What are the most dangerous ants in the world. The killer ants are the most dangerous in the world.

Ant one of the smallest inhabitants of our planet, but also the most numerous insects in the huge family. Today, more than 12 thousand species of these shock and amazing creatures are known for the zoological science.

Consider the largest representatives of the Famine family, and at the end of the review, we will be the most big ant in the world.

Let's start a review from the fossil type, which inhabited the planet more than 30 million years ago, and is the ancient ancestor of all ants.

The individuals of this species were truly giant sizes compared to their modern brethren, because females grew to 7 centimeters in length. The wingspan reached 15 centimeters.

Today, the form is completely extinct, and described it in 1854, and allocated to a separate family of fossil insects. Found only a few prints of this species, and as we see in the photo, the female size from the hummingbird.

But this is the only one of the living fossil ants inhabiting in the southern regions of Australia. Dinosaur peers grows from 0.9 to 1.2 millimeters.

For the first time was discovered and described with zoologists in 1934, and the second time a person met with dinosaur ant only in 1977.

The way of life in hard-to-reach places for a person does not allow to fully explore the habits of this most ancient from the family family, and an amazing instance of wildlife.

This type of major ants live in Asia and belongs to the subfaming of the most advanced in the evolutionary plan, called formycin.

Adults grow up to 2.9 centimeters, but the uterus of these ants grows to 3.1 centimeters. They can be found in the tropical, wet forests of Malaysia, Indonesia, on Thailand.

Hunt at night with small bands up to 10 ants. You can distinguish them on coloring. The shoulder is black with a reddish back, but the paws are brighter, almost yellow.

Meet this absolutely black in the color of ant-anchochnya in the forests of Europe and in nordic regions Asia. Workers are grown up to 1.5 centimeters, but soldiers and uterine are larger - up to 20 millimeters.

These ants are performed in the trunks of trees intricate moves, and can bring harm to the auction when working out wood. Hunt for a single way, although you prefer to cope with TLEY.

In some regions of Russia, namely in Vladimir, the Vologda regions are listed in the Red Book.

Because of the red breast on the whole black body of these ants, they also refer to Krasnogrudochnych. Grow up to 15 millimeters, but females, soldiers and uterus are much more - 2 centimeters.

In the Fauna of Russia, this is the largest ant, which makes nests or in the soil, or in the trunks of dead trees. From the characteristics of the lifestyle, we note that after the marriage period, the males die, and female, eliminating their wings, creates a new family, although such a type of behavior is quite ordinary for many species of ant.

In the Tambov region introduced into the Red Book and is protected by local environmental laws.

A large tropical ant chosen for habitat of tropical forests of central and Latin America. They can be found in Nicaragua, but the most southern habitat area is some regions of Peru.

Predatory ants grow from 18 to 25 millimeters and possess sharp sting. The bite of this species is very painful, moreover, the poison released into the body can cause allergies.

Some Indian tribes use them in the rite of initiation, voluntarily allowing ants to bite their body.

Even the name of this species is translated from ancient Greek as "terrible". And indeed he acts the largest in the subfamily of Ponerins.

The dimensions are truly impressive, from 2 to 3 centimeters. This species and uterus have the largest and most common individuals. Dwells in savanna and rainforests, hunting on other insects, amphibians, as well as small fish and waterfowl.

When bite releases a large number of poison, which paralyzes the victim, so it is better to avoid meeting him. The bite is very painful and causes an unpleasant feeling.

Large ants, and besides the most dangerous, live in Australia. This kind of primitive insects in the bite of a person causes long-term pain and allegorical reactions.

Adults grow up to 4 centimeters, and the uterus have 4.5 centimeters body length. There are huge jaws on the head, having a growing look, and gave the general name of the species of ants.

In addition to the jaws, there is a sting that anti-bulldogs and hunt, inlet in the body of victims of the poison. Another feature is that, unlike its relatives on other continents, these can also jump.

You can look at the video below as an ant-bulldog straightens with an ax.

The anthill lives to 22 million individuals, and in the rains of the rains, their army moves in search of food. An amazing spectacle when you meet such a huge cloud of migratory insects.

Local tribes even use the jaws of these insects to sew the edges of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

At the end, let's notify that many presented views in some countries of the world are widely used in the preparation of dishes and seasonings. So in Mexico in the preparation of the national dish "Escamoles" uses Liometopopum larvae. But these ants themselves are sold as caviar for $ 90 per kilogram.

In the photo: Mexican national dish from larvae Muravyov

And in the countries of Latin America, the largest individuals catch, then fry and eat.

