An example of a survey of building engineering systems. Technical inspection of engineering systems

Price of survey of engineering networks and systems

To clarify the final cost, call the indicated number for consultation with our specialists.

The final price of work is formed on the basis of:

  • type of engineering networks;
  • the complexity of the equipment used;
  • quantity and availability of equipment.

A survey of engineering systems is required:

  • in the event of regular accidents;
  • in case of deviation in the operating mode;
  • in case of controversial issues during the design, installation and operation of equipment.

What is a survey of engineering networks

This is a series of actions aimed at thoroughly checking and evaluating the technical and operational state, functionality, the presence of defects and damage to part or the entire network, compliance with all accepted standards. Also carried out before introducing into the network additional equipment to get an accurate answer whether the rules and regulations, as well as the characteristics of the system, will support it safe mode work.

We conduct such surveys of systems and networks using special equipment, we check buildings, internal and external networks, equipment in accordance with all the rules adopted normative documents... This makes it possible to determine the possibility of their further operation or improvement, makes it possible to determine the need for repairs in time, which will avoid any emergencies and save money on a complete replacement of equipment.

When we conduct a technical survey of engineering systems in Moscow:

  • If it is necessary to determine the wear of the equipment and the network as a whole, which will help in the timely solution of the problematic issues that have arisen
  • If necessary, determine the possibility of repairing and restoring the utility network
  • With a comprehensive assessment of the entire building of the enterprise for examination project documentation
  • To determine the feasibility of increasing the load on equipment
  • To draw up an assignment for documentation for improvement, modernization and repair engineering systems

Our proposal for the survey of engineering networks of buildings:

Expertise is one of the most time-consuming processes that requires highly qualified personnel and an extensive base of instruments and equipment. LLC "SoyuzTechService" offers its clients to conduct an examination in Moscow and the region for the following objects:

  • heating systems, cold and hot water supply;
  • sewerage and water supply;
  • ventilation and air conditioning systems;
  • power supply systems.

The survey is carried out as soon as possible. This became possible thanks to the use of modern diagnostic equipment and computer analysis. In the process, we carry out works of the following nature:

  1. Search for hidden leaks, search for underground utilities, search for illegal tie-ins, assessment residual life pipelines.
  2. Diagnostics of equipment serviceability with quality control of installation and commissioning works.
  3. Study of networks in order to detect deviations from normal operation and other malfunctions.
  4. Formation of an examination report with the provision of recommendations regarding all stages of the work performed.

A more detailed description of the examination of engineering networks in Moscow and the region:

  • We conduct a thorough inspection of pipelines and components of hot water supply, which includes Full description the entire system, inspection of pipes and pumps, carrying out all necessary measurements using special tools(these are measurements of the temperature state of the system, analysis of deposits in the pipeline, etc.). Drawing up a detailed report on all the work carried out, on the identified problem areas. And also we are engaged in the elimination of these problems, which will allow you to save time, to search for other services to solve the problem situations that have arisen.
  • We carry out an examination heating systems which includes a detailed survey of the input pipeline and the central heating station, checking all heating devices, making measurements with equipment, analyzing the useful diameter of the pipes, as well as providing options for solving problems with each of these sections, if any. We will be able to eliminate these shortcomings at a low cost, because for complex works, we will make a discount.
  • We carry out an assessment of cold water supply pipelines, which includes the same elements as when inspecting a hot water supply, and also provide services for repairing, cleaning and restoring the original diameter of the pipes.
  • We carry out an examination of sewer networks, which includes a complete inspection of pipes and all connected equipment, inspection of ventilation, checking all angles of inclination for compliance with optimal requirements, and also provide services to solve all these possible problems.
  • We check the ventilation systems of buildings, carefully inspect all air ducts and equipment, use instruments to measure the correctness of air exchange between all frequent buildings, identify and solve all the problems that have arisen.
  • We make an examination electrical networks, we check all devices, cabinets, cables, low-current networks, we carry out repairs if necessary.

