Autumn compositions generous autumn. The poem "Gifts of Autumn

Why is onion called onion? This is due to the external similarity of its underground part with a turnip. And the bulb itself is a thickening of the stem with buds of future bulbs and leaves.

Onion inner scales can be white, greenish or purple. It blooms in June-July, and the fruits ripen in August. Its seeds are black, wrinkled.

The homeland of the plant is Iran, Afghanistan and Central Asia, and in the European part it appeared thanks to the Romans.

The composition of white onions: vitamins and minerals

The characteristic smell of onion is due to the presence in it essential oils with sulfur. In the spring, when vitamins are so lacking, be sure to include this product in your diet: it contains sucrose, protein, fructose, maltose, polysaccharide, ash.

It is also rich in vitamins of groups B, C, PP, provitamin A, contains potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus.

Onion calories per 100 g of the product is 41 kcal:

  • Proteins - 1.4 g
  • Fats - 0.0 g
  • Carbohydrates - 10.4
  • Water - 86 g

Useful properties of onions

Onions are an excellent remedy against microbes: onion phytoncides kill streptococci, diphtheria, dysentery, tuberculosis bacilli, and also have a beneficial effect on kidney function.
Thanks to their useful properties, an alcohol extract is prepared from it to stimulate cardiac activity.

Unlike sweet varieties of onions, spicy varieties contain much more sugars.

Add this plant to various dishes, because it not only improves appetite, but also has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antidiabetic, bactericidal and anti-sclerotic effects on the body.

It is advisable to use onions for low blood pressure and cardiovascular diseases.

This powerful natural antibiotic is simply indispensable in the treatment of frequent colds and digestive problems.

Does onion help with a cold? Of course! To do this, dilute honey and onion juice in a small amount, add a little water and use the mixture for instillation into the nose and for rinsing.

And with a sore throat, make onion syrup: cut it into rings and place it in a glass, sprinkling with sugar. Cover with a lid and drink in small portions when juice appears. The effect will not be long in coming!

Onion juice: lowers the level of sugar, cholesterol in the blood, reduces the risk of atherosclerosis and prevents the formation of blood clots. In spite of bad smell onion juice, when applied externally, it has a positive effect on insect bites, purulent rashes, edema, lichen and rheumatic pains.

Harm and contraindications of onions

Almost all foods can be harmful if abused. And this product is no exception - if you overeat it, digestion may be disturbed and pain in the stomach may appear. This is due to the irritating effect of onions on the mucous membranes. Therefore, everything should be in moderation and with benefit!

Video about what is more useful - onion or garlic:

Bulb golden

Round, cast.

She has one secret -

She will save us from troubles:

Can cure disease

Delicious and fragrant onions!

Of course, you know what an onion looks like. We call onions small golden-yellow bulbs of a rounded shape. If you cut the onion with a knife, you can see thick juicy white scales - these are onion leaves.

The golden film covering them from above does not let water through and protects the leaves from drying out. Succulent scaly leaves extend from the pyramid-shaped stem. At the bottom of this stem, small dried roots are visible. Between the scales, buds are also visible - the embryos of future bulbs.

If you sow an onion seed, then a root and a stem will grow out of it, which forms a loop on the surface of the earth, a bit reminiscent of a stretched onion in shape. Maybe that's why this vegetable began to be called onion.

After some time, green tubular onion leaves appear on the garden bed, which are called feathers. Green onion feathers resemble sharp arrows, they are very fragrant and contain a lot of beneficial vitamins. They are put in salads, vinaigrettes and soups, eaten with black bread and salt.

Small golden bulbs form in the ground. By autumn they become large and juicy. They are stored all winter, and in the spring they are planted in beds to obtain seeds.

From the bulbs rises a tall dense stem, decorated with small umbrella inflorescences. Collected all together, they form a small ball. Each flower in this inflorescence resembles a tiny lily, so the onion belongs to the lily family.

Other plants also have underground bulbs: tulips, daffodils, lilies, garlic, goose onions.

