Entertainment for the day of Russian science dhow. Science week in the preparatory group

Since ancient times, people have been interested in how the world and everything that surrounds them works. The emerging interest contributed to the development of knowledge and science. With the improvement of these areas, the life of mankind improved and its capabilities expanded. New technologies, nanotechnologies, robotics, inventions, communications - all this was created thanks to science and scientific achievements.
November 10 - World Science Day - is dedicated to people who have contributed and continue to contribute to the development of science. It is celebrated by professors, researchers, other scientists, students and laboratory assistants around the world. In our kindergarten The Day of Science was dedicated to the Day of experiments and experiments "Miracles from a scientific point of view." The teachers of the institution are sure that childhood is a joyful time of discovery. The knowledge of the environment takes place in the direct interaction of the child with the natural world and unfolds as an exciting journey, so that the child enjoys it. A significant role in this direction is played by the search and cognitive activity of preschoolers, which takes place in the form of experimental actions.
It is important to support the desire of preschoolers to learn everything, to explore everything, directing this interest in the right direction. Everything that for us, adults, has long been familiar, understandable and does not raise any questions, for small researchers is unknown and unexplored. The guys are interested in everything, they notice a lot and want to try it themselves. For preschoolers of middle and older age, the day began with tricks, experiences and experiments, they got acquainted with natural phenomena, carried out experiments.
With the help of a simple experiment, the children expanded their understanding of the properties of water, a magnet, natural resources, etc. Being in the laboratory, young scientists actively participated in experimental activities and shared their previously acquired knowledge. This made an unforgettable impression on the students. During the experiment, preschoolers developed cognitive activity, expanded knowledge about the properties of objects, activated speech and interaction skills with peers in the process joint activities. During the experience, the guys got acquainted with the profession of "laboratory assistant", "researcher", "scientist". Each child had the opportunity to try on the role of a young discoverer.

Pribytkova Elena
Entertainment scenario "Science Day" (senior and preparatory group)

presenter: We invite active and talented, as well as inquisitive people to a joyful holiday! Already a few physicists And somewhere even lyricists! A little time will pass, And there will be a generation of Scientists, but with awards! We are happy with these guys! Actively develop, Openly smile And like to solve everything. We are happy with these guys! On our holiday

So let's start the parade Sciences!

Postman: A telegram for you. Get it and sign up!

presenter: This is probably a congratulatory telegram. No, the return address is the planet of lazy people. Something is wrong here. So let's read quickly!

Reading a telegram:

"Hey, boys and girls!

I had a little fun!

stole everything from you science.

And your parade no science!

Ha ha! But what a parade I will have!

Baba Yaga.

And what do we do now? How about our meeting of representatives Sciences?

We must prevent Baba Yaga! Need to return science! How can we find her? Yes, here is the telegram. There is a return address here - Planet of the Lazy. And how to get there? There must be some magic words.

Since this is the planet of lazy people, then the magic words such:

I DON'T WANT, I CAN'T, I WON'T, I DON'T KNOW... (A roar is heard. The music of miraculous transformations sounds).

presenter:- Hello, grandma! And who are you? Woman- Yaga: He-he-he! Didn't you know? I am Baba Yaga! What doesn't look like it? nerds: No-o-o...

Baba Yaga: Ha ha ha. What did you think - I'm crooked and with a bone leg? This only happens in fairy tales. Why are you here? nerds: Baba Yaga, give us our science. Why do you need them? Woman- Yaga: I'm having fun. I love doing dirty tricks to someone.

They decided to arrange a meeting, but they didn’t invite Babusenka-Yagusenka?

And why would you science? There is no sense from them. One head pain: you have to count, write, read all day long ... And just like that, I won’t give them to you. Solve the riddle first. Show how smart you are. Do you agree?


She speaks silently, But it is understandable and not boring. You talk more often with her, You will become ten times smarter. (Book.)

presenter: Baba Yaga, we guessed your riddles, now give us ours science.

Baba Yaga: I lied to you. I won't give you science. I have them in mine magic book hid. You'll be better off. You will not learn anything, there will be time, at least take away: play as much as you want...

presenter: Baba Yaga, so you are without science is not enough.

