Captain's daughter 1 chapter main events. Retelling of the work "The Captain's Daughter" by Pushkin A.S.

Sergeant of the Guard

The protagonist of the novel, Pyotr Andreevich Grinev, recalls. He was born into the family of a small landowner. Grinev's father is a retired officer. Even before the birth of his son, he assigned him as a sergeant to the Semyonovsky Guards Regiment.

When Peter was five years old, his father assigned him a servant, Arkhip Savelich, to bring up the little master. The servant taught the boy to read and write Russian and understand hunting dogs. At the age of twelve, a French teacher, Beaupré, was discharged for Petya. But he became addicted to vodka and did not miss a single skirt, completely forgetting about his duties.

Once the maids complained about the teacher, and Grinev's father came straight to the lesson. The drunken Frenchman was sleeping, and Petya was making geographical map kite. The angry father expelled the Frenchman. That was the end of Petya's studies.

Grinev turns sixteen, and his father sends him to the service. But not to Petersburg, but to his good friend in Orenburg. Savelich goes with Petya. In Simbirsk, at an inn, Grinev meets the hussar captain Zurin, who teaches him to play billiards. Peter gets drunk and loses a hundred rubles to the military man. In the morning he drives on.

Chapter II


On the way to the duty station, Grinev and Savelich go astray. A lone wanderer leads them to an inn. There, Peter manages to see the guide. This is a black-bearded man of about forty, strong, lively and of the most robbery appearance. He enters into a strange conversation with the owner of the inn, full of allegories.

Grinev gives the guide his hare sheepskin coat, since the black-bearded one is practically undressed. The escort pulls on a sheepskin coat, although it is bursting at the seams, and promises to remember the kindness of the young master for a century.

The next day, Grinev arrives in Orenburg and introduces himself to the general, who, on the advice of Father Petya, sends the young man to the Belogorsk fortress under the command of Captain Mironov.

Chapter III


Grinev arrives at the Belogorsk fortress. It is a village surrounded by a palisade with a single cannon. Captain Ivan Kuzmich Mironov is a gray-haired old man, under whose command about a hundred old soldiers and two officers serve. One of them is an elderly one-eyed lieutenant Ivan Ignatich, the second is Alexei Shvabrin, exiled to this outback for a duel.

Peter is settled in peasant hut. That same evening, he meets Shvabrin, who describes the captain's family in person: his wife Vasilisa Yegorovna and daughter Masha. Vasilisa Yegorovna commands both her husband and the entire garrison, and Masha, according to Shvabrin, is a terrible coward. Grinev himself gets acquainted with Mironov and his family, as well as with constable Maksimych. He is terrified of the upcoming service, which he sees as endless and boring.

Chapter IV


The concept of service turned out to be wrong. Grinev quickly liked the Belogorsk fortress. There are no guards and exercises here. The captain sometimes drills the soldiers, but so far he cannot get them to distinguish between "left" and "right."

Grinev becomes almost at home in Mironov's house and falls in love with Masha. And he likes Shvabrin less and less. Alexey makes fun of everyone, speaks badly about people.

Grinev dedicates poems to Masha and reads them to Shvabrin, since he is the only person in the fortress who understands poetry. But Alexey cruelly ridicules the young author and his feelings. He advises instead of poetry to give Masha earrings and assures that he himself has experienced the correctness of this approach.

Grinev is offended and calls Shvabrin a liar. Alexei challenges the young man to a duel. Peter asks Ivan Ignatich to become a second. However, the old lieutenant does not understand such a cruel showdown.

After dinner, Grinev informs Shvabrin about his failure. Then Alexey suggests doing without seconds. The opponents agree to meet in the morning, but as soon as they converge with swords in their hands, they are arrested by soldiers led by a lieutenant.

Vasilisa Yegorovna forces the duelists to reconcile. Shvabrin and Grinev pretend to reconcile, they are released. Masha says that Aleksey has already wooed her and was refused. Now Peter understands the malice with which Shvabrin slanders the girl.

The next day, the opponents again converge at the river. Shvabrin is surprised that Grinev can give such a worthy rebuff. Peter manages to push the officer, but at this time Savelich calls out to the young man. Grinev abruptly turns around and is wounded in the chest.

Chapter V


The wound is serious, Peter comes to his senses only on the fourth day. Shvabrin asks for forgiveness and receives it from his opponent. Masha takes care of Grinev. Peter, taking advantage of the moment, declares his love for her and finds out that the girl also has tender feelings for him. Grinev writes a letter home in which he asks for parental blessings for marriage. But the father refuses and threatens to transfer his son to another place so that he does not fool around. The letter also says that Grinev's mother has fallen ill.

Peter is depressed. He wrote nothing to his father about the duel. How did her mother know about her? Grinev decides that it was Savelich who reported it. But the old servant is offended by this suspicion. As proof, Savelich brings a letter from Grinev's father, in which he scolds the old man for not reporting the injury. Peter learns that Mironov also did not write to his parents and did not report to the general. Now the young man is sure that Shvabrin did this to upset their marriage with Masha.

Learning that there will be no parental blessing, Masha refuses to marry.

Chapter VI


In early October 1773, a message arrives about the Pugachev rebellion. Despite all the precautions and Mironov's attempts to keep it a secret, the rumor spreads instantly.

The captain sends constable Maksimych to reconnaissance. Two days later, he returns with the news that a huge force is moving. An unrest rises among the Cossacks. The baptized Kalmyk Yulai reports that Maksimych saw Pugachev and went over to his side, and now he is inciting the Cossacks to revolt. Mironov arrests Maksimych, and Yulaya puts him in his place.

Events are developing rapidly: the sergeant flees from under guard, the Cossacks are dissatisfied, a Bashkir is captured with Pugachev's appeal. It is not possible to interrogate him, because the prisoner has no tongue. Vasilisa Egorovna rushes into the meeting of officers with bad news: the neighboring fortress was taken, the officers were executed. It becomes clear that soon the rebels will be under the walls of the Belogorsk fortress.

It was decided to send Masha and Vasilisa Yegorovna to Orenburg.

Chapter VII


In the morning, Grinev learns that the Cossacks left the fortress and forcibly took Yulai with them. Masha did not have time to leave for Orenburg - the road was blocked. Already at dawn, Cossack and Bashkir patrols appeared near the fortress. By order of the captain, they are driven away by cannon shots, but soon the main force of the Pugachevites appears. Ahead - Yemelyan himself in a red caftan on a white horse.

Four traitor Cossacks drive up to the walls of the fortress. They offer to surrender and recognize Pugachev as sovereign. The Cossacks throw Yulai's head over the palisade right at Mironov's feet. The captain orders to shoot. One of the negotiators is killed, the rest rush away.

The assault on the fortress begins. Mironov says goodbye to his wife and blesses the frightened Masha. Vasilisa Egorovna takes the girl away. The commandant manages to fire the cannon again, then he orders the gates to be opened and rushes out. But the soldiers do not follow the commander. Attackers break into the fortress.

Grinev is tied up and brought to the square, where the Pugachevites are building a gallows. People gather, many meet the rebels with bread and salt. The impostor sits in an armchair on the porch of the commandant's house and takes the oath from the prisoners. Ivan Ignatich and Mironov refuse to take the oath. They are hung up right away.

The turn comes to Grinev. With surprise, he recognizes Shvabrin among the rebels. Peter is brought to the gallows, but then Savelich falls at Pugachev's feet. The servant manages to beg for pardon, and Grinev is released.

Vasilisa Yegorovna is taken out of the house. Seeing her husband on the gallows, she calls Pugachev a runaway convict. The old woman is killed.

Chapter VIII

Uninvited guest

Grinev is trying to find out about the fate of Masha. It turns out that she lies unconscious at the priest, who passes the girl off as her seriously ill niece.

Grinev returns to his ransacked apartment. Savelich explains why Pugachev suddenly spared the young man. This is the same escort to whom the young officer bestowed a hare sheepskin coat.

