Doesn't distribute wifi from the phone. What to do if your PC or laptop can't connect over Wi-Fi

The Internet has penetrated almost everywhere - even in small provincial cities it is not a problem to find free Wi-Fi hotspots. However, there are still places where progress has not yet reached. Of course, you can use mobile data, but for a laptop and even more so for a desktop PC, this is not an option. Fortunately, modern phones and tablets are Android know how to distribute the Internet via Wi-Fi. Today we are going to show you how to enable this feature.

Please note that Internet sharing via Wi-Fi is not available on some firmware versions of Android 7 and higher due to software features and / or restrictions on the part of the cellular operator!

In order to distribute the Internet from your phone, you can use several options. Let's start with applications that provide this option, and then look at the standard features.

Method 1: PDANet +

A well-known application for distributing the Internet from mobile devices, presented in the version for Android. It can also solve the problem of distributing Wi-Fi.

  1. The app has options Wi-Fi Direct Hotspot and "Wi-Fi Hotspot (FoxFi)".

    The second option is implemented by means of a separate application, which does not even need PDA itself, therefore, if you are interested in it, see Method 2. Option with Wi-Fi Direct Hotspot will be covered in this way.
  2. Download and install the client program on the PC.

    After installation, launch it. After making sure that the client is running, proceed to the next step.

  3. Open PDANet + on your phone and check the box opposite Wi-Fi Direct Hotspot.

    When the hotspot is turned on, you can view the password and network name (SSID) in the area marked in the screenshot above (note the hotspot's activity timer, which is limited to 10 minutes).

    Option "Change WiFi Name / Password" will allow you to change the name and password of the created point.
  4. After these manipulations, we return to the computer and the client application. It will collapse on the taskbar and look like this.

    Single click on it to get a menu. In it you should press Connect WiFi ....
  5. The Connection Wizard dialog box will appear. Wait for it to find the point you created.

    Select this point, enter the password and press Connect WiFi.
  6. Wait for the connection to take place.

    When the window automatically closes, it will signal that you are connected to the network.

The method is simple, and besides, it gives almost one hundred percent result. Its downside is the absence of the Russian language both in the main Android application and in the Windows client. In addition, the free version of the application has a connection time limit - when it expires, Wi-Fi hotspot will have to be recreated.

Method 2: FoxFi

In the past - a component of the aforementioned PDANet +, which is what the option says "Wi-Fi Hotspot (FoxFi)" which is clicked in PDANet + and takes you to the FoxFi download page.

This method is terribly simple, and nevertheless there are drawbacks in it - this application, like PDANet, does not have Russian localization. In addition, some mobile operators do not allow the use of traffic in this way, which may cause the Internet to not work. In addition, FoxFi, as well as PDANet, has a limit on the point's use time.

There are other applications for distributing the Internet via Wi-Fi from the phone, but most of them work on the same principle as FoxFay, using almost identical names of buttons and elements.

Method 3: System Tools

In order to distribute the Internet from the phone, in some cases it is possible not to install separate software, since this feature is present in the built-in Android functionality. Please note that the location and name of the options described below may vary by different models and firmware options.

  1. Go to "Settings" and find in the network connection settings group the option "Modem and access point".

  2. On other devices, this option may be located along the path "Systemic""Yet""Hot spot", or "Networks""Shared modem and networks""Wi-Fi access point".

  3. We are interested in the option "Mobile hotspot"... Tap it 1 time.

    On other devices, it may be referred to as "Wi-Fi access point", "Create a Wi-Fi hotspot", etc. Check the Help, then use the switch.

    In the warning dialog, click "Yes".

    If you do not have such an option, or it is inactive, most likely, your Android version does not support wireless Internet sharing.
  4. The phone will go into mobile Wi-Fi router mode. A notification appears in the status bar.

    In the access point control window, you can view a short instruction, as well as familiarize yourself with the network identifier (SSID) and password for connecting to it.

    Important note: most phones allow changing both the SSID and password and the encryption type. However, some manufacturers (for example, Samsung) do not allow this to be done using standard means. Also note that the default password changes every time you turn on the hotspot.

