Orchid yellow leaves what to do. Why do the leaves of an orchid turn yellow: identify and eliminate the causes

Your orchid leaves began to turn yellow and you don't know what to do? Then some tips from the article will come to your aid. Also here you can find out the cause of the flower's disease.

Causes of yellowing leaves in orchids

There are many factors that affect the growth and well-being of an orchid. Let's look at the main reasons for the appearance of yellowness on its leaves.

Reasons related to watering and lighting

  • Frequent watering.The condition of the leaves is very closely related to the condition of the roots. If the substrate is too wet or does not have time to dry properly, the roots begin to rot, and the leaves become lethargic, lose turgor, begin to turn yellow, become covered with wet spots and fall off. In such a case, you need to immediately examine the flower and take methods to save it. Often, due to strong overflow, the neck of the plant suffers, it begins to rot. In this case, you need to free the orchid from the pot, carefully remove the damaged parts and plant in a new substrate.
  • Lack of moisture.If the plant is outwardly healthy, without signs of phlegm, then the reason is the too dry substrate. Water it more often. If the leaves continue to turn yellow, change the watering method. For example, you can submerge your orchid in water instead of watering it from above, and vice versa.
  • Water quality.The reason may also lie in the water itself. . Maybe the water you use is too hard, over time, the earthen lump has salted, and the pet does not receive nutrients from the soil. The first sign of a lack of nutrients is that the plant first turns yellow bottom sheet, the rest of the sweats are covered with yellow spots and in turn disappear. The orchid needs to be urgently transplanted into a new substrate. If it blooms, then it is better not to do this. Dilute distilled water with regular water in equal proportions and water the plant for several days. After a while, old and damaged leaves will fall off, and new ones will appear in their place.
  • Lack of lighting.If the leaves and aerial roots of an orchid suddenly become lighter than usual, this means that it lacks lighting. Move the pot to a sunny window or use special lamps. Remember that Cattleya and Wanda are very light-loving varieties and will die without sufficient sunlight.
  • Sunburn.If you suddenly find spots brown colorso she got sunburn... It is better to cut off the dead part of the leaf with sharp scissors, and remove the plant itself on a shady window sill.

The reason is fertilizers

You bought healthy beautiful plant, and after a while they noticed that the flowers were crumbling, and it began to die:

  • Fertilizer abuse.Often, in order to preserve the blooming appearance of the orchid for a longer time, sellers abuse fertilizer. Such a flower can stand for a couple of years, or maybe only a few weeks, it all depends on the dosage of chemicals used. Then the leaves begin to turn yellow sharply, fall off, and the stem of the plant withers. It will take a lot of time and effort to save such a flower. During a crescent, the plant cannot be fed, and then - only with diluted fertilizer. Do not allow a weakened orchid to bloom or it will die. If you overdo it a little with fertilizer, then urgently rinse the pot with the substrate under running water, let the water drain and dry. You can re-fertilize the orchid in a month and a half.
  • Lack of nutrients.This reason can also provoke yellowing of the leaves, especially if there is not enough potassium. The plant begins to turn yellow from the upper parts, veins appear, and soon the damaged leaves fall off. Use a special top dressing that contains potassium to restore the orchid.
  • Excess calcium.If only the tips of the leaves have turned yellow and wrinkled in the flower, then there is an excess of calcium in the earthen coma. Transplant the plant into a new substrate and skip fertilizer for a while.