In the first year of life, the onion stores in its shortened stem - the bulb - nutrients, and on the second - uses them for growth and flowering.

Where did the bow come from?

Wild onions are found in Eastern and Western Siberia, the Far East, the Caucasus, Afghanistan and China. In this country there are mountains completely overgrown with wild onions. They are called so - onion mountains.

Afghanistan and Central Asia are considered the birthplace of onions.

Approximately 6 - 7 thousand years ago, onions began to be cultivated in China, and then in India and Egypt. Archaeologists find images of bulbs on the walls of ancient Egyptian tombs.

V Ancient Greece onion is considered a sacred plant. It was presented as a gift to the gods. During the days of the festivities, everyone tried to bring the largest onion to the temple, and the one who succeeded in this received an honorary gift.

From ancient Greece, onions came to the Romans. In ancient Rome, this vegetable enjoyed universal love. Every Roman ate his portion of onions every year. It was believed that this vegetable gives energy and protects against diseases.

In the army of Ancient Rome, a lot of onions were put in soldier food to give the soldiers strength and courage.

And in medieval Europe, people attributed miraculous properties to onions. The knights wore it as a talisman that protected them from arrows and swords. When a person wanted to be praised or exalted, he was compared to a bow. Maybe that's why one of the varieties of onions is called "victorious onion."

At Slavic peoples onions appeared in the XII-XIII centuries. In Russia, the following sayings were composed about him: “Onions, bread and water are valiant food”; "A bow is good both in battle and in cabbage soup."

Why do you think?

Right! Because onions make a person stronger, healthier, stronger!

Onions are one of the staples, it is considered a universal remedy that protects and cures all diseases.

Russian peasants said: "Whoever eats onions is freed from torment"; "Onions and baths rule everything." The healing properties of onions are explained by the fact that it contains special substances - phytoncides, which have a detrimental effect on pathogenic bacteria. When a saucer with finely chopped onions is placed at the bedside of the patient, he recovers faster. Onion juice diluted with water can cure a runny nose if it is instilled into the nose.

In addition, onions contain minerals and vitamins.

The people came up with such a riddle about the bow: “Grandfather is sitting, dressed in a hundred fur coats. Whoever undresses him sheds tears.” In fact, when you peel and cut onions, tears naturally flow from your eyes. This happens because the onion begins to release volatile substances that irritate the mucous membrane of the nose and eyes.

Usually we cry when we or our loved ones are in trouble, grief. But here we can cry just from the pain in the eyes. In a figurative sense, by "onion grief" we mean minor sorrows, troubles or sorrows that do not deserve tears. "Onion grief" is also called an unlucky person, for whom everything goes awry.

What dishes are cooked with onions?

Fresh onions are put in vinaigrettes, salads. Onions fried in a pan until golden brown are added to soups and roasts.

Listen to the poems.

caustic onion

If we cut the onion finely,

On the board with a knife: "knock-knock!",

That will pinch our eyes -

Tears will run over them.

Tears will flow like a stream

We will pay. But about what?

We cry not from pain,

Especially not out of grief.

Caused tears not an ailment,

And the usual caustic onion!

onion burner

Offended Vanechka -

They didn't give him a gingerbread.

Our Vanyushka rubs his eyes,

In vain, tears are shed.

Let's calm down Vanechka -

Let's give him a cookie.

- This is your goryushka -

Woe onion!

This pot is empty

Not worth a tear!

Listen to a fairy tale.

magic bulb

In the morning Nastya sat at kitchen table and was going to drink sweet tea with a pie. The pie was amazingly delicious! Yesterday my grandmother baked a whole dish of them - with meat, cabbage, rice and jam.

In the evening, the parents returned home tired, hungry and instantly swallowed the delicious pies. There was only one left on the platter - with meat. It was to them that the girl was going to have breakfast. Yes, it was not there! As soon as Nastya brought the pie to her mouth and wanted to bite off a piece, the phone rang. The girl dropped the pie on the floor in surprise. I must tell you that at that time the puppy Roller was sleeping on the rug under the table. He did not ask Nastya for handouts, but he still hoped that he, too, might get something. When the puppy saw that a pie appeared right at his nose, out of nowhere, he immediately, without a moment's hesitation, swallowed it!

