How to take a slimming complex chocolate slim. Slim chocolate (Chocolate Slim) for weight loss: real reviews

Slim chocolate is a real find for those with a sweet tooth who want to lose weight. How to throw off the extra sanity without giving up your favorite chocolate treat? How and how many times a day should you take Chokolate Slim for weight loss? Share in our article!

What's in the line-up?

Slim chocolate is a balanced product that allows you to say goodbye to extra pounds without strict restrictions. First, let's take a look at the composition:

  • cocoa tones up, improves mood, gives a boost of vivacity, strengthens the immune system;
  • Goji berries speed up metabolism, improve blood circulation, provide minerals and vitamins;
  • chia seeds () relieve hunger, provide essential amino acids, start the process of breaking down fats;
  • acai berries normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract, improve blood circulation, remove cholesterol, provide fatty acids;
  • green coffee promotes lipolysis and, accordingly, weight loss, increases mental and physical activity, eliminates fatigue and lethargy;
  • Lingzhi mushroom normalizes the metabolism of fats, ensures the elimination of toxins and toxins, and helps to get rid of cellulite.

The result is a composition that successfully fights against existing and blocks the appearance of new fat deposits, improves metabolism, reduces appetite and gives energy. At the same time, an excellent chocolate taste replaces your favorite, but such harmful, sweets.

How to take Chokolate Slim?

Slim chocolate is produced in powder form, so you should prepare it yourself.

The most popular option is a drink:

  1. Pour 2 teaspoons of powder into a cup.
  2. Slowly pour 200 ml of boiling water, stirring carefully so that there are no lumps.
  3. Cover with a saucer or a special lid and let it brew for at least 30 minutes.
  4. The drink is ready.

You can consume Slim chocolate one cup up to three times a day after meals. Eating on an empty stomach can cause discomfort such as bloating and heaviness. Therefore, in the morning it is better to eat a light breakfast of eggs, oatmeal or yogurt, and then drink the drink.

The second method of making Slim chocolate is sauce

It can be used with any dietary desserts. For example, you can pour low-fat cottage cheese, fruit and berry salad, oatmeal with it. To prepare chocolate sauce, you should reduce the amount of boiling water by half. This will make the chocolate thicker and more concentrated.

You can also add the ready-made drink to various smoothies - from apple, kiwi, cranberry, lingonberry. If you wish, you can mix chocolate with yogurt or whip in a blender with several strawberries and milk for a delicious milkshake.

The duration of the course is from 2 to 4 weeks. The duration depends on the weight and individual characteristics of the organism. Therefore, it is better to consult a dietitian before use. After the course, you should take a break for 3-4 weeks to consolidate the result.

Real reviews of people who have already lost weight with Slim Chocolate:

How to achieve maximum effect?

The maximum effect of the use of Slim chocolate can be obtained by combining the course with physical activity and a low-calorie diet.

While taking Slim chocolate, fatty foods and sweets (sausages, fast food, confectionery, butter, baked goods, cookies, etc.) should be excluded from the diet. The basis of the diet should be vegetables, poultry, low-fat dairy and sour milk products, fish. It is best to cook food without using oil. For example, steamed or grilled. You can not combine drinking with alcohol.

The most effective physical activity will be high-intensity strength training, cardio training. If there is no opportunity to visit the gym, jogging, cycling, or walking are suitable. Swimming, rollerblading, or ice skating will be less effective for losing weight. If, for some reason, playing sports is contraindicated, it is necessary to increase the presence in the fresh air, walk more, refuse to use the elevator.

As for contraindications, except for those who suffer from sensitivity to individual components, Slim chocolate is not recommended for pregnant women, lactating mothers, children, and the elderly. In case of high blood pressure, acute or chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, liver, nervous system, a preliminary consultation with the attending physician is necessary.

Among the side effects, one can observe disruptions in the work of the gastrointestinal tract, which may be associated with drinking on an empty stomach or exceeding the dosage. Discomfort is eliminated by reducing the dosage or taking a break in taking the drug. Insomnia is relieved by refusing to take a drink before bedtime.

Slim chocolate for weight loss is a product that helps to get rid of excess weight without harm to health. Subject to the rules of admission, in one course you can get rid of 5, 10 or even 15 kilograms. The cost of the product is not high, but at the same time, you should purchase the product only from trusted resources, so as not to avoid fakes.

