How to make a nipple drinker ducklings. Overview of ducks for ducks and instructions for their manufacture

To make nipple driller for ducks, you benefit, you need to follow the instructions.

You will need:

  • Nipple.
  • Trumpet.
  • Capacity under water.
  • Hose for feeding.
  • Fastening and holding structural elements.
  • Tools: A screwdriver with an eight million drill, tape measure or centimeter tape, bright well-written felt-tip pen.

It is necessary to drill holes in which nipple will later be fixed.

  1. The length of the drinking boxes must match the ducks. For each nipple you need about 40 cm pipe.
  2. By inserting it into the hole, it is necessary to smell the remaining slits to eliminate water leakage.
  3. From one end to the pipe to put a special plug, and from the other - an adapter for connecting the hose through which water will flow from the tank.
  4. You can fix at different heights, which corresponds to the growth of poultry. It is necessary to fix it with wire or other means to the bar, which is necessary using a drill to fix on the walls or other protruding surfaces.
  5. Nipple autopilka is ready.

Feeders and drinkers for ducks are made very simple.

For ducks perfectly, the vacuum drilling is suitable, the simplest design from the can and cup or pelvis. If in the plans to keep a large number of ducks, it is better to make a groove or nipple drinking.


In small bird farms as ferments, many breeders use conventional healthy items that are available in any house:

  • Metal or plastic pelvis;
  • Enameled buckets:
  • Small bowls.

Simple designs have their own advantages. First of all, they are easy to use and do not cost a lot of money.

It should be known that their flaws are more:

  • Ducks will always strive to climb into the open container, thereby tilting it;
  • Water in simple drinks quickly pollutes, the other dirt falls into it;
  • The liquid is quickly cold and easily sprinkled with ducks, so with a sharp decrease in temperature they can catch cold;
  • Simple containers are more suitable for young. Adult features especially in a large bird economy are inconvenient to drink from them.

There is a large selection of specialized dolls for poultry.

Automatic designs, vacuum and nipple diligets are most popular.

It is very easy to make a drink for ducks with your own hands. The most difficult is the manufacture of a nipple design. But at the same time, it is considered the most comfortable device for ducks.

Popularity and convenience, vacuum drills practical are not inferior to nipple and well suited for self-making. Most often it makes it from a large canister or plastic bottle.

These products have more advantages. They protect drinking water from dirt and litter, and also facilitate the management of the economy. Automatic structures carry out continuous fluid supply and occupy little space in the poultry house. They can be made independently of the girlfriend.

Requirements and dimensions

Clarops need large amounts of water.

The volume of fluid consumed per day exceeds the amount of feed. To improve digestion, the bird always drinks dry food fluid. For this reason, access to water in ducks should be constant, regardless of the time of year and the conditions of content.

Ducks are very inaccurative birds, they spread the food and love to swim. If the water in the poultry house is in open access, they will definitely climb into it to swim. This is not very correct, as the drinking fluid should always be clean, and the bedding is dry. Otherwise, in dampness, birds will begin to hurt often and can even die.

What requirements are presented to duck driving ...

  1. The size of the product depends on the number of individuals in the poultry houses. It is necessary to establish such structures that can fully meet the needs of birds in liquid. For large poultry houses, you will need several large designs;
  2. When choosing a drinking bowl, it is necessary to take into account the features of the feathers. Indoants are very love to swim. Therefore, in addition to fixtures for drinking water in the summer houses, you need to equip parliaments for swimming. It is advisable to set them away from drinking and use shall with shallows;
  3. Drink designs should be easy to clean and disinfect. To do this, it is best to use shallow narrow diligets. They occupy little place and easily clean;
  4. For ducks there should be separate containers. They should approach and be comfortable. For these purposes, automatic drinkers are suitable for ducklings. For a small amount of young, you can equip simple homemade structures.

Instructions for manufacture

Drinking bowl for ducks must comply with all the requirements for improvised designs. To save funds, you can not spend money on ready-made structures, but to make any model you like yourself.


Nipple cream for ducks on the principle of supplying liquid is called the nipple. It is suitable for adults and small ducklings. For the manufacture of the nipple design, the following items will be needed:

  • Plastic pipe square shape;
  • Nipple. The size of the nipple depends on the age of birds. For youngsters, type 3600 is suitable. It is very convenient, as it turns into different directions. For adults, it is better to use the type 1800, the principle of operation of which is based on "up-down" movement;
  • One square plug;
  • Rubber tube;
  • Capacity for storing large fluid;
  • Electric drill. It will take a drill with a drill of 9 mm;
  • Tap for carving conical;
  • Adapter for fastening pipes.

Scheme of nipple drinker

For the manufacture of a nipple design, you need to adhere to the following consecutive actions:

  1. We take a square tube and make a small hole in it with a small hole in 9 mm;
  2. With the help of a conical tap, we make threads and carefully fix in it suitable under the size of the pipeline nipple;
  3. The same actions perform throughout the pipe, nipples should be located apart every 40 cm. The length of the structure must correspond to the number of bird livestock. On average, there are enough three points for a small farm;
  4. Install the plug on the pipe. An important point - water should not flow out of the pipe, so you need to carefully check it on possible leaks.
  5. On the other end of the pipe fix the rubber hose, the second end of which will be located in a large container. In order for water to not drip out, all the joints need to be treated with special sealants or wrap a fum-ribbon.
  6. Under each nipple, we set special bowls in which an excess moisture will be leaving.

Automatic nipple design is ready.

From plastic bottle

For the manufacture of drinkers from plastic bottles you will need plastic bottles for 2 and 5 liters, nut, bolt and washers.

  • Sut off the top of the five-liter bottle so that it turns out a neat bowl;
  • Then on the cover from the five-liter bottle, we attach the cover from the two-liter bottle. Cropped the lids with self-draws or a bolt with several washers and nut. The connection site must be treated with a sealant in order to avoid leakage;
  • Attach a two-liter bottle into a ready-made bowl. With a side of the bottle make a hole. It must be slightly lower than the edge of the bowl;
  • Then we unscrew the bottle, pour clean water into it, screw themselves;
  • After the design is ready, fasten the bottle to the wall of the poultry house.

Nipple design of plastic bottles


Casual drinkers for ducks consist of water tanks, bowls and rubber hose.

The homemade design is suitable for adults and young people.

She is easily going to do it. For this, a hose hole is done in the container. The location of the hose and reservoir must be treated with sealant. Then the hose insert into the drink bowl and securely secure it in it.

A cupid rider is considered automatic. The flow of fluid into the bowl occurs due to the pressure of the atmosphere.

From canister

For the manufacture of drinkers, you will need a plastic canister, a small crane, a water tray. The volume of the canister can be any from 10 to 100 liters.

  1. A hole for the cray is drilled in the side lower part. We reliably twist it in the canister and score into it water.
  2. We put a canister on the pallet, close it with a lid and open the crap. When the fluid goes to the pallet and reaches a certain level, the water supply will automatically stop. As it decreases, it will independently fill out the canister into the pallet.


One of the main problems in the breeding of poultry in winter is the rapid freezing of water in drinkings.

If electricity has been carried out in the poultry house, you can use a special device for heating. It helps to safely heat the water in winter.

If you purchase such a device is problematic, the best solution will make a special non-freeze drinking. To do this, you will need:

  • Rubber bath;
  • Old car tire;
  • Styrofoam;
  • Balls for packing or other insulation materials.

