Soaking brown rice. Cooking brown rice

How to cook delicious brown rice? Housewives ask this question when they want to cook dishes from this healthy grain. This type of rice is considered the most popular, since it is not processed and polished.

The natural brownish hull gives the rice its characteristic color. It may not look very nice, unlike white, already sanded and processed, but in this form the grain retains more value. Unprocessed rice is rich in minerals and vitamins and contains fiber. 100 grams of product contains 331 Kcal.

The use of brown rice helps to rid the body of harmful substances, from toxins, helps to reduce sugar in the bloodstream, and also prevents the development of inflammatory pathology. Unpolished grain is a food supplement to the regular diet, as it has a healing effect.

In connection with the foregoing, it is useful to introduce brown rice into the diet for such diseases: diabetes mellitus, inflammatory pathology of the digestive tract, salt deposition, diseases of the cardiovascular system, skin diseases, problems with nerves, and so on. Its regular use will normalize metabolic processes, which will have a positive effect on the appearance. No wonder he was included in the diet of beauties who had radiant skin and silky hair.

All of the listed beneficial properties of brown rice will inevitably disappear after grinding and special processing. Accordingly, it is better to cook it in this form, the main thing is to find out how to cook it deliciously.

How to cook delicious rice?

Cooking brown rice, so that it turns out to be tasty and soft, must begin with the process of thoroughly washing it, this will help remove dust from the surface of the cereal that has got on the rice during cultivation, as well as at the time of grain transportation. In addition, rinsing it under running water will help to reduce the amount of harmful components that were used to treat rice.

Rinse the grain in cold water until the liquid is completely clear. After which it is advisable to lightly scald it with boiling water. And then pour cold water over the rice again. Then you can start cooking it.

An important step is the soaking of brown rice. The washed cereal is placed in a deep container and poured with cold water, it is better to carry out this procedure at night, but six hours of soaking is also quite enough, which can be done in the morning, and in the evening it is delicious to cook rice.

Prepared rice is placed in a saucepan at the rate of one glass of cereal for three glasses of cold water. Then salt is added to the container, in the amount of a teaspoon, and everything is brought to a boil. The cereals are boiled over high heat for about ten minutes, then the fire is reduced and simmer for another half hour under a closed lid.

After the end of cooking, the rice is kept under the lid for another fifteen minutes, as a result, the water from the pan is completely absorbed into the rice. Then you can use brown rice in accordance with your culinary preferences, it remains only to season it, add vegetables or other ingredients and you can start your meal.

Brown rice will be delicious as a side dish, it goes well with various vegetables, meat, seafood, but it is better not to cook milk porridge from it, just as you should not put it in pie fillings. It will go well with the following spices: cumin, turmeric, chili, and other spices.

Greek casserole with brown rice, cheese and zucchini

You can cook delicious brown rice in a casserole. First, we prepare it as described above in the amount of 100 grams. Then we cool it down and rinse it. Next, add one chicken egg and grated cheese in the amount of 100 grams to it. We mix these components well.

Next, prepare a baking dish, grease it well with butter, then put the base for the casserole in a container, represented by a mixture of rice, eggs and cheese. We put the container in the oven for five minutes. Then we clean a small zucchini zucchini and grate it, not forgetting to squeeze the juice.

Next, knead 200 grams of feta with a fork and mix with zucchini, then add 2 eggs to these ingredients, as well as diced bell peppers, a bunch of fresh chopped herbs. Then pour 10% cream into this mass, salt and pepper to taste.

After that, put the finished filling on a slightly baked rice base, and then put the mold in the oven for thirty minutes, while the temperature in the oven should be 180 degrees. Five minutes before cooking, you can sprinkle a delicious casserole with grated cheese, which will create an appetizing crust for our brown rice-based dish. Bon Appetit!

Risotto with brown rice

You will need a glass of brown rice, which must be well washed and soaked. Next, the onion needs to be finely chopped and fried in vegetable oil along with two chopped garlic cloves. After the sautéing becomes translucent, add chopped carrots to it.