— Aaa! Nastya roared loudly, and tears poured from her eyes, round as peas. — I dropped the pie, and Roller ate it. What will I drink tea with now? the girl muttered, sobbing.

In the kitchen, a large wicker basket full of golden onions hung from a nail. One, the largest, Bulb heard Nastya crying and asked the girl in a low voice:

- What happened, baby? Why are you crying?

- I, I ... - Nastya was dumbfounded for a moment from surprise. - I'm crying because ... And who are you? she asked.

“I am a magic bulb. If you want to get a better look at me, go to the onion basket and you will immediately notice me,” said the Onion.

Nastya immediately stopped crying, climbed onto a stool and looked into the basket.

The girl recognized the Magic Bulb at once: she was quite round, in a golden cloak, pinned up with an emerald hairpin, and with a cheerful, smiling face. The girl took the Onion in her hand and felt how warm it was.

"So why were you crying?" Onion asked again.

Nastya explained to her.

- Rubbish! said the magic Bulb importantly. Is it worth it to be upset because of such trifles? Yes, and tears in vain to pour! Your grief is not real, but onion! It's you, believe me, the old Onion-sorceress!

- Why "woe onion"? Nastya was surprised. She had never heard such an expression.

- Yes, because when the onion is cut, people's tears flow. Not from grief, sadness, grief, but simply from the smell of onions. So they say - onion grief, which means trifling, nonsense, unreal. Instead of roaring, be glad that Roller got a tasty morsel!

“Yes, I’m glad,” the girl said uncertainly.

And the magic bulb continued:

— Make yourself a cheese sandwich, have some tea and go for a walk. And put me in my place, in a basket with onions. I'll still be nice to you!

Answer the questions

Who baked delicious pies?

Who ate the last pie?

Why did Nastya cry?

What did the magic Bulb, which was in the basket, say to her?

How do you understand the expression "onion woe"?

Listen to the poem.

Onion braid

red maidens

Knit onions in braids.

The braid will come out golden,

Very thick, thick.

In the kitchen we hang onions -

He will drive away the flies.

As soon as the bird cherry is enveloped in a white cloud of petals, the cuckoo cuckoos in the forest, it is time to sow onions.

The onion is harvested in September. It is braided and stored all winter until spring. No wonder they say: "Naked, naked, but there is an onion in the soup."

Answer the questions

What does an onion look like?

Where do onions come from?

Why was onion valued in ancient times?

Why does onion have healing properties?

What kind useful material found in onions?

What dishes are cooked with onions?

What day is popularly called "onion day"?

Onions are the most common type of onion.

Hey! Today we will talk about onions. Motherland onion Southwest Asia is considered - Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, Iran. Onions were cultivated about 4 thousand years ago.

Images of onions have been found on the walls of ancient Egyptian pyramids. Also, there are references to this plant in the cuneiform writing of the ancient Sumerians and in the Bible. Onions were also grown in ancient Rome for soldiers by specially trained people. In those days, mankind knew about healing properties onions and it continues to be considered a remedy today.

Why do we cry when we cut onions?

Onion cells contain a volatile substance (sulphur-containing gas) called lachrymator (from the Latin "lacrima" - tear). This substance was isolated by the American chemist Eric Block. When the onion is cut, the lachrymator is released and dissolved in the person's tears and water. In this case, a certain reaction occurs and a weak solution of sulfuric acid is formed, which is an irritant for the shell of the eye. In order to get rid of the irritant, tears are secreted.

The activity of the lachrymator can be reduced if the onion is frozen. But usually housewives do not need to freeze onions. In this case, some tricks will come to the rescue that will help you not chop onions and not cry.

First of all, more often you need to moisten the knife in cold, preferably running, water. After you cut the onion into two parts, also rinse it with water. If you need to chop a lot of onions, rinse often cutting board. All these manipulations can be explained by the fact that lachrymator dissolves in water and thus does not cause harm to the eyes, since it is not released into the air.

