Heart center. Heart center (ego)

Biological correspondence: stomach, heart, gallbladder, thymus, T-cells, immune system.

Key words: will, self-importance, survival in the material world, selfishness, endurance.

The center is defined in 35% of people.

If the Ji center is associated with the self-determination of a person in relation to the World, then the Ego center is associated with his self-identification on the material plane.

In spiritual practices, this center is responsible for achieving results. All spiritual methods work with the body. And the body has a natural natural inertia. And in order to rebuild something in the body or control the processes in the body, one needs the will and the ability to operate on the material plane. If there is a will and understanding of one's body, then a person can follow the necessary diet, and meditate for a long time, and master the practice of breathing exercises. He can exercise and develop his will and endurance. But in the case when there is no will by nature, that is, the center of the Ego is indefinite, then it is practically impossible for a person to achieve real results based on systematic practices. For him, methods related to relaxation and observation of the flow of consciousness along with the flow of life are better suited. Only a person with complete indefinite center The ego (that is, no gates are defined) can be an altruist. For other people, it will be just a game of altruism, which is not in line with their nature.

This center is defined in 35% of people. Yes, only such a small number of people can make promises and keep them without harming their mental and physical health. In this case, people have fixed and permanent access to willpower, natural willpower, endurance, self-esteem. Natural - healthy - selfishness. They enjoy spending money and are here to enjoy the material plane in its entirety. A fixed way of relating to the material plane, deals, promises. "Me, me, me" is their mantra. They talk a lot about themselves, but that's okay, that's their quality.

Undefined in 65% of people. If this is about you, then never, never, never make promises. You suffer from a lack of willpower, and your self-esteem drops because of it. There is a tendency to compensate by proving one's worth to others by entering into competition with them, trying to control others. It's okay to enjoy the competition but not identify with it. Potentially you can feel the absence of ego and the value of others. You absolutely do not know how to appreciate yourself. You are selling yourself cheap, you cannot ask for money for your work. You know that as soon as you start working with willpower, you fail, so you don't know how to value yourself. You try to prove your worth to yourself and the people around you by making promises. When you feel pressured to do this, understand that this is none of your business, not your game, you are not here for this.

The potential of wisdom and the gift of the indefinite center of the Ego. Man has nothing to prove. He can see and know the value of others.

Uncertain heart center initiates the following type of Not-Self conversation: “I'd rather do this, because if I don't, I'm worthless. I have to control it. I must be brave. I have to keep myself at my best so that I feel my worth and other people see it too. I need to be loyal and be trustworthy. If I promise them this, they will see how great I am. They think I can do it and I will prove that I can. If I keep everything under control, I'm worth something. I'm not human unless I can prove it."

In a natural state, a certain Heart Center gives constant access to willpower, a natural sense of one's own worth and value, and healthy self-esteem. It has a fixed way of dealing with the material plane in terms of deals, contracts and promises.

Under the pressure of the False Self, a person manifests an inflated Ego and expectations from others to be the same. He pressures others to prove their worth and make promises.

The indefinite Heart Center in its natural state brings a person satisfaction with its value, consistency. Such a person is able to work with people without making promises. The false self of the indefinite center of the Ego leads to low self-esteem and to the loss of a sense of one's own value, consistency. Difficulty arises in recognizing one's own worth and asking for appropriate rewards for one's accomplishments. A person is not able to fulfill promises and keep his word. Painful desire to spend money (often earned by others). When fully open, does not know what dignity is. In business situations, there is a tendency to overcompensate.

Not-Self Strategy: Tries to prove its worth.

When analyzing the manifestations of the Heart Center in everyday life, one should pay attention to the fact that the Heart Center does not seem particularly difficult if you compare it with the Throat, Sacral or any other center of Awareness, it has few gates. This is the second center from the end in terms of the number of gates - in the Parietal Center there are only three gates, and in the Heart Center - four. But biologically there is nothing more complex than the Heart Center. Biologically, this center has for us great value because the Ego's job is to establish the vitality of communities in the world. He creates those material societies in which we live, where possession, possession is the basic law. “This country is mine; this nation is mine. We can establish ourselves viably in the world only through the Ego.

The Heart Center has four different biological connections. Gate 21, Biting, is the gate of the heart muscle itself. 21 gates are born to control; otherwise they are heartbroken. They have to decide what they eat, what they wear, where they live, it keeps their heart healthy. Dealing biologically with the heart, we are dealing with the core of the human process - this is an essential part of the sewer network, this muscle in the 21 gates.

There is an old cliché that the fastest way to a person's heart is through the stomach. Gate 40, Supply, Liberation, stomach gate. What we call the Ego, the "I", comes out of the beating of the heart and the contraction and release of acid in the stomach because there is food there. The more food in the stomach, the more Ego, and that is why, when abused, many Egos become overweight.

Gate 26, the Taming Power of the Great One, is the gate of the thymus, the thymus gland, which is an endocrine gland. They are very important for our development as they are the only connection between the Ego and the biological survival system (Spleen). One of the most essential health channels in the Bodygraph (26/44), the thymus gland builds the immune system in a person. In the embryo, the Ego is formed even before the Spleen. The thymus creates the immune system and continues to work on it until you are three years old. It then takes charge of protecting the immune system. Gate 44 releases B cells and gate 26 releases T cells. These are killer cells; their job is to kill disease-causing microbes invading the system by eating them alive.

