How to develop memory - exercises and techniques. How to develop memory: tests, techniques, methods, simulators

We receive news daily. They come to us from friends, from the pages of books, newspapers and from the world around us. We would like to remember most of this information. But it often happens that at the very the right moment we are unable to remember what we learned earlier. To face this difficulty as rarely as possible, you should pay attention to the development of memory. For this, psychologists and scientists have created many techniques that help train your brain and learn to memorize.

Types of memory

To memorize music, numbers, faces, the location of objects, the order of actions, and so on, we use different kinds memory. It is divided into several varieties:

  1. Visual.
  2. Auditory.
  3. Motor or reflex.
  4. Verbal and logical.

Regular exercise can improve memory. The development of only one of its types (for example, visual) does not automatically improve the auditory. It has been proven that different areas of the brain are responsible for each separate type of memory. Therefore, it is important to define your weak sides and start developing them.

Visual memory

For a person to be able to recognize people, events, terrain, he needs a good visual memory. Developing it really has advantages, as it will help you become more attentive and, for example, reproduce important numbers and dates on paper. In people whose profession is associated with drawings, this area of ​​the brain is much better developed than others. Among these lucky ones are artists, designers, animators. These people regularly deliberately memorize details, traits and nuances in order to display them on paper. Those who would like to train their memory should carefully consider photographs, drawings, portraits. Developing memory involves more than just mindless gazing. You need to strive to remember the features and more. First, we compose general idea about the image we saw, after which we focus on the little things. We spend no more than 15 seconds on each photo, after which we move on to the next portrait. We strive to remember more details. Over time, with regularity, he will be able to assimilate more little things in less time.

in everyday life

It can be useful to us when doing daily affairs, various assignments. To do this, you need to connect your imagination. For example, today you need to take out a garbage bag, but you usually forget about it. So that this task does not fly out of your head, you can close your eyes and imagine how a huge garbage bag cheerfully marches up the stairs towards the container. The bottom line is that such an unusual picture is harder to forget than just a dry, everyday task. In the same way, you can imagine other images that will help you remember your daily activities.

Auditory memory: development and training

The information we receive through our ears is very important in our life. So we learn important information that helps us determine what to do, what to do, whom to remember. Therefore, the development of memory in this area will help make our life better, we do not have to spend a lot of time remembering important information. For training, you can use the following method. On the way to the store or to work, we can hear snippets of conversations of passers-by. Try to catch these words and phrases and keep them in your memory for a few seconds. In the evening, try to remember these sentences, or at least their contents to begin with.

auditory memory

Play an audio recording of a poem. On the first day, listen to one line, while trying to imagine it in your mind, as if this phrase was written before your eyes. Try to remember the words. If you can't repeat the line, listen from the beginning. All words should be clear and familiar to you. After you have memorized the line, repeat all the words in reverse order... For example, "a golden cloud slept on the chest of a giant's rock" and vice versa - "a giant of a cliff on a chest, a golden cloud slept the night."

On the second day, you listen to another line in the same way and remember. Review the material for these two days. Memorize one more line every day, while remembering to pronounce the words you already know from memory. Start memorizing the next poem two lines at a time. Etc. Each time, strive not only to memorize the material, but to remember, not forgetting that you need to scroll through the corresponding images in your head.

What makes us speak right

It is very important for a person. The development of this species of her is a very interesting process. Such memory is responsible for putting words into the correct logical chain, the formation of understandable, correct phrases from them. Here thoughts are the basis. They are conveyed in human language. There are several ways to put your thoughts into words. First, you can convey the essence in a free style, as best we can. Secondly, you can use the rules of verbal design. This is where a good memory is required so as not to forget the sentence construction. But there is one caveat: we will not be able to train this area of ​​the brain if we just mindlessly memorize ready-made rules... It is necessary to ponder their meaning, to ponder why the proposal should be drawn up this way. Only then will we begin to develop logical memory. As a training, we can take a sentence and try to interpret it correctly, while not forgetting about the rules for using vocabulary.