Instead of freezing the onion, you can cool it well and only then chop it.

Another way to undress the bow and not cry is special goggles for swimming =)

Does onion heal us?

Onion widely used in folk medicine as a remedy during epidemics of influenza and colds. But you must firmly remember that onions, like garlic, lemon, are not a cure for influenza and SARS! Onions in no way can affect the virus, let alone destroy it. Remember that influenza treatment should only be carried out under the supervision of a doctor with special preparations, since the flu is dangerous for its complications. Relying on the miraculous properties of onions, the patient only starts the disease. Onions are used as an antimicrobial agent, but you should not treat it as a panacea. Do not bury onion juice in the nose, you can severely damage the mucous membranes.

The benefits of onions

V onion contains vitamins A, B and C, iron, calcium, essential oils, fluorine, magnesium, sulfur (hence the pungent smell) and flavonoids.

Onions help cleanse the blood, stimulate digestive processes, and normalize metabolism. Onions are recommended for use in diabetes, atherosclerosis, hemorrhoids, general weakness, as a remedy for worms. Onion juice is used for insomnia and rheumatism. Onion gruel is good for strengthening hair and in the treatment of dermatitis. Eating onions prevents high blood sugar levels.

It is not recommended to abuse onions people suffering from diseases of the kidneys, stomach, liver, duodenum, with gastric ulcer. In this case, we are not talking about the use of onions in the soup as a seasoning, but about its medicinal use.

Fresh onions have one big drawback: after eating it, bad breath appears. To eliminate the smell, it is enough to chew a sprig of fresh parsley.

According to the amount of essential oils, sweet, peninsular, spicy and bitter varieties are distinguished. V last years the assortment expanded and mildly spicy, mild and sweet delicacy varieties, salad varieties appeared.

Spicy and bitter varieties contain 9-12% sugar, peninsular - 8-9%, sweet - 4-8% sugar. It is noteworthy that those varieties of onions in which there is the least sugar, they seem to taste sweeter. The thing is that the smaller the amount of sugar, the smaller the proportion of essential oils, which give the onion a characteristic taste.

Crimean bow or Yalta bow

This is the most common type of red onion in our country. It was bred in the Nikitsky Botanical Garden. Onions grown on the southern coast of Crimea are considered the best. Kherson is more burning.

Crimean onion is so sweet that you can eat it just like that. It is also great for pickling, salads, meat, poultry and fish. Onions are very juicy, although they are inferior to yellow onions in the content of essential oils.

Crimean onion is stored poorly. You should not buy it for the whole winter and it is better to eat all the stocks of this onion before the onset of winter cold. It is best to buy onions from farmers or at the market in Yalta or Alushta, but not on the roads.

You need to learn to distinguish the Crimean bow from a fake. A real sweet Crimean onion has juicy thick scales more than 5 mm thick, there are never more than 7 layers in the bulb. In addition, the insides of the Yalta bow should not be purple (scammers tint an ordinary bow and sell it under the guise of a Crimean one), but white with light shade pink. The taste of onion should not cause burning and bitterness. Most high quality Crimean bow in July and August, if these months were sunny.


More bow-batun called fistulate, winter, sandy, Chinese. It is very similar to onions, but it is grown for the sake of greenery, since the onion does not form a real bulb. Such a bow loves the bright sun and abundant watering. Batun stalks are very good in salads, fish and meat dishes. It has a lot of vitamin C and this onion is especially appreciated in the spring in the form of the first fresh greens.

Onions have a number of advantages over onions. It can grow in one place up to 6 years and matures 20 days earlier. The main benefit of this type of onion is the content ascorbic acid, riboflavin, carotene, thiamine and essential oil. Dried onion also retains a large amount of vitamin and beneficial compounds.

Shallot or Ashkelon onion

Young leaves of this type of onion are eaten. They can be cut several times per season. Small onions are also suitable for use in cooking and have a peculiar taste. Shallots are common in Ukraine, the North Caucasus, Moldova, Western Europe, Asia Minor. It has excellent taste, high yield, early maturity and can be perfectly stored for a long time.

