Bedtime stories for 7 8 years old. Educational bedtime stories for children

The story of three oranges is told throughout Italy. But surprisingly, in each locality it is told in its own way. But the Genoese say one thing, the Neapolitans say something else, the Sicilians say something else. And we have listened to all these tales and now we know how everything really happened.

Once upon a time there lived a king and a queen. They had a palace, they had a kingdom, there were, of course, subjects, but the king and queen had no children.

Once the king said:

- If we had a son, I would put a fountain on the square in front of the palace.

And I would not have poured out of it wine, but golden olive oil. For seven years women would come to him and bless my son.

Soon the king and queen had a very pretty boy. The happy parents fulfilled their vow, and two fountains gushed out in the square. In the first year, fountains of wine and oil rose above the palace tower. The next year they became lower. In a word, the royal son, every day, became larger, and the fountains - smaller.

At the end of the seventh year, the fountains were no longer beating, wine and oil oozed from them drop by drop.

Once the king's son went out to the square to play bowling pins. At the same time, a gray-haired, hunched-over old woman dragged herself to the fountains. She brought with her a sponge and two earthenware jugs. Drop by drop the sponge absorbed the wine and the oil, and the old woman squeezed it into the jugs.

The jugs are almost full. And suddenly - fuck! - both shattered into shards.

That's a well-aimed blow! It was the king's son who was aiming a large wooden ball at the pins, and hit the jugs. At the same moment, the fountains dried up, they no longer gave a drop of wine and oil. After all, the prince just at that moment turned exactly seven years old.

The old woman shook her gnarled finger and spoke in a raspy voice:

“Listen to me, royal son. For breaking my jugs, I will put a spell on you. When you blowjob three times seven years, longing will attack you.

And she will torment you until you find a tree with three oranges.

And when you find a tree and pick three oranges, you will be thirsty.

Then we'll see what happens.

The old woman laughed maliciously and trudged away.

And the king's son continued to play skittles, and after half an hour he forgot both the broken jugs and the old woman's spell.

The prince remembered him when he was three times seven - twenty-one years old. A melancholy attacked him, and neither hunting fun, nor magnificent balls could dispel it.

- Oh, where can I find three oranges! He repeated.

The father-king and mother-queen heard this and said:

- Will we really spare for our dear son at least three, at least three dozen, at least three hundred, at least three thousand oranges!

And they piled in front of the prince a whole mountain of golden fruits. But the prince only shook his head.

- No, these are not the same oranges. And what are the ones that I need, and I myself do not know.

Saddle the horse, I'll go looking for them. They saddled the horse for the King's son, he jumped on it and rode off. He rode, he rode along the roads, found nothing. Then the prince turned off the road and galloped straight ahead. Galloped to the stream suddenly hears a thin voice:

- Hey, king's son, see that your horse does not trample my house!

The prince looked in all directions - no one was there. He looked under the horse's hooves - an eggshell lay in the grass. He dismounted, bent down, saw - a fairy was sitting in a shell. The prince was surprised, and the fairy says:

- For a long time, no one visited me, brought gifts.

Then the prince took off a ring with an expensive stone from his finger and put on the fairy instead of a belt. The fairy laughed with joy and said:

- I know, I know what you are looking for. Get the diamond key and you will enter the garden. There are three oranges hanging on a branch.

- And where to find the diamond key? - asked the prince.

“Probably my older sister knows that. She lives in a chestnut grove.

The young man thanked the fairy and jumped on his horse. The second fairy really lived in a chestnut grove, in a chestnut shell. The prince gave her a gold cloak buckle.

- Thank you, - said the fairy, - I will now have a golden bed.

For this I will tell you a secret. The diamond key lies in a crystal box.

- And where is the box? - asked the young man.

“My older sister knows that,” the fairy answered. - She lives in a hazel tree.

The king's son found the hazel. The oldest fairy made herself a house in a hazelnut shell. The royal son took it off my neck gold chain and gave it to the fairy. The fairy tied a chain to a branch and said:

- This will be my swing. For such a generous gift, I will tell you something that my younger sisters do not know. The crystal box is located in the palace. The palace stands on a mountain, and that mountain is behind three mountains, behind three deserts. The casket is guarded by a one-eyed watchman. Remember well: when the watchman is asleep, his eye is open; when he is awake, his eye is closed. Go and fear nothing.