Infections and pests

  • Bacterial and fungal infections. With frequent overflow, a fungal infection occurs in an earthen coma. It primarily affects the roots and trunk of the plant. Over time, it reaches the leaves. If you do not take emergency measures, the orchid will die. First you need to cut off all damaged parts, treat the cut sites with antifungal drugs, dry them, and then transplant them into new soil... Remember to spray regularly with fungicidal preparations.
  • Fusarium rot. The first sign of the appearance of Fusarium rot is yellowed and curled leaves at the edges. After a while, the plant itself becomes gray... Further, the trunk decays and the plant dies. Most susceptible to such a disease are such species as felenopsis and miltonia. To save the orchid, you need to remove all damaged parts and place the remainder in the foundation solution. The course of treatment is 10 days, the procedure is carried out 3 times a day.
  • Bacterial spotting. A sign - sharply and unevenly yellowed leaves, over time they become darker, lose turgor and begin to wrinkle. Then wounds appear, from which fluid is released. Place the flowerpot separately from the rest, cut off the affected parts, and liberally lubricate the cuts with iodine. If spots appear on new leaves, use special means in the fight. The orchid can be returned to its original place, making sure that no new spots appear.
  • Mite in the roots. Due to the defeat of the roots and trunk by the tick, home flower receives less nutrients and moisture. The leaves become soft, turn yellow and fall off. In the fight against this pest, use special preparations that must be diluted and applied according to the instructions. After the course of treatment, it is better to transplant the orchid into a new substrate.
  • Whitefly. The first sign of the appearance of a whitefly is a white, like sugar powder, bloom. The leaves lose their turgor, turn yellow and fall off. In treatment, use a solution of laundry soapwho need to thoroughly wash off all plaque, and spray special means against pests of indoor plants. After a week, the orchid treatment procedure must be repeated.

Other reasons

  • Plant age. Leaves can also turn yellow and fall off due to old age. In their place, new, young, light green leaves appear. Most often this applies to the large lower leaves. In felenopsis, several of them can fall off per year, usually during a dormant period. But dendrobium necessarily sheds its leaves during its flowering or after it.
  • Cramped pot. Have healthy flower many large and green leaves, voluminous and thick aerial roots, and over time, the pot with the substrate becomes cramped for him. The roots are compressed and deformed, the leaves begin to turn yellow and fall off. In order not to torment the orchid, you just need to transplant it into a larger pot, but its diameter should be no more than 3 cm. Too large flowerpot can lead to waterlogging of the soil and decay of the root system.
  • Stress. Abrupt change temperature regime, lighting, or a familiar place can lead to stress in the orchid. This will primarily affect the foliage, it will turn yellow and begin to fall off. Do not rush to move the pot to a new place, first place the plant there for a few hours.
  • Indoor air is too dry.The orchid is a tropical plant, so it is used to humid environments. If the air in the room where the plant is located is too dry, then the leaves will begin to turn yellow and fall off. Use a humidifier to revive your orchid or spray it as often as possible. clean water... Make sure that the liquid does not get inside the trunk, otherwise rotting will begin and the plant will disappear.

When to worry

Is always. Whatever the reasons for the appearance of yellowness on the leaves, this is an alarming signal that needs to be urgently paid attention to. After all, this is the first sign that your pet is not feeling well. If these reasons are not eliminated in time, the orchid will die.

Conditions for correct content

In fact, the orchid is quite unpretentious home plant... All she needs is:

  • Good substrate (better to buy at a flower shop);
  • Well-lit windowsill, no direct sunlight or drafts;
  • Regular watering with settled water as needed. Less often in winter and more often in summer.
  • Transparent pot the right sizeso that the substrate has time to dry completely before the next watering, but at the same time it does not dry out too much;
  • Special dressing for orchids, which must be used according to the instructions.

  • Alternate watering method: water from top to sump once, and next time immerse the plant pot in a bowl of water for a while.
  • Orchid loves tropical rains, so remember to spray the plant regularly with warm water.
  • To determine if the plant needs watering, you need to examine the aerial roots. If they are bright green, then there is no need to water, if they are silvery, then the plant needs liquid. You can also determine the moisture content of the earthen coma by weight, if the pot is light, then the orchid needs to be watered.
  • After flowering, many owners cut the peduncle at the root. You don't need to do this. If the stick is not dry, then you need to leave it alone, and over time, carefully trim the dried parts when they appear.
  • When transplanting a plant, use only a special substrate for orchids.which consists of pieces of bark. Lay the soil in the pot so that the trunk is covered with bark.
  • To prevent the clod from drying out, the top can be covered with a special moss. It perfectly retains moisture inside the pot.
  • There are many ways to extend the flowering period. You can use special fertilizer solutions. Or you can stress the plant - put it in a dark room for a while, and then put it back in place. It is also good to arrange a contrast shower for the flower from time to time - at first the water should be slightly hot, and then cool.
  • Do not transplant the plant in new pot during the flowering period.
  • To get a baby out of an orchid, you can place it in an empty aquarium and keep constant moisture there. You can also lubricate open dormant buds on the peduncle with cytokinin paste.

