Vran veza fans. Radial fans vran

VEZA Co LTD is the largest manufacturer of ventilation equipment in Russia, including such a product as a centrifugal fan for general industrial purposes. A centrifugal fan of the VR-80-75 or VRAN series is original name VEZA, VTs-14-46 or VRAV - used in ventilation, air conditioning and air heating premises for various purposes.

Radial fans VRAN-DU and VRAV-DU are installed in special exhaust ventilation systems for the removal of gases arising from a fire and the simultaneous removal of heat outside the premises. At the same time, the localization of the fire zone is ensured and the possibility of carrying out work to fight the fire and to save people and equipment is created. The units can move gas-air mixtures with a temperature of 400 ° C and 600 ° C for at least 120 minutes.

Centrifugal fan VR-80-75 - replacement for VRAN fan at the request of the Buyer.

VRAN fans low pressure are manufactured in general industrial, heat-resistant, corrosion-resistant, northern and explosion-proof versions. The impellers of such a fan contain 9 or 6 blades curved backward. Thanks to a wide range of sizes and a complete set of two types of impellers, the centrifugal fan very tightly closes the working points for the main ventilation tasks.

The VRAN centrifugal fan is manufactured according to the 1st (with direct connection to the engine) and 5th (with a belt drive) design schemes. Productivity from 1000 m³ / h to 100000 m³ / h, total pressure from 100 Pa to 1800 Pa.

The VRAN centrifugal fan is used in systems where high efficiency, low noise level is required and in systems with parallel operation of several fans.


VRAN6 and VRAN9 low pressure fans are used to move gas and vapor-air mixtures, which can also be explosive. The units are used in stationary ventilation and air conditioning systems, as well as in air heating systems for public, industrial and residential buildings, as well as for industrial and sanitary purposes.

  • Fans corresponding to the first design scheme are manufactured in 16 standard sizes.
  • Fans corresponding to the fifth design scheme are manufactured in four standard sizes.
  • Produced in accordance with TU 4861-105-40149153-2007;
  • Certified and certified for work in explosive industries.

VRAN6 and VRAN9 are produced in the following versions, according to operating conditions:

  • according to the first and fifth constructive scheme:
  1. general industrial (N);
  2. corrosion resistant (K);
  3. heat-resistant (F);
  4. corrosion and heat resistant (К1Ж).
  • according to the first constructive scheme:
  1. explosion-proof (B);
  2. explosion-proof corrosion-resistant (VK1);
  3. explosion-proof corrosion-resistant (VK3);
  4. explosion-proof heat-resistant (VZh);
  5. explosion-proof corrosion-heat resistant (VK1Zh);
  6. earthquake resistant (C).

VRAN fans can be used in the following weather and climatic conditions:

  • temperate climate(U). Temperature the environment from -45 to + 40 ° С and the average value for the vibration velocity of external vibration generators at the place of installation of the VRAN fan is not more than 2 mm / s.
  • temperate and cold climates (UHL). The ambient temperature is from -60 to +40 ° C and the average value for the vibration velocity of external vibration generators at the place of installation of the VRAN fan is not more than 2 mm / s.
  • tropical climate (T). The ambient temperature is from -10 to +50 ° C and the average value for the vibration velocity of external vibration generators at the place of installation of the VRAN fan is not more than 2 mm / s.

Advantages of VRAN9 fans:

    the installed power of the motors for the fan has been reduced;

    reduced dimensions and weight;

    used new technology manufacture of a body made of galvanized steel;

    proposed additional options on the use of flexible rates and vibration isolators;

    a new, thicker R20 standard size range adopted in the world was introduced;

    enlarged outlet in accordance with European Standards.

VRAN-DU fans

Fan VRAN-DU has a left or right rotation impeller with backward curved blades special form providing high efficiency and low noise. The volute casing is rotary. All standard sizes of fans are manufactured according to the design diagram of version 1 (with direct connection to the motor). Fans No. 4 are manufactured according to the design diagram of version 5 (with a belt drive); 5; 6.3; eight; 10 and 12.5.

Fan impellers are made of St3 steel (for temperatures up to 400 ° C) and 12X18H10T steel (for temperatures up to 600 ° C) with a heat-resistant paint and varnish coating. Thermal protection of bearing assemblies ensures reliable operation of the fan when moving hot gases.