Slim chocolate is popular all over the world. And this is understandable, since the slimming powder is pleasant, does not cause disgust and helps to reduce weight in a short period of time.

Now on the market there is a Chocolate fortified formula. The chocolate diet can help you lose weight. Use the instructions and write your review on the forum about slim chocolate.

  1. Chocolate should be drunk in the morning or afternoon, as it invigorates the body. Good mood and efficiency will accompany you until the evening.
  2. 2 or 3 teaspoons (depending on what kind of chocolate you prefer - dark or not) pour a glass of boiling water. We are waiting for 30 minutes (at this time you can eat, because Chocolate Slim is drunk on a full stomach). We enjoy our drink.
  3. ChocolateSlim can be taken from 2 weeks to a month. Then you should take a break for at least 30 days.
  4. As a rule, in one course (month), chocolate for weight loss allows you to lose an average of 24 kilograms. Provided that you do not overuse high-calorie foods.
  5. If there is a need to speed up the process of losing weight, in parallel with the intake of chocolate, you can do physical exercises, for example, "tabata", which will take 10-15 minutes a day and replace the hour-long classes of classical aerobics.
  6. You may well want to repeat the course a few more times. As a rule, even people with very heavy weight manage to get rid of it in 2-3 courses.

To prepare 1 serving, 2-3 tsp should be used. pour the dry mixture with 1 glass of boiling water and leave for 30 minutes. The drink should be consumed after meals for 2-4 weeks. After completing the course, you should take a break for a month. Then the course can be repeated again.

If you have significant excess weight, then you should take at least 2-3 courses. To achieve weight loss and weight loss, you should additionally resort to physical activity, choosing a special set of exercises, and also limit the use of sweet, fatty, salty and rich foods.

Taking a slimming chocolate slim for a month will help you lose more than 20 kg. At the same time, you will not feel hungry, you will become cheerful and energetic.

  • during the first week of admission, the weight of 98% of patients decreased by an average of 7 kg.
  • in the second week, the weight of the same patients decreased by another 8 kg.

Another study was conducted: two groups of women (each with 5 people) ate chocolate. One group ate Chocolate Slim, the other ate regular. As a result, the weight of women in the first group decreased by 5-10%, and they felt happy and did not experience hunger. The weight of women in the other group remained unchanged, but they were constantly haunted by a feeling of hunger. Each package of the drink contains instructions for the preparation and use of the complex. Its correct observance will save you from extra pounds in just a month of taking chocolate, and safely and irrevocably.

The use of a slimming agent will make it possible not only to correct your figure, you will improve the process of digesting food, improve your skin condition, rejuvenate your body and have a great mood!

Due to the current lifestyle, many people are overweight. To help them cope with this problem, Western company Fito Slim Balance has created a special product called Chocolate Slim, which promotes weight loss and more. Let's take a closer look at it: what is it, composition, instructions for use.

The manufacturer claims that this chocolate is one of the best means for quick weight loss, which can tone the entire body. Of course, someone may doubt, because simple chocolate is far from a dietary product.

However, the Slim chocolate cocktail includes natural, low-calorie ingredients. It contains proteins, fats and carbohydrates ideally. In addition to all this, it boasts useful properties:

  • Immunity to viruses and all kinds of infections.
  • Eliminates fat and increases metabolism.
  • Lowers blood sugar and cholesterol.
  • It has a positive effect on the nervous system.
  • Helps to improve metabolism.
  • Rejuvenates the body.
  • Improves the condition, makes you feel more vigorous, more energetic.
  • Eliminates skin rashes: blackheads and pimples.

According to the manufacturer, chocolate removes fat forever. Among the components in its composition contains a unique Lingzhi mushroom, known for many of its beneficial properties. To be convinced of this, it is enough to take at least one chocolate course.

The aging of the body will slow down significantly, the fat will begin to go away, the tone will increase, and you will feel more invigorated.

How to take Slim chocolate for weight loss

Everyone wants to get the maximum effect, but does not want to read the instructions for use, and then says that it did not help. To achieve the maximum effect, you need to adhere to special recommendations. Instructions for Slim chocolate:

  1. First, bring the water to a boil and leave to cool. The powder is allowed to be dissolved exclusively in warm water.
  2. Put two teaspoons of Slim powder into a glass and cover with warm water. The volume of the glass should be no more than 200 ml.
  3. Let the powder brew for about half an hour.
  4. After a meal, take Chocolate Slim.