Memory Training Books

Many techniques have been created that help a person of any age to develop areas of the brain responsible for memorization. For example, the book "Memory and Its Development" written by W. Atkinson is popular. The American writer and psychologist gives specific advice on training this ability and on how to cultivate the ability to absorb the necessary details. Atkinson talks about how to quickly memorize dates, faces, numbers and names.

Children's memory

The development of memory in children is very important, since it depends on how they will perceive information during their studies. It is necessary to deal with the child systematically, starting from the preschool years. At this age, the memory associated with images and emotions works best for a young man. Children respond less well to symbols or words. But it is worth determining which memory is better developed for your baby. Perhaps it is easier for him to remember when he draws himself, or, conversely, when he is shown ready-made pictures. Or it is still better for him to tell and explain. In any case, at this age, it is more effective to use developmental games. During this process, the memory assimilates information more easily.

"Guess what it is!"

Several children may be involved in such a game. Each baby is shown an object separately from the others, which he must then describe in his own words, without looking at it. Guessing is possible only after the child has named the essential differences of the given thing. At the end of the game, you can reward everyone with sweets. To make it interesting for the children, the one who tells the story can be given a flag or pebble, which is passed on to the next storyteller in the relay.

There are other developmental games. Memory (and not only) will train well if you do these exercises regularly. For example, the child’s logic is also involved in the next game. It will take several sticks, 20-30 pieces. Can be replaced with matches. An adult lays out a figurine, it can be a Christmas tree, a house, a sun. The kid looks at her for up to 4 seconds and tries to remember. After that, mom covers her work with a sheet of paper and asks the baby to make the same figurine. An incorrectly positioned stick is a mistake. Gradually, you can complicate the task by laying out several figures at once. Of course, the task may seem difficult at first, but over time, the child will develop a memory, and everything will work out.

Another game trains this ability equally fascinatingly. Place 10 toys on the surface. The baby should try to remember in what order they are located, looking at them for about 20 seconds. After he turns away, you can remove the two toys or swap them. The task of the kid is to understand what has changed and restore everything.

The main step towards developing your memory is self-organization. First of all, you need to teach your brain to recognize the necessary information that it needs to remember. Try to organize some material before memorizing it. It will be easier to do this by making notes in the diary.

By training attention, we develop memory. Our brain only remembers the information that we notice. It is necessary to focus on the details, remembering something. You can train your memory in a playful way, for example, solving pictures from the "find 10 differences" series.

Use your auditory memory to help your visual memory. Saying aloud information you need to remember helps your brain by including additional functions memory. Accordingly, the method works and vice versa.

We memorize in parts. The essence of this method is to organize information and memorize it in parts. You can also attribute some examples from your own life to these parts. Thus, remembering the section will make it easier for you to remember the content.

The information should be interesting and new. There is no need to try to concentrate on memorizing in advance, you need to try to delve into the information and it will certainly arouse your interest. Just because if you don't remember it yet, it is always new to you. Students often go to couples without interest, listen to information for several hours, but leaving the classroom, they cannot remember anything. Therefore, for training, use only interesting information, and in life, avoid gray monotonous text.

Repetition is a good exercise. It has been proven that the constant repetition of information necessarily puts it in memory, even if a person does not delve into the essence during this process. This exercise will be especially effective if you repeat the information out loud.

Memory development techniques

In order for your memory to never let you down, you need to constantly train and develop it. A great way to improve memory is through regular exercise and exercise. Consider the most effective methods to improve memory.

Reading books perfectly develops memory and attention. Each sentence read carries a certain meaning, forcing to ponder over the story read and postpone the plot in memory. But to improve memory, it is not necessary to read short texts, but long stories... The topics of the books should stimulate the reading of the reading.

We recall the events of the past day to the smallest detail. This is a fairly easy and entertaining exercise to reproduce in your memory the details of yesterday and fix them on paper. If difficulties arise at some stage, then you need to take a short break (close your eyes and try not to think about anything for a few minutes) and continue the exercise. If you repeat this exercise every day, then you will soon be able to significantly improve your memory.

