What is login and password? How to create a username and password for an account. Login and password

Every person does everything for the first time. Crossing the threshold of a school for the first time, picking up his passport for the first time, registering for the first time mailbox or an online account.

And if parents enroll a child in a school, and state structures issue a passport, then registration on a website or social network is a purely personal matter. This is where difficulties lie in wait associated with ignorance of the most common things for any advanced user. For example - what is a username and password and where to get them from.

A login is required to register in any Internet service: on a social network or website, as well as to create your own mailbox. In fact, this is a set of letters, numbers, and sometimes other symbols, under which the user will "remember" this resource. The login can sometimes coincide with the nickname, but most often these are different character sets.

For registration Email you need to come up with your own original login, which is often a combination of the letters of the first and last name in combination with the numbers of the year of birth or another number that is significant for the user. As a rule, you come up with a login yourself, or the system “helps” with this by offering options that have not yet been occupied by other users.

Login and password are required exclusively for Internet users, in real life they are not used. But on the Internet without a login and password, you will not be able to do the simplest and most necessary action: write letters to friends, use social networks, open e-wallets and make purchases, write comments on messages, etc.

For all these cases, registration on the site or in the service is required, which will require you to come up with and enter your username and password into the system.

At first glance, choosing a username and password is not difficult. However, in practice, many users are faced with a difficult problem: the number of registrations on the Internet is growing every year, and all large quantity suitable logins are already occupied by other people.

Some services, for example, may offer options for free alphanumeric combinations.

There are no such problems with inventing your own password, but here you will face difficulties of a different nature. Don't come up with a password that is too simple, as your account can be "hacked" - i.e. outsiders will have access to it. A good password should be long, at least 7 or 8 characters, and contain letters, numbers, and, if possible, other icons.

It is not recommended to use the date of your birthday as a password, since such a password is the easiest to “calculate” - just look at the page on the social network, where this information is posted by many in the public domain.

A fairly common situation: a person registers an account in Odnoklassniki, actively uses it for some time, but then stops communicating for a while. When, after a few months, he wants to go to his page, it turns out that the login under which he was registered has already been forgotten and is not recorded anywhere.

Fortunately, the administration of Odnoklassniki, foreseeing such situations, not only by login, but also by e-mail address and number mobile phone. In order to be able to subsequently restore your login, you just need to provide the system with this data during registration, and you will always be sure that you can access your page.

If you have forgotten your email login, you can use the system prompts. As a rule, when registering, each user indicates a secret word: he comes up with a question and an answer to it. This information will come in handy if you lose your login.

However, you can do it easier: contact one of the friends to whom you wrote letters from this address. Most likely, he will find your lost login without any problems.

To restore a lost VKontakte login, as in Odnoklassniki, the easiest way is to use a mobile phone number - of course, if you registered it among your personal information. You can try to log in using your email address, but again, if you remember it.

Logging in by phone number is also good because no one except you will use this method, so the administration prefers to restore access to accounts using your mobile.

Fast development information technologies contributes to the emergence of new technical terms. One of them - login. People who have been using the Internet for more than one year are registered on many online information services. A novice user does not know what a login is and how to create it. Do you need to register in a forum or have an email address? After reading our recommendations, you will figure out how to come up with an original nickname, and you will be able to quickly create accounts in various services on the Internet.

What is login at registration

First, let's figure out what the term "login" means? To put it simply, it is Username , also called "nickname" or "nickname" . When registering for Internet services, you will need to create an account, which usually consists of a visitor name and password. If the password is a virtual key to the account, then the nickname is required to identify the user.

Among other things, these are:

  • Anonymity. When registering, your first and last name will remain inaccessible to network members.
  • Conciseness. The short name is easy to remember and will make other members of the virtual community pay attention to your person.
  • self-expression. With your nickname, you can unobtrusively designate your character trait or hobby.
  • Uniqueness. The nickname is unique, and you will not be confused with anyone.

By inventing a password and nickname, and registering an account, the participant gets additional opportunities. For example, in the forum it will be possible not only to read messages, but also to express your own opinion. On a dating site, it is possible to see the phone of the person of interest.

What to do if you forgot your login

As a rule, a person comes up with one login and uses it when registering in a forum, chat, social networks, mail or an online store. But there are times when the desired nickname is busy or the account is created temporarily. The time comes, and not only the password is forgotten, but also the name intended for entering the system. What to do if the nickname is forgotten?

  1. Email. In most cases, when registering, you must specify a mailbox. In case of loss of control over the account, the site administration sends a nickname and password to the email.
  2. Phone number. Upon request, registration data is sent to the phone number associated with the service.
  3. Support service. You don't remember anything, and you didn't provide your e-mail or mobile phone when registering? In this case, the support service will help. When communicating with the administration, you should answer additional questions and in some cases send documents to in electronic format that can 100% identify you.

Human memory is imperfect. And if you did not write down the user's data, you can forget the nickname. In any case, if you lose your registration data, do not despair. You can simply register for the desired service again.

