Ice exhibition in falconers. Ice sculptures in Sokolniki Park

In Sokolniki Park, on the territory of the LёD Planet project, the All-Russian Ice Sculpture Competition started, the theme of the fight was the Year of Literature in the Russian Federation. In their compositions, the participants of the competition recreate famous characters from the fairy tales of A.S. Pushkin, heroes of the works of M.Yu. Lermontov and the fables of I.A. Krylov.

The project "Planet LёD" is located on the site of the stage "Birches" on Pesochnaya Alley.

Working hours: from 10.00 to 21.30 (until February 28, 2015)
Ticket price: 300 rubles (for 1 person)
Benefits: 200 rubles (per 1 person) - large families, schoolchildren, students, children from 3 years old.
Free admission: children under 3 years old, disabled people of group I.

The LёD Planet project was created by the Art Bliss Creative Group, whose members are winners and prize-winners of world championships, international competitions and festivals in sand, ice and snow sculpture.

In their compositions, the sculptors tried to depict plots, scenes from works of art.

Sculpture "Fly-Tsokotuha" from a children's fairy tale in verse by Korney Chukovsky

Building sculptures from ice is a difficult and time-consuming process, but very beautiful in the end :)

Ice Sculptor's "Weapon"

Each sculptor was given about fifteen blocks of ice to build the composition, that is, about one and a half tons.

Sculpture "Queen Tamara" from a poem by M.Yu. Lermontov


In that tower high and cramped
Queen Tamara lived:
Beautiful like an angel in heaven
Like a demon, insidious and evil.


Ice sculpture "Bird-Glory"

"Crystal Coffin" from A.S. Pushkin "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs"

Here they are in a crystal coffin
The corpse of a young princess
Put - and the crowd
Carried to an empty mountain
And at midnight
Her coffin to six pillars
On cast iron chains there ...

Sculpture "Another book"

Swan Princess

Ice sculpture: Russian ice bath with a steam room and brooms, at the entrance you are met by a man with a mug of beer

Inside the bath, everything is also made of ice (very cool done!!!)

On the territory of the Planet LёD project, an ice labyrinth was built for the kids

It is more interesting for kids to ride from an ice slide than to look at ice sculptures :))

Visitors to the LёD Planet project can feel like a Queen on a throne, surrounded by guards of knights

Be sure to check out the Extreme North Ice Hotel

Here you can lie on a bed made entirely of ice.

Sit by the ice fireplace

Admire the sculpture of Venus de Milo

Nefertiti - the "main wife" of the ancient Egyptian pharaoh

By the way, this year visitors to the park will be able to see unique works of art made of ice with light-dynamic sound. The figures are very beautifully illuminated in the evening, so come on in :))

An icy gift wrapper, and inside there really are boxes with gifts :)) in the spring someone will be lucky :))

This is such beauty in Sokolniki Park on the territory of the LёD Planet project

On the eve of the New Year, Moscow offers a lot of interesting events for its guests and residents. The most exciting of them is the exhibition of ice sculptures. Winter in the capital is a traditional time for fun. The abundance of ice is used as a material to create compositions of incredible beauty. In Russia, this art has been known since the 17th century, when the Ice House on the Neva was built by order of Empress Anna Ioannovna.

Recently, ice expositions can be found throughout Moscow, not only in winter, but at any time of the year. For example, the Museum of Ice Sculptures in Sokolniki Park has been delighting visitors for several years now with the masterpieces of the capital's masters of the Art Bliss creative group. But it is during the New Year holidays that the metropolis is literally “teeming” with places where you can watch this miracle for free or buy tickets. Let's find out together what the capital has prepared in 2019 for fans of this direction.

Exhibition on Poklonnaya Hill

A week before the New Year, an exhibition of ice sculptures opens annually on Poklonnaya Hill. Each time, the organizers come up with a new theme. In 2018, a project called “Ice Moscow. In the family". The exposition was aimed at creating the main sights of the capital in miniature:

  • Kremlin,
  • Big theater,
  • The Tsar Bell,
  • GUM etc.

The harsh look of the ice buildings enlivens the tiny city traffic, and around the Christmas tree, also made of ice, theatrical performances are held three times a day using light and earth shows. Children can take part in the entertainment projects "Taking the Snow Town" or "Journey Through the Labyrinths of the Moscow Metro". For adults, a fair of folk craftsmen is open.

