Watermelons and melon growing in the Urals. Growing melon in the suburbs, Siberia, Middle Stone and in the Urals

This thermal-loving mesh culture was used to be grown only in such hot areas as Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan or the Caucasus. However, thanks to the work of breeders, many varieties of melons appeared, which can be grown in the open ground in the middle lane of Russia and the Moscow region. In addition, such melons appeared that can be grown on protected beds in Siberia and in the Urals.

What is the difference between the rules for planting this melting culture in the context of the Moscow region and the middle of our country from the Urals and in Siberia?

The main differences of landing in different regions

The main difference between the Moscow region and the middle strip of Russia from the Urals and Siberia - in the amount of warm days in the summer season. This is how the difference in the cultivation of heat-loving melon in conditions of the middle strip and cold regions of Siberia and the Urals is determined.

If all the basic rules for melting care are complied, then there are good crops in these regions, and this mudflow culture grows almost the same sweet and juicy as in Uzbekistan.

But in Siberia and in the Urals, where warm days during the season is not enough for the melon to be crushed in the open ground, it is still really to obtain crops of this melon culture. Only grow it in the conditions of the greenhouse.

The main criteria for choosing varieties

The main requirements for landing melon in the open soil or in the greenhouse are as follows:

  • the ambient temperature in the daytime should be about 20 - 23 °;
  • night temperatures should not fall below 16 ° C;
  • the temperature of the soil for the active growth of the root system of this melted culture should be kept within the next limits - 19 - 22 °;
  • when disembarking, melon seedlings in open soil should be waited, so that the period of spring cooling is passed.

The main condition for obtaining a good harvest of this melting culture in sufficiently cold regions is the correct selection of varieties for landing.

What do you need to navigate, picking up the varieties of melons for growing on the household plot? The main criteria should be as follows:

  • in conditions of a sufficiently cold climate, when the melon is grown in greenhouse conditions, it is necessary to plant only early or secondary varieties so that the fruits have time to grow;
  • under the conditions of the middle band, you can land up differently by the maturation of mudflows, but only a seaside method;
  • when buying a sowing material, only those seeds that are zoned for a particular region should be chosen;
  • only seeds should be purchased from proven firms - seed suppliers. Such seeds need to be purchased in specialized stores, and not taking unverified sowing material with hands;
  • melon's own seeds should be used, considering the specifics of this melting culture: from seeds who have suffered only a year, not to get a crop, since only a male type of flowers will appear on the weaves, so there will be no zeroshi. It is best to use seed material that has lain at least 3 seasons at home.

Melon in Siberia: Growing (video)

Varieties for middle part of Russia

Name of variety Main characteristics Spectacle time
Assol F1. Round fruits; Yellow, mesh, flesh, sweet Middle Spectacle (approximately 82 days)
Cinderella The fruits are oblong, medium size, weigh to 1 kg, the flesh is white, sweet Middle Spectacle
Galilee The fruit is round, the hue of the peel is red-yellowish, the flesh is gentle-greenish, weighs the fruit to 1.5 kg Spectacle - average
UCU F1 The fruit is oblong, the skin of the light yellow shade, mesh, the fetus size is up to 1.7 kg. The variety is very yield Early Spectacle (55 days)
Caramel F1. The fruit is the right oval, the skin color is soft yellow, mesh, weighs the fruit to 2.5 kg Middle Spectacle
Princess Maria F1. The fruit is oblong, light yellow, the peel is smooth, the pulp smells a nutmeg, the color of the flesh - orange Early Specters (about 2 months)

Varieties for the suburbs

Name of variety Main characteristics Spectacle time
Gold Scythians The fruit is similar to oval the right shape, its color is bright yellow, resistant to fungal diseases. Weighs the fruit to 1.5 kg Midhranny variety
Collective farmer The fruits of this melon are similar to the balls, smooth shape and a gentle yellow shade, the flesh is white, weighs a melon about 1000 g Middle Spectacle
Alina The fruit is like an oval, bright yellow, pulp - yellowish-green, melon is resistant to major diseases, weigh the fruits to 1000 g Spectacy - Early
Iroquois Fruits - spherical, skin is divided into segments, covered with a mesh, the color of the peel is yellowish-green, the flesh has an orange shade, the weight of the fetus - up to 2 kg Mediterranean Spectacle of fruits
A pineapple Fruits - oblong oval, yellow skin with an orange tint, covered with small mesh, weigh about 3 kg Spectacle in average terms
Taman The fruit is similar to the middle oval, the skin is smooth, bright yellow, the weight of the fetus is about 1.2 kg Early Spectacle