Creating the correct login

A well-chosen login will not only impress the participants of the electronic community, but also help to give the interlocutor a little information about you. The nickname must correspond to the general theme of the environment where the registration is taking place. Therefore, a login for a chat, an online game, a narrowly focused forum or a business portal should organically fit into the general mass and not lead to all sorts of oddities.

No need to rush, but sit down, relax, turn on your imagination and come up with a truly unforgettable pseudonym. For example, a name for a dating site like " XxxLenaxxX» or " Dima77777", most likely, will make other visitors associate you with a narrow-minded person or with a schoolboy primary school. For the same reason, at a scientific conference, names like " Vredina" or "Gourmet".

Always remember - the original nickname is not a simple set of letters. If you want to stand out in the mass of gray aliases, work hard and come up with a really unique name.

Creating a memorable and original pseudonym is not easy and creative. Consider some ways of inventing nicknames.


The nickname "Y" or "Z" will add mystery to your person. And it is remembered without problems, and you can interpret it as you like.


The original way is to write the nickname the other way around. For example, "Dima" turns into the mysterious "Amid".


Love puzzles? Then a nickname like "4fun" or "devo4ka" is just for you.

mind game

Original pseudonyms can strongly hook the interlocutor's fantasy. For example, for a dating site for men, nicknames " Terminator" or " Unstoppable th", and for women " strawberry" or " yummy».

Simple words

If the above approaches do not suit you, you can use anything you like as an alias: natural phenomena, objects, animals, food, sounds, etc.

Nothing original comes to mind? There is an exit. Use your first name, last name or mobile phone number as a login.

Login via social networks

Mandatory registration, and the introduction of a login and password, often tire the user and annoy him. About half of the site visitors are ready to leave the resource and look for an alternative where there is no mandatory requirement in registration when creating an account. Social networks come to the rescue, which in a few seconds help to log in to the desired resource.

This system works very simply. Upon entering the site, the user sees the inscription " Login with» and adjacent buttons of the most popular social networks. By clicking on the desired option, the system asks for permission to use personal data, and all information is entered in the profile. What does this give the owners of Internet resources? The user is likely to visit this page more than once.

The first logins appeared more than 30 years ago in UNIX systems. But time passed, and meaningless combinations of Latin letters and numbers gradually began to turn into beautiful pseudonyms. The fictitious name reflects the true essence of the visitor, and now that you have learned what a login is and how to create it, even a beginner will have no problems creating one.

Video about creating an interesting login

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. It seems to be a simple question, but it still often arises among novice Internet users when they have a username and password.

It would be better if I immediately warn you and try to explain the importance of your logins and passwords that you have invented, because on the Internet they break everything, and not just where something lies.

What is "my login" and how is it different from a username?

So, the login is your individual identifier (must be unique for the service where you register). Now on many services it is allowed to use names or nicknames written in Russian letters as their logins, but earlier it was completely required to use only Latin characters and numbers when writing it.

This is apparently due to the fact that the data obtained during user registration (login and password) are stored in the database. Therefore, when entering my login, I use the same rule that it is permissible to use in - ,,, [_], [-]. This spelling is suitable when registering for any service.

You still need to figure it out what is a login and what is the username. Very often one is different from the other. This confusion has its legs growing from the same rule mentioned above of using only Latin characters when registering, while on the forum, website, blog and social network where you register, it would be appropriate to use usernames (real or nicknames) written in in Russian.

Therefore, you often have to fill in two fields in the registration form: login (only in Latin) and name (possible in Russian). True, now on the Internet there is a general trend towards simplification, and there are fewer and fewer such sites where you are confused with incomprehensible fields with two similar concepts.

Now often use as their login just the address of your mailbox or the number of the mobile phone specified during registration. Moreover, you can use any of these identifiers (login, phone or E-mail). It is clear that I am not talking about forums, but about sites like or.

It’s also wise to come up with your own login, because your personal data (full name) indicated in it can help attackers apply social engineering methods to you if you inadvertently become an object of interest of such individuals (this is how wallets in electronic payment systems, postal and social accounts, as well as much more).

In this digital age, you need to learn to be vigilant and overcome your innate gullibility. Don't think that no one needs you. They are needed, but not you specifically, but coupled with thousands more careless users like you. Accounts are taken away on stream, and then they are sold in bulk to spammers and other bad personalities.

In addition, please note that on most services, the login cannot be changed later, except perhaps by registering a new account. Therefore, try to think over in advance all the awkward moments that may arise in this regard (for example, having registered in Miralinks under the nickname of one well-known character in the SEO world, I received several questions from the administration about the ownership of certain sites added to this system).

A complex password is what will let you sleep peacefully

Well, now let's talk about the second part of personal data, which will be so necessary for you when authorizing on any service on the Internet. I'm talking about password. What it is? Ideally, this is a very difficult to select and difficult to predict set of characters that are not always letters or numbers.

The more complex my password is, the more difficult it will be for attackers to hack my mailbox, account on a forum, website or social network with a simple enumeration of dictionaries. An example of bad options is your name typed in the Latin layout, options qwerty, 123456 and thousands of others, lists of which are available to any hacker.

