

Warehouses of ammunition, weapons and fuels and lubricants - 18 objects.


The representative of the Donetsk People's Republic, Vladislav Bryg, announced the exact number of weapons that the militia got in the Debaltseve cauldron:

Tanks - 187 PCs;

BMP, BMD, BTR - 124;

various self-propelled guns - 68;

Barrel art - 52;

MLRS various - 24;

Various mortars - 278;

Freight transport - 139;

Service vehicles - 43;

Radars, communication vehicles - 46;

Riflemen, b / c, dry rations, first-aid kits and more - nemeryan.

1 "In total, since the beginning of the resumption of active hostilities (within twenty-eight days), the enemy has lost 3 aircraft, 1 helicopter, 196 tanks, 170 infantry fighting vehicles, armored personnel carriers and MTLBs, 192 field artillery guns, 117 vehicles and 2649 people killed. Captured 60 servicemen," Basurin summed up.

12 thousand killed, 19 thousand wounded and almost 5 thousand missing. These, according to a leak from a closed meeting of the National Security Service of Ukraine, are the real losses of the Ukrainian security forces during the entire period of the punitive operation in the southeast. This information is partly confirmed by CyberBerkut hackers.

In total, about 13,900 people are listed as deserters. This category raises the most questions: it can include not only military personnel who defected to the side of Novorossia, but also the dead, who are not known reasons not included in the loss list.


The head of the Main Investigation Department of the SBU, Vasily Vovk, said that more than 1700 security officials went missing during the ATO in Donbass. He noted that there is no information about the prisoners and it is impossible to identify them. exact amount. Vovk noted that about a hundred DNA tests were carried out to identify the dead.

At the end of October 2014, Irina Gerashchenko, the authorized representative of the President of Ukraine for settling the situation in the southeast, reported that the number of prisoners and missing people reached almost three thousand people. A week earlier, an adviser to the head of the SBU, Markiyan Lubkivsky, said that only 450 people were being held captive by the militia and almost 1,500 people had been released earlier.

Daria Morozova, head of the DNR Committee on POW Affairs, said that Kiev is holding at least 400 militias captive. According to her, the number of missing volunteers has reached 680, RIA Novosti reports.

During the four months of fighting in the Donbass, the junta troops, according to the headquarters of the DPR, lost 43,000 people. Of these, 27,888 were killed or wounded, and at least 13,500 deserted or went missing. The "Right Sector" suffered the largest losses in the battles - over 7,000 killed and wounded. Most of them were part of the Ukrainian National Guard. Battalions "Dnepr", "Donbass", "Chernihiv", "Aidar", "Azov", "Kherson" and others lost 6168 people killed and wounded. SBU - 115 people. Killed and wounded 460 foreign mercenaries. More than others, the Polish ASBS Othago (194 people) and the American Asademi (160) were missing. The losses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine amounted to 14,889 military personnel. Killed 25 employees of American intelligence agencies - the FBI and the CIA. For four months, Kiev has lost 43 aircraft (including the Polish and Croatian Su-25), 22 helicopters, and six drones. The militia managed to destroy 448 tanks, 827 armored personnel carriers, infantry fighting vehicles and infantry fighting vehicles, 37 Grads, 19 Hurricanes and about 100 pieces of artillery of various calibers, including 40 mortars, as well as several hundred vehicles, according to the data of the DPR headquarters. A source

"Total Ukrainian losses in the airport area and surrounding area as of noon today: dead 597 Ukrainian security forces. I'm talking about those whose bodies have already been found near the airport and the village of Peski. There are 44 people who surrendered," Basurin told reporters.

Most of them were part of the Ukrainian National Guard. Battalions "Dnepr", "Donbass", "Chernihiv", "Aidar", "Azov", "Kherson" and others lost 6,168 people killed and wounded. SBU - 115 people. Killed and wounded 460 foreign mercenaries. More than others, the Polish ASBS Othago fighters - 194 people and the American Asademi 160 were missing. The losses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine amounted to 14,889 military personnel.

Killed 25 employees of American intelligence agencies - the FBI and the CIA. For four months, Kiev has lost 43 aircraft (including the Polish and Croatian Su-25), 22 helicopters, and six drones. The militia managed to destroy 448 tanks, 827 armored personnel carriers, infantry fighting vehicles and infantry fighting vehicles, 37 Grads, 19 Hurricanes and about 100 pieces of artillery of various calibers, including 40 mortars, as well as several hundred vehicles, according to the data of the DPR headquarters.