Then add a glass of prepared brown rice to these ingredients and steam it a little under the lid. Next, pour in portions of 600 milliliters of chicken broth and simmer for 20 minutes. Then you can put different aromatic spices: basil, chili pepper, sweet paprika, mix everything well.

Add the ketchup about ten minutes before the end of the heat treatment. This dish can be eaten on its own, or it is good to serve risotto as a side dish for fried chicken.

Cook rice, be it peeled white or brown brown, tasty and enjoy your meal!

Irina Kamshilina

Cooking for someone is much more pleasant than for yourself))


Rice is one of the main foodstuffs; there are brown (brown) and white types of the product. The grain is processed by light grinding, its shell retains a brownish color, and the cooked porridge has a slightly unusual taste. Dietitians recommend brown or brown rice, which experts call "cargo", for anyone seeking to make their diet rational. This cereal supplies the body with all the necessary minerals and gives a feeling of fullness for a long time.

The benefits and harms of brown rice for the body

To obtain this type of cereal, when processing the grain, only the protective shell (husk) is removed, and the core and most of the bran are not touched, therefore, almost all nutrients are preserved. Useful properties of brown or brown rice:

  • It's nutritious and satisfying. The carbohydrates found in brown (brown) rice are completely burned.
  • The protein that this type of product contains is necessary for muscle tissues, serves for the formation of cells, and ensures their normal functioning.
  • Does not contain gluten, which is a strong allergen.
  • The high content of B vitamins ensures the smooth functioning of the nervous system, the formation of energy.
  • Fiber removes toxins, as well as toxins, cleanses the digestive tract, normalizes the intestines, and lowers the acidity of gastric juice.
  • Brown or brown rice is able to normalize blood pressure and kidney function. With its regular use, the level of cholesterol in the blood decreases, the development of myocardial infarction, hypertension is prevented.

Unlike white, brown (cargo) rice is of great value to humans. Polished groats (white variety of the product) are processed and contain few minerals and vitamins. Brown rice contains a large amount of minerals, dietary fiber, protein, polyunsaturated fats, and is rich in B vitamins. It is useful for people with diabetes, because cereals have a low glycemic index and help lower blood sugar.

With the regular use of brown or brown rice in the diet, it happens:

  • strengthening the nervous system;
  • improving cardiovascular activity;
  • strengthening muscle tone (important when losing weight);
  • improving the condition of the skin, hair structure;
  • decreases the level of cholesterol and triglyceride fats, which are deposited in problem areas.

But brown (brown) rice should not be consumed more often 2-3 times a week, otherwise constipation and bloating may appear. This product is not recommended for people prone to these conditions. Also, harm to the body can be caused by improper storage. After purchase, you need to place the opened package of cereals in the refrigerator, because its shell contains oils that oxidize when interacting with air, sunlight and the product begins to deteriorate.

Composition and calorie content of brown rice

Brown rice has a rich composition (100 g of the product contains 330 Kcal). It contains:

  • fiber;
  • alimentary fiber;
  • essential amino acids;
  • unsaturated fatty acids;
  • protein and a minimum amount of carbohydrates;
  • vitamins C, A, E, group B (B1 (thiamine), B9 (folic acid), B3 (niacin), B2 (riboflavin), B6 ​​(pyridoxine));
  • magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc.

How to cook it correctly and how much?

To maintain health, it is recommended to include brown (brown) rice in the diet. When cooking, it is better to combine it with vegetables, fish, you can cook pilaf with chicken, lamb or pork. This product is tougher than its white counterpart, so it takes longer to cook. If you're making a side dish out of it, cook like this:

  • soak the cereal in cold water for several hours (preferably overnight);
  • cook for 10 minutes, after boiling, remove from heat, rinse;
  • cover with water and cook for another 15 minutes;
  • remove from the stove, drain the liquid, wrap with a blanket, leave for 10 minutes.

Brown rice recipes

There is nothing complicated in cooking dark rice (cargo), but there are some peculiarities. It takes much longer to cook than the usual polished (white) one - more than 30 minutes. Cooked cereals can be very tough, and to get a soft and crumbly porridge, pour cold water over it for several hours before cooking or even overnight. Such a dish is an excellent side dish, dietary and low-calorie.