Baba Yaga: Well, they made me laugh! I get along great.

presenter: No, Baba Yaga, you are mistaken, now each science will prove it to you.


Writers: Literature - science for the soul. For example, fairy tales ... Miracles are good! They have wisdom, mystery and magic, And the majority will agree with this. Books are nothing to us replace: We must protect them and cherish them.

Baba Yaga: Well, what about your fairy tales? What is the use of them?

presenter: Baba Yaga, but in our books they also write about you. Take a look at this book and find out. (Gives Baba Yaga a book of fairy tales.)

Baba Yaga: Oh, it's me! How beautiful I am. What kind of book is this?

Literature: These are Russians folk tales. And there are many more books about you. And if there is no literature, then there will be no books. Including about you. And everyone will forget you.

Baba Yaga: And what about without me? I won't need anyone? No, you can't do without literature. I will be friends with you.

presenter: Come on, writers, show how you can guess riddles

low hut

fox, frog live in it,

mouse, hare, gray wolf -

they know a lot about strong friendship.

They also asked for a bear,

only he didn't fit.

Climbing he might

break the whole (Teremok)

The girl is sleeping and does not yet know

What awaits her in a fairy tale.

The toad will steal it in the morning,

An unscrupulous mole will hide in a hole.

However, enough. Do you need a hint?

Who is that girl? Whose fairy tale is this? (Thumbelina)

Sweet apple flavor

Lured that bird into the garden.

Feathers glow with fire

And light in the night, as in the day. (Firebird)

Grandmother lives in the forest herbs - the potion collects. Paul sweeps in the hut with a broom. In a mortar, her leg flies through the sky From the bone And her name is ....

She is the most important of all in a riddle. Although she lived in the cellar, Turnip helped to pull Grandfather and Grandma out of the garden.

On land and under water looking for a golden key. Everywhere the nose sticks its long. Who is this…. Pinocchio

The game "Collect the heroes of fairy tales"

Woman. Yaga. You see how smart our guys are! They know all the fairy tales perfectly! Let's have some more Let's release science. You look - and we will raise your authority. Woman- Yaga: Let's. And which one to let go? Me and I don't know science anymore. That's the story... History?. Isn't there such science? Historians archaeologists: History ... It happens different: Cheerful, sad and important. How many years have we lived on the planet. For all cases, of course, we are responsible. Our ancestors taught us wisdom. And what will children know in the thirtieth century? Flowing, flowing history inexorable course. BUT can it be vice versa? From century to century we walk around the world, Listening to the wise advice: Do not forget the past, friends, It is impossible to build a future without it.

Baba Yaga: What can you tell me about me? Do you know anything about my past?

Story! The first mention of Baba Yaga dates back to the 9th century. Woman- Yaga: Am I that old? I heard something about the excavations .... Who are the historians doing this .... THERE ARE ARCHAEOLOGISTS IN OUR ACADEMIC COUNCIL.

Archaeologists are excavating. In the field and on the hill. And in the southern desert and in blizzard Siberia And in all parts of the country They are objects Antiquities Seek for Museums. So that the mouths look into the depths - how we lived in old Baba Yaga O No wonder I dabbled at my leisure. Illustrations for fairy tales were torn to pieces and buried in the sand. How I felt ... my dirty trick come in handy. Well, let's archaeologists get started.

How old am I then now? I can't count. smart ass 2 : And we will call Mathematics for help. Woman- Yaga: What kind of Mathematics? Mathematicians: We want to tell you about mathematics. For a set she is a natural mother. To be in order - you need an account. And then, of course, she will not let you down. And logarithms, equations, we know very well! And we will count everything in the world without hesitation! Maths: If in the 9th century it became known about you, and now it is the 21st century, then you are already 12 centuries old, that is, 1200 years old!