Orchid is a flower that requires minimal maintenance, but in return will delight multi-colored and long flowering... The main thing is to pay attention to the condition of the leaves and to eliminate the causes of the plant's poor health in time.

Orchids are typical representatives of the tropics. And although they adapt well to conditions indoor growing, treats them like everyone else indoor plants unreasonable. This is understood by almost all novice growers. But, alas and ah, understanding alone is not enough. It is also necessary to make efforts, sometimes considerable, so that the orchid at home feels with the greatest comfort. Otherwise, it will not only not bloom, but it may not survive at all.

Most often, inexperienced orchid lovers are faced with the problem that orchid leaves turn yellow. This phenomenon gives a lot of unpleasant minutes to its owner, especially if it takes on a mass character. In itself, the death of old leaves is a normal phenomenon, they are simply replaced by new foliage, and that's it. But if more than one leaf begins to turn yellow, action must be taken urgently.

First of all, you should identify the reason why the leaves of the orchid turn yellow, and then decide what to do. In the vast majority of cases, this unpleasant phenomenon is based on mistakes and miscalculations when caring for an orchid.

Today it is considered the most popular orchid. Using his example, we will consider why the leaves of an orchid turn yellow and what to do.

There are several main reasons:

  • Improper watering
  • The wrong place for an orchid
  • Growth point damaged

Let's consider these reasons in more detail.

Improper watering of the orchid

Excess moisture

Most often, problems arise from excessive waterlogging of the substrate, rather than from drying it out. Phalaenopsis are epiphytic plants and the bark of trees, which is the basis of the substrate for an orchid, serves more to support and fix the plant than to feed and support them. Therefore, if the substrate is constantly wet, it will be difficult for the roots of the plant to receive the air they need. Root decay will begin. The first symptom of this is yellowing of the leaves. Together with this, they lose their turgor, become lethargic and subsequently die off. If the process is started, the stem rot begins and the phalaenopsis inevitably dies.

It is easy to determine that phalaenopsis is being watered excessively, thanks to the transparent pot. A constant excess of moisture is indicated by:

  • constantly wet, dark bark in a pot;
  • dark green roots, some with signs of rotting;
  • condensation, water droplets are constantly present on the walls of the pot;
  • the plant pot is constantly heavy.

What to do

If the process of yellowing of the leaves has just begun and a sign of waterlogging is found, watering should be stopped immediately and subsequently carried out less frequently.

If the damage to the phalaenopsis is significant, if most of the leaves have turned yellow, black specks have appeared on them, a large number of roots with signs of decay have appeared, then the phalaenopsis must be immediately removed from the substrate, all damaged roots and leaves must be removed. After that, depending on the degree of damage, proceed to rescue. If the damage is minimal, then you can simply and significantly limit watering. During the resuscitation period, you can limit yourself only to spraying the upper layer of the substrate.

In case of significant damage, more drastic measures should be taken. A sick orchid is not planted in a pot. In this case, you should select a reliable, stable support (for example, a piece of a tree trunk), fix the plant on it with coconut fiber, place it under a glass or film cap and place this structure in a place with diffused light. In the process of resuscitation, only the support is moistened, and the leaves are periodically wiped with a damp swab.

Lack of moisture

But not only excess moisture can cause the leaves of the orchid to turn yellow. The opposite may be the reason for this - insufficient watering. One of the main signs of a lack of moisture by phalaenopsis is the white roots of the plant. Most often this happens from improper watering technique. With the usual watering from above for other plants, the substrate, which contains the orchid, is wetted insufficiently and unevenly. As a result, yellowing and death of the lower layer of leaves occurs.

What to do

In this case, it is necessary to water the phalaenopsis only by immersion in water. If you are already doing this, then increase watering frequency.

Poor quality water for irrigation

Many novice orchid lovers do not attach due importance to this aspect. But hard water with a high salt content can cause significant harm to the plant and cause the leaves of the orchid to turn yellow. A sign that there are a lot of salts in the water is salt deposits, a whitish coating on the walls of the pot and the substrate.

What to do

If during this period your plant does not bloom, then you can limit yourself only to a transplant. During the flowering period of Phalaenopsis, you can try to wash the salt out of the substrate by repeatedly immersing the pot in warm soft water or a mixture of soft and distilled water.