With vegetables and mushrooms in a double boiler

Dishes cooked in a double boiler are healthy, tasty and juicy. It is very easy to prepare brown (brown) rice using this technique. We take the prepared cereal and water at the rate of 1: 2, rinse well with cold water, put it in the bowl of a double boiler, add a little salt to the water and fill it with the cereal. We set the timer in a double boiler for 30-35 minutes, at the end of the time the dish is ready.

  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • porcini mushrooms (or any brown) - 3 pcs.;
  • vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, corn, celery) - your choice;
  • water - 2 tbsp.;
  • rice (brown or brown) - 1 tbsp.


  1. Take the mushrooms, cut into cubes, finely chop the garlic.
  2. Place the rice (brown) in the basket of the steamer, pour in the water, add the mushrooms and garlic.
  3. We put the vegetables in another compartment. As soon as they are ready, we cut them into small pieces, add to the finished cereal.
  4. We close the lid. The dish is infused for 10 minutes, served to the table.

With chicken in a pan

It doesn't take long to cook rice (brown) with chicken in a pan. Use a deep skillet with a lid. The recipe is very simple, and the finished dish will not only be tasty, but also satisfying. Chicken meat becomes juicy and tender when cooked. But the most important thing is that such a dish is considered dietary and low-calorie, so you can include it in your diet even when losing weight.

  • skinless chicken (take chicken breast, turkey or veal) - 200 g
  • rice (brown or brown) - 50 g
  • shallots - 1 pc.
  • garlic - 1 clove
  • tomatoes - 1 pc.
  • water - 2-3 tbsp.
  • turmeric - 1.25 tsp
  • greens (coriander, basil, mint) of your choice - 1 bunch
  • sea ​​salt - to taste
  • olive oil - to taste


  1. We make minced meat with a blender.
  2. Pour brown (brown) rice with water so that it covers the cereal. We put to cook over medium heat.
  3. Blanch the tomatoes with boiling water for 2 minutes, remove the skin from the tomatoes, peel them of seeds, cut them into small cubes.
  4. Finely chop the onion and garlic.
  5. Pour one tablespoon of olive oil and water into the pan. Put onion, garlic, bring until soft.
  6. Add the tomatoes, simmer for 10 minutes, add a teaspoon of turmeric. You can add 1 tablespoon lime juice and 1 teaspoon fresh chopped ginger if you like.
  7. Put the minced meat in the pan, simmer until tender (15 minutes).
  8. Mix the resulting mass with rice, decorate with herbs if desired.

Plov recipe in a slow cooker

Pilaf is cooked not only in a cauldron, deep frying pan, but also in a slow cooker. When using brown (brown) rice, the dish becomes aromatic and tasty, acquires an unusual color. Juicy chicken is ideal for this recipe, and the added spices will make the dish more original. Plov, made from brown rice, is hearty and low in calories. While dieting, it is consumed in small quantities.

  • brown or brown rice - Art.
  • water - 2 tbsp.
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • hot pepper - to taste (1 pod)
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • garlic - 2 cloves
  • salt to taste


  1. Pour brown (brown) rice into a cup, rinse well (otherwise the pilaf will be with grains of garbage).
  2. Peel the onion, pepper and garlic, chop, three carrots on a grater (fine).
  3. Put the prepared vegetables in the multicooker container, turn on the "Baking" mode (suitable for cooking pilaf), set the timer for 5 minutes. We do not add oil.
  4. Add washed rice (brown) to the vegetables, the required amount of water, salt, set the "Buckwheat" mode.
  5. After the signal about the end of the program, the pilaf with brown rice is ready.

How is this type of rice useful for weight loss?

Brown or brown rice is low-calorie, 100 g of product contains only 330 Kcal. This is enough for the body weight to begin to gradually decrease. With a high content of fiber and dietary fiber, the work of the intestines and its microflora improves, toxins and harmful substances are removed, which helps to speed up the process of losing weight. Unprocessed brown (brown) rice is very nutritious, satisfies hunger, provides the body with the necessary substances.