Exercises to stimulate mental activity and develop imagination are also good for developing memory. It is extremely useful for memory to solve a variety of crosswords and solve puzzles.

An effective memory exercise: Try reversing all the letters of the alphabet in your mind, or counting from 100 to 0. A great memory exercise is to learn a word in 10 different languages.

Listening to classical music in a relaxed environment has a beneficial effect on improving memory. It can be the music of Bach, Mozart, Tchaikovsky or Beethoven.

Drawing from memory perfectly develops memory. For this exercise, you will need a sheet of paper and colored pencils. We search for landscapes on the Internet, choose any of them, study it for one minute and roll up the window with the landscape. Next, you need to try to depict the seen landscape on paper, as accurately as possible. After completion, you need to compare the finished drawing with the original.

Exercise - Associations help improve memory significantly. But for this exercise you need an assistant who will read out several (10-20) words that are not related to each other in meaning. After each named word, you will need to quickly write an association to it. For example "glass - water", "flower - leaf", "river - boat". In this case, you should only record the association, not the named word. Then, using associations, you will have to remember and name all the words read. Looking at the word boat, you should say river.

The following exercise will improve your memory and save time. You can develop memory on the way to work, school or to the store. On the way, you need to count, for example, poles, shops, pharmacies, trees or concrete plates... When you get to work, you will need to remember how many items you counted. For example, 25 pillars, 5 pharmacies and 17 large trees. If you do this exercise every day, the result will pleasantly surprise you.


No more interesting than material to study than memory. This is a complex psychological process necessary for storing and reproducing incoming information. The ability to memorize is necessary for a person throughout his life and is involved in all spheres of life. She develops mental capacity, is needed for improvement and development. The ability to memorize is given by nature for a reason, the skills and capabilities of a person directly depend on its development.

The ability is present in every living creature, but it reached the greatest development only in humans. Its main function is to link past experience to the present. Thanks to memory, people understand themselves and those around them, this is a mental form of consciousness that accumulates, preserves and consolidates required material.

The memory type depends on individual characteristics person, and maybe:

  • Short-term. Information is stored in a small volume and for a short period of time. Short-term memory cannot be underestimated. Thanks to her, the brain is unloaded and sifted unnecessary information... It is easy to increase short-term memory with repeated repetition of the material.
  • Long-term. Information is stored for a long time, possibly a lifetime. Memorizing information is not suitable for such an effect; only the method of concentration and establishing a connection between the text and life experience is used.
  • Sensory. Sensory memory retains data about the surrounding world with the help of the senses. It lasts 1-2 minutes, then quickly disappears. Sensory memory is divided into auditory and visual memory.

All people are individual, as are the ongoing psychological processes. Not everyone was lucky to have an accurate memory. There are people who from birth are endowed with the gift of memorizing complex information, numbers, you just have to want to. And there are those who, every time they go to work, remember whether they closed front door.

In any case, problems with memorization can be quickly solved, for this special techniques, programs have been developed, there is a course for the development of abilities and methods. Memory is like a muscle and can be developed and strengthened through daily exercise.

Human memory consists of three elements:

  • Memorizing information. This is the assimilation of new material, transfer to a special compartment of the brain and associative communication. The main task of this process is to bind a semantic connection to information. This consciousness is assisted by thinking and intellect, which process and distribute material.
  • Storage. This is the accumulation and retention of information. Without it, thinking and other psychological abilities of a person are not possible.
  • Recollection. Reproduction of the accumulated information is divided into voluntary and involuntary. With its help we remember required material, we easily "get" it from the depths of memory.
  • Forgetting. Forgetting is a memory development problem. It is difficult to reproduce information due to the complete or partial absence of such an ability.

Deterioration occurs regardless of the person's age and gender. Sometimes it comes on suddenly, so it needs special treatment. The reasons are different and depend on the individual characteristics of each person. Loss of memory and loss of attention - serious problems modern society requiring an immediate solution.

