Arguments in favor of new equipment. Equipment replacement algorithm

Sooner or later, every head of the enterprise has to make a decision - whether it is necessary to modernize production, or whether it will be a waste of money, because the old equipment is still working. Therefore, it is necessary to weigh all the pros and cons of modernizing production:

Lack of upgrades saves money (but only at first glance)

When the question arises before the head of the enterprise - where to invest income from production, he believes that "if I invest in welding machines, I will have to spend money, and if I don’t buy anything, the money will remain in reserve." But this is a fundamentally wrong assumption. Obsolete equipment will still take this money. How will it do it? Very simple:

Old equipment needs constant repairs

How older equipment the more it requires maintenance and repairs. Even though the old Soviet, GDR, Czechoslovak installations are made to last, they will have more and more breakdowns, as they have worked out their resource 1.5, 2 or even 5 times. Naturally, here and there something will break. As a result, production downtime additional expenses for repairs and spare parts.

Old installations consume a lot of resources

Welding science does not stand still. More and more new ways are being developed that allow you to save the manufacturer from overspending energy and Supplies. Modern equipment has much more efficiency than outdated installations. At the same speed of operation, old equipment can consume up to 2 times more electricity and materials.

As you can see, old equipment is gradually losing its profitability, which leads to losses. But even if you do not take into account these facts, the new equipment has a number of advantages:

New technologies help solve production problems

Over the years, even in the most simple welding machines there are more and more technologies that make life easier for a welder, improve productivity and save money, not to mention good professional equipment. Consider the benefits using the example of technologies from EWM:

ForceArc, for example, allows you to significantly speed up and reduce the cost of the process of applying seams at large thicknesses. Due to the greater penetration depth (due to the forced current strength modes), it is possible to increase the electrode wire extension without loss in protection quality. It is because of this that it is possible to reduce (and sometimes completely abolish) the angles of cutting edges. Practical example can be seen here:

For both processes, the thickness is (100mm)

On the first section - a standard seam, with a basic groove value. The seam was completely welded in 11 passes.

On the second section there is a seam, which was performed using the ForceArc technology. The allowable groove angle is smaller, which simplifies the process of preparation for welding and allows you to make a seam in just 5 passes. Savings on both preparation for welding and on lead time and materials.

Savings on employee salaries

Old devices require skillful hand experienced welder. Naturally, he needs to be well paid for this, because he is irreplaceable. The new devices are not so demanding on the welder and help to perform a high-quality seam almost regardless of the skills of the welder. If, however, it invests heavily in modernization and fully automates production, then even such a welder is not needed. All you need is an operator who can operate several machines at the same time. The result is an increase in productivity and quality while reducing wage costs.

Summing up, we can say:
New devices are able to earn (after all, money saved is money earned) with exceptional reliability, savings in welding consumables, and simplification of many preparatory processes, improving the quality of the seam (which will lead to an increase in the competitiveness of products), reducing the cost of salaries to employees.

As a result, we get high performance with excellent quality for little money. What else is needed for successful production?

Majority industrial enterprises of our country work on morally and physically obsolete equipment manufactured 15 or more years ago. The main disadvantages of this equipment are low maintainability due to the lack of spare parts, relatively low level productivity and product quality, frequent downtime due to failure of individual equipment components, a large amount of time spent on troubleshooting.

To solve this problem in the best possible way is the installation of modern equipment to replace obsolete. But the main obstacle to the implementation this method often served by the high cost of new equipment. At the same time, there is a need to stop this part production line production or decrease in production volumes for the period of dismantling, preparation for the installation of new equipment and installation and commissioning.

The main solution to this problem can be the replacement of obsolete equipment in several stages. As experience in the operation of industrial equipment shows, drive technology, electrical equipment, and control and automation systems are most affected by time. As for power electrical equipment, in this case it is possible to get by with the replacement of outdated protective and switching equipment with modern, more compact and reliable ones, without changing, or slightly changing, the structure and power supply circuit of the installation.

The situation is more complicated with drive technology and control and automation systems. With regard to drive technology, a significant development of the digital and semiconductor element base can be noted, which makes it possible to create control systems for electric drives with high precision and speed of response with a significant reduction in electricity consumption and dynamic loads on the supply network. Outdated controllable drive systems are built, as a rule, using motors direct current and thyristor controlled rectifiers.