Today, engineering networks are an important part of not only a separate building, but also a large system, with the help of which structures are provided with the necessary resources. Particular attention is paid to their condition, because it is very important to maintain the system's operability and timely prevent possible breakdowns.
As a rule, technical inspection of engineering networks occurs during their operation. Wear is an integral part of the use of the system and is caused by natural external factors. On average, the networks can serve for 10-20 years without repair and additional work, and the service life depends on external conditions, the timeliness and quality of the repairs carried out.

Why is it necessary for specialists to intervene in this matter? Even experienced customers do not have a sufficient range of knowledge to accurately determine the state of the system. A large amount will be required additional funds, lots of related works... Naturally, this should be done exclusively by professionals with extensive experience. Only specialists will be able to accurately determine all the necessary parameters, analyze the data obtained and provide an opinion on the results of the research carried out.

For what cases is analysis necessary

There are a number of factors in which an inspection of engineering networks is carried out. It all depends only on the needs of the customer, he can order any expertise for these systems.

In some cases, customers need an initial analysis of the network after its installation. There are often cases when a company doubts its executor and wants to check whether the work was done correctly by the contractor. For this, the following operations are carried out:

  • Thorough inspection of the system to obtain the required parameters.
  • Study of the obtained data and design documentation. Experts review work plans and identify possible deviations during the installation of networks.
  • Compliance with the standards is checked, because the service life depends on all these parameters.
  • If you doubt the estimate of work provided by the contractor, then specialists will be able to determine the cost of the system device and prevent the possibility of overestimations.
There are other cases where systems certification may be required. One of the options is that it is necessary to carry out reconstruction and it is required to check the current state in order to determine the possibility of such work.

Often the survey is carried out before a major overhaul of the system. The main task of specialists is to assess wear and tear and current violations in order to answer the question of the need for large-scale equipment restoration.

Another factor is a change of tenant or the transfer of networks from one balance sheet to another. In this case, it is important to determine the state of the system in this moment and how soon it will require repairs, including a major update. Additionally, the current state of the systems is recorded during the transfer, and you are presented with official documents with the opinion of specialists.

If frequent breakdowns occur, then this is another reason for inviting specialists for an inspection. Only professionals will be able to check the entire site, determine the level of wear and tear and find possible violations that cause frequent system malfunctions and failures.

Networks for which inspection is carried out

Technical inspection of engineering systems is carried out for almost all types of networks, depending on the requests of the customer himself. It can be carried out both completely for all elements, and for individual elements.

Which parts of the system can be inspected:

  • Debris removal barrels, their current condition, the possibility of operation and repair, compliance with the original design.
  • Air ducts are very often checked. Specialists inspect all ventilation systems in the room and check their condition.
  • Inspection can also be carried out for gutters. The task of specialists is not only to check the basic parameters, but also to create a diagram that indicates the tightness and possible gaps.
  • The control of the engineering equipment itself is important. It can simply become outdated or wear out in the process of use, and the task of specialists is to determine the possibility for further operation.
  • Much attention is paid to electrical networks. The main task is to check all the components, from shields to lighting. Additionally, a plan is drawn up, it indicates the location of individual elements, wiring, etc.
  • A technical inspection of the heating system is being carried out in order to determine its indicators, the correctness of the arrangement, compliance with standards and the possibility of further operation.
Recall that the survey is often carried out not only during the transfer to the balance sheet or when frequent breakdowns... Experts recommend that the systems be inspected from time to time, determining the current state and the need to repair individual elements. Timely detected faults are much easier to eliminate than their further consequences and serious breakdowns.

You may also need an assessment in the course of legal proceedings. If you have a dispute with another organization that cannot be resolved through negotiations, then you need to involve experts in this issue. They will carry out all the necessary inspection operations and present their own opinion with the answer to all the questions posed.

Experts provide independent opinions during their work. They have no task in defending the interests of one of the parties, and this can be called the main value of the help of professionals. They provide an objective solution that can be used in litigation.