Note! An excess of salt can also cause improper use of fertilizers. This is either an excess of them, or the wrong fertilizer for the orchid.

The wrong place

The reason that the leaves turn yellow in phalaenopsis can be as excess lightingand its disadvantage.

Lack of light

Along with yellowing and falling leaves, the lack of illumination for an orchid is also characterized by excessive stretching of the shoots. Lack of light can even cause a sharp drop in leaves.

What to do

If possible, move the orchid to a brighter place. Provide artificial lighting.

Excess light

In particular for phalaenopsis, yellowing of the leaves is more characteristic when too bright, sunlight... This orchid is more shade tolerant than its relatives. When direct sunlight hits the leaves of an orchid, burns of varying severity are inevitable - from the appearance of a yellow border along the leaf, to large burn spots throughout the leaf plate.

What to do

If one or two leaves are burned, then it is enough to remove them and move the phalaenopsis to a place where it will be isolated from the scalding sun's rays. In case of serious damage to most leaves, but with a healthy stem and roots, you should move the plant to a shaded place and stop watering for a while, increasing the humidity. If the stem and roots are damaged along with the leaves, then it is unlikely that it will be possible to revive the plant.

Orchid growth point damaged

Such damage is typical for a monopodial group of orchids with one trunk. The growth point of phalaenopsis is located at the top of the stem and can be damaged both mechanically and as a result of incipient decay. As a result, the leaves of Phalaenopsis begin to turn yellow and rot from the upper tier. Gradually, rotting spreads to the entire stem and roots. Most often, this is a consequence of moisture getting into the growing point during watering and careless spraying.

What to do

You should immediately remove damaged parts of the plant, reduce watering, reduce air humidity.

Other reasons

Also, the reason that the leaves of an orchid turn yellow may be different fungal diseaseswhich are caused by waterlogging. This can also be the impact of pests, among which the most probable are root and spider mites... If diseases and pests are detected, the plant should be immediately treated with an appropriate preparation.

A sharp change in conditions of detention can also cause yellowing of the leaves. This is especially true for recently purchased orchids.

When an adult phalaenopsis has a root baby, the plant directs all its efforts towards its development. As a result, the old plant can weaken considerably, and its leaves will begin to turn yellow.

Natural reason. The bottom leaf of the phalaenopsis is the oldest. If he began to gradually turn yellow and die off, then it's okay - his time has come.

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Orchids are typical representatives of the tropics. And although they adapt well to indoor growing conditions, it is unreasonable to treat them like other indoor plants. This is understood by almost all novice growers. But, alas and ah, understanding alone is not enough. It is also necessary to make efforts, sometimes considerable, so that the orchid at home feels with the greatest comfort. Otherwise, it will not only not bloom, but it may not survive at all.

Most often, inexperienced orchid lovers are faced with the problem that orchid leaves turn yellow. This phenomenon gives a lot of unpleasant minutes to its owner, especially if it takes on a mass character. In itself, the death of old leaves is a normal phenomenon, they are simply replaced by new foliage, and that's it. But if more than one leaf begins to turn yellow, action must be taken urgently.

First of all, you should identify the reason why the leaves of the orchid turn yellow, and then decide what to do. In the vast majority of cases, this unpleasant phenomenon is based on mistakes and miscalculations when caring for an orchid.

Phalaenopsis is considered the most popular orchid today. Using his example, we will consider why the leaves of an orchid turn yellow and what to do.

There are several main reasons:

  • Improper watering
  • The wrong place for an orchid
  • Growth point damaged

Let's consider these reasons in more detail.

Improper watering of the orchid

Excess moisture

Most often, problems arise from excessive waterlogging of the substrate, rather than from drying it out. Phalaenopsis are epiphytic plants and the bark of trees, which is the basis of the substrate for an orchid, serves more to support and fix the plant than to feed and support them. Therefore, if the substrate is constantly wet, it will be difficult for the roots of the plant to receive the air they need. Root decay will begin. The first symptom of this is yellowing of the leaves. Together with this, they lose their turgor, become lethargic and subsequently die off. If the process is started, the stem rot begins and the phalaenopsis inevitably dies.