Baba Yaga: How much, how much? Is it time for me to retire? And I also wanted to learn. nerds: Baba Yaga, maybe ask the Serpent Gorynych for rejuvenating apples? Woman- Yaga: What are you? I don't eat that much! smart ass 1 : let's invite science Biology. I'm going to test all areas of biology right now. 1 mushroom


Maybe she'll give you some advice? (Biology exits.) Biology: 1200 years, Baba Yaga, is your actual age. But there is also biological age. (Carefully examines Baba Yaga.) Your anatomical portrait shows that you are no more than forty-five years old!

Baba Yaga: I am so glad! Babe Yaga 45! Baba Yaga - a berry again! Yes, now to the Canaries. It is necessary to tell Koshchei, let him keep me company. (Wants to make a cell phone call.) In general, he also does not know where these Canaries are.

Do you want to see the constellation live Eh! My youth is gone. Woman- Yaga: Why are you giving me this ball? Geography: It's not a ball. This is the layout of our Earth.

Baba Yaga: (Laughs.) That made me laugh! He's round! If the earth were like this, we would have fallen a long time ago! Geography A: There is a law of attraction. Release Physics, she will tell you about him. Woman- Yaga: Release Physics. (Physics and Chemistry exit.) Woman- Yaga: And what did you two come out with? We release everyone one by one. Physics and Chemistry: (Together.) We cannot live without each other. We are interconnected. Physics studies the nature of bodies, while Chemistry studies their properties. Woman- Yaga: OK. Physics, about your law, how is it ... you will tell later. But you, Chemistry, tell me about the properties of my skirt! What is it it turns out: I let everyone go, but I myself was left with nothing? Nobody needs me! (Crying.) Science: Don't cry, Baba Yaga, come with us! We will teach you everything. Woman- Yaga: Aren't you angry with me? Do you forgive me? Will you be friends with me? Science: Of course. We forgive and do not hold grudges. Let's live in peace from now on.

Baba Yaga: Hooray! I won't do it again! Promise! smart ass 1 : Just hurry up, the path to our planet is not close. How can we return? Woman- Yaga A: It's us fast! Although I am harmful And I strive to mischief, But sometimes I help And I will be useful for something! Chufir-chufir-chufir!

Everything is fine. Sciences liberated. We want to extend this holidays with the main song This is a hymn! (Smart ass 1 : To get into our society is not easy, After all, KNOW, friends, this is very serious! Only a child, who strives for knowledge from the cradle, can get into the KNOW. smart ass 2 : In the research society we have All the guys - just class! We read reports at conferences, We win at olympiads. In general, we have a lot of children that we can be proud of now! smart ass 1 : So our holiday has come to an end. I would like to believe that all the efforts and work of the scientific community will not be in vain, that they will help you in the future! If it's difficult, don't be discouraged, Study all subjects better, The one who goes forward wins more often, The one who seeks knowledge will find them!

Egghead 1: Not all of you will become scientists. Everyone will choose their own path. smart ass 2 : It must be a good road. smart ass 1 : We wish you all good luck and victories! smart ass 2 : Thank you all for your work. Until we meet again!

Traditionally, at the beginning of February, a week of SCIENCE is held in our kindergarten, timed to coincide with the Day of Russian Science. This holiday is very close to our children and their parents, because many of the parents of our students are employees of various departments of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

At the week of SCIENCE, children, under the guidance of educators, conduct scientific experiments and experiments, study the properties of objects, observe the process of their change, and draw conclusions.

The parents of our pupils, researchers of the Academy of the Russian Academy of Sciences, also take an active part in the SCIENCE week at the preschool educational institution. With great pleasure they tell the children about their work, demonstrate interesting experiences, accessible and visually present a scientific explanation for changes in the properties of objects and phenomena. Such cognitive meetings for children become a real holiday, during which children learn a lot of new and interesting things.

Kukarskikh Vladimir Vitalievich, researcher at the Institute of Ecology of Plants and Animals, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, candidate of biological sciences, prepared a series of scientific experimental classes for children of senior and preparatory groups. Vladimir Vitalievich spoke in an accessible and entertaining way about the properties of liquids of different densities, demonstrated the process of mixing them, conducted experiments with liquid nitrogen, introduced the children to fossil organisms, as well as to the classification of meteorites.