How long it took the prince's son, we do not know. He only crossed three mountains, drove three deserts and drove up to that very mountain. Then he dismounted, tied his horse to a tree and looked around. Here is the path. It is completely overgrown with grass - apparently, no one has been to these parts for a long time. The prince walked along it. The path crawls, meandering like a snake, all up and up. The prince does not turn off her. So the path led him to the top of the mountain, where the palace stood.

Flew past the magpie. The prince asked her:

- Forty, forty, look into the palace window. See if the watchman is sleeping.

The magpie looked through the window and shouted:

- Asleep, asleep! His eye is closed!

“Eh,” the prince said to himself, “now is not the time to enter the palace.

He waited until nightfall. An owl flew past. The prince asked her:

- Owl, owl, look into the palace window. See if the watchman is sleeping.

The owl looked through the window and hooted:

- Wow! The watchman does not sleep! His eye is looking at me like that.

“Now is the time,” said the prince to himself, and entered the palace.

There he saw a one-eyed watchman. There was a three-legged table near the watchman with a crystal chest on it. The prince lifted the lid of the chest, took out the diamond key, but he did not know what to open with it. He began to walk through the palace halls and try to which door the diamond key would fit. I tried all the locks, none of the keys fit. There was only a small golden door in the farthest hall. The prince put the diamond key in the keyhole, it fit as if by measure. The door swung open at once, and the prince entered the garden.

In the middle of the garden was an orange tree with only three oranges growing on it. But what oranges they were! Large, fragrant, with a golden rind.

As if all the generous sun of Italy fell to them alone. The king's son picked the oranges, hid them under his cloak and went back.

As soon as the prince came down from the mountain and jumped on his horse, the one-eyed watchman closed his one eye and woke up. He immediately saw that there was no diamond key in the casket. But it was too late, for the prince was galloping at full speed on his good horse, taking away three oranges.

Here he crossed one mountain, riding through the desert. It's a sultry day, not a cloud in the azure sky. Hot air flows over the hot sand.

The prince was thirsty. He felt so inclined that he could not think of anything else.

Why, I have three oranges! He said to himself. - Eat alone and quench your thirst!

As soon as he cut the peel, the orange split into two halves. A beautiful girl came out of it.

“Give me a drink,” she asked in a plaintive voice.

What was the king's son to do! He himself was burning with thirst.

- Drink, drink! - the girl sighed, fell on the hot sand and died.

Soon the desert ended, the young man drove up to the forest. On the edge of the forest a stream gurgled in a friendly way. The king's son rushed to the stream, got drunk himself, gave the horse plenty to drink, and then sat down to rest under a spreading chestnut tree. He took out a second orange from under his cloak, held it in his palm, and curiosity began to torment the prince as much as thirst had recently tormented him. What is hidden behind the golden skin? And the prince cut a second orange.

The orange split into two halves, and a girl came out of it. She was even more beautiful than the first.

“Give me a drink,” the girl said.

“Here is a stream,” replied the prince, “its water is clean and cool.

The girl fell to the stream and instantly drank all the water from the stream, even the sand at the bottom became dry.

- Drink, drink! - The girl groaned again, fell on the grass and died.

The prince was very upset and said:

- Eh, no, now I won't even take a drop of water in my mouth until I get the third girl drunk from the third orange!

And he spurred his horse. I drove a little and looked around. What a miracle!

Along the banks of the stream, they stood up like a wall orange trees... Under the dense greenery of their branches, the stream filled with water and sang its own song again.

But the prince did not return here either. He drove on, clutching the last orange to his chest.

It is impossible to tell how he suffered from heat and thirst on the way. However, sooner or later, the prince galloped to the river that flowed near the borders of his native kingdom. Here he cut a third orange, the largest and ripe one. The orange opened like petals, and a girl of unprecedented beauty appeared in front of the prince. The first two were good at what, but next to this one they would seem just plain ugly. The prince could not take his eyes off her. Her face was softer than a flower orange tree, eyes green like the ovary of a fruit, hair golden like the peel of a ripe orange.

