Why does garlic turn yellow in spring? What to do. Why does winter garlic turn yellow in spring: what to do? When to plant garlic on the head in spring and how to feed the garlic planted before winter? Possible causes of yellowing

Why does garlic turn yellow in spring, what to do with this problem?

This question plagues many gardeners who are faced with yellowing of the leaf blades of winter garlic with the onset of the spring season.

And this is not surprising, because garlic is an indispensable part of the diet of many people.

This is due to the fact that it contains a large amount of beneficial trace elements, vitamins C and E, as well as phytoncides that have an antimicrobial effect.

It is a folk remedy for various diseases. In addition, it promotes the activation of metabolic processes and prevents the development of diseases such as atherosclerosis and other equally serious pathologies.

Therefore, lovers of garlic spices try to grow it on their land plots, especially since it does not require special care.

But even such a resistant plant can get sick, start to dry, turn yellow and die altogether. Let's take a closer look at the causes of yellowing of young arrows of garlic and how to solve the problem.


If in April-May the feathers of garlic begin to acquire a yellow color, then this may indicate violations of agrotechnical rules.

The result of this can be a cessation of growth activity and the beginning of the processes of decay of the planted teeth.

The main causes of spring yellowing of leaves are:

  • insufficient or, on the contrary, excessive level of soil moisture;
  • nutritional deficiencies;
  • acidic soil structures;
  • the consequences of prolonged winter low temperatures;
  • consequences of late spring frosts;
  • pests and diseases.

In order to ensure timely protection of the garlic crop from the effects of the above factors, it is necessary to observe the basic agrotechnical rules for growing winter crops.

This means that the solution to the problem, and in some cases prevention, is the following:

Note: it is recommended to start watering the beds where garlic grows in June. The most important thing is to prevent the soil where the garlic is planted from drying out, and watering should be moderately abundant.

To obtain a good harvest, it is necessary to create all favorable conditions so that the plant grows well and does not begin to turn yellow with the arrival of the spring season.

What to do

You can save the harvest by doing the following:

  1. Apply complex fertilizer.
  2. Enrich soil structures with potassium sulfate. Potassium sulfate solution is suitable for spraying the stems.
  3. Pour all the garlic beds with diluted table salt, special pest control agents, or a pale pink solution of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate).
  4. Compacted earthen crusts in the beds must be loosened.

Such an integrated approach will help to cope with the problem that has arisen.

In order for this trouble not to arise next year, it is recommended to properly prepare the material for planting, as well as apply the necessary fertilizers to the soil.

Gardener tip: do not use fresh mullein or manure as fertilizer, since it is the main cause of various pathologies.

Pests and diseases

As already mentioned, garlic is also exposed to the pathogenic effects of various pests and diseases, among which the most common are:

This disease is mainly localized on the leaf plates of garlic or onions. It is characterized by the manifestation of pale spots of a light green shade of a blurry nature on the leaf plates. As a result of the development of the disease, a gray plaque forms, which is the reason why the garlic turns yellow. From the affected leaf, infectious cells penetrate the head, where they remain until the next spring season.

Note: in order to preserve the heads of garlic affected by downy mildew and eliminate infectious cells of peronosporosis, it is necessary to warm up all the heads before storing them.

This is a dangerous fungal disease that occurs as a result of sudden changes in temperature. Basically, the disease affects all types of garlic, as well as the most popular varieties of onions - sets and samples. Mold forms on the surface of the upper layers of the flakes, which leads to softening of the bulbs and further penetration of mold.

Consider: the most susceptible to the formation of black mold are unripe and undried heads of garlic.

This disease occurs due to excessive moisture and nutritional deficiencies. The first signs of the development of this disease are early yellowing of the tips of the leaf blades and their rapid death. In the bottom area of \u200b\u200bthe head of garlic, there is a presence of pink, yellow and white bloom. This disease has the character of a rapid infection of healthy fruit crops.

  1. The emergence of the onion fly.

This insect, when settling on leaf blades, begins to actively eat them, which is a consequence of the yellowing of the leaves. In order to protect the vegetable crop from flies, it is necessary to disinfect the garlic cloves before planting by placing them in hot water (40 degrees) for a couple of hours.