  5. The option of connecting a computer to such a mobile access point is completely identical to the method with FoxFi. When you no longer need router mode, you can turn off the distribution of the Internet from your phone by simply moving the slider in the menu "Modem and access point"(or its equivalent in your specific device).
  6. This method can be called optimal for users who, for some reason, cannot or simply do not want to install a separate application on their device. The disadvantages of this option are the operator restrictions mentioned in the FoxFay method.

As you can see, nothing complicated. Finally, a little life hack - do not rush to throw away or sell your old Android smartphone or tablet: using one of the methods described above, you can turn it into a portable router.

Modern rates cellular operators and the quality of mobile Internet allow you to use the latter not only from smartphones or tablets, but also to organize distribution for home PCs or laptops. This state of affairs is especially relevant in regions where 4G and LTE coverage areas are present. There remains a small questionto other devices. Let's talk about this in more detail.

Sharing settings from Android device

The need to distribute the Internet from a mobile can arise for various reasons. Most often, users use similar capabilities of smartphones when or simply stops working. Before proceeding with the settings, make sure that the quality of connection and the speed of your mobile Internet are at the proper level, otherwise the idea will be a failure.

Today, several configuration options are available for Android devices: via WiFi, via a USB cable, or as a Bluetooth modem. Moreover, the second type of connection is not suitable for distributing the Internet to several devices at once. Let's take a closer look at the specifics of configuring each type of connection.

Via WiFi

This option for organizing the distribution of the Internet from the phone is the fastest and easiest. In this case, the smartphone acts as a router and, with the proper signal level, will be able to provide several devices with access to the network at once. If the phone has only 3G, then you should be prepared for the fact that the connection speed on the PC will be quite slow.

Follow these steps to set up a distribution.

After that, the access point will become active and devices will begin to see it. To connect to the network, you must provide a password. You can find out the combination in the settings of the WiFi access point. Open the section and under the password field, check the "Show" option. After that, the symbols of the defensive combination will become visible.

USB modem

If you have a cable at hand, then one of the devices can be provided with network access. Let's figure it outhow to distribute the Internet from the phoneusing this kind of customization. There is one small device, special drivers are needed to organize the process. Usually, when the desired mode is turned on, they are installed independently, if this did not happen, the user will have to find and download them separately. The software is easily googled through the indication of the phone model and the problem that has arisen.

To set up a connection, you will have to do the following.

This completes the settings on the smartphone side and you need to go to the computer configurations. Open the network connection settings menu, on the “Connect by local network"Right-click and select the" Enable "command. After that, the computer will be connected to the Internet via your smartphone. Make sure that the amount of available traffic will allow full networking from your computer.

Bluetooth modem

Another option is to access the Internet via a Bluetooth modem connection. Find outhow to distribute the Internet from the phonein this case. There are also some subtleties here. Before configuring, make sure that the Bluetooth module is active on all devices. And also the visibility of the smartphone is open to search for available gadgets. These settings should be checked additionally before proceeding with the main one.

Further process, next.

  1. Open your smartphone settings and go to the "Modem mode" section. The path has already been detailed earlier.
  2. In the window that opens, put a tick in front of the "Bluetooth modem" item. This completes the manipulations on the part of the mobile device.
  3. On the computer, open the "Control Panel", go to "Devices and Printers" and click on the "Add devices" command.
  4. As soon as the computer detects the smartphone, as a device available for connection, it is necessary to confirm the pairing and give permission to use the device as a Bluetooth modem.
  5. Then, in the "Devices and Printers" section, right-click on the smartphone icon, call the context menu and select "Access Point" in the "Connect via ..." setting.

This completes the connection and the computer has access to the Internet through a mobile gadget.

If we compare all three types of connection, then the fastest and easiest will be WiFi. But it is quite power-consuming, therefore, if there is no outlet nearby, it is better to use a USB modem, in this case the battery consumption is less, but the connection speed is a little behind the previous one. The third method should be used only as a last resort, when the previous ones are not suitable at all. The connection speed in this case is very low and it will take a long time to wait for the page to load.

How to distribute the Internet from a phone: settings for the iOS platform

Now let's figure out how you can organize the distribution of the Internet from an Apple mobile device. The instruction is suitable for the latest versions software and may be out of date on older firmware.