Melon varieties for the Urals

Name Main characteristics Spectacle time
Dream Sibarita The fruit has the form of the right oval, its color is a gentle-greenish with dark green stripes, the flesh of a white shade, the yield is good, weigh the fruits up to 400 g The variety is rapidly (50 days)
Dela F1 The fruit, the color of the light yellow, almost creamy, mesh peel, the weight can be from 2.5 to 5.9 kg. Grade has resistance to diseases Early ripe fruit (65 days)
Nectarine The fruits are elongated, peel of orange shade, flesh light beige, weigh fruits from 1.4 to 2.9 kg Spectacle up to 94 days
Melba The bushes of the average size, fruits are similar to the right oval, beige-yellow, mesh, weigh the fruits of about 600 grams Ultrahed (up to 30 years)
Canary honey Fruit shape ball, lemon peel color, net grids, white shade flesh, melons weigh about 1.4 kg Spectacle early (about 2 months)
bird's milk The fruits are rounded, lemon-yellow lemon color, with a large reticular pattern. The mass of the fetus is about 600 gr Early Spectacle (about 2 months)

Sorts for Siberia

Name of variety Main characteristics Spectacle time
Barnaulka The fruits are elongated, the skin is yellowish without retina, the fruits are small (about 1.5 kg). The pulp of orange shade. Super closing (about 45 days)
"Dima" Round Fruits, Skin Segment, separated by green stripes, when ripening the peel turns yellow, the weight of the fetus is about 700 g Early grades
Amber Fruits elongated or pear-shaped, mesh mesh, on average fetus can weigh about 1000 g Mid-Veter Sort
Early 133. Fruits - balls, smooth yellowish skin, weigh the fruits up to 2 kg Early grade (65 days)
Titovka. Fruits Correct ovals, skin smooth orange shade, Fruits weigh from 700 g to 3.4 kg, plants are resistant to bacteriosis Ultra Supreme
Lyubushka Fruits are like an egg, a mesh mesh is not completely, yellowish lemon color, the flesh is greenish, the plant is distinguished by a good yield, the fruits weigh up to 1.8 kg Ultra Supreme Sort

Basically, the varieties were zoned for Siberia and Urals, differ in early maturation. In this case, the mass of fruits is not large (no more than 3 kg). It is not necessary to use imported varieties of this mesh culture for landing in these regions, because they do not differ highly resistant to fungal diseases, moreover, in cold climates, they do not give large yields.

How to plant a melon (video)

Growing melons in different regions of our country, it should be carefully related to the selection of varieties. This thermo-loving plant needs special conditions of cultivation. In the middle lane and in the suburbs are pre-growing seedlings, which is then planted into open ground. In the suburbs, you can also grow this melting culture and in greenhouse conditions, but warm beds can not be done.

But in the conditions of Siberia and the Urals, in order to get good crops of this melon culture, planting the seeds of melon follows only in the greenhouse, where warm beds are prepared in advance. You can also plant a melon in the greenhouse and the seedliness. In this case, the harvest can be obtained and early.

In the Urals and Siberia is no longer uncommon. The main thing is to know the rules and follow them. 10 secrets of northern muggy read and enjoy the guaranteed harvest!

What do you know from this material:

Growing watermelons and melons in the Urals and in Siberia Step

Watermelons and melons in the Urals and in Siberia


1. Choose early and very early varieties and hybrids For landing in a cool climate. The breeders brought many varieties that ripen already on the 50-60th day from the appearance of germs. But these are numbers for ideal cultivation conditions. Create which in the middle lane in the south of Siberia and the Urals is almost impossible.

As a result, the recovery can stretch to 70-80 days.

Trying to grow in the northern regions the medium and medium-stage watermelons and melons in the Urals and in Siberia should not at all. These varieties can be very interesting, tasty and yields. But not in the northern regions!

2. When buying the seeds of Bakhchykh cultures pay attention to the cold resistance. Especially for the northern regions there are varieties and hybrids that are less reacting to reduced air and soil temperatures.

3. Do not follow the advice that give in the literature in gardening! They are mainly for the cultivation of Bakhchyev in the southern regions and apply them in the northern part is not always useful.