Forgetfulness reasons:

  • Bad habits... Leading an unhealthy lifestyle, the constant use of alcohol and smoking tobacco causes impaired brain function, impairment of attention and memory.
  • Overloading the body. Overloading the brain, an excess of information flow has a detrimental effect on health, causes problems with observation, the desire to concentrate on one subject. Insufficient concentration causes a decrease in perseverance and memory impairment.
  • Oxygen hunger. Adequate amount of fresh air increases the performance of the body and the brain. Frequent walks and airing the room will solve the problem of forgetfulness.
  • Stress. Memory impairment occurs due to poor health, anxiety, nervousness and stress. These negative factors cause a decrease in perception, weaken memory. The more often a person gets nervous and worried, the more problems with memorization appear.
  • Lack of sleep. Not a rash, a violation of the regime causes an inadequate work of the brain at the chemical level. A good sleep and correct mode will increase the work of the brain, eliminate the causes of forgetfulness.
  • Development of serious diseases. When a sharp memory impairment occurs, this indicates the development of a serious disease that needs treatment. A decrease in the level of ability is a symptom of Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's, sclerosis. Do not postpone a visit to the doctor, a timely diagnosis facilitates treatment and promotes a quick recovery. Before starting treatment, you should figure out what kind of disease caused a disturbance in the work of the brain. Treatment of the disease is carried out with the help of physiotherapy or psychological pedagogical treatment is prescribed. In the second case, the patient is taught to memorize again. Only healthy areas of the brain are involved in this process. This is a time consuming process of building and crafting automation in actions.
  • Not interesting. If you can easily memorize information on interesting topic, you can easily remember facts and numbers, but as soon as it comes to routine, mindfulness disappears somewhere - you don't have to complain about memory impairment, the problem arises due to insufficient interest. This is a common problem. It takes a lot of time and effort to memorize a boring text; the problem can only be solved with an effort of willpower. You can also develop your own memorization technique based on personal experience.

Disturbance of attention is individual and develops in different ways. It will be possible to improve it only after eliminating the negative factors that caused the violation. It is important to find the problem in time, thereby restoring memory functions.

How to develop memory and attention

Everyone wants to quickly memorize and easily recall the necessary information. Every person can develop memory. Only by solving the problems of memorization and concentration of attention, it will turn out to increase mental capabilities. Having a good memory, a person will improve daily life, will be successful at work.

  • Memorization. Memorize poems, excerpts from your favorite works, songs. Constant memorization will give good results. For those who do not like to read or do not have time, an audiobook will help. Listen to poetry or prose in your free time, then repeat it by heart.
  • Finger gymnastics. Finger gymnastics helps to eliminate memory loss, improve concentration, attention, and brain function. All exercises are simple and suitable for children. Gymnastics is performed for 1-2 minutes daily.
  • Memorization of words. We write down 10-15 words on a piece of paper, carefully reread. Then we turn it over and write from memory. Only by writing all the words can you turn the piece of paper and check it.

Development of auditory memory

Auditory memory is the sounds we hear and remember. There are three techniques that can improve auditory memory:

  • Before going to bed, we go to bed, close our eyes and listen carefully to the sounds around. There are enough of them, pay attention to each separate attention (the ticking of the clock, the noise outside the window, the creak of the floor). This type of exercise helps you isolate each sound from the background sound, improving your auditory memory. You need to do it every day.
  • In a quiet, calm atmosphere, concentrate, remember the sounds you heard during the day, reproducing them mentally. Then we gradually change their duration and tone. Do the task every day, for 5 minutes and the result will not keep you waiting.
  • Musical auditory technique helps a lot. Choosing a song, listening to it. Then we turn it on again and stop it at any place, after which we continue to reproduce mentally. Such a technique is considered completely completed when it turns out mentally, turn on and off the music and easily continue to play, regardless of the pause point.

Development of visual memory

Eidetic memory (aka visual and photographic) is the ability to memorize and most accurately reproduce living images or objects. Eidetic memory employs creative thinking helping to remember the details of the subject through mental representation. it fascinating process used by children and adolescents.