About the process

Technical inspection of equipment and networks is carried out taking into account two determining factors:

  • Much attention is paid to physical wear and tear, which becomes the main problem during the operation of systems. This factor depends on the general condition, it is determined by the current indicators, the number of repair and restoration work carried out.
  • An equally important indicator is obsolescence. When determining it, possible violations during the arrangement are taken into account, which affect General characteristics systems. Another parameter is the obsolescence of equipment, as a result of which it no longer meets modern requirements.
How the examination process is carried out:
  • To begin with, you contact the company, determine the scope of expert work that you needed.
  • Experts prepare a contract for the provision of services, and it is signed.
  • Experts visit a specific object, conduct the necessary survey and perform the range of required measurements. Specialists have at their disposal modern technology for a full-fledged work.
  • Next, employees analyze the results, compare them with the project of work, current standards and begin preparing a report.
  • In conclusion, they write down the deviations and violations found, give an overall assessment of the state of the system and answer other questions posed by the customer.
What may be required by specialists in the process of work:
  • Project documentation.
  • Drawings of the system used for the preparation of work and during their implementation.
  • Information on the repairs carried out, the range of restoration work performed.
  • Other documents providing information about the object of examination.
Who is ready to do the analysis?

Naturally, to carry out the survey, you will need to turn to professionals who are able to cope with any assigned tasks. It is very important to choose a company with extensive experience in this area, because the quality of the appraisal work performed depends on it.

Our firm is always ready to provide you with its own support in this matter. The company employs professionals with extensive experience and specialized education. They will be able to fully cope with their task and will conduct a comprehensive analysis for engineering systems. The company does not delay the deadlines and was able to combine a short time surveys with high quality work and consideration of all possible factors. We will provide and the best prices according to your order.

During a comprehensive survey of buildings, it is imperative to check the engineering networks, which are the main elements of the facility. The survey helps to make a real assessment of their technical condition, in a timely manner to identify defects, damage and malfunction of the elements of the general system.

Checking the technical condition is carried out in accordance with VSN 58-88 (r) "Regulations on the organization and implementation of reconstruction, repair and Maintenance buildings, communal and socio-cultural facilities ", and checking the physical deterioration is determined in accordance with the document VSN 53-86 (r)" Rules for assessing the physical deterioration of residential buildings. "

In the case of previously performed repairs or replacement of individual elements of the system, physical wear is determined according to certain tables, as a weighted average value. Based on the final results of the inspection and determination of the technical condition of the system, a decision is made on further actions and the possibility of the subsequent operation of engineering networks.

Emergency situations with engineering systems, as a result of which the flooding of residential premises occurs, arise for the following reasons:

  1. Poor installation of valves.
  2. Usage substandard materials, which do not have an appropriate quality certificate and warranty, when installing the pipeline.
  3. Moral and physical deterioration of piping, heating and sewerage systems.
  4. The presence of defects in the overall system.

During the examination due to the accident, the place of its occurrence is established at the same time. At this stage, the technical condition of the valves and the general condition of the pipeline system are assessed. If during the examination it turns out that the shut-off valves have been destroyed, then an additional examination of its destroyed parts is carried out. A laboratory examination helps to determine the cause of the destruction and the suitability of the material.

In the event of an emergency when the system is put into operation, after eliminating the consequences and eliminating the cause, an act is drawn up, which indicates the cause of the accident, the place and total area of ​​damage.

After the restoration work, a defective statement is drawn up, in which the following information is indicated and attached:

  • the location of the defect;
  • the number of detected damages and their name;
  • the cause of the defect;
  • defects fixed in the photo;
  • measurement of the parameters of the damage caused and the moisture content of the building structure;
  • estimate for restoration work.

Our company has sufficient experience, tools and a highly qualified staff of experts who will help to carry out a high-quality survey of engineering networks, draw up an appropriate act, a defective statement and make calculations on the amount of damage caused, as well as give recommendations for troubleshooting.

Inspection of engineering systems- a set of activities carried out to assess their current state and functionality, the compliance of the structure of engineering systems with the existing design and (or) executive documentation, applicable rules and regulations, as well as the suitability of engineering networks for further operation, modernization or repair.