VRAN-DU fans for supply smoke ventilation systems are installed in special supply systems smoke exhaust to create excess pressure (back up) in staircases, lobbies and elevator shafts of buildings in order to prevent smoke from entering these rooms and create the possibility of fire fighting and rescue of people and equipment.

VRAN medium pressure radial industrial fans are presented in two modifications of impellers and with a dense range of R20 wheel diameters. This allows you to pick up optimal model for any operating mode. Fan performance - from 300 to 150,000 m³ / h, maximum pressure 2600 Pa. Units of this type are used in injection systems and installations where there are size limitations. Specifications VRAN fans are not inferior to those of imported counterparts. Strength indicators are confirmed by appropriate tests.


VRAN fans are installed in standard ventilation, air conditioning and air heating systems; the units are suitable for industrial or residential premises. They are especially effective in installations where there are strict restrictions on the overall dimensions of the fan. Suitable for smoke ventilation.

Submitted by the following options versions of this model:

  • H - general industrial;
  • F - heat-resistant;
  • K1 - corrosion resistant;
  • К1Ж - corrosion and heat resistant;
  • B - explosion-proof - according to the 1st constructive scheme;
  • VZh - explosion-proof heat-resistant - according to the 1st constructive scheme;
  • BK1; VK3 - explosion-proof corrosion-resistant - according to the 1st constructive scheme;
  • VK1ZH - explosion-proof corrosion-heat resistant - according to the 1st constructive scheme;
  • C - earthquake resistant.


The main structural element of the fan is an impeller with backward curved blades. The wheel is housed in a swivel volute casing. The special cylindrical inlet is located outside the wheel for long service life. An inlet flange is also not provided, whereby the air inlet on the suction side is more favorable. There is a separate mechanism to protect the engine from atmospheric precipitation. Three-phase asynchronous single-speed motor. Models VRAN9 according to the 1st scheme can be equipped with a drive with frequency control of rotation speed. The fans are capable of operating in smoke exhaust mode or in a combined smoke exhaust and ventilation mode - in such models, motors are installed for long continuous operation.

Operating conditions

Industrial VRAN fans are installed outside the premises, away from the places of permanent residence of people. Operation is permitted in temperate, temperate cold and tropical climates when placed in categories 1 and 2. Allowable temperature air - from -45 to + 50 ° C. If there is a vibration source nearby, the vibration velocity should not exceed 2 mm / s. To reduce the noise level, you can use a noise-insulating casing.

The manufacturer offers the following versions of VRAN fans:

  • H - general industrial;
  • F - heat resistant;
  • K1 - corrosion-resistant;
  • К1Ж - corrosion-resistant, heat-resistant;
  • B - explosion-proof (1st constructive diagram);
  • VZh - explosion-proof, heat-resistant (1st constructive diagram);
  • VK1, VK3 - explosion-proof, corrosion-resistant (1st constructive diagram);
  • VK1ZH - explosion-proof, corrosion-resistant, heat-resistant (1st constructive diagram);
  • C - earthquake resistant.

The VentInform company supplies ventilation equipment to all regions of Russia. We offer VRAN6 and VRAN9 fans of the following standard sizes:

  • VRAN6 No. 2.5;
  • VRAN6 No. 2.8;
  • VRAN6 No. 3.15;
  • VRAN6 No. 3.55;
  • VRAN6 No. 4;
  • VRAN6 No. 4.5;
  • VRAN6 No. 5;
  • VRAN6 No. 5.6;
  • VRAN6 No. 6.3;
  • VRAN6 No. 7.1;
  • VRAN6 # 8;
  • VRAN6 No. 9;
  • VRAN6 No. 10;
  • VRAN6 No. 11.2;
  • VRAN6 No. 12.5;
  • VRAN6 No. 14;
  • VRAN9 No. 2.5;
  • VRAN9 No. 2.8;
  • VRAN9 No. 3.15;
  • VRAN9 No. 3.55;
  • VRAN9 No. 4;
  • VRAN9 No. 4.5;
  • VRAN9 No. 5;
  • VRAN9 No. 5.6;
  • VRAN9 No. 6.3;
  • VRAN9 No. 7.1;
  • VRAN9 No. 8;
  • VRAN9 No. 9;
  • VRAN9 No. 10;
  • VRAN9 No. 11.2;
  • VRAN9 No. 12.5;
  • VRAN9 No. 14.