Please note that in no case should you take Slim chocolate for weight loss more than three times a day. Consume it only after a meal. By the way, you should not drink a cocktail before going to bed either, because it is tonic, so you will hardly be able to fall asleep after it.

The product can be addictive, which will significantly reduce the effect. To avoid this, the recommended duration of one course is 2 weeks, after which you should take a break for a month.

If everything is done correctly, the effect of the natural slimming complex Chocolate Slim is guaranteed. Already the first week of using the drink helps to eliminate five kilograms of excess weight, and within a month up to 20 kilograms.


Chocolate for weight loss, like any other remedy, has some contraindications. Most importantly, it is forbidden to take the Chocolate Slim slimming drug if you have hypersensitivity to any of its components.

To do this, you need to carefully study the composition. Be sure to check with your doctor before starting a course. Chocolate is not recommended:

  • Allergy sufferers.
  • Hypertensive patients.
  • During pregnancy and lactation.
  • To old people.
  • Minors.

The product has recently appeared on the market for weight loss products, but it already boasts a huge number of positive reviews. Of course, there are those whom he did not help, but this may be individual, or the indicated recommendations were not followed. You need to understand that deviation from the instructions may not give the desired effect or even harm the body.


All components that are found in Slim chocolate can be found in other similar products, but only in Slim Chocolat they are selected in a special way, strengthening each other, which significantly increases the effect. The composition of Slim chocolate:

  1. Lingzhi mushroom. A universal mushroom that promotes weight loss, lowers blood cholesterol levels, improves fat metabolism and has a positive effect on the functioning of the whole body.
  2. Goji berries. Destroy fat cells and do not allow new deposits entering the body to be deposited. The ingredient increases energy levels and significantly reduces blood sugar levels. A significant plus of berries is that all their properties are preserved even after numerous processing.
  3. Chia seeds. An excellent product that destroys fat deposits.
  4. Acai berries. This component is a source of antioxidants, thanks to which fat cells cannot develop.
  5. Natural cocoa. With him, the drink has an excellent taste and smell. The product also weakens the desire to eat sweets, promotes fat oxidation.
  6. Chia seeds. They contain fat, which is very beneficial for the body.
  7. Green coffee. Roasted coffee beans contain a decent amount of chlorogenic acid. This coffee also tones up well, adds vigor, which makes you move more and destroy calories. In addition, the component is able to significantly lower blood sugar levels.

From all this it is clear that there is no chemistry in the composition. You can safely take the drug and not be afraid that it will negatively affect your health. The manufacturer claims that it is very tasty to lose weight with this chocolate.

Should I buy in pharmacies

You can also find this product in pharmacies. Before buying, it is advisable to check that you are purchasing the original. Ask the seller to provide a certificate of quality, compare the packaging with the photos on the official web resource, and also compare the price from the manufacturer and in the pharmacy, if the difference is too big, it is not worth buying.

It is much easier to place an order via the Internet from the official website. This way you will definitely not fall for a fake. Many are sure that there is no original product in online stores, but this is a myth. After the order, the manager will contact you, with whom you will discuss all the details of the order, learn a lot of useful information about the product, its properties and more.

If you dream of gaining a perfect figure, as well as solving the problem of excess weight, but do not want to deny yourself sweets and adhere to a strict diet for a long time, "Slim" chocolate will help you. It not only provides the breakdown of fatty deposits, but also has an amazing taste.

A new product called "Slim" chocolate has appeared on the modern health market. Reviews about him are mostly positive. While taking chocolate, you can enjoy a wonderful taste at the same time, as well as solve a number of problems:

  • fight cellulite;
  • get rid of unnecessary pounds;
  • restore healthy looking skin and prevent inflammation.

An additional advantage of this product is the fact that, unlike many similar products, in the process of its manufacture, the manufacturer uses exclusively natural ingredients.

Slimming chocolate

Such a dietary supplement contains several types of natural fat burners, cholesterol-lowering mushrooms, appetite-dulling components, as well as an assai extract, which creates cyanidin in the body. The last element prevents the formation of new fat cells. This concept guarantees the fastest and easiest way to get rid of those extra pounds.