The royal son took her hand and led her to the river. The girl bent over the river and began to drink. But the river was wide and deep. No matter how much the girl drank, the water did not subside.

Finally the beauty raised her head and smiled at the prince.

“Thank you, prince, for giving me life. Before you is the daughter of the king of orange trees. I've been waiting for you in my golden dungeon for so long!

And my sisters were also waiting.

“Oh, poor things,” sighed the prince. “I’m to blame for their deaths.

“But they are not dead,” said the girl. - Didn't you see that they became orange groves? They will give coolness to tired travelers, quench their thirst. But now my sisters will never be able to turn into girls.

- And you will not leave me? - exclaimed the prince.

- I will not leave if you do not stop loving me.

The prince put his hand on the hilt of his sword and vowed that he would not call anyone his wife except the daughter of the king of the orange trees.

He put the girl in front of him on the saddle and galloped to his own palace.

The palace turrets have already shone in the distance. The prince stopped his horse and said:

- Wait for me here, I will return for you in a golden carriage and bring you a satin dress and satin shoes.

“I don’t need a carriage or outfits. You better not leave me alone.

“But I want you to drive into my father’s palace, as befits a royal son’s bride. Do not be afraid, I will plant you on a tree branch, over this pond. Nobody will see you here.

He lifted her in his arms, planted her on a tree, and drove through the gate himself.

At this time, a lame, crooked servant girl came to the pond to rinse the clothes. She bent over the water and saw the girl's reflection in the pond.

- Is it really me? Cried the maid. - How beautiful I have become! It is true that the sun itself is jealous of my beauty!

The maid raised her eyes to look at the sun, and noticed a girl among the dense foliage. Then the maid realized that she was not seeing her own reflection in the water.

- Hey, who are you and what are you doing here? The maid shouted angrily.

“I’m the fiancee of the king’s son, and I’m waiting for him to come for me.”

The maid thought: Here's an opportunity to outsmart fate.

- Well, it is still unknown who he will come for, - she answered and began to shake the tree with all her might.

The poor orange girl tried her best to stay on the branches. But the maid rocked the trunk more and more. The girl fell from the branch and, falling, turned again into a golden orange.

The maid quickly grabbed the orange, put it in her bosom, and climbed up the tree. She had barely time to perch on a branch when the prince drove up in a carriage drawn by six white horses.

The maid did not wait to be taken from the tree, and jumped to the ground.

The prince recoiled, seeing his fiancee lame and crooked in one eye.

The maid said quickly:

- Eh, groom, do not worry, all this will soon pass for me. A speck got into my eye, and I sat my leg on a tree. After the wedding, I will be even better than I was.

The prince had no choice but to take her to the palace. After all, he swore on his sword.

The father-king and mother-queen were very upset to see the bride of their beloved son. It was worth going for such a beauty almost to the ends of the world! But once the word has been given, it is necessary to carry it out. They began to prepare for the wedding.

Evening came. The whole palace was shining with lights. The tables were lavishly laid, and the guests were discharged to smithereens. Everyone was having fun. Only the king's son was sad. He was tormented by melancholy, such a melancholy, as if he had never held three oranges in his hands. At least get on your horse again and go somewhere, no one knows why.

Then the bell was struck, and everyone sat down at the table. Young people were seated at the head of the table. Servants carried around the guests with skillfully prepared food and drinks.

The bride tasted one food, tasted another, but each bite just got stuck in her throat. She was thirsty. But no matter how much she drank, her thirst did not subside. Then she remembered about the orange and decided to eat it.

Suddenly, an orange rolled out of her hands and rolled across the table, saying in a gentle voice: A crooked falsehood sits at the table, But the truth with it entered the house!

The guests held their breath. The bride turned pale. The orange rolled around the table, rolled up to the prince and opened up. From him came the beautiful daughter of the king of orange trees.

The prince took her by the hands and led her to her father and mother.

- Here is my real bride!

The wicked deceiver was immediately chased away. And the prince and the orange girl celebrated a merry wedding and lived happily until a ripe old age.