The entrance fee for adults will be about 500 rubles. For children 7-14 years old, children's tickets are provided, and the smallest can have fun absolutely free.

Ice Sculpture Festival at VDNKh

Almost every year, VDNKh hosts the Vyugovey festival. Each event has its own theme, from New Year characters to UFOs or biblical heroes. In addition to visiting the exhibition, you can ride on skates on the main skating rink of the country, as well as skiing, sleighing, snowboarding, etc. As expected, during the New Year holidays, a Christmas tree is open in the park. Every day, a lot of entertainment events are held next to it, not counting exhibitions and Christmas markets in the pavilions. The museums of Cosmonautics, Illusion, Cinematography and the House of Fairy Tales host performances for children. You can relax in the numerous cafes and restaurants.

Sokolniki Park Ice Museum

The exhibition center occupies 700 m2, of which 500 are given over to the museum of ice sculptures. From December to April, the temperature at the exhibition is -10 degrees, so you need to dress warmly. In order to get to the exhibition hall, you have to go through an ice labyrinth, but it's worth it. A real pleasure will be the view of the ice hotel, where even the smallest details are made of ice.

You can see what the best masters of the "ice" art are capable of in the garden, where under a 4-meter tree with fruits there are flowerbeds with exotic flowers. As you understand, all the thinnest fragments are made of ice! The well-known Moscow studio Bliss Art worked on the project.

Gallery of Russian Ice Sculpture in Krasnaya Presnya Park

More than 450 m2 of the center is occupied by ice expositions. All year round at a temperature of -10 degrees, ice sculptures delight visitors not only with beautiful lighting and musical accompaniment, but also with the uniqueness of the theme. Here you can see an analogue of the Ice House of Queen Anna Ioannovna, characters from the fairy tales of Ershov, Pushkin and Krylov's fables. Photo galleries can be viewed on the official website. 12 best sculptors of Russia, as well as many well-known domestic decorators and designers, took part in its creation. The project has no analogues in the world, so everyone needs to see this miracle!

"Snow and Ice Sculpture" in Luzhniki

Every year, the festival of ice figures changes the theme of the exhibition, for example, in 2018, Muscovites and guests of the capital could admire two directions: "Ice Age" and "Camelot". The first exposition is made for entertainment and is a network of attractions made of ice:

  • slides,
  • caves,
  • labyrinths, etc.

The second part has incorporated a complex of ice sculptures from the Jurassic period and much more.

Interesting! At any time of the year, ice figures for festive events or decoration of the courtyard of the estate can be ordered from special organizations. The best of them are "Frozeks", "Land Story" or Kirill Bair's creative workshop.

How exhibitions work and ticket prices

Ice Sculpture Exhibition 2019 Working hours Ticket price adult / child
Victory Park, Poklonnaya Hill 12:00 to 22:00 300/250
Muzeon Arts Park, Krymskaya Embankment around the clock is free
Territory of Izmailovsky Park 11:00 to 20:00 is free
VDNH 11:00 to 23:00 300/200
Sokolniki Park, Ice Museum 10:00 to 21:30 300/200
Gallery of Russian Ice Sculpture, Krasnaya Presnya Park 10:00 to 21:00 350/250
Snow and ice sculpture, Luzhniki 12:00 to 20:00 is free

* exact information and schedule, check on the official websites.

On the eve of the New Year holidays, the capital of our Motherland is transformed beyond recognition. Unique lighting compositions are being created in all districts of the city, New Year trees begin to glow with all colors, pre-holiday fairs unfold everywhere. But, perhaps, the main attraction is the ice sculptures in Moscow, which shimmer with all the colors of the rainbow and remain in the memory of Muscovites and guests of the capital for a long time.

But few people know that the tradition of creating ice figures in Russia began in the distant seventeenth century. At the origins of such events was the Empress herself, who personally signed a decree on the creation of an Ice House in St. Petersburg. It was he who became the first ice structure in what was then Russia. Recently, the Moscow authorities remembered the once forgotten tradition and decided to build an icy splendor in the current capital.

There is no doubt that the ice sculptures in Moscow 2018 will amaze us with even greater splendor and scope. In the meantime, let's remember how it was in 2017.