The specially selected formulation of this product combines an incredible weight loss blend. So, "Slim" chocolate has the following composition: amino acids, minerals, vitamins, fat burners and other useful microelements.

Let's take a closer look at the components contained in this slimming cocktail.

Goji berries

They are also used as a standalone dietary supplement. Berries have a number of beneficial properties for the human body.

  • This component is a natural fat burner that contains beta-sitosterol, which helps lower cholesterol levels.
  • Also, berries normalize blood pressure and blood sugar levels, and the betaine contained in them prevents fatty liver.
  • Goji berries strengthen the human skeletal and muscular systems, increase immunity and have a calming effect on the body.
  • Due to the presence in their composition of the anti-cancer element germanium, berries can be used for the prevention of cancer treatment.

Green coffee

This product is also known as a natural fat burner. However, green coffee is famous for its health benefits:

  • improves metabolic processes;
  • stimulates lymphatic drainage;
  • the antioxidants contained in its composition slow down the aging process;
  • improves the outflow of bile;
  • activates the function of the brain.

Chia seeds

Another component that Slim chocolate contains is in addition to its main function (fat burning), they enrich the human body with useful elements. These are iron, magnesium, potassium, antioxidants, fiber, calcium, omega-3 and omega-6.

The seeds also increase physical stamina and improve overall health. It has long been known that omega-3s are found not only in fish oil, but also in plant foods such as goji berries and chia seeds.

Acai berries

Like chia seeds, this element is an excellent fat burner, and also contains cyanidin in its composition, which prevents the formation of excess fat cells.

Cocoa fruit

Cocoa fruits have a pleasant aroma and excellent taste. Thanks to a component such as dopamine, they improve mood and dull appetite.

Lingzhi mushroom

This component is also healing. It has the following beneficial properties:

  • elimination of signs of intoxication;
  • improving health status;
  • normalizes the activity of T-lymphocytes.

Beneficial features

Due to the presence of such a number of unique components, "Slim" chocolate is able to have a healing effect on the human body.

  • It speeds up metabolism, which has a positive effect not only on the process of losing weight, but also on the functioning of the body as a whole.
  • Reduces appetite. Thanks to some components, fast saturation is carried out, subsequently a much smaller amount of food is consumed.
  • Breaking down existing fatty deposits. Due to the active substances, fat is broken down and subsequently removed from the body.
  • Also chocolate "Slim" (reviews will be presented below) lowers cholesterol levels. This, in turn, contributes to the prolongation of life and the general improvement of the body.
  • Removes cellulite. Improving blood circulation and splitting fat cells help to reduce the layer of subcutaneous fat, level the overall relief. As a result, the skin becomes even, smooth and without signs of cellulite.
  • Normalizes blood sugar levels. Hence, it also prevents the onset of diabetes.
  • Slim chocolate increases immunity, which subsequently normalizes metabolic processes and, accordingly, the work of the body as a whole, as well as its individual systems.
  • Reduces stress levels. Improving the general condition of the body increases its resistance to stressful situations.
  • Eliminates toxins. Most of the components that make up chocolate contribute to cleansing, respectively, the removal of toxins occurs more intensively. Thus, the body is cleansed and at the same time does not spend unnecessary resources on the fight against toxic substances that harm it.
  • Improves tone. The harmonious and well-coordinated work of all systems of the human body increases vitality, as well as fills with optimism and energy.
  • Rejuvenates. Since Slim chocolate for weight loss removes toxic substances, normalizes metabolic processes and forces the body to function in a standard mode, then later recovery and healing is much more active.
  • Improves skin condition and evens out color. Since the formation of acne, acne and various inflammations, especially on the face, occurs due to dysfunctions of the digestive system and intestines, the normalization of these processes leads to cleansing of the skin and acquiring a healthy and natural color.


No dietary supplement can boast of such a complex of useful elements and fat burners. Chocolate not only allows you to get rid of excess weight, but also to gain a healthy skin color and shine in the eyes. Even one cup of this product will have a positive effect on your health.

Impact of additives

As a rule, weight loss products have an unpleasant taste, which cannot be said about a product like Slim chocolate for weight loss. The doctors' comments confirm the fact that the breakdown of fat cells is carried out in a natural way, like physical exertion.