In total, 471 units were found and evacuated. various weapons, including serviceable and maintainable condition - 198 units, faulty - 273 units.

Name of VVT TOTAL properly faulty

Total armored vehicles, including: 199 65 134

tanks 58 15 43

BMP 104 38 66

other AFVs 37 12 25

Total cars: 219 89 130

trucks 180 76 104

special 28 9 19

Total RAV, including: 53 44 9

9P148 BM ATGM "Konkurs" 3 3

2S1 SAU "Gvozdika" 14 9 5

BM-21 "Grad" 3 2 1

Anti-aircraft gun ZU23-2 6 4 2

100-mm anti-tank gun MT-12 "Rapier" 3 3

Self-propelled gun 2S9 "Nona" 1 1

82-mm mortar 2B9 "Vasilek" 2 2

120 mm mortar PM-38 2 2

120 mm howitzer D-30 6 6

152-mm towed howitzer 2A65 "MSTA-B" 13 13


In total, from June 20 to August 15, 2014, during the punitive operation, as follows from the reports of the military themselves, the militias seized from the Ukrainian army:

T-64 - 65 units, BMP - 69 units, BTR - 39 units, BRDM - 2 units, BMD - 9 units, MLRS BM-21 "Grad" - 24 units, MLRS "Uragan" - 2 units, self-propelled guns 2S4 "Tulip" - 2 units, self-propelled guns 2S9 "Nona" - 6 units, self-propelled guns 2S1 "Gvozdika" - 25 units, D-30 - 10 units, 82-mm mortars - 32 units, ZU-23-2 - 18 units, cars - 124 units.


The headquarters of the armies of the South-East and the Donetsk People's Republic summarized the losses of the junta forces for the period from August 1 to September 1, 2014.

During fierce battles on the territory of the Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics, militia forces shot down fourteen aircraft, ten unmanned aircraft Air Force of Ukraine, put out of action up to one hundred and eighty-seven multiple launch rocket systems and field artillery guns, up to two hundred and twenty tanks, over four hundred and eighty infantry fighting vehicles and armored personnel carriers, up to seven hundred and forty-nine vehicles.

As a result of artillery strikes, seventy-six depots and places of storage of ammunition, fuel and various kinds material resources.

Killed and wounded up to three thousand six hundred punishers.


May 2, 2014 - two Mi-17s (Mi-8MTVs) shot down with foreign mercenaries on board. Presumably at the time of landing at low altitude from an ATGM or RPG. (The most mysterious loss, as information was leaked from foreign sites).


From August 8 to 15, the Army of the South-East captured: T-64 - 18 units, BMP - 24 units, BTR - 11 units, BRDM - 2 units, BMD - 9 units, MLRS "Hurricane" - 2 units, self-propelled guns 2S4 "Tyulpan" - 2 units, self-propelled guns 2S9 "Nona" - 2 units, self-propelled guns 2S1 "Carnation" - 10 units, 82-mm mortars - 6 units, ZU-23-2 - 3 units , cars - 44 units.

Raid of Igor Bezler's fighters: "Uragan" multiple rocket launchers, D-30 howitzers, "Tulpan" heavy self-propelled mortar were captured | Russian spring

In July alone, the punishers "gave" the militias a significant amount of weapons: T-64 tanks - 25 units; infantry fighting vehicles (IFVs) - 19 units; armored personnel carriers (APCs) - 11 units; self-propelled artillery mounts (SAU) 2S1 "Gvozdika" - 11 units; multiple launch rocket systems (MLRS) BM-21 "Grad" - 12 units; howitzers D-30 - 5 units; mortars of caliber 82 mm - 16 units; anti-aircraft installations ZU-23-2 - 2 units; automobile tractors (AT) - 5 units.

For the period from July 21 to August 5, 2014, the punishers "gave" to the militias: tanks - 22 units; infantry fighting vehicles (IFVs) - 26 units; armored personnel carriers (APCs) - 17 units; self-propelled artillery mounts (SAU) 2S9 "NONA" - 4 units; SAU 2S1 "Carnation" - 4 units; multiple launch rocket systems (MLRS) BM-21 "Grad" - 12 units; howitzers D-30 - 5 units; mortars of caliber 82 mm - 10 units; anti-aircraft installations ZU-23-2 - 13 units; automobile tractors (AT) - 75 units.