Many people wonder how to develop the photographic ability to remember the easiest way, and why it is needed. Excellent visual memory will come in handy in any situation, will help you navigate the area, clearly remember the faces of friends and strangers... This ability is easy to develop and train. There are different techniques and exercises to improve visual memory. Here are some ways:

  • Everyone knows the puzzle "Find 10 Differences", which is printed in children's magazines. It is necessary to find the difference in two, at first glance, identical pictures. Such exercises increase brain function by increasing attention to detail. The puzzle as a simulator uses visual memory, improving it, the main thing is to do the exercise as often as possible.
  • Before going to bed, remember the places you visited during the day. We remember the images thoroughly, down to the color of the walls and objects on the table.
  • Choose an interesting object, lay it in front of you and study it carefully. Close your eyes, imagine it in your mind, painting in detail the details, curves, colors. Open your eyes, compare the subject with a mental description, note for yourself what detail you missed or made a mistake in the description. The exercise is harder than it sounds. You need to do it 2-3 times a week.
  • You can not dwell on a mental description, but transfer it to paper, drawing an object from memory. It is best to perform the exercise after the previous one.
  • Every day, while walking or going to work, carefully study the faces of passers-by. Draw a portrait of them mentally, remembering as much as possible: clothes, hairstyle, facial features. Every day, visual memory will improve, images will become clearer and faster to be remembered.

Applications for the development of attention and memory

Among the most popular ways to improve memory is the book by Ryuta Kawashima "The Japanese system for the development of intelligence and memory." It contains arithmetic problems of varying complexity. Numerous tests in this area have shown that division, multiplication and addition tasks increase brain function, develop thinking and concentration.

  • "The Japanese system for the development of intelligence and memory" contains the most productive exercises and psychological techniques for any age, calculated for 60 days. Exercise is enough to do 5 minutes a day.
  • An alternative to the book is the audiobook "Memory Development Training". This audiobook will appeal to those who do not like to read and includes special exercises, programs and techniques that develop creative thinking, precision of thought and figurative memory. Audiobook is Toolkit, expanding the boundaries of consciousness and the work of the brain.
  • Also, special tests have been developed - programs and applications for mobile phones, who will decide the question of how to develop visual memory, carry out diagnostics of species and properties. Numerous tests - programs will help improve the ability without effort, for this you need to solve specially selected tasks.

The memorization test examines the following criteria:

  • type (short-term, long-term, operational);
  • volume (mechanical, semantic, operational, figurative);
  • properties (speed, strength);

Programs for the development of the mind help to identify the violation of the brain, enhance the assimilation of textual, digital and figurative material, increase concentration.

Have you ever heard famous phrase Churchill "Who owns information, he owns the world"? In our century, in order to succeed, you need keep in mind an incredibly huge amount of data: names, phone numbers, addresses, appearances, passwords ...

Of course, for convenience, you can start a notebook or diary, but sometimes life is so dynamic that it is not possible to use the notes. What to do? Of course, take advantage of the memory! And now we will tell you how to develop and train it so that it does not fail at the right time.

Memory development

  1. Try brushing your teeth with your left hand if you're right-handed, and right hand if you're left-handed. Thus, you train both hemispheres, develop the speed of thinking and memory.
  2. When you go to the store, train yourself to keep the shopping list in your head and not on a piece of paper. Otherwise, by the age of 60, you won't be able to go shopping at all.
  3. If you like watching movies, this exercise will seem like child's play: after each viewing, scroll the movie in memory from beginning to end. It will take no more than 20 seconds, but the benefits are enormous!
  4. Read educational literature every day. Ideally, 1 book per week. It turns out that you will master 52 books in a year and 520 books in 10 years!
  5. If you really need to develop a super memory - learn at least part of the poem every day. The scheme is the same as with books: 1 verse per week, 52 verses per year, 520 verses per 10 years. Impressive, right?
  6. Do not forget to eat properly and fully! Walnuts, honey, seaweed (kelp), fish - all these products not only help to improve memory, but also strengthen your health.
  7. If you still smoke, get rid of this bad habit.
  8. Fall in love! Nitric oxide is produced in the blood, which repairs damaged blood vessels and stimulates brain activity.
  9. More often visit fresh air... The more oxygen enters the bloodstream, the better memory becomes.
  10. Move! Remember: life is movement. If you have excess weight, it's time to get rid of it.