First of all, you need to make sure that the smartphone itself has access to the Internet and the signal quality meets the established requirements. In this case, the cellular network icon in the settings section will be green.

  1. Go to the iPhone settings and select the "Cellular" section.
  2. Open "Modem Mode" and activate the function by placing the switch in the appropriate position. Some tariff plans of the mobile operator may block the possibility of distribution, in which case the switch will be inactive.
  3. After successful activation, the smartphone screen will display instructions for connecting the PC to the network in different ways.
  4. Connect your computer.

To connect via WiFi, just find an access point and enter a password. To use a USB cable for connection, you will have to install latest version iTunes applications and establish trust between devices. Only a computer or an Android smartphone can be connected to the iPhone via Bluetooth, it is better to connect iOS devices via WiFi.

Surely many of you, dear friends, know that most modern smartphones allow you to distribute the Internet via Wi-Fi to other devices, including laptops, smartphones, tablets, etc. Why is this necessary, you ask? Imagine that you have gone to the dacha. Wired Internet there, of course, no, so you use your smartphone to, for example, visit your beloved social network... But you can use a laptop that you also took with you. All you need is an access point that you can connect to using your laptop. This access point can be your smartphone.

We will show an example of setting up on a smartphone. Samsung Galaxy based on Android. The process itself is not as complicated as it might seem at first glance, and will only take a few minutes of your time.

First of all, we connect to the mobile Internet. Next, go to the smartphone settings. Here we are looking for the "Access Point" or "Modem Mode" section. In our case, it is called "Access Point and Modem".

In this case, the default password has already been set, as well as the name of the access point, although it itself is still turned off.

It is easy to change the password to the one you need. To do this, just click on it.

Of course, you can use the hotspot without a password, but we do not recommend doing this.

If you click on the name of the access point, you can choose who to give access to - any devices or only some (they get access by).

Basically, now you can turn on the smartphone as an access point - in this case, the modem mode is turned on, and on the page you will see the connected devices (there are no connected ones yet).

To make sure that the connection is possible, we find the network and connect from another device (from the tablet) by entering the specified password (12345678 in our case).

On the smartphone, which acts as an access point, we see a message about the connection of a third-party device.

By the way, in the settings you can see its MAC address.

In the settings of the access point, you can change the name of the network and even make it open for all devices (connection will be possible without entering a password).

There, in the settings, it is possible to add allowed devices by MAC address. In this case, other devices will not connect, even if their owners know the password for your network.

It's so easy and simple to share Wi-Fi using your regular phone almost anywhere.

In this article, we will talk about how to set up distribution of the Internet from an Android smartphone... We take a handset (for example, Samsung Galaxy S4) with Android installed (in our case, it is 4.0.4, but for other OS versions the sequence of actions will be approximately the same) and open the Settings menu. In its upper part, almost immediately under the Wi-Fi and Bluetooth on / off sliders, there is an item with the mysterious name "More", where we go.

There we select "Modem mode and access point", where all the control of this function is concentrated.

In order to create a Wi-Fi access point, go to the "Configure Wi-Fi access point" item.

And here several simple operations are already being done to set up a mobile router. First, enter the network name in Latin (in our case - easyhelp), then select the encryption protocol (WPA2 PSK is best - it has the best protection against hacking today), enter the password (Latin and numbers, at least 8 characters). And that's it, the setup is complete! Click "Save" and get a ready configured access point.

In order to activate it, put a tick in the "Portable access zone" box. A symbol of an active access point appears in the tray above the screen and the smartphone starts working as a router.

Now you can turn on Wi-Fi detection on your other devices, find the name of the point you just created, and connect to it. Of course, the access speed will not be as comfortable as in the case of a stationary router (unless, of course, you have a phone with LTE, then the speed should be quite enough), but for some urgent matters it should be enough.

There is another application of information about how to distribute wifi from Android- with its help you can save a lot when buying a tablet. After all, tablet computers with a 3G modem are more expensive than those equipped with only a Wi-Fi module, so why overpay in this case? We buy a less expensive tablet without a modem and use a smartphone as an access point!