It seems that few people paid attention to the recently published 18th special report of the UN Human Rights Office in Ukraine. Especially in terms of the situation in the war zone in the Donbass. And it's worth paying attention, in my opinion. Because this important document contains new evidence of Kiev's systematic and deliberate lies about the losses of its own army during the so-called "ATO".

However, to begin with, let us recall that quite recently, in April of this year, in Washington President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko publicly estimated the number of soldiers and officers of their Armed Forces killed in the Donbass at 2.7 thousand people. And in order, apparently, to impress the indifferent American audience, Pyotr Alekseevich added that in three years his troops in the conflict zone lost more than the US army in 15 years of participation in the war in Afghanistan.

And now let's turn to the mentioned report, which came out of the bowels of the UN headquarters. In total, according to international experts, during the fighting in the south-east of Ukraine, with varying intensity, which has not stopped for the fourth year already (data are given for the period from mid-April 2014 to May 15, 2017), “34,056 civilian casualties were recorded. population, the Armed Forces of Ukraine and members of armed groups.”

What happens according to UN statistics if you perform elementary arithmetic operations? That by May 15, 2017, 7,313 Ukrainian soldiers had been killed in the Donbass (this number obviously includes the fighters of the so-called “dobrobats”, who, strictly speaking, were not included in the army in 2014-2015).

There simply cannot be any talk of any other servicemen in the document. After all, if international experts also included “members of armed groups” from the side of the defenders of Donbass (that is, militias and volunteers opposing the Armed Forces of Ukraine) to military personnel, then they would have to admit that two armies are fighting each other in the conflict zone. And since two armies are fighting, it means that at least two states are at war. Which would be tantamount to de facto recognition of the LPR and DPR at the UN level.

Since this is impossible to imagine today, it remains to take this fact for granted: according to UN estimates, by May 15 this year, the Armed Forces of Ukraine lost at least 7313 soldiers and officers during the ATO. This is about three times more than Poroshenko counted in Washington.

And the dead militias and volunteers - who are they from the point of view of Kiev and the UN, which tenderly takes into account its opinion? Terrorists, militants, rioters, rebels. At worst - "separas". That is, they are completely civilian characters, for some reason they suddenly took up arms and entered into an endless slaughter with the official authorities. They, too, of course, regularly die in the Donbass steppes and copses. But these losses, of course, are taken into account by UN experts in the "civilian population" column. Along with completely peaceful residents of cities and villages of the South-East.

Does this seem like casuistic “Moscow propaganda” and distortion of facts to someone in Kiev? So we will not insist on the finality of just such a figure of Ukrainian losses, which follows directly from the UN report. Because the UN itself probably also gives an account of its approximateness. Of course, because their statistics are purely estimated. And another, more accurate, is not in the public domain by anyone. But from Kiev on this occasion, a terry untruth is pouring in a stream. And the UN, too, no doubt, is aware of this.

Thus, in the 13th special report of the UN Human Rights Office for the fall of 2014, it is written in black and white: “The UN Human Rights Monitoring Mission in Ukraine and WHO believe that the data on the number of dead Ukrainian military, civilian and members of armed groups were underestimated by throughout the entire period of the anti-terrorist operation. The level of underreporting of military casualties by the government can be seen by comparing the data on the wounded provided by the National Security and Defense Council (3277) with the number of military personnel treated in the main military and civilian medical institutions located in the areas closest to the fighting - Dnepropetrovsk, Kharkov and Zaporozhye. Their number was at least 4,800 people.”

Moreover, the data on the losses of Kiev are falsified so clumsily and shamelessly that you can only wonder. At the highest level, they lie and do not blush. Judge for yourself.

So, in March 2016, during a visit to the United States, Poroshenko said that more than 2.7 thousand Ukrainian servicemen had died from the fire of some “joint Russian-terrorist forces” during the entire conflict.

We will not even try to understand why today, a year after that speech and again in the same USA, the President of Ukraine for some reason repeats exactly the same data. What, in the Donbass, none of the Ukrainian military died in a year? Yes, only last May data Ukrainian Committee of Soldiers' Mothers in the "ATO zone" killed 20 soldiers and officers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. There is also a list of their names.

But something else is even more surprising. Already in August 2016 (five months after a trip to the United States), Poroshenko, speaking at a military parade on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of Ukraine's independence in Kiev, said: “We can confidently say that the enemy failed to realize a single strategic task, he was able to bring Ukraine to its knees. For this, 2504 of our soldiers died.