Cooking brown (brown) rice for weight loss:

Option number 1

  • We take 1 tbsp. rice groats, rinse, boil in a saucepan in 2 tbsp. water (30-35 min.).
  • Remove from the stove, wrap it up, after 15 minutes. the porridge is ready.

Option number 2

  • Fall asleep brown rice, cook for 30 minutes.
  • Turn off the stove, cover the pan with a towel, leave for 15 minutes. for swelling.

Option number 3

  • 1 tbsp. boiled brown (brown) rice in 5 tbsp. water.
  • Throw in a colander, rinse with hot water, put in a saucepan, wrap with a towel for steaming.

Option number 4

  • Bring washed brown or brown rice to a boil in 2 tbsp. water, place in the oven for 45 minutes.
  • To make the porridge more crumbly, the cereal should be soaked for several hours before cooking in cold water.

For effective weight loss, a diet with brown (brown) boiled rice is used. This cereal is consumed in its pure form, without oil, sugar and salt (portion 60 g). The diet is strict, fish and meat are not used, so you need to diversify the diet with fresh or stewed vegetables and fruits. You must drink at least 2 liters of water per day. The rice diet is calculated for only 1 week. Pregnant women cannot use this method of losing weight.

  • Breakfast: a portion of porridge, grapefruit, green apple or pear (no more than 2 pcs per day).
  • Lunch: a portion of porridge, a cup of vegetable broth, stewed vegetables or steam (cauliflower, white cabbage, kohlrabi, carrots, zucchini, beets).
  • Dinner: a portion of porridge (low-fat pilaf is allowed), a cup of vegetable broth, vegetable salad, you need to alternate steamed prunes (several pieces) and figs, almonds (10 pieces), walnuts (4 pieces).

Twice a day it is allowed to eat honey 2 tsp, fruit salad. Every other day, you need to include in the diet 1 glass of yogurt or low-fat kefir. You can prepare a vegetable salad from carrots, cabbage, radishes, bell peppers, cucumbers, tomatoes, celery. You need to fill the salad with lemon or grapefruit juice. The diet of each day should be different from the previous one. With patience, the result will not be disappointing. After the end of the diet, it is advisable to carry out any fasting day once a week.

Photo: what it looks like, brown unpolished rice

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Knowing how to cook brown rice will help you cook cereals correctly, preserving their nutritional properties to the maximum and getting the perfect soft taste of the finished dish with light nutty notes. A perfectly cooked product contains the lion's share of protein, fiber, minerals and all kinds of vitamins.

How to cook brown rice properly?

Having mastered the technique of cooking this type of rice, it will be possible to provide the family with a tasty and undoubtedly healthy side dish or a nutritious independent dish to serve for dinner or for lunch.

  1. Unlike polished white brown rice, it is advisable to soak it for several hours or overnight after washing. In this case, it is preferable to renew the water periodically.
  2. How much to cook brown rice will depend on the variety and quality of the product, as well as on its preliminary preparation or soaking time. The minimum cooking time is 40 minutes over low heat, after which the readiness of the cereals is checked and, if necessary, the simmering time is extended.

How to cook crumbly brown rice?

In order for boiled brown rice to turn out friable, it is important to observe the recommended proportions of cereals and water, pour the prepared product exclusively into boiling water and perform some of the subtleties of the cooking technique. Choosing utensils for cooking rice, you should give preference to containers with a thick bottom.


  • brown rice - 1 cup;
  • water - 2.5-3 cups;
  • salt.


  1. Brown rice is washed and soaked.
  2. Rinse the groats again and put them in salted water heated to a boil.
  3. Simmer the dish under the lid over low heat for 40-50 minutes.
  4. Wrap a container with rice and leave for another 30 minutes to evaporate.

Brown rice soup

Nutritious and delicious brown rice first courses that you can prepare for your everyday lunch. Hot is cooked in meat, mushroom, fish or vegetable broth, with the addition of meat and without its participation. The chicken option presented below can be easily adjusted by adding new components of your choice.