And finally, the last fact is that ants are among the most highly developed inhabitants of the Earth, and their hardworking and self-sacrifice for the colony can only cause respect.

Ants killers relate to bloodthirsty insects whose bites can provoke a strong allergic reaction, the consequences of which can be very unpredictable up to suffocation and mortal intoxication of the body. Therefore, it is with such insects that it is best not to meet.

Mostly the habitat of ant murderers is Africa. But it does not mean that they live in one place. Some of them do not even have an anthill and are constantly moving to the most constantly representing the threat to the local population and even a large animal.

The killers are mainly inhabiting in Africa

This is explained, first of all, by the fact that it is in this part of the world, many local residents consider them by real killers and when they appear do not begin to fight them, but on the contrary leave their homes and take with them all animals, leaving their housing as far as possible. Unfortunately, this is not fiction, since these insects really destroy all living on their way.

As for our regions, it is absolutely impossible to meet this kind of insects, since for their stay they choose an exclusively tropical climate.

In a period of time, the most dangerous varieties in the world are precisely those that contain a rather aggressive poison. These include:

  • fiery ants;
  • yellow ants;
  • ant-bullet;
  • bearded ant jokes;
  • nomadic army ant - siafu;
  • ant-bulldog.

Anti-bullets are considered one of the most dangerous, as they have a very strong poison. Their bite delivers simply unbearable pain that accompanies the affected place throughout the day. The main habitat of such insects are tropics and subtropics.

Another quite serious and dangerous for a person is the fiery. The bite of this insect causes a strong allergic reaction in humans, which leads to the death of a person. The peculiarity of these ants also lies in the fact that they are easily adapting in completely unfamiliar territories. As for the bite of these insects, they feel more like pain from the burn, which in turn still provokes the formation of the tumor.

Bite of the Fiery Ant causes a strong allergic reaction

TO poisonous insect Also include yellow ants, which can be found only in Arizona. After the bite of this insect on the surface of the body, not only significant swelling appear, but also develops a strong allergic reaction, which very often ends with a fatal outcome.

Bearded antiquities are mainly different in that they do not make any harm to agriculture, as they feed on the croups and grains of cereals. Among other things, these ants are completely safe for a person, even on the contrary, help to destroy various pests on the fields.

On the territory of Australia, another variety of ants residents are inhabited, which are dangerous to human health. This is a nomadic army ant Siafa. The danger of this insect is that it has enough powerful jaws, and its bites provoke the development of serious allergic reactions.

One of the largest and most dangerous ants is Bulldog. As practice shows, an anaphylactic shock is experiencing from a hundred biting by these insects.

As mentioned earlier, the most dangerous ants in the world are rightfully called the murderers. These insects not only can lead to the death of an animal, but also a person, especially this concerns those who suffer from the inclination to the emergence of allergic reactions.

Each of these ants leads a certain way of life and feeds in completely different ways. For example, attachment ants are vegetative insects that feed in the main croups and grain cereals. Currently, about ten varieties of these ants are known in nature, five of which can be found in Russia.

These insects live in special nests that build themselves at a depth of about ten meters. Activity mainly manifests at night. A feature of these ants is also the fact that they collect grains from the ground, not at all injuring the growing spacing.

In their anthills of ant renges build special grain storage chambers

Note! In his anthills of ant, the rebels are building special grain storage cameras, in which for the season they can place about fifty kilograms of grains.

As for fiery ants, they prefer to dwell solely in a warm environment closer to agricultural land. Always live in nests, and can also hide in underground moves at a depth of about one meter. Insects feed exclusively pests that are affixed by agricultural crops, such as rice, legumes and sugar rees, as well as larvae, shoots and plants stems.

Yellow ant murderers can be found exclusively in the American state of Arizona. This ant is considered very dangerous, as it is able to lead to death with just one bite.

Yellow Arizona Ant

Ant-bullet is quite dangerous insects and is distinguished by impressive sizes. This insect lives in South America. Prefer these insects in small colonies in the nests, which are built at the base of the tree trunks and in some cases right on them.

Extracting ant-bullet prefers in dark time day. Antiforms eating mainly insects, both alive and dead, as well as woody juice.

African ant killer ants prefer to dwell in the rainforest of the African continent. For their habitat, these insects build anthills that are formed by clutching insect limbs. In the middle of such an anthill sits a uterus. These insects are distinguished by the fact that they can freely wrap up to ten days, after which they break the camp. These ants eat completely all that comes across their way. It can even be snakes, frogs, birds, as well as various nests.