So how many, Pyotr Alekseevich, did you have fallen "heroes" by that time? 2.7 thousand as in March? Or two hundred people less than in August 2016?

Completely confused everything Chief of the General Staff of Ukraine Viktor Muzhenko. Six months later, in February 2017, he blurted out from a high podium: “Combat losses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine ... amounted to 2,197 people dead and about 8,000 wounded.”

However, another five days passed. And the Ukrainian president, at a meeting of the leadership of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, left no stone unturned from Muzhenko’s calculations: “2608 Ukrainian servicemen died during the aggression.”

In a word, not only UN experts cannot figure it out without vodka. But those who, despite the facts, still believe Poroshenko, let them at least listen to their own veterans who recently returned from the “ATO zone”. And with the true state of affairs with the irretrievable losses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, they are familiar not only from the newspapers.

Most recently, on June 19, a crowd of these angry individuals in camouflage, led by a certain Bronislaw Sukhia, leader of the Revolutionary Right Forces(this organization includes several former battalions of the "Right Sector" *), in the very center of the Ukrainian capital, broke into the reception of the presidential administration and paralyzed the work of an important institution for a long time. Veterans demanded the release of their colleague Yuri Zabolotny, who was detained by the SBU on suspicion of preparing to overthrow the government. Among other slogans of the rebels were the following: “We demand to honestly report to society about the real losses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and volunteer battalions in the ATO and punish those responsible for these losses and the lies that the authorities are silent about the self-sacrifice of thousands of our fighters. Poroshenko's impeachment!

What does it mean? In my opinion, there is only one option: if militant Ukrainian nationalists in this context, they claim that Kiev maliciously hushed up "the self-sacrifice of thousands of our fighters", then it turns out that the true level of losses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is underestimated just by these "thousands" of those killed.

Many have tried to establish the true number of “cargo 200”, which has been regularly transported from Donbass to all cities and towns of Ukraine for the fourth year. Including in the seemingly impartial West. Often the numbers that amaze the imagination were obtained.

Like, for example, the German edition of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung. Back in February 2015, it published the following opinion: “German intelligence agencies estimate the probable death toll of Ukrainian servicemen and civilians to 50,000. These figures are ten times more than the declared official data. The official figures are clearly too low and not credible.”

At the same time, there is not a word in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung about what such stunning assessments of German intelligence are based on. But the London-based International Institute for Strategic Studies Military Balance, which also turned to this tragic topic, revealed the mechanism of its own calculations.

So, in London, they calculated that by 2017 (that is, over the three years of the conflict), the number of tanks in the Ukrainian army had decreased from 1435 to 788 units. Of the 3,000 infantry fighting vehicles, no more than 1,300 remained in service. Of the 3,350 units of cannon and rocket artillery, only 1,850 survived.

It is clear that most of these armored fighting vehicles simply burned down in the Donbass. But after all, tanks, armored personnel carriers, infantry fighting vehicles and self-propelled guns most often die along with crews and troops, if one was under their armor. At modern means Few remain alive.

The BMP-1 carries up to eight infantrymen plus three crew members. It turns out that even if we assume that none of the 1,700 destroyed Ukrainian infantry fighting vehicles had troops, but only crews, then with a high degree of probability at least 5,100 servicemen were killed or wounded in them. With paratroopers in the fighting compartment, this number increases by about 3-3.5 times. So consider...

Summing up only these data, the International Institute for Strategic Studies Military Balance concluded that in 2014-2016 alone, the losses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Donbass amounted to approximately 25 thousand soldiers and officers. And this is not counting those who were covered with shells and mines in trenches, dugouts, concentration points, in attacks on foot. And those in a positional war are always the majority.

Who to believe? Poroshenko, constantly confused in his testimony, but insisting on 2.7 thousand dead? General Muzhenko, who counted five thousand less of those? Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung with its 50,000 dead in this war? Analysts from London?

In any case, only one thing is known for sure - a senseless and non-stop slaughter is going on in the Donbass. Politicians seek to use its intermediate results in their own selfish interests. Because those who insist are a thousand times right: in any war, the first victim is always the truth.

But in conclusion, I offer another look at this tragedy. This time from the Ukrainian military hospital. Here is what Volodymyr Steblyuk, deputy head of the Military Medical Academy for clinical work, Colonel of the Medical Service of Ukraine, told local journalists in April: “They (Ukrainian soldiers and officers -“ SP ”) are sitting in the trenches. And the trenches have long been shot. So much so that the hit is 100 percent. Somewhere out there you didn’t hide deep - that’s it, you died under fire. This is not a war. This murder is coming. This is a shooting."