The most important aspect is the naturalness of the ingredients. And most importantly, each of them affects the human body in a certain way.

Slim chocolate: contraindications

Due to the fact that this product consists entirely of natural ingredients, there are practically no contraindications. However, there are some restrictions in use.

  • Minors. The Slim chocolate cocktail is not recommended for those under 18 years of age. Despite this, the manufacturer specifies a limit of 16 years.
  • Pregnancy and lactation. During this period, the child is laying the basic functions and systems of the body, as well as setting up their work. For this reason, it is not worth risking, including potent ingredients in the diet.
  • Hypertension. Some of the ingredients in chocolate are aimed at improving blood circulation. In people with hypertension, this can have negative consequences.
  • Intolerance. In this case, everything is simple: if you have an allergy or other unpleasant reaction to any of the components, do not use it.
  • Also, before drinking Slim chocolate, it is important to pay attention to the dosage and not exceed it.


In the package with the product, you can find quite detailed instructions for use. In general, everything is not so difficult. So, let's consider how to take Slim chocolate for weight loss:

  • 2-3 teaspoons of this product are poured into a glass of boiling water;
  • the drink is infused for 30 minutes;
  • is drunk after eating.

This procedure is done 2 times a day. The course of admission is 2-4 weeks, you can repeat it after a month. For overweight people, it is advisable to take 2-3 courses.

Chocolate "Slim" (reviews of real people confirm this) allows you to get rid of 24 extra pounds. And most importantly, while losing weight, you will be in great shape and great mood.

This product eliminates the main reason for the appearance of excess weight, therefore, after a course of treatment, extra pounds are no longer returned.

Chocolate "Slim": reviews of doctors

The effect on the human body was tested in Russia at the Institute of Healthy Nutrition. The studies involved 1000 women and men aged 18 to 55 years. The result was simply stunning. After the first week of taking, almost 98% of people were able to get rid of 7 extra pounds. After the second week - up to 8 kilograms, etc.

Most importantly, against the background of rapid weight loss, no side effects have been identified. Thus, Slim chocolate for weight loss (doctors' reviews testify to this) is not only a safe, but also an effective way to fight overweight.


The price of one package of this product ranges from 900 to 1400 rubles. The cost cannot be called low, but it is worth considering the fact that Slim chocolate (reviews of real people - below) helps to solve a number of health problems. As a result, its acquisition will be absolutely justified.

Where can you buy

You can buy Slim chocolate for weight loss in specialized online stores selling health products or on the website of an official supplier. The latter option will save you some money. The official supplier is engaged in direct purchases of this product directly from the manufacturer.

One package contains 110 grams of chocolate, this volume is enough for 7 days of use. Four packs are required per month. The package with the product contains detailed instructions with information on how to take Slim chocolate for weight loss.

Is it real or is it a divorce?

Currently, this product has numerous counterfeits, so you should beware and purchase the product only from certified distributors. This tool has many competitors, but in its own way it is one. Slim chocolate for weight loss has only positive reviews from consumers. The facts speak for themselves: positive opinions of people and natural composition are the signs of the real effectiveness of the product.

Conclusion, results and feedback

Chocolate "Slim" (doctors' reviews confirm this) is a product containing active natural ingredients that reinforce each other by their action and, in aggregate, are aimed at restoring metabolic processes in the body.

Thanks to this special action, this weight loss product, according to the manufacturer, allows you to get rid of extra pounds within a short period (up to 10 kilograms in 1 month). However, it is important to remember that in this case we are talking about the average inhabitants who have a small, but still overweight. In some cases, the process of losing weight can be slower or much faster.

This tool was created on the basis of herbal products. Manufacturers have tried not to use unnatural ingredients in its composition, as well as dyes, fragrances and GMOs.

The positive effect of chocolate on the body has been confirmed by various clinical trials, as a result of which it was revealed that the components contained in chocolate have an effect directly on the cause of the appearance of extra pounds - impaired metabolism. This product has a certain effect on the human body in a short time, normalizing its work. Thus, the need for food is reduced, much more energy is released, and digestive problems, including rashes on the skin of the face, disappear.