It is clear that you are insured in case you forget your password or lose the piece of paper on which it was written down. But anything that helps you recover it will help the cracker figure it out. The good old adage still applies: if you put it farther, you will take it closer.

Personally, I realized the need using a trusted manager to store my passwords and logins only after the theft of funds from my WebMoney wallet and after almost all of my sites were infected with viruses. In both cases, there was a banal theft of passwords (in the first case, it seems that my mailbox with a password equal to qwertyqwerty was hacked by brute force, and in the second, they pulled out those stored in open form in filezile my passwords for accessing sites via FTP).

Carelessness is always punishable, especially on the Internet, where the situation is similar to the dashing nineties in Russia. When choosing a password manager, I was guided by reviews on the Internet, and also by the fact that it was free and open source(any understanding programmer will be able to identify developer loopholes, if they exist).

The latter is important, because trusting all your data to one single program is quite fraught. But if there are no “bookmarks” in the code, then it will be almost impossible to open the database without entering the master password or specifying the key file, because cracking the complex encryption key of the database with passwords by brute force can even take years on a supercomputer.

The program is again free and open source - time-tested reliability. In general, be vigilant and do not even trust yourself in matters of security.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the blog pages site

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The Internet has become an integral part of our lives. It provides us with the opportunity to find answers to all questions, share information and communicate with friends on social networks.

For frequent use of one site, it becomes necessary to save information on it or start a page. You can do this in your account, which you need to enter through your login and password. How to make them reliable and thus protect your data, read the article.

How to create a secure login

Login is the name of a person on the World Wide Web, which is necessary for identification in it. It usually consists of a character set or email. To secure the entered information, you need to create a . To do this, adhere to the following recommendations.

  • Often the login is visible to other Internet users, so you should not type characters randomly. come up with beautiful combination letters with numbers, by which site visitors can identify you. Here the letter case does not matter. It doesn't matter if you choose a login named Vera, VerA or vERa.
  • Also use for site name additional words, symbols, dashes and other signs. For example, $VERA$ or Ledi_Vera.
  • It is not recommended to use the same username and password to register on the site. They will lead to a quick hack of the page.
  • Your date of birth or relatives, a bad option for a login.
  • Many sites offer their users to use an email address instead of a login. This option is safe, you will definitely remember it.
  • If you want to register on several similar sites, then choose the same login for them. This makes it easier to remember for all pages.

How to create a strong password

If the login is a name, then the password is protection. His choice must be taken seriously. It will become the main obstacle to account hacking.

  • Don't use only numbers or small letters for your password.
  • Names with the surnames of relatives and friends, dates of birth are a weak way to protect the profile. They are primarily selected to enter someone else's page.
  • consists of a combination of numbers, symbols and letters with different case. Also use letters in different languages.
  • Create protection with a long name. Most sites tell you how strong your password is. Be sure to use this feature.
  • Many browsers offer to remember the password with the login. This makes it easier to enter the profile, but reduces protection against hacking. Therefore, it is better to manually enter authorization data each time.
  • Think of a password that you can remember. It is a bad idea to write it down or save registration letters in your email. They are ready to use burglars.

It is easy to protect your personal information on the site. To do this, follow these simple advice and be sure to put them into practice when creating a login and password.

More details about reliable protection account, see the video:

Very often we do not know how to come up with a Skype or email login. We are looking for appropriate programs or we are trying to come up with a login ourselves. So, what kind of login can you come up with? First of all, let's figure out what the concept of "login" means in general. Login is a concept that denotes your name in any system, for example, in e-mail box, on any website or social network. In another way, the login is called a nickname or username, there may be such an option as a “fictitious name”. Quite often, the user uses the same login in the games in which he registers, in mailboxes and in other services.

How to come up with a login for mail

First, of course, you should determine what goals your given mailbox will pursue, for which you want to come up with a login. If this is a working mailbox, then for convenience it is advisable to use your last name and first name, or in some way combine them with the name of the organization, if it has not previously appeared in the name of the email server. We also advise you to enter reliable information and data about your first and last name for work mail when registering. Examples: ,

If you want to create a mailbox for your personal use, then you can choose, for example, such an option as a nickname generator. Nickname generator is a special program that creates nicknames and names for social networks according to the user's criteria. A person only needs to specify the desired length of the nickname and the characters with which it should begin and end. The program will do the rest by itself, and the person will not have to puzzle over creating a name. An example of such a program is a server such as: Nickname Generator.

How to come up with a skype login

In Skype, simple and uncomplicated nicknames and logins are most often used. The most common option is, of course, the first or last name on English language and year of birth.

If you want a more unique login, you can use the following tips:

  • Close your eyes, place your fingers on the keyboard, and dial the combination of the required length. The resulting word or phrase will just become a new nickname. (hjhlkjk).
  • Think about your hobbies and favorite things, perhaps it is these things that will push a wave of fantasy on you. (foot_ball).
  • You can use the mirror method. Write your first and last name backwards. A very creative choice. (ariavonavi).
  • You can also use some abstract concept or the dog's nickname as a nickname. (l_o_v_e).

Now you know what kind of login you can come up with. Good luck in your business!