First aid for poisonous insect bites. First aid for bites of poisonous insects and features of the poisonous substance

A variety of representatives of the fauna are capable of inflicting bites. They represent a protective reaction of a living organism.

Unfortunately, bites can harm human health. Often they cause intoxication of the body, skin burns and allergic reactions.

They can do a lot pain, and in some cases pose a serious threat to life.

It will be useful to know how to provide first aid for the bite of a snake, spider, tick, wasp, bee, jellyfish.

Correct actions help relieve pain, reduce inflammation and prevent the development of complications in the form of allergic reactions, redness and swelling of large areas of the skin.

If you are in the wild, you should respect its inhabitants, do not invade their space. But it is not always possible to avoid the bite of one or another representative of the fauna.

Everyone knows that many types of snakes are poisonous. Their contact with a person can be fatal.

But usually snakes are not the first to attack. They become dangerous if disturbed.

It should be noted that the most dangerous species are the following:

  • cobra;
  • gyurza;
  • muzzle;
  • viper.

If a person is bitten by a snake, he often does not have time to see how it looked. Not necessarily this animal will be dangerous.

But in order to avoid the most serious consequences, first aid should be provided for a snake bite. The first thing to do is to seek qualified medical help.

Need to call ambulance or put the victim in a car to go to the doctor.

While the person will be taken to the hospital, the spread of poison from the bite should be prevented in the body.

To do this, expose the affected area and begin to suck the poison out of the wound. In no case do not swallow saliva during this process, because it may contain the victim's blood and toxic substances.

It is very important to apply a bandage above the affected area in order to slow down the blood flow and prevent poisoning of the whole body.

It is very important to limit all movements of the victim. The more he moves, the faster the poison spreads throughout the body.

In a situation where a person gets bitten, it is important not only to call for help. Sometimes, it is the first seconds after the bite that become decisive. That is why it is so important to be able to provide first aid.

insect bite

Most often, first aid for insect bites consists of using anti-inflammatory ointments and applying something cold to the affected area to reduce swelling.

But there are people who have an increased sensitivity to contact with wasps and bees.

After a bite, they experience an allergic reaction, which can lead to the development of anaphylactic shock.

This condition is treatable, but if measures are not taken in a timely manner, a person may die.

After a wasp or bee sting, check the skin for a sting. These insects sometimes leave a sting that exacerbates the symptoms of the bite.

Most often, redness and swelling appear on the skin, there is a mild pain syndrome.

If a sting is found in the skin, it should be carefully removed with washed hands with soap. After that, it is advisable to rinse the affected area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin with cool water.

This will reduce swelling, pain and cleanse the skin of pollution. At the first manifestations of an allergy, you should immediately call an ambulance.

Allergic reactions to bee and wasp stings vary from person to person. Most often, a large area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe body swells, the temperature rises, a sharp pain appears, and the general well-being of a person worsens.

To avoid the development of anaphylactic shock, it is very important to call an ambulance. The doctor will give you an injection of epinephrine, which will prevent complications.

tick bites

Ticks are arachnids that bite, stick to the skin and feed on human blood.

The danger of contact with this subclass is that they suffer a serious illness - encephalitis.

It is accompanied by inflammation of the membranes of the brain. The encephalitis virus can cause inflammation of the lining of the spinal cord.

In this case, the disease is called meningoencephalitis or meningitis.

Most of the ticks that carry encephalitis live on Far East, Ural and Siberia. There is a high probability of catching such a dangerous disease.

Exists effective prevention encephalitis, which involves vaccination. Thanks to such measures, immunity is provided for a period of 4 to 5 years.

If you notice a tick on your body, you should remove it. The sooner this is done, the less chance that infection will occur.

You should choose methods that will not harm the tick itself. Otherwise, a large amount of the virus can enter the bloodstream, increasing the chances of getting sick.

Then it is imperative to consult a doctor who will prescribe preventive treatment for encephalitis. It consists in the introduction of serum containing antibodies to the virus. In most cases, such prevention is very effective.

Bites from various animals can seriously harm human health. For this reason, it is so important to know what first aid should be.

This will save you from serious complications and allow you to lead a normal life instead of treating a dangerous disease.

| Schedule for the academic year | Providing PMP for snake and insect bites

Fundamentals of life safety
6th grade

Lesson 28
Providing PMP for snake and insect bites

First aid for snakebite

When bitten by a venomous snake, two small red dots remain on the skin of a person from the penetration of poisonous teeth. In the first minutes after the bite, mild pain and a burning sensation occur in this place, the skin turns red, and swelling increases. Weakness, dizziness, nausea appear, blood pressure decreases. These phenomena reach a maximum 8-36 hours after the bite.