Among the partners of VentInform are the leading domestic and foreign manufacturers ventilation equipment, which guarantees high quality products. We offer our clients best prices and the most convenient conditions for buying.

The VRAN trademark includes radial-type fans, which contain wheels with backward-curved blades in their design. As a rule, they have high efficiency, and during operation there is no discomfort from the noise of their motor. The VRAN® trademark was registered for the first time in 2008 and since that time it has been considered an example of comfort and modernity. Each fan is manufactured using the latest technology and the latest equipment... Cut out all components of this product(blades, wheel disks, body walls) is performed using a laser. But the formation of parts of the conical and toroidal types is carried out using a controlled CNC. In this case, the wheels are welded using a special welding robot.

Each casing of ventilation products is made of galvanized steel using sunset technology.

Since the production of fans is carried out on high-precision equipment, the serial production fully complies with the reference characteristics declared by the manufacturer. This guarantees a consistently high quality of each fan. Trademark VRAN® manufactures its products in 16 standard sizes, providing the widest choice of device productivity, which is in the range of 300-120000 m3 / h, and the pressure indicator is about 2600 Pa.

As a rule, VRAN fans are used in those systems where the technology of operation requires high efficiency, low level noise, or it is envisaged to install several fans that will work in parallel to each other. Such products have high technical parameters, and can also completely replace the well-known series of fans domestic production(VTs 4-70, VR 80-75, VR 86-77). It is in comparison with them that VRAN products have whole line advantages:

  • there are several classes of wheels, which depend on the size of the peripheral speed. It is the wheels that serve as the basis reliable work the fan mechanism throughout the entire period of its operation. All calculations of impellers using the finite element method are fully consistent with the experimental data;
  • when choosing motors, the manufacturer optimized the power reserves, which, in the final version, allows the use of designs with low installed power, which is especially important for fans of small numbers;
  • the use of fans of all numbers is provided, which are made according to the first structural scheme. Each of them contains frequency converters, which allows you to accurately adjust the operating mode of the device during commissioning tests, as well as during further operation of the fan. A technique for choosing a motor according to optimal size, which is able to work with a frequency converter and change the frequency range of the current used;
  • high aerodynamic performance of serial products is ensured by a simple design of the wheel, as well as a seal that is located between the wheel and the nozzle when used in the design quality technology assemblies;
  • the shape of the spiral casing has been slightly changed, due to which average speed air flow is reduced in the outlet section of the device, while the pressure loss in the adjacent ventilation network is also reduced.

The main purpose of VRAN fans

The fans can be installed in standard ventilation systems, as well as in air conditioning and air heating systems in industrial buildings or in residential premises. To prevent the fan from damaging the fan during movement for two hours, the air-gas mixtures, the temperature of which is in the range of 400-600 ° C, are made using special versions of the VRAN®-DU type.

Fans are of the following types:

  • general industrial, which the manufacturer, as a rule, marks with the "H" sign;
  • heat-resistant, which are marked as "F";
  • anti-corrosion (K1), which can prevent the formation of corrosion and rust;
  • corrosion-heat resistant (К1Ж) - such fans combine two types of mechanisms and their properties;
  • explosion-proof (type "B" marking) - products are made according to only the first structural diagram;
  • heat-resistant, the mechanism of which has explosion protection (VZH) - execution is similar to the previous type of fans;
  • fans that have a protective mechanism against explosion and corrosion (VK1; VK3);
  • explosion-proof corrosion-heat resistant (VK1Zh);
  • fans resistant to seismic activity, which can be easily combined with other types of designs listed above.

    Internal fan mechanism

    In its design, each fan has an impeller that rotates both clockwise and counterclockwise. The wheel blades are specially shaped and bent slightly backward. The volute of the device is also rotatable. Fan mechanisms are manufactured both according to the first and the fifth constructive scheme in accordance with the accepted standards of GOST 5976.

Fans made according to the first design diagram are directly connected to the motor and are of two modifications, such as VRAN6 and VRAN9. They differ in the number of blades of their impeller.

