"Migratory birds". Lesson in the middle group


Educational area "Cognition"

  • Clarify and expand children's knowledge about birds in the spring (birds arrive, begin to build nests and hatch chicks)
  • Develop mental operations.
  • To develop auditory and visual perception, memory, attention, imagination, ingenuity.
  • Develop the cognitive activity of children.

Educational area "Communication"

  • To activate and enrich the subject, verb dictionary on the lexical topic.
  • Learn to use plural nouns correctly.
  • To activate the speech of children.
  • Learn to form adjectives from nouns.
  • Observe the correct sound pronunciation.

Educational area "Socialization"

  • To cultivate a respectful attitude towards birds (consider without harming them, feed only with the permission of adults, do not frighten, do not ruin the nests).
  • Form the skills of cooperation, benevolence.

Educational area "Physical culture"

  • Learn to coordinate movements with speech.

Educational area "Health"

  • Maintain and strengthen the physical and mental health of children through the use of brain gymnastics, accounting individual characteristics children.

Integrative qualities of children:to form curiosity, thinking and speech activity, independence, adequate use of communication means, possession of dialogical speech, the ability to control their behavior.


Subject: Rook, starling, nightingale, cuckoo, swallow, crane, stork, swan, beak, wings, feather, birdhouse.

High-quality: flight.

Verbal: Whitewash, build (nests), take care, look after, hatch (chicks), scream, chirp, flutter, circle.

Methods and techniques: org. moment, d / and "One - many", "Where is the nest?", illustrations, conversation, questions, summary.

Health-saving technologies:gymnastics for the brain exercise. "Elephant".

Individual work:intensify mental activity- Artyom, Vanya.

Material: illustration, ball.

Course of the lesson

Organized moment

Educator: - Guys, I will speak one subject, and you will speak a lot.

Swallow - swallows;

Rook - rooks;

Starling - starlings;

Crane - cranes;

Swan - swans;

Cuckoo - cuckoos.

Main part

Educator: - Well done, children. Who do you think we are going to talk about today?

Children: - We're going to talk about birds.

(Pictures depicting birds are displayed on the board: swallow, rook, starling, crane, swan, cuckoo.)

Educator: - Right. Why are they called birds?

Children: - Birds have a beak, wings, body is covered with feathers.

Educator: - Right. Children, you and I know that there are wintering and migratory birds. What kind of birds are they?

Children: - These are migratory birds.

Educator: - Why are they called migratory?

Children: - These birds come to us from a distant land.

Educator: - Well done. And what time of year do birds come to us?

Children: - Birds arrive in the spring.

Educator: - Why in the spring?

Children: - In spring, snow melts, water bodies, it becomes warm, insects wake up, which birds feed on.

Educator: - Right. Choose a picture with the bird that arrives first in spring.

(The child chooses a picture)

Educator: - Name this bird.

Children: - This is a rook.

Educator: - Right. As soon as thawed patches appear in the fields, the rooks are right there! It is important to walk through the fields and look for worms.

Educator: - And after the rooks, the starlings return to their native lands. Choose a starling picture.

(The child chooses a picture)

Educator: - Guess who else comes to us in the spring?

In the spring the resounding "Ku-ku" is heard far away in the forest.

Children: - This is a cuckoo.

Educator: - Why did you decide so?

Children: - The cuckoo says "Ku-ku".

Educator: - So what is the cuckoo doing?

Children: - The cuckoo is kukuet.

Educator: - Find a picture of a cuckoo.

(The child chooses a picture)

Educator: - Guys, guess which bird has such a tail?

(The teacher shows a picture with a swallow's tail)

Children: - It's a swallow's tail.

Educator: - Well done. Show the picture with the swallow.

(The child shows the picture)

Educator: - Guys, what do the rook, starling, cuckoo, swallow eat?

Children: - These birds feed on insects.

gymnastics for the brain exercise. "Elephant"

Bend your knees, press your head to your shoulder, stretch your hand forward (the one with which you write). Draw a lazy figure eight in the air, while simultaneously extending the upper body following the arm, moving the ribs. Look beyond your fingers. Repeat this with the other hand.

Educator: - Right. Children, when the ice on the reservoirs melts, other birds that live on the lakes come to us. Guess, by the silhouette, who flies in the spring to the reservoirs?

(The teacher shows the silhouette of a swan)

Children: - This is a swan.