Automatic control systems, as a rule, were built on rigid logic using electromechanical relays, transistors or microcircuits with non-programmable logic. The main disadvantages of such systems are:

  • poor maintainability due to the cessation of production of most components of these systems;
  • large equipment downtime due to a long repair time associated with the difficulty of determining the causes of a malfunction;
  • high power consumption;
  • large dimensions;
  • maintenance of such systems requires highly qualified personnel who can understand such schemes and know the equipment well enough.

Modern control systems built on the basis of programmable logic controllers (PLC) allow solving all these problems, at the same time expanding functionality systems as a whole. The modern element base increases the maintainability of the system. Most control systems are built on a modular basis, while most of the elements are connected to the system using connectors, this allows you to replace a defective element without disassembling the circuit and without special tool or soldering iron. Everybody modern systems Automation systems have self-diagnostic functions that prevent accidents and significantly reduce troubleshooting time. Depending on the degree of automation, such a system may have different levels of self-diagnosis. There is also the possibility of using redundancy of automation systems at critical facilities. When using redundant systems, there is the possibility of a cold or hot standby. With cold redundancy, the backup system is included in the process at the operator's command or automatically in response to emergency signals. In this case, the software algorithm is restarted. When hot standby is used, the standby system is always on and monitors all activities of the primary. In the event of an accident of the main system, the backup system is switched on automatically, while the process continues from that point of the algorithm (stages technological process) where the main system failed. Some PLCs have the ability hot swap modules while the power is on, allowing repairs to be made while the unit is running. APCS systems built using PLCs have lower power consumption and significantly smaller dimensions compared to previous generations of APCS.

When replacing an outdated APCS system with a modern one, in addition to the advantages described above, a number of additional features appear. This is the possibility of equipping the system with an operator panel, which will display the process, equipment status, process parameters, diagnostic results and a log of events that occurred in the system during recent times, emergency log. This option allows you to perform operational control over the technological process, perform a generalized analysis of the operation of the equipment, control over the actions of operational and maintenance personnel. The presence of a variety of interfaces and data transmission media makes it possible to combine local control systems into a common network, which makes it possible to coordinate the actions of process equipment located in a common process chain. It also provides remote monitoring and control. technological equipment from a remote operator's workplace (dispatching), which makes it possible to increase the efficiency of operations and maintenance personnel.

The use of programmable industrial automation tools in the system makes it possible to simplify the electrical circuit and increase its reliability by reducing electromechanical links.

The presence of a PLC in the system makes it possible to change the control logic, parameters and settings of the technological process without changing or slightly changing electrical circuit. At the same time, it is possible to make changes both locally and remotely from the workstation. The levels of access to certain settings and data of the system are delimited by different levels of access with different passwords, which, if necessary, can be changed.

Electrotechnical plant ASD-electric is ready to offer the development and implementation of automation and dispatching systems using modern technologies, carry out technical re-equipment of control and automation systems, development effective methods control of electric drives, development of methods and systems for distribution, control and accounting of electricity.

When developing the systems mentioned above, we prepare a complete package of design and engineering documentation, after which we manufacture control cabinets and program automation equipment. If necessary, we are ready to install equipment and perform commissioning work at the facility.

The main advantage of our factory is the preparation project documentation and the manufacture of equipment at one enterprise, which allows to reduce the time for the development and implementation of these automation systems by reducing the time for coordinating the design of cabinets, the manufacture of control cabinets can begin immediately after the technical part is agreed with the customer even before the release complete set project documentation. If it is necessary to make changes to the composition or structure of the automation system, there is no need to coordinate with design organizations, our organization will independently agree and make all the necessary changes.

Due to the fact that the development of systems and the manufacture of equipment takes place at the same enterprise, the probability of errors in the design documentation and cabinet design is significantly reduced. The production of control cabinets for automation systems takes place under the vigilant control of developers. Upon completion of the assembly of cabinets, all equipment undergoes autonomous testing and testing of cycles at the stand for setting up automation systems.

Mezhenny Evgeny Viktorovich
Head of the ACS department of the electrical plant ASD-electric

The investment policy of economic entities may provide for increasing their efficiency not only through the introduction of fundamentally new projects, but also through the modernization of existing facilities. Such projects involve the replacement of existing equipment (structures, materials) with new ones, which have more advanced characteristics and, due to this, provide additional profit. So, for example, the thermal renovation of buildings carried out in modern conditions requires the replacement of obsolete structures and materials with more advanced analogues.