Pugachev sends for Grinev. The young man comes to the commandant's house, where he dines with the rebels. At the meal, a military council is also held, at which the rebels decide to go to Orenburg. After that, everyone disperses, but Pugachev leaves Grinev alone to talk. He again demands an oath of allegiance, but Peter refuses. Grinev cannot promise that he will not fight against Pugachev. He is an officer, therefore he is obliged to follow the orders of his commanders.

Honesty young man bribes the leader of the rebels. Pugachev releases Peter.

Chapter IX


In the morning the impostor emerges from the fortress. Before leaving, Savelich comes up to him with a list of goods that the rebels took from Grinev. At the end of the list, a hare sheepskin coat is mentioned. Pugachev gets angry and throws the paper away. He leaves, leaving Shvabrin as commandant.

Grinev rushes to the priest to find out about Masha's condition. He is informed that the girl is feverish and delirious. Peter has to leave his beloved. He can neither take her out nor stay in the fortress.

With a heavy heart, Grinev and Savelich wander on foot to Orenburg. Suddenly, they are overtaken by the former Cossack officer Maksimych, who is leading an excellent Bashkir horse. It was Pugachev who ordered the young officer to be presented with a horse and a sheepskin coat. Grinev gratefully accepts the gift.

Chapter X

City siege

Peter arrives in Orenburg and reports to the general about what happened in the fortress. At the council, a decision is made not to oppose the impostor, but to defend the city. Peter is very worried that he cannot help Masha in any way.

Soon Pugachev's army appears, the siege of Orenburg begins. Grinev often goes on outings. Thanks to a fast horse and luck, he manages to stay unscathed.

In one of the sorties, Peter runs into Maksimych, who gives him a letter from Masha. The girl writes that Shvabrin took her from the priest's house and forced her to become a wife. Grinev asks the general for a company of soldiers to liberate the Belogorsk fortress, but is refused.

Chapter XI

rebellious settlement

Grinev is going to run away from Orenburg. Together with Savelich, he safely leaves in the direction of the Berdskaya settlement, occupied by the Pugachevites. Peter hopes to go around the settlement in the dark, but stumbles upon a detachment of sentinels. However, he manages to get away. Unfortunately, Savelich is detained.

Peter returns to rescue the old man and is also captured. Pugachev immediately recognizes Grinev and asks why the young officer left Orenburg. Peter tells that he wants to release the orphan, whom Shvabrin offends.

Pugachev is angry with Shvabrin and threatens to hang him. The impostor's adviser, the fugitive corporal Beloborodov, does not believe Grinev's story. He believes that the young officer is a spy. Suddenly, another adviser to Pugachev, the convict Khlopusha, stands up for Peter. Things almost come to a fight, but the impostor pacifies the advisers. Pugachev undertakes to arrange the wedding of Peter and Masha.

Chapter XII

An orphan

Arriving at the Belogorodskaya fortress, Pugachev demands to show him the girl Shvabrin is holding under arrest. Alexey makes excuses, but the impostor insists. Shvabrin leads Pugachev and Grinev into a room where an exhausted Masha is sitting on the floor.

Pugachev asks the girl why her husband punished her. Masha replies indignantly that she would rather die than become Shvabrin's wife. Pugachev is unhappy with Alexei's deceit. He orders Shvabrin to issue a pass and releases the young couple on all four sides.

Chapter XIII


Grinev and Masha set off. In the fortresses and villages captured by the rebels, they are not obstructed. There is a rumor that this is Pugachev's godfather. The couple enters the town, in which there should be a large detachment of Pugachevites. But it turns out that this place has already been vacated. They want to arrest Grinev, he breaks into the room where the officers are sitting. Fortunately, at the head of the garrison is an old acquaintance Zurin.

Peter sends Masha and Savelich to his parents, while he himself remains in Zurin's detachment. Soon, government troops lift the siege from Orenburg. The news of the final victory arrives. The impostor is captured, the war is over. Grinev is going home, but Zurin is ordered to arrest him.

Chapter XIV


Grinev is accused of betrayal and espionage in favor of Pugachev. The main witness is Shvabrin. Grinev does not want to make excuses so as not to drag Masha into the trial, who will be called as a witness or even an accomplice.

They want to hang Peter, but Empress Catherine, taking pity on his elderly father, changes the execution for an eternal settlement in Siberia. Masha decides to throw herself at the feet of the Empress and ask for mercy. She is going to Petersburg.

Stopping at the inn, the girl learns that the hostess is the niece of the court stoker. This woman helps the girl to get to the garden of Tsarskoye Selo, where Masha meets an important lady. The girl tells her story, and she promises to help.

Captain's daughter- a historical novel dedicated to the bloodiest uprising of the late 18th century - the uprising led by Emelyan Pugachev.

Chapter 1

He spent his life in entertainment and amusements. His teacher, a Frenchman, did not bother his student with work, but rather drank and had fun with his student.

Grinev's father, seeing that with such a life nothing good will come of his son, sends him to military service to his former colleague Captain Mironov.

Young Pyotr Grinev dreams of a brilliant career in St. Petersburg, but instead he is sent to a small fortress near Orenburg on the Yaik River. Together with him, as a servant and nanny, the serf Savelyich is sent. Already on the way to the fortress, the young man loses 100 rubles at cards and seriously quarrels with his mentor over this loss.

Chapter 2

In the winter steppe the coachman loses his way. Travelers are in danger of death. But at this time, an escort appears, who takes them to the inn. Spending the night in this place, Grinev sees prophetic dream. He sees a recent guide in his father's bed. At the same time, Grinev's mother calls the stranger a father.

Then the man jumps up from the bed and starts brandishing the axe. There are corpses and blood everywhere. Terrified, Peter wakes up. Waking up, he hears an incomprehensible conversation between the guide and the owner of the inn about future events. As a sign of gratitude for the rescue, the young officer gives the escort a hare coat and brings a glass of vodka. Savelich is again very dissatisfied with his young master.

Chapter 3

The fortress, in which the young officer was assigned, was a tiny village with two dozen invalids. He is warmly welcomed by the family of the commandant of the fortress, Captain Mironov, a former colleague of Andrey Grinev. The captain's wife, Vasilisa Egorovna, ran all the affairs in the fortress and in her small household. These people immediately liked Grinev.

His attention was also attracted by Shvabrin, a young and educated officer exiled from St. Petersburg for a duel, witty and cheerful. Lieutenant Shvabrin was the first to come to Peter to get acquainted, explaining this by the fact that boredom is mortal in the fortress. Talking with a new person, Shvabrin spoke extremely disrespectfully about Masha Mironova, the captain's daughter, calling her a narrow-minded person.

When Peter meets a girl, talks to her, he understands that she is a modest, reasonable and very kind girl.

Chapter 4

The young officer is completely absorbed in his new life. He began to read serious books, became interested in poetry and even began to compose himself. He dedicated one love song to Masha Mironova. Like a true poet, he wanted to show off his work, and sang it to Shvabrin. In response, he ridiculed the poet, his work, again dismissively commenting on the subject of Grinev's passion. Which was followed by a challenge to a duel.

Having learned about the duel, Masha and the kindest Vasilisa Yegorovna tried to reconcile the opponents and force them to refuse the duel. But the duel still took place. Pyotr Grinev was wounded in the shoulder.

Chapter 5

Grinev is diligently looked after by Masha and the regimental barber, who also works as a doctor. The young man sincerely forgives Shvabrin, because he understands what wounded pride spoke in him. After all, Masha confessed to Peter that Shvabrin wooed her, but was refused. Now the young man has become clear in the behavior of the opponent.

During his illness, Grinev explains to Masha and asks for her hand in marriage. The girl happily agrees. Peter writes a touching letter to his family asking them to bless their union. In response, he receives an angry message from his father with a refusal to bless the marriage. Also, having learned about the duel, the father believes that Peter should be immediately transferred to another regiment. The young man invites Masha to secretly get married, but the girl flatly refuses to violate the will of her parents.