* In November 2014, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation recognized the extremist activities of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army, the Right Sector, the UNA-UNSO and the Tryzub im. Stepan Bandera. Their activity on the territory of Russia is prohibited.

Ukraine will suffer a huge loss in armored vehicles and artillery during the hostilities in the Donbass Photo: EPA/UPG

The International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) has released its annual report The Military Balance-2016, which describes the combat capabilities and technical equipment of the armed forces various countries peace. With regard to Ukraine, it is indicated that our country suffered huge losses in armored vehicles and artillery, which can only be explained. Compared with the "pre-war" The Military Balance-2013, the losses of the Ukrainian army in weapons and equipment in some places amount to about 50% of the previous number. Notable losses suffered in technology and Russian army. This concerns, first of all, artillery and armored combat vehicles.

The International Institute for Strategic Studies was founded in 1958 and is based in London. He specializes in coverage of military-political conflicts and issues annual reports on the combat capabilities of various armies of the world. One such report, The Military Balance-2016, was recently released. A separate section of this document is devoted to the Ukrainian army. IISS experts mention the annexation of Crimea and note that the mobilization that was carried out to fight separatists in eastern Ukraine demonstrated that the combat capabilities of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were reduced due to inadequate training and not enough resources.

The report also states that in 2015, President Petro Poroshenko signed a law to increase the number of the Armed Forces of Ukraine from 184 to 250 thousand. At the same time, according to the IISS, the Ukrainian armed forces are still "using old Soviet equipment, and the military-industrial complex has begun to restore equipment that was previously in storage, including T-80 tanks. "The United States began to supply Ukraine with non-lethal military equipment." , - noted in the report.

Currently, according to the IISS, the Armed Forces of Ukraine are armed with 788 tanks, including 710 units of various modifications of the T-64 tank, 70 T-72 tanks and 8 T-80BV tanks. In addition, more than 1,300 tanks are in storage. Among them are 10 newest T-84 tanks (BM "Oplot") and 20 obsolete Soviet T-55 tanks.

Also, the Ukrainian army has more than 1,300 units of armored combat vehicles (AFVs), including 210 infantry fighting vehicles (BMP-1) and 960 BMP-2s, as well as over 1,850 units of cannon and rocket artillery. IISS specialists counted 133 Mi-24 attack helicopters, as well as 202 aircraft, which are part of the Ukrainian Air Force. These are fighters, attack aircraft, training, military transport and reconnaissance aircraft. The information on the combat capabilities of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is not exhausted by the number of armored vehicles and aviation - the report indicates a fairly accurate number of air defense systems, warships, anti-tank weapons, various types helicopters, anti-tank missile systems, armored personnel carriers, combat reconnaissance and patrol vehicles, etc.

At first glance, the force seems quite impressive, but if we compare the data of 2016 with what Ukraine had before the start of the war, then a huge decline is striking, primarily in artillery and armored vehicles. The review of The Military Balance-2013 indicates that two and a half years ago Ukraine had 1100 different modifications of T-64 tanks (165 T-80 tanks, 600 T-72, 650 T-64 and 20 T-55 tanks were in storage); over 3 thousand armored fighting vehicles, including 994 BMP-1 and 1434 BMP-2, as well as 3351 units of cannon and rocket artillery. At the same time, in 2013, IISS experts pointed out that due to the failure of the defense reform, the Ukrainian army is only able to defend "limited territory", and a large amount of Soviet equipment needs to be replaced.

A simple comparison of both documents shows that over the past two years, the Ukrainian army has lost more than 300 tanks, more than half of the armored fighting vehicles, and almost 50% of artillery systems. Such losses can only be explained by the hostilities in the Donbass, the active phase of which took place in the summer of 2014 and in the winter of 2015, and they were carried out exclusively with the weapons of the ground forces. Combat aviation was used on a limited scale, so its decline is calculated in units.

It is also noteworthy that relatively few tanks were taken from storage to make up for losses, but the losses in armored combat vehicles and artillery, obviously, turned out to be irreplaceable. At the same time, in April, the speaker of the Ministry of Defense Oksana Gavrilyuk reported that since the beginning of the ATO, as of April 2016, 46.5 thousand units of weapons and military equipment had been repaired (in January this figure was 34 thousand units). Thus, according to Ukrainian officials, the restoration of the combat potential of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is proceeding at a good pace. British experts, obviously, do not share this point of view.