Right after the bite it is necessary to provide the victim with rest and a horizontal position: this will ensure the minimum rate of transfer of poison by the blood. Reassure the victim. Transport it to a safe, weather-protected location. Immediately start sucking the poison out of the wound. To do this, immediately after the bite, open the wound by pressing your fingers, and then suck out the poison with your mouth for 15-20 minutes. Spit out the bloody fluid. These actions are harmless to the caregiver. With the correct and timely suction of the poison from the wound, it is possible to suck out 50% of the poison. To reduce blood circulation, cold can be applied to the bite site (cellophane bag with cold water). Disinfect the wound with iodine or brilliant green and apply a sterile bandage, which should be loosened as the edema increases.

Give the affected area of ​​the body an elevated position, fix it, apply an immobilization bandage or splint. Give the victim plenty to drink. Drinking coffee is contraindicated. Arrange for the victim to be transported to a medical facility.

When bitten by a venomous snake, do not:

■ make incisions at the site of the bite;

■ cauterize the bite;

■ apply a tourniquet above the bite;

■ allow the victim to perform any physical activity.

First aid for insect bites

With the bites of bees, wasps, hornets and bumblebees, pain, burning develops at the site of the bite, swelling and local fever occur. With multiple bites, weakness, dizziness, headache, chills, nausea, vomiting, body temperature rises. People with hypersensitivity to bee venom may develop pain in the lower back and joints, convulsions and loss of consciousness are possible.

First of all you need to remove the sting of the insect from the skin, moisten the stung place with alcohol. Apply cold to the stung place (a plastic bag with cold water). Give the victim plenty to drink.

Note that the most dangerous are the stings of bees, wasps, hornets in the oral cavity, where the insect can get when a person eats fruit. In such cases, it is necessary urgent help, since the resulting laryngeal edema and suffocation are deadly.

Due to the specific properties of mosquito saliva, small bubbles form at the site of its bite, itching, and a burning sensation occur.

Itching can be eliminated by moistening the skin with ammonia or a solution of baking soda (half a teaspoon of soda in a glass of water).

Note that in places with a large concentration of mosquitoes, mosquito nets are used, which are sewn from gauze. Used to repel mosquitoes various means. Of particular danger are malarial mosquitoes, which are carriers of malaria and other diseases. You can tell them apart by their position. Ordinary mosquitoes sit with their abdomens parallel to the surface, while malarial mosquitoes lift their abdomens up.

Test yourself

■ What are the consequences of insect bites (bees, wasps, hornets)? Find 1-2 examples on the Internet and prepare a message.
■ How to give first aid for insect bites?

After lessons

Determine what precautions you should take in your area during the spring, summer, and fall to avoid snake bites and reduce the possibility of insect bites. Record your answer in your safety diary. Be sure to discuss your findings with your parents and OBZh teacher.

1. Determine how the contents of your individual first aid kit will change in different seasons. Make a note of this in your safety diary.

2. Based on the results of studying the section “Fundamentals of medical knowledge and first aid” and using the Internet resources, medical literature, write an essay on one of the topics “Causes of injuries and first aid in such cases”, “Using medicinal plants and mushrooms for first aid to the injured (sick)”, “Personal hygiene in field conditions”.

A snake, a bumblebee, a wasp, a bee, and in some areas a tarantula, a scorpion and other poisonous creatures can bite a person. From such bites wound small size and is similar to a needle prick, however, poison penetrates through it, which, depending on the number and strength of the bite, first acts on the area near the bite itself, or immediately causes general poisoning.

Bites of poisonous snakes and insects

Snake bites, but only poisonous ones, are life-threatening. Snakes, as a rule, bite a person in the leg when he steps on them. Therefore, in areas where snakes are found, walking barefoot is prohibited. Snake bites are considered the most dangerous when the venom enters the blood or lymph nodes. If the poison enters the skin, intoxication increases from one to four hours. The venom and its toxicity depend on the species of snake. Cobra venom is the most dangerous for humans. Under the same conditions, poisoning is more difficult in women and children, and also in people who are in a drunken state.

Symptoms from poisonous snake bites are as follows: burning pain in the affected area, two deep stab wounds, swelling and redness, pinpoint hemorrhages under the skin, fluid vesicles, dizziness, necrotic ulcers, sweating and nausea, tachycardia and shortness of breath. After thirty minutes, the leg can double in volume. With this, the following symptoms simultaneously appear: muscle weakness, loss of strength, weak pulse, pressure drop, fainting and collapse.

What help should be provided after a venomous snake bite?