Chapter 6

Troubled times begin. From Orenburg, the commandant receives a secret report about the "gang" of Emelyan Pugachev, which is joined by peasants and even some military men. The fortress was ordered to prepare for military operations. The worried captain intends to send Masha to her relatives away from danger.

Chapter 7

Pugachev's army appears unexpectedly. The commandant did not have time to send Masha out of the fortress. The first onslaught and the fortress fell. The commandant, realizing the horror of the situation, ordered his wife to dress her daughter in a peasant dress. At this time, Pugachev, in the form of a king, begins the trial of the defenders of the fortress.

He offers to obey him and go over to the side of the rebels in exchange for life. Shvabrin is the first to go over to the side of the rebels. The commandant proudly rejected this offer and was immediately executed. When Grinev is made the same offer, he indignantly rejects it and is already preparing for death.

At this time, Savelich appears. He throws himself on his knees before the "king" and asks for his master. Immediately, a bloody picture of the massacre of the wife of Captain Mironov, who is stabbed to death with sabers, is played out.

Chapter 8

At home, Grinev, having learned from Savelich that the "sovereign" is their longtime escort, who saved them from a snowstorm. All the thoughts of the young man are occupied by Masha, because if the rebels find out that she is the daughter of the captain, the commandant of the fortress, then they will kill her. Shvabrin, who went over to the side of the rebels, can betray her.

At this moment, Grineva invites Pugachev to his place and invites Peter to once again go over to his side - to serve the new "tsar" faithfully, for which he will be made a general. Grinev, observing officer honor, says that he swore allegiance to the empress and cannot violate her. Moreover, he is obliged, if ordered, to fight against the rebels. Pugachev, admiring the truthfulness and courage of the young officer, lets him go.

Chapter 9

In the morning, Pugachev publicly sends Grinev to Orenburg with the news that he intends to attack this city in a week. With gloomy thoughts and anxiety in his heart, a young man leaves the Belgorod fortress, because his bride remained in the hands of Shvabrin, who was appointed commandant.

Chapter 10

Upon arrival in Orenburg, Grinev tells the generals everything he knows about Pugachev's army. Opinions were divided: someone for a swift attack, someone wants to wait. As a result, the city is under siege. A few days later, Peter secretly receives a letter from Masha with a request to save her from Shvabrin, who is trying to force the girl into marriage. Peter asks for an army to attack the Belgorod fortress. Having been refused, he begins to look for other ways to save the girl.

Chapter 11

Grinev, together with Savelich, goes back to the fortress. On the way they were seized by the rebels and presented to Pugachev. Peter, with his usual directness and truthfulness, talks about Masha and the meanness of Shvabrin. The new "king" likes the idea of ​​connecting the two loving hearts. In addition, he tells the young man a Kalmyk parable about a crow and an eagle. To which Grinev says that one cannot live by robbery and murder.

Chapter 12

Arriving at the Belgorod fortress, Pugachev demands Shvabrin to show Masha. The new commandant keeps the girl in the pantry on water and bread. In response to the anger of the “king”, Shvabrin immediately reveals to him the secret of the girl’s origin. But at this moment Pugachev is merciful, he releases both Grinev and Masha to freedom.

Chapter 13

On the way to Orenburg, Grinev and Masha are detained by the Cossacks, mistaking them for rebels. Luckily for the young, they are commanded by Lieutenant Zurin, an acquaintance of Grinev's. He gives useful advice: send the girl to the Grinev family estate, and the young man to remain in the army.

Peter gladly took advantage of this advice. Seeing the devastated villages and the huge number of innocent people killed, he is horrified by the behavior of the rebels. After some time, Zurin receives a notification with an order to arrest Grinev and send him to Kazan for secret connections with the rebels.

Chapter 14

In Kazan, before the investigative committee, Grinev behaves simply and truthfully, because he is sure that he is right. But Shvabrin slanders the young man, pointing to him as Pugachev's secret spy. As a result, Grinev is sent to St. Petersburg, where he will appear before the state court. Either execution or eternal hard labor awaits him in Siberia.

Masha, having learned about the miserable fate of her fiancé, decides to go to St. Petersburg to the Empress herself. Here, in the Tsarskoye Selo Garden, early in the morning she meets a certain lady, to whom she tells all her misadventures without concealment. The lady promises to help her. Later, Masha finds out that she had a conversation with the Empress herself. Grinev's case was reviewed, and the young man was fully acquitted.


In 1774, Pyotr Andreevich Grinev was acquitted due to the purposefulness and determination of his bride. In 1775, he was present at the execution of Yemelyan Pugachev, this was their last meeting. Young people got married and lived happily.

Pushkin, having written this work, undoubtedly created a masterpiece that is a success even today. The history of valiant warriors defending the honor of the Motherland, despite all the twists and turns of fate, always commands respect.

You can fully experience the morals that reigned in Imperial Russia by reading the complete work of Pushkin or his brief retelling. "The Captain's Daughter", retold chapter by chapter, is an opportunity to significantly reduce the time that needs to be spent on reading. In addition, the reader gets acquainted with the work without losing the original meaning of the story, which is an extremely important detail.

Chapter I - Sergeant of the Guard

You can find out about the most significant events from which this story begins by reading its brief retelling. "The Captain's Daughter" (Chapter 1) begins with a story about how the life of the parents of the main character, Pyotr Andreevich Grinev, developed. It all started with the fact that Andrei Petrovich Grinev (father of the protagonist), having retired as prime minister, left for his Siberian village, where he married a poor noblewoman Avdotya Vasilievna. Despite the fact that 9 children were born in the family, all of them, except for the main character of the book, Pyotr Andreevich, died in infancy.

While still in the mother's womb, the child was enrolled by his father in the Semyonovsky regiment as a sergeant, thanks to the good disposition to the family of one influential relative, who was a major in the prince's guard. The father expected that in the event that a girl was born, he would simply announce the death of the sergeant who had not come to the service, and the issue would be resolved.

From the age of 5, Peter was given to the upbringing of the stirrup Savelich, who, for his sobriety, was granted him uncles. By the age of 12, the boy not only knew the Russian alphabet, but also learned to understand the dignity of greyhounds. Considering his son old enough to further master the sciences, his father ordered him from Moscow a French teacher, Monsieur Beaupre, who was kind, but had a weakness for women and wine. As a result, several girls complained about him to the mistress, and he was expelled in disgrace.

One day, the father of the protagonist of the book, rereading the Court Calendar, which he wrote out annually, saw that his subordinates had risen to high ranks, and decided that Peter should be sent to the service. Despite the fact that the son was originally enrolled in the Semyonovsky regiment in St. Petersburg, his father decided to send him as an ordinary soldier to the army in order to protect him from a wild life. Having written a cover letter to Peter, he sent it, accompanied by Savelich, to his friend Andrei Karlovich in Orenburg.

Already at the first stop in Simbirsk, when the guide went shopping, Peter, bored, went to the billiard room, where he met Ivan Ivanovich Zurin, who served in the rank of captain. After it turned out that the young man did not know how to play billiards, Zurin, promising to teach him, declared at the end of the game that Peter had lost and now owed him 100 rubles. Since Savelich had all the money, Zurin agreed to wait for the debt and took his new acquaintance to entertainment establishments, thoroughly getting him drunk.

In the morning, Peter was visited by a messenger boy with a letter in which Zurin demanded his money. Frightened by this behavior of his ward, Savelich decided that he needed to be taken away from the tavern as soon as possible. As soon as the horses were delivered, Peter rode off towards Orenburg, without even saying goodbye to his "teacher".

Chapter II - Leader

It is noteworthy that even a brief retelling fully conveys the essence of the work written by Pushkin. "The Captain's Daughter" (Chapter 2) begins from the moment when Peter realizes all the stupidity and recklessness of his behavior. He decides to make peace with Savelich, promising not to spend another penny without his knowledge.