Who could inflict such losses on the Ukrainian army? In August 2015, the General Staff published an analysis of the conduct of the ATO in August-September 2014, in which it indicated that by the beginning of August, about 40 thousand personnel were involved in the ATO, including 32 thousand military personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and 5.5 thousand military personnel. units of heavy weapons and military equipment. The General Staff assessed the balance of forces with the militants as 1 to 1, however, it is likely that we are talking only about manpower, because the enemy did not have a comparable amount of artillery, armored vehicles, and even more so aviation. Their leaders often complained about this, in particular, Igor Girkin (Strelkov). For example, breaking through from Slavyansk, Girkin lost almost all of his armored vehicles: two tanks, two BMP-2s and one BMD-1. At the same time, two more tanks "strelkovtsy" were able to save and deliver to Donetsk.

After the end of the unsuccessful 2014 campaign for the Ukrainian army, President Petro Poroshenko announced the huge losses suffered by the Armed Forces of Ukraine. "At 60-65% military equipment in the units that stood on the first lines in the conflict zone, was destroyed. There was nothing to defend ourselves with,” the head of state said. And this assessment is in many respects close to the conclusions of the IISS specialists. with impunity led from its territory.

Thus, The Military Balance data indicate that the Ukrainian military-industrial complex has not yet been able to restore the combat potential of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, lost during the war in Donbas. On the other hand, such huge losses are another indisputable evidence of the invasion of the regular Russian army into the territory of Ukraine and its active participation in the battles, because the irregular formations of the DPR and LPR, which were almost completely destroyed by August 20, 2014, simply had no forces. and the means to inflict such great damage on the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

By the way, the Russian army also suffered losses in armored vehicles and artillery, which can also be tracked by reports. The Military Balance. For example, in 2013, the RF Armed Forces had more than 2,800 tanks and another 18,000 units were in storage. But according to 2016 data, the number of tanks in the Russian armed forces decreased by 100 units, and 500 tanks were taken from warehouses. True, in 2016, 600 modernized T-72B3 tanks appeared at the disposal of the RF Armed Forces, which were not in the report for 2013, so we are most likely talking not so much about heavy losses, but about the technical re-equipment of the Russian army.

But the noticeable decline in artillery and the fleet of armored combat vehicles is difficult to explain only by rearmament and decommissioning of old models. So, in 2013, the RF Armed Forces had more than 7360 AFVs, and in 2016 - already 5400, with the most lost BMP-1 and BMP-2 - a total of 1500 pieces. At the same time, the warehouses where 8500 BMP-1 and BMP-2 are stored remained untouched. As for cannon and rocket artillery, The Military Balance for 2013 indicates the figure of 5436+ units, and in 2016 - already 4180+. Apparently, the Ukrainian army did not remain in debt at all, especially with regard to artillery duels. However, unlike the Ukrainian one, the Russian military-industrial complex can easily make up for all the damage caused, and maybe it has already made up for it, if we take into account the rather numerous facts of the destruction of Russian tanks during the fighting in the Donbass.

Denis Popovich

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The fighting in the Donbass continues, adding to the stunning statistics of mutual losses of the warring parties.

Here is what Novosti Donetska i DPR reported on February 25: “The DPR militia reports a fierce tank battle in the south of the Donetsk People's Republic - the Mariupol direction, the southern front. The forces of the Donbass people's militia and the security forces of the Azov battalion converged in Shirokino.

"The tank battle is going on in Shirokino. This is between Novoazovsk and Mariupol. Both from our side and from the side of the enemy, 3-4 units of heavy equipment are involved," - informs the headquarters of the DPR on February 25, 2015.

So far, the wounded have not been admitted to the Novoazovsk hospital. On February 24, two wounded and three shell-shocked militiamen arrived. Today, several DPR fighters came with minor injuries, also after yesterday's battle. To date, there are no wounded in the Novoazovsk hospital.

Shirokino was considered the territory of the DPR, until after the new year it was suddenly attacked by Azov. Now it is considered a neutral territory, and after the announcement of a truce on February 15, Shirokino is the hottest spot in Donbass.

Earlier it was reported about the battles of the militias and security forces in the area of ​​Sand. The DPR forces are suffering heavy losses, as the command forbids opening artillery fire.