Educator: - Well done. Choose from the remaining swan pictures.

(The child chooses a picture)

Educator: - And what does the swan eat?

Children: - The swan feeds on grasses, leaves, small animals that live in the water.

Educator: - Right. Now name the third extra.

Sparrow, tit, crane.

Children: - This is a crane.

Educator: - Why?

Children: - The sparrow, the titmouse are wintering birds, and the crane is a migratory bird.

Educator: - Right. Guys, cranes live in a swamp. They feed on berries that grow there, frogs, bugs.

Educator: - Guys, look what the birds do when they come to us in the spring?

(The teacher shows a clue picture: a tree with a nest)

Children: - Birds build nests.

Educator: - Right. And why do birds build and build nests?

Children: - In order to breed chicks.

Educator: - Well done. Migratory birds build their nests, lay eggs and hatch chicks.

Game "Where is the nest?"

The rook is building a nest in a tree.

SWALLOW builds a nest under the roof of the house.

CRANE builds its nest on the ground, among the bushes.

The SWAN builds its nest near the water, in the grass.

A STARLING builds its nest in a birdhouse.

The CUCKOO has no nest. She lays her eggs in other people's nests and does not incubate chicks.

Educator: - Guys, what kind of birds fly to us?

Children:- Migratory birds.

Educator: - When do migratory birds come to us?

Children: - They arrive in the spring.

Educator: - Right. Well done!

Summary of a lesson on cognitive development in the middle group

"Migratory and wintering birds"

Forms of work: frontal, group, individual.

Lesson time: 20 minutes.

During the lesson, the entire space of the group room is dynamically involved.

Target: introduce children to migratory and wintering birds, explain why these birds are called migratory.

Tasks by educational area:

Cognitive development:

Expand and reinforce children's understanding of migratory birds;

Promote self-use experimental actions to reveal hidden properties;

To cultivate a good attitude towards all living things in nature, a sense of responsibility for the fate of birds, and arouse a desire to take care of them.

Speech development:

Improve the skills of question-and-answer conversation;

Exercise children in the formation of diminutive words;

Activate the dictionary: wintering, migratory.


Illustrations of migratory and wintering birds; audio recording with birdsong; medium rubber ball; 1 large magnet; magnets by the number of children; large paper clips; bird coloring pages for each child; sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, peas, small toys, corks; 2 containers; 4 bowls; 2 conventional signs on stands; feathers of birds.

Course of the lesson:

Children are in a group with a teacher.

I. Introduction to the game situation. (1 minute)

Guys, look what I found this morning when I went to kindergarten

(I demonstrate to the children the feathers of various birds).

Children: - Feathers.

Guys, whose feathers are these?

Children: - Bird.

Right. And today we will talk about the birds that stay with us in winter, and remember those that flew away.

I suggest you sit on the chairs.

II.Knowledge update. (8 minutes)

Why do you think birds need feathers?

Children's answers.

- (Summarizing the answers) Feathers help to keep warm and give birds a unique color.

Where can you find birds?

Answers 2-3 children. (Summarizing the answers - everywhere)

Where do the birds live?

Answers 2-3 children. (I summarize the answers - they build nests)

Who can tell what birds are like?

Answers 2-3 children. (I summarize the answers - they can fly, there are wings)

Winter will come tomorrow, and many birds have flown away to warmer regions. These birds are called….

Children's answers. (I summarize the answers - migratory). Fix in the speech of children - repeat 2 times.

Guys, what are the birds that stay in our area for the winter?

Children's answers. (I summarize the answers - wintering ones), repeat 2 times.

Look at how many birds have flown to us (I pay attention to the board where the pictures with the birds are located).

Together with the children, we move closer to the blackboard. Children look at the pictures for a while.

Which of them do you know, name.

Children's answers.

There are many birds. The breeze accidentally mixed up the pictures of all the birds, let's figure out which of them are migratory and which are wintering.

I put two conventional signs on the holders on the floor. We discuss each sign.

Guys, look what this sign means (picture # 1 shows the silhouettes of birds flying in a wedge).

Children: - Migratory birds.

Guys, look what this sign means (picture number 2 shows a bird feeder).

Children: - Wintering birds.

Well done, you guessed right.

Let's form 2 teams. Wintering and migratory birds. Take one picture at a time, examine it carefully and think about what kind of bird you have and decide which sign you need to approach.