We had to get to Orenburg through a snow-covered desert. After our heroes had covered most of the way, the coachman offered to turn the horses to the place of their previous parking, as a snowstorm was approaching. Considering his fears unnecessary, Peter decided to continue his journey, just speeding up the horses in order to quickly get to the next stop. However, the storm began much earlier than they had time to reach it.

Making their way through the snow drifts, they saw a road man in the snow, who showed them the way to the nearest village. While they were driving, Peter fell asleep, and he dreamed nightmare as if, having arrived home, he found out that his father was dying. However, approaching the bed, instead of his father, he found there scary man. Mother persuaded Peter to kiss his hand and receive a blessing, but he refused. Then the terrible peasant got out of bed, holding an ax in his hand, and the whole room was filled with human corpses and blood. He did not succeed in watching the dream to the end, since Savelich woke him up, saying that they had already arrived at the inn.

Having rested, Pyotr ordered to give them fifty rubles to the escort yesterday, but after Savelich opposed, he did not dare to break his promise and decided to give the escort his new rabbit sheepskin coat, despite all the displeasure of his older comrade.

Arriving in Orenburg, the young man went straight to the general, who looked like a real old man. Peter gave him a cover letter and his passport and was assigned to the Belgorod fortress under the command of Captain Mironov, who was supposed to teach him all the military tricks.

Analysis of the initial part of the narrative

Many will agree that one of the best creations that Pushkin created is The Captain's Daughter. A brief retelling of the work allows you to fully familiarize yourself with the story. It will save you the minimum amount of time to read it.

What is the summary about next? "The Captain's Daughter" (1 and 2 chapters) tells how the comfortable childhood and youth of the master's son passed, who gradually begins to comprehend the world through his own trial and error. Despite the fact that he still does not have the proper life experience, the young man began to communicate with different people, recognizing their character traits, which are not always positive.

A brief retelling of the story "The Captain's Daughter" (Chapter 1) allows us to judge how much influence parents had on their offspring, whose decision was unquestioning and not subject to discussion. The second chapter shows the reader that the attitude towards people returns a hundredfold, because the usual sheepskin coat granted to the poor will have a great influence on the fate of the protagonist in the future.

Chapter III - Fortress

A brief retelling of the story "The Captain's Daughter" (Chapter 3) continues. Pyotr Grinev finally arrived at the Belgorod fortress, in which, however, he was very disappointed due to the lack of large-scale buildings. He saw only a small village, in the middle of which a cannon was installed. Since no one came out to meet him, he decided to ask where he needed to go from the nearest old woman, who, upon closer acquaintance, turned out to be the wife of the captain, Vasilisa Yegorovna. She graciously received Peter and, calling the police officer, ordered to give him nice room. The hut in which he was to live was located on the high bank of the river. He lived in it together with Semyon Kuzov, who occupied the second half.

Getting up in the morning, Peter was amazed at the uniformity of existence in the place where he was to spend many days. However, at that time a young man knocked on his door, who turned out to be officer Shvabrin, who had been discharged from the guards for a duel. The young people quickly became friends and decided to pay a visit to Captain Ivan Kuzmich, who was caught training soldiers. He invited the young people to stay for dinner and invited them to go to his house. There they were kindly met by Vasilisa Yegorovna, who introduced them to her daughter Maria Ivanovna, the first impression of which Peter had a negative one. You can fully experience how the relationship of these young people began to take shape after reading just a brief retelling.

"The Captain's Daughter" - a chapter-by-chapter retelling of the work - allows you to significantly speed up the time that needs to be spent on reading. Pyotr Grinev immediately became a good candidate for husbands for Maria's parents, and they strongly encouraged the development of such relationships, which at the initial stage did not develop very smoothly.

Chapter IV - Duel

A brief retelling of Chapter 4 of The Captain's Daughter begins from the moment Peter began to settle in the fortress and received officer rank. In the captain's house he was now received as a native, and with Marya Ivanovna he developed strong friendly relations, strengthening every day against the backdrop of mutual sympathy.

Peter is becoming more and more annoyed by Shvabrin, however, since there was no other suitable interlocutor in the fortress, he continued to see him daily. Once, having heard a song composed by Peter, Shvabrin starts a skirmish, as a result of which he presents Mary as a fallen girl and challenges Peter to a duel. As a second, the young people decided to invite Lieutenant Ivan Kuzmich. However, he not only refused, but also threatened to tell everything to the captain. Peter barely managed to promise him to keep the future duel a secret. Despite this, on the day when the battle was to take place, the young people were guarded by Vasilisa Yegorovna, who, having taken away their swords, ordered them to make peace.

However, as it turned out, the skirmish did not end there. Maria Ivanovna told Peter that Shvabrin had made an offer to her a few months before his arrival, and she refused him. That is why he says impartial things about her person. The essence of this person can be considered in detail by reading a brief retelling. "The Captain's Daughter" is a story in which people show, first of all, their true nature, which usually hides under the mask of visible benevolence.

Pyotr Grinev, not wanting to put up with this state of affairs, decides to punish the impudent at all costs. The very next day after the conversation described above between former friends, a fight takes place on the river bank, as a result of which main character gets stabbed in the chest, just below the shoulder.

Chapter V - Love

In this chapter, the reader can get acquainted with the love line, as far as a brief retelling allows. The Captain's Daughter is a work in which the main characters are not so much revolutionaries striving for power as two young people who are sincerely in love with each other.

The fifth chapter begins from the moment when Pyotr Grinev comes to his senses after being wounded just at the moment when the barber bandaged him. Marya Ivanovna and Savelich did not leave him until his health returned to normal. On one of those days, left alone with Peter, Mary dared to kiss him on the cheek. Peter, who had not hidden his feelings before, proposed to her. Maria agreed, but they decided to wait and not tell their parents until the young man's wound was completely healed.

Peter immediately wrote a letter to his parents, in which he asked them to give him a blessing. The wound, meanwhile, began to heal, and the young man moved from the commandant's house to his apartment. Peter made peace with Shvabrin in the very first days, asking the good commandant to release him from prison. Shvabrin, having gone free, admitted that he was wrong and apologized.

Peter and Mary have already begun to make plans living together. They had no doubt that the girl's parents would agree to the marriage, but the letter received from Father Peter completely crossed out their plans. He was categorically against this marriage, and Marya Ivanovna was against marriage without blessing.

Staying in the commandant's house after this news became a burden for Pyotr Grinev. The fact that Mary diligently avoided him brought the young man to despair. Sometimes he even thought that Savelich had told his father everything, which aroused his displeasure, but the old servant refuted his assumptions by showing an angry letter in which Andrei Petrovich Grinev threatened to subject him to the hardest work for not reporting the incident on time. The good-natured old man tried to soften the anger of Andrei Petrovich Grinev, describing in a response letter not only the seriousness of Peter's injury, but also the fact that he did not report it only because he was afraid to disturb the hostess, who, after receiving this news, fell ill.

Reading analysis

After reviewing the above text, the reader can be convinced that the whole meaning embedded in the work by Pushkin has absorbed this brief retelling. "The Captain's Daughter" (1-5 chapters) fully reveals the world to the reader Russian Empire. For most people at that time, the concepts of honor and courage were inseparable, and Pyotr Andreevich Grinev fully owned them.

Despite the outbreak of love, young people did not dare to disobey the will of their parents and tried, if possible, to stop communicating. It is safe to say that if it were not for the rebellion raised by Pugachev, then their fate could have turned out completely differently.

Chapter VI - Pugachevshchina

The political and military situation in the Orenburg province was very unstable. After Ivan Kuzmich received a government letter informing him of the escape of the Don Cossack Pugachev, the guards in the fortress became tougher. Among the Cossacks, rumors began to spread that could induce them to revolt. That is why Ivan Kuzmich began to send scouts to them, informing him about the mood in their ranks.