Compared to onions, shallots contain much more biologically active substances: mineral salts, ascorbic acid, vitamins of groups B, E, PP, essential oils, carotene, sugars. In folk medicine, shallots are used in the treatment of eye diseases and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. It is also applied in home cosmetology in the form of a slurry for removing age spots, freckles, blackheads and pimples.


The supposed homeland of this type of onion is the Mediterranean. Leek is very widespread in countries Western Europe. In Russia, it is grown everywhere.

This bow has flat long leaves, similar to garlic, but much larger. The thickened lower white part of the leg is eaten. Leek is ideal for pies, meat dishes, in vegetable casseroles, as an independent dish (for example, stewed onions) and as a side dish.

Leek is not stored for a very long time, so when buying, you should choose specimens without signs of wilting, with dense bulbs and green elastic leaves. Before cooking, leeks must be washed very thoroughly due to the peculiarity of their structure, since a lot of earth and small pebbles can accumulate in the lower part.

Leek contains a large amount of potassium salts, which explains its diuretic effect. Also, it is rich in vitamins C, B1, B2, E, PP, carotene. Leek is recommended to improve the functioning of the gallbladder and liver, with rheumatism, atherosclerosis, metabolic disorders, overwork, obesity, gout and kidney stones. Leek has been clinically proven to improve appetite, increase the secretory function of the glands of the digestive tract, and have anti-sclerotic properties. Raw leeks are contraindicated in inflammatory diseases of the duodenum and diseases of the stomach.

Calorie content of onions and other varieties of onions

Onion calories per 100 grams = 41 kcal

  • Proteins - 1.4 gr
  • Fats - 0.2 gr
  • Carbohydrates - 8.2 gr

Batun calorie content per 100 grams = 34 kcal

  • Proteins - 1.3 gr
  • Fats - 0.1 gr
  • Carbohydrates - 3.2 gr

Shallots per 100 grams = 72 kcal

  • Proteins - 2.5 gr
  • Fats - 0.1 gr
  • Carbohydrates - 16.8 gr

Leek per 100 grams = 33 kcal

  • Proteins - 2 gr
  • Fats - 0 gr
  • Carbohydrates - 8.2 gr

Now this vegetable does not cost fabulous money and grows in almost every garden, but once it was considered sacred. Today we use it all year round and every day. And it is unlikely that anyone will outshine him in popularity. Guess what it's about? Of course, about the bow.

Growing from seeds and seedlings

Is it possible to grow onions from seeds or seedlings? Candidate of Agricultural Sciences Nikolai Kupreenko will tell about this.

- It is more economical to grow onions from seeds: you do not need to grow sets, and then store them, seeds can be sown as in early spring, and before winter, - says Nikolai Petrovich. - The main thing is that they do not germinate in the fall. But, unfortunately, in recent years, winters are unstable and winter sowing seed is risky.

Onion seeds start growing already at plus two degrees. Therefore, it is better to sow them in the first decade of April. And so that the grains wake up faster, soak them for a day or two in water, not forgetting to stir occasionally. As soon as the seeds begin to hatch, send them for hardening for 5-6 days in the refrigerator. Then slightly (!) dry and sow. If you don’t want to mess around with all this, then just soak for 12-24 hours in a solution of trace elements. Soaked and germinated seeds germinate 6-7 days earlier than sown dry ones.

To sow 1 sq. m area, 0.4–0.6 g of seeds is enough. Make the grooves deep (2–2.5 cm), thus insuring the grains from drying out in early spring. The distance between rows is 20 cm, between plants 2–4 cm. It will not be superfluous to mulch the crops with a two-centimeter layer of humus or peat. Such a “blanket” will not only “warm up” the soil, but also perfectly protect it from drying out and crusting. As a rule, after 10-14 days, the first shoots appear.

The soil should be light, loose and fertile. Since the roots go shallow, the vegetable will have to get food from the top layer of the earth.