  1. And there may also be the development of penicillosis, white rot, green mold and yellow dwarfism.

Preventive measures

In order to protect the vegetable crop from diseases and various pests, it is necessary to observe the agrotechnical rules for the preparation of soil and seeds every year, as well as the principles of organizing the correct crop rotation.

Fertilizing the soil structures annually will promote optimal plant nutrient saturation and a healthy and healthy harvest. You can fertilize before planting and after germination, in the form of fertilizing when watering.

Yellowing of the leaf blades is an unpleasant factor, but the problem can be solved, and timely measures taken will not be long in coming.

Watch a video in which a specialist talks about the main reasons why garlic turns yellow, and what to do to save the crop:

Garlic is a popular vegetable for planting in gardens and vegetable gardens, because it contains a huge amount of nutrients, thanks to which garlic is used as a medicine. Also, garlic gives food an amazing taste and aroma, so it's not surprising that many people like to plant it in their gardens.

Gardeners who plant garlic in their area can always face the question: "Why does garlic turn yellow in spring and what to do?" The yellowing of garlic begins from the tips, then increases rapidly, which leads to a slowdown in the growth and development of the plant, and to obtaining a poor harvest.

In this article, we will try to help gardeners find the most effective solutions to avoid these problems. Below we will look at the reasons why garlic leaves turn yellow and describe methods to combat yellowing.

There are two types of garlic: spring, considered spring, and winter or winter. The leaves of a winter plant are most exposed to yellowing even during spring frosts.

In general, yellowing of garlic can occur due to various reasons:

  1. If the garlic is planted very early before winter, then it can give green shoots by autumn, which will then be seized by frost, from this the leaves will turn yellow by spring. Gardeners in the middle zone of the country should plant garlic no earlier than October 15-20, in the south in mid-November.
  2. Due to unfavorable weather conditions, frost.
  3. Garlic may be lacking in beneficial nutrients.
  4. With insufficient watering or an excess of it. If the air-water balance is disturbed, the culture will be spoiled. Do not forget: it is much easier for a garlic plant to survive a drought than an excess of moisture. Watering a garlic plant should be done according to the following scheme: if there is a small amount of precipitation, the plant is watered once within fourteen days; with constant precipitation, you should not water the garlic at all; in the absence of rain, watering should be increased to once a week.
  5. With a lack of nitrogen in the soil. With constant precipitation, fertilizers begin to wash out from the soil, after which nitrogen starvation begins in the garlic plant. In order to prevent nitrogen starvation in garlic in the fall, gardeners use ammonium sulfate, in early spring minerals, as well as organic matter. It can be liquid manure or carbomide. It is most effective to mix 20 grams of substances in a bucket of water, then water the plants. Only in this way will the substances quickly go directly to the garlic.
  6. With a lack of potassium or magnesium in the soil... If the garlic plant does not have enough potassium, then the roots will be damaged, yellowing, drying and wilting of the leaves will begin, the garlic will stop growing. When fertilized with potassium, the growth of the garlic plant will be stimulated, and the resistance of the garlic to frost, pests and dry weather will be increased. Insufficient potassium is also reported by other signs, such as uneven growth of leaves that droop and grow thin, and “edge burns” begin to appear at the edges of the leaves along the edges of the leaves. If there is a lack of potassium in the soil, you can fertilize garlic with wood ash, per meter of plot 100 grams of ash. Ash is also considered an excellent phosphorus fertilizer.
  7. If the depth of the teeth is more than 7 centimeters. It is best to plant the garlic at a depth of 5 to 7 centimeters. With a deeper planting, the vegetable freezes and the leaves turn yellow. To avoid yellowing of the leaves, it is necessary to cover the young shoots with a polyethylene film. However, if the spring frost is already affecting the garlic, then the vegetable must be treated with special stimulating drugs. The sooner the gardeners start processing during frosts, the better. "Zircon" and biostimulant "Epin" help to improve root formation and flowering, increase resistance against diseases. For a liter of water 8 drops of "Zircon", then the cloves of garlic are soaked for 60 minutes. 1 milliliter of "Epin" is dissolved in a bucket with five liters of water.
  8. If the soil where the garlic is planted is acidic... Only neutral soil that is oxygenated and has enough moisture will help you get a good harvest. With acidic soil, the appearance of the garlic plant deteriorates. Reduce the acidity of the soil in the fall, preparing limestone, which mixes well with the soil. For soil with strong acidity, 50 to 70 kilograms of lime are prepared; when working with moderately acidic soil, from 35 to 45 kilograms of lime is taken; if the soil is weakly acidic, then 30-35 kilograms of lime is enough.
  9. Planting garlic in frozen soil or in extreme cold.