Spirina Alfiya Vilikovna, Senior Researcher, Laboratory of Quantum Electrophysics, Institute of Electrophysics, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Ph.D. introduced the guys middle group with the optical properties of glasses on the example of a magnifying glass, filters, prisms. Children saw how glass, by refracting light in a special way due to the geometry of the lens, can magnify objects.

Usanov Sergey Valerievich, Head of the Laboratory of Rock Movement, Institute of Mining, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Ph.D. prepared a presentation for the children of the preparatory group on the topic: "Mining". The children learned about open and underground mining, about the extraction of ore, oil and gas and their transportation, about accidents that occur in mining and how to eliminate them, and also learned about the need and importance of modern scientific research conducted at the Institute of Mining Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

It is not the first year that employees of the Federal State budget institution Sciences of the Institute of Electrophysics of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IEP Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences) invite our children of preparatory groups to the institute for an excursion. Nikonov Alexey Viktorovich, Senior Researcher Laboratory of Applied Electrophysics, assistant: Chepusov Alexander Sergeevich, junior researcher laboratory of pulsed radiation sources, luminescence demonstrator: Toropova Polina Viktorovna, junior researcher laboratories of quantum electronics have prepared an educational program for children: "What is electricity?"

The educational program included:

1. Animation "What is electricity?"

2. Demonstration of experiments on static electricity:

2.1. Interaction of a charged ebonite rod and pieces of paper;

2.2. Interaction of charged balloons;

2.3. Interaction of a charged ebonite rod with a water jet.

3. Demonstration of the ability of various materials to conduct electric current.

4. Demonstration of the principle of the electric motor.

5. Demonstration of the phenomenon of luminescence on the example of the glow of the mineral spodumene after its processing in a KLAVI pulsed cathodoluminescent spectrograph.

Osipova Victoria Alexandrovna, junior researcher Institute of Organic Synthesis. I.Ya.Postovsky, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences for the children of the senior group prepared and conducted a fun performance with tricks: "Forgotten bag ...", where not only tricks on manual dexterity and illusion were demonstrated, but also tricks - experiments with changing the properties of liquids and tel.

Ivanchenko Viktor Sergeevich, Senior Researcher of the "Laboratory of Borehole Geophysics", Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences of the Federal State Institution of Science of the Institute of Geophysics of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences prepared and conducted an informative presentation for the children of preparatory groups - "Minerals of the Urals".

Kaigorodova Olga Anatolyevna, Leading Engineer for Patent and Inventive Work of the Federal State Institution of Science, Institute of Electrophysics, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, told the children of the senior group about the process of making glass, the use of glass in life and science, introduced them to a magnifying glass, as well as to color filters . She told the children about the nature of the occurrence of static electricity, showed examples of funny experiments with its use. Olga Anatolyevna introduced the children to the concept electric current, its nature and use.

Mayorova Anna Vladimirovna Researcher, Ph.D. Laboratory of Analytical Chemistry of the Institute of Metallurgy of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences - in short IMET of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences demonstrated chemical experiments for the children of kindergarten No. 568:

1. Obtaining carbonic acid and its decomposition with the release of carbon dioxide (carbonated water effect) in the interaction of soda (Na2CO3) and dilute hydrochloric acid (HCl)

2. Preparation of sparingly soluble substances and then their dissolution using the example of the Fe(OH)3 precipitate formed by the interaction of iron (III) ions and ammonia (NH4OH). The Fe(OH)3 precipitate was dissolved by adding dilute hydrochloric acid (HCl).

3. The transition of the color of the solution by the example of the transition when hydrochloric acid (HCl) is added to potassium chromate (K2CrO4) ( yellow) to potassium dichromate (K2Cr2O7) (orange). And the reverse transition from orange color to yellow (obtaining chromate ion) by adding ammonia to potassium dichromate.

4. Experience in the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide (obtaining a multi-colored snake). Salt is placed in a conical flask blue vitriol(CuSO4) add water, dissolve the salt (blue color of the solution). Then, ammonia is added to the copper sulphate solution until the solution turns purple (obtaining SO4) and any dishwashing detergent (which foams) is added. Hydrogen peroxide is carefully poured in drops - we observe the rapid formation of blue-violet foam.