Most importantly, when consuming this chocolate, there is absolutely no need to perform heavy physical activity and adhere to a strict diet. Its action is aimed at restoring the body's chemical reactions and normalizing metabolism, as a result, the process of getting rid of extra pounds will occur naturally. But at the same time, experts recommend not to abuse harmful products and adhere to a healthy diet.

When ordering this product, it is important to be extremely careful: only original products have their own registration code. In addition, a special trademark must be present on the packaging. The absence of such features indicates a fake.


So, we can summarize. This tool really helps not only to get rid of extra pounds, but also to tone the body, since it simultaneously combines the most effective elements, the action of which is aimed in a complex at normalizing metabolic processes.

Among other things, this product is still chocolate. Moreover, in color, taste and smell, it practically does not differ from ordinary sweet tiles. Therefore, in addition to the effect that chocolate has on the body, it also brings taste pleasure.

Obesity as a disease has become the number one problem among most people around the world in recent years. It is necessary to put a lot of effort into the fight against excess weight - visit gyms, work with fitness trainers who will select the optimal training schedule, and also consult a nutritionist for choosing a diet. At the same time, the services of specialists are expensive, and the process of weight loss can take several months. But what to do if there is no opportunity to devote time to physical activity and adhere to diets or there are medical contraindications to sports, food restrictions, but it is necessary to reduce body weight in a short period of time ? In this case, experts recommend using agents that stimulate the latent processes of lipolysis - for example, chocolate Slim for weight loss. The drug understands the video:

And in the article we will talk in detail about all its aspects: instructions, composition, benefits, find out the reputation on the Internet among users and much more!

Indications for use

A dietary drink chocolate Slim is used, if necessary, to get rid of fat deposits, to normalize the work of all organs and systems, and also to improve the condition of the skin. With the help of the tool, you can get rid of up to 14 kg of extra pounds without causing stress in the body and without experiencing discomfort from the process of losing weight ...

In addition to activating fat breakdown processes, a chocolate drink allows you to:

  • Increase the body's resistance to negative environmental influences;
  • Relieve inflammation;
  • Suppress fungal and viral pathogenic microflora;
  • Reduce the manifestations of allergies.

Also, the unique complex has hypolipidemic, hypoglycemic, hepatoprotective and antioxidant properties, allowing you to reduce body weight and cleanse the body of harmful substances, toxins, poisons and toxins. The remedy improves the general condition by normalizing the work of the cardiovascular system, the respiratory system and the central nervous system.

Nutritionist opinion ! Food supplement Chocolate Slim contains a complex of active ingredients that contribute to the natural processes of weight loss. I recommend taking a diet drink daily to stimulate lipolysis, cleanse the body of toxins and restore the functioning of the whole body. According to my observations, patients who took the complex lost weight faster, without the appearance of negative health consequences.

The drug for weight loss, despite its safety and the absence of side effects, has some contraindications - age under 18, pregnancy and lactation, hypertension.

Get a free consultation about the product

Ask the manager all your questions about the product by phone.
If the answers bother you, then you can place an order by informing the manager of the delivery details.

Composition and instructions for use

Means Chocolate Slim is a complex with biologically active components that start metabolic processes, improve metabolism, stimulate cleansing of the body, breakdown of fats and normalization of all internal organs.

  • Cocoa beans;
  • Natural green coffee;
  • Assai berry extract;
  • Chia seeds;
  • Lingzhi mushroom extract;
  • Goji berries.

To lose weight up to 14-18 kg per course, you will need to take a chocolate drink strictly according to the instructions, following all the manufacturer's recommendations. The duration of application depends on the initial weight and the desired result. The course is on average 2-4 weeks, and if necessary, it can be extended by taking a break of 28-30 days. How to mix and take the product is detailed in the official instructions included with each package.

The manufacturer recalls that the best results are achieved with a combination of low-calorie nutrition and exercise. It should be remembered that due to the content of coffee and cocoa, the drink has a stimulating effect and invigorates, so you should not take it immediately before going to bed.

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Nutritionist's opinion

Specialists in the field of dietetics could not leave aside the drug for reducing body weight chocolate Slim . On thematic forums devoted to the problem of excess weight and obesity, doctors' opinions about the drug are increasingly common. After reading them, it becomes clear why the drink is so popular among professionals and ordinary customers.