Nomad Army Agroo - Siaph

One of the largest ant murderers is Bulldog, which mainly lives in Australia. These insects themselves make themselves anthills at a small depth. As for nutrition, they prefer the plant nectar and fruit juices.

Each variety of ants has its own characteristics. This applies to the conditions of reproduction. For example, ants of bulldogs once a year arranged years, during which the mating of the genital individuals came out of the larvae. After that, the female is running around the neighborhood, and the males die.

African ants killer antsomes for breeding satisfy the halt and in this period begin to the masonry, which the female performs, while it happens, Bivouake can still exist about three weeks. After the female will postpone the offspring, the working class takes the larvae and licking them relates into secluded places. As for the life expectancy of these ants, the female is capable of living for 15 years, the rest of no more than two years.

The Mouree the bullets also gives the uterus for reproduction, behind which, like all other varieties, careful care is underway, because it shelters eggs for further reproduction.

The average life expectancy of murder ants about 2 months

As for the murrains directly, it is, of course, it primarily depends on their habitat. Undoubtedly, the uterus is considered long-livers in any variety. The most small habitual duration is endowed by males who die almost immediately after mating, and as for the workers of the ants, they live on average for about two months.

The most dangerous ant

Of all those listed above the varieties of insects, ant-bullet ants are considered the most dangerous, which lives in rainforest. These insects prefer to live mainly on the trees.

A feature of this ant is also what he knows how to shout and does it with every approaching danger.

The benefits of ant murderers

As practice shows, not all the killer ants are capable of applying only harm, some varieties can have a positive effect.

For example, it applies to antholev-zanes that protect the fields from pests and feed on exclusively by the grains that are found on Earth. These insects will also never be slacking on a plant soma, which eliminates their damage.

Not always the size matters. There are a huge set of insects in the world, which are much more dangerous than animals. Some insect bites can lead to death, if not applying proper treatment.

We bring to your attention the top 10 of the most dangerous insects in the world, as well as their photos.

The most dangerous insects in the world


Ant-bullet is the largest of all ants in the world. Basically, they live in the tropical forests of Nicaragua and Paraguay. This type of Muravyev received its name due to their strong bite, which, by painful sensations, resemble a shot of a bullet. Scientists managed to investigate that the ant-bullet bite was 30 times more painful than the bite of the wasp.

In each colony of these ants there are several hundred inhabitants. Usually, they build their nests at the bases of large trees. When predator detected, these ants produce nasty smell. If this trick does not drive away the uninvited guest - they attack him the practical entire colon.

Basically, the wonds are found in Central and South America. Young females of these insects lay the larvae in the skin of mammals. The larvae are leaning under the skin and are there for 60 days, hitting the subcutaneous zone.

Patients who appealing to doctors argue that they can feel the movement of larvae. After the larva rim ripens - it comes out of the body.

There are about 2,000 well-known species of these insects. Young fleas can consume 15 times more blood than their overall body weight. The favorite place of Bloch bites are waist, human elbows. Bite of fleas causes a strong itching and it can lead to infection.

Fire ant

Now it is known about the existence of about 285 different species Fire ants. They are very aggressive and in cases of danger leave the victim's sacrifices painful sting. White acne, caused by hitting the human body, will give painful sensations for several weeks.

Also, poison fiery ants can lead to some problems with the skin. Usually, on their victims, fiery ants attack groups consisting of 10 - 100 insects.

Triatomic Corn

Every year, about 12,000 people die from the "kisses" of triatomic bedbugs. Even the weakest bite of these insects instantly makes changes to the human body and animal, eliminate which is impossible without the help of physicians.

Giant Japanese Hornet

Giant Japanese hornet is the most large view Horses in the world. They grow up to size 2 inches. Every year about 40 deaths from the bites of these insects are registered in the world.

The poison of Japanese Horshnya causes an allergic reaction and burns the skin of a person in the place of bite. With multiple bitees of these insects, a person may die in just a few minutes.

Japanese hornets are very aggressive and fearless. Each colony of these insects contains 700 members. They feed on the larvae of honey bees, while killing them can be about large 40 bees in just a minute.

Fly Tsetse

Fly Cetz are among the most dangerous insects in Africa. Basically, they feed on the blood of the vertebrates, in the body of which they introduce powerful toxin after the strongest bittes of the victims. For some people and animals, the bites of these insects can even be deadly.

According to unofficial data of scientists, about half a million people are annually exposed to the attack of Much Tseta of which about 20% with fatal exodus.

At first, the poison of these insects suggests drowsiness and strong weakness to their sacrifice and if you do not have a sick medical care on time - he may die.