After a very short period of time, Pugachev's army began to gain strength, he even wrote a message to Ivan Kuzmich, in which he said that he would soon come to capture his fortress and invite everyone to go over to his side. The unrest was further intensified by the fact that the neighboring Nizhneozersky fortress was taken by Pugachev, and all the commandants who did not submit to him were hanged.

After this message, Ivan Kuzmich insisted that Maria be sent to her godmother in Orenburg under the protection of stone walls and cannons, while the remaining people would defend the fortress. The girl, who learned about her father's decision, was extremely upset, and Peter, who saw this, returned after everyone had left, to say goodbye to his beloved, promising never to forget her.

Chapter VII - Seizure

The events that will be discussed in this chapter are fully described by a brief retelling. "The Captain's Daughter" is a story that shows all the mental anguish of the protagonist, torn between his homeland and his beloved, who is in danger.

The chapter begins with Peter being unable to sleep the night before the fight. The news that Pugachev surrounded the fortress and Maria Ivanovna did not have time to leave it took him by surprise. He hurriedly joined the men who were preparing to defend the structure. Some of the soldiers deserted, and when Pugachev sent the last warning to the defenders of the fortress, there were already very few of them left. Ivan Kuzmich ordered his wife and daughter to leave the battlefield. Despite the fact that the defense of the fortress was heroic, Pugachev captured it without much difficulty, since the forces were unequal.

The face of the rebel, who was taking the oath in the square, seemed to Peter vaguely familiar, but he could not remember exactly where he had seen him. Anyone who did not want to submit to the leader, he immediately executed. Most of all, the protagonist was struck when he saw Shvabrin in the crowd of traitors, who tried his best to send Peter to the gallows.

Our hero, who was already in the noose, was saved by a happy accident in the form of the old man Savelich, who threw himself at Pugachev's feet and asked for pardon for the master. The rebel pardoned the young man and, as it turned out, not in vain. It was Pugachev who was the very guide who brought Peter and Savelich out of the snowstorm, and it was to him that the young man gave his hare coat. However, Peter, who did not have time to move away from the first shock, was waiting for a new one: Vasilisa Yegorovna, stripped naked, ran out into the square, scolding the invaders, and seeing her husband killed by Pugachev, showered him with curses, in response to which he ordered her to be executed, and the young Cossack hit her saber to the head.

Chapter XIII - Uninvited Guest

You can fully feel the full extent of the despair that gripped the protagonist by reading the full work of Pushkin or his brief retelling. "The Captain's Daughter" chapter by chapter (Pushkin) allows you to significantly speed up the reading time without losing the meaning of the story. This chapter begins with the following moment: Peter stands on the square and watches how the surviving people continued to swear allegiance to Pugachev. After that, the area is empty. Most of all, Pyotr Grinev was worried about the uncertainty of the fate of Maria Ivanovna. Examining her room, plundered by robbers, he found the maid Palasha, who said that Marya Ivanovna had run away to the popadya, where Pugachev was having lunch at that very moment.

Peter immediately went to her house and, having lured out the priest, he learned that in order to save Mary from the robbers, she called the girl her sick niece. A little reassured, Peter returned home, but was immediately summoned to an appointment with Pugachev. He was still sitting at the priest along with his closest officers. Pugachev, like Peter, was amazed at the vicissitudes of fate, which again brought their paths together, because, giving a sheepskin coat to the guide, Peter could not even think that he would save his life someday.

Pugachev asked again if Peter would swear allegiance to him, but he refused and asked to be released to Orenburg. Since the rebel was in good location spirit and was extremely pleased with the honesty of Peter, he allowed him to retire the next day.

Chapter IX - Separation

In this chapter, the reader can get acquainted with the robbery that Pugachev did in Russia. His deeds are fully conveyed even by a brief retelling. "The Captain's Daughter" is one of the first works that reveal the whole essence of that era. It shows without embellishment the robbery and devastation that reigned in the cities captured by the gangs of the self-proclaimed sovereign.

The ninth chapter begins with the fact that in the morning Pyotr Grinev again comes to the square. The people hanged the day before are still hanging in nooses, and the body of the commandant was only taken aside and covered with matting.

At this time, Pugachev, to the beat of drums, goes out into the street along with all his entourage, in whose ranks Shvabrin also stood. Having called Peter to him, he allowed him to leave for Orenburg and announce to the governor that the generals there should prepare for his arrival and surrender in order to avoid bloodshed.

After that, he turned to the people and said that Shvabrin was now appointed commandant of the fortress, he must be obeyed unquestioningly. Peter was horrified, realizing that Maria Ivanovna remained in the hands of a traitor angry with her, but so far he could not do anything.

Having made this statement, Pugachev was about to leave, but Savelich approached him with a list of stolen items. The leader, angry, drove him away, however, when Peter said goodbye to Marya Ivanovna, whom he already considered his wife, and he and Savelich retired from the fortress at a sufficient distance, they were overtaken by a constable who handed them a horse and a fur coat. He also said that he was also carrying a half money from their benefactor, which he had lost on the road. Despite the fact that neither Peter nor Savelich believed his words, they nevertheless gratefully accepted the gift and set off towards Orenburg.


The central part of the narrative allows us to conclude that the life of Pyotr Andreevich Grinev was constantly in danger due to his carelessness. After you analyze the shortest retelling, The Captain's Daughter will present itself not as an amusement story, but as a work that should direct young people to the right way and protect from reckless actions. This happened to Pyotr Grinev, who, thanks to his kind and honest disposition, was able to win the respect of even such an unprincipled person as Pugachev.

Chapter X - The Siege of the City

After Peter finally arrived in Orenburg, he spoke at a special military meeting about how things were in the Pugachev army and the Belgorod fortress, and called for the immediate dispatch of troops to disperse the rebels, but his opinion was not supported. It was decided for the sake of the safety of the inhabitants of the city to withstand the siege, repelling the attacks of the enemy, but the city was completely unprepared for it. Prices immediately rose to maximum level, there was not enough food for everyone, famine was brewing in Orenburg.

During this time, Pyotr Andreevich repeatedly made sorties to the enemies, exchanging fire with the Pugachev assistants, but the advantage was almost always on their side, since neither the horse nor the people experienced a shortage of food. In one of these sorties, Peter caught up with a lagging behind Cossack and was already about to cut him down, as he recognized him as a constable who brought him a horse and sheepskin coat when he and Savelich left the Belgorod fortress. The same, in turn, gave him a letter from Marya Ivanovna, which said that Shvabrin was forcing her to marry and, if she refused, would send her straight to Pugachev. She asked him for 3 days to think and begged Pyotr Andreevich to make every effort to save her, since besides him she no longer has close people. The young man immediately went to the governor of Orenburg, whom he told about the state of affairs and asked him to give him soldiers, promising to release the Belgorod fortress and Maria Ivanovna with them, but the governor refused him.

Chapter XI - Rebellious Freedom

Disappointed by the governor's refusal, Peter returned to his apartment and asked Savelich to give him part of the hidden money, and to use the rest without hesitation for his own needs. He was going to go alone to the Belgorod fortress to save Marya Ivanovna. Despite such a generous gift, Savelich decided to follow him. On the way, they were stopped by Pugachev's patrolmen, and, despite the fact that Peter managed to slip past them, he could not leave Savelich in their hands and returned back, after which he was also tied up and taken to Pugachev for interrogation.

Left alone with him, Peter asked to release the orphan girl whom Shvabrin is holding in captivity and demands that she marry him. Angry, Pugachev decided to personally go to the fortress and free the hostage.

Chapter XII - Orphan

When Pugachev drove up to the commandant's house, Shvabrin saw that Pyotr had come with him, he was frightened, did not want to show the girl to them for a long time, referring to the fact that she was sick and in delirium tremens, and also that she would not allow an outsider to enter his wife.

However, Pugachev quickly tempered his ardor, declaring that as long as he is a sovereign, everything will be as he decides. Approaching the room where Marya Ivanovna was kept, Shvabrin made another attempt to prevent visitors from entering her, saying that he could not find the key, but Pugachev simply kicked the doors.