Nutritionist of the highest category shared his opinion about the product, with 33 years of work experience, Ponomareva Alla Vasilievna:

As a nutritionist, I am of the opinion that proper and balanced nutrition, devoid of unhealthy foods, allows you to regulate body weight. Unfortunately, not all of my patients can afford to adhere to the nutritional system I have developed, due to various factors - lack of time, laziness, health problems. It is for them that I recommend taking an additional stimulator of metabolism and metabolism, the Slim chocolate drink for weight loss. With its help, the body will independently regulate the process of lipolysis and the release of fats from cells. After the fat has dissolved, the body removes it, excluding the likelihood of developing intoxication with the decay products of fatty tissue. Thus, the process of weight loss with the help of this drug does not cause discomfort, and a pleasant taste improves mood, which is important for the psychoemotional state of a losing weight person. I recommend the remedy for people who are overweight and any stage of obesity.

Interesting article Flax seeds for weight loss

What influences success in losing weight?

If you do not take care of your health in time and do not get rid of excess weight, the body stops functioning normally and various diseases begin to develop against the background of obesity. Fat people with excess body fat more often than others suffer from such pathologies as:

  • Diabetes;
  • Myocardial infarction;
  • Stroke;
  • Hypertension;
  • tachycardia;
  • Problems with the spine and joints - osteochondrosis, gout, arthritis;
  • Varicose veins, thrombophlebitis;
  • Impotence in men;
  • Infertility.

Setting the goal to get rid of extra pounds, you need to understand how the process of losing weight occurs. This will eliminate common mistakes and achieve better results. For weight loss, energy deficiency is primarily required, which is achieved with physical activity and adherence to a diet. The body realizes that for proper work and vital activity, it needs to replenish its energy reserves, but when calories are limited, it has to break down the fiber of subcutaneous and visceral fat.

When taking special preparations, such as the dietary drink chocolate Slim, there is no need for food restriction and physical activity, all natural processes are triggered by the remedy. As a result, the body activates metabolism and metabolism, in particular lipid, which is responsible for heating fats. The body begins to lose weight, getting rid of excess mass, but the incoming calories pass through it in transit, without lingering in the body. The peculiarity of this method allows people with contraindications to diets and physical activity to reduce body weight, without harm to the body.

According to consumer protection law, the buyer has the right to return the purchased product within 14 days from the date of purchase. Excerpt from the law

Excerpts from Law 2. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Exercitationem, iste? Cumque architecto dicta eligendi alias eius nam earum neque voluptate, quis maiores voluptatum soluta ab officiis doloribus animi error perspiciatis, ipsum saepe eos. Illo expedita aliquid aperiam obcaecati, minus ipsam.

Additional guarantees

Customer Reviews

Published reviews of real buyers about Chocolate Slim help obese people who want to lose a few pounds to find out reliable information about the effectiveness and nuances of using the product. We suggest reading them before purchasing a diet chocolate drink:

Anna, 36 years old, photographer, Penza:

I am a professional photographer, and as in that saying about a shoemaker without boots, I also do not have professional photos. But the problem is not the lack of the ability to take a few high-quality pictures, but in my figure. I cannot appear in front of the lens, since my weight significantly exceeds all permissible norms (more than 100 kg). I have repeatedly consulted a nutritionist, but due to thyroid problems, diets do not work. Sport helps to lose a few pounds, but then my laziness and lack of willpower win and I get fat again. Recently I ordered a drink called Slim chocolate, which advertised to reduce weight without effort. To be honest, I didn't believe in efficiency, but there was hope. I can say that in 3 weeks of taking it, I lost 12 kg, and my weight continues to decline. I plan to drink it for a couple more months to reach my cherished 80 kg on the scales.

Ira, 32 years old, merchandiser, Voronezh:

I found out about the tool on its official website. I read the reviews on the forum, found out how much the product costs, whether it is worth buying it at all, how to take it, etc., and decided to buy it. After the purchase, she began to actively accept the complex. I have already completed a two-week weight loss course using the Slim Chocolate product. I am still very happy. It smells and tastes like hot chocolate. I didn't have to infringe on myself, but during this time I managed to lose as much as 6 kilograms. I would not have achieved such a result with other means. I met my birthday in an updated form, everyone was delighted. In general, I can now eat as much as I want and not worry that the weight will return. It is worth saying that I ordered the drug on this site, because I did not find it in the pharmacy.