Africanized bee

These insects are also called "murderer bees." They are among the most aggressive and dominant insects in the world. A group of African bees is able to pursue his sacrifice at a distance of more than one mile. Usually they attack groups of several hundreds of individuals.

The toxin of Africanized bees is not so dangerous as it may seem at first glance, but they are striking by their numerical superiority. Basically, they attack the face of a person, especially on the eyes.

These insects live in large colonies, the number of which comes to 30 thousand individuals. After someone or something disturbed these bees - for 24 hours it is dangerous about their colony, because they will start to attack immediately.

Stray ant

Stray ants have the largest colon than any other insects in the world. Each colony of these ants can have about 22 million individuals. Even the elephants are forced to run away when such a huge number of insects attacks them.

They are able to destroy any animal that will fall on the way. Usually, stray ants kill thousands of different animals during one raid. With the help of its strong jaws, they leave wounds on animals and humans.


Mosquitoes - the very dangerous insects in the world. Millions of people on all planet die annually from their blind. Mosquitoes are carriers of malaria, which is transmitted to a person through the microbes carrying by these insects around the world.

A man infects this particularly dangerous disease through mosquito bites. According to WHO estimates, every 30 seconds in the world from malaria is dying. In just a year, about 500 million patients appear in the doctors who have this terrible disease.

In addition to malaria, mosquitoes are also carrier of dengue fever, yellow fever, encephalitis and Western Nile virus.

In its struggle with "harmful" insects, people cause much more harm to themselves than those who are fighting with whom

The ants are public insects of the subcontrolle-tag, the nearest relatives of the OS and bees, but the sting and poisonous glands are far from all kinds. It is thanks to its non-real abilities to cooperation of the ants became the dominant group of arthropods. In warm countries, 1 hectares of land can be counted up to 20 million individuals of these ever-hurrying, businesslike creations.

More than 10,000 species of ants are common all over ground Shar.except the Far North and Antarctica. The most interesting, varied and highly organized of them inhabit the tropics, but in Russia there are also some "ant wise men". For example, red forest ants (Formica RUFA) are an inexhaustible source of research and discoveries. Surely you saw their magnificent anthills in our forests, where small redhead workaholics participate in the soil formation and save plants from the caterpillars.

Murantic Wars

A few steps from me among the thick vegetation appeared on the ground. Black mass: ants have come. These predators, Ants-Ezitons, destroy all the living on their way.
Arkady Fidler . Call Amazon

If Europe succeeds more or less peacefully getting around next to the ants, then the US is less lucky. Not further like yesterday you were horrified on the floor of the sugarist at the sight of the yellow pharaoh ants (Monomorium Pharaonis) and urgently called to the firm for the destruction of insects? What trifles these are your distils compared to the long-term war between the US and the red fiery ants (Solenopsis Invicta)!

Dangerous interventories accidentally brought around the sea in the United States from South America in the early 1900s, when active trade was made in a large horned cattle. Since the climatic conditions turned out to be favorable, and the natural enemies in alien Earth were not and could not be, after a few years, fiery ants have multiplied in an incredible amount. They "captured" all new and new territories, moving from Alabama to California. Small fiery creatures are mercilessly zhalili farmers, an anthills were erected on the way of mowers and undermined the image of the omnipotent capitalist powers.

In fact, the Americans suffered much more from the poison of the OS and bees, but now the USDA had a speedy reason to start "heavy artillery" against fiery ants. The Mirex brand pesticides sprayed through the southeast of the United States from numerous helicopters and began to wait for the results ... The first scoring the biologist, the founder of the worldwide movement for the ecology of Rachel Carson, and later described all the peripetics of this war in his best-selling " Silent Spring "(" Silent Spring ", 1962). "Who has the right to solve for all of us," she indulged, "" What is the highest value - this is a world without insects, an insidious world, not decorated with even a wing of a flying bird? ". Rachel turned out to be the right - after the use of worms, all migratory drosks were disappeared, and in 1976, it was convincingly proven that these chemicals were dangerous for humans and are a heart-toxin. Perhaps Carson and herself became a victim of pesticides provoked cancer - two years after the publishing of the book, she died.

By the way, in the USSR, there were also attempts to use Milox, but not so large-scale.

Chemical question

Did not win the victory over the sky.
Everyone is devoured by the Earth-cannibal.
Are you still intact? And be banging this?
Wait: Find ants for lunch!