These are the news of the DPR and the Donetsk People's Republic on February 25. Despite the fact that the ceasefire regime is "generally respected."

Meanwhile, on February 25, terrible figures of real losses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine during the ATO in Donbas were once again published.

During the ATO, Ukraine lost only 26,000 servicemen killed! See full list losses of the Ukrainian army in New Russia.

Until today, the latest data on the losses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine during the so-called ATO in the southeast of the country, leaked to the media, were data on losses for the period from May 2 to September 5. The total losses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine killed, wounded, captured, missing and deserters were then called

47 thousand 103 people.

According to the FSB of the Russian Federation, the total losses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine during the punitive operation against the militias of Novorossia, the so-called ATO, from April 3 to February 15, inclusive, guaranteed (according to confirmed data) amounted to:

KILLED: TWENTY-FIVE THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED EIGHTEEN APU servicemen. Including: - from the composition of the units of the "Right Sector" - 3,729 people.

- Military personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine - 13,862 people (in mainly 25th airborne Dnepropetrovsk brigade, 95th airmobile Zhytomyr brigade, 24th motorized Lvov brigade, 79th airmobile brigade, 51st, 24th and 72nd mechanized brigades, other units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine)

- Servicemen of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine - 4,623 people.

- Servicemen from SBU units - 379 people.

- Ukrainian border guards - 249 people.

- US military personnel (from the special forces of the DIA, FBI and CIA) - 88 people.

- Mercenaries of private military companies: "ASBS Othago", Poland, Asademi and Greystone Limited, USA and others - 737 people.

- Servicemen of other categories of armed formations - 1781 people.

For reference: according to the operational data of the FSB, the killed servicemen from among the militants of the "Right Sector", nat. guards, battalions "Aidar", "Azov" and "Dnepr" were secretly taken to Dnepropetrovsk and secretly burned in a crematorium. The dead soldiers of the "Right Sector" are officially listed as missing.

According to official data from the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine after calculating the losses since the beginning of the operation in Donbass:

“As of October 28, 2017, since the beginning of the ATO, combat losses amounted to 10 thousand 710 military personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, of which irrevocable - 2 333 , sanitary - 8 thousand 377 (wounded and injured as a result of hostilities) "Non-combat losses during this time amounted to 10 103 person. Of this amount 2150 people died, the rest were forced to leave the service due to health reasons. Total 20813 . Of course, deserters are not taken into account, which, according to various sources, amount to more than 2000 - 7622 - 10 thousand and are missing. Rounded all losses within 30,000 - 31,000 people.


"More 2200 These are civilians who died in the course of hostilities. The number of civilians who have been injured as a result of the conflict is estimated at between 7000 to 9000 Human".

Losses of the militia, special forces and "Russian volunteers" killed approximately 2000 man, there is no accurate reliable information.
The figures from official and unofficial sources differ significantly - from one to more than three thousand killed. "The number of dead separatists, Russian military and mercenaries over the three years of the conflict in the Donbass - more than three thousand - is called by the volunteers of the "Cargo 200 from Ukraine to Russia" project." The number of total losses is unknown. Various Ukrainian sources claim 5,000 - 8,000 - 12,000 or more killed opponents. Which again is propaganda and not true.

By alternative according to "The total losses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine as of November 08, 2017 amount to almost 54000 people (including the "cargo" of 200 and 300, as well as the missing and deserters)!" Of these, 1660 foreign mercenaries from 39 countries, including: 550 people PMC from Poland "ASBS Othago", led by the Minister of Defense of Poland, more 10 Poles from the special forces of the Grom MO, another 430 ordinary citizens of Poland. Total Poles - 990 people. In addition: 160 people from the US PMC "Academi", 80 people from the US PMC "Greystone", 120 ordinary US citizens, 40 CIA employees and the FBI.The head of US advisers, ATO coordinator, Major General Randy Key and three of his deputies (US officers) were also killed.A total of 383 Americans.
Lost in combat operations (shot down): 4 AN-26 aircraft, 2 AN-30B reconnaissance aircraft, 42 Su-25 aircraft (more than at the beginning of hostilities), 13 Su-24 aircraft, 29 Mi- 8 and Mi-24, 9 An-2 aircraft, 6 Yak-40 and Yak-52 aircraft, 2 Il 76 aircraft, 3 SU-27 aircraft, 2 MiG-29 aircraft. Losses are given as of November 08, although for obvious reasons the list ends in the first days of September. In total, 112 units of aircraft and helicopters were lost.