  • brown rice - 80 g;
  • leeks - 1 pc .;
  • celery stalk - 1 pc .;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • fresh tomatoes or in their own juice - 400 g;
  • chicken breast - 450 g;
  • chicken broth - 1.5 l;
  • thyme - 2 tsp;
  • oil, salt, pepper.


  1. Rice is placed in a boiling broth, boiled for 20 minutes.
  2. Leeks with carrots and chopped chicken breast are fried in oil, sent to the pan along with the tomatoes.
  3. Season the soup with brown rice and chicken, salt, pepper and add thyme, cook for 20 minutes.

Brown rice porridge

Knowing how to cook brown rice in the form of milk porridge, you will be able to prepare a healthy breakfast, filling the body with high-quality energy for the whole day. For babies, you can cook porridge from flour, having obtained it by grinding brown cereals with a coffee grinder. After adding flour to boiling milk, the dish is boiled for 10 minutes.


  • brown rice - 250 g;
  • milk - 600 ml;
  • water - 400 ml;
  • butter - 20 g;
  • sugar, salt.


  1. Soak the washed rice for several hours, rinse it again, put it in boiling water and cook until half cooked.
  2. Milk heated to a boil is added, salt and sugar are thrown in, the rice is boiled until soft.
  3. Finished brown rice porridge is seasoned with butter.

Brown rice with vegetables - recipe

If you want to introduce brown rice into your diet, recipes for cooking cereals with vegetables will allow you to get the maximum benefit from the upcoming meal. Assorted vegetables are allowed to be compiled at your discretion according to the presence of components or depending on taste preferences, replacing some components with others.


  • brown rice - 1 cup;
  • water - 2 glasses;
  • garlic - 1 head;
  • onions, carrots and bell peppers - 1 pc .;
  • hot pepper - 1-2 pods;
  • sugar corn - 1 can;
  • oil - 100 ml;
  • salt, pepper, coriander, Italian herbs.


  1. Onions and unpeeled garlic cloves are fried in hot oil.
  2. Sliced ​​carrots, bell peppers and hot peppers are added, corn and spices are added.
  3. After 2 minutes of frying, add rice to the vegetables, pour in boiling water.
  4. Cook brown under a lid over the quietest fire for 40 minutes or until moisture is completely absorbed.

Brown rice pilaf

The following recipe will help you learn how to cook brown rice in pilaf. The dish can be cooked with any meat, using beef, pork, lamb or turkey instead of chicken. In this case, only the time of simmering the zirvak will differ, during which the meat slices should become soft, but still keep their shape well.


  • brown rice - 500 g;
  • water - 1 l;
  • garlic - 2 heads;
  • onions - 3 pcs.;
  • carrots - 500 g;
  • cumin - 0.5 tsp;
  • vegetable oil - 150 ml;
  • salt, pepper, barberry.


  1. Onions and carrots are fried in oil.
  2. Add chopped chicken, fry until blush.
  3. When using poultry or other meat, add a little boiling water and simmer until the meat slices are half cooked and the water evaporates.
  4. Add cumin, barberry, pepper, salt, soaked rice, heads of garlic, pour in boiling water.
  5. Simmer with chicken under the lid until moisture is completely absorbed and the cereal is soft.

Brown rice with mushrooms

Brown rice, the preparation of which is accompanied by the addition of mushrooms during the process, turns out to be incredibly aromatic, tasty and nutritious. If you do not include animal fats and other meaty foods in the composition, the dish will be an ideal option for compiling a lean menu or a diet for vegetarians.


  • brown rice - 200 g;
  • water - 0.5 l;
  • dry or fresh mushrooms - 1 handful or 400 g;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • broccoli - 150 g;
  • provencal herbs - 0.5 tsp;
  • vegetable oil - 70 ml;
  • salt, pepper, parmesan or herbs (optional).


  1. Chopped onions are fried in oil.
  2. Add soaked or chopped fresh mushrooms, fry until moisture evaporates.
  3. Pour soaked rice and Provencal herbs, pour in boiling water, simmer the dish under the lid for 40 minutes.
  4. Broccoli inflorescences are laid out on top and left to simmer for 10 minutes.
  5. The dish is served with grated parmesan or herbs.