Diseases and pests

Fungal diseases can lead to rot and yellowing.

There are the following types of diseases:

Fusarium (bottom rot)

  1. Signs of the disease: active yellowing of the leaves; the stems are covered with brown stripes.
  2. Features: most often occurs in the south.
  3. Prevention: treatment with a solution of potassium permanganate.
  4. Causes of the disease: high humidity; excess moisture.

Bacterial rot or bacteriosis

  1. Signs of the disease: the teeth begin to rot as they grow.
  2. Causes of the disease: storage of crops at high temperatures and in a humid environment.
  3. Features: during storage and during the growing season, disease overtakes.
  4. Prevention: you can not plant garlic plants in one place earlier than after 4 years; the soil should be fertilized with phosphorus fertilizers.

Basal rot

  1. Signs of the disease: the tips of the leaves begin to turn yellow, then yellowing continues at the bottom of the plant.
  2. Causes of the disease: high humidity.
  3. Features: hard to notice until the leaves begin to turn yellow.
  4. Prevention: removal of diseased plants; the planting material should be disinfected with the “Tiram” preparation at a concentration of two to three percent.

White rot

  1. Signs of the disease: the bulbs become covered with white mold after the bulb begins to rot; the leaves wilt and begin to turn yellow.
  2. Causes of the disease: lack of nitrogen; dry spring.
  3. Features: the disease can persist in contaminated soil for more than 30 years.
  4. Prevention: regular watering in dry weather; use mineral fertilizers such as ammonium nitrate.

Asperillosis or black mold

  1. Signs of the disease: yellowed leaves; soft bulbs.
  2. Causes of the disease: improper temperature conditions of the environment.
  3. Features: the disease is most often affected by garlic, which has not yet ripened.
  4. Prevention: 1% Bordeaux liquid is used 3 weeks before harvest; observe the temperature regime; dry well.

Penicillosis or green mold, blue mold

  1. Signs of the disease: garlic cloves are covered with bluish-greenish rot.
  2. Causes of the disease: through the air; careless handling during harvesting;
  3. Features: predominantly early garlic is affected.
  4. Prevention: during storage, constantly monitor the crop and destroy (separate) the cloves that are damaged.

Cervical rot or gray rot

  1. Signs of the disease: roots rot; the stems turn black; black clots may appear between the teeth; when fertilizing garlic with large doses of nitrogen-containing dressings.
  2. Causes of the disease: warm weather conditions; high humidity.
  3. Prevention: the level of moisture inside the soil should be monitored; thoroughly dry before storage and store at zero temperature - this stops the development of gray rot.

Peronosporosis or downy mildew

  1. Signs of the disease: fluffy gray spots appear on the leaves, they look like dew; slow growth; delayed development; leaves can turn black, wrinkle, turn yellow.
  2. Causes of the disease: coolness; rainy weather conditions; too thick fit.
  3. Features: the disease can be stored in the soil for many years.
  4. Prevention: treatment with biological agents (biofungicides).


  1. Signs of the disease: yellowing of the leaves, which are covered with spots and specks.
  2. Causes of the disease: through the air; high humidity; cool.
  3. Features: later on, the leaves may turn orange or brown.
  4. Prevention: chemically process garlic before planting; the affected areas are removed, then the garlic is processed with a Bordeaux mixture.


  1. Signs of the disease: the leaves begin to become covered with spots of white, green or yellow.
  2. Causes of the disease: the virus is most often transmitted through planting material.
  3. Features: affects inflorescences with leaves.
  4. Prevention: planting healthy material; to renew seed by 30% annually.