A sad sight met their eyes. Marya Ivanovna, pale and dishevelled, was sitting on the floor in a simple peasant dress, and next to her lay a piece of bread and water. It turned out that the girl was not going to give Shvabrin her consent to the marriage, and his deceit greatly angered Pugachev, who, however, being in a good mood, decided to pardon him this time. Peter, once again risking resorting to the mercy of Pugachev, asked to be released with Marya Ivanovna on all four sides and, having received approval, began to prepare for the road. And Maria went to say goodbye to her murdered parents.

Chapter XIII - Arrest

A brief retelling of the story "The Captain's Daughter" allows us to assess the strength of Pugachev's influence at that time. Thanks to the safe-conduct, which he issued to Pyotr Grinev, he and Maria passed all the oncoming posts without any problems until he was captured by the sovereign's soldiers, who mistook him for an enemy. Imagine Peter's surprise when it turned out that Ivan Ivanovich Zurin turned out to be the head of the soldiers, the same one to whom he lost 100 rubles in billiards. They decided to send Maria along with Savelich to Peter's parents. The young man himself had to stay and continue with Zurin the campaign against the robber Pugachev. Maria immediately agreed with his proposal, and the old man Savelyich, stubbornly, agreed to accompany her and take care of her as his future mistress.

Peter took up his duties in the Zurin regiment and even received his first vacation, which he was going to spend with his relatives. But suddenly Zurin came to his apartment with a letter in which he ordered to arrest Peter, wherever he was, and transfer him under investigation in the Pugachev case.

Despite the fact that the conscience of the young man was clear, and he was not afraid of being accused of a crime, the thought that he would not see his relatives and Mary for several more months poisoned his existence.

Chapter XIV - Judgment

A brief retelling of the work "The Captain's Daughter" (Chapter 14) continues with the fact that Peter was taken to Kazan, completely destroyed by Pugachev, in custody. He was put in chains as a criminal and the very next day they began to interrogate him with the participation of the commission. Peter indignantly denied all accusations and told the commission his version of the events.

Despite the fact that the judges began to trust Peter's story, after the speech of Shvabrin, who was also arrested and told the commission about Peter's espionage activities for the benefit of Pugachev, his affairs, already unimportant, deteriorated significantly. Peter was taken to a cell and was not called back for interrogations.

The rumor of his arrest struck the whole family, which was imbued with sincere love for Marya Ivanovna. Andrei Petrovich Grinev received a letter from his relative, in which he reported that the evidence of treason by his son turned out to be too solid, but thanks to his influence, it was decided to replace the execution with exile to Siberia.

Despite the fact that Peter's relatives were inconsolable, Marya Ivanovna did not lose her presence of mind and decided to go to St. Petersburg in order to turn to the most influential people for help. She arrived in Sofia and, stopping near the location of the royal court, told one young lady her story, asking the empress to put in a word for her. Despite the fact that at first the young lady did not believe her story, the more Maria Ivanovna told her the details, the more favorable the lady became to her, promising to put in a good word for her before the empress.

As soon as the girl returned to her room, which she was renting, a carriage was brought to the house, and the footman announced that the empress was demanding her to the court. Presenting herself in the face of the empress, the girl recognized in her the very lady with whom she had recently spoken and asked for help, she handed her a letter to her future father-in-law and said that Peter would be fully justified. To celebrate, Marya Ivanovna immediately went to the village, not staying in St. Petersburg for a single day.

Summing up

Many will agree that one of the best works, which Pushkin wrote - "The Captain's Daughter". A brief retelling of the previous chapters fully shows the hopelessness of the position of the protagonist. Having managed to avoid most of the dangers and delivering his beloved to a safe place, under the protection of his parents, Pyotr Grinev finds himself in a very difficult situation, as a result of which he can be recognized as a traitor to the Motherland and even executed.

If it were not for the dedication of a young girl who was not afraid to appear before the queen with a request for pardon, the current situation for Pyotr Grinev would not have ended in the best way.


Reading a brief retelling of the story "The Captain's Daughter" chapter by chapter, we were able to fully feel the atmosphere of that time.

Despite the fact that the notes of Pyotr Andreevich Grinev break off at this, it is known that he was completely acquitted and released, was present at the execution of Pugachev and nevertheless married Maria Ivanovna, with whom he lived happily until his death, carefully keeping the letter of the tsarina sent to him father.

The whole essence of the story is conveyed regardless of whether you read the whole story or just a brief retelling of it. "The Captain's Daughter", transmitted chapter by chapter, allows you to consider in detail how the life of the protagonist developed, without prejudice to the meaning of the story. The selfless young man did not bow down under the blows of fate, with due courage he endured all the misfortunes that befell him.

Without a doubt, even a very brief retelling can fully convey the whole meaning that Pushkin put into his creation. "The Captain's Daughter" is still a work that makes people proud. It is these heroes who faithfully serve their Fatherland.

Sergeant of the Guard.

The chapter begins with a biography of Pyotr Grinev: his father served, then retired. The Grinev family had 9 children, but 8 of them died in infancy, only Peter remained. Father enrolled Grinev in the Semyonovsky regiment even before his birth. He was considered on leave until he came of age. Uncle Savelich serves as the boy's tutor, he supervises Petrusha's development of Russian literacy, and also teaches his pupil to see the dignity of a greyhound dog.

After some time, the Frenchman Beaupré was sent to him to learn French, German and other sciences, but he did not educate Petrusha, but walked around the girls' rooms and drank. Soon the father discovered this and kicked out the teacher. In the seventeenth year, Peter is sent to the service, but not where he hoped: instead of Petersburg, he goes to Orenburg. The father admonishes his son, saying that he should take care of "the dress again, and honor from youth." Arriving in Simbirsk, Grinev meets Captain Zurin in a tavern, who taught him how to play billiards, got him drunk and won 100 rubles from Peter. Grinev seemed to break free, he behaves "like a boy." In the morning, Zurin demands a win. Grinev wants to show his character and forces the protesting Savelich to give out money, after which he leaves Simbirsk, feeling pangs of conscience.

Chapter 2

On the way, Grinev asks Savelich to ask him for his stupid behavior. The storm starts. Grinev and Savelich go astray. They meet a man who offers to take them to the inn. Riding a wagon, Grinev sees a dream in which he arrives at the estate and finds his father near death, approaches him to receive a blessing, but instead of his father he sees a man with a black beard. Peter is surprised, but his mother convinces him that in front of him is his imprisoned father. A black-bearded man jumps up, brandishing an axe, and the whole room is filled with dead bodies. At the same time, the peasant smiles at Peter and offers him his blessing. Already at the inn, Grinev examines the guide and sees that this is the man from his dream. This is a forty-year-old man, of medium height, broad-shouldered and thin. Gray hair is already visible in his black beard, his eyes are alive, they feel the subtlety and sharpness of the mind. The expression on the counselor's face is rather pleasant, but roguish. His hair is cut in a circle, he is dressed in Tatar trousers and a tattered coat.

The counselor speaks with the owner in "allegorical language". Grinev thanks the counselor, bringing him a glass of wine and giving him a rabbit coat.

Andrei Karlovich R., an old comrade of his father, sends Peter from Orenburg to serve in the Belogorsk fortress, located 40 miles from the city.

Chapter 3

Belogorsk fortress resembles a village. Vasilisa Egorovna, the commandant's wife, a kind and sensible old woman, manages everything here. The next morning, Grinev meets a young officer, Alexei Ivanovich Shvabrin. He was a short man, swarthy and remarkably ugly, but very lively.

Shvabrin was transferred to the fortress because of the duel. He tells Grinev about how life flows in the fortress, talks about the commandant's family, speaking unflatteringly about Masha Mironova, the commandant's daughter. The commandant invites Shvabrin and Grinev to a family dinner. On the way, Peter sees how the "exercises" are taking place: Ivan Kuzmich Mironov leads a platoon of disabled people. At the same time, he is wearing a cap and a “Chinese robe”.