The fans, which belong to the fifth design scheme, contain a belt drive in their design. Such products are available only in one modification VRAN9. In contrast, VRAN9, which belongs to the first design scheme, is equipped with motors, thanks to which it is possible to adjust the speed of rotation.
For climatic devices of U1, UHL1, T1 types, the mechanism design provides additional protection against atmospheric precipitation, which is supplied to the drive and exhaust part of the fan.

Fans used in large industrial enterprises, have a noise-insulating casing, which makes it possible to significantly reduce the noise level of the device operation to a value of 12 dB. In this case, the overall sound pressure level decreases by 25-30 dB at a distance of 5 meters.

On request, the customer can purchase additional components in the form of vibration isolators and flexible inserts, which can reduce the level of dynamic loads. It will not be superfluous to acquire: reverse-acting flanges, frequency converters, and various devices which allow the fan to start smoothly.

Operating conditions
According to the operating rules and regulations, in order for the fans to serve their owner for many years, they must be installed outside the area in which people are constantly staying.

Products according to the standards of GOST 15150 are able to withstand a wide variety of climatic conditions, ranging from temperate to tropical climates.

Basic operating conditions:

the temperature around the device must correspond to:
- "-" 45 - "+" 40 degrees Celsius for a temperate type of climate;
- "-" 60 - "+" 40 degrees - for a moderately cold climate;
- "-" 10 - "+" 50 degrees - for the tropics.
In this case, the average value of the so-called vibration velocity of all external mechanisms that serve as a source of vibration vibrations should be within 2 mm / s.

Overall and connecting dimensions VRAN fans (1st version)

n n 1 n 2 n 3 dimensions, mm
A A 1 A 2 B B 1 B 2 D d d 1 t t 1 L max L 1 L 2
Vran-2.5 175 160 200 325 240 348 280 M67 80 54 8 14 2 3 460 89 86
Vran-2.8 199 200 222 362 300 383 310 M67 100 41,5 8 14 2 3 480 101 101
Vran-3.15 217 200 240 399 300 420 345 M67 100 60 8 14 2 3 530 110 115
Vran-3.55 249 200 272 454 400 475 390 M67 100 37,5 8 16 2 4 580 127 129
Vran-4 281 200 310 512 400 538 430 М89 100 55 8 16 2 4 640 143 145
Vran-4.5 318 240 350 574 480 604 480 М89 120 55 8 16 2 4 770 160 164
Vran-5 353 300 380 643 600 668 530 М89 100 40 8 22 3 6 800 175 182
Vran-5.6 394 300 426 719 600 749 600 М89 100 63 8 22 3 6 865 198 202
Vran-6.3 441 400 470 801 700 830 660 М89 100 35 8 26 4 7 975 222 231
Vran-7.1 497 270 540 900 675 941 740 М89 135 135 8 18 2 5 1030 250 260
Vran-8 563 300 600 1009 750 1047 835 М89 150 150 8 18 2 5 1135 282 297
Vran-9 630 600 670 1132 1050 1170 940 М89 150 35 16 26 4 7 1250 318 335
Vran-10 703 450 750 1269 1050 1317 1050 М812 150 150 16 24 3 7 1340 353 366
Vran-11.2 784 750 830 1424 1350 1463 1170 M1012 150 40 16 32 5 9 1540 395 409
Vran-12.6 877 750 925 1593 1500 1638 1285 M1012 150 87,5 16 34 5 10 1750 440 455
Vran-14 980 672 1040 1460 - 1512 - - 12 168 - - 30 4 9 2150 594 980
Installation dimensions, mm Side flexible insert:
C C 1 C 2 C 3 C 4 d 2 k k 1 injection suction
Vran-2.5 295 330 70 - - 10 70 - VG-N-2.5VG-V-2.5
Vran-2.8 295 365 80 - - 10 75 - VG-N-2.8VG-V-2.8
Vran-3.15 420 470 60 - - 10 75 - VG-N-3.15VG-V-3.15
Vran-3.55 460 530 104 - - 10 90 - VG-N-3.55VG-V-3.55
Vran-4 520 610 127 - - 11 90 - VG-N-4VG-V-4
Vran-4.5 525 660 140 - - 12 100 - VG-N-4.5VG-V-4.5
Vran-5 525 695 160 - - 12 100 - VG-N-5VG-V-5
Vran-5.6 550 740 183 - - 14 110 - VG-N-5.6VG-V-5.6
Vran-6.3 550 830 200 - - 14 110 - VG-N-6.3VG-V-6.3
Vran-7.1 710 750 200 - - 14 125 - VG-N-7.1VG-V-7.1
Vran-8 800 845 222 - - 14 125 - VG-N-8VG-V-8
Vran-9 870 950 258 - - 14 130 100 VG-N-9VG-V-9
Vran-10 960 960 218 - - 14 130 245 VG-N-10VG-V-10
Vran-11.2 1070 1090 245 - - 14 150 175 VG-N-11.2VG-V-11.2
Vran-12.5 1230 1200 235 - - 16 180 105 VG-N-12.5VG-V-12.5
Vran-14 2250 1060 1485 530 915 - 395 473 VG-N-14VG-V-14