Children name the bird in their picture and move on to the corresponding sign.

For example:

Child: - I have a picture of a Crow, this is a wintering bird, I will stand near the sign with a feeder ... .. and so on.

All children stand near the signs.

Well done! You have correctly divided the birds into wintering and migratory ones.

Place pictures next to the signs.

Why do birds fly south, do you think?

Children's answers. (I summarize the answers - cold, no food)

III Difficulty of the situation (1 minute)

The birds will have a hard way to the south, but in the spring they will return. I wonder how birds find their way south and back?

Children's answers.

It turns out that they are guided by the sun during the day, and by the stars and the moon at night. And yet, scientists have found that birds feel magnetic fields that surround the Earth. Do you want to know how this happens?

IV Introduction of a new (1 minute)

Together with the children we move to the table, on which there are magnets in a box and paper clips scattered on the table.

Our planet Earth is a huge natural magnet. And a magnet can attract.

I have a magnet. (I show it to the children).

Let's imagine that our magnet is the Earth. And paper clips are birds. What do you think will happen to paper clips if you bring a magnet to them?

Children suggest different variants the action of the magnet.

Let's try.

V Incorporation of new knowledge into the knowledge system (10 min)

Experience with a magnet. Children test the action of the magnet. Explain what they saw.

See how the paper clips are drawn to the magnet. This is how the Earth's magnetic forces work. The earth attracts birds.

Shall we play now? I will call the birds. If you hear the name of a migratory bird, wave your hands, if I name a wintering bird, sit down.

Great! Well done! Sit on the chairs.

Let's play?

Didactic game"Name it kindly."

I will throw you a ball and call the bird, and you return the ball to me and call this bird affectionately.

Sparrow. Children: - Sparrows.

Tit. Children: - Titmouse.

Jackdaw. Children: - Jackdaw, check mark.

Crane. Children: - Crane. Etc.

Well done!

Now let's compare humans, animals and birds.

Man has children, but birds? Children: - Chicks.

The cat has hair, but the birds? Children: -Feathers.

The dog has a nose, and the birds? Children: - Beak.

Do humans have hands, but do birds? Children: - Wings.

The hare runs, and the birds? Children: - They fly.

The cow hums, and the birds? ... ..

Children make different sounds.

Turn on audio recording"Voices of Birds".

What sounds did you hear?

Guys, it turns out that different birds pronounce sounds differently. For example:

Geese cackle.


Children: - chirps.

The crow croaks.

Woodpecker knocks.

The cuckoo is a cuckoo.

The owl hoots.

Magpie chirps.

The nightingale sings.

The dove is cooing.

The swallow chirps.

Birds can also hiss, whistle, hum and even speak humanly.

Physical education. (1 minute)

Let's imagine that you and I are different birds and each one speaks in its own way, flew after me.

Children move around the group and pronounce various sounds, while performing actions together with the teacher.

Warm-up: Birds flew, small birds.

As they flew, all the people looked. Children run and wave their hands

As they sat down, all the people were amazed. Children squat down

We sat down, sat down, soared, fly.

They flew, flew, sang songs in the sky. Children run and wave their hands.

Well done!

Teamwork. (2 minutes)

Guys, do you know what birds eat?

Children's answers.

Right. In winter, it is very difficult for birds to find food, especially during snowfalls.

You and I must help our feathered friends survive cold winter... How can we help?

Children's answers.

That's right, make feeders, pour food into them. I have a treat for the birds, but it seems to me that the breeze has messed things up again. Let's prepare food that we will take for a walk and feed the birds.

Children, together with the teacher, go to the carpet.

Children sort through seeds, stones, buttons, etc. bird treats in one bowl, toys and other items in another bowl.

Well done boys. The birds will love your treat. I knew that you could handle

Reflection. (3 min)

I also have coloring pages for you that I want to give you.

What is the name of your bird? Is it migratory or wintering?

V Comprehension (Outcome) (1- 2 minutes)

Guys, tell me, what did we talk about today?

Why are birds needed? How are they useful for people? (Birds help people preserve crops, save forests from harmful insects, delight residents with their singing)

What are people doing for the birds? Right now, late autumn how can people help birds? (Feed in winter with plant crumbs and seeds.).

- I really liked how you worked harmoniously in teams today, how you played together.