It is believed that the seedlings of mudflows or sowing seeds to the ground must be carried out at the calculation so that seedlings or shoots do not fall under freezing. But in the northern regions it is required not to fall under prolonged cooling.

Remember that the growth of the above-ground part of the watermelon and melon stops at 10 ° -12 °, and the root system at a soil temperature is below 15 ° -16 °.

Therefore, planting mudflows in the northern regions simultaneously with the planting seedlings of the same tomatoes and peppers cannot be found. It is better to do it for ten days later. When the soil and air temperature is fairly stable and above + 18ºС.

And so that the soil warms up faster and deeper, before planting seedlings or sowing, cover it with a polyethylene film or non-woven underfloor material.

4. Squeeze watermelons and melons in the Urals and in Siberia to the maximum solar, warm, protected from winds and draft areas. Remember also that melting cultures are strongly susceptible to fusariosis - a dangerous fungal disease.

The simplest mold mushroom is able to accumulate in the soil and activate on heavy cold and overwhelmed soils.

To avoid damage to the fusariosis on the site where the landing is planned by the Bakhchyev:

  • Minimum 2 years should not grow mudflows. As well as cucumbers, zucchini, tomatoes, potatoes, perennial bulbous decorative cultures.
  • 2 years before the landing of the Bakhchyeva to the site do not bring organic fertilizers (especially manure).
  • Mineral fertilizers - only in a harsh-free form with an emphasis on increased incoming phosphorus and potassium and reduced nitrogen.
  • If problems with root rotes and fusariasis are frequent and serious, spring and autumn soil shed fungicides (phytosporin, Alerin, extraxol, Baikal, etc.)


5. Constantly control the humidity of the top (root) layer of the soil. It is believed that watermelon and melon have a powerful root system leaving up to 1.5 m deep into the soil. But in the northern regions, Bakhchy cultures develop a surface root system. This is due to the fact that the soil at a depth even 50-70 in the middle of summer does not rise above 12 ° -15 °, which is not enough to grow roots.

For melon excess moisture During ripening, it is especially dangerous - cracking up the accumulation of sugars slows down.

Therefore, if there is plentiful rains during this period, make a canopy from a plastic film, organizing a flow of melon from the root roots.

In general, the strategy of watering the Bakhchykh cultures in the north and in the south is the same:

  • Moderately water and even dry a little, in the initial period of growth - this allows you to stimulate the growth of roots and early flowering.
  • Increase the watering during the growth of fruits and water less at the time of maturation.

Formation of bushes

6. Form a bush in melon. Since women's flowers (and fruits) are formed on the shoots of 2-3 orders. Therefore, as soon as the melon appears 4-6 real leaves, the point of growth is picked up so that side braids (stepsing) appear in the sinuses of the leaves.

In some varieties, this operation must also be carried out on braids, also on 4-6 sheets. After the lateral shoots are formed with a lamination with a small plum, the growth point for 3-5 sheets from the verse is also pinching, redirecting nutrients on the growth of fruits and improve their taste.

Watermelon does not pinch the main escapeSince his crop is formed on the main stem. The modern triploid (seedless) varieties have a disadvantage: there is an insufficient number of female flowers on it.

This problem is solved not by formation! And adding to these varieties of ordinary. They give seeds and a large number of men's flowers (on 3-5 triploids - one plant diploid).

In the literature, it is recommended that the watermelon does not spend power on the growth of lateral braids - quench these braids as early as possible. Own experience has shown that this operation can not be done. As soon as the plant is formed by several obscenities, the growth of step-claders stops himself.

Normate yield

7. Be sure to normalize the yield: For one plant, depending on its large-scale, leave 1-4 launches (fetus). Than finely extended grade, the more urging.

8. Watermelons and melons in the Urals and in Siberia do not like when they the whip turns over the wind. As soon as the scourge becomes long or slightly sprinkle their ground, or emphasize.

Do it at a time. And only on very young shoots. Since the screens do not like when they are shifted from place to place.

9. Bakhchy cultures of watermelons and melon in the Urals and in Siberia do not love the neighborhood with weeds. Start fighting weeds before they will be able to catch the watermelon or melon for them. The most effective way is the cultivation of Bakhchyev on the film. This technique also helps to warm the soil and keep moisture.