Survey engineering communications can be carried out both within the framework of a comprehensive survey of a building (structure), and separately, in the following cases:


    Major overhaul;

    Change of the asset holder, tenant, operational manager;

    Systematic violations of the functioning of engineering systems.

Inspection of engineering networks is carried out, as a rule, in three stages:

    preparation for the survey;

    preliminary (visual examination);

    detailed (instrumental examination).

The survey is preceded by study and analysis of initial data according to the following technical documentation:

    working and executive drawings;

    acts of acceptance, testing;

    passports and certificates for equipment, materials and products;

    repair magazines;

    other documentation reflecting the impact on survey performance functional purpose and building maintenance.

The list of activities carried out as part of the survey of engineering networks:

    study of technical documentation for design, construction and operation;

    visual acquaintance with the object of the survey;

    full-scale inspection - measuring linear dimensions, diameters, sections, identifying deformations, defects and damages, collecting data on loads and / or costs;

    establishing the need for instrumental measurements and their volumes, determining their locations;

    identification of the degree and causes of physical wear and tear of engineering communications on the basis of the analysis of the survey results, the information provided by the customer on the operating conditions of the verification calculations;

    drawing up a list of defects;

    development and selection of diagrams, sketches and photographs of damaged areas;

    drawing up an opinion ( technical report) with conclusions about the possibility of operation or overhaul surveyed engineering networks, recommendations for eliminating defects and improving reliability.

The scope and timing of survey work depends on the size of the building, their saturation with utilities and are determined in each specific case by the terms of reference for the survey.

39. The system of strategic, tactical and operational management and planning

    Strategic, tactical and operational management real estate

Strategic management is based on the strategic thinking of the manager. Strategic management requires the manager to be able to logically structure his actions in the form of a strategic matrix, which represents the whole range of goals, opportunities, chances, necessary conditions, direct and indirect influences, as well as long-term consequences.

The main directions in which the strategy is being implemented are as follows

Innovation and investment

Market share growth

Achieving job and team satisfaction

Making a profit mainly due to the turnover of intangible assets

Crisis prevention by increasing the stability of the economic system even in the face of growing uncertainty and staff errors.

The main management strategies include




Marketing strategies are designed to grow market share.

HR strategies help to get closer to other important goals - achievement of satisfaction of each employee with work and work collective.

Innovation strategies aim to increase productivity and product quality through periodic updates Innovation strategies are revolutionary, pioneering, modification, and imitation.

Tactical control associated with maximizing the market value of the real estate portfolio and minimizing the costs of its formation and retention. Management tactics reflect the financial side of real estate and allows us to talk about management as a change in the value of the portfolio. Property portfolio value Is the monetary expression of its consumer utility. Tactical property management- management of assets belonging to a particular owner. In practice, asset management occurs when the manager solves the following tasks:

Implementation of the tactical instructions of the owner;

Analysis of the ratio of the value of assets and their profitability;

Development of an effective asset management policy;

Definition of a group of consumers, users of assets, market niche, functional segment, etc .;

Formulation of instructions for the operational manager.

- this is the whole set of operations with a portfolio or with a separate object, the implementation of which leads to one of three possible results:

Financial equilibrium arises;

Prospects of bankruptcy, collapse, crisis are seen;

Superprofits are extracted, the profitability is much higher than the normal one, and the profitability is the industry average.

Operational property management- This is the management of a separate object in its material and material form. Often this type of management is defined as "property management", which is implemented through the following actions of the manager:

    implementation of operational instructions (implementation of planned transactions with the property);

    increase in net profit through collection of rent and other income;

    contacts with tenants and users, handling complaints;

conclusion of contracts and performance of work related to the maintenance, maintenance and operation of the property, etc.

Tactical planning is a tool for implementing a planning strategy. Developed taking into account the strategic and current situation.

Operational planning - determines the list of actions and operations, their number and timing, taking into account the qualitative aspect.