Integration of educational areas:

"Cognitive development" , "Speech development" , "Social and communicative development" , "Artistic - aesthetic development" .

Purpose: To create favorable conditions for enriching children's ideas about wintering birds.

Program tasks:

  • Educational: to clarify and expand children's knowledge about wintering birds; learn to select verbs that characterize the singing of birds (chirps, croaks, coos, pops).
  • Developing: improve dialogical speech; develop attention, memory, aesthetic perception, imagination of children, develop the ability to reason, see an object from different points of view.
  • Educational: foster a friendly attitude towards birds; evoke the desire to protect and help wintering birds; to cultivate endurance, the ability to carefully, without interrupting, comrades, to evaluate and supplement the answers; be able to negotiate. Form the skills of cooperation, benevolence.

Planned results:

Show curiosity, be able to maintain a conversation, express your point of view, reason and give the necessary explanations; have an idea of ​​birds; to express positive emotions when listening to musical works, actively and kindly interact with teachers and peers.

Materials and equipment:

Pictures of wintering birds, birds: cards depicting bird food: rowan berries, a piece of bacon, seeds, bread crumbs, food leftovers ... Video projector, slideshow, audio recording of works: Vivaldi "Seasons" , the voices of birds; a panel with a picture of a feeding trough; napkins, oilcloths, glue stick; colored pencils; cards with emblems on the topic "Winter" .

Preliminary work:

Conversations about wintering birds; memorizing and guessing riddles about birds, examining illustrations in the book corner, creating a presentation, decorating a stand in the parent's corner on the topic "Interesting about wintering birds" ; bird watching, bird feeding.

Course of the lesson

1. Organizational moment.

Hello, the sky is blue! (hands up)
Hello, the sun is golden! (hands forward)
Hello Mother Earth! (hands down)
Hello my friends! (hands to the side)

2. The main part.

Music piece by Vivaldi sounds "Seasons" , "Winter" .

Educator: - Hear, music sounds. Let's close our eyes, what did you imagine while listening to this piece? Tell me, please. (Answers of children).


What time of year did you imagine? (children's answers: winter)

How did you know it was winter?

Do you think winter is good or bad? (children's answers)

(Children themselves choose the way of dividing into two teams)... or 1-2. Or by pictures.

Schematic image "Good bad" .


Who has a very difficult time in the winter? (assumptions of children, birds)

Why? (hungry, frost)... - Let's go to the park to visit the birds.

And how will we get there? (children's suggestions).

We put on skis, got on the track,
Not even a fast horse can catch up with us.

And here is the park!

(Children imitate the movement of birds).

Gently wave your hands -
These are birds flying to us.
We will show how they sit down -
We fold the wings back.

Spread our wings
Let's clean the beak
Birds are welcome to us!

Educator: - Guys, sit down on the stumps, we will listen to the riddles.

I've been catching bugs all day
I'm eating worms.
IN warm edge i don't fly
I live here under the roof

Chick-chirp! Do not be shy

I'm seasoned.

What is the name of our first guest?


A picture of a sparrow appears on the slide.

Educator: - How does a sparrow sing? What is he doing? (Chirps).

What do you know about a sparrow? (children's answers)

Educator: - What bird can coo? (Pigeon)

A picture of a dove appears on the slide.

Educator: - Pigeons are gullible birds. They live near people's homes.

Educator: - Listen to how the pigeon coos? (Gru-gru)... What does a pigeon eat?


She does not sit still
Carries news on the tail.
Maybe they are of little use.
But I'm proud of myself ...


A picture of a magpie appears on the slide.

Educator: - How does a magpie speak, who knows?

Magpie - white-sided, long-tailed, fidget. She is very curious. He sees something shiny, a coin, a glass, and looks at it with a round eye. Then he will grab it and drag it to its nest. Eats whatever it can find in the trash, cleaning, etc.

Educator: - Listen to the riddle about the next bird.

Came to us
A person known to all,
She is a local screamer.
Will see a dark cloud

Will take off on a green spruce
And looks like from a throne
Beautiful crow.

A picture of a crow appears on the slide.


The crow is important and loud. How does she give her voice? What do you know about the raven?

Educator: - What kind of bird do they talk about?

I knock on wood
I want to get a worm,
Even though he hid under the bark -
It will still be mine!


Educator: - Listen to the woodpecker knocking. What can you tell us about the woodpecker?

Educator: - Meet the next guest.