Yellow dwarfism

  1. Signs of the disease: yellow streaks on the leaves of garlic; the stems curl, begin to turn yellow, become dwarf.
  2. Causes of the disease: with prolonged reproduction by cloves of garlic.
  3. Prevention: remove diseased plants.

Pests such as:

Stem nematode

  1. Signs of the disease: long light stripes on the leaves; a pungent smell in garlic; yellowing, twisting, wilting of leaves; the bulb loosens, then rots.
  2. Features: watered at the root.
  3. Prevention: a saline solution of two handfuls of salt is diluted in 10 liters of water; 2 tablespoons of ammonia can be diluted with 10 liters of water; plant mint, calendula, thyme near the garlic.

Onion fly

  1. Signs of the disease: the plant weakens and dies; turns yellow quickly.
  2. Features: lays eggs under the top scales of garlic.
  3. Prevention: change the sowing site; plant only quality seeds.

Root mite

  1. Signs of the disease: leaves with a bulb begin to dry out; the scales of garlic begin to become covered with brown dust.
  2. Features: lays up to 800 eggs at a time.
  3. Prevention: you need to remove infected seeds and burn them; disinfect planting cultures with chloropicrin or fumigate with sulfur dioxide.

What else to pour so that it does not turn yellow?

Garlic plants are watered in the spring with the following solutions:

  1. Dilute humus or nitrogenous fertilizers in water.
  2. During frost, growth stimulants "Epin" (1 milliliter per five-liter bucket) and "Zircon" (8 drops are dissolved in a liter bucket) are diluted in water.
  3. Against pests, water the garlic with a solution of three tablespoons of table salt, dissolved in a bucket of water.
  4. A kilogram of wood ash is insisted in a bucket of boiled hot water for three days, then it is stirred and the beds are watered as a top dressing.
  5. Potassium permanganate is dissolved in water, a slightly pinkish water will help destroy harmful organisms.
  6. Water the beds with a solution of urea (30 grams dissolves in a 10 liter bucket) as dry fertilizer.
  7. 1 teaspoon potassium sulfate in a liter bucket of water as an anti-yellowing fertilizer.

Any gardener is upset when his plants do not grow and develop as they should. In spring and summer, some gardeners are faced with a common problem - garlic turns yellow. In order to protect your plantings from yellowing and preserve the future harvest after winter, you must definitely find out the reason why this is happening and what to do.

Winter and spring garlic can also turn yellow, as a rule, at the beginning, it turns yellow from the feather and stem part. To treat, you need to carry out processing or feeding with special means.

The main problems with this spicy vegetable fall into three broad categories:

  • Improper care
  • Diseases
  • Pests

The main diseases of garlic include the following:

  • Fusarium
  • Bacterial and cervical rot

Diseases and pests are serious problems that need to be diagnosed on time and measures taken to treat plants. Each disease has its own characteristics.

Rust and how to deal with it

The most common disease of garlic in Russia is rust. A serious problem that must be dealt with immediately.

Outwardly, the disease manifests itself as follows: spread small orange spots all over the leaves garlic. In appearance "rust" looks like small yellowish bulges of rusty color. If the gardener does not react in time, the plant gradually turns black and dies.

By its nature, rust is fungal disease... More often than not, the disease has remained in the ground since last year. Therefore, as a preventive measure, it is not recommended to plant plants in the same place every year. In addition, the garlic beds should be located away from the onion beds.

If rusty leaves are found, they must cut off immediately... If the infection is massive, it is worth using and treating with chemicals. They are applied strictly according to the instructions.

Fusarium - how to treat it to fight

Fungal disease. In common people it is called "rot".

Infection occurs through the soil and if poor-quality seed is planted. The development of the disease occurs at a temperature 13-30 degrees and with high humidity... Outwardly, the disease manifests itself as follows: garlic leaves begin to turn yellow at the tip, dry out and die off... In this case, the roots rot, the development of the head stops and the plant dies.

As a preventive measure, it is imperative to monitor the condition of the planting material. You can also additionally disinfect and water the soil with special chemicals.

To combat the manifested disease, you need to use antifungal agents, according to the instructions or method.

The popular name of the disease is downy mildew... The disease is fungal in nature and is common in all regions of Russia. Peronosporosis is especially active at high humidity.