Take a tire and warm it with foam and balls for packing. Then we put in the sun and put in the center and under the bus bricks, sawdust or paving. Thus, the tire must be at a short distance from the ground. Then we put the rubber bath inside the tire and fill it with water. The bath must be on the same level with the bus and not go out for its edges. Thanks to the solar heat, the water in the design will not freeze, and the ducks will always be able to drink.

Requirements for driving

Ducks always prefer more water. The organism of the adult individual requires about 1.7 liters per day for full nutrition. In addition, the ducks should be able to approach water at any time, because even their feeds they are wetted.

Everyone knows that ducks are very like to spend time in the water, flounder in it and swim. Especially for this in the poultry house there is always a capacity of such sizes so that the ducks are fully placed in it. Frequent stay in such water leads to the fact that it is contaminated due to the land and the sera, which the ducks bring on themselves on the paws. And here the most nipple diligets come to the rescue, which will provide permanent access to fresh and clean water suitable for drinking.

Nipple duckler

This type of drinking is suitable for different contents of ducks (outdoor, cellular). It is not difficult to create himself, it is very practical in use. That is why on large farms and poultry farms, experts prefer this system of watering.

The nippers consists of several items:

  1. Barrel feeding water.
  2. Nipples (nipples).
  3. Plastic tube with square shape.
  4. Details for connecting elements.

The main advantage is the dosage of the fastened volume of water. Water here is always very clean and high quality. All that will be required of you for daily watering is to fill the barrel of good water.

Water from outdoor cream is very quickly contaminated

Choosing nipples, you need to pay attention to the fact that the ducks will give preference to a large nipple, which will give more water (about 100 ml of water in 60 seconds).

You do not have to teach drink from drinker Ducks: they see that there are drops there, and intuitively begin to use this dripping.

It is very important to carefully approach the determination of the number of nipples and the correct installation of them on the pipe. It is believed that 8-10 goals account for 1 nipple nipple. That is, if you have about 45 ducks in your content, then you will need at least 5 nipples.

Little chicks do not know how to drink from nipple

There is a small minus in nipple cream: they are not suitable for quite small ducklings. The fact is that small individuals are necessary when drinking completely lowered the head into the container, which is not characteristic of the nipple. Therefore, for kids, it will be necessary to install a separate container.

We make nipple drinking with your own hands

In order to make a drink yourself, some elements will be required.

Table 1. List of elements for the construction of nipple drinkers

NippleYou can use two nipples: 1800 - for adults and 3600 for young ducklings
Pipe PVCLength needs to be viewed on the basis of the number of nipples suitable. Between each of the nipples should be about 35-40 cm so that the ducks do not interfere with each other and did not hesitate in movements
BarrelServe water tank
Capplelifiers for nipplesThey will be designed for ducklings
Small drinkers in the form of cups for nipplesThey will be designed for adult ducks
Connecting elementsThey can serve plugs, adapters, brackets
Hosethe size of the barrel to the plastic pipe where water will be transmitted
Drill, 8 mm
Santimeter roulette
Marker, Feltaster or Pencil

Collecting all elements into a single system resembles a children's designer. Make it will not be a lot of work. The only thing that will require big attention is to work with a screwdriver or a drill.

Table 2. Collection of nipple drinkers

Step is the first: refer to the number of nipples needed for watering. After that, set the length of the pipe.
Step Two: With the help of a marker or marker, we mark on the plastic pipe those points on which the nipples will eventually be installed. Remember that the distance between the nipples should be about 30-40 cm.
Step Three: Fasten the pipe so that it does not move, and drill holes in it for nipples.
Step fourth: Now you can go to the nicknames themselves. Screw them into the drilled holes. If you notice that there are any holes or holes, pass on them with silicone sealant, so that nothing has happened and the water does not drip out.
Step Fifth: On the other side, which will be a barrel with water, attach the hose for the transition of water.
Step Six: Install a cup or a drip on each nipple.
Step seventh: Attach the hose to the water barrel.
Step eighth: Install the drinking itself on a certain height, which will depend on the age and growth of birds. Attach it to the wall.

General Requirements for Ducks

Before moving to work on creating water containers, it is important to know about the requirements for such a design and some nuances of its installation.

First of all, it is important to take into account the following points:

  • the number of livestock: the number of dilutions will depend on the number of birds, their depth and sizes: each bird should have unhindered access to water at any time;
  • design features of the dressing bowl: and adult ducks, and young people love water, so so that they can completely lower their heads under it, it is better to make tanks in deep and non-strokes;
  • cleaning comfort: if necessary, the components of the pipeliers should easily be removed so that the poultry industry can wash it out and disinfect;
  • automatic water supply system: This is optional, but a very convenient addition, especially with the content of large bird livestock;
  • good stability of the design and protection against water strait: usually the lower part of all dilips is either fixed to the floor, or the tank is attached to the wall in one direction.

Did you know? Having hunting for prey, wild ducks calmly dive to a depth of 6 meters. Poultry are also good swimmers, but they have no need to dive on such a depth.

All these requirements are relevant both in the breeding of small ducks and in the content of an adult herd, and the difference is only in the size of the drinkers.

In the simplest version, a drinking bucket for ducks is an empty bucket or a deep bowl, on the bottom of which stone is put for stability. However, such a decision cannot be called perfect, and therefore it is worth examining the pros and cons of alternative designs.

It will be useful for you to learn how to make a feeder for ducks, nests and shed do it yourself, as well as how to make a variety of drinkers for ducklings with your own hands.

Deep water tank

The advantages of deep tanks under water are the following:

  • availability (such "drillings" will always find any mistress);
  • simplicity;
  • ease of cleaning;
  • the ability to replace at any time.

As for the shortcomings of such tanks, this is:

  • fast pollution of pure fluid due to duck attempts to climb inside the reservoir;
  • the possibility of light rollover of the drinker;
  • splashing water in the drain process, which is why in cold times, birds can be botheted;
  • the need for constant dying flock control and a frequent liquid replacement.

Ordinary bowls and small basins can still be used for small ducklings, but one hundred more preferred birds are preferably installed, but also a complex variant.


Such a name, this kind of varieties received thanks to the principle of its work. The reduced pressure, sampled between the water and the bottom of the tired capacity, does not allow the fluid to pour out (a vacuum is created).

This is another fairly simple solution to the issue of the facilities, which also has its advantages and disadvantages.

The advantages include:

  • availability of materials (everything you need - plastic bottle and shallow stand for it);
  • ease of use (easy to fill and washed);
  • the possibility of free movement on wrapped.

Minuses of such a solution are somewhat larger:

  • the possibility of overturning when water decreases, and therefore the need for additional strengthening;
  • the inability to dip the head, which is very important for ducks;
  • high probability of breakdown, and as a result - bird disease due to wet soil;
  • fast pollution of liquid and frequent water replacement.

Did you know? Even with a long bathing and diving under the water, duck feathers remain dry, due to their lubricant by a special secret, highlighted from the base of the tail feathers.

The vacuum system is well suited for use when cultivating ducklings, but adult birds are desirable to prepare a stronger design.


Nipple varieties of cream are the most difficult of all presented, and for the organization of water supply will have to buy go to make a special device. Recently, such drills are increasingly found, and there are a lot of reasons for that.

Among the advantages of the design is distinguished:

  • ease of use;
  • constant presence of pure water;
  • saving liquid due to the portion submission;
  • the possibility of the finished purchase of a nipple mechanism or its own design;
  • permanent dryness of the floor in ulterie.

The disadvantages of the use of nipple drill can be attributed:

  • comparative high cost of materials;
  • the complexity of self-harvesting design.

Nipple drivers are equally well suited for ducks and adult ducks, however, it is important to consider the size of the birds to calculate the optimal amount of fluid supplied.