10. Grow watermelons and melons in the Urals and in Siberia, in the northern regions only ever. And in a greenhouse or greenhouse. The seedlings should have age 20-30 days from the appearance of shoots (3-4 of the present sheet).

In case of a seaside method, you can solve the main problem in the cultivation of basic crops. Create them an optimal temperature for seed germination - 26 ° -28 °. Make it on the open soil in the northern regions is very difficult.

Watermelons and melon growing in the Urals and in Siberia video

Melon varieties for Siberia and Urals

Growing melon in the Urals and in Siberia

There was a time when it was believed that the cultivation of junk cultures is a happy opportunity for residents of the southern regions. However, the achievements of breeders have expanded the geography of growing these thermal-loving false year. New early Melon varieties are successful to mature in the country's dachas of the Urals and Siberia. Today we learn in detail when and how to put a melon on the seedlings to get strong and healthy seedlings.

The melon refers to the pool family and, as well as cucumbers, does not tolerate even minor fluid flow. Therefore, growing a false way with a seaside way, you should pay attention to the following parameters.

  1. Air temperature should be within 25-30 ° C.
  2. At night, it should not be descended below 15 ° C.
  3. Optimal soil temperature + 20 ° C.
  4. The threat of return freezers should be completely excluded.

In Siberia, where the summer is short and, rather, cool will help grow a crop melon using greenhouses. In addition, you need to give preference to zoned varieties. They are more adapted to the weather conditions of the region and have early ripening periods. The erased cultivation method also reduces the growing culture period in the open soil.

The same parameters have a melon variety " Barnaulka».

« Early 133."Refers to the average maturation date. Two months should pass from shoots before cleaning fruit. Weight does not exceed 2 kg.

Melon varieties for the Urals

In the Urals, the climate is a little softer, but to grow a late melon variety here is also impossible. Therefore, the early and secondary types of this mesh culture are most suitable for growing in open ground and greenhouse conditions. Sort

« Dela F1" Early hybrid, whose crop can be collected two months after the appearance of germs. The weight of its fetus, with proper care and sufficient nutrition, can reach 6 kg, but more often does not exceed 3-4 kg.

« Nectarine" Culture enters the period of fruiting after 3 months. An extended form of fetal, with a characteristic melon of orange color and light beige flesh. Its weight can vary from 1.5 to 3 kg.

Melon varieties " Dream Sibarita»Gives a lot of small fruits and weight (300-400 g). Remove the first harvest can be within a half, two months.

Melon for the suburbs

For the middle strip of Russia and the Moscow region, the following varieties are suitable.

« Caramel"It has a high sugar content. Well tolerate stressful situations. The average weight of the berries - 2 kg. Mid variety.

Grade " UCU F1»Different with rapidness. It can be raised in the open soil, applying a seed basis. From shoots to the first mature fruits will be held no more than two months. Berry has a sweet taste and very fragrant. Weighs about one and a half kilograms.

"- the fruit of this variety is ready to use less than three months. Weight about 1 kg. Sweet taste, pleasant aroma and excellent product species make this grade rather in demand.

These varieties are not limited to these varieties. From the early and secondary-range varieties, you can choose such as: Galilee, Altai, Assol, Princess Maria F1, Kolmitsy, Golden.

The only thing that should be paid to the most close attention when buying seeds is the ripening period of melon. This will depend on the quality of the crop. The unseen fruit will take place in a compost pile, and it will be a pity spent on the care of time.

To grow melon seedlings at home, followed by a transplant in open soil or greenhouse, it will take 25-30 days.

By this time, absolutely warm weather should be established. The period of return freezers should end. Only under such conditions the seedlings will be able to develop normally and, subsequently, will give a good harvest.

In the middle strip, the landing of thermal-loving crops falls at the end of May and the beginning of June. So, sowing melons to seedlings need to be carried out in the 20th of April.

You can throw a week for seed processing, provided that all its stages will be included in the pre-sowing procedures.

When to plant a melon on the lunar calendar for 2020

If you look into the lunar calendar, it will help determine the sowing of melon.

Knowing that with sowing of bulk cultures should not be in a hurry, so as not to fall under the blow of return freezers when planting seedlings, they determine the timing of their sowing.

The lunar calendar offers optimal versions for garden crops, taking into account the Phases of the Moon and passing the zodiac signs.