As for other technology:

As for tanks: the units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine consisted of: 617 T-64 units, 76 T-64BM Bulat units, 10 T-84U Oplot units. In storage were: 986 T-64 units, 474 T-72 units, 273 T-80 units. In total, 620 units were lost during the battles, of which: 572 - "T-64"; 26 - T-64 BM "Bulat"; 10 - "T-72"; 2 - T-84U "Oplot", 2 - "leopard" (delivered not so long ago from Poland - only 34 units).

40 MLRS 9k57 "Uragan" (based on the "ZIL-135LM" or four-axle tractor "Maz-537"), 14 units of MLRS 9k58 "Smerch" (based on the four-axle tractor "Maz-543"), 2 ZSU "Shilka" , 72 - ZU-23-2 anti-aircraft guns, 2 - Osa air defense systems, 190 - D-30, D-20 howitzers, 35 - 2A65 Msta-B howitzers 152 mm, 1 - Polish 152-mm self-propelled gun - howitzer vz.77 "Dana", 7 - anti-tank 100 mm guns MT-12 "Rapier", 92 - 120 mm mortars, 70 - 82 mm 2B9 and 2B14 mortars, 3 - Vasilek mortars, 7 - 240 mm heavy self-propelled mortars "Tulip", 24 - self-propelled guns 2S19 "Msta-S", 19 - self-propelled guns 2S9 "Nona", 30 - self-propelled guns 2S3 "Acacia", 60 - self-propelled guns 2S1 "Carnation", 3 - self-propelled guns 2S5 "Hyacinth-S", 5 - SAU 2S7 "Pion", 3 - Rocket launchers "Tochka-U", 429 - BMP, 137 - BMD, 582 - armored personnel carriers. That is, in total, 1827 armored vehicles (not counting tanks), artillery and multiple rocket launchers were irretrievably lost. And together with the tanks: 2447 units! By the way, this number also includes equipment captured by the militias.

According to the UN as of September 30, 2016, the victims of the conflict of all parties in Ukraine were 31,805: 9,574 killed and 22,231 affected.

The number of those who fled to other countries as of November 2016 amounted to 1.5 million people, most of whom fled to Russia and Belarus - 1.15 million and 149 thousand, respectively. 7,967 people applied for asylum to Germany, 7,267 to Italy, 5,423 to Poland, 3,176 to France, 2,742 to Sweden, 286 to Moldova, 80 to Romania, 71 to Hungary, 26 to to Slovakia.

investigative committee Russian Federation stated that as of February 2, 2017, the number of Ukrainian refugees in Russia amounted to 2 302 448 , of which 1,039,977 were from the south-east of Ukraine and 1,361 were minors who came for treatment.

Frankfurter newspaper February 8, 2015 Allgemeine, citing unnamed military sources, said about 50,000 people killed during the conflict, taking into account all parties to the conflict.

According to Novorossiya and today the number is much higher. But as you understand, the figures, both official Ukrainian and those offered by Novorossiya, do not correspond to reality due to the need for propaganda work and, accordingly, they are underestimated or overestimated. In my opinion alternative source close to the truth, but also gives overestimated data.

To date, the army of Ukraine has been brought up to 250 thousand personnel. At least half of this number has combat experience. Now it is in many ways much better prepared and equipped than in 2014. Despite the significant amount of 50-65% of knocked out and lost equipment that was used earlier. And besides, a lot of motivated fighters. What about desertion, you say? And I will answer, but what about propaganda? And plus the loss of friends, relatives, loved ones leads to the fact that more and more people appear, and on both sides of the front, who are fighting not for money or even for ideals, but in order to avenge the dead.

Now a situation is developing similar to the one that happened in Kosovo and at any moment it can repeat itself. Just a few sensible commanders on the average and highest level APU and a little "humanitarian" aid from the West, especially since there is confusion and vacillation in the unrecognized republics.

In general, the extermination of the Slavs by the hands of the Slavs continues. And Bandera and Vlasov gleefully rub their sweaty palms together with pseudo-patriots on both sides under the leadership of their sponsors - both Russian and Ukrainian oligarchs. Successfully making their gesheft on blood, reducing the unnecessary population. Well, their American, Israeli and other colleagues nod approvingly, saying: "You are on the right path, comrades."