It is easy to determine that phalaenopsis is being watered excessively, thanks to the transparent pot. A constant excess of moisture is indicated by:

  • constantly wet, dark bark in a pot;
  • dark green roots, some with signs of rotting;
  • condensation, water droplets are constantly present on the walls of the pot;
  • the plant pot is constantly heavy.

What to do

If the process of yellowing of the leaves has just begun and a sign of waterlogging is found, watering should be stopped immediately and subsequently carried out less frequently.

If the damage to the phalaenopsis is significant, if most of the leaves have turned yellow, black specks have appeared on them, a large number of roots with signs of decay have appeared, then the phalaenopsis must be immediately removed from the substrate, all damaged roots and leaves must be removed. After that, depending on the degree of damage, proceed to rescue. If the damage is minimal, then you can simply transplant the orchid into fresh substrate and significantly limit watering. During the resuscitation period, you can limit yourself only to spraying the upper layer of the substrate.

In case of significant damage, more drastic measures should be taken. A sick orchid is not planted in a pot. In this case, you should select a reliable, stable support (for example, a piece of a tree trunk), fix the plant on it with coconut fiber, place it under a glass or film cap and place this structure in a place with diffused light. In the process of resuscitation, only the support is moistened, and the leaves are periodically wiped with a damp swab.

Lack of moisture

But not only excess moisture can cause the leaves of the orchid to turn yellow. The opposite may be the reason for this - insufficient watering. One of the main signs of a lack of moisture by phalaenopsis is the white roots of the plant. Most often this happens from improper watering technique. With the usual watering from above for other plants, the substrate, which contains the orchid, is wetted insufficiently and unevenly. As a result, yellowing and death of the lower layer of leaves occurs.

What to do

In this case, it is necessary to water the phalaenopsis only by immersion in water. If you are already doing this, then increase watering frequency.

Poor quality water for irrigation

Many novice orchid lovers do not attach due importance to this aspect. But hard water with a high salt content can cause significant harm to the plant and cause the leaves of the orchid to turn yellow. A sign that there are a lot of salts in the water is salt deposits, a whitish coating on the walls of the pot and the substrate.

What to do

If during this period your plant does not bloom, then you can limit yourself only to a transplant. During the flowering period of Phalaenopsis, you can try to wash the salt out of the substrate by repeatedly immersing the pot in warm soft water or a mixture of soft and distilled water.

Note! An excess of salt can also cause improper use of fertilizers. This is either an excess of them, or the wrong fertilizer for the orchid.

The wrong place

The reason that the leaves turn yellow in phalaenopsis can be both excessive lighting and its lack.

Lack of light

Along with yellowing and falling leaves, the lack of illumination for an orchid is also characterized by excessive stretching of the shoots. Lack of light can even cause a sharp drop in leaves.

What to do

If possible, move the orchid to a brighter place. Provide artificial lighting.

Excess light

In particular for Phalaenopsis, yellowing of the leaves is more common in too bright, sunlight. This orchid is more shade tolerant than its relatives. When direct sunlight hits the leaves of an orchid, burns of varying severity are inevitable - from the appearance of a yellow border along the leaf, to large burn spots throughout the leaf plate.

What to do

If one or two leaves are burned, then it is enough to remove them and move the phalaenopsis to a place where it will be isolated from the scalding sun's rays. In case of serious damage to most leaves, but with a healthy stem and roots, you should move the plant to a shaded place and stop watering for a while, increasing the humidity. If the stem and roots are damaged along with the leaves, then it is unlikely that it will be possible to revive the plant.

Orchid growth point damaged

Such damage is typical for a monopodial group of orchids with one trunk. The growth point of phalaenopsis is located at the top of the stem and can be damaged both mechanically and as a result of incipient decay. As a result, the leaves of Phalaenopsis begin to turn yellow and rot from the upper tier. Gradually, rotting spreads to the entire stem and roots. Most often, this is a consequence of moisture getting into the growing point during watering and careless spraying.

What to do

You should immediately remove damaged parts of the plant, reduce watering, reduce air humidity.

Other reasons

Also, the reason that the leaves turn yellow in the orchid may be various fungal diseases that are caused by waterlogging. This can also be the effect of pests, among which the most probable are root and spider mites. If diseases and pests are detected, the plant should be immediately treated with an appropriate preparation.