Then we have 51 gates, Awakening, Ascension, which are associated with the gallbladder and bile - recklessness, the audacity of a fool to jump into the void. You know the expression "stone heart" - these are gallstones, no joke. Gate 51 is how the Ego strengthens universal Love, the only Love that is strengthened by the Ego. Without universal, universal Love, the heart turns into stone.

Unlike other centers, in which the biological connection is applied to all gates, i.e., the pineal gland serves all three gates of the Parietal Center; in the Heart Center, each of the four gates has a specific biological connection - the heart, stomach, thymus and gallbladder. The sum of these four biological variants gives us the possessive Ego of this Self. It is not the "I", not the "Self" in Ji. There is the Self of Identity and the Self of the Ego. I Ego is a Tribal identity; it is the identity of the ego. “I am a hunter. I'm a fool I'm selfish". These are ego identities. The Tribe and the community only have access to one gate in the Throat to express themselves and their possessive "I have" or "I don't have." The Tribe's access to the Throat is 45, through the primary gate of action, and this direct connection between them and the Heart Center. This is the manifestation of the Heart in the world.

When you are dealing with the biological connections of any center, whether it is a definite or an indefinite centre, if you do not live in accordance with your nature, that center will be destroyed and its functions will deteriorate. Here you find heart disease, stomach problems, a weakened immune system, gallbladder dysfunction, and eventually a destroyed liver. And it all comes from the Heart Center. When you look at the physical well-being of a person, you have to pay a lot of attention to this center, because it is very effective, in this sense, people with a certain Ego put pressure on those who are open, and there is no greater pressure on the population as a whole than ego pressure, will pressure, because it is directly related to the ability of our families to survive. In other words, willpower is essential if you want to build relationships and have children, because you must dedicate yourself to a life of work and support. Supporting your children, your family, your community, and your environment is what the Heart Center and its commitment to willpower brings. It is the will to be able to take care of your community. The power of this is very great. That's why we have all this ego propaganda in our lives.

Peace in every sense of the word is impossible until the Tribe gets what it needs - enough food, decent shelter, the right to their own clothes, roles and language. Until we get to the point where every Tribe on the planet does not receive this fundamental right, there will be no peace. The ego will never let go until its stomach is full. Until this happens, it will continue to persistently hunt for what it needs. All Tribal revolutionary movements talk about the same basic things, such as the right to be healthy at 26, the right to be fed at 40, the right to be able to manifest at 45 and remain alive as a community at 40. Since the entire Tribe gets out through one gate, the Tribe's survival becomes an all-for-one, one-for-all affair. If you killed my cousin, you are my enemy. Such is the Tribe.

And at the same time, the Heart Center is not defined for the majority, so, for about 30% of humanity, a certain Heart Center. The will power of the ego serves the family, and, more broadly, serves the community.

In a homogenized society, everyone is forced to play ego games, but most cannot. All this exhausts people.

The heart is very different from love. It is a sense of shared care, and the needs of the Tribe are dictated by the needs of these biological elements to keep the heart beating. Real care and healing was brought up in the Tribe. Such is the nature of his Heart - to care for the well-being of the Tribe, its possessive well-being. Health is very important for the Tribe - it needs a strong, healthy Heart.

It is also essential for the Tribe that its belly be full. That is why you have all the Tribal religious holidays associated with the absorption of food - the feeding of the Tribal ego. “We have enough food. We are a great tribe." In our world we have difficulty with the Ego because our mental plane does not like the Ego; he is not comfortable with him. The civilized world is uncomfortable with the Ego. You have eleven gates from the Throat, and only one of them is the gate of the Ego. Only one proprietary; only one controlling voice - it controls by the power of this ego.

In the ego there is not and never will be awareness. The ego must ensure that we hold our societies and tribes together and that we keep them together through our ability to feed and support each other. Since the Ego is alone in the Throat, the Tribe also stands alone against the whole world, trying to resist the tide of civilization and the principles of collectivization. As our planet becomes more Collective, which is happening, we see two kinds of Tribal reactions. One kind is slow assimilation with the Collective, this is best seen in Europe with its European Union, where all the ancient tribal enemies are gradually united into one Collective society, while maintaining their differences. The other kind is when the Tribe becomes reactionary, refusing to enter the Collective world because the Collective world is decaying. We call most of these things fundamentalism because they go back to something. Many of our religions are like that, sects in every one of the world's religions are rooted in the rituals and lifestyles of the past and resist the Collective influence powerfully.

So the ego is under tremendous pressure. It stands alone because it is not Collective and not particularly Individual, even though it has one Individual gate, it is simply isolated. Only the Tribe is rooted in the Ego. You can see very clearly what labels the Collective puts on the Ego - they can't stand it. This is a favorite object for criticism of the Collective - they don't like the Ego.

When someone logical tells you with your particular ego "1 plus 1 equals 2", you don't hear it; you won't hear it. Just because it's logical doesn't mean you'll accept it. The Collective says to the Tribe and the Tribal Leader, “This is really good for you. It will really benefit, don't you understand?" But since the Tribe does not have access to the Mind, this is a moot point. The Ego of the Tribe says, “I know what I have. I have this and it works. And even when it doesn't work, we know what to do. Get out of here. We do not want you to interfere in our affairs - you are not ours.