Guess who it is?
In winter, there are apples on the branches!
Hurry up to collect them!
And suddenly the apples flew up,

After all, it is.


A picture of a bullfinch appears on the next slide.

The bullfinch is the most winter bird. When it snows, the bullfinch becomes very visible everywhere thanks to its red breasts. Bullfinches peck seeds, berries, love to peck rowan berries.

A picture of a tit appears on the slide.

Educator: - How does the titmouse sing? (Zin-zin) (qi-qi-qi).

I invite the children to tell about the titmouse.

Educator: - Guess who are you talking about?

Here is a bird so a bird,
But this little bird
Though small
Breeds chicks

Only in the fierce winter.


The picture of the crossbill appears on the slide. Klest is very fond of spruce and pine cones, a strong beak deftly peels cones with a cross. The bough is also surprising in that it brings out chicks in the bitter frost.

Educator: - Let's get acquainted with another interesting, beautiful bird.

These tufted birds
And beautiful, besides,
They flew to the mountain ash.
These birds - ...


Educator: Guys, now let everyone decorate their bird and put it in our common feeder

Guys, do you want to feed the birds? Here we have a feeder: I propose to take a bird and its favorite delicacy and stick it on the feeder.

(Children take a card with a picture of a bird and food and place it next to the bird on the panel).

(Examples of children's answers: I will give the titmice fat. I will feed the bullfinch with rowan berries. I will feed the pigeon with grains, etc.)

Educator: - Well done, guys, they fed all the birds. It's time to go back to kindergarten... Put on your skis and go.

3. Reflection:


Guys, where have we been today?

What new and interesting things have you learned today? (Answers of children).

What did you enjoy doing the most today? (Answers of children).

How can we take care of birds? (Answers of children).

Topic: "About those who can fly"

Target teaching activities: clarification and expansion of children's ideas about birds. The ability of children to find signs of similarities and differences in the appearance of birds.


shape children's ideas about the diversity of birds, knowledge about common features the appearance of birds (beak, wings, feathers.), to distinguish the peculiarities of the behavior of birds.

develop observation, the ability to express individual judgments of a comparative nature.

bring up respect for nature, a sense of belonging, empathy for all living things that surrounds us.

Integration of educational areas:

    social and communicative development

    speech development.

    physical development.

Methods and techniques.

verbal: making riddles about birds, talking about birds, questions, story.

visual: viewing illustrations about birds, d \ and "Feed the bird", "Who is gone?"

practical: exercise, movements of children, imitating the behavior of birds

Vocabulary work:

activating the dictionary: bullfinch, tit, grains, rays, food, warm edges, envelope.

enrichment of the dictionary: throwing back, migratory, wintering, black-winged, mountain ash.

Preliminary work: birdwatching on a walk, reading books about birds, memorizing poems about birds, talking, viewing illustrations.

Pedagogical tools: illustrations depicting birds (crows, sparrows, tits, bullfinches, woodpeckers.) Audio recording with the voices of birds.

GCD content:

all the children gathered in a circle, I am your friend and you are my friend.

Let's hold hands tightly and smile at each other!

I smile at you, and you smile at each other so that you have a good mood all day.

Educator: Guys, close your eyes 1,2,3 open. Guys, I'm a bird fairy, oh and where is my magic suitcase, oh here it is. The guys in this suitcase lie interesting tasks, but in order to open it and find out what lies there, you need to guess the riddle.


They have wings, a head.

Two paws, beak and feathers

Everybody spawns from the egg

Their songs are heard from the trees. (Birds)

Educator: right guys are birds. Today we are going to talk about birds. Birds are big fidgets. How cleverly they fly from branch to branch, fly from tree to tree. But this is how the squirrel can, but only birds, and not even all birds, can fly thousands of kilometers and return.

Educator: Everyone knows this bird

Doesn't fly away to a warm land

This bird all year round

Lives in our yard

And she chirps

Loud in the morning:

Wake up soon.

Everyone is in a hurry (Sparrow)

Children: Sparrow

Educator: right guys this is a sparrow.

Educator: The head of the sparrow is bright brown from above, the neck and cheeks are black, the body is gray. Sparrows are small, very mischievous. Sparrows fly in a flock. Together, it is easier to notice the danger, the faster you will find food.They always dress up: they clean their feathers, bathe in water, dust, sand. In winter, they stay closer to a person's dwelling. Sparrows echo among themselves "chiv - chiv". The people say: "a sparrow is small, but smart" We see a crow, a sparrow in the city all year round.