The feasibility study of replacement projects has some methodological features, which will be discussed below with a specific example.

Calculation example.The project provides for the replacement of the current ventilation unit for a ventilation unit with a heat exchanger. Determine the effectiveness of the project according to the criteria:

- net discounted income(NPV) return on investment index(ID);

- dynamic payback period of investments in project (T 0).

Make a conclusion about the effectiveness of the project for the cases:

a) the replaced equipment cannot be used at the enterprise and is not subject to sale;

b) the replaced equipment will not be used in the future, but can be immediately sold at residual value.

Table 10.1

Initial data for calculation

Indicators Existing equipment PV-2678 (option 1) Proposed equipment X-266A (option 2)
1. Consumed energy resources: - thermal energy, kWh - electricity, kWh 316 720 28 704 98 183 34 944
2. Capital investments in new equipment, (K new), c.u. 14 280
3. Book value of operating equipment (SB ob1), c.u. 10 320
4. Selling price of old equipment after tax when replacing (P pr), c.u. 2 000
5. Equipment service life ( T), years
6. Operating time of existing equipment before replacement ( T uh), years
7. Depreciation rate (N A),% 11,1 11,1
8. Expenses for maintenance and repair (N R), c.u.
9. The price of thermal energy for the enterprise, (C Q) c.u./kWh 0,02 0,02
10. Tariff for electricity (C e), c.u./kWh 0,034 0,034
11. Discount rate ( E), %
12. Rate of taxes and deductions paid from profit (with np),%

Note. Conditional prices. Real estate tax is not included in the calculations.

Calculation of operating costs, profits and annual income

during project implementation

We determine the amount of annual operating costs for the compared options.

Depreciation deductions:

Maintenance and repair costs:

The cost of thermal energy:

Electricity cost:

Total annual costs:

Profit Growth enterprises by saving operating costs:

Net profit growth:

Annual return on investment:

Calculation of investment performance indicators

Case "a"

Net present value is determined by the formula:

where D t– annual return on investment;

α T is the discount factor for E= 10% and T= 9 years (equal to 5.759 years, determined from Appendix 1);

K new - investment in new equipment.

Net present value for billing period:

Project Profitability Index:

We find from limit value dynamic multiplier, which corresponds to the static payback period of 4.837 years. According to the application, we find the dynamic payback period of capital investments: T o = 7 years.

Case "b"

Let us calculate the efficiency of the project, provided that the old equipment is sold at a cost of 2000 USD. (after tax).

Investment in modernization determined from the expression:

Net present value of the project for the service life of the equipment (9 years) is determined from the expression:

Project Profitability Index:

Static payback period:

Dynamic payback period we find based on the limiting value of the dynamic multiplier, which corresponds to the static payback period of capital investments - 4.16 years.

Using the financial tables of Appendix 1 and applying the method linear interpolation according to formula (8.28), we find the value of the payback period of investments:

Table 10.2

Technical and economic indicators of the project

Indicators Options Changes, (2 - 1)
base projected
1. Consumption of thermal energy, kW∙h/year 316 720 98 183 - 218 537
2. Electricity consumption, kW∙h/year 28 704 34 944 + 6 240
3. Capital investments in new equipment, c.u. 14 280 + 14 280
4. Selling price of old equipment after taxation, c.u. 2 000 + 2 000
5. Book value of operating equipment, c.u. 10 320 - 10 320
6. Current costs, c.u./year, including energy costs 9 178 7 310 5 736 3 152 - 3 442 - 4 158
7. Profit growth, c.u./year 3 442
8. Annual income, c.u. 2 952
9. Net present value for the billing period, c.u. 4 722
10. Index of profitability of the project, rel. units 1,38
11. Payback period, years: - static - dynamic – – 4,16 5,65 – –

Calculations are made in prices as of ______________________

Conclusion on the project.

Replacing an existing ventilation unit with a ventilation unit with a heat recovery unit is economically feasible. The project will save 4,158 USD on energy resources. in year. The increase in the profit of the enterprise will be 3,442 USD. annually. The net discounted income for the billing period will be 4,722 USD, and the dynamic payback period of investments in the project will be 5.65 years.