Outwardly, the signs of the disease look like focal leaf damage... At the same time, the growth and development of the vegetable slows down, the leaves change color and shape, the flower stalks turn yellow.

To avoid contamination in your beds, you need to plant only healthy seed, monitor soil moisture. It is better to place beds with plants in sunny and ventilated places of your garden. If the disease still struck garlic, you need to use special means.

Bacterial and cervical rot

Bacterial diseases affect garlic less often than fungal diseases. Cervical rot affects itself teeth... To avoid this ailment, you need plant vegetables annually in different places and monitor the health of the seed.

It is also worth using special pest control sprays. Insects can aggravate the disease and are sometimes even the source of it.

The people call this disease green mold... The causative agents are fungi. The disease most often manifests itself during improper storage. The heads deteriorate and collapse from the inside.

Reasons why garlic can turn yellow in spring

In summer time yellowing of the leaves indicates its ripening. But, in the spring yellowness indicates problems.

There are main reasons for this phenomenon:

  • early landing;
  • freezing;
  • acidic soil;
  • lack of watering;
  • pests.

Early planting and freezing

Winter garlic turns yellow more often, this happens due to spring frost... If planted too early, spring garlic can also be affected by cold temperatures. Young sprouts of garlic are covered with a film - this protects them from hypothermia.

If the negative impact of frost still could not be avoided, it is worth watering the plants with special development stimulants. These drugs will help the vegetable develop normally in the future.

Acidic soil

Spicy vegetable grows well and develops in the ground with a neutral balance... Too acidic soil causes yellowing of the leaves. In addition, the soil should be loose and oxygen-permeable.

You can reduce acidity if you feed the soil with lime. The proportions of this additive are calculated based on the characteristics of the earth.

Insufficient watering

In young plants, yellowing of the leaves can be caused by a lack of moisture. In May - June, the formation of a vegetable occurs. At this time you need regularly loosen the soil and produce timely watering.

To water the vegetable, use settled water, which is warmed up in the sun.


The most common insects that spoil garlic and onions are onion fly, nematode, root mite, tobacco thrips... They are capable of causing irreparable harm to the harvest of this spicy vegetable.

Garlic is one of the favorite crops among gardeners. Already in early March, its shoots are pleasing to the eye and become harbingers of spring. However, the joy of the summer resident can be replaced by anxiety. Very often, leaving the garden, you can observe how the juicy, green leaves of garlic have turned into a yellowing feather. What to do if a vegetable is overtaken by this problem?

Why does garlic turn yellow in the garden, what to do to get a high yield?

Lack of nutrition is one of the causes of yellowing of garlic leaves

Causes of yellowing of garlic. Elimination of this problem

In many areas, in the spring, you can observe the yellowing of garlic leaves. To combat this nuisance, you need to know the causes of yellowness. And only after that, carry out agrotechnical measures. So why does garlic turn yellow in spring?

The yellowing of the crop may be associated with early planting. The vegetable should be planted at a certain time, this factor is very important for plant growth. Gardeners living in the middle zone of the country should plant garlic no earlier than the twenties of October, but for the south, the optimal time will be mid-November.

Planting early can lead to green shoots in the fall. As a result, the leaves will be frozen, which will lead to the yellowness of the feather in the spring.

Mulching the beds after planting in the fall is mandatory

To prevent severe frosts from damaging the crop, it must be covered with a thick layer of mulch at the time of planting. If, nevertheless, mulching was not performed, then treat the plant with any biological preparations.

Lack of moisture causes yellowing and curling of leaves

The second cause of yellow garlic leaves can be a lack or excess of moisture. Violation of the air-water balance leads to damage to the culture. What to do in this situation? If there is a small amount of precipitation in the spring, then the plant is watered once every fourteen days. If the springtime is hot and dry, then water the vegetable once every seven days. In rainy seasons, forget about watering the plant.

Every summer resident should remember an important rule: garlic tolerates drought more easily than moisture.

Yellowing of the crop can be caused by various diseases or pests. Despite the fact that garlic very often repels pests from other plants, it still has its ailments. Damage to the vegetable may be due to the plague of downy mildew, rot, rust, mold, onion flies, or mites. What to do?