Of course, the Collective is truly annoyed. “Those stupid, ignorant people, how can they cling to such rubbish? See how dangerous they are,” which is why the Collective doesn’t like it. Thus the Ego has its own pressure in the world. Moreover, see what many Eastern teachers and masters have to say about the Ego. He generally has a bad reputation, and has long been bad reviews and reactions in the press.

The motor quality of the Heart Center is his Ego, and the Ego is what we call willpower. Not everyone is blessed with it. There is willpower. If you have a certain ego, you have a certain capacity of will. With a certain ego, you can be strong-willed, self-willed. But most people don't have a definite ego, and they are not designed to be permanently strong-willed.

The nature of our Tribal life is about communities, building civilization, bearing and raising children, and creating structures to care for them. This includes the entrepreneurial way of developing the material, our collaborative way of sharing the material, and ultimately it is deeply connected to the material life of the Tribe.

The Tribe is rooted in the center of the Ego and its four gates, three of which are Tribal. Only 51 gates work directly with the Tribe and are able to bring mutation to the Tribe. Thus, the Ego is deeply connected to our material life, but it is much more complicated.

If you have a vague Heart Center, your Not-Self strategy is "do you still have something to prove?" The open ego is always trying to prove that it is worthy, that it can be strong-willed, and that it can contribute to the family and community. Of course it is unstable. The more a person tries, the more desperate he feels until his heart, stomach and gallbladder get sick and his immune system collapses.

For example, a person with an open Heart Center goes to a specialist with a certain Ego to quit smoking because he wants to prove that he can do it. He wants to prove it to someone else (like his father-in-law) and not to himself so that he can say, "Yes, I quit smoking and will never smoke again." The father-in-law asks: “And how long have you not smoked?” “Well, about 12 o'clock. And so far so good."

As soon as this person is in the aura of a certain Specialist Ego, his Ego becomes sooooo big because it amplifies the energy. At this moment, he has more willpower than a specialist. And no matter what game the specialist offers (affirmations, visualizations, etc.), everything seems successful to him. He pays for the session because he feels great. And then, really pumped up with energy at the level of the Ego, he goes out into the world. He had a great feeling and everything seems great! But he stepped out of the specialist's aura, and the steady willpower was gone. As he walks home, he passes a tobacco shop and walks right in. He smokes desperately, and at the same time scolds himself. “I have no will. I can not do this. I'm good for nothing, I'm worthless."

Unfortunately, there are people in white coats doing menial work. They have a really nice spirit and they want to help. They believe they can be of service to others, and their message is not so stupid. But because they do not know themselves, they are not correct, and they do not know others at all, so what they do is not useful. Imagine all these people coming back from the East and talking about the state of "out of mind". It is not for certain minds because they cannot do anything with their mind. They have a constant process of conceptualization. But there are all these incredible generalizations. All these people with open egos who believe they have willpower. They were taught from childhood to be strong-willed, they were told that if they did not dare to do something, if they did not go and take their own, then they would not achieve anything in life. It destroys them physically - heart attacks, ulcers, gallbladder removal, immune system destruction await them.

It is very important to understand in regards to the False Self of the Ego that it makes these wrong decisions and is desperately holding on to them because of all this business of having to prove its own worth. And she, this need, is not real, she has nothing to do with their lives. And they still make the most important decisions in their lives to prove: "Yes, I will do this, because I can prove to my late mother that I am wealthy." It's incredible how far this madness can go. They never live their lives by continuing to prove themselves instead. It's a disease, and in the end, it will kill them before they even have a chance to see if it was worth anything. Not worth it. It is simply living under the pressure of such conditioning. There is nothing more harmful than chasing through life with an indefinite ego and making decisions based on trying to prove to someone who you are.

If you were to analyze wages people with the same job and if you could pick out all the vague egos, you would see them getting less money for the same job. It has nothing to do with gender inequality, it has to do with an indefinite ego. Someone says to the indefinite Ego, "I won't pay you much." The indefinite says, "Well, that's how much I'm worth." He considers himself unworthy. Trying to organize private practice, the indefinite Ego will take less: "No one will pay me that much." He just doesn't have a sense of his own worth.

This is one of the rewards of awakening, if you have an open ego then you can let go of trying to prove anything. There is nothing to prove. You don't have to make promises. Don't offer freedom. The mind, having heard it, may agree, but this does not mean that you will live it. Getting your ego pumped by someone else is such a powerful experience. The only thing that will work is following your nature.

Also, when the ego fails, the heart fails. One of the most dangerous things in life is when someone with an undefined ego center keeps saying, "I will," because sooner or later you may die of a heart attack, just drop dead. You're tearing that heart muscle apart because you weren't built to say, "I'll do it." Only if you have a certain Ego, you can say: "I will, I will do." The point is not free will. The point is to recognize that the will is the expression of this motor and its energy. It is the will to feed oneself, to hunt, to unite in a community, to serve the interests of the tribe, to protect the weak, etc. Therefore, the Ego is not only associated with people circling with their “I, I, I”, this voice of expression of the Tribe itself.

The greatest illusion, one of the generalizations haunting humanity, is that they have been given "free will." This is not true. There are people in the world who have constant access to willpower. It is only through the determination of the Ego that willpower is constantly manifested. But the vast majority of people were born with an indefinite ego center and a fickle willpower. Given the nature of the human being, the need to aggressively deal with survival, willpower is something to be lauded. People are perceived as disabled if they do not have this willpower. So many people have been sent to humiliating treatment, so many people suffer silently and cruelly because they consider themselves to be weak-willed failures.