Position of the VRAN fan casing isp. No. 1

Overall dimensions, mm
0 0 45 0 90 0
B b H h B b H h B b H h
VRAN number 2.5 456 186 240 173 423 190 240 312 390 173 240 270
VRAN number 2.8 515 213 310 193 471 206 310 349 441 193 310 302
VRAN No. 3.15 572 236 310 215 521 225 310 388 491 215 310 336
VRAN No. 3.55 644 267 350 245 590 256 350 438 557 245 350 377
VRAN number 4 738 301 390 290 686 310 390 514 641 290 390 437
VRAN No. 4.5 831 338 435 325 761 339 435 570 719 325 435 483
VRAN number 5 913 375 535 338 832 363 535 619 776 338 535 538
VRAN No. 5.6 1020 420 570 375 924 399 570 688 865 375 570 600
VRAN No. 6.3 1140 474 665 420 1034 442 665 768 973 420 665 667
VRAN No. 7.1 1282 534 745 480 1167 499 745 869 1103 480 745 748
VRAN number 8 1440 602 795 536 1304 553 795 972 1238 536 795 839
VRAN number 9 1615 677 890 590 1467 621 890 1078 1379 590 890 938
VRAN number 10 1797 751 970 656 1627 689 970 1204 1533 656 970 1046
VRAN No. 11.2 2004 841 110 735 1822 764 1100 1342 1716 735 110 1163
VRAN No. 12.5 2235 947 1230 810 2050 869 1230 1487 1905 810 1230 1302
VRAN number 14 2760 1170 1365 965 - - - - 2350 965 1365 1590
Overall dimensions, mm
135 0 270 0 315 0
B b H h B b H h B b H h
VRAN No. 2.5 515 202 240 234 390 173 340 186 515 202 340 190
VRAN number 2.8 579 230 310 265 441 193 350 213 579 230 350 206
VRAN No. 3.15 644 257 310 296 491 215 410 236 644 257 410 225
VRAN No. 3.55 728 290 350 335 557 245 450 267 728 290 450 256
VRAN number 4 840 326 390 376 641 290 470 301 840 326 470 310
VRAN number 4.5 936 366 435 422 719 325 535 338 936 366 535 339
VRAN number 5 1023 404 535 470 776 338 580 375 1026 406 580 363
VRAN No. 5.6 1143 455 570 525 865 375 665 420 1143 455 665 399
VRAN No. 6.3 1282 513 665 591 973 420 746 474 1282 513 746 442
VRAN No. 7.1 1447 578 745 667 1103 480 845 534 1447 578 845 500
VRAN number 8 1623 651 795 751 1238 536 895 602 1623 651 895 553
VRAN number 9 1811 733 890 846 1379 590 1010 677 1811 733 1010 621
VRAN number 10 2017 814 970 939 1533 656 1100 751 2017 814 1100 689
VRAN No. 11.2 2253 911 1100 1051 1716 735 1250 841 2254 911 1250 764
VRAN No. 12.5 2512 1025 1230 1181 1905 810 1430 947 2512 1025 1430 869
VRAN number 14 - - - - 2350 965 1635 1170 - - - -

Overall and connecting dimensions of VRAN fans (5th version)

Connecting dimensions, mm n n 1 n 2 n 3 Overall dimensions, mm
A A 1 A 2 V IN 1 IN 2 D d d 1 t t 1 L max L 1 L 2
6,3 441 400 470 801 700 830 660 М89 100 35 8 26 4 7 1080 222 231
8 563 300 600 1009 750 1047 835 М89 150 150 8 18 2 5 1200 282 297
10 703 450 750 1269 1050 1317 1050 М812 150 150 16 24 3 7 1540 353 366
12,5 877 750 925 1523 1500 1638 1285 M1012 150 87,5 16 34 5 10 1710 440 455