Residents of cold regions should be seeding melon seeds at seedlings in the first days of April. In the early varieties, the period of fruiting will come approximately 3 months after the emergence of the first germs. Seedlings in the greenhouse are planted at the age of one month. Favorable melon for sowing days in 2020 will be the following dates:

  • in April - from 6 to 18;
  • in May - from 6 to 18;
  • in June - from 4 to 16;
  • in July - from 3 to 16.

To collect a full yield of Bakhchyev, do not neglect their agrotechnology. Adhere to the recommendation of the lunar calendar follows not only when planting seeds to seedlings, but also during further care of melons.

Forbidden days for sowing and transplantation of plants in 2020

  • April - 5, 19;
  • May - 5, 19;
  • June - 3, 17;
  • july - 2, 17.

Selection of seeds and preparing for sowing

If the garden has decided on a variety of melon for landing in his plot, then it needs to be found on the shelves of horticultural shops.

The following condition for obtaining a decent harvest is that the best seeds should be two or three years ago. In addition, if they have not been processed by the manufacturer, or for sowing, seeds collected from their site are used, it is necessary to conduct their careful processing.


Melon seeds are quite large and selecting whole, healthy and full-fledged work. But if there are doubts in quality, they should be omitted into the saline.

3% concentration is quite suitable for use. Seeds are immersed in the brine, they will spontaneously shake on two fractions. Full will fall on the bottom, and the pacifiers will turn out to be on the surface.

Unsuitable seeds are removed, and the remaining need to rinse and disinfect.


A proven and reliable method of protecting seeds, and in the future and sprouts of melon, from possible diseases is the use of manganese. Prepare pink mortar and lowered seeds in it for 20-30 minutes. Then washed again.

For lovers of non-standard methods, a mixture of garlic and water juice can be recommended. It is purified and crushed to do it, poured with warm water in a ratio of 1: 3. In a lesion, seeds are withstanding 1 hour and washed well.


This technique allows you to grow healthy seedlings that are resistant to stress.

  1. The selected seeds wrap in a soft cloth and soaked in warm water. But it is impossible to leave them completely immersed in the water.
  2. You should lay out a sweat of the saucer and follow its humidity.
  3. Seeds are kept in such a state of day, then move to 18-20 hours in the refrigerator, where the temperature is close to 0 ° C.
  4. If time does not hurry, then change the temperature modes 2-3 times.


The final stage of preparation of seeds to sowing. Some daches do not recommend it, because such seeds require more careful and neat seeding. There is a possibility of damage to fragile sprouts. Therefore, after hardening, the seeds are treated with growth stimulants and seed into the prepared container.

What types of processing to conduct, and which exclude from the list, the garden decides on the basis of the state of the sowing material. But it should not fully ignore these events, since this is a guarantee of healthy and strong seedlings.

Preparation of soil for seedlings

The soil mixture is prepared from equal parts of peat, land and humus. The last ingredient can be replaced with a ready-made compost. Earth take the turf. It is better in composition and structure, if we compare it with the garden soil. The addition of sand will improve the penetration of water and air to the root system, and the ash (1 cup on the bucket of the mixture) will enrich soil potassium and phosphorus.

It is additionally subjected to disinfection.Well, if the soil was prepared from the fall and stored in a cold room. The freezing contributes to the destruction of pathogens of microbes, as well as minimizes the part of annual weeds.

Another option may be irrigated by a manganese solution or just hot water.The prepared mixture is decomposed on peat or plastic cups and watered with water, with the addition of biological preparations. They may be phytosporin or Baikal - EM 1. Detailed instructions for use is indicated on the package.

Other types of containers for sowing melon seeds are usually not used, since the root system of the plant is very sensitive. Even minor damage leads to its long-term recovery, and this will move the first fruit. For what, in principle, the cultivation of melons is carried out through seedlings.

If, by the beginning of the third decade of April, the gardener was prepared by seeds and soil, it is quite possible to do sowing.

  • In each cup to make two small recesses and lower the seed into them in them.
  • The depth of the seal is 1.5-2 cm.
  • Sowing is covered with a film and remove in a warm place.
  • If the temperature is within 25-28 ° C, then well-trained seeds will germinate for 4-5 days.

It is important not to skip the appearance of the kettop of shoots and rearrange the pot on the light window sill, where the temperature is slightly lower.

But it should be borne in mind that the length of the daylight for the seedlings of the melon should be 12-15 hours, so additional highlighting will be required in cloudy weather.