Another good version of water supply. In the simplest form, this is an ordinary plastic tube (often used by plumbing), in which the holes corresponding to the poultry head are cut on one side.

It will also be useful for you to learn about the peculiarities of the content at home of such popular ducks, as a turn, gray Ukrainian, Kaiuga, Bashkir, Beijing, Blue Favorite.

The advantages of this solution include:

  • ease of creation;
  • availability of materials;
  • greater capacity;
  • durability of use.

The disadvantages of the groove system are:

  • the need for good fixation (if the pipe will turn over, injuries of ducks or just the entire floor will be wet and raw, which is also extremely undesirable);
  • frequent water replacement, especially when the content of large bird livestock (each of them will constantly wash the beak in water);
  • the complexity of the replacement of water: together with the liquid, this design is very heavy, which means to replace water, you will need the strength of two people.

Important! Choosing a pipe to create a groove drill, pay attention to the strength of the product so that it does not crack after the first installation manipulations.

If you have already chosen the most suitable option for the structure of the ducklock, then it remains only to carefully examine the phased process of its creation. Consider the above structures from this point of view.

Necessary materials:

  • plastic tube (optimal length of 1.5 m, but depending on the size of the chicken, you can take a longer product);
  • plastic knee (turn signal);
  • plug for one side;
  • two wooden bars who serve as a kind of legs on both sides.

Groobel drinking bowl of the pipe with his own hands: video

Required tools:

  • lobzik with a small-scale sawdow on the metal and a tree filling;
  • screwdriver with a metal drill (needed to prepare holes before applying the jigsaw);
  • level (actuates the role of a ruler when applying a pipe markup);
  • marker.

The process of creating a groove drill is as follows:

  1. Take the pipe, we place it on the table and apply the level (along the entire length) from above.
  2. From two sides, two lines are stuck from it to the marker (along), which will indicate the width of future holes.
  3. Now retreat from the edge of the pipe 1 cm and begin to mark the marker of the borders of future holes in length with the remaining islands between them (so that it is not enough to cut such an island, in this area you can put a cross with a marker). As soon as the markup is performed to the end, you can move to the direct slit of the holes.
  4. We take the drill and in each placed rectangle (for adult ducks of its length it can be 15-18 cm with a width of 8-10 cm) we drill two holes diagonally (at the corners).
  5. Insert the lobsik panel to the resulting hole and cut the rectangle according to the drawing.
  6. Similarly, we make holes and other places.
  7. From wooden bars, we make legs for the finished pipe (with the help of a jigsaw cut into the wood a recess corresponding to the size of the pipe width).
  8. Important! For better stability, the drill can be used more bars, placing them not only on both sides, but also in the middle of the pipe. Plastic should come close to the well-done holes so that the product is rotated.

  9. We collect the design by closing the stub one side, dressing your knee to another and installing the pipe to the stand.

Nipple (nipple)

Necessary materials:

  • nipples that function from moving from top to bottom (1800 for teenage ducks or adult ducks and 3600 for small chicks);
  • square tube 2.2x2.2 cm with in-grooves (when buying, be sure to consider the length of the product, because there should be at least 30 cm between adjacent nipples);
  • micropasas under the nipple for collecting droplets;
  • silencer under the tube;
  • adapter that will connect pipes;
  • hose and Sudena under water (for example, a tank with a lid), if you do not plan to connect the system to centralized water supply.

Find out which breeds ducks refer to black and white ducks, to crumpled, and which - to meat.

Prepare from tools:

  • drill with a drill of 9 mm;
  • tap for threading conical shape;
  • marker.

Nipple dice for birds with your own hands: video

The procedure for performing all actions is as follows:

  1. We take the prepared pipe and celebrate the marker of drilling holes under the nipple.
  2. We drill holes with a diameter of 9 mm and with the help of a conical tap cut into them the threads.
  3. Screw the purchased nipples each on your place.
  4. Take the prepared plastic tank with a lid and make a hole in its day, in size, the corresponding diameter of the connected hose.
  5. You can further either cut into the thread, or simply insert the hose into the hole of the tank and wind through the teflon tape (it can also be used to seal other possible areas of water leakage).
  6. The second edge of the hoses is connected to the pipe with nipples.
  7. Under each of them, kpripim to the pipe of the water to collect water.
  8. Tube with nipples fix in a horizontal direction on a comfortable height for ducks.
  9. Over the pipe with nipples install the tank, for convenience, performing this work immediately indoors. If there is a possibility of freezing of water in the tank, then you will have to install the heater to additionally.
  10. Collecting all the elements together, we get the finished packer drinking.

Of course, in comparison with the previous variants, drinking, nipple - the most difficult, but it is with its help you to save yourself from the need for frequent replacement of water and ensure dryness in ulterie, and it is worth the effort.


For the construction of the simplest drinker you will need:

  • shallow pallet with sides more bottle cork width;
  • plastic bottle;
  • metal Profile or Wire Frame

From the tools it is worth preparation:

  • lamps for wire;
  • pliers;
  • screws;
  • drill with a small drill.

Creating a drinking box provides for the following actions:

  1. Bottle Frame Film Screws to the Wall in the selected place.
  2. Pour water in a bottle and tighten the neck with a lid.
  3. We install it in the skeleton of the neck.
  4. We substitute the pallet under the bottle, only so that there is a little space between the neck and the bottom.
  5. Open the lid and look at how the required amount of water flows into the pallet.
  6. Everything, the vacuum drivingker is ready, and as soon as the ducks will drink some water from the bottom of the design, it will immediately be filled with a liquid from the bottle.

By and large, any of the above options is not distinguished by the high difficulty of execution, but in a selection situation, it is desirable to focus on personal circumstances.

So, the vacuum drinking roller will be suitable for small ducklings, and during the dilution of a large number of ducks it is desirable to install a nipple or groove design, which will cost a little cheaper than the previous one.

In a word, putting a little effort, you can create a drinking from a girlfriend and save a certain amount of money.

In the dilution of ducks, the presence of clean water in the poulthide and in the flowing area plays. This will require high-quality drivers that meet safety standards and convenient in operation. They can be constructed their own.

Ducks for ducks

There are several types of drinkers:

  • cup;
  • nipple;
  • vacuum;
  • groove;
  • simple variations.

Simple variations are ordinary basin set in a convenient place for farmer. This design is the cheapest option and has a lot of flaws. Ducks will constantly overturn the pelvis and climb into it with their legs, which will cause a lot of inconvenience and complicate the cleaning of the territory.


The design is a container that feeds water is dosed through the hose to the bottom of the bowl. A cup of operation is easy to operate and easily collected with your own hands. Suitable for birds of any age. If there is a waterway, you can install the water heater on the crane, and warm water will flow into the cockter.


The nipple or nipple design is a container with outgoing dispensers. Water is served after pressing nipple. When using such a drinking box, water is not stored and served only at the request of the bird. The only drawback of the design is the complexity of execution.

Important! There are nipples that open the flow of water only at an angle of 90 ° - they are used for adult livestock, and those that work at 360 ° are used for young people.


Vacuum rider is simple in execution. It is a reversed reservoir filled with liquid, which is under pressure and flows into the pallet. The design is universal and suitable for adult individuals and for drying daily ducklings. The disadvantage is the instability of the structure.


The grooves are simple in execution, but not always comfortable. Most often, a sewer pipe is used for manufacture, in which the holes in the size of duck heads are cut. This design is durable and spacious. The disadvantage of this drill is the need for frequent water replacement and the complexity of performing this manipulation. Ducks, having free access to water, will not miss the opportunity to constantly rinse the beaks in it.