Slides captions:


MONDAY is the day of science in an artistic image 1. Viewing the presentation “About science. What is science? 2. Reading fiction: with the quiet creation of V. Berestov “Merry Sciences” and the story of M. Ilyin “How the car learned to walk” 3. Drawing according to the story.

About science. What is science. SH No. Ancient people explored the world. They remembered what they saw and heard, tried to find an explanation for it. Adults passed on knowledge to children. Over time, science arose - the knowledge that mankind has accumulated throughout its history. People of science are called scientists. Scientists were able to get answers to a variety of questions. Why does day follow night? What are different objects made of? Why is a person sick?

Tuesday is the day of science in cinema 1. Watching cartoons: "Kolya, Olya and Archimedes" "Main star" 2. Work on the project "Soda water: harm or benefit" 3. Excursion to school. Biology lesson.

The project "Soda Water: Harm or Benefit?" “A man is born healthy, and many diseases come to him in his mouth with food” Hippocrates presentation

Wednesday is the day of children's scientific discoveries 1. EXPERIMENTS: "Stop, hands up!" "Submarine from eggs" Making a lava lamp 2. EXPERIMENTS WITH SODA WATER

Thursday Day of Children's Scientific Questions "why?" Excursion to the school. Consideration of children's cognitive encyclopedias. Inventing and compiling children's scientific questions "Why?" creative work"Draw Your Question"

Physics lesson

Baby "why?" Why does day follow night? Why does the earth revolve around the sun? Why are leaves yellow in autumn? Why does a rainbow appear? Why does thunder and thunder happen? Why can't fish breathe on land? Why doesn't the moon fall to earth?

Draw your question Zaremba Roma, 6 years old Why can't fish breathe on land? Fish breathe oxygen dissolved in water, for this they have gills. When fish breathe, they "inhale" and "exhale" not air, like people, but water.

Draw your question Kurenkova Sveta, 6 years old Why doesn't the Moon fall to the Earth?

Friday Children's Day scientific projects 1. Summing up the results of the week of science 2. Defense of the project "Soda water: good or bad?" 3. Rewarding children


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Slides captions:

PROJECT Sparkling water - harm or benefit? 2017 GBOU "SCHOOL No. 1411 SP No. 939

Project participants: CHILDREN OF THE PREPARATORY GROUP Project type: SHORT-TERM (1 WEEK)

STUDY ON THE HAZARDS OF Fizzy Drinks We have questions: why are carbonated drinks harmful? Do peers know about this? we decided to conduct a study

The problem is that carbonated soft drinks adversely affect human health Hypothesis research work: Do carbonated drinks really have a negative impact on human health.

RESEARCH OBJECTIVES: Read the literature and articles on the Internet about the history of sparkling water. Find out what ingredients are in carbonated drinks and their impact on health. Talk to the nurse Sharkaeva - T.T. Pokrova and find out her opinion about the dangers of soda. Conduct experiments. Prove that soda is harmful to the health of children. PURPOSE OF THE STUDY: to conduct a qualitative analysis of soda and its impact on human health

CARBONATED WATER - (obsolete "fizzy water", colloquial - "soda") - a soft drink made from mineral or ordinary flavored water, saturated carbon dioxide The English chemist Joseph Priestley was the first to create carbonated water in 1767. Jacob Schwepp was the first to start industrial production of carbonated water.

Having studied the label on the bottle, we were convinced that the basis of most carbonated drinks is water, acids and sugars. This composition contains the essence of the idea of ​​"soda": the substances that make up it excite our taste buds, so after every sip you drink, you want to drink more and more. It is impossible to get drunk with soda!

Nutritionists have calculated the allowable doses of teaspoons of sugar per day: 6 teaspoons of sugar per day for a man, 4 teaspoons of sugar per day for women. Just 1 teaspoon of sugar - for children

Interview with a nurse

Conducting experiments Experiment No. 1 A balloon was put on a freshly opened bottle. Shake the bottle. We saw that the balloon instantly inflated

Conducting experiments Experiment No. 2 Let's check how natural the soda is. (The method works only for colored ones - brown, green, yellow in color). Put in soda 1 spoon baking soda. Soda hasn't changed color - it's chemistry. Soda has changed color - it has become brown - a natural product.