Onions do not like a high concentration of salts, so it is better to give fertilizers in several doses. And if you have not prepared a bed since the fall, then do not rush to bring in all the "mineral water" in one fell swoop in the spring. It is better to distribute it into three dressings.

Caring for onions planted with seeds is no different from planting a set. As soon as shoots appear, feed them nitrogen fertilizers– 10–15 g/sq. m. With the formation of 1-2 true leaves, the crops, if necessary, thin out and fertilize with nitrogen again (but no later than June 20). And better in liquid form. Or dilute slurry 5-6 times with water by adding 20 g of "Superphosphate" to a bucket of solution.

Spend the third top dressing when the bulb itself begins to form: 20 g of Superphosphate and 15 g of Potassium Chloride per bucket of water. During the summer, constantly loosen the bed (especially after watering) and weed.

On onion crops (both from seeds and sets), you can also use foliar top dressing liquid soluble fertilizers - "ZhKU", "KAS", "Vitokoktel", "Ecolist", "Basfoliar", "Complimet" and others.

Green onions can be obtained by sowing seeds in a greenhouse, small-sized shelter or under spunbond. Sowing in early April, the greens can already be cut in mid-June.

If you rely on bulbs and want to get them really giant, it is better to grow onions through seedlings. This method allows not only to increase the growing season by 1.5–2 months, but also to expand the number of some medium and even late-ripening lettuce varieties.

Onion seeds sown in boxes or cassettes germinate in 8–10 days, from here calculate the timing of sowing seeds.

As a soil, it is best to use a mixture of soddy soil and humus (1: 1). Sprinkle the substrate with a layer of 12–15 cm. Be sure to soak the seeds and sow in rows every 5–6 cm to a depth of 1–1.5 cm. Then water the crops well, cover the box with cellophane or glass (to create a greenhouse effect) and place in a warm place , where the temperature is plus 18–22 degrees. As soon as shoots appear, remove the film and water the seedlings after 2-3 days. You can already slightly (up to plus 14–16) lower the temperature. Slightly grown seedlings periodically feed with slurry (1:10), not forgetting then immediately water with clean water.

A week before planting, 40-50-day seedlings are hardened. Seedlings should already have 3–4 true leaves and a stem 0.6–0.7 cm thick. Seedlings are planted in the ground at the same time as onion sets - the third decade of April - the first five days of May.

Before planting, dip the roots of plants in a mash (clay + mullein). And make sure that the central part (growing point) is not covered with soil - otherwise the seedling will die. After planting, water the bed and mulch with humus or peat. When the seedlings are well accepted, carry out nitrogen-potassium fertilizing - 10 g of "Ammonia nitrate" and "Potassium chloride" per 1 sq. m. In the future - the usual care.

Woe onion

The most dangerous enemy of the onion is the onion fly, or rather, its larvae. They damage not only onions, but also batun, garlic, leeks, multi-tiered onions. Do not disdain and bulbs of tulips, daffodils.

The insect hibernates in the soil at a depth of 10–20 cm. And it begins to fly as soon as cherries, bird cherry and dandelions bloom. The ash-gray onion fly is up to 1 cm long and is very similar to the house fly. The pest lays eggs in groups of 5–20 per onion, under the first dry scales or between leaves, and also on the soil near plants. After 3–8 days, larvae appear (whitish and legless, similar to worms). They bite into the bulbs more often from the side of the bottom and feed on fleshy scales. The way to infections is open! The first sign of the presence of a pest is drooping yellow leaves at the bow. It has been proven that the onion fly harms most on sandy and loamy soils, but peat bogs fly around.

After three weeks, the larvae will go into the soil to pupate. And after another 15–20 days, a new (already second!) generation of onion flies appears. If the year is very hot, then a third wave of the pest may also appear.

To fight with onion fly knowledge of agricultural technology helps a lot. Our task is to prevent her from laying eggs. Therefore, watering can be used as a preventive measure. After all, the fly lays eggs only under dry lumps of earth.