Of course, even hard training is unlikely to teach you to memorize 30-digit numbers at a glance, but it is quite possible to improve your memory. And for this there are quite working tools. To make an analogy, not everyone is gifted to become great opera singers, but if you take vocal classes, you can learn to sing better.

Memory speaking scientific language, this is mental process acquisition, storage, retention and reproduction of information.

During memorization, three important processes take place in our brain: first we encode information, then we send it for storage in order to return to it when needed, and then (if this moment comes) we try to reproduce it. The work of all computers is organized according to the same principle. Only now they lack a human process - forgetting. There is no need to be afraid of forgetting, it is a natural phenomenon. The brain must remove unclaimed information. The main thing is to learn not to forget the really important things.

Types of memory

There are several types of memory, each of which requires its own training.

  1. Sensory. Retains information received directly from the senses. This is visual, auditory memory. Information is not held for a long time, only 0.1–3 seconds.
  2. Short-term. Retains information for a limited time (up to 30 seconds) and cannot store data on a large number of objects. To remember something, there is a proven way - repetition. Without repetition, information simply disappears over time.
  3. Long-term. Stores information for a long time (hours, years, sometimes all life). Moreover, simple mechanical memorization will not help to reliably memorize something - mental interpretation, processing of the material, as well as establishing links with already existing knowledge are necessary. Storing information is one thing, but reproducing it is another. Sometimes the knowledge you need is easy to get to the surface, sometimes it takes a lot of effort.

Long-term memory is generally divided into two types:

  • declarative (knowledge about the world and about specific events);
  • procedural (memories of body movements and how to use objects in the environment).

Exercises to develop memory

1. Schulte tables

Schulte tables help not only to master the technique of speed reading. They also train peripheral vision, attentiveness and observation - in general, required set for the development of visual memory.

2. Aivazovsky's method for the development of photographic memory

If you have seen Aivazovsky's paintings, you will understand that his method works: to stop the movement of the wave and transfer it to the picture, both mindfulness and memory are required. So, what needs to be done: for 5 minutes, gaze intently at the object that needs to be remembered, notice everything smallest details... Then close your eyes and try to reproduce the image of the subject as accurately as possible. With regular training, you can develop this skill.

3. Learn by heart

The more you work out in the gym, the better your muscles are developed. The same principle works with memory. Learn by heart: poetry, to-do and shopping lists, prose, movie monologues, medication dosage. If you are bored at home, look out the window and memorize the numbers of cars passing by. Memorize everything, and try not just to memorize mechanically, but to come up with associations. The results will not be long in coming.

4. Eavesdrop

Want to develop your auditory memory? Eavesdrop. Yes, we know your mother told you it was indecent. But what will you not do for the sake of your own memory? When traveling on a tram or subway, listen to what the people around you are talking about. And, as in the Aivazovsky method, close your eyes and reproduce everything you hear - with precise intonations, remember the faces of people. So you will not only better perceive information by ear, but also easily begin to catch emotions in your voice.

5. Take different routes

Walking the beaten path is not only boring, but also useless for memory. Give your brain new experiences. Be careful when you go home: memorize signs, houses, shops. In general, any new events enhance the brain activity, so do not deny yourself anything and visit museums, theaters, cafes, cinema, holidays and festivals.

6. Write stories

This method is suitable for memorizing lists: to-do lists, shopping lists, events. Just tie everything into a single story. The plot should develop consistently and logically, but fantasy can be turned on to the fullest. Brighter images are easier to remember. It may be a fairy tale, it may be a mnemonic phrase (a well-known example is “Every hunter wants to know where the pheasant is sitting”). This method will help both adults and children memorize.