Never make promises unless you have a defined Heart Center. If you do not have an ego center defined, then you cannot be strong-willed and at the same time successful, there is no chance for this. A person with an indefinite ego center wants to lose weight. His personal trainer happened to have a certain Ego, he conditions the person with his Ego and says: "You must do these exercises every day for a month." Pumped up indefinite Ego says: "I will, I will." Two days later, the person skips classes and feels terrible. Without the will power of the trainer, the indefinite ego operates unsteadily. For this person, the essence of life is not to be strong-willed. But Ego people, by trying to strengthen people with an indefinite Ego and leading them to pain, disappointment and frustration, do great damage. Such situations can create a strong feeling of inadequacy in life, and this is wrong.

With a certain ego, you can be strong-willed and make promises. By the way, this does not mean that you can do them. This does not mean that you will work. When you say to someone, "I promise I'll visit you tomorrow," you don't necessarily do it. In an indefinite ego, unfulfilled promises pile up and lead to the destruction of self-confidence and damaged relationships. There is no fault here, just a lack of understanding of the underlying mechanics. If you respect what you are and don't give authority to what you are not, then you will be healthy and live your life. If you have an undefined ego center and you keep making promises, you are doing physical damage to your body. You hit your heart and stomach. You destroy your immune system.

Certain - 35%,
uncertain – 65%

Biological Compliance– Heart, Stomach, Gall Bladder, Thymus

Center Type- Motor.

Function- Ego, willpower, the material world, self-esteem.

False Self Strategy:
Tries to improve himself in order to prove his worth to himself and others.

Constant access to willpower, worthy self-esteem, a fixed way of dealing with deeds, deals and promises.

Suffering from lack of consistent willpower, low self-esteem, difficulty asking for an appropriate price for one's accomplishments, inability to keep promises, need to learn how to survive materially, loves to spend money.


1. The heart center is a powerful motor that drives willpower and ego power.

2. It has very important biological attributes.

3. The theme of the Heart Center is burning out on the material plane.

4. A certain Heart Center must keep its promises for self-respect.

5. An indefinite Heart Center should never make promises.

The heart center is the motor. This is where willpower and ego energy reside. This center seems small. It has only four gates. Thematically, this center is connected with the material plane. It is the will to survive in the material sense in the created communities. This center is connected with taking care of daily bread, living in harmony with others, establishing relationships with other people, children, and creating a society and culture.

biological connection

Despite his small size The heart center is very complex in its biological nature. At the 40th gate is the stomach. If the stomach is full, the ego feels good, if the stomach is empty, this prompts the ego force at the 40th gate to find something to eat. At the 26th gate is the thymus gland, which creates our immune system. While the fetus is in the mother's womb, it is the thymus gland that builds the immune system. This is the only direct connection between the ego and the immune system in the center of the Spleen.

In the first three years of life, the thymus gland lays down the way the human immune system works. The ego is our refuge from disease. It releases disease-fighting B cells. Ego is a warrior. At 51 gates is the gallbladder and at 21 - the actual heart muscle. Since all these organs of the body are located in this center, it becomes clear that it can be the source of many physical problems if a person is not familiar with the mechanics of his Heart Center:

free will

When talking about the Heart Center, a distinction must be made between will, as the energy that we draw from this center, and will, as a philosophical concept. Will is a powerful energy emanating from the Heart Center, and free will is a myth. human beings in their vanity they think they have free will. It does not exist, because everything we think, say or do originates in the mysterious gray matter of the brain half a second before we are aware of it in the cerebral cortex. This proves that free will does not exist and that we do not create anything, but only react. Free will implies that we are in control of our life process, which we actually cannot do. Man comes into this world in order to manifest consciousness in form, but he cannot control anything.

The expression "free will" is self-contradictory, because the power of the will is always directed towards a goal. Thus, it will never be free, it must be related to what you want to have or achieve.


    Definite heart center

    A person with a certain heart center always seems strong-willed and must make and keep promises. If this does not happen, others lose their trust in him, so you should make only those promises that you can keep. Such a person should never be allowed to suppress their "I" - he has a sense of his own worth and self-respect. A person with a certain heart center should not allow anyone to influence his ego and willpower. He has a strong will, and suppressing it, he will get sick.

    Indefinite heart center

    In turn, a person with an indefinite heart center is always looking for this very willpower. “Why can't I get what they have? Why can't I be as successful, as prosperous as they are?" These are the questions they ask themselves all their lives.

    A person with an indefinite heart center should know that he cannot rely on his willpower, since it is not constant. If your heart center is not defined and you want to conquer the world, first make sure that the person next to you has a certain ego - then you can achieve your goal. People with an undefined heart center should not feel that they are failures in this life because they cannot use their will when they want or when they need to.

    People with an indefinite heart center are always trying to achieve more than others because they do not understand their worth. They have a tendency to underestimate themselves, they literally force themselves to be courageous by telling themselves "I can do it!". They get entangled in situations that are impossible for themselves, which are dangerous for their health, and constantly want to prove to themselves that they have willpower. When a person with an undefined heart center quits smoking, he literally goes crazy and thinks: “I must have the willpower to stop this!”. But whether he can actually quit smoking depends on his conditioning.