The alternation of crops will also help, as well as deep plowing of the land in the fall. After all, the insect hibernates in cocoons at a depth of 6–20 cm. Mulching beds with peat is also effective. What else to do? Try to get rid of the smell. Or rather, not even to scare away, but to knock the insect off the right course. You can pollinate the beds with tobacco dust or lime with ash (1: 1). Good results are obtained by treatment with infusion or decoction of tobacco. 400 g of a crushed plant or tobacco dust, pour 10 liters of water and leave for two days. Then strain and add 40 g of grated laundry soap for stickiness.

You can try other repellents, for example, Creolin (this is an antiseptic for wood processing). They need to soak sawdust or peat (1:20) and scatter them along the onion rows. The smell of "Creolin" will scare away the fly, and it will not lay eggs under your plants. You can also use carbolic lime.

Twice during the season when the pest is most active (in late May - early June and early July), water the crops with a solution of table salt: 1 cup per 10 liters of water.

It is also useful to sow onions next to carrots. The phytoncides secreted by carrots repel the onion fly, and carrot pests do not like onion phytoncides. This is such a mutually beneficial neighborhood. You can sow marigolds or calendula between the beds.

Chemicals must be used very, very carefully. And if you grow onions only on a feather, then no chemistry at all!

People often ask: why do onion tips turn yellow ahead of time? There may be several reasons. Firstly, the lack of nitrogen, which usually happens in the bright spring sun, when there is a powerful photosynthesis. Secondly, copper deficiency: this most often happens in peatlands. With a lack of potassium, the leaves not only turn yellow, but also curl. If the plants have fallen under a severe frost, then not only the tips, but also the entire leaves will turn yellow.

If the ends of the leaves turn yellow and at the same time the stem brightens and even turns yellow, then most likely the plant is damaged by an onion fly. Although the same symptom may appear on too acidic soil or when the roots suffocate in waterlogged soil due to lack of air.

Save your feathers

As soon as the green feathers begin to lie down, stop all watering. To make the vegetable ripen better, free the bulbs, rake off part of the earth from the top. If the leaves of most of the onions have bowed and turned yellow, start harvesting. But do not be late, otherwise secondary roots will begin to form and the crop will be stored worse. Dig up (rather than pull out) plants in sunny weather, protecting them from blows (where there is a blow, there is a wound). Then, if possible, leave for another 3-7 days in the garden to dry. And do not rush to cut the leaves. Do this in a month, when all the nutrients from the feather pass into the bulb. And you can not cut it at all if you store it in braids. When the neck becomes thin and dry, send the onion for the winter, creating favorable conditions for it: the air temperature is from zero to plus 2 degrees, and the humidity is 75–80%.

by the way

Spicy onion varieties are much richer in sugars than sweet ones, and the inner scales of the onion are richer in sugars than the outer ones. Onion stimulates appetite and improves digestion, improves body tone, has antiseptic, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, anti-sclerotic and anti-diabetic effects. Onions help fight low blood pressure and contain flavonoids that prevent the formation of cancer cells.

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  • The Latin scientific name - allium - was given by Carl Linnaeus and comes from the Latin name for garlic, and it, in turn, according to one version, is associated with the Celtic word all - burning; another version derives the name from the Latin halare - to smell.

  • There are more than 900 species in the Onion genus that grow naturally in the Northern Hemisphere. Representatives of the genus grow in the steppe, in meadows, in forests.
  • 228 types of onions are vegetable crops.

  • It is difficult to establish the homeland of the onion. Most researchers believe that onions originate from Southwest Asia.
  • There are very ancient - from the Bronze Age - evidence of the use of onions in Europe.

  • The Yale Babylonian Collection contains three small clay tablets that are the first cookbooks known to us. They describe "a culinary tradition that impresses with its richness, elegance and craftsmanship", with many aromas and tastes that are familiar to us today. It turned out that in ancient Mesopotamia they simply adored the whole onion family. Mesopotamians widely used not only with ordinary onions, but also with leeks, garlic and shallots.