Omar Khayam. Rubaiyat

By the 1990s, fiery ants, unlike Drozdov, restored and proved their population. Moreover, they are now interested not only by newborn chips, but also wires, air conditioners, traffic lights and other electrical appliances that they are out of order, applying US economic damage in the amount of 6 billion dollars a year. The description of the Great "ant confrontation" is included in many abstracts and scientific work According to the ecology, in particular, in 2004, the "detective" work was released Joshu Bess ( Joshua Blu Buhs. The Fire Ant Wars), which once again reminds of the possible consequences of the use of pesticides.

Despite the developing transgenal technologies that will help us protect the harvest from frozing and leaves, the topic of chemicals is still one of the most acute in the world. For example, by recent BBC post, almost one-third of British products contains pesticides. Even more noise, in June 2006, the opening of a group of scientists from the Faculty of Healthcare Harvard University under the leadership of Alberto Askerio (Alberto Ascherio). It has been proven that pesticides used in agriculture increase the risk of Parkinson's disease by 70%. Based on this discovery, Mrs. Bertrand Kuddek (BERTRAND COUDERC), a lawyer of a certain agricultural worker, for the first time in France managed to prove that his ailment is a professional disease and achieve substantial financial compensation for its ward.

Perhaps, using the fashionable theme of the contrived danger of genetically modified organisms, are trying to distract us from a more real threat? For me, the "chemical question" will always be relevant as I myself experienced the impact of chemicals. When I was 13 years old, we moved to the town nearly from one of the oldest cities in Siberia - Usolye-Sibirskoye. It always seemed to me that Siberia with her wonderful green taiga is light Russia. How I was mistaken! Almost every morning, our homes covered the thick cloud of chlorine, and after a few months from a fun and healthy child I turned into a stupid creation. Then I did not know who was to blame and to whom should pay your hatred. But for sure they could normally breathe and did not know the terrible word "asthma." I was urgently sent to Kyrgyzstan to my grandmother, and I was saved, which you will not say about some other children who have become disabled. Say currently ecological situation Siberia improved only because many chemical production is idle due to the economic crisis. But back to our "great and terrible" ants.

No matter how large is a temptation to arrange an ants "Chemical attack", USDA switched from pesticides to more complex strategic developments. So, the natural enemies of fiery ants have already been delivered from South America - humpback flies from the genus Phoridae, which lay eggs into the body of the living Solenopsis Invicta. The developing larva eventually beheads the ant with the help of a special enzyme. In South America, it is often possible to observe how the humpbacks pianic over the ant colonies, and their larvae, covered with a mask of the ant head, brazenly "walk" together with the web.

And again continues the fight

The ants undoubtedly noticed the arsonists and chased after them. They fled faster than people, and the distance between those and others all decreased.
Vladimir Obruchev. Plutonia

No one wants to survive bad experience The United States, but so far scientists have not invented the biofilter, similar to the Thunder ("A Sound Of Thunder"), no one is insured against the invasions of South American ants. So, in March 2006, Israel attacked the army all the same warlike Solenopsis Invicta. Sky photos of Israeli crabs, ripened fiery ants, flew around the world, and on the beaches there were warnings "Caution, ants". In Australia, frightened ecologists are fighting with "crazy" yellow ants anoplolepis gracilipes, which injected acid into the eyes of local defenseless lizards and chicks and threaten to destroy the endemic fauna. They are trying to fight with them with the help of a special insecticide "Fipronil", stuck in food balls, attractive only for ants of this species.

Russia with its cool climate is not a very pretty place for tropical "barbarians", but in one of the Moscow hospitals, the fire ant Solenopsis Savissima Var has already been discovered. Richteri. If we take on faith by the hypothesis of some pessimistic scientists, in particular, Mike Pilling (Mike Pilling) from Linda University of Western Yorkshire, after 100-200 years old in Europe in Europe will become incredibly warmer. Probably, it will be nice to shoot two or three yields per year, but also the thermal-loving ants will no longer interfere with the conquer new territories.

An unsuitable Europeans are some tropical ants capable of bringing to heart attack one appearance, and what will happen if they come to visit you? In the jungle of Southeast Asia, I saw the colony of ants in the meter (!) The width that rushed on the grass, as if gigantic black waves. Tourists ran away, and only naturalists like me with great pleasure looked at this riot life. And the point here is not in courage, but in the knowledge of the insects hawking - most of the ants are not looking for meetings with a person and rushing at him, only when the "destroyer" approaches the nest. The most dangerous - South American and African stray ants that eat everything in their path, and people have to leave the village or build a fire barrier around the houses.

In search of rings Solomon

So ants, encountered somewhere
worn by strokes to be able to
perhaps about the prey of Ile about the path.