    A person with an indefinite heart center should never make promises in his life. This is the most unhealthy thing that can only happen in his life. Strong-willed determination in him is always due to other people, so he can never trust his "I". Such people often experience situations in which they accept advice from others such as "If you want, you can." By believing this advice, they can become seriously ill, putting their heart or stomach problems at risk.

    A person with an indefinite heart center should avoid situations where he needs to be strong-willed. When he makes promises, he literally destroys his heart. The reality is that the courage and willpower for a person with an undefined heart center depends on the people around him. He is not genetically designed to be strong-willed all the time, and it is his role to come to understand the potential of willpower.

    I’m sitting studying my card and the card of my wife, and we see an amazing situation, I have the center of the ego determined by the rave card, she has it open, but in life and in fact we have the opposite, it feels like I gave my ego to her) How can we return everything into place?

    Spouse with an open ego - Constant access to willpower, decent self-esteem, a fixed way to deal with deeds, deals and promises
    I am certain - Suffering from lack of consistent willpower, low self-esteem, difficulty asking for an appropriate price for one's accomplishments, inability to keep promises, needing to learn how to survive materially, loves to spend money.

    really embarrassing)

    The old man Hottabych lives the False Self with an open Ego, judging by the fact that he promises everything to everyone, and then suffers, but fulfills it.
    and in general, it seems that all jinn are unfortunate, living False Self with an open Ego :( (

  • Healing of the heart. Mary Ann Viniger

    "About the indefinite (open) Heart (Ego) center.

    I have an open heart center with no hanging gates. This openness is incredibly related to the pain inside me that I have felt for most of my life. But now, after my experiment began 14 years ago, this is no longer the case. I love mine open heart there is no pain in it. And now, more than ever, I am deeply grateful to a certain heart center. When I hear the frequency of this center in the voice of a person whose center is defined, it tickles me from the inside. The energy and power of this center go straight to me. This is pleasure. Willpower and ego strength are incredible powers. The strength and control of a particular heart center cannot be seen anywhere else in a bodygraph. This is just an amazing center.

    It seems that people with a certain heart center have a natural sense of self-worth. When they talk about themselves, you can hear the feeling of self-confidence coming straight from their heart center. I have also noticed that when a person with a certain ego relates to me in a way that is not correct, it is quite a strong experience for me. I feel like I'm being pushed vigorously and, at the same time, I want to push them back with the energy they pushed back into me. Usually I just watch it.

    It was very exciting for me to see how it works. It has also become a working tool in my sessions with people. This understanding has allowed me to help people with a certain ego to see the importance of being very careful in your interactions with others and making sure that you start communication in the right way. Because no one meets as much resistance as people with a certain ego when they are not invited or asked. No matter what the throat says, there is always the power of the ego behind it, and that is what is resisted and often comes back, leaving the ego wondering, “What actually happened?”

    The heart center is such a force! I have never had such power and never will. I used to be deeply intimidated by the power of this ego, but now I am not. Now I can remain in my own authority. It changed everything. Approximately 65% ​​of the population, like myself, have an open heart center. When I really started to look deep into this open center I found so much heartache. I realized that I had spent my entire life prior to meeting DC trying to improve myself in every way. I realized that I was trying to prove my worth by offering myself, my help and all that. I did it to prove that I'm a good daughter good mom, good sister, good wife, good mistress, good friend. But at the heart of it all was the desire to prove that I was worthy of love. It has created so much suffering and heartache in this open center. I even had physiological problems with the heart after 20 years.

    Self-improvement, willpower and competition rule the world. What a hopeless situation this was for me. I'm not equipped to compete, my heart is open, and I could be lost forever on this journey of self-improvement. I don't have willpower. I have energy - this is my sacred center, but it is not will. My mind constantly told me that I should be more successful, attractive, sophisticated, rich, sexy, smart.

    I remember, even when I was a small child, it seemed to me that if something happens to me (accident, maybe even death), then the whole world will finally realize how deeply they loved me and how they don’t want me now. enough. And it was definitely that kind of pathetic threat thrown to the wind.
    It's all so childish as long as the mind deals with the open center of the ego and gives that sense of unworthiness and need for improvement. Even in adolescence all of this is preserved. It all comes from doubts about my worth. It doesn't matter how often I was told that I was loved or how often I was praised.

    I realized that nothing that comes from outside can fill this void in me. The question of one's own worth, or lack thereof, can become a bottomless pit that cannot be exhausted. Any praise and words of love from others could only fill it temporarily, but they could never heal my open heart.

    Now, from my own experiment, I know that I am not here to prove anything - neither to myself nor to anyone else. It's just amazing to live like this. Now I am aware of it in every cell of my body. There is nothing in me that needs praise or recognition from others. It doesn't matter at all whether it comes or not. I know my own worth. I know my own beauty. I love myself. What that openness should be is a beautiful openness that no longer creates suffering.

    The only way out of this open heart center trap was my strategy and authority, and my constant awareness of what my mind was telling me about me. There was something else that helped me, especially at the very beginning of my experiment - to listen to myself, to listen to what I say myself. I used to try and make others hear me, understand what I want to say, I gave it Special attention. After reading, I began to listen to myself, and I was shocked to discover in what a subtle (almost subtle) way I nevertheless try to raise my dignity.

    For a person with an open heart center, the smallest deviation in his speech from an attempt to prove his own importance - this can be proof of how good he is.