A sharp change in conditions of detention can also cause yellowing of the leaves. This is especially true for recently purchased orchids.

When an adult phalaenopsis has a root baby, the plant directs all its efforts towards its development. As a result, the old plant can weaken considerably, and its leaves will begin to turn yellow.

Natural reason. The bottom leaf of the phalaenopsis is the oldest. If he began to gradually turn yellow and die off, then it's okay - his time has come.

What a grief your favorite orchid delivers if the leaves suddenly start to turn yellow and fall off. Sometimes, the reason lies in excessive care. We will figure this out now.

The natural aging process

Orchid species papiopedipum, catlea, over time, the lower leaves are discarded, and new ones appear to replace them. You should not worry that they have turned yellow and fell off. Since this is a natural aging process.

The upper leaves may turn yellow after flowering. This is also normal.

In the case of natural renewal of the leaves, you should not touch the flower, but wait until they are completely dry and fall off themselves.

Problems due to improper watering and lighting

Flower leaves may turn yellow due to improper watering. The plant reacts sharply to uneven watering and is exposed to bacterial and fungal diseases.

Excessive watering

The roots of the plant do not receive sufficient oxygen supply. Hence, their decay occurs, nutrients do not enter the leaves. They start to turn yellow.

  • The main mistake overflow is the orientation to the surface layer of the substrate. A dry crust may appear after 2 days, and the bottom layer remains moist for a week.
  • Another mistake - keep the flowerpot completely filled with water. Like a cut bouquet.

Excessive moisture can be determined by the following signs:

  • Not only the lower leaves change color, but also other leaves.
  • The green cover loses its elasticity.
  • The appearance of black spots on a yellowed leaf.
  • The trunk is covered dark spots at the point of attachment of the leaf.
  • Darkened roots or generally invisible through transparent walls.
  • The flower sits loosely in the pot.

How to fix?

  • When such signs appear, the flower is urgently reanimated.
  • To do this, remove the plant from the pot.
  • Examine the roots.
  • Process and transplant into another pot.

Insufficient watering

  • Similar signs are found with insufficient watering:
  • Flabby leaves.
  • Dries at the end of a yellowed leaf.

How to fix?

  • Until you have decided that the flower is dry, do not rush to water.
  • To determine the dryness of the substrate, you need to lower the wooden stick inside the pot (in the case of an opaque flowerpot), hold it for a few minutes. Then pull out and look at appearance... If the stick is wet, then the reason is different.
  • If it is transparent, then you can see that there is no condensation on the walls, and the roots are light green. Then the plant can be watered and observed for 7 days. If there is no improvement, you need to remove the flower from the pot, examine the roots and transplant.


  • Incorrectly selected lighting can lead to disease... Therefore, when choosing a flower, you need to know its characteristics. Angrekum Orchid, Cymbidium, Lelilia, Catlea, Wanda, for example, are light-loving plants. Lack of light leads to weak and deformed sprout development, yellowing of leaves. And, consequently, healthy bulbs will not form, new leaves grow small. Orchids may not bloom at all. They also cannot stand direct sunlight. This could result in burns.
  • T unbearable varieties: Cambria, Phalaenopsis, can feel great and give flowers in the north and north-east side of the room.

Fertilizer problems

Intense green color of the leaves and the appearance of cracks on the bulbs.

  • Causes: oversaturation with minerals.
  • How to fix: do not apply top dressing until (3 months) until the plant is in normal shape. The first three days, set the pot in partial shade. In the future, reduce the concentration of fertilizers, that is, add more water. To help new orchid leaves recover, nitrogen fertilizers should be used.

Weak flowering and rapid fall of inflorescences, small growths.

  • Causes: lack of mineral fertilizers.
  • How to fix: study the instructions and dilute the fertilizer correctly. Transplanting into a smaller pot will help in this situation.


Improper care: excessive and insufficient watering, poor lighting develop in the plant non-communicable diseases... This also includes steaming, for example, in a greenhouse. An orchid takes it harder than a burn. A milder form is damage to buds and buds. Severe - bulb cells die off.

IN winter timeif the orchid is exposed to low temperatures for 12 hours, the vegetative buds will be damaged.