How to make drinking for ducks do it yourself at home

Before making a drinking bowl, select the location where it will be located. Provide how to fix the design to protect against turning. Treat in advance how disinfecting drinkers will be made.


The nipple rider, made with your own hands, will cost much cheaper than the factory analogue, and will be fully adapted to the bird exhibiting on the farm. We suggest to consider a detailed description of the process to create homemade drinkers.

For the manufacture of nipple drinking box, it will be necessary:

  • polypropylene tube with a diameter of 20 mm;
  • corners;
  • tees;
  • flexible hose;
  • nipples 360;
  • fasteners;
  • tent-cubic syringes.


  • the drill on the tree is 8 mm, sharpened under the feather;
  • the tap for cutting the thread under the nipple M9x1.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Prepare syringes. One Close, the second leave open and cut it.
  2. Insert the syringes on both sides into the pipe.
  3. Turn on the hair dryer and turn the syringes into the pipe. The heating temperature should be within 400 °.
  4. Make marking under the holes for nipples. Using a drill on a tree, sharpened under the pen, hold the holes and make a thread by the toll. The design is practically ready - it remains to insert nipples.
  5. Fix the tube to a few fasteners and attach to the wall. The hose can be connected to any water supplying device. It can be a full-fledged water conduit or bucket fixed under the ceiling.

Important! The cropped end of the syringe is left to stick from the pipe. In the future, a flexible hose and a tee will be attached to it. Nipple drinking, connected to the water dining, is the easiest to put on heating. The device for heating is installed directly into the crane and is called the thermostat.

Video: Niper Drivels do it yourself

From plastic bottle

The drinking bowl made from a plastic bottle is the easiest and most affordable device. With it, you can build a full-fledged vacuum creation. If necessary, you can make a large livestock you can make such a drinking from a 5-liter canister.

To create a drinking bowl, you will need:

  • plastic bottle on 2 l;
  • shallow bowl or flat plate with divisions (you can use a special bowl for dogs with fission divisions);
  • profile frame.

To make drinking, use the following set of tools:

  • nippers;
  • 2 screw;
  • drill;
  • drill for 3 mm.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. In a pre-selected place, screw the profile frame with screws. At the bottom install a bowl.
  2. Fill the bottle with water, tighten the lid until the end and turn over.
  3. Insert the bottle in this position in the prepared frame.

Did you know? The first electric drill was created in 1895. It was a large-sized unit weighing 8 kg, equipped with 2 handles. And an even more ancient ancestor, a drill is an arc drill that used still in the Stone Age to make holes in the hollows of the ax. So that the water in the winter was warm, a good version with IR lamps. They warm the items to which shine, and do not burn oxygen. They comes from a pleasant muffled light that can not be turned off even at night. Thus, you decide at once 2 problems: heated water and showering in winter.

From canister

The elementary version of the vacuum design can be created from the canister of any litter. The automatic drivingker of this type is equally well suited for daily young and adult bird.

To create a drill, you will need:

  • canister from food dense plastic on 5-20 l;
  • crane from drip irrigation;
  • pallet 20x20 cm.

To build a design, you will need such devices:

  • drill;
  • the drill suitable for diameter to the kolyan.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. At the bottom of the canister, about 5-10 cm from the bottom, make the backbone. Scroll on the side of the pallet. It must rise above the level of the crane for 3-5 cm.
  2. Install the crane and your rider is ready.
  3. Fill the tank with water, put it in the pallet and open the cray. Water will fill the pallet until the knik will cover himself. Then under the action of vacuum feed will stop.

To do not carry a canister with water every time, you can connect it to the water pipe. In the lid, do a hole and thread in it a flexible hose. Connect the second end of the hose to the crane.

Video: Autotropoker from canister

In the case of connecting to the water supply, heating is carried out extremely simple to install the thermostat directly into the crane. If the water set is performed independently, it will suit the option with IR lamps in the poultry house.

From sewer pipe

Capacity for watering from the sewer tube is a good option for large livestock. The advantage of such a design is the convenience of connecting to the plumbing system.

For the manufacture of drinkers, the following materials will be required:

  • polypropylene sewer tube with a length of 1.5 m, with a diameter of 20 cm;
  • plug;
  • turnover;
  • wide latches.

From the tools you will need:

  • lobzik equipped with a sawdust saw with small teeth;
  • screwdriver;
  • 8 mm drill;
  • level;
  • construction pencil;
  • crosshead screwdriver.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Lock the pipe and make a markup with a level. The size of the slots - 25x10 cm. The step between the slots is 10 cm.
  2. By making markup, with the help of a crosswinter, put tags under the holes in different diagonal planes of the first rectangle.
  3. Drill drill the intended holes.
  4. Next, enter the jigscription into the hole and swipe a flat line on the edge of the rectangle. Thus, you need to go through the entire rectangle, and then remove the chunk.
  5. Remove the chips and continue working with the following holes.
  6. Strengthen the pipe with a latch in a predetermined place.

The water heating problem is easily solved by the methods described above.

Video: Drinking bowl of sewer pipe

From barrel

No less interesting and simple option - a drink for ducks from a barrel. Such a device will allow water not only a large population of ducks, but also other inhabitants of the yard.

Did you know? First of all, the duck leads his brood on the pond to swim. The ability to swim is laid by the kids at the genetic level, so they freely feel in water after a few hours after birth. To fulfill the task, you will need:

  • metal barrel per 50 l;
  • 6 pipe segments 10 cm with a cross section of 25 mm;
  • 3 cutting pipes with a cross section of 25 mm long by 20 cm;
  • drops;
  • finished drinking rooms with nipples 3 pcs.;
  • irrigation crane;
  • wooden bar length 80-90 cm;
  • flexible hose.

From the tools you will need:

  • drill;
  • drill on 19;
  • screws;
  • sculpture.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. At a convenient height at the bottom of the barrel, make a hole. Secure the crane in it.
  2. Crerate smokers with nipples together with pipe segments.
  3. On the wooden bar, fasten the droplets and then put the tube with drinkers in the grooves.
  4. Watering fill with water, connect one end of the hose to the kolyan, the second to the design with drinkers. For convenience, you can make several holes in the barrels and connect to them cranets.

This option is very convenient with a summary content of several types of birds and animals. In this case, the barrel is installed in the central part and make a layout of all the enclosures from it.

Video: How to make a drinking from a metal barrel

Heated water in the barrel to exercise easily, because it will stand in the place isolated from the pet. In winter, it is possible to lay hot bricks under it or establish a thermostat directly into the water crane.

Requirements for drilling for ducks

Proper care for poultry can not be carried out without drinking coils and feeders. To make or buy the right drinking ducks and ducklings, you need to consider the following factors:

  1. The number of duck flocks. Ducks drink a lot, so it is necessary that the drinking bowl completely covers the need for fluid. A large flock requires several devices.
  2. Design. Ducks - waterfowl, they will definitely want to fit into the container and swim. It is necessary to provide an uncomfortable design for swimming. It is necessary to make a narrow and deep drinking so that the birds can completely lower their heads on hot days.
  3. Comfortable cleaning and disinfection. For convenient replacement of the liquid and cleaning the walls of the drinker, a narrow and deep design must also be compact.

Ducklings are important around the clock drinking drink. Drinkers need to be regularly filled. If the number of birds is large, approaching simple designs from remedies. When a flock is big, for her the best option is an autopline. When breeding indulgence requirements for devices the same.