But only a moment, the argument of friendship lasts.
Dante Aligiery. The Divine Comedy. Purgatory. XXVI Song

Is there a way to protect themselves from the invasions of the refamps? Probably, we will help with the study of the behavior of public insects. When the crowds of hungry leeches or mosquitoes are attracted to you, it is necessary to escape, but ants are more highly organized, so why not ... agree! How the outstanding ethologist Nobel Laureate Conrad Lorenz (Konrad Z. Lorenz): "I have every reason to believe that Solomon could really talk with animals, and even without the help of a magic ring, the possession of which the legend attributes him."

The so-called anti-hypothetical language of ants is too complicated for human understanding, but experiments on its decryption have been conducted for a long time. This language is most likely consisting of a complex of smells (pheromones), gestures (limb motions) and antennal contacts. The most popular object for studying "linguistics" insects is honeybees, relatives of ants. It is on them that Austrian zoologist Karl von Frisch (Karl Von Frisch), who received in 1973 Nobel Prize, proved the existence of a symbolic dance language. The final confirmation of the presence of "language" abilities from the bee received in the early 1990s engineer from Denmark Bent Bach Andersen. He spent truly an amazing experiment, creating an artificial bee-robot, which passed the team to the present bees where to fly for nectar. And they performed them! Such experiments are incredibly complex for a number of reasons. For example, the bees from different locations differ dialects, about both people from different republics.

But it does not prevent us from dreaming how it would be convenient to learn to "speak" ants: "Danger! Everyone is urgently removed from this area! " A less fantastic way to combat ants is to synthesize the smell of ant enemies and introduce it into an anthill. Insects will cease to distinguish with their own, and who is someone else, and will arrange a "fratricide" war. Such experiences are already held at the University of California in IRVINE (UC Irvine) over the Argentine Antinema Linepithema Humile, also brought from South America and fastened local arthropods. The group of scientists under the leadership of Nile Tsutsui (Neil Tsutsui) was able to obtain a substance that Argentines perceive as a label of ants of another species.

Unless the cross do not know how to embroider

Is there anything more beautiful in the world? The lines of his body are clean and curved, the aerodynamics is perfect ... it looks like an Italian racing car.
Bernard Verber. Ants

If you forget about the ants, in which the person himself is always, then the civilization of ants is the most interesting object for peaceful study and contemplation. Try once to watch the "ant wise men", and very soon such a hobby can turn into something more. The easiest and harmless experiment to identify the ant "intelligence" is: put a low candle on the dome "house" red forest MuravyevAnd you will find that they are able to put out the fire using the aiming shots of formic acid.

Mysterious behavior of insects spawned and new fashion - Some European pet stores sell special formicaria (something like strong terrariums) with small colonies of ants inside. In Russia, this passion is only emerging, but there are already special clubs of amateurs of ants. Here you can discuss than feeding pets and how to contain them. So, many ants die, fascinating mayonnaise or sausages, but live happily ever already if they feed fresh honey. The fact that ants are not smaller gourmets than people, I was convinced on September 8, 2006 at the book fair in Moscow, talking with a ficture and an amateur insects by Bernard Verber.

- Tell me, how do you know such details of the face of ant civilization? Have you really watched them or all written - fantasy? - I asked this kindest Frenchman.
"I suffered a small anthill in the courtyard of my house and watched insects with pleasure. Most of all I was outraged that they did not want to eat anything but caviar! After completing the research, I took them back to the forest.

Indeed, the ants eat not all in a row as it would be possible to think when looking at the ubiquitous pharaoh ants. For example, South American ants-leafresses (Atta Cephalotes and other Attinae) are prepared from the leaves a special substrate on which the edible mushrooms of the genus Rhozites are grown in underground "mushroom gardens". Ants-jerseys from the genus Messor, inhabitants in Central Asia and in the south of Russia, are built in Ambarry anthills for storing plant seeds. They feed the larvae with sophisticated "buns" cooked from the flour of crushed seeds. Some types of reapers can be found in the "barn" to 55 kg of grain, perhaps for this reason, the peoples of Southeast Asia there is a legend of an ant, who gave them rice and grain. Many-vegetarian ants are very peaceful than local residents enjoy. So, in the Colombian province of Santander, all local populations chasing the helpless winged females of ATTA Laevigata. Aborigines eat fried fila pieces of "widespread" ants as "Viagra", as well as supply them to London's shops. They say, in the largest department stores of the capital of Britain, cookies with ants are greatly popular.