Viruses, bacteria, fungi cause infectious diseases:


Pot size

The root system of a flower should not grow in cramped conditions. If you need to increase the pot for the next transplant, then half a diameter more is chosen. For example, a pot is 10 cm in diameter, then the next one should be 15 cm, etc.

Plant age

For an orchid to bloom, it will take several years (1.5-3 years), depending on the species.

You can always determine its age from the shoots. Adult specimens have 5–8 of them.

Sometimes flowering begins earlier than planned. When the bush fades, the plant may die due to lack of strength to recover.

Orchids are considered centenarians, but the lifespan of the bulb is different, for example, life cycle cymbidium 3-4 years, oncidium - 3.


As we see, at proper care and prevention, you don't have to worry about diseases. You just need to water it correctly, choose a place with normal lighting, do not overheat and freeze, monitor the right concentration feeding.

Orchid "Phalaenopsis" is very popular among flower growers engaged in indoor cultivation of these incredibly beautiful and unpretentious plants to care for. It is the photo of "Phalaenopsis" that is most often found on the forums of amateur florists. It should be remembered that some types of orchids require significant effort in the implementation of care measures. However, this does not apply to Phalaenopsis orchids. Growing such a plant is easy even for novice flower growers. Often, beginners in floriculture are worried about why yellowness appears on the leaves of the phalaenopsis orchid, what should be done in this case. Even in spite of its absolute unpretentiousness, such a variety of orchids as Phalaenopsis can be weakened as a result of significant disturbances that accompany the cultivation and care of this indoor plant.

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Factors affecting the yellowing of leaves in the phalaenopsis orchid

There may be several factors that contribute to yellowing of leaves on orchids, and they are extremely diverse. The category of key specialists includes improper watering, insufficient or inadequate plant nutrition, various types of diseases and pests, as well as irrational use mineral types fertilizers and dressings.

Phalaenopsis orchid leaves turn yellow due to the natural aging process of the leaves

If one lower leaf (in rare cases, two lower leaves) of an orchid such as Phalaenopsis has turned yellow and completely dried, while other leaves retain their color, then there is no reason to worry: each orchid leaf goes through its own life cycle. The plant gives birth to new leaves, old leaves die - a natural change of leaves occurs. In the orchid dendrobium nobile (dendrobium noble), the upper leaves of the bulb, which has already faded, may turn yellow. In addition, dendrobium nobile can shed all leaves from a faded or flowering bulb. If you see that the yellowing of orchid leaves is associated with the natural aging process of the leaves, then no special action is needed - you need to let this leaf dry completely, and it will separate from the plant. The dry leaf can then be removed. There is no need to cut or tear off the yellowing orchid leaf yourself. First of all, the plant begins to turn yellow due to the natural shedding of leaves. If one leaf has turned yellow or dried, and the rest are in the same state, then, as a rule, you should not worry, this means that the life cycle of this leaf has simply ended and a new one will soon form in its place.

Phalaenopsis orchid leaves turn yellow due to frostbite

Phalaenopsis has sluggish yellow leaves talk about their frostbite. In this case, the leaf plate loses its turgor without any visible mechanical damage and painful spots. For an orchid, transportation without protection through the cold air in winter or keeping it near a window, where the air temperature often drops below + 15 degrees, is destructive. Frostbite leaves lose their elasticity, become dark green and watery. Treatment: the affected parts of the plant must be removed to healthy tissue. Dead tissue is a favorable breeding ground for a variety of rot. Make slices with a sharp blade. Places of cuts are sprinkled with crushed, activated carbon. In addition, you need to carefully examine the flower, whether there are black spots on its stem or other parts. A frozen plant is not transplanted. This is additional trauma that can lead to death.

Phalaenopsis orchid leaves turn yellow due to a fungal disease

Phalaenopsis orchids are sensitive to stagnant water and are susceptible to fungal diseases. Orchids pick up fungal infections very easily in the store. If you recently bought a new phalaenopsis (cattleya, cambria or other orchid) and it suddenly began to turn yellow after the purchase, you don't have to look for other reasons. Start treatment immediately. The faster you react, the better the plant's chances of survival. Yellowing can also occur due to a bacterial or viral infection, but such cases are still rare. But it is much more difficult to treat them, and sometimes completely impossible.