  • Above the bitten zone, a tourniquet should be applied and twisted so that the poison does not get into other organs (only with a cobra bite for thirty or forty minutes).
  • It is necessary to lower the bitten leg and try to squeeze the blood out of the wound where the poison is located.
  • Start immediately intensive suction of the poison from the wound by mouth for fifteen minutes (you must first squeeze the bite area and “open” the wound) and spit out the contents. Next, you need to draw the blood out of the wound along with the poison using a medical jar, glass or glass. To do this, in the selected dish, you need to hold a lit cotton wool or a splinter for some time, and then cover the wound very quickly with it.
  • Keep the affected limb immobile. You will need to rest in a supine position and drink plenty of water.
  • You also need to put cold on the wound, rinse the wound with a solution of potassium permanganate, inject adrenaline, diphenhydramine into the wound, then deliver it to medical institution the victim.

It is impossible to suck out blood with poison if there are destroyed teeth or scratches in the mouth through which poison penetrates into the blood. It is forbidden to cut the bite site, give alcohol of any kind.

Bites of poisonous insects (bumblebees, wasps, bees) can lead to local symptoms, to general poisoning, and also cause an allergic reaction in the body. One bite of such insects does not pose a particular danger. If the sting remains in the wound, it must be carefully removed, put on the wound lotion with ammonia, a cold compress of potassium permanganate, or ordinary water.

Bites of poisonous insects are very dangerous. Their poison can cause, in addition to burning and severe pain in the bite area, general poisoning. The symptoms are very similar to snakebite symptoms. If general toxic phenomena are strongly expressed, then this indicates a high sensitivity of the body to insect poisons, the occurrence of allergies, which can cause death.

First aid for the bite of poisonous insects

  • The bee sting must be removed quickly and the poison squeezed out of the wound.
  • Apply cold to the affected area.
  • Moisten, drip with validol, alcohol, galazolin the bite site.
  • Take antihistamines inside: pipolfen, suprastin, diphenhydramine.
  • Hot drink.
  • If the asthmatic syndrome begins to develop, it is necessary to use a pocket inhaler.
  • If complete asphyxia - apply tracheotomy.
  • Call an ambulance.

First aid for animal bites

From the bite of a rabid wolf, fox, cat, dog and other animal, a person develops rabies. Usually, the bite site bleeds slightly. If a leg or arm is bitten, it is necessary to lower it quickly and try to squeeze blood out of the wound.

Bleeding should not be stopped for a while. Then the bite area is washed with boiled water, a sterile bandage is applied to the wound, the victim is immediately sent to the hospital, where he will be given a special vaccination, thereby saving him from a deadly disease - rabies.

It must also be remembered that it is possible to become infected with rabies not only from the bite of an animal, but also if its saliva gets on the mucous membrane or scratched skin.

With the onset of the warm season, we spend most of our time outdoors. We try to go out into nature or relax in the parks of the city. Unfortunately, dangerous snakes and insects, which are also active in this season, can spoil the rest. Their bodies contain toxic substances that, if they enter the human bloodstream, can pose a serious health hazard. The following types of poisonous snakes and insects live in our region:
Steppe viper, muzzle; poisonous spiders: karakurt, tarantula, phalanx.
Although not all types of snakes are poisonous to humans, it is still worth considering any unfamiliar snake as poisonous and dangerous. It does not hurt to study the signs of snakes if you go hiking or eating out of town. When meeting with a snake, be careful. Do not try to catch snakes or play with them. Snakes always warn of an attack: some shake their heads, some hiss, some coil. You also need to be careful with dead snakes. In some of them, the poison can retain its properties for a very long time, so an accidental bite with a dead snake's tooth can cause severe poisoning.

If you have been bitten by a snake, it is strictly forbidden:

  1. Burn the bite. If the snake has bitten through the skin, then you will only burn the tissues, but you will not remove the poison.
  2. It is impossible to cut the bite site for the same reasons as to cauterize the wound. You will do yourself more harm than good.
  3. You can't take alcohol. Alcohol slows down the elimination of poison from the body. You can not apply grass and other things that are at hand. You can infect the wound.
  4. You cannot apply a tourniquet. A normal blood supply will not let the limbs die, but impaired blood circulation can lead to tissue breakdown.

First aid for a snake bite:

  1. Provide the victim with complete rest in a horizontal position, as movements significantly accelerate the flow of poison into the general circulation. When bitten in the leg, immobilize it as much as possible. Bandage the bitten limb to a healthy one and put something under your knees so that they are slightly raised.
  2. When bitten in the hand, it should be kept in a bent position.
  3. Suck out the poison. It is necessary to press on the wound with your fingers and vigorously suck out the poison with your mouth. For these purposes, you can use a small jar or vial. Create a discharged space in the cavity of the jar by offering a flame and quickly apply the jar with the neck to the wound. The poison should be sucked out continuously for the first 15 minutes. This allows you to remove up to 50% of the poison from the body of the victim. If the victim is alone, then he must independently perform suction.
  4. Disinfect the wound and apply a sterile bandage. Care should be taken that the bandage does not cut into soft tissues and loosen it periodically.
  5. The victim should drink as much liquid as possible to help eliminate the poison from the body.
  6. The victim must be taken to the hospital as soon as possible medical institution where they can get professional help.
  7. In emergency cases, the victim needs to do an artificial heart and respiratory massage.
  8. The victim needs moral support!