Brown rice with shrimps

Knowing how to cook brown or seafood correctly, you will be able to fully enjoy the notes of Mediterranean cuisine and provide your diet with delicious and healthy culinary creations. It is important not to overexpose the mollusks on the fire, but to use exclusively shells from seafood to cook the broth.


  • brown rice - 1 cup;
  • water - 300 ml;
  • boiled unpeeled shrimp - 500 g;
  • onions - 2 pcs.;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • dry white wine - 150 ml;
  • olive oil - 20 ml;
  • lemon - 0.5 pcs.;
  • parsley - 1 bunch;
  • salt, pepper, butter, eggs.


  1. Peel shrimps, shells and tails are fried with carrots and onions in butter.
  2. Add wine, pepper, lemon juice, parsley sprigs, pour in boiling water after 3 minutes and boil for 10 minutes.
  3. Fry the onion in a saucepan, add rice, fry for 2 minutes.
  4. Strain the broth and pour over the rice.
  5. Prepare the dish until the grains are soft, spread the shrimp on top.
  6. Stir brown and serve with boiled eggs.

Brown rice in the oven

Next, how to properly cook brown rice in the oven. The composition of the dish can be expanded by adding pre-chopped and pre-fried meat, mushrooms, all kinds of vegetables, which will turn a spicy side dish into an independent nutritious treat. Separately, you can serve pickles, fresh vegetables or a light salad.


  • brown rice - 1.5 cups;
  • water - 2.5 cups;
  • onions - 0.5 pcs.;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • olive oil - 40 ml;
  • cumin, provencal herbs, salt.


  1. Onions are fried in oil.
  2. Add garlic, spices to the frying, mix and immediately spread to the washed and soaked rice.
  3. Stir the groats with additives, transfer to an oiled form and pour water or broth. If you cook brown rice with meat, the latter is pre-fried and added to the cereal at this stage.
  4. Prepare the dish under a lid or foil for 80 minutes at 180 degrees.

How to cook brown rice in a slow cooker?

It always turns out to be crumbly and tasty when cooked. By choosing the appropriate mode, it will be possible to shift all the responsibility onto the shoulders of a smart device that will ensure the correct temperature and uniform heating of the cereal. It is allowed to add vegetables, meat, seasonings along with cereals.

Brown, or as it is called by sophisticated cooks and housewives - brown - rice contains much more vitamins than the white "brother", and has a high nutritional value.

It contains much less harmful substances and impurities, which are saturated with polished in the course of industrial preparation for sale. In some countries of East Asia, rice cooking is a whole art, in which both mental attitude and verified technology are important. But not a single step is difficult in it!

Cooking time

You can count down the total cooking time of rice from the moment it is soaked. This procedure is necessary to eliminate excess starch and prepare coarse brown rice for heat treatment. The steeping process will make the fibers elastic, which is especially important for cereals with long grains.

Advice! Cooking in a multicooker is usually designed for 45 minutes in standard mode. When using coarse varieties with long seeds, this is the optimal time. When using soft rice, the machine should be turned off 15 minutes before the timer.

You need to soak brown rice for at least 4 hours, the longer the grains, the longer it should be kept in water. The maximum time for "water procedures" is 7-8 hours. If the product is used to prepare a morning meal, you can soak it before bed. If you are planning an interesting dinner, then you can do it before leaving for work.

After boiling water with brown rice, 30 minutes should pass, at least before the product is cooked. Some varieties take 45 minutes to cook fully. There is no point in keeping it longer, otherwise the rice will swell and become mushy in excess water.

You should not get carried away with excessive heat treatment of brown rice because after 40-45 minutes its glycemic index begins to increase sharply, and nutrients are rapidly destroyed.