The teacher takes out the illustrations of birds from the envelope and invites the children to find the sparrow from the illustrations. Children, together with the teacher, consider appearance sparrow.

What is the body of a sparrow covered with?

What is its beak?

How does a sparrow cry?

What does it eat?

Where is it easier to find food for a sparrow?

Is a sparrow a wintering bird?

Educator: guess another riddle

A person known to all,

She's a screamer, local.

Will see a dark cloud

Will take off on a green spruce.

And looks as if from a throne.

Who is she? (Crow)

Educator: right crow. Guys show it in the picture

Educator: the crow is large, it has black wings, gray breast and gray sides.Croweverybody knows. She lives in the city and in the countryside. The crow eats everything. And he will collect various pieces of food in the yard, and fly into the field. There she hunts for mice and other small animals.

Guys, what do you remember about the raven?

What does she eat?

What color is her feather coat?

What is a crow's beak?

What is the difference between a crow and a sparrow?

Speech mobile game with the sound R "Crows".

The teacher performs movements with his hands - wings, depicting a crow, and says the following words:

“As under a green Christmas tree

The crows are galloping and croaking.

We fought over the crust,

They screamed at the top of their lungs.

Here the dog comes running

And the crows fly away.


And she can't sit in winter:

Spinning under my window

Bread crumbs and wheat

Asks for breakfast (Tit)

Educator: right guys tit.Show it in the picture.

Educator: the titmouse lives where it is cold, she does not like warmth. She is small and nimble. She has a black head and yellow breast, brown feathers.They called her that for the song "blue-blue".

Educator: guys, let's remember with you what we learned about the titmouse?

What color is her breast?

What does it eat?

What is its beak?

Where does the tit live?

Why was it called that?


A nimble tit gallops

(jumping in place on two legs)

She does not sit still,

(jumping in place on the left leg)

Jump - jump, jump - jump,

(jumping in place on the right leg)

Spun like a top.

(spinning in place)

Here I sat down for a minute,

(sat down)

She scratched her breast with her beak,

(got up, head tilts left and right)

And from the path to the fence,


Red-breasted, black-winged,

Loves to peck grains

With the first snow on the mountain ash

He will appear again (Bullfinch)

Educator: right guys bullfinch.Handsome bullfinch arrives before the first snow. And the people noticed: the bullfinches have arrived, which means that tomorrow or the day after tomorrow it will snow. This is almost always the case. Therefore, the red-breasted bird is called the bullfinch. The whistle of bullfinches is similar to the sound of a flute - just as gentle and sad. The bullfinch feeds on berries.

What color is the bullfinch's breast?

What does a bullfinch eat?

What time of the year does the bullfinch arrive?

What does the whistling of bullfinches look like?


Who is wearing a bright red beret

In a black satin jacket?

He doesn't look at me

Everything knocks, knocks, knocks. (Woodpecker)

Educator: the woodpecker is an intelligent bird, it has a sharp beak, knocking on wood, it locates insects by sound and carefully removes them from under the bark. Wood insects, larvae, ants are the favorite prey of this bird..


Guys, what is the beak of this bird?

What does he eat?

What is the body of a sparrow covered with?

How do birds differ from each other?

Di"Who is gone"

The teacher invites the children to close their eyes, removes one of the birds, and then offers to guess which bird is gone.

Educator: manybird speciesmake sounds very pleasant to the human ear. Singing serves the birds to communicate with each other.

Psycho-gymnastics "Birds" (with accompaniment of audio recording)

Educator : guys, let's pretend we are birds.

Night. The birds sleep with their heads hidden under their wings. They have pleasant dreams: about summer, about the warm sun, how they sing. In the morning, when the rays of the sun touch them, the birds wake up, first spread one wing, then the second, shake them and fly to the river. They drink water, throwing their head back and looking around in a circle. And then they get down to business flying, singing, looking for food. They rejoice at the sun, put their wings to its warm rays.

Reflection: children sit on the carpet in a circle.

What birds were we talking about?

What new have you learned?

What did you like?

Guys, as a keepsake of our meeting, I want to give you an unusual cube that depicts birds on it, so that you and your teacher can learn a lot more new and interesting things about birds.