The daily lighting lamp should be installed in close proximity to the tare with shoots, and include 2-3 hours in the morning and evening hours.In this case, the plant will spend the forces on the development of the root system and extension of the strong above-ground part, and not the search for the necessary amount of light.

If two sprouts appeared in the cup, one should be removed, but not with the root, but pinch it at the surface of the soil. After the appearance of the third sheet, you need to limit the growing melon in height, also applying the pitch. This gives a stimulus to grow out the side shoots, on which women's flowers will be laid.

Watering is carried out on the basis of the visual inspection of the soil in the pot. The dry upper layer signals the need for watering, but in reasonable doses. There should be no stagnation of water.

Feed the seedlings at least two times during the cultivation at home. For the first time - at a two-week age, the second - 7-10 days before the disembarkation and immediately begin the gradual hardening.

By the end of May, Melon's bush is ready for a shift of the growing place.

In the wells before planting, humid or well decomposed compost is made. Mixed from the earth and are abundantly watered. The plant is planted in the crude ground, covered with a layer of dry ground from above. This will prevent the appearance of the peel on the surface.

Do not shove the seedling into a large depth than he grew up in a pot. A capricious and gentle plant reacts to it very painfully, the stem reaches. Sprout dies.

The distance between the melon bushes should not be less than 70 cm. At the time of adaptation to new conditions, the seedlings must be sharpened. The best option will be any nonwoven material, such as agrovexes or spunkonda.

In addition, he will serve as protection against daytime and night temperatures. In the first week, plants will not need additional departure, except for airing landings.

Growing melon in the open soil: video

A relatively short period of growing melon seedlings makes it possible to get the first delicious and fragrant fruits a month earlier if they were grown by sowing seeds in open ground. Small spending time and labor bring wonderful results.

As the local residents of the climate of the Urals are told enough cold enough to get a crop melon by sowing seeds into an open ground. Summer here is short and cold, so the fruits simply will not have time to mature. When growing melon in the Urals, it is recommended to use seedlings, which will reduce the time of stay of cultures in a greenhouse or in a garden.

Immediately you need to prepare a shot material, so the seeds of the cultures under consideration about a month before the transplant are sown in peat pots or plastic cups. If you take in general when sowing seeds, seedlings begin with the last decade of April. According to experts, the volume of pots should be not less than 300 milliliters, which will allow cultures to freely form the root system until the landing in open ground. Capacity is fill in well-aerated fertile soil, watered with warm water, and then make a small sneaker, a depth of 2 centimeters and lay the grooved grain. In the case of sowing dry seeds in every pot there are three grains.

After the appearance of germs, 5-7 days after sowing it is necessary to remove weak plants. In the middle of spring, there is already a fairly long daylight, so artificial seedlings are not carried out. Young panels can be amazed by various diseases, and especially a black leg. To prevent the development of this disease, the top layer of the soil is triggered by wood ash and carry out soil loops on the second day after watering.

The main treatment of the seedle must include periodic watering of plants with rain or rescued water, heated to 25 degrees. Conducting moisturizing the soil, make sure that the liquid does not fall on the leaves and the plants stem, it can cause burns and develop various diseases. After about 12 days from the moment of the appearance of sections is carried out undercotting Melon. Liquid fertilizers. One of the best is a 5% chicken litter solution in which a little superphosphate is added. In the future, cultures are fed several times with a periodicity of one week.

Planting young plants in the ground is carried out after setting warm weather. At the site of the plants are plants in a checker manner every 50 centimeters, the width of the interdiments 1 meter. Melon planted in deep moistened wells enriched with humus. To protect plants from possible cooling over the crops, a wooden frame is arranged and stretch the film. Alternatively, covering crops with glass cans or cuts of plastic bottles overnight.

In the future, the care of melons is to enrich the soil with nutritional elements with a frequency of two or three weeks (in the bucket of warm water dissolve 40 grams of superphosphate, 10 grams of potash salt and 20 grams of ammonium nitrate). It is also necessary to water culture as needed to loosen the soil and destroy weeds. The main whip is picked up after the 5th sheet, which will stimulate the formation of second-order brats, on which women's inflorescences will be formed. Each of the plants leave no more than five fruits, everyone else is removed. It is also necessary to cut off the shoots with the empty flower, which will accelerate the ripening of the crop.