Fortunately, people in relation to ants are not only a gastronomic. Ants are the moststs in many indicators, and it would be nice to learn something. For example, if you have simple mathematical calculations, it turns out that ants run faster than people. That is, whether they are our size, then would reach the speed of 80 km / h. In addition to unprecedented speeds, these insects demonstrate both the phenomenon of longevity. Usually the anthill is updated every year, but some females live to 10-20 years. Perhaps the secret of their longevity in the forming "state strict"? Do not not cause admiration and architectural talents of these small insects.

Many human corporations are affectionately called "anthills", but wherever we are with ants! Any human company is unstable, since some "working" sooner or later will definitely begin to weave intrigue and try to take the place of the Queen. In ants, such blasphemia is impossible, because there are certain castes from birth, and all workers are underdeveloped females that will never be queens. Among the ants there are slave-owners, for example, Amazon's ants (Polyergos Rufescens), carrying the pupa of other types of ants. If you are lucky, and you will meet Amazon ants in the southern part of the Moscow region, be sure to observe them. Their robber trips to the neighboring anthills - an exciting sight. The most curious - slaves performing all the work for the Amazons, never learn about their origin and will not make the accommodation in Rasism.

In the animation film "Thunderstorm Muravyov" ("The Ant Bully") spiritualized ants demonstrate the wonders of cooperation - the living "bridges" and "stairs" are built to cross the gorge, they are confirmed, develop a war strategy. Do you think all this fairy tales? Some species are really capable of similar tricks, for example, stray anti-Eziton (genus Eciton) constantly roam and are forced to overcome many obstacles. Thousands of ants, constructing pontoon bridges from their own bodies, for some reason I am not surprised. If we saw similar miracles of mutual execution among people somewhere in the center of Moscow, at the rush hour it would be a sensation. What do you think?

Fiery ants are a very common type of insect data. Its varieties live almost all over the world, and they are distributed simply with space speeds. These are the most dangerous ants in the world, whose bite can lead to full outcome.

Who are fiery ants, as they look like, where they live and what are dangerous - this article will tell.

What the insect looks like

For their lives, the fiery species of Murash lives four stages:

  • egg;
  • larva;
  • doll;
  • adult special.

In the photo of the larva of a red fiery ant, which, unlike adult individual, white color, absolutely not moving. Accordingly, it cannot produce food. The larva is completely on the provision of workers of ants, until the moment when he picks the required weight and acquires dimensions to transform into the doll.

During the day before turning into the doll, the larva ceases to consume food and the intestine frees the end. Operating individuals find suitable conditions for a doll, serve it up to the birth of a new ant.

Adult ants, judging by the photo, do not differ in large sizes. The length of their body is two - six millimeters, and depends on what edges insect inhabit. It is surprising that in one nest there may be individuals, both the smallest and the largest. Fiery, despite the fact that they are called red ants, can have a color from dark red to brown. At the same time, the belly in adults is almost black. The body of goosebumps consists of heads, chest, abdomen, and he also has six legs, very strong and powerful.

Features of Bukashka

Like any living creature on Earth, these insects have their own characteristics:

  • insects of this species are omnivores, they can equally successfully consume food of animal and vegetable origin. Their diet is made herbate plants, large insects, larvae, caterpillars. Also, these insects feed on small mammals - mice, snakes, lizards. These for lunch can also get the remains of large animals;
  • they do not differ from their relatives - also build antics, as soon as it comes to get off the offspring. Often insects arrange their nests in human housing;
  • hunting for them is a whole military game. The attack on the victim is rapidly. Mrajrai climb on it, dug into the skin, after which they are imposed. In the calm state of sting is not visible, as it hides in the trouser. Through the sting in the body of the victim a large number is introduced strong poison. If the dose is too big, then the victim dies after a while dies. If small, then the victim will remain alive, but the place of bite will hurt a long time for a long time;
  • these insects know how to swim well, as where they live, floods occur very often. To escape from such natural disasters, Murami developed a special tactic, allowing them to save their family from flooding. They build rafts from their own bodies and can thus keep on the water for quite a long time. How does this happen? The Muravyev Group is placed on top of water, heavily enclosed with each other jaws. Floating design has high strength, while it is very flexible. The rest of the individuals from the anthill remains only to move on a raft from their comrades.

In order to deal with who are fiery ants, follows special attention Decide the uterus. The uterus is a queen of an anthill, she has been doing all her life in that she puts eggs in large quantities. Thanks to her fertility, the colony can very quickly replenish new individuals. The uterus of these insects is much larger than the remaining ants. She lives in an anthill, but never goes out.