Valentina, 47 years old, seller, Taganrog:

With age, I began to pay less and less attention to my appearance. Gradually, my husband stopped paying attention to me, and I decided to lose weight, as I gained more than 20 kg over the past 6 years. I tried many different methods, but they were ineffective. After all, I don’t have time and money for fitness. A friend advised me to buy a Chocolate Slim drink , since she lost about 10 kg with him in a month. In general, I ordered this product, mostly because the price is favorable, and this is important for me. I took chocolate according to the instructions, every morning for a cup. The first result was noticed by the end of the week, minus 4.8 kg. I drank it a little more than the prescribed time, but no side effects arose and my weight decreased by about 12 kg. Weight went unevenly, which is generally natural. Now I have already completed 2 courses, and have lost 21 kg. The weight is kept in place, although I do not go on diets. My husband cannot take his eyes off, and it became easier for me. The body seemed to be renewed, problems with shortness of breath and pressure disappeared. I recommend the Slim chocolate.

Angela, 22 years old, tourism manager, Sochi:

With the onset of summer, I did not notice how I recovered. With my busy schedule and constant travel, time for proper nutrition and the gym is sorely lacking, and in order to fill these gaps in weight loss, I decided to try taking a diet drink for weight loss. My choice fell on Chocolate Slim . I bought it for a promotion and ordered 2 packs at once. I took the first course strictly according to the instructions. Drank chocolate in the morning with a light breakfast. I liked the taste - rich chocolate, soft and natural aroma. From him a charge of vivacity for the whole day, and the chocolate drink raises the mood. Once I drank it in the evening, because in the morning there was an early rise and there was no time for cooking and it was a huge mistake - I could not sleep for several hours. Don't repeat my mistakes. After a month's break, I drank another course, but deviated from the instructions a little, and took it every other day. According to the results, I can say that it is better to drink every day and not skip it, since in the first month I threw off 8.5 kg, and in the second only 3 kg. I liked the final effect - the skin became velvety, there are no stretch marks, nothing sags on the stomach and sides. In general, super!

Valeria, 32 years old, secretary, Kiev:

As a result of the birth of two children, I recovered and could not lose weight for a long time. Then there were health problems: it became difficult to climb the stairs, shortness of breath, sweating - all this was great poisoning my life. At the forum, I was advised the complex Chocolate Slim. After reading all the necessary information and how much the drug costs on the official website of the company, I without hesitation ordered a package in an online pharmacy, then started taking it. I decided to start with a two-week course. But the result amazed me so much that now I am tuning in to a monthly course. It took me 8 kilograms in two weeks. And this despite the fact that I ate the same dishes and in the same amount as usual. The drink should be consumed in the morning or in the afternoon, as it invigorates you noticeably. I am surprised and very happy. In addition to this, I really looked prettier, even my children noticed these changes, my husband is happy. It is drunk like regular hot chocolate. Highly recommend. The main thing is, see the instructions for how much you need to drink it.

At hypersensitivity .

Otherwise, you can safely take the drug and not worry about the consequences.

Chocolate Slim price in different countries

The cost in rubles is 990 units, but since the product is sold in the CIS, it is necessary to provide data on prices in various currencies at the current exchange rate:

  • Russia - 990 rubles;
  • Ukraine - 399 gr;
  • Moldova - 399 lei;
  • Belarus - 30 Belarusian rubles;
  • Kazakhstan - 5,445 tenge;
  • Kyrgyzstan - 1499 soms;
  • Georgia - 60 GEL.

After a while, the promotion will end and the cost will increase 2-3 times, so we recommend ordering now.

Where to buy a real product?

When choosing where to order the Chocolate Slim diet drink, do not trust unknown online stores. Recently, cases of fraud and the sale of fakes under the guise of chocolate for weight loss have become more frequent. Scammers act according to different schemes, but the essence lies in the offer of goods at a reduced price , cheaper than the manufacturer. Also, fraudsters may demand to make a preliminary, advance payment confirming the order, and then stop communicating.

The only seller from whom you can buy slim chocolate at a bargain price is the manufacturer's company. To order the drug, you will need to go to the manufacturer's official website. After placing the order and confirming it by phone, the purchase is packed and sent to you at the nearest post office. All financial calculations for the goods and delivery are performed upon receipt of the order.