Our everyday life- like a long serpentine ribbon - stretches and stretches. If you follow this tape all the time, very soon crazy thoughts disappear from your head, the body becomes so slow on its way up and No Mood covers you. Because nothing happens. Everything is as usual, every morning. The same route, the same people, the same actions ... Being in this gray state, it is very easy to forget what happens in another way.

But! We're our own masters, aren't we? Is it difficult to do something unusual that you might want for a long time, but has been postponed just as long? Every day in the project of the site Kalen-Dar is dedicated to one holiday. You may or may not follow them. But if you want something unusual - look what day it is. Maybe you have been waiting for him for a long time, but he took it and stepped on?

Have you ever heard of orange fairy tales? Don't be ridiculous, that must mean you've never eaten oranges! Each of these wet, sunny, bright balls tells you a story - it begins every time you glance at the fruit shelf in the store. These are warm stories about lands where they have not seen snow, hot stories about wild and herbivorous inhabitants of the southern plains, stuffy parables about amazing black hands picking ripe fruit from a branch ... After all, every domesticated orange, even if grown in a greenhouse near Rostov-on-Don , - a real African, whatever one may say! And inside each of them lives its own little sun - an orange fairy tale ... today is the most suitable day for one of them, isn't it?

A day of orange fairy tales? Why not. We offer you a selection of fairy tales. And read and see.


Italian fairy tale

The story of three oranges is told throughout Italy. But surprisingly, in each locality it is told in its own way. But the Genoese say one thing, the Neapolitans say something else, the Sicilians say something else. And we have listened to all these tales and now we know how everything really happened.

Once upon a time there lived a king and a queen. They had a palace, they had a kingdom, there were, of course, subjects, but the king and queen had no children.

Once the king said:

- If we had a son, I would put a fountain on the square in front of the palace. And I would not have poured out of it wine, but golden olive oil. For seven years women would come to him and bless my son.

Soon the king and queen had a very pretty boy. The happy parents fulfilled their vow, and two fountains gushed out in the square. In the first year, fountains of wine and oil rose above the palace tower. The next year they became lower. In a word, the royal son, every day, became larger, and the fountains - smaller.

At the end of the seventh year, the fountains were no longer beating, wine and oil oozed from them drop by drop.

Once the king's son went out to the square to play bowling pins. At the same time, a gray-haired, hunched-over old woman dragged herself to the fountains. She brought with her a sponge and two earthenware jugs. Drop by drop the sponge absorbed the wine and the oil, and the old woman squeezed it into the jugs.

The jugs are almost full. And suddenly - fuck! - both shattered into shards. That's a well-aimed blow! It was the king's son who was aiming a large wooden ball at the pins, and hit the jugs. At the same moment, the fountains dried up, they no longer gave a drop of wine and oil. After all, the prince just at that moment turned exactly seven years old.

The old woman shook her gnarled finger and spoke in a raspy voice:

“Listen to me, royal son. For breaking my jugs, I will put a spell on you. When you blowjob three times seven years, longing will attack you. And she will torment you until you find a tree with three oranges. And when you find a tree and pick three oranges, you will be thirsty. Then we'll see what happens.

The old woman laughed maliciously and trudged away.

And the king's son continued to play skittles, and after half an hour he forgot both the broken jugs and the old woman's spell.

The prince remembered him when he was three times seven - twenty-one years old. A melancholy attacked him, and neither hunting fun, nor magnificent balls could dispel it.

Oh, where can I find three oranges! he repeated.

The father-king and mother-queen heard this and said:

Will we really regret for our dear son at least three, at least three dozen, at least three hundred, at least three thousand oranges!

And they piled in front of the prince a whole mountain of golden fruits. But the prince only shook his head.

No, these are not the same oranges. And what are the ones that I need, and I myself do not know. Saddle your horse, I'll go looking for them

They saddled the king's horse, jumped on it and rode off. He drove, he drove on the roads, found nothing. Then the prince turned off the road and galloped straight ahead. Galloped to the stream, suddenly hears a thin voice:

Hey king's son, watch your horse not trample my house!