Ice extravaganza on Poklonnaya Hill

Last year's exhibition of ice sculptures was somewhat different from previous years. Thanks to Ice Moscow, which was the name of the exposition, it was possible to visit the Crimea, Volgograd, Kizhi, Vladivostok, St. Petersburg and other interesting places in Russia. The Swallow's Nest, the Motherland monument, the Moscow Kremlin, ancient temples were so large and charming that everyone wanted to take a picture next to them.

The ice figures of a samovar, a steam locomotive, a Russian stove, and a throne were no less popular with children. You could even climb on them and play inside. The most popular were, of course, slides straight from the ice walls of the Kremlin. The little ones also liked the figures of animals: a tiger, a dolphin, etc. In general, the authorities of the capital did their best in the Victory Park and did everything to make the New Year holidays interesting for the whole family. Organizationally, everything was also great:

  • food stations were working;
  • animators entertained the kids as best they could;
  • there was a first-aid post in case of injuries;
  • public toilets, etc.
  • a magnificent illumination of all the figures was organized;
  • big screens worked;
  • music played;
  • there was a huge Christmas tree, which created an already festive mood.

The price of children's tickets is 250 rubles, and adults - 350 rubles. Tickets could be bought completely freely at special ticket offices-houses. The exposition was available for a whole month from 12/29/16 to 01/29/17.

Exhibition of ice sculptures at VDNKh

In this area of ​​Moscow, a skating rink is traditionally flooded in winter, which is considered the largest in the world. Everyone can ride right around the famous fountains "Stone Flower" and "Friendship of Peoples". In addition, the exhibition annually hosts an exposition of ice sculptures on various topics. In 2017, an ice bridge of extraordinary beauty "Northern Lights" was erected right in the middle of the lake. All this splendor begins to live a special life when a special colored backlight is turned on in the evening.

The most amazing thing is that there is so much light that it seems that you have landed on another planet. Everything lights up, and even the ice on the rink, where different patterns are drawn to the music.

The program of the festival "Vyugovey" is so rich that everyone will find something to their liking here. At the disposal of vacationers:

  • sled;
  • snowboards;
  • skis;
  • skates.

Various New Year's entertainments are organized around the Christmas tree, fairs, folk festivals are organized, and folk groups perform. Here you can taste various culinary treats and drink hot tea.

Tickets for the festival depend on the time of stay. The price ranges from 300-600 rubles. - adults and about 250 rubles. - children's.

Polar Star in Sokolniki

That was the name of the museum of ice sculptures in the famous park. In it, Muscovites and guests of Moscow could get acquainted with the traditional dwellings of the peoples of the North, dog teams and other attributes of the life of northerners. Here you can see the figures:

  • penguins;
  • seals;
  • whales;
  • polar bear;
  • walruses;
  • killer whales.

The landscape of the North Pole and much more made me take a fresh look at many things. The cost of tickets for the exhibition was 250 rubles.

Russian ice sculptures on Krasnaya Presnya

The gallery covers an area of ​​450 m2 and operates throughout the year by maintaining sub-zero temperatures. The room is equipped with professional lighting and musical accompaniment. The exposition was created by the best sculptors of Russia, who more than once became winners of various domestic and international competitions. The project is unique and there is no such thing in the whole world. It took ninety tons of ice made from spring water to create the exposition. The collection of figures is dedicated to the characters of the best works of Russian literature, such as Krylov's fables and fairy tales of Ershov and Pushkin. The exposition can be interesting for both children and adults. The ticket price is 350 rubles. Video recording is free.

Ice Age at Luzhniki

Here, every year, with the onset of frost and until spring, a festival of snow and ice takes place. The territory is divided into two halves. In one there are children's attractions in the form of: various caves, an ice aquarium, a labyrinth, traps and slides. The other part contains compositions dedicated to the Ice Age cartoon, as well as the Camelot gallery, which has knights, castles, phoenixes, dragons, etc. In total, more than 70 ice and snow figures were presented at the festival in 2017.

In general, in winter it is a real mecca for children, although, as observations show, quite adult boys and girls are not averse to sitting on a dinosaur or sliding down a hill. Lovers often take pictures here. The ticket price for the festival is: 200 rubles. for children and 300 rubles. for adults.