A special case of choosing between mutually exclusive investment projects is the situation when you have to decide: is it worth repairing existing equipment Or is it better to replace it? A similar problem, for example, now in Russia has to be solved by many thousands of owners of obsolete AT 286 computers, which can be upgraded by changing motherboards, installation of more capacious hard drives and expansion random access memory. This path is cheaper than buying new AT 386 or AT 486 computers, although we must not forget that the rest of the components of the old computer will still reduce its useful life compared to the new machine.

In such dilemmas, one must first determine what costs are associated with the preservation of equipment intended for repair? These costs are the actual repair costs plus lost profits from the sale. old technology, i.e. its salvage value. Analysis in such cases can be carried out using equivalent annuities or equivalent annual expenses as a basis for comparison. Let's look at this with an example.

Example 10.5. Suppose you have an old Zhiguli that can be sold for 5 million rubles. or give to overhaul, which will cost 2 million rubles. and will allow the machine to operate for another five years, after which it can only be scrapped. In the same time new car can be bought for 10 million rubles, and it will last 10 years without major repairs, after which no one will buy it either (the salvage value will be zero).

Based on the foregoing, the cost of the option associated with the use of an old car will be 7 million rubles, i.e. lost profit from the sale (5 million rubles) plus repair costs (2 million rubles).

If we take a discount factor of 10%, then on the basis of equation (12.1) we can calculate the equivalent annual costs for the remaining 5-year period of operation of the repaired car:

EA \u003d 7.0: 3.791 \u003d 1.847 million rubles.

A similar indicator for a new car will be:

EA \u003d 10.0: 6.145 \u003d 1.627 million rubles.

Since in this case the analysis is based not on revenues (benefits), but on costs, the investment option that provides the minimum amount of equivalent annual costs is preferable. As can be seen from the above data, this option is the purchase of a new car. To confirm the correctness of the approach described above to the isolated analysis of mutually exclusive repair or replacement investment projects, we now compare these two options by calculating the marginal cash flows for a 10-year period of time. It should be noted at the same time that the preservation of old equipment in economic terms is equivalent to the purchase of such old equipment for 5 million rubles. and its pre-operational repair for 2 million rubles. What is the loss of income from the sale, what is the purchase of 5 million rubles. - same in terms of financial result for the firm.

Now (to ensure full comparability of the projects), we assume that in the case of retaining the old equipment, other similar old equipment should be purchased in five years for 5 million rubles.

And repaired for 2 million rubles.

Then we get that in the case of the purchase of new equipment, the marginal costs that we need to implement immediately will amount to 3 million rubles. (they are equal to the price of the new equipment minus the selling price of the old equipment minus the avoided costs of repairing the old equipment). It is at this price that we are able to prevent the need to purchase and repair used equipment in five years. This means that the margin cash flows for the option of purchasing new equipment, they will be formed as follows, million rubles:

Currently, million rubles Buy new equipment 10

Sell ​​old equipment -5

Avoid repair costs -2

Net cash outflow -3

After 5 years

Avoid buying used equipment 5

Avoid Repairing Used Equipment 2

Net gain 7

In this case (with a 10% rate of required return on investment, i.e. k = 0.10), the MRU for marginal cash investments directed to the purchase of new equipment will be positive and will amount to

N14 "= (-3) + (7: 1.15) \u003d -3 + 7: 1.61 \u003d (-3) + 4.346 \u003d 1.346 million rubles.

But as we can easily find out, NRU in the amount of 1.346 million rubles. is also the present value of the difference between the two equivalent annual annuities we calculated earlier, when calculated over a 10-year time horizon:

mru \u003d (1.846 - 1.627) RUA1yu; south \u003d (1.846 - 1.627) 6.1446 - 1.346.

Thus, the legitimacy of the calculation based on an isolated calculation of the economic characteristics of repair and replacement options as independent mutually exclusive projects is fully confirmed both when considering these projects in a single chain and based on a comparison of marginal costs.

It can also be argued that the cash costs of the option of new equipment are equal to the purchase price minus the sale price of the old equipment, i.e. 5 million rubles, while the cost of maintaining old equipment is 1 million rubles. for its repair. This will give the same result when calculating the MRU in a 10-year perspective, if the old equipment will last another 10 years at a cost of 2 million rubles. for repairs every five years. This is an acceptable solution, but for a different type of problem.

If it is impossible to buy used equipment in five years and you have to buy new equipment at that time, then keeping the old equipment becomes a more attractive alternative than buying new immediately.