Production procedure for drivingler

Describe a plastic bottle cream with your own hands simpler simple. Instructions and video will help in this:

  1. A bottle of side surface with frame mounts are combined with a wall at a low height.
  2. Pour the bottle into the bottle and spin the plug.
  3. Under the neck installed pallet. The bowl is put so that there was a clearance between the bottom and the cover of the bottle.
  4. Remove the lid.

At the bottom of the bottle, they do a hole to simplify the process of replacing the liquid to ducks. Drinking for claropes will come from the bottle as the pallet is empty. Liquid will always be clean and fresh.

This device is one of the important details for the healthy growth of small ducklings and the life of adult ducks.

Feeders also require attention, but the water tool must be as functional as possible. Can ducks adapt to the surrounding world - this is the duty of the owner. Birds love to drink very much, so it is important to provide a regular water supply to ducks. It is important that drinking was clean. Automatic designs of the desired volume can be bought in the store or make with your own hands using simple instructions, photos and videos.

Features drinking for small ducks

For kids, it is especially important to monitor the purity of water and avoid spilling, because if they are wedged, they can very easily pick up the infection. Drinkers for ducks must comply with the following rules:

  1. The depth of the container should be able to make the chick completely immersed in her head to clean the nasal moves.
  2. There must be an opportunity for swimming ducklings.
  3. Water should be affordable around the clock and smoothly.
  4. Capacity should be simple for high-quality washing and disinfection.

It is very important that the water is in free access for ducks at any time of the day. Todders up to 5 days from birth need water room temperature. At a 10-day age, it is already possible to use a metal drinking.

In winter, drinking water ducks must necessarily heated a little.

The average length of the binding structure is about 20 cm, and the width of the walls is not more than 3 cm so that the kids are comfortable to get to the water. Small ducklings love to splash and shed water to the floor, so under the bottom of the capacity you can put a wide container with the grid at the top. They grow very quickly, so it is better to choose the most economical option of the drinker.

Advantages and disadvantages of different types of drinkers

There are various types of drinkers, each of which has both their advantages and disadvantages. More details about the advantages and cons of different drinks you will learn further.

Deep water tank

This is the most simple drivingker available to all. As it, you can use any bowl or water basin. The advantages of such a drill can be attributed to its ease, simplicity and low cost.

But still there are no more flaws from which the following can be noted:

  • open water is easily contaminated;
  • due to pollution, water must be constantly changing;
  • such a container cannot provide a large number of birds with water;
  • it can easily turn over the push or inaccurate bird movement.

The main advantage of such a drinking box can be called a very economical consumption of water, as one water level is maintained in it for a long time. In addition, it will always be fresh water due to the paton self-fulfillment, the main thing is to always follow the presence of water in the bottle.

Like the nipple, it is a closed rider, which means that it will not fall into it a different garbage and litter, water will always remain clean. This is necessary to avoid diseases of ducks.

The disadvantages can be classified a very easy weight design, due to which it can be tilted. But still, it has more benefits, so this model is especially popular with farmers.

Nipple (nipple)

It is one of the easiest and most comfortable drinks. It is very easy to wash, but it is necessary to fill with water manually. In stores you can find a more modern model, which joins the water supply or water tank.

In this type of hopes, it is very important to correctly calculate the number of nipples. Optimal is the amount of 10 ducks per drinking hole.

The supply of fluid is dosed, and hence the water in the drinking always remains clean and fresh. The main thing is to fill the main tank on time. For ducks, it is best formed nipple with big nipples and good feed.

There is no need to teach it that the birds are not quickly understood that it is necessary to simply click on the nipple.


Possesses the following advantages:

  • inexpensive price;
  • easy to manufacture;
  • durable;
  • due to its length, it provides access to water to a large number of birds at the same time;
  • easily cleaner and clean;
  • with such a drinking duck can not only drink, but also dip in her head in hot weather, wash the beak.

The disadvantages of such a drinking box include its heavy weight, which may be traumatic for birds, if not enough to strengthen the pipe well. Also in such a drinking often water is often contaminated, and it must be changed periodically. Due to the high weight of the pipe for changing water, every time you need help with the second person.

Instructions for the manufacture of drinks do it yourself

Make the driver will not take much time and effort. Each of the designs is convenient to use, it does not require constant control of the amount of water, because at the expense it is independently replenished in the tanks due to the weight of birds.

Autotrop of plastic bottle or canister

Such a rink will be particularly convenient for adult birds. In order to make such a cream, in the usual pelvis, put the bottle of the required volume. At its lower part, make a hole with a diameter of 1.5 cm, the finger must completely close the hole.

Pouring water into the bottle, close the hole with your finger, then put in the pelvis, and you can clean your finger. Drinking car ready. Now the water through the hole is poured into the pallet, and at the expense it will be ashamed independently.

As it looks in practice, it is shown in the following video:

Healing pipe drivingker

It will be the most durable and will suit the ducks of any age. The chipboard is convenient to use, and it is very simple. In order to make a groove pot, take a part of the sewer pipe of the required length.

Then do it in it the desired number of holes and strengthen it on a special stand. From one end of the pipe is put a plug, an angle is attached from the other to which water is poured.

How to make such a cream, shown in the video below:

An important point in the use of such a drill is its reliable strengthening. It is necessary to closely make sure that the pipe does not in any case fall on birds, otherwise they will get strong injuries.

From the sewer pipe, you can make a standalone option, which will save time for serving poultry. The design of such a drinking box is shown in the following video:

Nipple (nipple)

This view is best suited to young. Its use is similar to receiving animals of milk from the chest, so it is also called the nipple.

It is this kind of roofing, which is widely used in industrial production, as it allows you to well save water and prevents splashing. In addition, such a closed rider does not allow Musor to fall into the water, which in turn protects birds from various diseases.

To make it yourself, the following items will be needed:

  • pipe of square shape, it can be plastic, and the side of the square should be no more than 2.2 cm;
  • nipples that are selected according to the size of birds: it is better to take the type 3600 for kids, and for adults type 1800;
  • pipe plug;
  • a large water tank and a rubber hose or tube - a source of water flow;
  • adapter for connecting square and round tubes.

You will also need an electric door with a tip of 9 mm and a tapered tap.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Drill the hole with a diameter of 9 mm in a square tube.
  2. Using the tap, form the thread and insert nipple into it.
  3. Make the same nipples along the entire length of the drinker so that their number corresponds to the number of ducks. It is necessary to draw attention to the fact that the distance between the holes should be at least 30 cm.
  4. From one end of the tube, the plug is installed so that the fluid remains inside.
  5. At the end, pallets are attached to each nipple, which will collect extra liquid.

As a blogger and master for all hands, Dmitry Izyumov, was collected, see below:

This is the easiest type of drinker. Pour enough water into the container, close a small bowl, and press it well to the bottle. Now turn the design upside down so that the bowl is at the bottom.

Set the drink in the poultry house and put a small wooden backup under the bottle so that the liquid freely falls into a bowl. A drivingker made from the usual three-liter can and plastic bowl will be suitable for quite small ducklings.

How to make an improved vacuum cream, tells in the following video:

For the main reservoir, you can take the capacity of any volume, even 50 liters. But still it will be better to install a few smaller drinks so that the water is not forced, and the sediment did not appear. The main thing is to strengthen the bottle well so that it does not fall and did not injure birds.

When using this rowel, water is not spilled on the floor, the birds remain dry, which prevents the fall of the ducks from supercooling. In winter, so that water in the nipple drinking can not freeze, you can put a heater in it, which is usually used to heat the aquariums.

Drinking bowl for ducks

When breeding a poultry, one of the most important issues is the arrangement of feeders and cream. These devices must be as comfortable as possible and fully satisfy the needs of birds in stern and water. In this article, we will look at several functional options for self-creating drinking for ducks, and for the implementation of this idea you do not need any special materials or tools.