Conducting experiments Experiment No. 3 We decided to determine the effect of soda on tooth enamel. To do this, we conducted the following experiment: We put an egg in the soda. The next day they saw - the shell was stained, the shell became more fragile after three days.

Conducting experiments Experiment No. 4 They put a rusty coin in soda. Result: after three days the coin was like new. There are no signs of rust!

Sugary carbonated drinks do not quench thirst, although we buy them for this very reason. Chemical composition Drinks have a detrimental effect on health: teeth are destroyed, bones become brittle, obesity, allergies, stomach diseases, caffeine addiction like a drug can occur. To quench your thirst, it is better to use fruit drinks, mineral water, purified drinking water. Conclusions.

Russia celebrates Science Day every year. In kindergarten, this event does not go unnoticed, every year a week of science is held in preparatory group. During the week, a variety of experiments, reports and problem situations are planned that introduce children to scientific discoveries. As part of the Week of Scientific Discoveries, we held such events with the children of the preparatory group.

Monday - Robotics

During which the children learned that robots are used in various fields: medicine, space, manufacturing, for entertainment purposes. Children willingly shared their impressions about where they saw robots.

Making a robot out of boxes. The preschoolers called him Robik, every day he brought interesting tasks for the children.

The story of the educator about the scientific achievements of mankind, the decision problem situations, such as "What would happen if they didn't come up with airplanes (computers, cartoons, etc.)".

Adding schemes and drawings to the group for review.

Independent games with a microscope, magnifiers, glasses from glasses, sketches of observations in the book “What I saw”.

Tuesday - water lab

Opening of the water laboratory. Robik brought water, paints, salt, stones, lemon, various containers to the children, measuring spoons and much more, with which you can prove the assumption of children about the different properties of water.

Making colored ice cubes ice sculpture. We scraped through the bottom of the barrel and collected various ice molds, inserts, designer parts and a whole bunch of other things where you can pour water. We also needed buckets different size and food coloring. In the course of our activity, we fixed the methods of obtaining colors by mixing and found out the features of measuring the volume of liquid.

Viewing the presentation "Water in nature", the purpose of which was to find out the knowledge of children about water, its aggregate states. We remembered that there is water in vegetables and fruits, because we watched how water evaporated from them for a week, and then they were placed in a liquid and the vegetables took on their original form. We talked about the water cycle in nature, remembered the properties of steam.

Wednesday - natural electricity

Introducing children to natural electricity. Experiments with electricity always attract the attention of children. So this time we attached balloons to the wall, rubbing them with a cloth, looking for electricity in woolen things.

View programs about scientific discoveries.
Building robots from different materials according to the suggested plans. Preschoolers showed their imagination and made robots out of paper, matches, constructor. Then they began to make cars, robotic rockets, etc.

Thursday - magnetic laboratory

Opening of the magnetic laboratory. We talked about minerals, remembered the properties of magnets, searched for objects in the sand with their help and made the theater characters move.

Solving puzzles on the theme of the week. I tried to pick up developing tasks for children on the topic of the week: logic tables, rebuses, labyrinths, proof tests and noisy images.

Home preparations "Work of CHP". Preschoolers prepared with their parents small messages and presentations on the operation of power plants.

Experimenting with various materials. We put forward various hypotheses, and then proved or disproved them, like real scientists. We inflated the balloon on the bottle, tried to freeze sunflower oil, drown an egg and much more.

Friday - exhibition design, summing up

Thematic walk "Birthday snow queen". On the walk, we helped the queen make treats: ice cakes and a huge cake.
Opening of the exhibition "Robotechnics" of joint works with parents.

Production of schemes of experiments, scientific booklets about the properties of water, soil, air, brochure "What is water for?" The children of the preparatory group showed this manual to the kids and told them about water.

Making a walkie-talkie - a phone for story games.

During the week we read educational tales T.A. Shorygina, watched the garden on the window and ate onions of their own production.