    If you have an open heart center, there is something that can happen. And unlike a certain ego that can stand up for feeling dignity– open ego center – how soap bubble. There is nothing to support and often these efforts become very destructive.

    Now I know, I know deeply that there is nothing to prove, something to compete for. All you need to do is be yourself and relax into it. Everything I need is already in me and there is no lack of anything. Being myself, I began to care less and less about what others say or think about me. And one day, the horror of the physiological pain of this center dissolved. My heart center was healed."

  • The heart center or it is also called the center of the Ego is the center of materiality. The theme of the heart center is survival on the material plane. The potential of the Ego center lies in its successful realization on the material plane. In spiritual practices, the heart center is responsible for achieving results.

    The body has a natural inertia, and in order to rebuild something, to introduce some new quality or skill, one needs the will and the ability to operate on the material plane.

    The ego is one of the 4 motors of the body. Despite the fact that it looks small and has only four gates, it is quite complex in its biological nature.

    Unlike other centers, in the Heart Center each of the four gates has a specific biological connection with the following internal organs.

    - Stomach. Name - Gate of Solitude. Liberation.

    KEY WORDS: Solving problems, untying knots, releasing blocked energy; liberation, deliverance from suffering.

    In a simple manifestation, if the stomach is full, then the Ego feels good, if it is empty, then the willpower encourages something to eat. The saying that the fastest way to a man's heart is through his stomach characterizes this gate. Food is one of the interesting elements of our material world (the world of Reveal or the Explicit World), with which we interact closely. Eating food, we are strongly grounded, we acquire the appropriate qualities. One of the manifestations of the False Self - the more food in the stomach, the more Ego - this leads to overweight. People who need to maintain a balance between work and leisure. These people are always being chased because of their ability to work hard in a community, family, or business. It is believed that this is the hexagram of the breadwinner. However, this gate is at the center of the ego, in which the theme of relaxation has an important place. Therefore, these people need to let others know where their boundaries are and what part of themselves they are ready to give, as well as what they want to receive in return. They can be unwavering in denying other people access to their willpower. Time spent alone is incredibly important to them. The 40th gate needs the support (massage) of the understanding and loyalty of the 37th in order to work. If the terms of the deal are clear, the 37th gate will always provide the 40th with space to be alone and rest, supporting them during the process.

    - Heart. Names - Gate of the Hunter (Huntress), Gnawing.

    The energy to get what we need and what we want.

    KEYWORDS: Face a challenge, overcome an obstacle; be persistent, get to the point.

    This is the gate directly to the heart muscle. People with certainty in this gate are born to be in control, otherwise their heart will be unhealthy. They also have a talent for controlling their lives, especially in regards to money, food, territory, and lifestyle.

    Owning this gate requires you to control where you live, what you wear and what you eat! People with certainty in this gate can never afford to have a boss looking over their shoulder. In principle, it is difficult for such people to have a boss and work for hire. These people are at their best when they are in control. They don't like it when someone tells them what to do or how to do it. Unless it is the Manifestor who must inform first, these people are unlikely to successfully assume control unless it is first offered to them. It is much more common for them to try to control situations without being asked to, which means they meet a lot of resistance from those they are trying to control. The 21st gate needs patronage from the 45th. 45 represent the landowner and 21 simply want to control the land itself (its use) without being responsible for owning it. Without the 45th gate, the 21st is an authority for others, but it lacks the overseeing presence (45) of a person who is not directly involved in managing people.

    gallbladder . The name is Shock Gate.

    KEY WORDS: shock, necessary shake-up; stir up, stir up, wake up; spring return of life and love.

    People who have this gate identified tend to make shocking statements or actions. It may be easy, it may be dramatic, but always the energy of this gate will try to shock others to connect with the higher. It is the folly and audacity of a fool to jump into the void. Unlike the other three gates of the heart center, this gate carries an individual type of energy. These people have an energy of competition that can manifest itself as either risk-taking or fearlessness. They love to shock people with their love of going where others dare not go. They are always looking for the 25th gate, i.e. a sense of spirit or a sense of going beyond one's own limits. These people bring a sense of unpredictability and excitement into life, and they have a special gift for empowering others. By shocking them, they push people beyond their own narrow world into a larger vision.

    - Thymus (thymus gland) . The name is the Gate of Selfishness. Another name for this gate is "The Taming Power of the Great".

    KEY WORDS: Concentration of thought, concentration on a great idea; energy storage; bringing together, time for great efforts and accomplishments.

    These gates are very important for development and biological survival. Through this gate, the Ego communicates with the center of the Spleen - channel 26-44. The thymus gland is responsible for the formation of the immune system. At gate 44, B cells are released, and at gate 26, cells are released. These are killer cells, their task is to kill pathogenic microbes by devouring them. People with certainty in this gate have an incredible capacity for survival. The potential of the dealer or seller lives in this gate. The energy of this gate gives rise to any manipulation of truth or falsehood. The potential of business as an entrepreneurial way of developing the material world lives in this center. Represented by the archetype of the trader, these people can take something that is raw potential and twist it in their fingers and turn it into something interesting for the market. This is the gate of the dodger, confident in his ability to turn any situation to his advantage (sometimes they get caught!) Being the gate of the Ego, these people naturally demand to be rewarded for their abilities. Like the 54, they want to climb the hierarchy, but their ultimate goal is to get to the point where they don't have to work at all. Such people are able to find the shortest entries and exits in most situations. However, without 44s, they have no understanding of people's skills. They may have the presence of something and the ability to convey it, but without the 44 gates they do not know to whom, when and where.