General Requirements for Ducks

Before moving to work on creating water containers, it is important to know about the requirements for such a design and some nuances of its installation.

First of all, it is important to take into account the following points:

  • the number of livestock: the number of dilutions will depend on the number of birds, their depth and sizes: each bird should have unhindered access to water at any time;
  • design features of the dressing bowl: and adult ducks, and young people love water, so so that they can completely lower their heads under it, it is better to make tanks in deep and non-strokes;
  • cleaning comfort: if necessary, the components of the pipeliers should easily be removed so that the poultry industry can wash it out and disinfect;
  • automatic water supply system: This is optional, but a very convenient addition, especially with the content of large bird livestock;
  • good stability of the design and protection against water strait: usually the lower part of all dilips is either fixed to the floor, or the tank is attached to the wall in one direction.

Did you know? Having hunting for prey, wild ducks calmly dive to a depth of 6 meters. Poultry are also good swimmers, but they have no need to dive on such a depth.

All these requirements are relevant both in the breeding of small ducks and in the content of an adult herd, and the difference is only in the size of the drinkers.

Advantages and disadvantages of different types of drinkers

In the simplest version, a drinking bucket for ducks is an empty bucket or a deep bowl, on the bottom of which stone is put for stability. However, such a decision cannot be called perfect, and therefore it is worth examining the pros and cons of alternative designs.

Deep water tank

The advantages of deep tanks under water are the following:

  • availability (such "drillings" will always find any mistress);
  • simplicity;
  • ease of cleaning;
  • the ability to replace at any time.

As for the shortcomings of such tanks, this is:

  • fast pollution of pure fluid due to duck attempts to climb inside the reservoir;
  • the possibility of light rollover of the drinker;
  • splashing water in the drain process, which is why in cold times, birds can be botheted;
  • the need for constant dying flock control and a frequent liquid replacement.

Ordinary bowls and small basins can still be used for small ducklings, but one hundred more preferred birds are preferably installed, but also a complex variant.

Such a name, this kind of varieties received thanks to the principle of its work. The reduced pressure, sampled between the water and the bottom of the tired capacity, does not allow the fluid to pour out (a vacuum is created).

This is another fairly simple solution to the issue of the facilities, which also has its advantages and disadvantages.

The advantages include:

  • availability of materials (everything you need - plastic bottle and shallow stand for it);
  • ease of use (easy to fill and washed);
  • the possibility of free movement on wrapped.

Minuses of such a solution are somewhat larger:

  • the possibility of overturning when water decreases, and therefore the need for additional strengthening;
  • the inability to dip the head, which is very important for ducks;
  • high probability of breakdown, and as a result - bird disease due to wet soil;
  • fast pollution of liquid and frequent water replacement.

Did you know? Even with a long bathing and diving under the water, duck feathers remain dry, due to their lubricant by a special secret, highlighted from the base of the tail feathers.

The vacuum system is well suited for use when cultivating ducklings, but adult birds are desirable to prepare a stronger design.

Nipple varieties of cream are the most difficult of all presented, and for the organization of water supply will have to buy go to make a special device. Recently, such drills are increasingly found, and there are a lot of reasons for that.

Among the advantages of the design is distinguished:

  • ease of use;
  • constant presence of pure water;
  • saving liquid due to the portion submission;
  • the possibility of the finished purchase of a nipple mechanism or its own design;
  • permanent dryness of the floor in ulterie.

The disadvantages of the use of nipple drill can be attributed:

  • comparative high cost of materials;
  • the complexity of self-harvesting design.

Nipple drivers are equally well suited for ducks and adult ducks, however, it is important to consider the size of the birds to calculate the optimal amount of fluid supplied.

Another good version of water supply. In the simplest form, this is an ordinary plastic tube (often used by plumbing), in which the holes corresponding to the poultry head are cut on one side.

The advantages of this solution include:

  • ease of creation;
  • availability of materials;
  • greater capacity;
  • durability of use.

The disadvantages of the groove system are:

  • the need for good fixation (if the pipe will turn over, injuries of ducks or just the entire floor will be wet and raw, which is also extremely undesirable);
  • frequent water replacement, especially when the content of large bird livestock (each of them will constantly wash the beak in water);
  • the complexity of the replacement of water: together with the liquid, this design is very heavy, which means to replace water, you will need the strength of two people.

Important!Choosing a pipe to create a groove drill, pay attention to the strength of the product so that it does not crack after the first installation manipulations.

How to make a drink for ducks do it yourself

If you have already chosen the most suitable option for the structure of the ducklock, then it remains only to carefully examine the phased process of its creation. Consider the above structures from this point of view.

Healing pipe drivingker

Necessary materials:

  • plastic tube (optimal length of 1.5 m, but depending on the size of the chicken, you can take a longer product);
  • plastic knee (turn signal);
  • plug for one side;
  • two wooden bars who serve as a kind of legs on both sides.

Groobel drinking bowl of the pipe with his own hands: video

Required tools:

  • lobzik with a small-scale sawdow on the metal and a tree filling;
  • screwdriver with a metal drill (needed to prepare holes before applying the jigsaw);
  • level (actuates the role of a ruler when applying a pipe markup);
  • marker.

The process of creating a groove drill is as follows:

Nipple (nipple)

Necessary materials:

  • nipples that function from moving from top to bottom (1800 for teenage ducks or adult ducks and 3600 for small chicks);
  • square tube 2.2x2.2 cm with in-grooves (when buying, be sure to consider the length of the product, because there should be at least 30 cm between adjacent nipples);
  • micropasas under the nipple for collecting droplets;
  • silencer under the tube;
  • adapter that will connect pipes;
  • hose and Sudena under water (for example, a tank with a lid), if you do not plan to connect the system to centralized water supply.

Prepare from tools:

  • drill with a drill of 9 mm;
  • tap for threading conical shape;
  • marker.

Nipple dice for birds with your own hands: video

The procedure for performing all actions is as follows:

Of course, in comparison with the previous variants, drinking, nipple - the most difficult, but it is with its help you to save yourself from the need for frequent replacement of water and ensure dryness in ulterie, and it is worth the effort.

For the construction of the simplest drinker you will need:

  • shallow pallet with sides more bottle cork width;
  • plastic bottle;
  • metal Profile or Wire Frame

From the tools it is worth preparation:

  • lamps for wire;
  • pliers;
  • screws;
  • drill with a small drill.

Creating a drinking box provides for the following actions:

  1. Bottle Frame Film Screws to the Wall in the selected place.
  2. Pour water in a bottle and tighten the neck with a lid.
  3. We install it in the skeleton of the neck.
  4. We substitute the pallet under the bottle, only so that there is a little space between the neck and the bottom.
  5. Open the lid and look at how the required amount of water flows into the pallet.
  6. Everything, the vacuum drivingker is ready, and as soon as the ducks will drink some water from the bottom of the design, it will immediately be filled with a liquid from the bottle.

By and large, any of the above options is not distinguished by the high difficulty of execution, but in a selection situation, it is desirable to focus on personal circumstances.

So, the vacuum drinking roller will be suitable for small ducklings, and during the dilution of a large number of ducks it is desirable to install a nipple or groove design, which will cost a little cheaper than the previous one.

In a word, putting a little effort, you can create a drinking from a girlfriend and save a certain amount of money.

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48 once already

Each breeder thinks about how to save, so often independently deals with the arrangement of the poultry house. Many of them decide to make drinkers for ducklings do it yourselfBecause you wish to create optimal conditions for individuals. To this end, they build a place for the content of ducks, there are appropriate equipment.