Thus, despite the variety of situations that arise in the field of investment, the use of the net present value indicator provides analysts and investors with a reliable basis for choosing, even among mutually exclusive projects, exactly one or those that most contribute to the growth of the firm's value and, consequently, its wealth. owners. True, all this is true only if the firm does not face budget constraints and therefore does not have to make a choice investment projects in terms of investment rationing.

Our company evaluates, exports, delivers, sells, taking into account the cost of old equipment, if necessary, performs installation and maintenance. The work of any enterprise is aimed at making a profit, and without improving the use of fixed assets, this cannot be achieved. The main condition for productivity growth is technical progress, new equipment instead of the old one allows you to increase the capacity of the enterprise and reach new level equipment.We replace refrigeration equipment: refrigerated cabinets, refrigerated and freezing display cases, freezing islands, chest freezers, refrigerators and freezers. It has its own resource and recommended service life. Reasons for replacement - deterioration of refrigeration equipment andit is one way to apply best practices at work. Downtime is significantly reduced, as are plant losses after replacement. Reduced equipment repair costs.

How equipment is replaced

The whole process is going according to plan. Outdated refrigeration equipment is replaced with something else. This process although it requires additional costs, in general it allows you to increase efficiency and increase production output over time. As experts in this field, we recommend that you replace the equipment until the equipment is completely worn out. As a rule, the losses from the repair of old equipment exceed the amount of a full shift over time.

Stages of cooperation

At the first stages of cooperation, you need to contact our consultant and tell him the details of the future transaction, namely:

  • What equipment needs to be changed;
  • In what quantity is it;
  • Where is.

For our part, we guarantee the prompt removal and installation of new equipment. We work in several districts, including in such cities as:

  • Moscow;
  • Saint Petersburg;
  • Krasnodar;
  • Ekaterinburg;
  • Ufa;
  • Chelyabinsk.

At the second stage of cooperation, we agree on the details of the transaction, conditions and a list of tasks. At a convenient time for you, a specialist goes to the place and conducts a professional assessment. Before purchase and payment, all equipment is checked for operability, the cost is assigned based on specifications, type of units and degree of wear.

Payment is made by cash and non-cash method. Payment takes place on the spot, if required by the client. All equipment is dismantled and removed from the warehouse by our own forces.

What is the advantage of cooperation with us

Our company maintains complete confidentiality in the process of cooperation. The work takes place on the terms of the client, but the appraiser issues a conclusion on our part.

We offer cooperation to partners and can guarantee that we are ready to work on your terms. It takes no more than two hours from the moment you contact us to the full ransom, if both parties come to a consensus. For greater convenience, we offer a convenient payment system, from transfer to a card to cash on the spot.

Efficiency, honesty, extensive experience are not our main advantages. We try with special attention approach to cooperation with each client.

The client is not required to hire an appraiser, loaders and special equipment at his own expense. We have it all, and we offer it all for free.

We offer fast and quality work with a guarantee.

What is the advantage of changing equipment

As practice shows, even modernization does not give such results as its complete replacement. If obsolescence of the second kind is observed, then the loss of the cost of equipment affects the subsequent economic efficiency. It also happens that the equipment has to be replaced ahead of schedule. In any matter of equipment, our company has vast experience, highly qualified personnel work among employees.

It is possible to increase the efficiency of capital investments and get maximum profit from production only through the introduction of new technologies. For our part, we will help you quickly sell the old and free the shop from it, so that you can replace it as soon as possible and take all the necessary measures to increase the volume of output by changing equipment to something else.

It is the replacement that allows not to increase the area, but to improve them and get the maximum profit. This is a huge savings not only on repairs, but also on construction. A good long-term plan for the development of any enterprise should provide for the timely replacement of equipment, while the sale allows you to bail out additional funds, which will be used to purchase advanced units.

Export of equipment

Our company tries to approach its own work with special responsibility. Therefore, all specialists work within the framework of the duties assigned to them promptly and without delay. Regardless of the type of equipment, dismantling and removal is carried out within one day, that is, 24 hours.

We understand how important your time is to you, after the conditions and payment are approved, we send our own equipment and workers to the place to remove the equipment. Our company operates in the North-West Federal District, in the Volga Territory, the Southern Federal District and in Moscow and the Moscow Region.

The work of appraisers

Our appraisers have extensive experience in this area. Units are evaluated according to their degree of wear. We offer the most favorable terms of cooperation, which allow you to carry out a complete replacement of obsolete equipment in a short time.