Opening hours of ice attractions

When and where it will be possible to see ice sculptures in Moscow in 2019, as well as get acquainted with the news of the project and the details of its organization, the information shared by the founders of this event will help us to find out.

The mesmerizing harmony of ice and light

Perhaps the largest and most popular exposition of ice sculptures in the capital of Russia is the annual Ice Moscow festival, which traditionally opens its doors in late December. Throughout the entire period of the New Year holidays, the park will delight its visitors with grandiose figures and architectural structures. According to the organizers of the project, the height of some of the sculptures that will be presented at the exposition in 2019 will reach 13 meters, which will be a record high in the history of this festival.

The theme of Ice Moscow deserves special attention. The last edition of the exhibition was dedicated to the World Cup held in Russia in 2019. Ice masterpieces were presented by masters from 11 cities of our country hosting matches of the World Cup, and the sculptures they created symbolized the countries participating in the championship. According to experts, it took more than 2,000 tons of natural ice to organize the 2018 exposition.

Festival guests especially liked:

  • ten-meter Egyptian pyramids;
  • a copy of the Moscow Kremlin;
  • Uruguayan monument "Fingers";
  • legendary Orthodox churches in Moscow;
  • caravans in Saudi Arabia;
  • the symbol of Paris is the "Eiffel Tower";
  • Japanese samurai and the castle of the "White Heron".

According to preliminary information, the opening hours of the future exhibition will be the same as in 2018. For everyone who wants to enjoy the creations of the best masters of ice art, the doors of the festival will be open daily from 10:00 to 22:00 (excluding holidays). The price of invitations for adults will be 350 rubles, for children - 250 rubles. Toddlers under 5 years old (accompanied by parents) will be able to take advantage of a special preferential offer. Entrance for this category of visitors will be provided absolutely free of charge.

Ice masterpieces at VDNKh and Sokolniki

Until 2012, one of the most visited winter exhibitions in Moscow was the Ice Sculpture Museum in Sokolniki Park. Unlike previous years, this exposition is currently open only in the winter season. In the days of her constant work, visitors had the opportunity to see the ice room, completely suitable for life. Thanks to heavy-duty freezers operating around the clock, this splendor could be admired at any time of the year.

A worthy alternative to the festival in Sokolniki is an exhibition of ice sculptures located at VDNKh. It is interesting that the audience comes here at the stage of preparation for its opening. And this is not at all surprising, because before their eyes appears an incredible picture of the transformation of giant ice blocks into masterpieces of art. As part of the 2019 festival, sparkling UFOs, characters from favorite fairy tales, heroes of popular cartoons, as well as other fantastic objects that stagger the imagination of visitors will be presented to the attention of residents and guests of the city.

Ice Sculpture Gallery at Krasnaya Presnya

In this recreation park, citizens and tourists will find many sites where magnificent architectural compositions will be erected from snow and ice, in which you can easily recognize the legendary monuments of Russian architecture, including the icy analogue of the House of Tsaritsa Anna Ioannovna. In addition to historical buildings, figures of colorful fairy-tale characters, familiar to every inhabitant of our country since childhood, will be presented here. It is worth mentioning that 12 of the best sculptors of Russia, as well as a team of well-known designers and decorators of world renown, will take an active part in the creation of the exhibition. The original photo and video materials of the gallery at Krasnaya Presnya can be easily found on its official portal.

Snow and ice fairy tale in Luzhniki

The Ice Sculpture Festival, which takes place annually in the Luzhniki Winter Fun Park, is a great opportunity to take a break from the “gray” working days. Last year's themes of the exposition were "Camelot" and "Ice Age". The first part of the exhibition was entirely dedicated to the fairy tale characters of the fairy tale of the same name. In different parts of the park, viewers could enjoy figures of knights and dragons of incredible beauty and size, as well as fantastic castles sparkling in the beams of laser spotlights. As for the second part of the exposition, it was represented by a grandiose complex of attractions, ice caves, slides and labyrinths.

In 2019, the creators of the project promise to surprise Muscovites and guests of the city with no less beautiful ice compositions that are sure to impress both adults and the youngest visitors to the exhibition.

Opening hours of expositions in Moscow:

Do not miss the opportunity to visit exhibitions with your family or friends. Stunning ice sculptures are sure to give loved ones a festive mood and leave a lot of indelible impressions in their memory.