As for drinking, they must necessarily comply with the size of the amount of ducklings directly. Tree, glass or metal are perfectly suitable in order to make drinking it yourself.

Features drinking for small ducklings

The average length of the design itself should averages about 20 cm. The wall thickness is 3 cm. When making drinks for kids with their own hands, the breeder should take into account such aspects:

  1. The drivingker must be deep enough so that individuals can dip the head, especially this is important during the period of severe heat.
  2. The compactness of the design is an important factor, because the ergonomic drivingker, the easier it will be cleaned.
  3. Thoughtful to small design with clean water, which corresponds to the age and the amount of ducklings.
Large autopilka for ducks, make it very easy to independently

Often, such drinkers at home are made from well-made materials, including from basins, plastic bowls, enamelled buckets or other means available. However, the optimal option for the "refreshment" is the manufacture of autopalka.

How to build cream for ducklings with your own hands?

Simple advice and recommendations of farmers will certainly facilitate the task for beginner breeders. There are many manufacturing options, but consider the simplest and most fiscal way. Stages of manufacture of drinkers for ducklings in a household from girlfriend:

  1. Take the usual glass jar, the volume of which is 1.5-2 liters, as well as a plate or saucer.
  2. Then this container must be covered with a plate and flop sharply. There should be a stick or tube between the jar and the plate, thanks to which the fluid will gradually and slowly poured as descending.
  3. When the water in the drinking does not become - it is worth turning the construction back to 180 degrees.

Simple drinking bowl for ducklings

Each farmer needs to ensure that the birds remain filled with orphans. Creating a drinker for ducks does not require special skills, it can be done even to an inexperienced avian avian owner. The easiest way is to make a product from a conventional plastic bottle. There are also more complex variations: nipple, cup, groove and automatic drinkers.

What should be a good rider

When choosing or creating drinkers for ducks, take into account:

  1. Convenience. The device should not be too low or too high. The height should be optimal for each bird, regardless of whether it is a small dot or an adult person. The first is needed about 5 cm for the approach, at the same time grew up the birds need to provide 15 cm. It should be convenient to be the owner of the economy, which will have to regularly replace water. The best solution will ensure the access of tap water directly to the feeder.
  2. The number of steits. The number of drinks depends on the number of individuals, for each allocate separate. Ducks have a big need for water, it must be considered
  3. Stability design. Water containers should be reliably fixed, and their form makes such that the water is not shed.
  4. Ease of cleaning. All components should be easily removed to be cleaned from dirt and feathers and make disinfection.

It is important that the birds are 24 hours a day are provided with water. For this, they are regularly filled. For musky ducks (indulge), the requirements are the same.

Features of chicks for chicks

Clean water should be delivered. The form of vessels should be deep so that the water is not spilled, but the kids could get the beak. There are several rules:

  1. Little ducks under the age of 5 days need water room temperature.
  2. If the chick is 10 days or more, the metal container is used.
  3. Choose a wide capacity, because young loves to spit water. Top sets the grid
  4. Water coming from the drainage pipe must be cleaned through the filter

In the cold season it is important to maintain the water temperature at the level of the room.

Important details

It is important to mount the tanks so that the water is not spilled on the ducks.

Otherwise, they can wet and infect infection. It is advisable to make a feeder closed to protect against dirt. Adults are not averse to climb inward, so make a maximum to prevent the emergence of such situations.

The use of bowls and small basins is permissible if the age of chicks are small. The older the birds become, the more complex and deep design options use. You can not use the same pelvis for bathing ducks and for drinking. Water is rapidly contaminated, the risk of water and mora of the entire chamber arises.

Drinkers do it yourself

There are several types of drinkers: autotrop, nipple, vacuum, groove, made of primary materials. As simple and unfortunately use ordinary basins. Such an option is convenient, but has a lot of flaws: birds will often tip the capacitance and climb into her legs, which will create unsanitary conditions and complicate the cleaning of the territory.

Necessary materials

The list of materials for the manufacture of drinkers for the ducks do it depends on the selected type of feeder. The autopochka is built from a large bottle of 6 liters with a glass double-liter can. The plastic bottle does not suit, because there is no sufficient amount of air into it, it squeezes, water flows.

Nipple drivers for ducks will require the following tools and materials: square pipe with dimensions in the range of 22 mm, corners, tees, ten-cubic syringes, nipple (type 3600 for chicks and 1800 for adults), container, rubber tube and adapter for it. And also need a drill with a drill of 9 mm, a hairdryer and a conical tap for cutting threads.

For grooves, a plastic tube of large diameter is used. For the simplest device, only a common plastic bottle will be needed. You can use a two-liter or five-liter. For cutting holes need a knife.

Automatic drinker

An intricate fixtures for a drain are distinguished by a number of advantages. Water remains clean, not broken. Easy to ensure continuous drinking.

To create an automatic feeding, you will need a canister with a volume of 5 liters, a crane from drip irrigation, a square pallet. At a distance of 5-10 centimeters from the bottom there is a hole for the cray.

The pallet board should not be above the crane for more than 5 centimeters. Drill drill hole. Install the crane. The pallet will be filled with water until the water level reaches the crane. Drinking bowl for ducks is ready.

Nipple drinker

Such a type of drinking is suitable if several auto-docks are installed at once. Water remains inside, does not break. Ducks are absorbed exactly the amount of fluid that they need. Washing such cream produce every 5 days. If there is a sick bird among the livestock, then every 3 days.

First you need to prepare the syringes, one is closed, the other is left open and cut off. Then both syringes are inserted from different sides to the pipe. Next include a hairdryer and the syringes are soldered into the tube. It is necessary to heat up to 400 C.

After that, there are holes for nipples and make them drill. Using the tap, outlined threads. The penultimate step is the insertion of nipples.

Final stage: fixing the tube on fasteners, connecting the hose to water supply, attachment of the flexible hose and tee to the cropped end of the syringe. Nipple drivers for ducks are often heated using a thermostat.

The grooves are not difficult in execution, but not always suitable. A similar design will last long. Often, a sewage pipe is used to create a sewage pipe in which the holes in the size of duck heads are done.

The main disadvantage: the need for regular water replacement and the difficulty of performing this manipulation. Ducks, possessing unlimited access to water, will break the liquid.

Instructions, how the groove drillings are made for ducks with their own hands:

  1. Take the tube, with the help of the level there are two longitudinal lines, between which there will be a hole
  2. The boundaries of the holes in length are placed, pre-retreating along the length from the edge of the pipe 1 cm.
  3. After marking, they cut the drill in the corners of the received rectangle on a pair of holes located opposite each other diagonally.
  4. Insert the paddle inserts in a hole and make a cut along the drawn lines.
  5. Exactly the same holes make in other places
  6. Three legs for the pipe cut out of the wooden bar: two will be at the edges, one - in the middle.
  7. We collect the design by closing the stub one side, dressing your knee to another and installing the pipe to the stand.

Vacuum drinker

If there is a desire to avoid buying new materials and tools, then the vacuum drilling will come up. For the construction of a simple design, a minimum cost will be required. The first thing is fixed with a bottle frame with self-draws to the wall.

Then poured the container with a liquid, spinning the lid. After that, they set the bottle of the throat down, substitute the pallet under it, leaving some space between the bottom and the neck. Open the lid. Drinking bowl for ducks ready to use.

Drinking fools from girlfriend

Another simple and budget version of the device that can be assembled independently using braid materials. Such products are suitable as shelters in a cell small chicks that live in a limited space.