Chapter 4

Grinev really likes the commandant's family. He becomes an officer. Peter communicates with Shvabrin, but this communication gives him less and less pleasure. Shvabrin's sharp remarks about Masha are especially unpleasant for Grinev. Grinev writes mediocre poems, dedicating them to Masha. Shvabrin speaks out harshly about them, while insulting Masha. Peter accuses him of lying, Shvabrin challenges Grinev to a duel. Upon learning of this, Vasilisa Yegorovna orders their arrest, and the yard girl Palashka deprives them of their swords. Some time later, Grinev learns that Shvabrin was wooing Masha, but was refused. Peter understands now why Shvabrin slandered the girl. The duel is scheduled again. Grinev is injured.

Chapter 5

Masha, together with Savelich, is caring for the wounded. Petr Grinev proposes to Masha. He sends a letter to his parents asking for their blessings. Shvabrin visits Grinev and admits his guilt. Grinev's father does not give his son his blessing, he already knows about the duel, but it was not Savelich who told him about it. Grinev thinks Shvabrin did it. Masha does not want to get married without her parents' consent and avoids Grinev. Peter stops coming to the Mironovs, loses heart.

Chapter 6

The commandant receives a notification that Yemelyan Pugachev's gang of robbers is operating in the vicinity, which is attacking the fortresses. Soon Pugachev approached the Belogorsk fortress, he turns to the commandant, urging him to surrender. Ivan Kuzmich decides to send Masha out of the fortress. The girl says goodbye to Grinev. Her mother refuses to leave the fortress.

Chapter 7

The Cossacks leave the Belogorsk fortress at night and go over to the side of Pugachev. His gang is attacking the fortress. Captain Mironov with his few defenders defends it, but the forces are unequal. Pugachev, who captured the fortress, arranges a "trial". The commandant and his comrades are put to death on the gallows. When the turn comes to Grinev, Savelich begs Pugachev, throwing himself at his feet, to spare the "master's child", offering a ransom. Pugachev agrees. Garrison soldiers and residents of the city take the oath to Pugachev. Vasilisa Yegorovna is killed, undressed, taken out onto the porch. Pugachev leaves the Belogorsk fortress.

Chapter 8

Grinev worries about the fate of Masha. She hides at the priest, who tells Grinev that Shvabrin is now on Pugachev's side. Grinev learns from Savelich that Pugachev is their leader on the way to Orenburg. Pugachev calls Grinev to him, he goes to him. Grinev draws attention to the fact that in the camp of Pugachev everyone behaves like comrades with each other, and they do not give their leader much preference. Everyone boasts, expresses his opinions and calmly challenges Pugachev. His people start a song about the gallows. Pugachev's guests disperse. In private, Grinev tells Pugachev that he does not consider him a king, to which he replies that the daring one will be lucky, because Grishka Otrepyev also reigned in the old days. Despite the fact that Grinev promises to fight against Pugachev, he lets him go to Orenburg.

Chapter 9

Pugachev instructs Grinev to inform the governor of Orenburg that the Pugachevites will arrive in the city in a week. Leaving the Belogorsk fortress, Pugachev leaves Shvabrin as commandant. Savelich draws up a "registry" of his master's plundered property and submits it to Pugachev, but he, in a "fit of generosity", does not pay attention to it and does not punish the impudent Savelich. He even gives Grinev a fur coat from his shoulder and a horse. Masha is sick.

Chapter 10

Pyotr Grinev goes to General Andrei Karlovich in Orenburg. There are no military people at the military council. There are only officials who talk about the unreliability of the troops, about caution, about unfaithful luck, and so on. In their opinion, it is more prudent to remain behind a strong stone wall under the cover of cannons than to "experience the happiness of weapons" on open field. Officials offer to set a high price for Pugachev's head and thereby bribe his people. From the Belogorsk fortress, the constable brings Grinev a letter from Masha, in which she reports that Shvabrin is forcing her to become his wife. Grinev turns to the general with a request to give him fifty Cossacks and a company of soldiers in order to clear the Belogorsk fortress. But the general refuses him.

Chapter 11

Grinev and Savelich rush to Masha's aid. On the way, they are stopped by Pugachev's people and taken to their leader, who interrogates Grinev in the presence of confidants about his intentions. Pugachev's people were a frail and hunched old man with a gray beard and a blue ribbon worn over a gray coat over his shoulder. The other man was tall, broad-shouldered and portly, about forty-five years old. He had gray sparkling eyes, a thick red beard and a nose without nostrils, and reddish spots on his cheeks and forehead, which gave his broad, pockmarked face an inexplicable expression. Grinev tells Pugachev that he has come to save the orphan from Shvabrin's claims. The Pugachevites offer both Shvabrin and Grinev to solve the problem simply - hang them both. But Grinev is clearly attractive to Pugachev, and he promises to marry him to Masha. The next morning, Grinev rides in Pugachev's wagon to the fortress. Pugachev, in a confidential conversation, informs him that he would like to go to Moscow, but his comrades are thieves and robbers, and at the first failure they will surrender him, saving their neck. Pugachev tells a Kalmyk tale about an eagle and a raven: the raven lived for 300 years and pecked carrion, and the eagle was ready to starve, but not eat carrion, it’s better to drink living blood at least once, and then - as God commands.

Chapter 12

Arriving at the fortress, Pugachev learns that Masha is being bullied by Shvabrin, who is starving her. “By the will of the sovereign,” Pugachev frees the girl and wants to immediately marry her to Grinev. When Shvabrin tells that she is the daughter of Captain Mironov, Pugachev, who decided to "complain, so favor," lets Masha and Grinev go.

Chapter 13

On the way out of the fortress, the soldiers take Grinev under arrest. They take him for a Pugachevite and take him to their boss, who turns out to be Zurin. He advises Grinev to send Masha and Savelich to their parents, and to continue the battle himself. Grinev does just that. Pugachev's army was defeated, but he himself was not caught, and he managed to gather new detachments in Siberia. Pugachev is being pursued. Zurin receives an order to take Grinev under arrest and send him to Kazan under guard, betraying the Commission of Inquiry into the Pugachev case.

Chapter 14

Grinev is suspected of serving Pugachev. Shvabrin played an important role in this. Grinev is sentenced to exile in Siberia. Masha lives with Grinev's parents, who are very attached to her. Masha goes to St. Petersburg, where she stops in Tsarskoye Selo, meets the Empress in the garden and asks to pardon Grinev, telling that he got to Pugachev because of her. At the audience, the empress promises to forgive Grinev and arrange the fate of Masha. Grinev is released from custody. He is present at the execution of Pugachev, who recognizes him in the crowd and nods his head, which a minute later was shown to the people dead and bloodied.

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The historical story "The Captain's Daughter" was first published by Pushkin in 1836. According to researchers, the work is at the intersection of romanticism and realism. The genre is not precisely defined either - some consider The Captain's Daughter a story, others a full-fledged novel.

The action of the work takes place during the period of the uprising of Emelyan Pugachev and is based on real events. The story is written in the form of memoirs of the protagonist Pyotr Andreevich Grinev - his diary entries. The work is named after Grinev's beloved, Marya Mironova, the captain's daughter.

main characters

Pyotr Andreevich Grinev- the main character of the story, a nobleman, an officer on behalf of whom the story is told.

Maria Ivanovna Mironova- daughter of captain Mironov; "a girl of about eighteen, chubby, ruddy".

Emelyan Pugachev- the leader of the peasant uprising, "forty years old, medium height, thin and broad-shouldered", with a black beard.

Arkhip Savelich- an old man who from an early age was Grinev's tutor.

Other characters

Andrey Petrovich Grinev- Father of Pyotr Andreevich, retired prime minister.

Ivan Ivanovich Zurin- an officer whom Grinev met in a tavern in Simbirsk.