In the colony several in the module, and each of them can postpone the day to thirty eggs. Their magnitude is very small - it reaches no more than half a millionth. A week later, larvae appear from eggs, and another two larvae turn into a pupa.


These ants appeared in Brazil and then, with the beginning of the development of the sea routes, spread around the world. Today, their habitat includes Mexico, the United States of America, the Caribbean Islands, China, Australia, Taiwan, Malaysia, Singapore, Philipopins.

Since these insects have been brought to other countries, agriculture And the animal world of these countries was very affected. Especially this kind of dangerous ants loved the United States, more precisely, their endless southern territories.

The bites of fiery ants are so strong that annually for medical and veterinary services from the country's budget takes several billion dollars. Approximately the same as the government spends the government to destroy them. For this purpose, the most infected areas were populated with humpback flies, which perfectly destroy ants, the dead bodies of which flies of flies are used as reliable asylum.

Than dangerous:

  1. First of all, with its aggressiveness, as well as the ability to instantly adapt in new conditions, quickly multiply and most negatively affect the flora and fauna of the region.
  2. Fiery ants are also dangerous for the human body. Their fiery nicknamed because their poison causes sensations akin to the thermal burn. If the danger of the attack arises, they immediately rush to the attack, and no matter who in front of them is a beast or man. They instantly climb on a potential offender, begin to sting him, literally permeating their sting and injecting the portion of the poison. According to statistics, the bites of these insects annually lead to a fatal outcome of more than thirty people.
  3. Do not know the fear of anyone. They are able to create their nests anywhere - in the forest or human housing, household appliances, trash tanks. Modern chemicals We are not able to cope with their hordes, so residents of South American countries are easier to move to another place than trying to erase these insects. After all the above facts, it becomes clear what these ants are dangerous.

Insect breeding

Before the start of the reproduction period, intelligence ants go to search for a new territory where there is food and the possibility of building a new anthill. As soon as the place is located, the colony begins to settle, and the young females and males go to the flying flight.

Insects have a unique feature - they multiply with cloning. For the breeding of the offspring, they are very optional to use individuals of the opposite sex. They are resorted only when they need to produce sterile individuals - future males and females. Thus, to reproduce new members of the uterus's anthill, one, without attracting males. The uterus of red ants is very fruitful, can postpone in life up to two hundred and fifty thousand eggs.

Some ants to receive offspring do not build any anthills, and use warm and wet dwellings for this, kicking out adult individuals from there and entering newborn baby.

A varieties of murderers

Despite the terrible stories, the fiery ants killers and their species are not so much common on the planet. Nevertheless, they are. Therefore, to figure out, you need to know what kinds of these insects exist:

  • nomadic fiery ants renovants live mainly on the Black Continent and South America. This type of insect does not build anthills, but prefers to multiply in temporary buildings in the form of a bowl created from the bodies of workers ants. It seems that such a form may seem key, but in it, as in a classic anthill, everything is subordinate to strict order. Nomadic reservoirs received their name for constantly roaming from place to place in search of food. The soldiers are very large, can reach a half centimeters in length. However, the very large thing is the uterus of this species - the length of her body reaches five centimeters. To date, it is considered the largest individual of all existing ants. Nomadic ants do not kill anyone, but they may be very strong, causing it terrible allergies. As a rule, nomadic ants eat small freshwater and young birds;
  • antly bullet is another representative of the fiery living in South America. These ants are called so because their bites are so painful that feelings are reminded by chemical burns of medium severity. Their poison contains a very strong toxin. Pain after bite may not pass the whole day. If you have research and compare the feeling after the bite on the Schmidt scale, the level of pain comes up to the fourth level, which is above all the bites of other insects. Representatives of this species are also very large. Workers ants grow up to two and a half centimeters, and the uterus - up to three centimeters;
  • ant Bulldogs belong to the most poisonous type of ants. These ants killers are able to hit the human body, cause not only acute allergies, but also lead to a fatal outcome. According to statistics, death from the bites of ants of bulldogs occurs much more often than from the bites of other predators.
    The most unpredictable moment is that the human body on the poison of this insect can respond the most unexpected way. Even steady to bite other insects, a person can die from the bite of Ants Bulldog. There is a version that the very strong poisonousness of this species is associated with its evolutionary primitiveness.

Thus, fiery ants are a truly special type of insects that can not only survive in the most extreme conditions, but also destroying all the living. If they settle in the human dwelling, they are very difficult to bring them, even if the nest is detected and the uterus destroyed. And since the module in the colonies of fiery several, then their number will soon be restored. You can get acquainted and open the curtain of the mystery of these insects, seeing the video presented.