Help with mosquito bites
To reduce itching, you need to wipe the bitten place with alcohol, cologne, vodka.

Help with bee and wasp stings
First of all, it is necessary to find and remove the sting containing insect venom. Then, the bite site is wiped with a solution of alcohol or iodine. Cold is applied to reduce pain and swelling. With general symptoms of poisoning, as well as with a bite in the pharynx, pharynx, eyes, you must urgently deliver to a medical facility.

Page creation / modification date: 2014-11-18 17:06 /

Animal bites. They are applied more often by domestic animals (cats, dogs), less often by wild animals. Wounds are usually localized in the upper and lower extremities. They are superficial, but in some cases there is a deep lesion of soft tissues, large blood vessels and nerves. In this case, profuse bleeding, traumatic shock may occur. In the event of an attack by large predators, multiple fractures and separations of limbs are possible. Animal bites are dangerous for rabies and other infections.

First aid. The edges of the bitten wound are treated with a disinfectant solution, an aseptic bandage is applied. When bleeding occurs, it is stopped by everyone accessible ways. It is urgent to contact a medical institution for further treatment.

Insect bites. Bites of single bees, wasps, gadflies, bumblebees usually cause a limited local pain reaction. With multiple bites, biologically entering the blood active substances(histamine, hyaluronidase and other enzymes) cause a general toxic or allergic reaction. In case of hypersensitivity, even the bite of a single insect causes a similar effect. Nausea, vomiting, general malaise, dizziness, headache, chills, fever are noted. An allergic reaction is manifested by urticaria, Quincke's edema, bronchospasm, pain in the joints, in the region of the heart, epileptic seizures, anaphylactic shock.

In the event of a bite of poisonous insects (tarantula spiders, scorpions), there is a threat to life. A scorpion sting causes prolonged, excruciating pain (more than a day), redness, swelling and necrosis of tissues at the site of the bite. At the same time, sweating, tachycardia, convulsions occur, loss of consciousness and death may occur. Among tarantulas, the bite of a karakurt is the most dangerous.

First aid. When bitten by bees, wasps, etc. it is urgent to remove the sting, apply a cold compress with a 1% solution to the wound ammonia or 20% ethyl alcohol. It helps to apply plantain or dandelion leaves to the bite site. Quickly relieves pain and inflammation Alternate exposure to hot and cold water. In case of general toxic and allergic manifestations, antihistamines (diphenhydramine or suprastin, calcium preparations) should be given to the victim and urgently taken to the hospital.

When bitten by poisonous insects, the victim must be warmed by overlaying with heating pads, given plenty of fluids, a half-alcohol compress or with a 1% solution of ammonia is applied to the bite site. The victim needs urgent hospitalization.

Bites of poisonous snakes cause acute poisoning due to the specific action of snake venom. The most dangerous for humans are poisonous snakes belonging to four families: sea snakes, asps, Asian cottonmouth and vipers. IN Russian Federation of all types of poisonous snakes, vipers are mainly found.

When bitten by a snake, signs of poisoning do not occur immediately. After 5-15 minutes, severe pain appears at the site of the bite, often leading to fainting. Serous fluid begins to ooze from the wound. Approximately 40 minutes after the bite, the general state of health worsens, dizziness, nausea, vomiting appear, blood pressure drops, the pulse quickens, the skin turns pale. After 4-6 hours, the limb of the victim, bitten by a snake, swells, becomes cold and cyanotic. After 12 hours, blisters filled with hemorrhagic fluid appear, tissue necrosis occurs.

First aid is aimed at delaying the spread of poison in the human body:

create complete rest in a horizontal position;

incise a wound in the area of ​​​​the bite to remove the poison along with the blood;

suck blood with a blood-suction jar, rubber bulb, breast pump, mouth (sucking by mouth is allowed if there are no wounds or carious teeth in the mouth);

Apply a wide non-stretching bandage above the wound (you can not apply a tourniquet that disrupts the flow of arterial blood to the limb, as it will contribute to the development of gangrene);

treat the wound with an alcohol-containing preparation;

Apply cold to the wound

to carry out immobilization of the limb;

give plenty of fluids (tea, coffee), alcohol is contraindicated;

urgently introduce anti-snake serum, deliver to the hospital.

If the above measures are started immediately after the bite, then in the first 5 minutes three-quarters of the poison that has entered the body is removed.