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If the leaf on your orchid has already turned yellow, it is impossible to bring it back to life. In addition, you need to clearly understand that if the orchid turns yellow the leaf, then the problems are not only with the leaf. It is useless to cut off the leaf or its yellowed part. The fungus sits inside the stem or rhizome, so the entire orchid must be treated. Otherwise, yellowing of the following will follow the first sheet. The fungus needs water to live. Therefore, in order to cope with the fungus, you must first dry the orchid well. Everything, wholly and completely. Both leaves and roots and stem (in sympoidal rhizomes). This will greatly slow down the progress of the infection. Unfortunately, in many cases, drying is not enough to finally cope with the disease. The infection can subside for a while and go back in full swing as soon as you start watering the orchid in the usual way. Therefore, simultaneously with drying, it is imperative to treat the orchid with antifungal drugs (fungicides).

Phalaenopsis orchid leaves turn yellow due to improper watering

The condition of the roots is connected with the color of the foliage by a thin thread. Due to the constant overflow, the foliage can lose turgor, become soft and turn yellow. They can also form damp spots.

Treatment: in this case, a transplant into a new substrate is necessary.

If phalaenopsis looks healthy, root system without signs of damage, but the lower leaves turn yellow - it means that the earthen lump is overdried. You water the plant regularly, but it continues to turn yellow, pay attention to the watering method. Most likely, you are doing classic watering with a watering can. In this case, the water does not have time to moisten the bark and immediately falls into the pan, and the roots do not have time to get drunk, they have nowhere to take water. As a result, a deficiency of nutrients. To compensate for this deficiency, the plant will begin to extract water and nutrients from the oldest leaves, as a result of which they begin to turn yellow.

Treatment: Give preference to watering by immersion and you will avoid similar problems in the future.

Phalaenopsis orchid leaves turn yellow due to watering with hard water

Many cannot understand why the leaves of the phalaenopsis turn yellow. In most cases, the reason is very commonplace - hard water has a bad effect on the base, buds and the entire orchid as a whole. If you constantly water your pet with hard water, this will lead to salinization of the earthen coma. As a result, iron will cease to be absorbed and functional chlorosis will develop (first, the lower leaf, and then all the rest will be covered with yellow spots, and after a while they will begin to fall off).

Treatment: transplant the plant into fresh soil. Spend foliar feeding: Rinse the foliage with liquid fertilizers (Pocon, Bona Forte). Be careful: if the orchid is in bloom, do not disturb it and carry out a transplant. It will be enough to free the bark (substrate) from salts by watering it with distilled water. Remember that distilled water can only be used by diluting it tap water in a 1: 1 ratio. In a few months, following my advice, the yellowed leaves of the phalaenopsis will fall off, and new and healthy ones will appear in their place.

Phalaenopsis orchid leaves turn yellow due to sunlight

Sometimes, with prolonged exposure to direct sunlight on the leaves of the phalaenopsis orchid, some areas of the leaves turn yellow. In this case, the leaf does not turn yellow completely, but only those areas that have been attacked by the sun. Just move the orchid to partial shade and watch for improvements.

Transplant and fertilization of the phalaenopsis orchid

Phalaenopsis is a plant that does not like transplanting and practically does not need it. The only situation when you need to transplant an orchid is active growth and small size of the pot. This can be understood by the number of roots that began to grow outside the pot: the more there are, the sooner a new one is needed - a larger one. It is important to transplant the plant into the same transparent plastic container, replacing the substrate. As for feeding the orchid, this can be done once a year, in early spring, in order to stimulate the exit from the dormant stage and the active growth of the flower. It is important to purchase special fertilizers, a universal product is not suitable for phalaenopsis.

Thus, yellowing of the leaves and peduncles of the phalaenopsis orchid is most often a normal physiological process of plant growth, but in some cases it should cause concern for the grower. Having noticed the first signs, you need to immediately respond to the symptoms and provide the orchid the necessary conditions comfortable growth. It is important to know the rules and requirements for growing phalaenopsis so that they grow healthy and beautiful. Orchid is a whimsical flower, but if desired, the conditions for caring for it are easily observed. Then it will grow, bloom and delight with its appearance.

What to do if the leaves of the phalaenopsis orchid turn yellow