How to cook brown rice properly

It should be noted that the entire cycle of preparation of a hearty product is included in 30-45 minutes. This means that after draining the water and re-boiling, the time is not counted again, but as if during the first cycle. The water is drained only if after 10 minutes it becomes very cloudy:

  • the soaked rice is washed again under running water so that all the cloudy liquid passes;
  • put the cereal in a pan with a wide bottom (it is needed so that the rice is evenly boiled) and pour 2.5-3 cups per 1 glass of cereal;
  • cover with a lid and wait 7-10 minutes, check the cereals for starch release, drain the water if necessary and pour 2.5 glasses of water again;
  • after boiling, cook for 20 minutes;
  • then open the lid, salt and add spices and seasonings, if necessary, close the lid back and simmer until tender for 10-20 minutes.

As soon as the time is up, the dish is turned off, pushed back from the stove and allowed to stand for 10-15 minutes. Ideally, the water should be almost 100% boiled away by this time. If there is too much of it, then the next time you need to reduce the amount of liquid.

Little tricks of a true gourmet

Brown rice is not a specific variety, but a type of cereal that has not been polished. In the process of preparing it, it is useful to know some tricks:

  • it is advisable to salt the product 15 minutes before the finish of cooking, but not earlier, otherwise the shape of the grains will be imperfect, and the friability will fail;
  • the maximum taste of cereals is revealed in combination with butter, and vegetable oil can cross it out;
  • manufacturers usually indicate the cooking time of their product on the packaging, you can use this hint;
  • carrots, cut into small cubes and added during cooking, can emphasize the taste of brown rice;
  • from spices, cereals especially "love" saffron, turmeric, various types of pepper;
  • the product perfectly absorbs any aromas and tastes, so the scope for imagination is huge;
  • unprocessed brown rice is stored several times less than white, it is better to keep it in a glass jar, since the cereal strongly attracts foreign odors and bugs;
  • if you add water during cooking, the rice will be spoiled. There is another way to solve the problem in case of a lack of fluid. Turn off the pan, wrap it up and set it aside for 2-3 hours, the remaining moisture will harmoniously be distributed over the grains;
  • it is easy to make sushi from brown rice if you choose round varieties with short grains;
  • the longer the grains are, the more crumbly the garnish will end up.

The culinary properties of this oriental product are amazing. It goes well with a huge amount of spices and seasonings, as well as vegetables, meat and even fruits!

You do not need to look for recipes with brown rice for a long time, you can just boil it according to the advice above, but take half a glass less water, and 20 minutes after the active bubbles, pour low-fat milk (1 glass) to the cereal and add ghee.

After 15 minutes, when the brown cereal practically absorbs the liquid, an apple cut into slices, a handful of raisins and a little dried apricots or prunes are added to 1 glass of cereal to taste. You can experiment with the amount and set of dried fruits. You get a quick and satisfying porridge!

Another nutritious recipe is made with vegetables and meat:

  • about 0.6 kg of chicken is taken per glass of cereal;
  • vegetables will need 0.3 kg of ripe tomatoes, half the size of eggplants and 200 g of white onions, carrots, 100 g of sweet pepper;
  • season the dish with 0.15 l of olive oil, 200 g of herbs and 20 g of garlic;
  • a rich set of spices - chili, coriander, pepper, cloves and a few leaves of laurel.

All vegetables are cut into small cubes, the tomatoes are peeled, and the meat is fried in oil in a frying pan. Then add onions and carrots to it, and fry other vegetables separately.

As soon as all the components become soft, they are connected, rice is spread on top. Mashed potatoes with spices are prepared from tomatoes and pour them into a saucepan, adding a little water. Stew for 40 minutes. Serve on a large plate sprinkled with herbs.

Brown rice is a much healthier product than its white counterpart. But cooking rice causes a number of problems for many. Let's take a look at how to cook it properly so that it turns out to be crumbly.

Before starting the process itself, you need to familiarize yourself with some of the nuances regarding how to cook brown rice.

Knowing these features, you can definitely make a delicious side dish, and not sticky rice porridge.

  • Brown rice can be used for cooking any dishes instead of white.
  • Note that unpolished rice tastes a little odd, but is fairly easy to get used to.
  • Be sure to rinse the rice well before cooking. Change the water until it is practically clear.
  • Consider also that the amount of raw food after cooking will double.
  • Be sure to soak the brown rice for at least two hours. This is done to saturate it with water. After such a procedure, it will cook much less and it will turn out softer.
  • Cook food in a large saucepan to distribute heat evenly.
  • As soon as all the water during cooking over low heat is absorbed into the rice, the pan must be removed from the heat, but do not remove the lid, but let the cereal brew for 20 minutes.