For the assembly, you will need an ordinary three-liter bank, bowl and sustainable stands for the bank. It is necessary to dial into the bank of clean water. Next apply a pallet to the neck of the cans.

Finally, holding the bowl, carefully turn the bank and install it on special supports for fixation. Such products are installed both in cells and in the open space. The vacuum design is easily mounted without applying additional tools, it is easy to maintain and changes quickly.

Production algorithm

Nipple diligets are the most effective drips in the following parameters: the price of materials, the time for assembly, quality and service life.

First of all, they think about the length of the structure, how many nipples will need, what will be the distance of the bowl among themselves. After everything is designed, it is recommended to note the location of the nipples from which the liquid will flow when the duck will press them with a beak.

The optimal is considered to be 45 cm. After that, small holes are made with accuracy, cutting out the material on the borders. Next performed screwing the nipples. One of the ends is attached plug, to another - pre-cooked hose.

For each nipple dress up microcha. The resulting design is connected to the tank. As fasteners use an adapter and clamps. Finally, the finished device is attached to the wall with screws.

The Importance of Hygiene Poklok.

Sanitation question is sharp in poultry farms. Any virus causes a massive poultry. If closed-type feeders are used, then the bird does not have access to water supply, the liquid is not contaminated with the litter, the earth. As a result, the level of sanitation increases.

In the poultry house, several automatic water supply tanks are installed at once. This makes it possible not to waste time on topping the water and keep health ducks. The most successful option is the nipple design.

Closed type drinking box, from her water does not appear, and birds absorb only the amount of fluid that is required. Feeders will require regular care: cleaning and disinfection. Metal elements can be boiled.

Water plays an important role for ducks. The temperature of their body is much higher than that of a person, is 42 C. The process of metabolism is performed faster. For the year, the bird absorbs 280 liters of water.

In the first few days after birth, the chick consumes up to 30 ml of fluid. At the age of 1 month, the duck drinks 300 g of water daily. Ducks need not only to water, but also in the presence of a reservoir nearby.

Drinking water is that without any day can do waterfowl. The lack of fluid, especially in the heat, leads to severe diseases, and sometimes - to death. The device is chosen, guided by certain product quality requirements and carefully studied its features.

Part of people decide to make the feeder on their own. However, the best solution will not save on the purchase of a finished device. The manufacturer is obliged to follow some requirements when issuing devices.

For example, the drinking bowl must be hermetic and not to pass water. The bottom of the feeders must be located above 3 cm back geese. The owner will need to serve the capacity, supporting hygiene. This is the key to the health of each bird.

Depending on the age of the livestock, different devices are used, which also need to be considered. The most popular options are the nipple, vacuum and cup drinkers.


You can save a lot of strength and money, but at the same time provide the livestock with a permanent tower and grow healthy birds. Independently make simple feeders from a glass jar or plastic bottle. More complex options, nipple and cup, acquire from the manufacturer to save time and guarantee the quality of the design.

The dilution of ducks becomes more and more popular. The fact is that these birds do not require complex care and unpretentious in food, but their meat and eggs are very valued due to vitamins and microelements contained in them, useful for the human body. In addition, duck meat is one of the favorite products in the gourmet environment and is often served as a traditional festive dish.

The duck is perfectly combined with vegetables and fruits, especially tasty it turns out if it is bred and served with various sauces. But back to our topic. It is very important when growing to create good conditions for ducks. And one of them is the constant presence of pure drinking water. Where and how to pour drinking water? What does the rider look like for ducklings? How fast and right at home make drinking for ducklings?

The most popular nipple drinkers for ducks. Water in them comes as needed, the bird can always drink, but it will not be able to get drunk. So, consider the device in more detail.

In order to make a drink for ducklings with their own hands, we will need:

  • nami themselves, a pipe from polyvinyl chloride (the PVC PVC pipe is best),
  • capacity,
  • capples,
  • microchematic drinkers
  • plugs
  • brackets
  • adapters
  • clamps (you can buy, but you can do yourself),
  • hose,
  • drill,
  • drill,
  • roulette,
  • pVC marker.

All this can be found almost in any economic or construction store. And, of course, it will be difficult to do without concentration and patience.

Production technology of drinkers

First of all, we should consider the length of the whole structure, how many nipples will need, at what distance from each other it is better to place micro-mask. After the calculations follow:

  • make a marker marker on a pipe where nipples will be located (water will come, after the duck presses the beak on them). The best distance between them is 40-45 cm.
  • Next, you should neatly make small holes according to the marks. In each hole, they screw the nipples. One end is dressed the cap, to another end the prepared hose is fixed.
  • For each nipple dresses a drip or micropham. Connect the drink to the pre-prepared container (it can be any tank). This will require an adapter and clamps.

Check the wonder-device. Now you can fix the drink in ulterie. Everything is very easy to do at home. The work process itself can be seen on the video.

Nipple drivers for ducks performed by their own hands on conscience, as a rule, serve for a long time and very comfortable. They are also suitable for indulge. Masters independently, each poultry farmer can adjust the drinking in its taste. The advantages of the nipple drinker, as we see, a lot.

Plastic bottle drinker manufacture

You can make drinking with your own hands from a conventional plastic bottle. Such a drinking bowl is very budgetary, as it does not require the cost of materials (plastic bottles there are in any farm) and expensive tools. How to make ducklots from a plastic bottle, you can see below on the video. For this, as a rule, two-liter or five-liter bottles are used. Consider step by step:

  • We take a plastic bottle and cut the hole in it with a knife at an altitude of about 15 cm from the base.
  • We pour water into the bottle at volume tightly close the hole so that the water is not pulled out.
  • We put the bottle into the bowl in this position so that with the opening of the opening, the water flowed out of the bottle to it. Such a drink will be closed as water descending. Birds will not remain without drinking water.

Also for the manufacture of drinkers with ducks and other poultry, in addition to a plastic bottle, various plastic bowls often use, but they have a lot of minuses. Homemade feeders and drinkers Ducks are found in the farm very often. With their proper manufacturing, they will serve for a long time. In addition, some people love to make their own hands and believe that such things carry a special energy.

We already know, from what and how the Horizontal Ducks do, now let's stop on the feeders. Ducks often eat a lot, while they can climb into the bowl of the paws and stain food, in addition, the feeders periodically need to disinfect. So what material it is better to make feeders ducks with your own hands? For this purpose, wooden jams, lumps are perfectly suitable.

As a rule, feeders are made in the form of small trough. Such feeders are perfectly suitable for dry feed, and for various mixtures. It is very important to calculate the right size so that the birds do not turn the feeders and did not climb in them. Perhaps this is the basic rule. The optimal depth of the feeder for adult ducks is about 25 cm, and the length is about a meter. Such a feeder will be more convenient and it will be more difficult to turn the bird. If there is a possibility, then in such a trough there should be several offices, it is very convenient, because each of them can be placed different feed.

Preparation of drinker to use

If for some reason there is no desire to make cream and feeders ducks with their own hands, you can always buy them in a specialized store for farmers and gardeners. And even in the store will help you choose good automatic drinkers with ducklings. In the photo you can see how the autopilka looks like. Manufacturers in cream and feeders are different, and prices, respectively, too. When buying, you can not forget to make sure of security, the material should not be toxic.

Any feeders and hopes are necessary before use to disinfect. Water and feed ducks should be clean and fresh. The remains of the old water and feed are definitely removed, the health of birds depends on it. Another factor is the importance of balanced nutrition, the products should be introduced in the correct order so that the birds do not have problems with the stomach and intestines. Create ducks favorable living conditions - it means to ensure their productivity.