Onion fly larvae attack the stem from the inside

Determining the presence of a pest or ailment is not difficult. It is necessary to dig up a head of garlic with yellow tips and look for rot, mold, rotting of the root system, larvae in the area of \u200b\u200bthe bulb, or a pinkish bloom.

Garlic Pest - Rattle Beetle

What to do to prevent the defeat of culture?

Never plant garlic in the same area for several years. Before planting, make a weak solution of manganese, where the cloves of the culture should stay for at least twelve hours. Renew the planting material every five years.

Plant mint or calendula next to the garlic. The roots of these plants contain a small percentage of toxic substances and will be able to protect the culture from a host of diseases.

White head rot causes the death of roots and leaves

If the above reasons are not identified, and garlic is prone to yellowing, then it lacks nutrients. In this situation, you will need top dressing. Garlic is not a demanding crop, so one spring feeding will be enough. It is produced when the ground has completely thawed from the snow. How to treat a plant?

  • Place 20 liters of ordinary water into a container, add 12 grams of ammonium nitrate, 20 grams of superphosphate, 12 grams of potassium.
  • At a certain time, pour winter garlic from a proportion of 20 liters of liquid per 2 square meters. meters.
  • If there is a need for secondary processing, do it after 30 days.

Many summer residents are opponents of mineral fertilizers. What to do in this situation? Solving the problem is easy. The plant can be watered with herbal infusion.

Root rot - the plant completely dies

What to do if yellowness has already hit the culture? Initially, feed the plant, then water the plant with complex fertilizer, and after seven days, feed the roots of the vegetable.

Watering with herbal infusion will give the plants nutrients

It is important to know: not always the yellow leaves of a feather indicate his diseases. This can sometimes be due to the onset of bulb formation. During this period, all the nutrients of the leaf are transferred to the future cloves.

Traditional methods of dealing with yellow leaves of garlic

To fight pests and diseases that cause the yellow feather of garlic, many gardeners use folk methods of protection:

Plant nearby plants that have a strong, spicy aroma (thyme, coriander).

The question arises: which vegetable to plant next to the garlic? The answer is unequivocal - carrots! In the spring, these plants will be able to protect each other from all misfortunes.

Fungal infection under the husk - the cause of yellowing of the leaves

Insects will not be afraid of culture if every square meter of land is fertilized with one matchbox of urea or saltpeter. After completing the procedure, water the soil abundantly.

Have you noticed the offspring of an onion fly? Use ammonium carbonate! When you carry out the prevention of the beds, then treat the soil with boiling water (three days before planting the crop).

Does the garlic turn yellow? Use the information presented above and this problem will disappear!

Having learned and determined the possible causes of yellowing of garlic, each gardener will be able to choose the methods of processing and feeding the plant independently. It is very important to use watering with fertilizing in a complex and timely manner. Then your ridges will show off green, lush and healthy stalks of garlic!

Garlic is a fairly common agricultural crop among domestic gardeners. It is cultivated in different climatic zones, since the plant does not differ in particular finickyness. But the main advantage of growing garlic is the tremendous benefits it brings to human health. This home plant contains trace elements, vitamins C, E, essential oil, and phytoncides. Overall, garlic has strong anti-inflammatory properties, so it should be included in everyone's daily diet. How to grow it, and what to do if garlic turns yellow in spring?

Possible causes of yellowing

Many novice farmers may wonder why garlic turns yellow in the garden? Such a situation is not uncommon in our time, so you need to know how to fix the situation and what measures to take so that in the future such a problem does not befall you. At first glance, there is nothing wrong with the yellow stalks of garlic. However, if you stay idle for a long time, the garlic cloves will actively rot. Why does homemade garlic turn yellow?