  • In ancient Egypt, onions and garlic were known as early as 3000 BC. e. The historian Herodotus, who lived in Ancient Greece 2500 years ago, noted that the pyramid of Cheops had an inscription on how much garlic and onions were consumed by workers. It read: “1600 talents of silver were spent on onions and food for slaves.”

  • Archaeologists discovered the image of a bow on the tomb of Tutankhamen, dating back to 1352 BC. e.
  • It is known that 5000 years ago onions were grown in China, India.

  • The bow was necessarily included in the provision of noble knights in the Middle Ages, during the time of the Crusades. The French exchanged their captured compatriots with the Saracens, paying eight onions per person.
  • Onion came to America thanks to the expedition of Christopher Columbus, first it was planted on Isabella Island, and then spread throughout the mainland.

  • If we calculate the consumption of onions per capita, then Libya becomes the world champion, where, according to the UN, the average citizen eats more than 33 kg of onions per year. “We put onions in everything,” say the Libyans. In second place is Senegal, whose inhabitants consume an average of about 22 kg of onions per year. Residents of Britain eat somewhere around 9.3 kg per person per year. But the inhabitants of France, whom the British traditionally consider "onion eaters", actually cost a modest 5.6 kg per person.
  • In India, no meal is complete without onions. Fluctuations in the cost of onions are noticeable to everyone common man. The political weight of the onion is explained by the fact that this vegetable is an integral part of the life of almost every Indian home. Perhaps the most telling example of this kind was in 1998, when analysts attributed the defeat of the ruling BJP in Delhi to the rise in the price of onions.
  • The widespread onion got its name from the external similarity with.
  • The leek is one of the national symbols of Wales. In the 6th century, according to legend, the Bishop and educator David of Wales during the battle against the Saxons, which took place in the onion field, called on his soldiers to attach leeks to their helmets to distinguish their comrades-in-arms from enemies. Therefore, on March 1 every year, the people of Wales celebrate National holiday- Saint David's Day.
  • Onions contain more natural sugar than apples and pears. Onion slices contain 6% sugar. When fried, when caustic substances evaporate, the onion becomes sweet.

  • Onions are a great fat burner. There is even a special onion diet, during which you need to eat onion soup.
  • People say that onions are from seven ailments.
  • It has been observed that people working in a greenhouse where green onion, even during the most severe epidemics do not get flu.
  • To strengthen the immune system and not get sick in the cold season, it is recommended to eat half an onion a day.

  • Onions serve as an anesthetic when bitten, and. To do this, immediately rub onion juice into the bite site.
  • It has been scientifically proven that substances that cause the taste, smell of onions and tears from processing them can fight cancer cells.
  • Riddle: “Grandfather is sitting, dressed in a hundred fur coats, whoever undresses him sheds tears.”
  • The reason for such tearing onions lies in a special substance - lacrimator (from the Latin lacrima - tear). When the bulb is cut, the lachrymator is released and dissolved in water and, in particular, in human tears. This produces sulfuric acid, which irritates the mucous membrane of the eye. And now it is clear why the onion is cleaned by wetting it or the knife with water - lachrymator dissolves in water and practically does not escape into the air. If the onion is frozen before peeling, then the activity of the lachrymator also decreases sharply.

  • Onion improves appetite, assimilation of food, increases the body's resistance to infectious diseases.
  • Onion has bactericidal and antiseptic properties, fights viruses and accumulates the life-giving energy of the earth.
  • Onions can treat bites. To do this, simply apply chopped onion to the bite site. It will draw out the poison, reduce swelling and speed up the healing of the skin.

  • Onion juice is a highly effective cough syrup, but it is quite unpleasant to consume it in this form. Therefore, when coughing, it is better to put a piece of onion in the ear. Thus, onion juice enters the bloodstream and relieves an unpleasant cough.
  • Onion brings down the temperature. If the child has heat, you need to cut the onion into rings and soak it in apple cider vinegar. Then, with the help of socks, we apply the bow to the feet. It is worth putting pieces of onion in your ears. The fever from such a medicine subsides very quickly.

Decorative bow photo