    Difficulty with undefined heart center

    Danika, everything can be easy if you learn how to use it correctly)

When people come to practice, many have a desire to work with such a curious thing as the heart center - fortunately in kundalini yoga there are a huge number of kriyas and meditations dedicated to working with the heart. Because to live with a closed heart is to live in half. Nobody wants this.

At the same time, it is somehow overlooked that an open heart will by no means always experience joy, love, compassion and other socially approved and simply pleasant feelings. An open heart will experience everything that is born in it. Including: resentment, fear, anger, hatred, envy. A complete set of what the palette of our feelings consists of. To live honestly, without fools. Nobody wants this either. Damn!

Often the client’s hidden request could be voiced like this: “Can I have an open heart, but at the same time I will only feel good, and also may I never, ever be hurt?” And what is there to say? “No, you can’t, until you brighten up”? No, you can't say that. Sounds kind of rough. Moreover, when I myself came to yoga, I had exactly the same hidden request: “May I feel only love, and may I never be hurt.” This is an old request of mine and that's why I overreact when I see it in others. Literally like a fox terrier on a rat.

How then to say?

“You know, if a person is never hurt, then it is likely that he has already died?” It also doesn't fit. This is natural poisonousness speaking in me, but it will not help a person in any way.

So I keep quiet and watch the process unfold. Taking out your knobby paws and keeping them to yourself can be much more useful than trying to sort something out with them in a hurry. Moreover, the technology proposed by Yogi Bhajan is clearly wiser than me. And pretty soon, letters begin to come to me: “I wanted to yell at my husband, I was shaking with anger”, “I feel like crying all the time”, “My colleagues at work enrage me”, “I am sad all the time, I don’t understand why”. Because this is the life of the heart in this moment. Just from her for a long time turned away, pretending that nothing was happening. It is customary to extinguish negative feelings, to pretend that nothing like this is happening inside. We close our hearts because we are unable to survive resentment, betrayal, rejection, grief. It's called: "Pull yourself together." In fact - "I choose not to feel, I do not want to know anything about it." Not to know that between you and your husband, for example, a wall of misunderstanding is growing, and you don’t know what to do about it. Or that you can't forgive your mom for how cruel she was to you as a child. Or that your teenage son pisses you off incredibly.

And heavy on the heart stone plate to securely bury what's going on there. This is called living with a closed heart. First of all, from yourself.

Living with a closed heart is one of the manifestations of what is called "avidya" in Hindu philosophy, or "ignorance of one's true nature" - one of the main obstacles to liberation.

But the heart is an amazing thing. It is not an automaton that can be programmed according to the principle "this is what we feel, but this - never." Forgive the banality, but a person is not in control of his feelings (he is in control of his actions, but that's another matter).

When the heart closes, it also closes for joy, and for love, and for flight. The colors of life become muted, and even in the midst of general fun, you feel as if turned off from it.

But the heart under the stove is still alive, and the feelings do not disappear. And when we shift the focus of attention to the heart center, it begins to unpack. And this is where all the terrible and complex experiences that we tried to bury begin to come out. At this point, the person usually says, "If you only knew how bouncy I am!" Sometimes he also says: "Return everything as it was, and go through the forest with your yoga."

And go and explain what it is - "as it was", just before it was not noticed. And, of course, you can continue to sweep the garbage under the rug - but sooner or later a pile of garbage under the carpet will become noticeable and will significantly poison life. Therefore, it is better to move the rug and see what is there. This, too, is part of the process. Sit down and listen, peering into yourself. Accepting what is. Including - their unpleasant and restless feelings, their imperfection and vulnerability.

And then the process of liberation begins.

With the acceptance that all this heaviness and blackness in me, too, is.

It is not so easy.

Moreover, when yoga offers so many tools to become conscious, pure, wise, strong - and generally the most beautiful. But when we are honest with our heart, it is impossible to maintain this lofty dream about ourselves. Because reality reveals itself too insistently. And thank God: reality is always better than fantasy. First, she's real. Secondly, seeing reality requires much less energy expenditure than maintaining a myth. Thirdly, it breeds humility.

With who you are.

With what you feel.

And then work begins with what is. But first, this very “what is” must at least be seen. Then avidya becomes a little less, and light - a little more. And this is the first step: to keep the focus on what is and let the practice guide you further.

Ekaterina Antropova - Kundalini yoga teacher and body-oriented psychologist:

Chakras are plexuses of channels on the human energy body, around which turbulence occurs life force. This concept is many years old, it came to us from yoga, but one way or another, similar knowledge is contained in every spiritual teaching. Through understanding the chakra system, one can realize the deep processes that move people and solve a lot of personal problems. Main energy centers a person has 7. They are also stages in the development of a person from the animal principle, to the immeasurable peaks of spiritual enlightenment. Between the animal and spiritual chakras there is a very important center - anahata.

heart chakra

Anahata is located in the center of the chest, not far from the heart. Her color is green and her element is air. The heart center has 12 petals, which means 12 streams through which energy flows into it.