Alexey Ivanovich Shvabrin- an officer whom Grinev met in the Belogorodskaya fortress; joined the rebels of Pugachev, testified against Grinev.

Mironov Ivan Kuzmich- captain, father of Marya, commandant in the Belogorodskaya fortress.

Chapter 1. Sergeant of the Guard

The father of the protagonist, Andrey Petrovich Grinev, retired as a prime minister, began to live in his Simbirsk village, married the daughter of a local nobleman. From the age of five, Petya was given to the upbringing of the aspirant Savelich. When the protagonist turned 16, his father, instead of sending him to St. Petersburg to the Semyonovsky regiment (as previously planned), assigned him to serve in Orenburg. Savelich was sent along with the young man.

On the way to Orenburg, in a tavern in Simbirsk, Grinev met the captain of the hussar regiment Zurin. He taught the young man to play billiards, offered to play for money. After drinking the punch, Grinev got excited and lost a hundred rubles. The distressed Savelich had to repay the debt.

Chapter 2

On the way, Grinev dozed off and had a dream in which he saw something prophetic. Peter dreamed that he came to say goodbye to his dying father, but in bed he saw "a man with a black beard". The mother called the peasant Grinev's "planted father", told him to kiss his hand so that he would bless him. Peter refused. Then the man jumped up, grabbed an ax and started killing everyone. A terrible man affectionately called: "Do not be afraid, come under my blessing." At that moment Grinev woke up: they had arrived at the inn. In gratitude for the help, Grinev gave the counselor his hare sheepskin coat.

In Orenburg, Grinev was immediately sent to the Belogorod fortress, to the team of Captain Mironov.

Chapter 3

"Belogorsk fortress was forty miles from Orenburg." On the very first day, Grinev met the commandant and his wife. The next day, Pyotr Andreevich made the acquaintance of officer Alexei Ivanovich Shvabrin. He was sent here "for murder" - "stabbed a lieutenant" during a duel. Shvabrin constantly made fun of the commandant's family. Mironov's daughter Marya liked Pyotr Andreevich very much, but Shvabrin described her as "a complete fool".

Chapter 4

Over time, Grinev found in Mary "a prudent and sensitive girl." Pyotr Andreevich began to write poetry and somehow read one of his works, dedicated to Marya, Shvabrin. He criticized the verse and said that the girl would prefer "a pair of earrings" instead of "gentle rhymes". Grinev called Shvabrin a scoundrel and he challenged Pyotr Andreevich to a duel. The first time they failed to get along - they were noticed and taken to the commandant. In the evening, Grinev learned that Shvabrin had been wooing Marya last year and had been refused.

The next day, Grinev and Shvabrin again met in a duel. During the duel, Savelich ran up and called out to Pyotr Andreevich. Grinev looked around, and the enemy struck him "in the chest below the right shoulder."

Chapter 5

All the time while Grinev was recovering, Marya looked after him. Pyotr Andreevich offered the girl to become his wife, she agreed.

Grinev wrote to his father that he was going to get married. However, Andrei Petrovich replied that he would not give consent to marriage and would even bother to transfer his son "somewhere far away." Upon learning of the answer of Grinev's parents, Marya was very upset, but did not want to get married without their consent (in particular, because the girl was a dowry). From then on she began to avoid Pyotr Andreevich.

Chapter 6

The news came that “the Don Cossack and schismatic Emelyan Pugachev” escaped from under guard, gathered a “villainous gang” and “produced indignation in the Yaik villages”. It soon became known that the rebels were going to go to the Belogorsk fortress. Preparations have begun.

Chapter 7

Grinev did not sleep all night. A lot of armed people gathered at the fortress. Pugachev himself rode between them on a white horse. The rebels broke into the fortress, the commandant was wounded in the head, Grinev was captured.

The crowd shouted "that the sovereign is waiting for the prisoners in the square and is taking the oath". Mironov and Lieutenant Ivan Ignatich refused to take the oath and were hanged. The same fate awaited Grinev, but at the last moment Savelich threw himself at Pugachev's feet and asked to be let go of Pyotr Andreevich. Shvabrin joined the rebels. Mary's mother was killed.

Chapter 8

Marya hid the priestess, calling her her niece. Savelich told Grinev that Pugachev was the same peasant to whom Pyotr Andreevich had given a sheepskin coat.

Pugachev summoned Grinev. Pyotr Andreevich admitted that he would not be able to serve him, since he was a “natural nobleman” and “sworn to the empress”: “My head is in your power: let me go - thank you; you execute - God will judge you; and I told you the truth." The sincerity of Pyotr Andreevich struck Pugachev, and he let him go "on all four sides."

Chapter 9

In the morning, Pugachev told Grinev to go to Orenburg and tell the governor and all the generals to wait for him in a week. The leader of the uprising appointed Shvabrin as the new commander in the fortress.

Chapter 10

A few days later news came that Pugachev was moving towards Orenburg. Grinev received a letter from Marya Ivanovna. The girl wrote that Shvabrin was forcing her to marry him and treated her very cruelly, so she asked Grinev for help.

Chapter 11

Not having received support from the general, Grinev went to the Belogorodsk fortress. On the way, Pugachev's people seized them and Savelich. Grinev told the leader of the rebels that he was going to the Belogorod fortress, since there Shvabrin offends an orphan girl - Grinev's bride. In the morning, Pugachev, together with Grinev and his people, drove to the fortress.

Chapter 12

Shvabrin said that Marya was his wife. But when they entered the girl’s room, Grinev and Pugachev saw that she was pale, thin, and from the food in front of her there was only “a jug of water covered with a slice of bread”. Shvabrin reported that the girl was Mironov's daughter, but Pugachev still let Grinev go with his lover.

Chapter 13

Approaching the town, Grinev and Marya were stopped by guards. Pyotr Andreevich went to the major and recognized him as Zurin. Grinev, after talking with Zurin, decided to send Marya to her parents in the village, while he himself remained to serve in the detachment.

At the end of February, Zurin's detachment set out on a campaign. Pugachev, after being defeated, again gathered a gang and went to Moscow, causing confusion. "Gangs of robbers were outrageous everywhere." "God forbid to see a Russian rebellion, senseless and merciless!".

Finally Pugachev was caught. Grinev went to his parents, but a paper arrived about his arrest in the Pugachev case.

Chapter 14

Grinev, on orders, arrived in Kazan, he was put in prison. During the interrogation, Pyotr Andreevich, not wanting to involve Marya, kept silent about why he was leaving Orenburg. Grinev's accuser, Shvabrin, claimed that Pyotr Andreevich was a spy for Pugachev.

Marya Ivanovna was received by Grinev's parents "with sincere cordiality". The news of the arrest of Pyotr Andreevich amazed everyone - he was threatened with life exile in Siberia. To save her lover, Marya went to St. Petersburg and stayed in Tsarskoye Selo. During a morning walk, she got into a conversation with an unfamiliar lady, told her her story and that she had come to ask the Empress for Grinev's pardon.

On the same day, the carriage of the Empress was sent for Marya. The Empress turned out to be the same lady with whom the girl had spoken in the morning. The Empress pardoned Grinev and promised to help her with the dowry.

According to not Grinev, but the author, at the end of 1774, Pyotr Andreich was released. "He was present at the execution of Pugachev, who recognized him in the crowd and nodded his head to him." Soon Grinev married Marya. "The manuscript of Pyotr Andreevich Grinev was delivered to us from one of his grandsons."


In the historical story of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter" both main and secondary characters deserve attention. The most controversial figure in the work is Emelyan Pugachev. The cruel, bloodthirsty leader of the rebels is portrayed by the author as a person not without positive, somewhat romanticized qualities. Pugachev appreciates the kindness and sincerity of Grinev, helps his beloved.

The characters that oppose each other are Grinev and Shvabrin. Pyotr Andreich remains true to his ideas to the last, even when his life depended on it. Shvabrin easily changes his mind, joins the rebels, becomes a traitor.

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