There may be several reasons. Among the most probable are:

  • overdried soil or, conversely, excessively moist. Sometimes gardeners do not pay too much attention to this point, but control of the moisture level in the open field is of great importance for the growth and development of garlic. If the seedlings of this plant are not watered at all, or if it is done too often and in large volumes, the stalks of the crop may turn yellow;
  • small amounts of nutrients. Farmers do not always apply fertilizers to the soil in a timely manner and in sufficient quantities. If this factor is not taken seriously, the plant will develop incompletely, and yellowness in this case is no exception to the rule;
  • illiterately selected type of soil. There are times when gardeners do not think at all about the soil in which the garlic grains need to be determined. And yet this is quite important. Experts recommend buying varieties that can take root and develop normally in an earthy substrate in your area;
  • if winter garlic grows on your garden plot, and for the winter it turned out to be without shelter (the snow did not cover the shoots of this plant, and you did not take care of the presence of some oilcloth), low temperatures in winter will not have a very beneficial effect on the integrity of the agricultural culture. Hence the yellowness of the stems;
  • the occurrence of diseases or the invasion of pests. No one is immune from this, however, with regular inspection of garlic shoots, this problem can be eliminated in the early stages.

What to do if yellowed garlic grows in your summer cottage? There are a few key rules to follow. For example, try to apply nitrogen fertilizers to the soil. With a lack of them, the soil becomes acidic, which is quite painful for homemade garlic. How else can you reduce acidity levels? The best option is to recharge the soil with limestone or ash.

Sometimes the reason for the yellowing of garlic is quite commonplace: a hard top layer of soil. The point is that if the soil is not loosened at times, it will lack air-gas exchange. Ultimately, the plants simply stop breathing, the substrate becomes clogged, and yellowness appears on the stalks of the crop. Make another important attempt to prevent yellowing of garlic: ensure consistent watering of the plants starting in June. If the soil is too dry, it is fraught with serious consequences.

To prevent homemade garlic from turning yellow, be sure to exclude fresh manure from the entire complex of fertilizers. The thing is that due to its presence in the soil, the risk of diseases and pests increases. By adhering to these simple rules, you will forever get rid of yellowness on the plant.

Folk methods of dealing with yellow leaves

How to feed the culture

If the garlic turns yellow, it is quite possible that the reason lies in the lack of nutrients in the garden plot. In most cases, the problem of yellowness indicates a deficiency of potassium and nitrogen. Another component that is often present in small amounts in soil is magnesium. Therefore, every farmer needs to be able to make up for this deficiency. At the same time, it is necessary to distribute the feeding stages in such a way as to alternate mineral and organic fertilizers. There are several methods for replenishing the soil in which spring or winter garlic is cultivated:

  • nutrient mixtures in granules are crumbled into special holes that need to be formed in the aisle. Use carbamide or a complex solution. After feeding, the holes are covered with earth, and then watered without fail. Thus, the fertilizer will quickly dissolve in the ground. At the end of this procedure, you can also mulch the soil. If you fill the holes with compost, moisture will be retained in the soil longer than usual;
  • foliar feeding is another common method. For this purpose, potassium sulfate or mineral components are mainly used. The nutrient mixture must be poured into a spray bottle, and then young shoots can be sprayed. Try to follow one more key recommendation - to spray the fertilizer solution onto the leaves exclusively in dry and calm weather. Only in this case, most of the mixture will fall on the plants, and they will be able to more actively get saturated with useful substances.

Organic blends are sometimes preferred by farmers. The infusion of cut grass with the addition of wood ash is considered in demand. Provide regular fertilization of garlic shoots - and the result will exceed all your expectations.

Correct care

The garlic began to turn yellow, what should I do in this case? Many novice gardeners are racking their brains over this. However, if you follow the basic recommendations for caring for winter or spring garlic, problems with yellowness of plant stems should not arise. If you want your homemade vegetable to become an essential part of any gourmet meal, you will need to work a little on the garlic shoots.

It is not only timely soil feeding and watering that matters. It is also necessary to provide full illumination of agricultural seedlings. This aspect needs to be paid attention to even in the process of planting garlic. If the plants can still do without regular watering, then there should be plenty of natural light.

How to eradicate such a problem at an early stage of agricultural infection? It is recommended to frequently inspect garlic seedlings. If you notice a small number of insects near the plants, you need to act immediately. Make every effort to provide complete care for your homemade garlic seedlings - and you will provide yourself and your loved ones with vitamins and universal spices for a whole year.

Video "What to do if garlic turns yellow?"

From this video you will learn about why garlic turns yellow in the garden and how to deal with it.