They are designated by the following letters: Kam, Kham, Gam, Gham, Nam, Cham, Chham, Jam, Jham, Jnam, Tam, Tham. In the middle of it are two crossed triangles.

The triangle pointing up symbolizes spiritual path development or masculinity(Shiva), and a triangle with a vertex that is directed downwards is the path of material decline or inner strength and feminine (Shakti).

This chakra corresponds to such crystals as aventurine and rose quartz.

This chakra is responsible for feelings such as compassion, nobility, as well as the ability to love. Do not confuse love emanating from anahata with what is usually called this word today. Now it is called sexual attraction, selfish possession and mutually beneficial cooperation. Modern "love" is built on the desire to get something or possess someone (meet).

The heart center contains all-encompassing and selfless love that asks for nothing in return. This is where the real begins. spiritual development. For a successful yoga practice, a person must be at the level of anahata, since falling below he can seriously harm his practice.

physical manifestations

At the location of the anahata is the thymus gland. It has been proven that it works actively in childhood, but as it grows older, it begins to decrease and loses its functions. In the first years of life, this gland affects the immune system of the child, protects him from diseases, and helps him grow up strong and healthy. If this part of the endocrine system does not work well, then the baby will have poor health, colds will become his constant companions.

If a person has an undeveloped heart center, then he will often experience envy, jealousy, and irritability. This leads to quite tangible health consequences. The cardiovascular system does not like negative experiences and suffers from them in the first place. A serious imbalance can cause a myocardial infarction.

Yoga claims that the heart chakra is associated with the air element. And these words find their confirmation in human physiology. Negative experiences make breathing shallow and fast. This is unhealthy and brings the mind into the same superficial and agitated state. Both a lack of love and its excess can lead to negative consequences. If the parents love the child too much and indulge him in every possible way, then he will certainly have problems with the 4th chakra.

Signs of a healthy anahata

A person with a developed heart center is easy to recognize. He is calm and balanced, being next to him, others feel peace and tranquility. The harmony that is present in this subject is transmitted to others, which makes him a magnet for people. The opening of the heart center can happen both spontaneously, as a result of a pure life filled with love and compassion, and as a result of meditation or raising the power of the kundalini. In any case, a person who has felt the love hidden in anahata will never be able to be satisfied with that fake, which is now commonly called this beautiful word.

It is very rare to meet a person with a developed heart center. But meeting with him will bring a piece of love and harmony into everyone's life. Even the most rude and cruel people soften in the presence of someone who has developed their heart chakra. Such a person perfectly understands others, sometimes even better than they themselves. Therefore, his advice is invaluable and can change someone's life forever. The emotional background also changes under the influence of a healthy heart center. Negative emotions and destructive feelings go away, making room for calm self-confidence.

Imbalance in the heart center

If there are blocks in anahata or it does not work correctly, then this will affect the whole life of a person. In some cases, he can give love to family and friends (get acquainted with the meditation energy of love), but is not able to receive it. The poor fellow begins to become cold and irritable, feels betrayed. Those who have a weakly developed heart center cannot love just like that without expecting anything in return. As a result, only disappointment and anger awaits them. The desire to receive some kind of payment for your love creates only suffering and emptiness. Yoga classes can help open this important center, give a feeling of pure and selfless love for all that exists.

How is it that such an important chakra is blocked? Most often this happens during adolescence, when the child stops feeling the love of his parents and begins to hide his feelings, or even completely abandon them. Over time, insensitivity will only progress, making a person callous and selfish. His attachment will be a heavy burden, constant outbursts of jealousy and rudeness will be an obstacle to building a happy family.

How to develop anahata

The heart center can develop both spontaneously and as a result of purposeful yoga practice. For example, development can be helped by the power of kundalini. She slumbers at the base of the spine, waiting in the wings. Chakras are stages on the path of kundalini, reflecting the level of development of the practitioner. This amazing power allows a person to reach his full potential, to become a completely new being. If the kundalini rises to the heart, then boundless love will come out. She is a sign correct setting anahata, but this state is unlikely to last long. Over time, if yoga is continued, the heart chakra will become stronger, opening the way for further growth.

Not only ancient spiritual practices can correctly tune the heart chakra. Sometimes there are people who have never heard of yoga or the power of kundalini, but have an open heart and give others selfless love, bring peace to their chaotic world. Often these are pious people leading a pure life - monks, volunteers helping the disadvantaged, talented doctors who have dedicated their lives to saving people. Yoga classes can make this process more conscious and manageable. But practices such as raising the power of the kundalini should only be done under the guidance of an experienced guru who will help you cope with this incredible process.

Anahata - the next stage of evolution

Today, society cultivates the qualities inherent in the lower chakras. The main importance is given to gross animal instincts. They are elevated to the rank of a sacred action, and any alternatives are ridiculed and vulgarized. In this case, the kundalini force will remain dormant, and people will live empty lives, devoid of love and happiness. Fortunately, in last years more and more people are interested in the spiritual world, having abandoned the harsh materialism that is so fashionable these days. Yoga is becoming more and more popular, people began to look for happiness in themselves, and not in money and beautiful trinkets. This gives hope for a happy future. The more people awaken their anahata, the more love and kindness will be on our planet, tormented by conflicts and hatred. When kundalini reaches the heart chakra, boundless love comes into a person's life. The manifestation of kindness and compassion is the next step in the development of our civilization. Everyone can contribute to this wonderful process by embodying these high feelings.