How long to cook

The exact time of how much to cook rice cannot be called, because it depends on many factors. So, for example, if you soak a product for just a couple of hours, then it will be harder, which means the cooking process will increase. If you leave it for 4 - 6 hours, then it will take no more than half an hour for cooking.

If you plan to cook in the morning, you can fill the cereal with water overnight, or prepare it for the evening in the morning.

On average, the full cooking time is 30 minutes after the contents of the pot have boiled.

Some varieties have to be kept for 45 minutes, but be careful not to overcook the dish, otherwise a sticky mess will come out.

How to prepare a side dish to keep the rice crumbly

To get really friable rice, it is worth considering not only the well-known cooking rules, but also some secrets that directly affect the result.

  • Salt the dish just before the end of cooking, preferably about 15 minutes before removing the rice. If you do this earlier, then the grains will not be crumbly and will lose their shape.
  • See the cooking time on the package. Each responsible manufacturer indicates it. Following the recommendations described on the package, you will get the rice of the desired state.
  • Cook the garnish, covered, over low heat.
  • Do not add water to the cooking process, it will spoil the rice. If suddenly there is not enough liquid, and the dish is not yet ready, just remove it from the stove, wrap it in a towel and leave for about two hours.
  • Pay attention to the shape of the grains, the longer it is, the more crumbly the garnish will turn out.

The classic brown rice garnish recipe

Required products:

  • spices to taste;
  • one glass of rice;
  • about a liter of clean water.

Cooking process:

  1. Rinse the rice thoroughly several times until the water is relatively clear.
  2. Fill it with water and let it sit for at least two hours, preferably four.
  3. Place the indicated amount of water in a large saucepan and bring to a boil. As soon as the process starts, add the rice, keep the heating level to a minimum, cover the container with a lid and keep the cereal on the stove for 30 to 40 minutes.
  4. We wash the finished rice with warm water and return it to the pan. Wrap it with something warm and leave it for another 20 minutes, so that the garnish is cooked through.

Cooking in a multicooker

Brown rice in a multicooker turns out to be even more successful than on the stove, but there is not much difference in the cooking process.

Required products:

  • 200 grams of dry rice;
  • 400 milliliters of water;
  • spices to taste.

Cooking process:

  1. First, rinse the cereal several times. It is not necessary to soak rice for cooking in a multicooker.
  2. We place it in a bowl, add the selected spices and pour in water.
  3. We turn on the device in the "Groats" mode for 45 minutes.
  4. After the allotted time, we check the dish for readiness. If not all of the liquid has evaporated, we extend the duration of the cooking process.

How to make a side dish in a double boiler

Below is an excellent way to get not only a delicious side dish, but also a very healthy one, because the steamer preserves all the properties of the product as much as possible.

For cooking you will need:

  • one glass of rice;
  • two glasses of water.
  • spices.

Cooking process:

  1. As always, start by rinsing the rice to keep it completely clean. In the east, this procedure is done six or more times, but four are quite enough.
  2. Then you can soak the cereals in hot water for 30 minutes and rinse again. This will make it softer.
  3. In addition, it contains as many as eight amino acids that are simply necessary for our body, which contribute to the formation of new cells.

    The calorie content of the product is quite large - 337 calories per 100 grams. But note that this number only applies to dry rice.

    After it undergoes heat treatment, the calorie content is reduced. Therefore, boiled rice will contain only 100 calories for the same 100 grams.

    The same amount of cereals accounts for about 8 grams of protein, slightly less than two grams of fat and 72 grams of carbohydrates.

    As you can see, getting a crumbly dish is not so difficult. The most important thing is to follow all the necessary rules, recommendations and not overexpose it on the stove. Be sure to include brown rice in your diet, because it is a source of many essential elements. In addition, it is simply delicious and can be served on its own or as a side dish for meat or fish.