Installation dimensions, mm Flexible insert on the side:
WITH C 1 C 2 C 3 d 2 d 3 To to 1 to 2 injection suction
6,3 980 1110 245 - 12 18 120 140 320 VG-N-6.3VG-V-6.3
8 1156 1190 310 - 12 18 130 301 294 VG-N-8VG-V-8
10 1456 1900 446 - 12 18 150 381 904 VG-N-10VG-V-10
12,5 1645 2025 550 2223 15 24 180 525 875 VG-N-12.5VG-V-12.5

Position of the VRAN fan case diagram No. 5

Overall dimensions, mm
0 0 45 0 90 0
B B 1 b H h B B 1 b H h B B 1 b H h
6,3 1140 1736 474 671 426 1034 1662 442 671 768 973 1623 420 671 667
8 1440 1833 602 843 536 1304 1746 553 843 972 1238 1697 536 843 839
10 1797 2676 751 1050 656 1627 2568 689 1050 1204 1533 2507 656 1050 1046
12,5 2235 2918 947 1230 810 2050 2811 869 1230 1487 1905 2725 810 1230 1302

Overall dimensions, mm
135 0 270 0 315 0
B B 1 b H h B B 1 b H h B B 1 b H h
6,3 1282 1583 513 671 591 973 1490 420 751 474 1282 1839 513 751 442
8 1623 1646 651 843 751 1238 1531 536 933 602 1623 1967 651 933 53
10 2017 2444 814 1050 939 1533 2286 656 1150 751 2017 2833 814 1150 689
12,5 2512 2655 1025 1230 1181 1905 2440 810 1430 947 2512 3117 1025 1430 869

Purpose and description of the ventilator Veza VRAN6-071-DU to remove gases.

The fans are certified and have permission for use in explosive and chemically hazardous industries and facilities.

Design and execution

    • Size type: 400; 450; 500; 560; 630; 710; 800; 900; 1000; 1120; 1250 mm - 1st version;
    • Size type: 630; 800; 1000; 1250 mm - 5th version;
    • 400 ° C; 600 ° C - 120 min;
    • General industrial;
    • Corrosion resistant;
    • Explosion-proof;
    • The family of DUV - fans operating in the general exchange exhaust mode (in addition to the emergency mode of the remote control) has been expanded;
    • Modification of fans with VFD;
    • Application of motors with increased efficiency according to the requirements of IE2 or IE3

Veza VRAN6-071-DU fans have a left or right rotation impeller with backward-curved blades of a special shape, providing high efficiency and low noise.

The volute casing is rotatable. It is possible to operate the fans in the smoke removal (DU) mode and in the combined smoke removal and ventilation (DUV) mode. In the latter case, the fans are equipped with motors for long-term continuous operation.

The fans are equipped with standard 3-phase asynchronous single-speed motors. For VRAN9 fans according to the 1st design scheme, it is possible to complete with motors that allow frequency regulation of the rotation speed.

For the position of the hull P0 and LO for the 1st category of placement (outdoor), protection against atmospheric precipitation ZONT-VRAN is provided (ordered separately, as an option).

Climate, operating conditions Veza VRAN6-071-DU

Veza VRAN6-071-DU fans should be installed outside the serviced premises and outside the zone of permanent residence of people.
The fans can be operated in moderate (U) conditions; temperate and cold (UHL) and tropical (T) climates of the 1st and 2nd categories of placement in accordance with GOST 15150.

  • ambient temperature
    - from minus 45 to + 40 ° С for a temperate climate,
    - from minus 60 to + 40 ° С for temperate and cold climates,
    - from minus 10 to + 50 ° С for a tropical climate;
  • the average value of the vibration velocity of external sources of vibration in the places where the fan is installed is not more than 2 mm / s.

Veza VRAN-DU marking

Aerodynamic characteristics of VRAN-DU


Additional equipment upon request

  • Thermo-noise insulating casing TShK
  • Soft connector SOM-VRAN
  • Protection of ZONT-VRAN
  • ShSAU cabinet
  • Vibration isolators
  • Reverse flange - FOV - FON
  • Frequency converter
  • Soft starter

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