The prince looked in all directions - no one was there. He looked under the horse's hooves - an eggshell lay in the grass. He dismounted, bent down, saw - a fairy was sitting in a shell. The prince was surprised, and the fairy says:

For a long time no one visited me, brought gifts.

Then the prince took off a ring with an expensive stone from his finger and put on the fairy instead of a belt. The fairy laughed with joy and said:

I know, I know what you're looking for. Get a diamond key and you will enter the garden. There are three oranges hanging on a branch.

Where can you find the diamond key? - asked the prince.

My older sister probably knows this. She lives in a chestnut grove.

The young man thanked the fairy and jumped on his horse. The second fairy really lived in a chestnut grove, in a chestnut shell. The prince gave her a gold cloak buckle.

Thank you, - said the fairy, - now I will have a golden bed. For this I will tell you a secret. The diamond key lies in a crystal box.

Where is the box? - asked the young man.

My older sister knows it, - answered the fairy. - She lives in a hazel tree.

The king's son found the hazel. The oldest fairy made herself a house in a hazelnut shell. The royal son took off the gold chain from his neck and presented it to the fairy. The fairy tied a chain to a branch and said:

This will be my swing. For such a generous gift, I will tell you something that my younger sisters do not know. The crystal box is located in the palace. The palace stands on a mountain, and that mountain is behind three mountains, behind three deserts. The casket is guarded by a one-eyed watchman. Remember well: when the watchman is asleep, his eye is open; when he is awake, his eye is closed. Go and fear nothing.

How long it took the prince's son, we do not know. He only crossed three mountains, drove three deserts and drove up to that very mountain. Then he dismounted, tied his horse to a tree and looked around. Here is the path. It is completely overgrown with grass - apparently, no one has been to these parts for a long time. The prince walked along it. The path crawls, meandering like a snake, all up and up. The prince does not turn off her. So the path led him to the top of the mountain, where the palace stood.

Flew past the magpie. The prince asked her:

Forty, forty, look through the palace window. See if the guard is asleep.

The magpie looked through the window and shouted:

Asleep, asleep! His eye is closed!

Eh, the prince said to himself, now is not the time to enter the palace.

He waited until nightfall. An owl flew past. The prince asked her:

Owl, owl, look into the palace window. See if the guard is asleep.

The owl looked through the window and hooted:

Wow! The watchman does not sleep! His eye is looking at me like that.

Now is the time, the prince said to himself, and entered the palace.

There he saw a one-eyed watchman. There was a three-legged table near the watchman with a crystal chest on it. The prince lifted the lid of the chest, took out the diamond key, but he did not know what to open with it. He began to walk through the palace halls and try to which door the diamond key would fit. I tried all the locks, none of the keys fit. There was only a small golden door in the farthest hall. The prince put the diamond key in the keyhole, it fit as if by measure. The door immediately swung open, and the prince got into the garden.

In the middle of the garden was an orange tree with only three oranges growing on it. But what oranges they were! Large, fragrant, with a golden rind. As if all the generous sun of Italy fell to them alone. The king's son picked the oranges, hid them under his cloak and went back.

As soon as the prince came down from the mountain and jumped on his horse, the one-eyed watchman closed his one eye and woke up. He immediately saw that there was no diamond key in the casket. But it was too late, for the prince was galloping at full speed on his good horse, taking away three oranges.

Here he crossed one mountain, riding through the desert. It's a sultry day, not a cloud in the azure sky. Hot air flows over the hot sand. The prince was thirsty. He felt so inclined that he could not think of anything else.

"Why, I have three oranges!" He said to himself. "Eat one and quench my thirst!"

As soon as he cut the peel, the orange split into two halves. A beautiful girl came out of it.

Give me a drink, ”she asked in a plaintive voice.

What was the king's son to do! He himself was burning with thirst.

Drink, drink! - the girl sighed, fell on the hot sand and died.

The prince grieved over her and drove on. And when he looked back, he saw that an orange grove was turning green in that place. The prince was surprised, but did not turn back.

Soon the desert ended, the young man drove up to the forest. On the edge of the forest a stream gurgled in a friendly way. The king's son rushed to the stream, got drunk himself, gave the horse plenty to drink, and then sat down to rest under a spreading chestnut tree. He took out a second orange from under his cloak, held it in his palm, and curiosity began to torment the prince as much as thirst had recently tormented him. What is hidden behind the golden skin? And the prince cut a second orange.

The orange split into two halves, and a girl came out of it. She was even more beautiful than the first.

Give me a drink, ”the girl said.

Here is a stream, - answered the prince, - its water is clear and cool.

The girl fell to the stream and instantly drank all the water from the stream, even the sand at the bottom became dry.

Drink, drink! - The girl groaned again, fell on the grass and died.

The prince was very upset and said:

Oh, no, now I won't even take a drop of water in my mouth until I drink the third girl out of the third orange!

And he spurred his horse. I drove a little and looked around. What a miracle! Orange trees stood like a wall along the banks of the stream. Under the dense greenery of their branches, the stream filled with water and sang its own song again.

But the prince did not return here either. He drove on, clutching the last orange to his chest.

It is impossible to tell how he suffered from heat and thirst on the way. However, sooner or later, the prince galloped to the river that flowed near the borders of his native kingdom. Here he cut a third orange, the largest and ripe one. The orange opened like petals, and a girl of unprecedented beauty appeared in front of the prince. The first two were good at what, but next to this one they would seem just plain ugly. The prince could not take his eyes off her. Her face was softer than an orange blossom, her eyes were green like the ovary of a fruit, her hair was golden like the peel of a ripe orange.

The royal son took her hand and led her to the river. The girl bent over the river and began to drink. But the river was wide and deep. No matter how much the girl drank, the water did not subside.

Finally the beauty raised her head and smiled at the prince.

Thank you, prince, for giving me life. Before you is the daughter of the king of orange trees. I've been waiting for you in my golden dungeon for so long! And my sisters were also waiting.

Oh, poor things, the prince sighed. “I’m to blame for their deaths.

But they are not dead, - said the girl. - Didn't you see that they became orange groves? They will give coolness to tired travelers, quench their thirst. But now my sisters will never be able to turn into girls.

Won't you leave me? - exclaimed the prince.

I will not leave if you do not stop loving me.

The prince put his hand on the hilt of his sword and vowed that he would not call anyone his wife except the daughter of the king of the orange trees.

He put the girl in front of him on the saddle and galloped to his own palace.

The palace turrets have already shone in the distance. The prince stopped his horse and said:

- Is it really me? cried the maid. - How beautiful I have become! True, the sun itself envies my beauty! - Well, it is still unknown who he will come for, - she answered and began to shake the tree with all her might.

The poor orange girl tried her best to stay on the branches. But the maid rocked the trunk more and more. The girl fell from the branch and, falling, turned again into a golden orange.

The maid quickly grabbed the orange, put it in her bosom, and climbed up the tree. She had barely time to perch on a branch when the prince drove up in a carriage drawn by six white horses.

The maid did not wait to be taken from the tree, and jumped to the ground.

The prince recoiled, seeing his fiancee lame and crooked in one eye.

The maid said quickly:

Eh, groom, do not worry, all this will soon pass for me. A speck got into my eye, and I sat my leg on a tree. After the wedding, I will be even better than I was.

The prince had no choice but to take her to the palace. After all, he swore on his sword.

The father-king and mother-queen were very upset to see the bride of their beloved son. It was worth going for such a beauty almost to the ends of the world! But once the word has been given, it is necessary to carry it out. They began to prepare for the wedding.

Evening came. The whole palace was shining with lights. The tables were lavishly laid, and the guests were discharged to smithereens. Everyone was having fun. Only the king's son was sad. He was tormented by melancholy, such a melancholy, as if he had never held three oranges in his hands. At least get on your horse again and go somewhere, no one knows why.

The bride tasted one food, tasted another, but each bite just got stuck in her throat. She was thirsty. But no matter how much she drank, her thirst did not subside. Then she remembered about the orange and decided to eat it. Suddenly, an orange rolled out of her hands and rolled across the table, saying in a gentle voice: A crooked falsehood sits at the table, But the truth with it entered the house!

Video story Orange. Laughter and Woe at the Bela Sea

Adaptations of fairy tales by Boris Shergin and Stepan Pisakhov